dl Wxt fnftt stotfiw. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY OCTOBERS. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA. VESSELS iy TIIE RI VER. -o- CTyof Benares Brsp 1567 Coloma Uirector. IJr bk GT9. (Sen. Farictaild, Am bk T. F. Wales. Am sp 1333 West York. BrbkC33 Moltke, Gerbk&S l'cri,BrbkS79 Columbus, Hr bk CJlenaf ton. Brbk 1109 Caonabo, Br ep f6G Carntnonjr, Br bk I25.J VESSELS OX T.UE WAY. Voui forcignx I'ortH, for tlit Columbia Jilvcr Abeoua Br sp 979 Burnt island May 12 Abcrcorn, Br sp 12GI Sydney Sept" Abcraytc, Brbk 700 Brisbane ClanMcLeod. BrbkCiC Rio Auk 21 City of Florence, Br sp 1200 Australia Cormorant, Br sp 1073 Sydney County of Merioneth, Br bk 10G5 Montcvidio County of Flint, Brbk 1053 New Castle Cochrina, Br bk 931 Ouncdin Compadrc, Brbk Brisbane July 23 Dilbhnr. Br bk 1231 Coquimbo Dovcnby, Br bk S33 Liverpool via Victoria Anc, 31 Durisdecr, Brsp939 Duncdin July 50 Karl Koseberry, Br bk 1150 Buenos Ayres Elvry, Brbk 767 Newcastle, A Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 900 Sydney Firth of Oorcoch, Br bk 907 Liverpool Sept. 2, Urieedule, Br sp Liverpool May 1 Glcnshcc. Br bk 819 Callao Sept. 5 Ulenbertic. Br bkSOO Adelaide Sept 7 Highmoor.Br bk 1113 Newcastle N S W.AuclS Inclewood. Br bk Brisbane Sept IS Java, Brbk SSORio Kincardineshire, Br bk 1232 London Sept. Lalla Rookh. Br bk Adolaido Lorraine. Br bk 823 Alcoa Bay Lord Kinnaird, Brbk 811 Caldcra Aug 21 MacDiarmai, Br sp 15G0 Sidney Auk 23 Morcia, Br bk 751 Rivoli Maude. Br bk 1G77 Sydney Mary Low, Br bkS55 Buenos Ayres. Northernly. Br sp 1221 Valparaiso Noss Head, Br bk 1072 Sydney Aus 23 Norcross, Brbk 697 Brisbane July 29 Priincra. Brbk i37 Brisbano Julyiit Ralston, Br sp SIS Adelaide Rcspigadcna, Br sp 1G29 Australia Mantiaco. Br bk -1C0 Sydney Singapore, Br bk C56 Buenos Ayres Tjlhonous. Br bk 1152 Sydney Aug 1 Union, Nor sp 101 Newcastle Victoria Bay, Brbk lllSSjdney From American I'orts. Oiive S. Southard, Am sp New York April 13 Ottcrspool. Br sp 179S San Pedro. TI2 TAKM2 FOB ASTORIA. OCTOBER. j HIOH WATKR. LOW fV'ATKIC. ! l''irt. Second. I First. Second. 2S2S 2 3 2 3 S?SlH3H k. m. .5 h. in. ,S h. in. ,S h. m. X "l l ! 1 (i '21a 5 1 5 ISp 8 0 11 COa 3 4 - - 2 7K1 55 C41 7G 0 57 0 7 0 Up 3 9(13 0 1 SOS 75 2 10 Of. 2 13 4 10 00 f. 8 9 29 7 fi :t 25 0 3 3 32 5 10 4ii 7 5 10 :W 81 -1 21 0 2 4 30 11 23 SI 11 : S3 5 07 0 2 5 23 7 1159 85 - - -- 5 48 0 4 0 10 8 0 22 8 4 0 32 8 8 0 SO 0CG53 ! 103 S2 101 90 7 03 11 733 10 1 52 77 1 31 90 7 30 1 0 8 15 11 2 37 7 2 2 07 8 9 8 03 2 0 8 53 12 3 22 GG 2 41 8G 8 45 2 5 9 42 13 4 14 Gl 3 19 8 2 9 27 3 0110 32 14 5 13 57 4 (K5 7C10 1G 3 4 1128 15 G 23 5G 5 03 71 1120 3 8 - -1C 7 30 5 0 (5 12 GC 0 31 1 1 0 40 17 8 37 GO 7 33 G5 137 1 2 2 03 lb 9 20 GC 8 48 09 2 38 1 2 3 11 19 10 04 7 0 9 50 0 9 3 30 12-105 20 10 30 7 5 10 42 72 4 13 13 4 47 211100 78 1127 74 4 51 1 3 5 18 22 113-1 82 - - 5 32 1 4 5 53 23009 75 002 85G03 1GG29 21 0 51 7 4 0 28 S 8 G 30 1 8 7 07 25 1 33 72 1 00 90 7 11 2 1 7 40 20 2 18 0 9 1 35 91 7 45 2 3 8 30 27 3 07 0 0 2 17 8 8 8 27 2 G !) 21 2S 4 02 03 3 05 SG 9 10 2 9 10 17 29 5 03 0 1 4 02 S 0 10 10 3 2 11 21 30 G 01 Gl 5 13 7 4 1123 3 3 - - 31 7 22a 03 0 41;) 7 0 0 33n 0 C 0 52j 30 34 2 8 2 0 11 0 5 01 -02 -0 2 -01 01 05 08 4 0 38 3 2 25 19 12 05 -01 -05 -0 8 -08 -0G -0 2 02 32 The hours between midnight and noon are designated by a (a. m.), thoso between noon and midnight by p (p. m.). oft. oOm.a denotes midnight, u. 00m. v denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. OCTOBER. 2 To Quecnstown per Josie Troop Wheat, C,2GG buu S 49,099 2 To Liverpool per John T. Berry. Salmon, 40,173 C5........ 100,602 "Wheat, 20,439 bus 15,2.11 3-To Plymouth, pcrM. E. Wat-son. Wheat, 95,104 bus 09,500 Astoria Ketaii 3IarUet. Flour per bbl SiZO Wheat, per cental S1.40 Oals, " SL33 Bacon, sides per lb, 1112 cts. Shoulders, " 10 cts. Hams, " 131C cts. Lard, ' 101K els. Beef, 715 cts. Mutton, 712 cts. Tork, 1012K els. Veal, 1015 cts. Butter, per roll 4055cLs. Egus, per dozen yo5j cts. Potatoes, 85c cwt Cheese, per fi 121R cts Cornnieal, per lb :y, cts. Oatmeal, " 4K"cts. Beans, " 5K4 cts. Coffee, " 1040cts. Tea, " 25D0cts. Kice, " 79cts. Susar, " 8Jllcts. Syrup, per gallon 7uc $ Si. Iloncy, per galloil S1.15. Salmon, per kitS4.50 Onions, per fi 34 cts. Apples dried per lb fiio cts. Peaches ' " 13 30 cts. Plums, " " I012)cls. Candles, per B 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen 6. Hay, per ton 10 Si?. Hides, per C 5 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c; coal oil. 35c; IardSL25 Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE FIKM of Hu Kiu & Co. is till? day dissolved by mutual consent. "Wong YIng having bought out Charlie Hoo and WongFaw Tew. Wong Ylng continues tlie business under the name of Hie Kee, and pays sill bills and collects all moneys due the said Ann. CIIARLTEnOO, WONG YD (J. - . WONGFAW TEW. Astoria, September 2Sth, 1885. For Sale. QV ACRES OF GOOD TABLE LAND, OV located at Settler's Point. Clatsop county, beloujjmg to the Widow Burnslde. Apply at this office. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple JLiOdge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS,, first and third Tuesdays In each YY month, at 7H o'clock, r. m., at theV Hall in Astoria. Members of tbo ordor in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W.M. Bearer Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F. TJEGULAR MEETING EV- JX erv Tlmrsdav eveninc at-K seven o'clock, at the Lodged room In Odil Fllnw!llall. Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially Invited to attcDd. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, L O. O. F. t?EGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN XMj campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each mouth. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C' P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standiug, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. CBUOWN.Kec. dishing Fost No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p. m. Visiting com rades cordially Invited. By order Cushing Belief Corps No. 3, (J. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS ONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at liy order Mrs. C.ROSS, Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17 , K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 iSO o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN. K. of R. and S. Common CourciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 1 o'clock. its-persons desirhig to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S..TEWinT, Auditor and Clerk. GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE Norton Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. ESr-No infeilor Beer sold at this place. W.1I. COCK. Proprietor. 1885. 3STTEHEST Will b allowed On Time Deposits. Dr.tfts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. H. KI.3SOIIK, Manager Banking Department. Astoria. Oiegon. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER. CAPT. E. J. MOODY, AMoria, Or., Cathlamet, W. T., West port Or., and intermediate points. The Steamer Mountaineer will leave Asto ria dally, until further notice, from Hustler's v.'harf, foot of Main streot, at liair-p&M2 o'clock P. M., as follows : Jlondajj, Wodnecdeyi and Frldajs, for CATHLAMET and Intermediate points on Wash. Ter. side will go to Westport. same days. Tuesdays, Thondays and Saturday, for WESTPORT aud Intermediate points on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same days. W'UlLeaTe CATHLAMET, W.T., for As toria, Mondayi, Wednesday! and Fridays at seven o'clock A. JL, touching at all way land ings on Wash. Tec. side, and return on same side. Will Leave WESTPORT, for Astoria, Or. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays atser eu o'clock A. MM touching at all way land ings on Oregon side, and return on same side. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to Main street WharL PRIVATE SCHOOL ALL THE MODERN BRANCHES, With English, French and German. Thorough Instruction By a Competent Teacher. For Terms and Particulars In quire of Rev. J. A. OLINGER, Gcrmanla Hotel. FOR YOUNG LADIES. . A Work School of Ornamental Needle Work, Embroidery, etc., will be opened by MIU5.J.A.OLINGER, To whom application may be made. 3-It is desired that all applications for either school may be made by Saturday, thecthinst. Oflciiii of tic Statin Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday; Thursday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to 10 v. m., and Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission; on Tuesdav and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Ladles free, skaters 25 cents ; Gents admlulon 25c, skaters 25 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with Cushlng Tost Comet Band : Ladles 25 cents, skaters 25 cents; Gents 25 cents, skaters 25 cents. Abstracts of Title. rflHE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED X aset of Abstract Books from tho records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate in the County, at reasonable rates. C.R. THOMSON. Attorney at Law. Astoria. Oregon. Office, Room 5. over Ity Book Store. pOYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in eatw. Rovai. BakincPowiikkCo. 10G Wall-st.. N. Y. TUAXSPOUTATION LINES. o. a. & w. co. xo QEtijexs.aasj3, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co., rar ryiugthe I'.S. mails, leave the CompauvV Dock i.very Ia3 Sundavs cvccpteit. at C A. 3'. 'I his is the only dally line, and the only line running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCSSOO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Compimv's l(ek every four tin vs. Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STOISAfiK or AT.!". KI.tHS. Inquire at C-ompanv's Dock or at CilvOI :e opitosite Yati Onsen's store. E. A. NO YES. Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Oregon & California B.It. Ami Counerlluix. TIJ1K, TWO AND A IAL.y IAY . Fare to kiau Fran. S.Ti; toSatrainrnJo rM) Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California & Oregon Stage Co. (DAILY KXCK1T SUNDAVS.) East Side Division. mmvr.EX toxtloo ash asiilivd 3Inll Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 1:30 A Ml A&bland 4:15 A M Ashland 9:2U P M Portland 1:23 I'M Albany ExurctM Train LRAVK I ARRIVE I'ortUnd liP M I LeUnon A) P M Lobanoa 4:13 A M Portland lOt'i A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Car daily be tween Portland and Ashland. The O. & C. It. It. Ferry makes co:.neetiou with all regular trains on ttie Eat Side Div. from foot of K street. West Side Division, BKTWECX PORTL4XD ASD CORVAL1.1S. Hail Train. LEAYK I ARRIVE PorUand Jrf)0 A It Corrallis 450 P M CorvallU 8:30 a M I Portland 3:3 PM Express Train LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 50 P M I McMinnville....SKiO P M JcSlumvillo..5:13 A il f Portland JSiX A M Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at company's up-town oQlce, cor. Stark and Second streets. Tickets for principal points In California can only be procured aud bag gage checked at company's office. Corner P and Front St., Portland Or. Freight will not be reccivca for shipment after live o'clock v. n. on either the East or West Side Divisions. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. & Pass. Agt, Ilwaco Steam Ivigation Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montcsano and Olympia STEAMER smt "GEN. MILES," W. P. Whitcomi:, Mastku. Will lcavo Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M With Oysterville Mails and Express daily, and Through Mmln to points beyond, and Montesano, W. T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays tho "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about sr. M.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - 1.00 rassengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - 2.00 EsT'ForTIckeU, Towage or Charter ap ply at the olllce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. U. D. GRAY, Agent. FOR TILLAMOOK! Str. A. B. Field, Capt. Gabriclson, Will leave Main street wharf as rrgu arly as weather permits during August September and October. Frcicht per O. R. & N. Co. will connect at Astoria. Rate from Portland and Astoria to llobson vllle$Gper ton. Passage from Astoria ?5 Address BADOLLET & CO.. Astoria, For Sale. A COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOMED house and lot, well situated. Cash takes a bargain. Inquire at this ofneo. TUIQ DlDEDmarbofotmdonfileatGto.P. 1 n I O rH r C If no well & Co's Newspaper Ad TerttalBsBureu(10SprnceSt.Vwhereadrertlsln7 contracrimorWmRarorttJtNliWYORK. "Wit and. gunfoY. Thespirit of te press-cider. Straight whiskies make crooked roadi. It is tho polo club that is always on a goaled basis. A real case oi bray-in and muscio is seen in tho mule. The story of a teamBter's life is nearly always a tale of wlioi. Motto for the crematiopists Death is real, and death is urhest. Made of awl work a pair of shoes. ! "When not made by machinery. - "A fellow Phelan makes us wond rous kind," remarked OjDgrioVan Kossa ; "two of a kind, in fact?' Some one wants to know how to deaden the sound of a piano. One good plan would bo to kill the player. One good combination dog, if kept in an alley way between yards, can do the barking for two houses at night. A Connecticut youth of 52 has just married a widow of 73. He evident ly wanted a wife who knew how to cook. "Vesta" We twould like to ex- Elain why a wbinan who tells fortunes y means of cups should be called a sauceress. But we can't." "Remember the porter," said the hotel highwaj'inan to the departing guest. "I shall," said the bthor; "it was worse than the ale." A Cincinnati man claims to have a wife so hot-tempered that ho can light his cigar from the flash of her eyes. He made a good match When he married hor. Editei: "And you expect me to use this?" Spring Poet '''Yes, sir; but I don't want any pay for it." "Oh, you don't?" "No ; my only desire is o see how my effusion will look in print." "Ah! "Well, I am happy to say that your desire can be gratified; that is, providing you will do as I say." "Oh, thank you. "What shall I do?" "Buy a typo-writer." "My dear, you can never be a poet. It takes real genius. Itis something that must bo born in a man or woman." "Nonsense ! John. lAnybody can be a poet as easy as anything else. Why, it took only a little drink to make a poet of a man who was famous in that way." "A little drink? "Whom do you mean?" '"Why, Edgar Allan Poo, of course." "l don't sec it." "You don't? Why, it only took a little to make a, poet of Poe." A self-confessed poet who spells Chicago with a lower case c has sent us some of his early rose poetry and at the same fell swoop applies for a situation. If ho will come to us in all his virgin purity and freshness, and stand on his head in one corner of the room for six hours by a stop watch and allow the sadlv disar ranged divine afflatus which seems to be floating around in his system to fairly settles, we will allow him a fajr salary. This is the only situa tion in which he could make "himself useful to us, to himself and to the great, pulsating world. TTIso Sayings. The child of slander is never born toothless. Nature never builded so perfect, that fashion did not trj' to improve the work. What people sometimes think an ocean of trouble is really but a notion of dyspeptic ideas. Many men act as if they believed thehofu of plenty is nothing hut-a glass of whisky. Men .sometimes rise so high on the wave of fame, that all the joys of earth escape them. Cure For Piles. Piles arc frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some eiTcction of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to tho appli cation of Dr. J5osankos Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Pin.ua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. YOUXG 3IKX!-EAI THIS. fun Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to scud their celebrated Eleo-tko-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) aillicted with nervous debilitv. Ions of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. .No risk is in curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing be tween John Stephanson and C. Carlson, un der the firm name of Stephanson & Carlson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. Stephanson retires from the business and C. Carlson remains, nnd all bills due the firm arc to be paid to C. Carlson and ho will set tle all claims against said firm. I will pay no bills from this date unless contracted on my personal or written order. C. CARLSON. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 19th, 1SS3. In The Field Again! J. G. ROSS Having Purchased the Interest of the Mcintosh. Bros., IH THE PIOHEER RESTAURANT Would most respectfully inform his numer ous friends in the city of Astoria and sur tounding conntry that ho is now ready to do business again at his old stand. Como and see me- A Well Supplied Table, an d Clean Comfortable Beds. -None but WhRe Cooks Employed.- SKIN 1 BLOOD Diseases from Pimples to Scroful; Cured by Cutlcura. Hundreds of letters in our possesion, cop pies of which may be had by return cf mail, repeat this story : 1 have been a temble sufferer for years from Dheases cf the Skin and Blood ; have been obliged to Mmn pub lic places by reason of my disfiguring hu mois ; have had the best physicians : have spent hundreds of dollars, and got no relief until I used the Cimrriw Remeiues. which have cured me, and Mt my skin and blood as pure as a child's. COVI'JREO 1YXT1I SAJjT JHIJ:U3f . CiTicurc Remedies are the grcate.-t medicines on earth. Had tin worst case of Salt Rheum tu thW country. Mv mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it. I believe Cctk'Uka would have saved her life. My arms, brea-t and head were covered tor three vears. which noihiimrcllpwil or i.st-cl unt ill I um! the Cuticvka Kes-ouvknt. iiitt-rnalh, and Cuticvka and Cuticvka So u externallv. .1. W. AD.'.M-. Nkwakk, (). kki, frtci: am ;;sfv rviv. 1 commenced to use your CrnruuA Ki-m-ediks l:i't July. M lead and Lice an.l some parts of my b ASy re a!mnii raw. My head w:ls covered with msiK and sores. aiulniyMnTeiiiur 7a fearful. I had trid everjthins: I had lu-.'i-d or in the Has- and West. My tv.se was considered :i voiy bad one. I have now not a pailldi o! s-km Hu mor about me, and iiv i-r rousidtmri wonderful. Mks. S. E. WHIPPLE. Decatim:, Mich. Kt'ZKii i !i:3i :i:a: to kkt, Charli-. IV.r.' I!inkle,.Ieise City Heiht. ". J , urIU" : .!! son, itlad r.l twelve irs, was eomplt'tely urod -f a teitible cas 5t Eczema tv the Clticitua IJfvKiius. Froi.i the top i f his tioad ti the Miles f hi-? feet was one max efsttK ' hvt-iy other re -cdy and i-hjveianha.l bi-en triel in v:.in Tlie half lias not lie u t-M a. to the ureal curative uiw.rs of lit-- (Y::i v:: U mk dii'. I have paid iiuiidr. d of doliais for medicines to cua diseases of the UIinmI and ki'i. and never found anj tiling yit to ecpial the CurrvVKA RkmkuxE::. Pkovihexvk. !L 1. C. .V. W5 I.LI VMS. CCTR'Ii'KA JH 3JE2K. Are Mild even where. Price: CVTictltA. re : Rksolvk'nt. $1 ; Soai 2.V Piepared by the Pottkk Dkvc amCiii:mh-ax.Co., IV.st(i Ma-s. SenX ror"SJoir Cr rcSi Ik tiirar.i ' ftD 1 1 nn Pimples. ktn lllemisheand Ibiby UU U SO) humors cured by Vv rin i:. Sua i Til AT? tia &&&S&&&81 SNKI 7.V. until your he.irt seems ready to l!y oil : until yi ur ihmj and ejes discharge ex crv.e i!a.':titks of linn, irrit.iting. waterv Html ; until our Head blood at fever heat, 'litis is an Acute Ca tarrh, and is instantly nlieved bv a single do-e. and permanently eured bv one bottle of Sankoiius Radical Cuke rei: Cataki:h. Complete Treatment with Inhaler SI One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrh al Solvent. and one improved Inh.-.Ier, in one package, nriv now be had of all dntsribts for SI. Ak Tor Saxkoku's Radical Cc bk. "The only absolute speeillc we know of." ITal Time. "The Lest we have found in a lire time or .suffering." Her. Dr. W'iu yin, liibm. "After a long struggle with Catarrh, the Radical Cl'kk has con quered." L'er X. IP. lluurne LcwWiurah. Pa. "I hiVi e not found a ca,e that it did not relieve at nneV -trnTiYiC Lee, Mar.chc.ttrr, Ma... Potter Uing anil Chemical 'o.. Koston. 1IUWS YOUi: lUlEUHATl'.i is a ques tion that appeals to every tortured victim cf Kiicumaiisui, w no muis me o:ti:n nrv iil:Lstii:iiiil liniineiits uower- h.u to relieve him. To such the CUTICUKA AXTI 1'AIX I'LAdTEK is an elegant aud never-lallmg-source i.r rnimf iiiniIiiti rlieimi!i!ie. neu ralgic, ciatic. .siiilden. .sharji and nervous pains as nv magu. iew, ongmai, spei-uj, afe. At drtiggtMs. 2."c ; live tor one dollar, mailed free, i'ettei: Dkcc axd Chem ical Co., Boston. UlTSTAY B0XTGEX, C3- TJ 3KT S 33: X "2? IHC, XtCVR VAX DUSKX'S STOKE, Ul'I'KIS ASTOKIA. AH kimls of new Guns made to order. Breech-loading Huns made from Muzzle loaders. All repairs done prompt aud cheap. First class woik guaranteed. Address letters tt USTAV BONTGEX. Care of John Kopp, AstorLi, Or. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. t. The Fine Iron British Ship x&$ikJ'City ot' Benares,'' 1375 Tons Register, Will go on Berth at Astoria shortly to load Salmon for Liverpoel: Taken in Lots to Suit Shippers. For rate or Freight or Insurance, apply to BALFOUR. OUTHRIKSCO-, Portland, Or to I'. I.. CHERRY, Astoria. THE BEST IS TIIE Rove! Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Suporior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole AscnCs for Astoria. ! Coal!! FOR SALE HAMLT0W SCOTCH SPLINT, Finest Domestic Coal in tlie Market. Also Cumberland ami Seattle Coal. Oregon Improvement Co., E. A. XOYES, Agent. JOB FXU2TTX2TG, NEAT. QUIcTIhD CHEAP, AT ' Tlie Astoriaii Job Oifice. ii I W a b sit Mv e &?2i8 SLrC Art -& I v v.. J-si .K wiisi J neii!". moutn ami A'JJSi- &S throat lurched, and WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF 3JU Paints. Oils, and Var.rish. SUPPLIES. PRO V L8IOKS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem. 3?lonrirjg Mills, Portland Holler Mills, Capital Plonr and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOKIA. OllEGON. from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the rorst Scrofula. Salt-Bheum, "rever Soros," Scaly or Bough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood &ro conciucrcd by thi3 powerful, jrarifying', and invigorating medi cine Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal un der its benign influence. Especially has it mani fested its potency in curinjr Tetter, Hoso Bash, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes. Scrofulous Sores and Strolllngs, Hip-Joint Disease, Whlto Swellings, Goitre, or Thiclr. Neck, and Enlarged. Glands. Send ten ccnt3 is stamps for a largo treatise, with colored platcsi on Skin Diseases, ortho aaiae amount for a trcotiso on Scrotuloua Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE T.TFE." Thorouslily clcanso it by uslnj Dr. Pierce's Golden Hedical Discovery, and good di gestion, a fair skin, Buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of con stitution, wm do Cotabiunca. widcli is Scrofulous Disease of the Lung3, Is promptly and certainly arrested and cured uy thU Gou-gircn remedy, if taken beforo tiic last Eta;c3 ot tho discaso ore reached. From its won derful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first otferinjr this now celebrated remedy to tho public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "Consumption Cure," but abandoned that namo aa too limited for a medicino whichj from its wonderful combination of tonic, ot strengthening alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti. bilious, pectcrial, and nutritive properties, ii uncqualcd, not only as a remedy for consumptioa cftho lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES LivesyBloodji Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo sal low color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headocho or dizziness, bad tasto in the mouth, internal heat or chills, alter nating with hot flashes, low spirits and Rloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tonguo, you ore suffering from indigestion, Dyspep sia, and Torpid Liver, or " Biliousness." In many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such coses, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ig no equal. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption and kindred affections, ItJis a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption, Sold by Druggists, PRlGE.SI.QO.Jfgg? World's Sispeseaij Medical Association, Proprietors, GG3 Main St, Bcfulo, IT. Y. LITTLE rV&VC&S T !"TVft JulVJ&n GiBPILLS. ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Druggists. 25 cents a viaL $500 Reward is offered by tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Eemedy for a case ot Catarrh which they cannot cure. It you havo a discharge from tho nose, offensive or other wise, partial loss ot smell, taste or hearing, weak eyes, doll pain or pressure In tho head, you havo Catarrh. Thousands of cases termmato in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Eemedy cures tho worst sscs of Catarrh, " Cold in tha Haad," and Catarrhal Headache. Mceata. S. ARNDX & FERCBEN ASTOKIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGIKE, CANNERY, mn STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to, Aspeclaltyraadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Notice. TllIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT TIIE partnership heretofore existing be tween Goh Ting, G0I1 Yonpr, Goh Foug and doh Iling Chanx, under tlie firm name of Sin YunLung Co., Is this day dissolved, Goh Hins; Chang retiring from the firm. The to be paid to tho undersigned at once. AH private bills that Goh Hlns Chang owed, ho is to pay himself. GOH PING, YONG DA, GOH FONG. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 17th, 1SS5. feSBkki Bpr JV H sey .WSSfeSft SHOFp AND ( -SgSIi? PR, VAN M0NG1S0AR rennanently located at 13-2 and 1S4 Third Street, PortUntl, Ore 500. l.s a regular graduate in medicine, has been longer engaged in the special treatment or ail venereal, .sexual and chronic diseases than any other physician In the "West, as city papers show, and old residents know. S1000 reward for any case which he fails to cure, coming uudcr his treatment ; by follow ing his directions. lilt. VAX Is the most successful Lung and Threat Doctor In America. He will tell you your trouble without asking you a single question, ami warrant a perfect care In the tuliowitig diseases : "eriom debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal kfrst-s, sexual deray, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss ot energy, imp verified blood, pimples. Imped iments to marriage, also blood aud skin ills eaes.s'.philis, eruptions, hair falling, bono nains, swelling, sore throat, effects mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, incontinence, gonorrhoea, glret, stricture, etc.. receives prompt relief and cured for life. Xerrous diseases (with or without dreams. l)ie:ised discharges cured piomptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. If in trouble, cab or write. Deiaj s aro dangerous. Inflammation of the ear, ulceration or ca tarrh, internal or external, deaftuess or pa ralysis, rintring noises, thickened drum, &c. ALU SUKGIL'AIi CASES, such as clubbed or deformed feet, paralysis, contracted cords, weak Joints, or deformed limbs, hip Joint ili-uasj with running sores and shortening blubs, diseases and cm vature or the spine, old ulcers, discuses of tho knee Joints, de formities of the face and diseases of the eyes, every eyo that may require artificial aid. deafness, private diseases and all chronic d-seabesMich as consumption, asihma. neu ral la. diseases -f tho heart, ttinira IK-pp stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary orcan-t, ami all diseases peculiar to females. All eases of catarrh most positively cured by a new and Infallible principle. Impediments of speech, as stammering and stuttering perfectly removed. Thes and fistula radi cally and permanently cured without the knife. HER.N1A AXD RUPTURK perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss af ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers and varicose veins invariable healed and cured. CANCERS and tumors permanently ra movel without the knife, caustic, or the loss of a single drop of blood. Terms for Treatment Strictly Cash. Oflice hours S to 8. IMPOTENT MEN Be thay Tonne or 0I4 harlnc Lot to attributes ot PERFECT HANHuOD May Regain QoleUx Sexual Power W Procbeatre Ability, rrof Jean Civiale. UT TIIE USE OK The Civiale Remedies. &co?v!iWi:J?a81; form or Seminal loss and weakness whether duu tmY?",UI K"Ab.u,ft or Natural Failure! This treatment orirfnated by PJtOK. C'JVI UK .Ioptei in every llosiUTAllnKKANCKafd j,'1iIlr f"il by the Medical Profession. la i.AHII.1 APl'LIfcD, PAINLESS, OIlCK. FREE TO ALL. PlaceIptot cents 7i' 1 m n. '?? to any earnest Inqurrer.ouriplen illd Illustrated CI paw medical work. ffiTlnKwnip tr'nJ.of.U,ronn30' Sexual DIsoase. description of thU treatment, prices, testimonials nnd news paper endorsements, &c. Ac Weare also agents Tor the new and certain ta cure. SelfAdlusUncr and QIotb Flttine CradlJ wiSSut.or0 to0 "aTcaicu, VARICOCELE Consul tattoa with fullMcdtcal StaT, FBEE. Civiale Remedial Agency, 174, FuiljmSL, N. Y. Tlie rttuon that T'toutar.dt cannot get cured of SEJIliAL WEAKSESS, LOSS OF JTAX 1100 D, cintl the result 0 abate. Jittast ortrcttttt, is owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR' RUEA. DR. LIEBIO'S IXTIGORATOR u the OXLYcureforPROSTATORRIIEA. Price. S2.00 per package, 6 packages. S10.W. Guide to Health and Self-Analyttsentfree. Address LIE BIG DISPEXSARrorDiteaset of Mtn. 100 Geary St.. -San Francisco, Cal. 3DSi. MINTIE THE SPECIALIST, 'o. 11 Kearney street, Sab Franclico, Cl. TltEATS ALT. CHKOXIO, SPECIAB Al'D Pfil VATK DlSEASKS fflTHWOXDEBFOL SUCCKSS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! lis a certain cure for Yerroas Debility. Loit Maalieed. Proitatorboea.and all tno evil effects of youthful follies aud excesses, and In drlaklHZ latoxl- eatlBC Ilqaora. Dr Hiatle wnolsare t ular nnystctan. em uate of the UntTcr- ;ity of Pennsylvania will agree to iornet ?oo0 for a cose of this kind the Yltal Kcstorallve (under his spe cial advice and treatment) will notlcure. $1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity $6, sent to anv address on receipt ol price, or O. O. D. f in private namo If desired, by Br. Mlatle. ii fcearHT..aa raacise, cai. send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FKEE will be sent to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. Moore's Remedy -FOR- Poiscm OoJsLm MOORE'S REMEDY Cures and Prevents TOISON OAK. CUKES Flies. Burns, Cuts: KK- MOVES Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs. Croup Etc. etc. An Invaluablo FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggists. 25 Cents a Bex. Try Itt SIGN EMlIItXIIIO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In iSood Stylo and Lowest living Prices cms. oisEK. Shop atMontgomery'soldstand. MANHOOD 5SMpT RESTORED r) i i yKW fOSfr 'fi- vm k)1