en $hc ghuttj storan. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21. 1SS5 Thk appointment of Roby to the Portland postmastership occa sions "Hints from Horace," sup plementary to Byron's, on the part of the Orcgonian. Tiie editor of the Sunday Welcome is an "offensive parti san." He says: "it is the highest duty of every Democratic senator to resign and thereby protect the property of the state." Alleged frauds in Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, retard the final count. The dispatches state that in Columbus, in one ward 300 tallies had been added to the Democratic ticket, and in Cincin nati, 200 tallies had been added to the Democratic ticket. Those who are interested in "a free bal lot and a fair count," evince de termination to see the matter through. A dispatch from Pittsburg gives details of a plan which is said to be on foot between a num ber of capitalists in Pittsburg and New York. The scheme is to carry the natural gas in the neigh borhood of Pittsburg through large pipes to Philadelphia and New Yoik, and perhaps other cities, to be used for fuel and illuminating purposes. It is also in contem plation, hy the use of a series of tanks, to furnish this gas for fuel in the running of railroad trains. The projectors believe that one filling of the tanks will carry a train from Pittsburg to Philadel phia and return. Postal clerks and postmen in Arabia must have a great deal of time to spare if they can read the full directions on the letters placed in their hands. A writer in the Berlin Tagcblatt gives the follow ing specimen address on a letter directed to him. "In the name of the merciful God, the benefi cent. This writing is from one who serves his Lord, from X, the son of X; and if God wills it will set into the hands of our friend Sidi Musa, the son of Hamdalla, the Prussian, the Christian, in the city of Tharabolos, Tripoli, the illustrious, the famous." The agent at the Fort Belknap Indian reservation in northern Montana, has informed the interior department that a number of Cree Indians, refugees from the British possessions, have crossed the line into the, reservation, having in their possession silverware and ar ticles of ladies' apparel, supposed to have been captured during the Big Bear outbreak. The agent requested that these intruders be escorted across the line and forbid den to enter the United States. The matter was referred to the secretary of state, who has replied that these Indians cannot be ar rested, except upon extradition by the British authorities, and that this government should not coun tenance any kidnapping of Indians. The interior department is at a loss to know how the dangorous refugees can be removed, under the circumstances. A' writer in -Harper a 2faga chie, for November, treating of "The Defence of our Sea-ports," points out that in nine of our sea board cities alone property valued at $3,322,000,000 is exposed to destruction in case of war, because of our lack of sea coast defences adequate to cope with the navies of the fighting powers. He sketches the remarkable develop ment of ordnance and armor since our war, stimulated in a large measure by its lessons, but in which we have had no part. The new English guns throw a shot of 2,000 pounds, penetrating 30 inches of iron at a distance of a thousand yards, and have an effective range of six rlliles. The writer urges that immediate pro vision should be made for an ex tensive torpedo outfit, for gun fac tories . capable of producing the modern guns, and for a gener al system of coast defence, at an expenditure of ten millions a year for six or seven years. - The remaining state elections of the year are not numerous and except in New York state, are un important. Arkansas will elect, at a special election to be held on Tuesday, November 10th, an asso ciate justice of the supreme court to fill the unexpired term of the Hon. J. R. Eakin, deceased. Colorado will elect on Tuesday, November 3d, a judge of its su preme court. Connecticut will elect on the same day one half of its state senate for one year only and the members of its house of representatives. On Novembr 3d, Iowa will elect governor and other state officers and legislature. Maryland will elect controller and clerk of the court of appeals Massachusetts will elect Governor and other state officers and legis lature, and vote upon a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state providing for precinct voting in towns. Mississippi will elect governor and other state officers and legislature. Nebraska will elect supreme judge and reg ents of the state university. New Jersey will elect part of its senate and the assembly. New York will elect governor and the other state officers, five iustices of the j j supreme court, and both branches of the legislature. Pennsylvania will elect state treasurer. Vir ginia will elect a governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general and legislature. Says the Victoria Colenist: "The Canadian Pacific railway is now an accomplished fact. From one shore of the continent to the other the iron road stretches across interminable plains, over magnifi cent ruins, through savage passes, I and up mountain ranges that were unknown before the pioneers of the line made their memorable sur vey. From "Winnipeg to Calgary the work was easy, but the line of the railway from Calgary to Kam loops must be regarded as one of the engineering triumphs of the world. For the first time in the history of man the passage of the Selkirk range has been made as easy as that over Sal isbury plain. The benefits of this great undertaking to Can ada will be inestimable. British Columbia has now been joined to the sister states. New "Westmin ster is within a week of Ottawa. The great timber supply of Puget Sound; The Columbia fisheries; the Alaska seal industries; the products of Vancouver's island have now a new and speedy out let to the devouring east. The population there now fear no longer, in the same degree, their want of coast defences. Within seven days troops and artillery and ammunition may reach them from the military headquarters of the dominion. Portions of Asia, too, may find this new space of civili zation a shorter and cheaper route to European markets. This work is a great monument to human skill, courage and endurance. It is the greatest work yet accom plished by Canada, and we join hands with our brothers across the Atlantic in celebrating its comple tion." .NEW TO-DAY. Special Auction. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2 P. M. Instructed by Mr. J. A. McCrea I will sell on the premises all the well kept furniture of THE ROSCOE RESTAURANT Consisting in part of 3 doz. D. R. Chairs ; 1 doz. Restauramt Tables ; 10 Ropers Bros.' Silver-plated Castors ; a dez. KniVes, Silver plated Forks. Table and Tea Spoons : A fine assortment of Restaurant Crocker' and Glassware, and Table Linen ; Lace Curtains and patent Window Shades ; Black Walnut Hat Racks ; 1 Mirror ; 1 Eight-day Clock : Oil Chromos and Engravings : s patent Coal Oil Lamps ; Sideboard ; Shelving and Coun ter with Alarm Till. Also, No. 8 Cooking Stove, with Hot "Water Apparatus attached, and Cooking Furniture ; an assortment of Oyster Cooklnj- Utemlls ; Cleavers, Butcher Knives, Meat baw, etc ; Groceries, Pickles, Crackers, etc. Also, One Street Lamp, and about 2 cords of Sawed Wood, and lot of Sundries. E. C. HOIDE3f, Auctioneer. Furnished Rooms. Tl fits. E. C. HOLDER IIAS A FEW NICE 11L ly furnished rooms to rent at Ave dol lars per month and upward, and by the week or night. Enquire corner Main and Jeffer son streets. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, will apply to the common council of the city of Astoria, at its next reg ular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year In the building situated on lot 7, block T, McClure's Astoria. A. MEHCOVICn. Astoria, October 19th. 18S5. Administrator's Notice mUE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN A. annointed administrator of the estate of John Amundsen, deceased, notice is here by given that all persons having claims against the said estate shall present the same with proper vouchers, within six months from this date, at the office of F. 1). Winton m the city of Astoria, Clatsop coun ty, Oregon. OLUF W. PEDE11SON, Administrator. October 17th, 1SS5. d4w Fishing Boat Race. Saturday. Oc tober 24th. Not less than six boats to contest. The boats competing will start in line abreast of Wilson & Fisher's dock at the word "go" and gunshot. The course will be run as mlvertlsedhi last week's ASTOKIAK. The first boat to pass the stake after going over the course will win the prize regardless or time. Thft first nri7B will consist of a new coin silver Waltham watch and chain given by JEFF OF THE TELEPHONE SAdAJV. and waranted bv Gustav Hansen: value $35. Also a prize purse of $25. The entrance money will go to second boat, less expenses of advertising. The judges will be appointed by the captains or ilie boats competing. The entrance fee will be $2 for each boat. All entrances to be made with Justus Edwards at the Telephone Sa loon, on or before Thursday, October 22nd. at 6 r. M. Watch and chain now on exhibi tion at the Telephone Saloon. Due notice will be giveu of time of. starting Citation. IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate or H. K. Bruhn, To the next of kin of II. R. Bruhn, de ceased, and to whom it may concern, gieet ing. in the name of the state of Oregon, you arc hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at the court room tuereoi. at Astoria in me county oi uiaisup on Wednesday the eighteenth day of No vember, 1885. at one o'clock In the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause whv (If anvl an order of sale should not be made tosell the following real estate, to-wlt : commencing at a stake at ordinary low t de on the east bank of Necanicum creek in the center of Crimes' bridge on the ranch of one J. T. Mulkey In Clatsop county. Oregon, and thence running east ten and one half U0W) rods to the center of the present county road thence north along the center of said county road two hundred (200) feet to a stoke in the center of said county road thence west ten and one half (1015) rods to a stake on the bank of said Necanicum creek thence south along the east bank of said Necanicum creek to the place of beginning, in Sec. 21, T 6 N, It 10 W, and containing 24.600 snuaro feet. Witness ; v. A. JUCUU1UK, Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of u s.l Clatsop with the seal of said court afllxed, this seventeenth day of October. A. I). 18 5. Attest : C. J. TRENCHARD, Clerk. ASTOR HOUSE. BEST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Daggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort of Guests. Corner Olney and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Wednesday, Oct. 21st, at 2 P. M. At Worsley's Auction Rooms I will sell to the highest bidder, the stock of groceries Or the Estate of F. B. Elbcrson, Consisting of Coffees, Teas, Canned Goods, Candies, Paper Bags Ac. Terras Cash. B. S. WORSLE Y. F. H. POINDEXTER. Auctioneer. Assignee. Powder. 25 B kegs. Duck Shooting $14.00 Sea Shooting. 7.00 Rifle, Fg to 3 Fg 7.00 Shot. 25 Pound Bags $ 2.00 "WadB. 1,000. Pink Edge, No. 10 $ 1.50 Black Edge, No. lc .. .83 A. G. SPEXARTH, Astoria. Tide Land for Sale. I AM NOW OFFERING MY TIDE LAND situated on Young's River Bay at the mouth of Lewis and Clarke Elver, at the rate of 25 per acre. Purchasers can take ten to twenty acres each. If they wish, and by Joining dikes can dike the whole at a very small expense. This land is on the wa ter's edge, thus making it very desirable for those who wish to combine a Ashing station with farming. The land Is only 2 1-2 miles from the center of Astoria and is an excellent place for hay or milk ranch, or vegetable gardens. AUG. C.KINNEY. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILVT TIIE annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Washington Packing Company will be held on Wednesday. .November 4th. 18S3. at one o'clock r. m. at the office of the cannery at or near the city of Astoria, Oregon, for the purpose of electing five directors and to transact sucn otuer Business as may lawnu Iy come before the meetlnc. SAMUEli AKMIT. Fres. J. W. GEARHAKT, Secy. Astoria. October 1st, 1SS5. Wanted. A FIRST CLASS SECOND MATE FOR jy. the American ship T. V. Oakc : apply Immediately to JAS. TURK. Or to J. P. BETTS. Abstracts of Title. THEUNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED a set of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate in the County, at reasonable rates. C.R. THOMSON, Attorney at Law, Astoria. Oregon. Office, Room 6. ovsr Ity Bookstore. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. O KEG ON. IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated 3Iy Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the Iar,;iNt ami Mo-t Complete Assortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding. Carpets. Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Pictures. Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invite a Call o f Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. CHAS. HEILBORN. VISITING CARDS. A lirse Stock of PfYI? VTGTWTVl VPHU i i' iiuj ikji i.i.- v.-v it. !';, Of Even- Grade TO BE SOI,I FOR CASH. AT THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. IABIMTEES M And School Supplies at Adler's Book Store! Books Sold Positively LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. AGENCY FOR EXCHANGE AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW BOOKS To Be Used, at Prices Established by the STATE SCHOOL BOARD. a.T ADLEH.-S BOOK STOB.B. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GroG$ries, Provisions, MILLFEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors.TobacmCigars Holderis Auction Rooms f Established January 1st, 1S77. 1 E. C. HOLDEN, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 -J30 a. m., at mv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. Cash Retnrns Promptly made after Sale. Consignments resnectfullv solicited, Notarv Public for the State of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Orcgonian. THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, And All Points East. Rates $8.30 o 810.2? the Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER TOINTS. Pullman Palaco aid Emigrant Sleeping Cars hanletl en Express Trains Exclusively -without Change. If you are going east write for Rates, Maps, Time Tables, Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. E. A. NOTES. W. Ij. GAKRF.T80.V. Agent, Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria. B. CAIIIFBEIX, General Agent, No, 1. Washington street, Tortland, Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bextox Street, Near Parker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAM iTfiE EMMS BoilerWork. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofnll DcHCriptloriH nnilc to Order at Short Xotloo. A. D. Wass. President. J. (. HusTLKH.becretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.Supcrintcndent. E,. Lemon & Co., Stevedores ami Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. J'outi-vxo Office No. IR North Front St. J. E. MARTIN. Candies; Fruits. Foreign and Domestic. i I Every Variety cf Fruit in Season. Siuemoiit:i Street. Door to the Gem Nest Saloon. nn North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS HEASOXAIIIjK A PltlCE. Tie North Pacific Brewery Beer Is Fare and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn Lshea in Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders With War. Bock, Gennania Saloon, or Ciini-S. Evkn.son, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Tart of the City. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSOKS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RKrAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''orner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA . - - OREGON BOOK MUUL Groceries Cheap for Gash ! I I nn nn JLUci AtCij XtCis AH r. Jj. FRANK I. H. S. PARKER, DKALEK IK Hay, Oats, and Straw, Line, Brici, Cement, Sanl and Plaster Wood nelirered to Order. Drayln?, Teaming and Express Business. t; , . , . Jr-r- . TEi: -ipply to the Captain, orto THE NEW MODEL "sF A FULL STOCK TO isr .a.. DEALER I2 Tin, Sheet Iron, anil Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. -AOEJiT MAGEE STOVES AWI RANGES, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On "Reasonable Terms. Chenamus Street, Kext to C. Iu HOTELS AXD HESTAURAXTS. PARKER HOUSE. AV.1I. AT.T.EN, Prop'r. First Class in Every Besject. Free Coach to the House. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, CorncrThird and K Streets, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This is the largest and most respectably kept Hotel In the Northwest. Board and Lodging $ 1 .00 per day 3IKALS.25 cents. LODGING. Si and 50 cents Free Buss to and from the House. 9Xo ChlncMC Eniployed.-Stt E. I.eiTiston, (Late of Minnesota IIoiLseJProp. O. CLARK, AGENT. C. W. KXOWI.ES. L. D. BROWX. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) t BROWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evehy Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. ISO Rooms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland. Or ST, DAVID'S, 7i: Howard St. Near Third, San FranclHco. A first-class Lodging Hotel, containing 190 rooms ; water and gas In each room ; no bet ter beds In the world ; no guest allowed to use the linen once used by another; a large reading room ; hot and cold water ; baths free, l'rice of rooms i'er night, 50c and 75c ; per week, from ?2 upward. Open all night. R. HUGnES, Proprietor. At Market street Ferry, take Omnibus lino of street cars to corner of Third and Howard. In The Field Again! J. G. ROSS Having Purchased the Interest of the Mcintosh. Bros., IN THE PIONEER RESTAURANT, Would most respectfully inform his numer ous friends in the city of Astoria and sur lounding country that he Is now ready to do business again at his old stand. Come and see me- A Well Supplied Table, an d Clean Comfortable Beds. -None but White Cooks Employed.-wi Restaurant For Sale. A PFLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. m ASH P. PARKER STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker,Master. ForTOWINO, FREIGHT orCIIAK 11. B. PABKEK. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. J. MAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. WILL BE PLEASED. YOU K. ic HA WES Is also agent for tha Ml patent (Minn Stove And other first -class Stoves. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, etc. a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. MOMTTGOMHRT, FOK- Parker's Store. Astoria. Ores-en. Hardware and Ship CWerj VAN DUSEN & CO., DKALEBS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, . Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc Soli fiolito elrj, Start Fin, Chin, Wattles, Pianos and Organs or the Best make at the lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. "AU goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN. JEWELER Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Preprietor. The beat Bread, Cakes and Pastry In the City Ice Creams and Ornamental 'Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candle. EXCURSION TICKETS! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Tot $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter wlth"3f. D. Kant.) A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Shop opposite Bozortu & Jofcns. FaslMulilu Tailor