fl) v VOL. XX1Y, NO. m. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, J 88.5. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. JET-V--- m lili IwJf Yw 'V ' ' f WP ,j PM&te- 04 J. UUSLNESS CARDS. BKN. A. L. and .1. A. Fl'I.TOX JIIi3iciaxis ami Snrj;'oiis. Will ulve proinut attention to nil culls, luun any part of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner C:i ami Sniemo(u:i streets, Astoria, Oiegon. Telephone No. 41. 8 R. PltAXZt PAK. I'hyMlcIiiii nud .Suuseon. tn.lee. UooniC, over 1). A. Mcintosh s stoic. H kick Houks : -9 to 11 A. 31. ;-3 to a r. M. Uesidence. opposite the Johansen building D K. XiOCKirAItT. 1'IIYSICIAN AND MJKGEOX. OrKH-K : (Jem Rui'ding. up stalls AMona, oieou. ....... A. DOItltlb. ".KO. NOI.AM) SOLAS'!) & DOllZEES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. It.r in Kiiiney'sJ Work. ii"lt- Cit !.ill. Ato:ia. Oregon. I W. Wl.TON .C.KL-.10X. rn.ros BROTHERS. TTOKNEVS AT LAW. Koi.ms3.uid C.Odd Fellows Ktiiltliug. I KI.O F. PAItttEll It SURVEYOR OF 'latop t:ounty and CJity of Astoria Office :-N. E. corner C.iss and Astorstreets, Itooui No. 8. T O.. A. BOWIiBY. l Attorney and Counsellor r.t Ij:iw, onlee on Glieiiainus .Street. Astoria. Oiegoii. A V TITTTBiJi. 3E. I. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms t, 2. and 3. Pythian Bmld- Kk-sidf.nck-0ii Cedar Slieet. back of St. Mary's Hospital. t l HR'K.S. A. K. SHAW. mens ct sis iiv. DENTISTS. Kooms to Allen's Building, up M.ilrs. cor nrr Cass and Siiueinoqiiu stieots. Vstoria oiegon. 1 . sz'ehuoetv, NOTARY PUBLIC. Seitrehorof TIUch, Abstracter anrt Conveyancer. Oltlee on Cass Street. 3 doors south or A torian office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AHD INSURANCE ! !. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, tsioRiA, - okekos. OFFICE HOl'KS I'roiii 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 oVhvk 1. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Kcduetion System by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. LIMITKll J U the only flour that has taken First IVie three y ears in succession at the POIITIjA-XU 3IKCHAX1CS FA1K. Alvo'at State Fair. One trial is kiilllcieiit toeominee ol its supe riority. e that the word CAPITOL ison each sack GEOEGE.SHIEL. 8 Stalk St.. Portland Agent. WILsON & FISHER. Astoiia Agents. HAVE OTJ AnyMi to Sell? IX THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FM k STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser ; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Headouartei Water Street. Notice of -Assignment. "XfbTJCE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 131 whom It may concern that the under signed has been appointed a!Sfgiieo of the estate of M. D. Kant, an insolvent : and all persons having claims against said insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee prqiierly verified at his office at P. A. Stokes & Go's, In the cfty of Astoria, Clat !op county, state of Oiegon, within three months from this date. PHILIP A. STOKES. Astoria, Septembers, 18S5. RedStar TRADE Yl MARK. Ibs6luchi Free from Opiates, Nineties ami J'ou,ons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURL Tor Coucli, Pore Throat, IJanrvcac, Colt , Inaucuza, I.ronclilils Afthac, Croup, WLoa--IxiB Coach, Qntmy, Palnn In Chert, onJ viU r Sections cribs Throatsnd Lube I'rloe 50 cents a bottle. Sold by DrasM en J Dealers. J'arlles unable to imltwc their ifcnl r to itrompily net it for them tall receive tiro b-tUes, Vryre charges paid, by sending one dollii- io TIIK (IIAHLES A. 10GELUI TOSrAM, Sulc Ohxc.- and lUnnUrturt-.-. Ilalllcjorr. J!arUad. l.S. A. j.?; just yfnRz its name, implies ; z Purely Vegetable' Compound, thai acts directly upon the curing the many diseases inci o that im. portant organ, and merons ailments t ting the na arise from its deranged ortbi etien, pucli as Dyspepsias Jidice, Bflionsness CosWnessVlVr2laria, Sick-Tieadache. w K W reumawbeta It is therefore a-riisnMAr "Toliave Good Health :he Liver must be kept in order." DE. SAOTOBD'S II7EB IKYIGOEATOS Invigorates the Liver, Eegulalea the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Puriflcs the Blood . Assists D:estion, Prevents Fevers, s a Household "iced. An Invahtahlc Family ilediciuc for common complaints EL EAHFORD'S LI7TB nrTIGOHATOS. An experience cf Forty years, and Tun sands cf Testimonials pro& its Merit. FOIt RALE TIT ALT. DEALERS TX MEDICIXE3 For fall informi'ion f.cnd yoar addrcs for 10( t-ToItook ou i!"o "Livtr aad it- dioars." tc v imsovsa 2A xuam: tT.. sew yosxc nr37 Citation. IN THE COrNTYCOUUT OF Til E STATE of Oregon, for the count:, of Clatsop In the matter of the E-tnt" if Hie minor heir.- of .1. (I. Coo deceased. Totlieuetof kin to BenJAiiiui (Vu and Tony Coe. minor-., anil all nt tiers inteiested. i.:"Mr. Lhz.ibeth Coe. IJeurj Ce. Mrs. Clara Overton. Keuben Coe. Im Coe. Altred Coe. Eh7a Coe. Mivet Coe. !.. W. WeVh and 1). II. Wi lch, greeting : In the uameof the.stateof Oregon. jnu ate hereby cited and required to apf.eir in the Count Court of the .Mate ol Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at the.-ouit room thereof, at Astoria in the enmity of Cl.ilsitp mi Mon daj the I'Cth day of October, iss;. at 'Z o'clock in the afternoon of that day. then and I Here to slum cause, if any. wlij alicniM' Miould not tie unmted tor the sale of the two ninths intere-t h? the folhe.Mii!! real estate, to-w it : lots three ii and fount) in block tlihlvp)) of the town now eitv of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv .John .McClure and the Do nation Laud claim of .1. (J. Coe, ilece:ivil . Said two ninths interest being the interests of Henjiiniin Coe and Terry Coe. minor heirs of .1. (J. Coe deceased. Ordered that thU citation he puhlUhed in ThkIaii. ASToiMAX, of Woria, Oregon Witness : C. A. MrCUlRE. Judge or th Coimt CniU of the u.s.l state of Oreson.foi "the countv of Clatsop, wllh the .sen! of said e-nirt affixed this 8th da of September, A. 1. lSS".. Atltt : C..1. TRENCH AIM). Clerk. Administratrix' Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY C.I YEN THAT THE undersigned was on the 12th dav of September, ltK. dulv npMiiutcd bv "the Countv Court of the state of Oregon, enmity ofOJatsop.adinniMratrivoflheeNtatcofEnc MclIncdcc(Mst.il All persons having claims against said csta'e ar hereliv uotilied to present the -ame propeilv verified to me at the office of the I. X. I., racking eoinpaiiv at Astoria. Oiegon. within si nioiitb from this date. Mits. NAVII A LI A MLLINE. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. ITtli. IhSu Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS IIEREUYClYENTflATTHE partuerslii heretofore existing be tween John Stephanson anil C. Carlson, un der the firm name of Stephanson & Car son, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .J. Stephanson retires from the business and C. Carlson remains, and all uillsdue the firm are to be paid to C. Carlson and lie will set tle all claims against said firm. I will pay no bills from this date unless coutnictc.1 on my personal or written order. C. OARI.SON. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 19th. 1RK.V Notice. IS HEREBY' (51 YEN THAT THE FIRM of Hit Kiu & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Wong Ying having bought out Charlie Hoo anrt WongFawTew. Wong "Ylug continues the business under the name of Hie Kee. and pays all bills and collects all moneys due the said Ann. CHARLIE HOO, WONOYIM1. WONG KAW TEW. Astoria, September 28th. 1SS3. FOE RENT, Four Rooms. Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOIt HOUSEKEEPING. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. fci.Uf.G'' INViGORSTOP A MYSTERIOUS MAN. From a Thread or so a Very Eye-Catch-Ing- 1'arn may be Span. One cold morning nineteen years ago, as the hack rolled into the Ger man colony of Warthurg, Tenu., a stranger stepped out, and, carrying on his .shoulder a square box and valise, approached the inn of the place and asked for hoard and lodg ing. He was eyed suspiciously on account of his 'rough appearance, saint baggage and nervous manner, lie was taken in and given a room. When he got inr-ide lie locked the door .securely and fastened the win dow shutters. What he did in the room and what he came there for has not been revealed to the people until a stranger came through the place a few days ago, after nineteen years of companionship with him. lie occu pied the loom and always locked it, carrying the keys with him. After being with the jieople some time he was asked to participate in their pleasures and asemblie. He gave his name as Sinclair and would enter tain them with marvelous tales of travel and adventures, claiming to have been a sea captain. He soon became a gieat favorite with the co ple, but his mysterious ways and manners kept them away from him somewhat. He was of a nervous temperament and was always watch ing for some one. When "the hack would arrive he would always leave the crowd until it had gone and the passengers housed. His dress was of the coarsest material. He wore his beard long and a large hat with a brim down over his eyes. The vil lage gradually grew larger and new arrivals were made daily. His anx iety increased and he began to lead the life of a recluse, and when he came out would always listen and never utter a word. One of his peculiarities was to al ways leave a party that began to dis cuss the war. One day he became almost crazy with fear and seemed to be searching for something he had lost. He was seen to have dropped a paper, which was picked up. In it was contained the account of the assassination of Lincoln by Booth. When he was asked what it was he had lost he replied something that interested him as much as his life." The paper was afterward slip ped near his door. When he discov ered it the shock made him ill. lie took to his bcdand was delirious for several days. In his room wtis the square box he had been seen to bring with him. It was a desk. Of this he raved in his wild delirium and stated that in the drawers were dis closures that would astonish the whole country, but the keys wero tried around his neck. He called the names of Spangler", Harold, Atzerott, Payne and Mudd, and said his name was Booth. "When he got well and was told of his wild talks he was startled and denied ever having said such words, lie lived afterward in the same mysterious manner until one day last week, when a gentleman from Fredericksburg, Va., was pass ing through the mountains with a party inspecting the coal deposits, and stopped at the hotel. Sinclair was walking across the street when the wind blew his hat off.. The gentleman who was standing at a window uttered an exclamation and said: "Heavens! can that be Erastus Booth, the brother of J. Wilkes Booth? The last time I saw him was nineteen years ago in Wash ington, during the excitement of the assassination of Lincoln." The peo ple gathered around to hear his story of the last time he saw him, and to tell of his mysterious coming nineteen years ago. After listening to the two narratives the conclusions were that he was the man. The next day, while out walking, Sinclair was pass ing a partv, when one of the number called: "Hello, Booth !" He stopped suddenly, involuntarily turned his head, caught himself and proceeded on his walk. That night he quietly stole away in the darkness with his desk and baggage. I lis going was as mysterious as his coming. He has not been heard of since. Medical Item. Clifton JJiekelson. of AVano. Tpths. has been studvint? medirino. for sev eral years at New Orleans. He was nome on a vacation not iong since. His grandmother had a cold m Iter head, and asked him to give her some thing, but he neglected to do ao. "inat'8 a pretty howdy do' said the old lady indignantly." 'You liave been studvinsr medicine for thro years, and you can't prescribe for your out granumotner wison she has a cold." "O. I can nrescrihn for von inr thn same as if I had graduated, if that's all you want; but it ain't going to do you any good." It is estimated that the total ox- Kense incurred in the Inaugural cele ration amounts to $43,000. Imagine Jefferson, after riding up to the Capitol on horseback, shngiog the bridle over a paling and walking In to be inaugurated, viewing in Jus sim plicitv a bill of expenses footing up $45,000. The ten plagues of a newspaper office are bores, poets, cranks, rats, cockroaches, typographical errors, exchange fiends, book canvassers, delinquent subscribers, and the man who always knows how to run the paper better than the editor doc3 himself. Rajs of Mirth. Cut down The results of his first j shave. The literary man always has write on his side. A cologne bath is a sort of a penny dip. It is one for a scent. A man who makes money hand over fist the prise-fighter. Mormons ought to be good sailors they have so much marry-time ex perience. There's one line that every woman delights to hang on the masculine. "Alonzo" asks for a "cure for love." Marriage, Alonzo, marriage. The lay of the land in Montana is very high. That is,eggs are there quoted at ten cents each. "Wero Solomon alive he might give Sullivan some sound advice, such as "Go to thy haunt, thou slug-hard." It is said that there is a soft side to every man. That's the reason a dude is afraid to stand on his head. People who go up in a balloon to gether are generally conceded to be considerally "taken up with one an other." A good printer is a man of the high est type. lie sticks to his case, and makes it a rule never to be out of sorts. It is a very easy thing, even for the most ignorant man, to be an author of note if his name is worth anything. "A man who never knows," says a writer, "when an idea is going to strike him." The same is true of icicles. As a title can now be bought in Europe for $500 there is no reason why any more American heiresses should marry organ grinders. "Is Mrs. Blank a very cold woman?",- "I don't know; why do you ask?" "Oh, because she always has an 'I see' air about her." Crabb Robinson says that Goethe never had an affliction which he did not turn into a poem. Some writers never have a poem which they do not turn into an affliction. In Ceylon, the promise held out to women to be good and act pretty, is that in the happy hereafter they will become men. No wonder the Ceylon women are not remarkable for sweet ness of temper. iEsthetic philosophical lecturer to his hearers: "People deride skepti cism. Can you tell me vhat skepti cism is?" Unterrified optimist, with idiotic literalness: 'I suppose it is denying a truth that you don'tbelieve in favor of a lie that you can't be lieve." "Yes," said pretty Miss Snooks, as she came home from a party at 5 a. m.., "I was determined to be the last to leave. I hate that horrid Mrs. Blinks sol was resolved she shouldn't have the pleasure of slandering me after I'd gone." Joseph Cook says that in A. D. 2400 the population of the United States will be 3,200,000,000. Those of our readers who contemplate going to the circus that year will do well to purchase tickets at tho down-town office and avoid the rush at the wagon. "Nurse," said a penitent "Western miner, as he lay in the hospital after an accident, "I'll never draw a revol ver on a man again as long as I live." The nurse expressed her pleasure in this moral resolution, when fthe patient went onto say: "Guess I'll go for the galoot with a two-scatter shoot-gun." A Chicago critic revives the old slander that "Henry Irving's legs are poems." They may say what they please about Henry's legs, but, un like most poems, his feet are all right. This is another mistake. One of them must be left. "Papa, didn't you Bay if I was a good boy you would give me a cent?" queried a 7-year old. "Yes, my son," blandly replied paterfamilias. "Well, then," said young hopeful, "couldn't you make it payable in ad vance?" He got his cent. "A scientific Frenchman says he has discovered a new process of mak ing artificial brains," said Mrs. Wig glesworth, looking up from the paper she was,reading. "Artificial brains !" sniffed Mr. Wiggleworth scornfully ; "that's just like those nonsensical Frenchmen,always fooling away their time making something artificial. What I want is real brains none of your make-believe nonsense." Mrs. Wigglesworth, as she resumed her paper, demurely murmured that she had noticed it, too, but she never should have dared to speak of it her self. And Mr. Wigglesworth rubbed his head in a dazed Jsort of fashion, and wondered if he really had ex pressed himself just as he" meant to. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." So does the one belonging to the man with a troublesome congh, unless ho stops it bj- taking Bed Star Cough Cure. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Keincdy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every Lottie of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Smr.ou's Coke will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Brouchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co Helding: the Bride as Seoarlty. One of the most novel marriages in the history of Norwood took place last week. The applicants were a lady and gent of the ebony hue. The young Justice of the Peace, who is very conversant with the law, but a little inexperienced in performing marriage ceremonies, proceeded to unite the happy pair. His face bore marks of excitement, and, in a ner vous tone, he bade the two join hands. This they did, joining, how ever, their left hands, and were made one. The joyous couple, then pro ceeded to depart, whereupon the fol lowing conversation ensued : J. P. Where's my fee ? You didn't expect me to marry you for nothing, did you? Groom (excitedly) "W'y boss, I ain't got a cent! How much do you charge? I didn't know I had to pay for marryin'." J. P. "$2.50. I'll just keep your wife here until you go and get the amount." (At the sums time bidding the blushing bride to take her seat.) Groom. "Well, I'll try to got it." Off he went to procure an order from his employer, but, staying rather long, the bride moved restless ly toward the door. "Take your seat," was heard in solemn tones from the Justice of the Peace. She complied, but what Ker feel ings must have been can't lie easily described. However, the groom re turned in due time, settled :ho hill and took his "pawned" bndo bome a wiser if not a better man. Wasted Sympalliy. Peter Osterhout is one of the most rascally negroes in Galveston. He was caught stealing poultry, and brought up before the justice. "The evidence," said the judge, "shows that you stole the chickens from Col. Jones' hen coup, and the fine should be five dollars, but I'll let you off this time." "Who wants ter be let off?" ex claimed the prisoner. "I steals my chickens, and I pjys my fine, and don't ask nuffin ob nobody. Du hoah mixing up sentiment and bun am what's ruinin' de kentry." MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. "Mill "Feed. "H3to, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0BIPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEU CIIKXA3IUS Street. Astoria, Osr. Washington Market. JInluMicct, Astoria, Orcgoa. BEKGMAX A CO.PitOPIUETOKS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY. op FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I "Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. E57Snecial attention given to supplying ships. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of 867,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Asent. Notice of Administratrix. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned was on the 22nd day of September 1B85 appoinUd administratrix of the estate of O. D. xoang, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same, verified as by law required, to mo at my residence on John Day's River In Clatsop county, Or egon, within six months from this date. LUOY C. YOUNG, Administratrix. Astoria, Oreeon. September 29, 1835. ri ARBOUR'S: liisli Fl i ax HAVEN GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. TIIEV. HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1HE WORLD. Quality can Always Experiencett mm Use i Her ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO, AGKXTO '0:t l'AUIFXC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up Tor the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social (lla?s. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. T JEFFREY. Prop"r. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, UK, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET SROft, 'PiTi and Copper. la Trans Coliiii FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time I THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. jyAn additional trip will be made on Sunday or Each "IVeefc, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Sunday Morning. Passengers bj this route connect at KaJUuaa for Sound ports. v U. B. SCOTT, Presldentl Threads 0 EQUAL ! be Depended on ! Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT.' General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST3. C jortal 01MY