(2) She gattg gstorimu ASTORIA. OREGON: THCILSDAY OCTOBER i 18S3 TVA' SWIXG OF THE PENDULUM. lx piping- times of pence the English journals in a dearth of editorial topics, talk about the American administration of jus tice, and complacently sneer at our mistakes and shortcomings. Robed with that species of igno rance which includes itself, the Briton .writes at random length in a successful efTort to demonstrate his own ignorance upon the subject he treats. It is interesting to note how in viting the British journalist makes the retort "Physician, heal thyself." Before looking across the sea our trans-Atlantic friends might well note their -t)wn administration of justice. "With them the pendu lum has swung through a mighty arc. Old men live who remember hearing their fathers tell when in England there was the same price on the head of a Roman Catholic priest and the head of a wolf; it is not so long ago that in England a man was- Hanged for stealing a sheep and a woman was hanged for stealing ten shillings to save her children from starving, the husband and father having been forced on board an English man-of-war, by a press gang to gain great glory for his beloved country. .Men are still alive in England "who can remember when a man found guilty of picking pockets was hanged, and a woman who pilfered a bit of lace from a shop counter was legally choked to death. " Of late years English "justice" has been curiously modified. Now a man in England can stamp his wife to death and get off with two weeks in jail. He can cut his boy or girl to pieces with a whip and pay ten shillings for the privilege. The thirst for blood seems just ' as fierce in the country where dwell the carping critics on "an ' American administration of jus- 0 tice." but iudfres and iuries have grown gentle. Last August, in a house in Step ney, one Edward Cormack beat his daughter, a girl of eleven years, till she became insensible. A police officer passing, and hear ing the sound of blows and moans, arrested the father, while the child, a mass oi bruises and cuts, was takcR to the hospital. The stern and implacable spirit of English justice was satisfied with an admo nition from the judge that Cor mack must better his behavior, while the daughter was returned to her father's tender care. About the same time, at Liverpool, an emancipated convict, out on tick-et-of-leave, after beating his child with a belt, pleaded that he did so because he did. not wish the boy to follow his own bad example. This touching parental solicitude so melted the magistrate's heart that the convict,-who in whipping the old Adam out of his son had nearly whipped tin life out also, escaped with a small fine. Win. Atkinson, an inmate of the Scar borough woik)iouse, and a man called Garnett, were arre.sted last July on a charge of ui:ml mghter. Their crime-is unique in its exqui site cruelty. It was their duty to bathe the little boys of the insti tution every Saturday night. On July 25th, in the per formance of this task, Atkinson attempted to put David Dunhill, a little boy of five into a tub of al most boiling water. The little fel low stepped in, then shrieking and with scalded feet attempted to crawl outj but Atkinson, zealot in the cause oV cleanliness, grasped the terrified and struggling boy in an iron grip .and pressed him back into the water. The next day the poor little creature died of the scalding.. Stacey, a boy whom Garnett had bathed in equally hot water, did not die, but after a severe illness recovered. And what was the sentence passed on these" fiends? They were re proved -and discharged! At Ald ington, David Luker, a pauper, aged twenty, was brought before the magistrate for refusing to pump seven hours daily. The poor wretch feebly protested that he was physically incapable of such work, but his objections were pooh-poohed by the inflexible judge, who prescribed a month's imprisonment as the best way to break his proud spirit. John Reeves, a 3'oung man who brutally beat and kicked two servant girls at Croyden, after candidly confess ing that he was "dead drunk" at the time, was fined ten shillings and costs, and dismissed. Thus, in England, where, years ago a man was hanged for picking a pocket, and a woman for stealing a penny bun, real criminals in this year of our Lord, 18S5 are dis charged with a reprimand or a petty fine. Till some ol these va garies of English "justice" are forgotten our English critics can best avoid disagreeable reminis cences by remaining silent. SUFFRAGE AND SUICIDE. 0i: of the latest arguments in support of woman suffrage is the alleged fact that woman does not commit suicide and is therefore superior to man. In a recent ad dress Mrs. Livermoresaid; "When men become embarrassed, they put the pistol to their temple or heart and wind up their existence. That is not the case with women. When they find themselves beyond their depth, they swim out until they find firm footing again' The inference is of course that wo men are more courageous than men; and the conclusion that they are at least as well fitted to vote. Why this conclusion follows would not be clear even if the inference were unavoidable, is by no means settled that more courageous men make It the the best voters; and it cannot, there fore, be regarded as settled that woman has a claim to the ballot by reason of her superior courage. Moreover the facts, as btated do not quite justify the inference that woman is more courageous than man. The utmost that can be said is that if a woman does not commit suicide where a man would, it is because she has a greater power of enduring suffer ing, Which is probably true. A c'nic might say, perhaps, that she has a stronger love of life than man, or that the shame and dis grace which man seeks to escape by self-destruction have fewer terrors for woman. This would not be true but it is quite as justi fiable an inference from the facts, as Mrs. Livermore states them, as the inference that woman is more courageous than man, and, there fore quite as well entitled as he to the ballot. But the most serious objection to Mrs Livermore's statement is that it is not true. When women find themselves "beyond their depth" they do not "swim out un til they find a firm footing again." They commit suicide just the same as men do though not so nu merously. The telegraph reports almost daily some case of feminine suicide; and statistics, some of which are noted in another column, show that they are constantly oc curring. During the nine months ending November 30, 18S4, there were 3W reported suicides of women in the United States. And though the number of male suicides was more than twice as large in the same period, when al lowance is made for the suicides due to business troubles and causes especially affecting men, the dis proportion ceases to be very great. In any erent the occurrence of feminine suicide at the rate of nearly 500 per annum is fatal to the "swimming out" theory, and all the inferences drawn therefrom. There are arguments enough in support of woman's right to and fitness for the ballot, without re sorting to those which have no basis in fact. Furnished Rooms. MRS. E. C. IIOLDEN HAS A FEW NICE ly furnished rooms to rent at fire dol lars per month and upward, and by the week or night. Enquire corner Main and Jeffer son streets. NEW TO-DAY. WJE WART TO KEPKE8EXT As Sole Agent? in Xcw York, A Packer of First Quality Salmon. Excellent Facilities. Full Partleilar Thronifh Correspondence. CUSHMAN BIOS.. Mfrs. ami Pkre. Apts., 161 Duane St., X. Y. County Orders. I AM AUTHORIZED TO Order. BUY COUNTY It R.SPEDDEN. Copartnership Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between F. E. Shuteand M. II. Partridge under the Ann name of Sbute & rartndgefs tins day dissolved bv mutual consent. M. H. Partridge retiring from the firm. The business will be hereafter con ducted under the name of Shutc & Co., who win pay ai. mils ami collect all indebted nessnf theold firm. 1. E. SHUTE. M.H.PARTKIDCE. Astoria, October 21st, ltV. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and .spirituous liquors in le.ss quantities than one quart, for a period of one year in the building .situated on lot I, block 11. McClurcVi Astoria. JOHNSTEPHANS. Astoria, October 21st, 18S3. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEXTHATTHE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the West Coast Packing Co. will be held at the company's office on Fridav. October Std. lhXJ.nta A. M.. to elect officers for the en suing year and for the tJausactlou of such other business as may come before the meeting. B order of the President. S. E .MOKTOX. Secretary. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTIIE undersigned, will apply to the common council of the city of Astoria, at its next reg ular meeting for a liceuse to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year in the building situated on lot 7, block 7, -McCIure'.s Astoria. A. MERCOVICH. Astoria, October loth, ifciv. Administrator's Notice milE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN A appointed administrator of the estate of John Amundsen, deceased, notice is here by given that all persons liming claims against the said estate shall present the same with proper vouchers, within mx mouths from this date, at the office of F. I). "Winton m the city of Astoria, Clatsop eoiui tv. Oregon. OLUF W. PEDEltSON. Administrator. October 17lh, 1S. d4w Fishing Boat Race. Saturday. Oc tober 24th. Xot less than six boats to content. The boats competing will Mart in line abreast of Wilson & iher's dock at the word "go" and pinsltot. The course will be run as advertlsedin last week's astokian. The lirst boat to pass the stake after goinj; over the course ill w in the prize regardless of time. The first prize will consist of a new coin silver "Walthaiii watch and chain given bj ivaw MVTnwf irrpminvir a T nmc and waranted by (Justav Hansen: value SC. Also a prize purse of 25. The entrance money will go to second boat, less expenses of advertising. The judges win ue appoiuteu nv tue captains oi tne boats competing. The entrance fee will be 2 for each boat. All entrances to be made with Justus Edwards at tne .telephone sa loon, on or before Thursday, October 22nd. it 8 r. m. watch and chain now on cunoi- liou at the Telephone Saloon. Due notice will be given of tune of starting Citation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. Iu the matter of the estate of II. it. liruhn. deceased. To the next of kin of II. R. Bruhu. de ceased, and to whom it may concern, greet ing. in the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Mate of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at the court room tuercot, at Astoria in tne county of Clatsop on "Wednesday the eighteenth day of NTo- ember. 1833. at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause wny (ii any) an order oi sale Miould not be made to sell the following real estate, to-w it : commencing at a stake at ordinary low fde on the east bank of Necanicum creek in the center of (rimes' bruize on the ranch of one J. T. Mulkey in Clatsop county. Orejron. and thence running east ten and one half now) rods to the center of the present county road thence north along the center or said county road two hundred (200) feet to a .stake in the center of said eouutv road thenco west ten and one half f lo;i rods to a stake on the bank of said N'ecantcum creek tnence south along the east bank of said Necanicum creek to the place or beginning. In Sec 21. TO N. R 10 W. and containinir 34,600 square feet. witness ; C.A.MCGUIRE. Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of c s. Clatsop with the seal of said court affixed, this seventeenth day of October. A. D. 18?5. Attest : C. J. TREN'CHARI), Clerk. AST0R HOUSE. REST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Daggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort of Guests. Corner Olney and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON'. RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. Powder. 2." a kegs. Duck Shooting..... .............. 14.00 Sea Shooting . " 7.00 Ritle, Kg to .1 Kg. Z. ?!oo Shot. 25 Pound Bags 2.00 "Wads. 1,000. Pink Edge, No. 10 M $ 1.50 Black Edge, No. 10 35 A. G. SPEXARTH, Astoria.' Notice. TAKE NOTICE ALf, WHOM THIS MAY concern, that I the undersigned have and do claim the NV J of section 28, town ship 8 N, range 8 W, 1C0 acres. I request all parties not to trespass on the above men tioned land or its effects, as I have given sufficient proofs of mv rights through the United States Land Office in "Washington City. Districl of Columbia, d-w JOHN ROGERS. WiIson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAEE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PEG VISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOK Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOUJ A. OREGON. Having Consolidated 3Iy Business with the Astoria Furniture Co I now O.Ter the I are-t and Mot Complete A'sortment of Fine and Plain Furniture. Bedding. Carpets. Oil Cloth. Window ShadesPictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, ana Iin'itea Call of Everybody in "Want of Goods iu My Line. Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. HI VISIT.NG CARDS. - - A Iirge Stock of w ,. . PTXE VISITING OAKDS,. of Every (trade TO BE S()I.I FOK CASH. a-r tul- Ac-rteuAM r,cTrritr - 1 nb oivnin urrivu. HEADODARTERS FOE SCHOOL BOOKS, And School Supplies at Adler'S B Books Sold Positively LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. AGENCY FOR EXCHANGE AND INTRODUCTION OF HEW BOOKS To Be Used, at Prices Established by the STATE SCHOOL BOARD. A. V. AllenNorth Pacific Wliolexik :md Ki't.ul DtvuYr iu MILLb'EEl). Glass and Plated Ware, TUOriCAl. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars Holden's Auction Rooms r Established January 1st, 1S77. E. C. H0LDEN, Ileal Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission merchant, CliPiiuinus Street. - Astoria, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 :00 a. 31., at my Auction Kooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Ileal Estate, Cattle, and Fanning Stock wherever de sired. Cash Kctnrns Trontptly made after Sales. Consignments respectfully solicited. Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Orcaonian. THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 1 1 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, And All Points East. Rates $8.:t0 to $10.2. flic Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pullman Palare and Emigrant Sleeping Cars hauled on Kxpre.ss Trains Exclusively Avitliout Change. t?iIfJi?li?.r9,!??I.,lR,evlst uri,c for Rates, Mars, Time Tables. (Snides and Full Information, tlttt Or CIIARuL. E.A.XOYES. W. 1 iiXllllUTSOS. Agent. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria. B. CA3I1UELT.. General Agent, No. 1, Washington street, Portland, Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Street, Nkak Paukeu House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. lamiTmeekimes BoilerWork. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. oa. js2?jE:KrG;-& , Of nil DcseriiitioiiH niidc to Order at Short Xolice. A. I). Wass. Pro-sidem. .1. J. IlrsTi.Kts.Seerelary, .1. W. C'asf, Treasurer. '.JOHN Kov.Siipeniitemlenl. E,. Lemon & Go., Stevedores and Risers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. roKTLXni)!H(K- No. in North Front St. B& 5 j E MAETm. ,... Candies; Fruits. Foreign and Domestic. t Every Variety cf Fruit in Season. j . S.mrmo.iu.-i Street. Next Door to the Gem Saloon. BREWERY. JOHN KOPP, - - - Proprietor. ! Patronize Home industry! ; V supply a I GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER I As Any in the Market, I AT AS KKASOXAISIjK A IMCICK. Tie Iril Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. . It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ishea in (Quantities to Suit. I.eave Orders With Wm. Bock, Oermauia .-.iiuiiii, ur v. uni.s. r.vi:ox, next to foam & Stokes. Daii Delivery in Any Part of the Citv. Carnaiiaii & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN Corner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON roceries Cheap for Cash ! JL 6I&3, 1. 6ct9 JL 621 I Ij. p. CASH FRANK H B. PARKER, DKAI.KU IN Hay, Oats, ant Straw, Lie, Wl, Cement, Said and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. llrayini:. Teamlne and Kxjire h ltuslnen. 'rs&i L Mgl TKU pi'ly ut Up Captain, orto mnnacxa THE NEW MODEL A TTTLL STOCK JOHN - 3Vr0 3"TC3t-C3M:E!H."5r, DEALER jy Tin,.Sluit Iron, ami Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. AOKjrr Kon 3IAEE STOVES AIW KAft'GES. THE BEST IX THE MARKET. Plumbing Koods or all klnd3 on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Term?. Ciiciinuius Street. IW'ext to ii Iu Parker' Store. Astoria, Oregou. 1IOTKI.S AND KESTAIUIAXTS. PARKER HOUSE. WM. AI.I.EX. 1'rnp'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Coneli to the House. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third and KStrretM, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This Is the lament and most respectably kept Hotel iu the Northwest. Board and Lodging 3 1 .00 per day MKALS.23 cents. I.ODGLVU.IT.and 50 cents Free Buss to and from the House. W.Vo Chinese Emil03'cil.""Si K. l.eulston, (Late of Minnesota House)Iron, O. CLARK. AGENT. C. W. KXOWXK3. u d. r.uowx. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN & KXOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Eveky Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with tliellone Fire-proof llrick Bnildintr. ISO Rooms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland. Or ST, UAVIXTS, I3 Hoivard St. Near Third, San ranciHco. A first-class Lodging Hotel, containing ISO rooms ; water and gas In each room ; no bet ter beds in the world ; no guest allowed to use the linen once used by another; a large reading room; hot and cold water; baths free. Price of rooms Per n Ight. 50c and 75c ; per week, from $2-upward. Open all night. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. At Market street Ferry, take Omnibus line of .street cars to corner of Third and Howard. In The Field Again! J. G. ROSS Having Purchased the Interest or the Mcintosh. Bros., IN THE PIONEER RESTAURANT, "Would most respectfully inform his numer ous friends In the city oi Astoria and sur lounding country that he Is now ready to do business again at his old stand. Come and see me. A Well Supplied Table, an d Clean Comfortable Beds. -None but "White Cooks Employed.-Wi To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Olflce. AH . PARKER. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker,Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAU 11. IS. PAKKKK. RANGE CAN T.E HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF H It. HAWES, AGENT t'AI.I. AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. K.K, HAWKS is also agent for the Bnct latent CNtiur Stove And other first-class Stoves. Furnaoo 'Work. Stoam Fit tings, oto.. a specialty. AI.WAYS ON HAND. Hard! are anil SM VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALERS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc. Solid Bell Jewelry, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Pianos and Organs or the Best make at the lowest Price's. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. E59""AU goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Proprietor. The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry in the City Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. EXCURSION TICKETS! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Tor $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," TH0S. MAIRS, (Lite Cutter with M. D. Kant.) le A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHAEGES MODERATE. Shop opposite fiozorth & Joins. FasiiD Tailor