The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 22, 1885, Image 3

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She gaUjj gtorim
..OCTOr.KK :. 1S3
Wild geese were flying numerously
south last evening.
Tony Noltner h;is discovered that
virtue is its own reward.
W. A. Edgerton has been appoint
ed postmaster at Clatskanie.
The Anglo-American cauncrj- is ad-1
vertiseil m the Oreyomun for sale.
The Ger. bk. Moltke came down
yesterday, Oklahanw towing, Strang
Main street, north from Chenanius,
is receiving a much needed improve
ment. Pet fawns in various yards around
town are attractive features of the
The learned pundits of the Oreyo
nlan and Standard are airing their
latin. Abslt Inrldla.
C. L, Parker has bought the stock
in the store lately occupied by Prael
Bros., paying $1,100 therefore".
The Tillamook salmon packing
season closed last 3Iondny. About
10,000 cases were put up at Hobson
ville. Heyneman's Punch cigar, the best
live-cent cigar in the market, at J. "VY.
.Bottom's Virginia cigar and tobacco
Jno. Elegau, at the Occident, has
an Elegant boy that he is very proud
of. The youngster is only two days
old, but he'll get over that.
The statement of the Oregon
Short Line railway for August shows
gross earnings of 70,907, an increase
of 38,170 compared with August,
The Coloma leaves out to-day.
She has 1G0 Chinese aboard and will
gather in a few here. They came
without welcome and will leave with
out regret.
The Wide West came down yester
day shortly after two; the Telephone
will show up this afternoon. Those
two boats furnish river transporta
tion that is hard to beat.
S. Schlussel & Co., who have for
nine years occupied the "White House
corner, will move about the first of
the month to the building recently
occupied by M. D. Ivant.
Mrs. A. E. Osgood of this city has
prepared a memorial of Gen. Grant,
which has been photographed by
Crow. The work upon it is elaborate
and occupied six weeks' time.
The British bark Edward 1'crcjf,
hence for Queenstown, is reported as
arrived at the Sally islands on the
16th, with the loss of her spars and
other damage sustained in a gale on
the voyage.
It is thought that Gov. Moody has
thoughts himself of beiug Senator
Slater's successor. The worst part of
that programme would be that it
would result in making K. P. Earharl
the chief executive of the state.
A Greek named Pero was brought
to the hospital at one o'clock yester
day morning, from Skamokawa. lie
had been struck on the head by a
falling tree and was insensible. Later
in the day ho was reported consider
ably better.
The Baker City Tribune man has
been shoyn "a specimen of free gold"
from Pine vallev, that assays "over
S50,000;a ton." Pshaw; that's noth
ing; we were shown a piece of gold
yesterday that would assay over $400,
000 to the ton, and there's plenty
more whore it came from.
The British ship Grlsedale, 1,222,
of Liverpool, Campbell master, 175
days from Liverpool, is outside with
a pilot aboard. Her extraordinarily
long voyage gave rise to fearb for her
safety which are now happily dis
pelled. The American ship (Slice S.
Southard is now out 101 days from
New York and is anxiously looked
The Jl'oltke cleared for Queens
town yesterday with 4.4,261 bus. wheat,
worth $34,525: the City of Jknares
for Queenstown also, with 89,718 bus.
wheat valued at $70,440, and the T.
F. Oaken for Bristol, with 10S,287
bus. worth $81,210: this makes 767,597
bus. wheat cleared foreign for the first
three weeks of Octeber: the flour ship
ments thus far have been very small.
Talking of the improvement of the
Columbia river bar, the Oreyonlan
says: "It is gratifying to know that
the improvement is started right. If
nature continues to 'second the ef
forts of the engineers' from year to
year, it will be easier to get appro
priations. It would help along great
ly if the state would show its faith in
the work and its need of it by appro
priating a round sum to be donated
to it."
The State arrived in at eight
yesterday morning; the Geo. W. El
der sailed for San Francisco at 830.
She took 7,666 bus. wheat, 8,610 bus.
barley, 1,500 bus. oats, 7,285 bus. flax
seed, 418 bus. chop barley and 5,4773
bbls. flour. The Columbia will lea-re
at 830 this morning. She takes 2,329
cases salmon as follews: Cutting
Packing Co., 1,000 cases; Fishermen's,
150; Aberdeen, 150; S. Elmore, 445;
Warren, 3S0: Wm. Hume, 4; Tilla
mook, 200.
The Fishinjr Boat Rare.
All the captains and those who are
interested in the fishing boat race to
come off Saturday next are to meet
at the Telephone saloon to-night, at
8 p. ir. sharp, "when the judges will
be appointed by vote, and tho course
and sails to bo used will be decided
upon. Pools will be sold there Fri
day night. This is the boss race.
Fresh Goodwin Butter
And a full assortment of staple and
fancy groceries always on hand at 1).
L. Beck & Son's.
Parties wishing spars or piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders witn ). n. v. uray.
Subscribers to the Peoples Illustrated
Atlas are notified that next Wednesday
is the daj appointed to collect balances
P. B. Johnson is now sole owner of
the Walla Walla r foil, li L. Her
rifl' having retired from the firm.
The Baker City court house was
burned last Tuesday night and many
valuable records burned, including
the circuit court records. The cause
of the fire is unknown.
Though every car on the O. B.
& N. is in service, thousands of bush
els of wheat are piled up, awaiting
shipment, at various stations along
the line in eastern Washington.
The charge against Capt. Wilson,
of the Olympian, of lauding a small
pox patient at Victoria, was dismissed
by the magistrate, the captain not
knowing a patient was on board.
LT. S. Marshal George, of Wash
ington territory, on Tuesday arrested
Al. Little, a Northern Pacific tie con
tractor, charging him with despoil
ing government land. The marshal
also seized 15.000 ties and 4,000 cords
of wood.
News from Granite creek states
that Bear creek, a recent discovery,
is regarded as a fizzle as a gold bear
ing region. Granite creek continues
to pay largely, as high as $400 a day i
to a single claim. The beaches pros
pect largely from the surface down.
The Vnlon suggests thataconveu
uon oe nciu m walla walla on the
10th of November, composed of
representative men from all parts of !
the inland empire to memorialize
congress for the speedy improvement
of the navigation of the Oolnmbia
and Snake rivers.
A protest has been filed agaiust the
appointment of Daniel Stewart, re
cently appointed to the postmaster
ship at Walla Walla, on the ground
that he is too old, and that his hands
will certainly refuse, practically, to
conduct the office. Vilas has slated
that the protest will receive his at
tention and consideration,
The water question is the leading
municipal question in Portland. The
Oreyonlan. says: 4,Our city tax is now
nine mills, and it produces only
enough to carry on the municipal
government during eight months oi i
the year. At the present rate of ox
penditure a tax of thirteen mills will
be reouireu to carrv on tie irovern
ment the vear round." J
E. L. Bonner, manager of the Mou-!
tana Improvement company, has ob
tained a rehearing, and believes that
when the question of trespass is fur
ther considered by the department.
abandoned?' He savs there is ample
legal authority for all the timber cut
rr ,,
ting done by his eonipauy, and iscon-
fiflrMif. nf iiffr3 in ilrf7?i(1tiiT tlio
charges made against it He claims
the laws sanction timber cutting for
mineral and domestic uses, and savs
the copper mining interests of Mon-
tana depend upon limber cut by his i
company for working their mines.
.v cuvixi; EVIL.
The eight counties of Clatsop, Co
lumbia, Washington, Clackamas,
Wasco, Crook, Morrow and Gilliam
compose the fifth judicial district.
It is too big by half, and the officers
of court find it impossible to attend
nronerlv and wrnmntlv to the imblie
business. Judge Tavlor was com- j
pelled to adjourn court at The Dalles j
in the midst of its term last week,
nivl lwfnrA sovrMvii raK nmilri l i
heard, to go to another county where !
he was compelled by law to appear at
a particular date. rue inconven
ience is great to litigants who fiud
the "law's delays" in the nalnral
course of court proceedings provok
ing and costly enough without this
special and wholly unnecessary hard
ship. The district ought to bo di
vided, the four western comities of
Clackamas, Washington, Clatsop and
Columbia to form one district and
the four eastern counties of Wasco,
Crook, Gilliam and Morrow another.
There is enough busiuess in each of
these districts to employ a special
court. As it is now, the district is so
widely scatlered that it is an impossi
bility for the prosecuting attorney to
attend personally to his duties. He
is compelled to work largely through
deputies and often to the disadvan
tage of the public. There is still an
other very important consideratien:
To be in a hurry is inconsistent with
the judicial character; but Judge
Taylor is often obliged to rush busi
ness along in an unseemly and im
proper style. He does the best he
can, and, under the circumstances.
docs well, but if he had more time he
could do better. At its coming ses
sion the legislature wculd do well to
divide the district and create another
court.--Oreyonlan, 21
Etiiclileii's Arnica Salve.
Tiik1i:st hAi.VK in Hit world for
Cuts. nniises.i5ores,lTlcers,!Salt Kheuin,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all .Skin Erup
tions, and positively eures Tiles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Trice 25 cenls per box. For a le 'iy XV.
E. Dement & Co.
Parties desiring to obtain liue por
traits of themselves or friends should
examine the piece of crayon work
at tho City 13ook store; this is gen
uine crayon work. Orders received
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Gkiffin & Rked.
ilrvnt Reduction in Millinery.
On account of the closeness of the
times I have concluded to reduce the
price of niv entire .stock of millinery.
.Look at these prices: Boys' Felt Hats,
formerly 2, now 1.25; G iris Trimmed
Felt Hats, formerly .$i2T.. now 1.50:
Ladies" and Misses' Trimmed A elvet
Hats only $225. Notions and Fancy
Goods at similar rates. Ladies Wool
hand made Hoods SUM. Children's
Hoods lo cents to $1. Woolen (Jailers
reduced from r0 cts. to .TO cLs. per pair.
Victoria Zephvr CH ct?. per oz. All the
latest styles in ATelvct, I'lusn anu uancy
Trimmings at the very lowest prices.
Large assortment of Birds and Orna
ments cheapest in the market Corsets
lo cts. to S1.50 of the very best makes.
Come and see.
Mr.s. A. Malcolm.
Sherman, Foraker and Logan will
take part in the New York and Vir-
J ginia elections.
Russia lias made preparations to
land 90,000 troops at Varna, a sea
port town in Bulgaria, in twenty-four
hours in case of war.
Prince Alexander has summoned
the whole of the national militia of
Bulgaria and eastern Roumelia into
immediate service in defense of the
Lord Salisbury has informed the
Porte that England will send an en
ergetic remonstrance to Sprvia and
Greece against their formidable ar
maments and advise them to keep
It is thought in Virginia that Ma
houe is "almost certain to be returned
to the U. S. senate. He is said to
have control of the Virginia legisla
ture. It is thought that Fitz Hugh
Lee will tfe elected governor.
The prospects of a railroad from
Winnipeg to Hudson bay, for the
shipment of Manitoba wheat to.Eng.
Isud, aie somewhat indefinitely post
poned, owing to a report brought
back by the steamer Alert of the
difficulties of navigation of Hudson
strait, which was not clear of ico this
year until August 22.
Wore light is being thrown on the
election frauds m Hamilton county,
Ohio, on the occasion of the recent
election. Matters were rather loose
ly carried on. In one precinct in
Cincinnati the judges returned a
newspaper election return blank
with their signatures attached, but
did not sign the tally sheet.
The council of Caudia, the largest
city in Crete, has voted in favor of
uuiou with Greece, but the populace
refuse to revolt against the Turkish
government before Greece declares
war. The Greeks are wild with en
thusiasm. Thirty thousand men of
TJlZl ,1"!
during the past five davs and thous
ands are arriving from all parts of
Greece. The people aro clamoring
for war.
It is stated in New York that Ger-
j man-Americans m uermany nave
been notified that hereafter their res
idence must be limited to a few weeks
or months, and that if they, in any
Particular, during even that short pe-
be subject to receive a notice at any
time to leave the country. It is
claimed that the attitude which the
German government has taken is in
Ulircct violation of the
f not the
leucr, oi me jjuncroit ire;u.
The British ship Cilerntim, from
Newcastle for San Francisco with a
; ""bo of coal, took lire spontaneously
!" August 19th at :i o'clock in the
' afternoon, latitude 12c and 59 south,
when a fearful explosion blew oil the
naicues. .ioun uampuen, a seaman,
' was never seen afterward. The bark
entine Zt-ltla hove in sight, and made
! every effort, to subdue the flames
i without effect, and finally it became
: so hot that the water m the tanks
actually boiled, and the flames shot
up through the decks. The vessel
was abandoned by all hands, who
boarded the Zetlla. The ship sank
at 9:15 the next morning.
The long continued arbitrary
policy of King Christian in refusing
to dismiss the Estruph cabinet, in
compliance with a vole of parliament,
and levvinir aliened unconstitutional
taxes, because parliament refused to
vote tne budget, lias leu to a number
of serious riots and imposing demon
strations in Copenhagen. The people
seem determined that their represent
atives in parliament shall have some
voice in the affairs of the government
and have become so threatening hi
their demands that the king has
ordered the garrison of Copenhagen
to be largely reinforced. The popular
manifestations are not confined to
Copenhagen alone, but are general
throughout Denmark. It is expected
that a state of siege will bo declared,
and it is feared a revolt will ensue if
the king persists in refusing con
cessions asked by parliament, A
number of political arrests have been
mace, tending to further incense the
people, and bloodshed is anticipated.
A Life Saving Present.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by a .simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. Kings New Discovery, for Con
sumption, wiucli caused mm lo procure
a large bottle, that completely cured
him, when Doctors, change of climate
and cver thing else had failed. Asthma,
KronchiiH. lioarseiicss.bcwrt! uouulis.
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. 1 rial Dottles free
at W. E. Dement A Co.'s Drug Store.
Large .size $1.00.
Sjrrup of Figs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cat is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may bo
had of W. E. DemenL& UTty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fewrs: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred illx
Sleepless Nights made inferable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment .r Co.
Warranty deeds, mortgages, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
School Books 20 per cent less
any other place at Adler's.
W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Ready For Business.
For a good cup of coffee or a plate of
line oysters go to Frank pabre's Coffee
House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
Io You Think that Jcir" o
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothinjr, and a
glass of something to drink? "Xot
much !" hut he gives a better meal ami
more of it than any place in town for
25 cenls. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. 'That settles it."
Speed of Canvas-Bark aud Other Dncks.
"I've held my watch on about every
kind of wild duck there is," said au
old time hunter, "and I can tell just
about to the sixty-third part of a dot,
how much space any one of 'em can
get over in an hour. There's no rail
road train on the continent that can
hold a caudle to one side of the slow
est duck that flies."
"The canvas-back can distance the
whole duck family, it it lays itself
out to do it WThen the canTas-back
is out taking things easy, enjoying a
little run around the block, as it
were, it jogs through the air at the
rate of eighty miles an hour. If it
has business somewhere and has to
get there, it puts two miles behind it
every minute it keeps its wings flap-,
ping aud does it as easy as you or I
could step three miles an hour. If
you don't believe it, just fire square
at the leader in a string of canvas
backs that are out on a business
cruise sometime when you get the
chauce. Duck shot travels pretty
quick, but if your charges bring down
any one of these ducks at all, I'll
blow you off to a pair of the best
there is in the market, with trim
mings and all, if it isn't the fifth or
sixth one back from the leader that
drops. If you have the faintest idea
that you will bring the leader down,
you must aim at space not less than
ten feet ahead of him. Then he'll
run plump against your shot. When
he drops you will find him a quarter
of a mile or so on. The mallard
duck is a slow coach. It's all ho wants
to do to go a mile a minute, but he
can do it when necessary. His ordi
nary overy day stylo of getting along
over the country gets him from place
to place at the rate of forty miles an
hour. The black duck is about an
even match for the mallard, and the
pintail, widgeon and wood duck can't
do much better. The redhead can
sail along with ease and cover his
ninety miles an hour aa long as ho
feels inclined to. The blue winged
teal and its handsomo cousin, tho
green winged teal, could fly side by
side for a hundred miles and mako
the distance neck and neck, for one
can fly just as fast as the other, aud
to go 100 miles is no hard task, for
either of them. Tho gadwale you
don't know what a gadwale is, I'll
bet! I thought not. Well it is a duck
that doesn't get east very often, but
is well known in the west. It is
something like a mallard, only harder
to shoot, because it is not so unsus
pecting as the mallard. The gad
walo is something of a daisy on the
fly, and will win money for yon every
time if you bet it can make its ninety
miles an hour.
'Maybe you wouldn't think that a
goose could almost double discouut
the fastest tram that runs on our
railroads, but it can every time. It
has a big lieavv bodv to carry, but it
manages to glido from one feeding
ground to auotherwith a suddenness
that is a cautiou to wing shots. To
see a cloud of honkers moving along,
so high that they seem to be scraping
their backs against tho sky, you'd
never believe they wero traveling be
tween eighty and one hundred mile3
an hour, but they are. The wild
goose never has auy time to fool
away, and his gait is always a busi
ness one.
"The broadbill duck is the only
wild fowl that can push the canvas
back on the wing. Let a broadbill
and a canvasback each do his best for
an hour, aud thebroadbill would only
come out about ten miles behind. A
hundred and ten miles an hour can
be'done by thebroadbill, and he, con
sequently, makes a mark for a shot
gun that a greenhorn wouldn't hit
once in twenty-five years.
AVild Cherrj- and Tar.
Everybody knows the virtues of Wild
Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for
any affections of the Throat and Lungs,
combined with these two ingredients
are a few simple healing remedies in
the composition of Dr. Hosanko's Cough
and Lung Syrup making it just the
article you should always have in the
house for Coughs. Colds, Croup and
Bronchitis. Price .10 cents and $1.00.
Sam tiles free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
Cheap Single Bedsteads
And Mattresses, for sale cheap, at M.
Olseifs, corner of Main and Jefferson
Lessons in Music.
Prof. E. L. Bettinger respectfully in
forms the public that he has opened a
studio in Odd Fellows' building, at the
headquarters of the Astoria Singing so
cietv, and is now preparcl to take pu
pils" for the piano, organ, singing aud
Prof. Bettinger, in teaching his pu
pils, follows closely the methods adopt
ed at the Conservatory of Paris he hav
ing been a student at that institution for
four years, and is consequently able to
bring bis pupils to a very high standard.
For terms, please apply to
Pkok. C. L. Bkttixgei:.
Cor. Cass and Squemoqua Sts.
Astoria, Oregon.
Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
Shiloh's Cough anu Consumption
Cure is sold bv us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W.E. De
ment For a Neat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.. I. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door lo I. V. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Fall aud Winter Goods.
New Suitings, Fine Underwear, and
the latest stvles m Scarfs and Tics just
received at Mcintosh's furnishing store.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Ceriumery, anu louc-i, umuira, citiu
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. .W.
Conn's drug store, opposite ucuieni
hctel, Astoria.
The Onlj Perlect Remedy
For habitual constipation, dyspepsia
and kindred ills, is the famous liqnid
fruit romedy Syrup of Figs. It strength
ens as well as cleanses the system-, it is
easily taken and perfectly harmless.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
Special Auction.
Instructed bv ilr. J. A. McCrcn. I will soli
ou the premises all the well kept furniture of
Consisting In partofadoz. D. R. Chairs; l
doz. .Restaurant Tables ; 10 Rogers Uros.'
bluer-plated Castors ; fl uoz. Knives, Silver
plated Forks, Tabic and Tea Spoons : A tine
assortment of Restaurant Crockery and
Glassware, and Table Linen : Lace Curtains
and patent Window Shades ; Black Walnut
Hat Racks ; l Mirror ; t EiRht-day Clock :
uu uuroinos anu isngravings.: 3 patent loai
Oil Lamps ; Sideboard ; Shelving and Coun
ter with Alarm Till. Also, No. 8 Cooking
Stove, with Hot Water Apparatus attached,
and Cooking Furniture ; an assortment of
Oyster Cooking Utensils ; Cleavers, Butcher
Knives, Meat Saw, etc. ; Groceries, Pickles.
Crackers, etc. Also. One Street Lamp, and
about z cords of Sawed "Wood, and lot of
k. c. iroi.nrcx.
City Treasurer's Notice.
jUL by the city or Astoria will be paid by
the Treasurer at his oftlce on and after to
da. Interest ceases Irnm this date.
City Treasurer.
Astoria. October lSS."..
TTx3Lc3.ejrtaT.1 n gr.
First Class Hearse and Material
Shop and Olllce on Main St., above Pioneer
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed
by all who um: it.
Of SuperlorKislng Quality.
Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Sole Aceulei for AHtorla.
Notice of Dissolution.
partnership heretofore existing be
tween John Stephansou and C. Carlson, un
der the (inn name of Stcphanson & Carlson,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .1.
Stephanson retires from the business anil C.
Carlson remains, and all bills due the firm
are to be paid to C. Carlson and he will set
tle all claims against said firm. I will pay
no bills from this date unless contracted ou
my personal or written order.
Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 19th, 1&S5.
Four Rooms. Centrally Located
Notice of Administratrix.
undersigned was on the 2ml day or
September 1SS5 appointed administratrix of
the estate of O. I). Young, deceased. All icr
sons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present tlte same, veritled
as by law required, tome at my residence
on John Day's Kiver in Clatson county, Or
egon, within six months from this date.
Astoria, Oregon. September 29, ISSi.
of Hu Kiu & Co. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. Wong Ying having bought
out Charlie Hoo and VvongFawTew. Wong
Yimr continues the business under the name
of Hie Kee, and pays all bills and collects all
monevs duo the said Ann.
Astoria, September 2Sth, 1S35.
whom it may concern that the under
signed will make application to the Advisory
Hoard of Pardons at their regular meeting
October, 18$., which begins on the '-Till day
of October, for a pardon from the Oregon
State Penitentiary from a sentence of five
years in said penitentiary received in As
toria about the day of August, 1S83. Said
sentence was passed on a conviction of lar
ceny or a silver watch.
Tills 3rd day of October, 18S".
Nicely Furnished Rooms,
.Mrs. S. T. McKean's. Cass street, three
doors south of Astokiax office.
Abstracts of Title.
a set of Abstract Books from the records
of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to
furnish complete and correct Abstracts of
Title to any Real Estate In the County, at
reasonable rates.
Attorney at Law. Astoria. Oregon.
office, itoom 5. over tJtty uook store.
Tide Land for Sale.
.situated on Young's River Bay at the
mouth of Lewis and Clarke River, at the
rate of $23 per acre. -Purchasers can take
ten to twenty acres each, II they wish, and
by joining dikes can dike the whole at a
very small expense. Tills land Is on the wa
ter's edge, thus making It very desirable
for those who wish to combine a fishing
station with fanning. The land is only 2 1-2
miles from the center of Astoria aud is an
excellent place for hay or milk ranch, or
vegetaDie gardens.
-LI annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Washington Packing Company will be
held on Wednesday. November 4th. 1885, at
one o'clock r. si. at the olllce of the cannery
at or near the city of Astoria, Oregon, for
the purpose of electing Ave directors and to
transact, such other business as may lawful
ly come heioro tne meeting.
J. W. GEARnAKT, Secy.
Astoria, October 1st, 1SS5.
Having purchased extensively
Markets, I am now prepared to show
Assortment of DRV GOODS and
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets.
Every Department is Complete!
Larpst Buyers of Dry Goofls t ClotMng
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and importers,
Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Carry
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Filled "With Dispatch. i
Wholesale and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon;
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House. HIni.ii St.,
For a firt-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc.
After September 1st I will be prepared to
manufacture all kinds of hair work.
II. I)n I'AHK, Prop.
Pine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies,
Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and general variety of Nevelties: ;-
All Publications Received as Soon as Published.
g- tx osr s nvc i a? ioc
All kinds of new Gnus made to order.
Breech-loading Guns made from Muzzle
loaders. Alt repairs done prompt and cheap.
First class work guaranteed. Address letters
Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or.
Gents' Furnishing Store!
The Best Place in the City to Buy
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns inEiyrllsIi, Frack
and American suitings, which will be made up to order First Clasn or
Equal to Anything in the State!
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
jesqse; jl specialty.
see our
Large Assortment of IBLevtml
d. a. Mcintosh.
in Eastern and San Francisco
the Largest and Most Varied
CLOTHING in the State of
New Dress Goods, f
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings, . -t
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Ete.
one of the
Carry In Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
Furniture and Upholstering;
Mattresses Made and Repaired.
Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed
and Laid.
Furniture Sold on Commlu'on. .
Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Street.