i 4r4& ' en JJJW'l'' VOL. XXIV, NO.cSO. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, J 885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. fifgy?1- x , 'y- .- - - - - . fee 3?Sp. BUSINESS CARDS. VtM. A. li. and .1. A. FUI.TOS I'hj.sicians ami Sti rjreon-. Will iile promnt attention to all 's!ls. tjom any part of the city or country. Office o er Allen's fetore, corner Cass and Sutieinoqna streets, AMuiia, Orrgon. l'ch'phone No. 41. D It. FKAXK 1AK. Ilij'rtI'iHii and Kurcenn. i'fiice, KooinC, over 1). A. Mcintosh s slo:e. (IKJ'ICK Houn.s :-fl to U A. ?t. ; 3 to B l-.M. Ui-idrnce. opposite the.Jolianen building D 12. MK'KIfART. PHYSICIAN AND SUKCKOX. Okkicic : Gem l'.niM.n'. vp stairs. Astoria, Oiegoii. :. . 10UKIS. KO. MUM ftOi.A!VI & EMl?RtH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OJuVe hi Kinney's Uhvk. piositi t"it Hall. AMotia. Oregon. . w.nu.T.r; i:.o.mii.i.. A rTOUXEY.S AT LAW. Uoi'insf.and 6. Odd Fellow P.uihimg T"1 KUO V. IAKK.E:it. SURVEYOR OF '!utop County and J:y .! Anioila Office :-N. E. comer Cass and Astor MreeK Room No. 8. T . A. BOWZ-BY. Attorney and ou-.el!or :t J(aw, OiMfe on Chenainus Street, Astoitn. Oregon. J AY TWTTI.Si. M. t. PHYSICIAN A'1) SURGEON KFirc Rooms 1,2, and 3, P thLin Kuiiit- Uksidknok On Cedar Stieet. back l L Mary's Hospital. F P. HICKS. A. K. MI AW HICKS fc SI5 fcW, DENTISTS. Uooms in Allen's Building, up -talis, eor i er Cass Mid Spienifqiu stieoK. Astoiia Onyou. TO K. SPKIHKV. NOTARY I'UBLIC, Searelicrof Tiilert. AblraPteP mil! i'onveyaner. Olllce on Cass Street. 3 doors south or A; toiian ofllce, AsIoiIm, Oregon. BANKING AND IHSURAKGE ! I. W. CASS, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OKLflOS. OFFICE HOUltS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'eloN 1". M. AHKAI) OF ALL C0MPET1T0IJS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on Hits Gradu.il i:e.Hi::iou System by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. limitku J Is the only flour that has taken First l'rize threo years in succession at the lOUTIiAXi MKCHAXIC'd FAJK. ALso at State Fair. ( )ne trial is aufllclent to com "nice of its supe riority. Sea that the word CAPITOL is on each sack CEORGE SH I EL. 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISUEH. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOU IN TIIE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old rVJetal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABD & STOKES Will give you the bwt price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Wanl at FOABD & STOKES. Headquarters at building, cast end Water Street. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom it may concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate of M. D. Kant, an insolvent : and all persons havlngclaimsag.iinst.said insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee properly verified at his office at P. A. Stokes &Co', in the city of Astoria, Clat sop county, state of Oxegon, within thiee months from this date. PBILIP A. STOKES, Astoria, September 2, 1885. Mini to mi fi"5&?!- TjiE GPS AT ?V? fc& Oft fl ft a s&a f '" FOR &J&JC$I, . it C. I Rheumausni, neuralgia. Sciatic!, Li:ir.b.igo. B;clad:e. Ke :ihcltO. Tc6!!ici bore -hr.a, Sn Ultr- f-iTs.!!!", llrul. , iSiirin, ts.j?'". Frs-t ll!trs ia aii. o::iu. i mi y rims a. inir- S-lllyOr- .-ja'.i.t.'TMi r'.r J .V; ' Tiir t imn.t: '.. ocs .vn t .: . TORPID BOWELS, D5SORDERED LIVES, and rtiALARSA. rromthcsu sources arise threo-fourll:s ofthoiliseascscfthchuninii nice. The x fcyinptoins indicate the.r csistence. Loss of Appetite, BoiTtls costive. Sick Ilcadnclie, fullncsa after cnt in, aversion to exertion of bodvoy xnlnd,i:ructatiowoffvi!,Zrritnb!". itycftcmper,T.ovfipiritjj,AfccIlKK before the eyeii, lJq;Iily colored Urljie.COHTSTl PATIO.V.nnd demand thouseofureinedythatnetsdirectlvon the Liver. AsaLlver ineilieiiicTUl'X'S 1'IIiI.S have no e inal. Tiieir action on Iho Kidnej-s :md Miln is also prompt; removing all Impurities through theeo tliiee ' cavciiKT8 of the sjtsu, producui nipetite, sound di:estion, JCRiilar stools, a clear slcin anil a vig orous body. 'ITTr.S VIIjUS cause no naaseu oi griping nor Interfere vrilh dally ivorlr and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO EVIALARIA. eiieryw hvrcCps. Oli-.-e-H ili.rnr.St.N . UR-VTirAiu oxtVilisi.i.ns channel in. stantly toa(itsr l:i.uic bvasinglo application of tills I i:. bold'by Drufj jiMts,or st at by eprrjs on receipt of 51. Otyce, 'A Murray Street, New Voik. mrs ZiiOTAii cr rcrrcL esssifk rssa. Is jusc what its name implies ; i Purely Vegetable "Compound, Ujii acts directly upon the I&rer j curing the many diseases Lcidcayro that ini. portant organ, and p?c?litmg the nu merous ailments tKyarise from its deranged orrjijeylction, such as DyspepsiS jXfriaicc, Biliousness. CosfeenesMciaria, Sick-headacha KhetVpariketc, Itjs therefore s :rnismuilr"Toliavc GrOodEc2lti :hn Liver must he Kept in order." D2. EAJSxOBD'3 LiVm INVIGOBATOE nvlorates the Liver, Pcgtilatcs the Bow els, Strengthens the Sjstcra, Purifies the Blood . Ai?ists Digestion, Prevents Fevci s. Is a Household Kccd. An Invaluahlc Family Medicine for common complaints. Di BAHrOED'3 LI72II CrTiaOBATOIL An crpcrienca of Forty years, and TIicv, tand3 cf Testimonials inote its Merit. FOTl P U.K ItY ALT. DnATXKS IN MEDICnxn? Tor f "11 information tend yonr address for la f.-"?ick on llio "Livir and lis dii.cs," it ' pxroaD JM- duans st.. KEr oks. cur frfE F:RE AfiSERlGAK SHIP ".JOHNT-BEItllY:' IS XOW LOADING SALMON From Astoria to Liverpool. For rates of freit? lit and insurance appl to iIE FK, Wll.st. siu. i'ortlaud. Or. jTe."mahtin. Candies; Fruits. Foreign and Domestic. Every Variety cf Fruit in Season Squenio(ua Street Next Door to the Gem Salnon. Notice. mHE TAX LIST AND ASSESSMENT X roll of school dist rat . l. AMona. Clatsop county, Oregon, is now in my hands (or collection, and will remain willi'me for sixty davs from date, after w liieh time said taxes wfli be dclimpieiit. Fames interested pieaso take notice. .?. G. HUSTLER, Clerk Dist. No. 1. Astoria, Aupiit 13th. 1S55. Notice of Administratrix. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIATTHE undeisijmed w:tsoii the iSinl l.iy of September 1SS5 appointed adinhiKtnitrix of tlie estate of 0. 1). Young, deceased. AH per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, a erifled as by law required, to me at my residence on John Day's River in ClaNou county, Or egon, within six months from this date. LUCY C. YOUNG. Administratrix. Astoria, Oregon, September 2d, 18S5. CENTRAL AMERICA. Healthful Cllmato trhcro Truit and Spices Grow. It may not be uninteresting at this time to know that Central America comprises an area somewhat larger than the states of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, Nicaragua alono being about as large as Illinois. The popu lation is verv sparse. Guatemala has 1,252,000; San Salvador, 554,000; Nicaraguan, 275,000 ; Honduras, 350, 000; Costa Rica, 185,000; Panama, 220,000. The soil is capable of sup porting ten times this population. Tlio larger portion of the country is forest, the trees being chiefly mahogany, logwood, brazil-wood, live oak, fustic pine, copal-wood, cedar, rosewood, and ironwood. The forests are bril liant with those gorgeous air-flowers, the orchids, and are alive with monkeys. The agricultural products are beans, grain and fruits bananas, cocoanuts, oranges,plantains, lemons, guavas, pineapples, citrons and limes, liananas and cocoanuts are easily raised and the yield is enormous. The steamers that ply between Cen tral American points and New Or leans usually bring in as cargoes 100, 000 cocoanuts and 25,000 bunches of bananas, which pass through all the hands of Italian and Sicilian fruit mer chants in the Crescent city and go to all the Western States. All the bananas and cocoanuts in our Wes tern markets come from Central America. A few Americans are en gaged in fruit-raising in Honduras and find it profitable. The coffee tree thrives in all tho Central Amer ican states, and ginger, annatto, vanilla, aloes, gums, caoutchouc, copaiba, and other valuable articles of commerce are produced. Tho country abounds in gold, silver and copper, but the deposits are not worked by the lazy natives, who are content to lead a languid oxistence without attempting to develop the wealth in their soil and forests. The climate is warm and unhealthful on the coast, but on the highlands in the interior temperate and salubrious; and that it is not altogether unfavor able to enterprise is proved by tho vast ruins of cities and temples, the work of a civilized and cultivated people now extinct, at Coban and other places in Guatemala and Hon duras. Cattle are one of the products of the country ; they are raised with out trouble or expense, as the' sub sist on the wild grass, and they are slaughtered chiefly for their hides, which are shipped to Europe. Guate mala aud Honduras have exhibited some signs of waking up in the last five years. Three railroads have been built and others projected, and grants of lands on very favorable terms are offered to all who will come and set tle on them. A few thousand North Americans would bring the country to life and make it one of the most attractive parts of the western world. A Course of Reading. It is to be doubted if any person of any intellectual force and "originality would ever bo able to get through what is popularly known as "a course of reading," and it is at least certain that few germs of genuine mental life could be expected to survive the or deal if passed through. The instant the mind is genuinely aroused and interested, the trammels of tho book list are overleapt; and it is only mechanically plodding mediocrity that trudges faithfully and stupidly along a line of thought somo one else has marked out. In the first place, it is worse than useless to read wat one docs not enjoy. The mind not only does not digest it and does not assimilate it, hut becomes dull and deadened by the mechanical process of cramming which it ia made to un dergo, until it ceases to be capable of digesting anything normally and easily. Advice in regard to a "course of reading" if the detestablo phrase may be forgiven may bo asked and given with results that are excellent, provided always that tho reader recog nizes that if the course marked out fails to so arouse and excite him that he breaks away from it of his own volition, it is a failure and had better bo abandoned. The most that others can do is to indicate whoro a begin ning is to be made, but from the starting point the lines of work must diverge with the variet' arising from original impulse, or all comes to nothing. The rubbishyltalk of which we hear so much nowadays of courses of reading iaid out by tho Home Education society, the ChaCauqua union, or any of the rest of these well-intended and equally unintel lectual contrivances for the" mechani cal development of the intellect, is one of the most annoying as it ia one of the most pathetic of the signs of the times. ItiB pathetic because the preva lence of talk of this sort shows how widespread is tho desire evon if sel dom of very profound depth for culture and mental development; it is annoying because it is painful to see eager ignoranco put off with a stono when it asks for bread; and encouraged in precisely the most per nicious of misconceptions, the idea that culture, like gingerbread, is made by a, recipe. Superfictolfty is the besetting sin of tho age, and one of its innumerable symptoms is the prevalence of this absurd idjea of the value and desirableness of courses of readinc. The hair of a farmer near Rainboro, Ohio.is reported t lutfe turned from gray to blood red. j Shaken up by an Earthquake. An officer said he had permission to spend the Christmas holidays with his family at Alhama, and had a few friends to dinner. After dinner the friends left and ho sat talking with his wife and children, five in number, when suddenly one end of tho room rose up three feet. Tho shock threw the wholo family to the floor, with the lamps and other articles on the tables and shelves. They remained in total darkness, dazed and wonder ing what had happened. Presently ho supposed it was an earthquake, and called to his wife and children to come out into the street. -He reached tho street door and the street was in total darkness. Tho air was filled with the dust of crumbling buildings. Afraid to go out he stood shivering and undecided, when a second shock came and tho kitchen fell in, killing two servants. A piece of wood fell upon his wife, breaking her leg. He then carried Bis wife out over a pile, of ruins. ' The narrow, dark streets were so clianged by the debris that it was hard to recognize them. Ho reached tho open fields, where he found that many had preceded him.. He left hij wife with friends and re-' turned forhis children. He brought three the next trip, and then the other two. All tho way, while crawl ing over piles of ruins "he heard the cries of tliose that had been caught and could not extricate themselves. Every voico was familiar. He met neighbors telling each other of the loss of relatives and friends. The horror of such an experience was un paralleled. The night was spent in the open fields, shivering on tho ground, entertaining fears and suf fering grief, terror and a horrid un certainty. 'She Stoops to Conquer. Mr. Lewi3 Grummit, formerly an eminent grazier in Lincolnshiredied in that county at a very advanced age. It was from a hospital joke of this worthy man, that Dr. Goldsmith took tho hint of Marlow's mistaking the house of Mr. Hardcastle for an inn, in the comedy of "She Stoops to Conquer." The circumstances was as follews: Mr. Grummit, late one night, met a commercial traveler, who had mis taken the road, and inquired the way to the nearest inn or public house. Mr. G. replied, that, as he was a stranger, he would show him the way to a quiet, respectable house of pub lic entertainment for man and horse, and took him to his own residence. Tho traveler, by the perfect ease and confidence of his manner, showed the success of his host's stratagem, and everything that he called for was in stantly provided for himself and his horse. In the morning he called, in an authoritative tone, for his bill, and the hospitable landlord had all the recompense he desired in the surprise and altered manners of his guest. Many other whimsical acts of kind ness are related of him. Rossini, the composer, used to set to work at ten o'clock in the morn ing, having risen at nine. His toilet took half an hour, and his breakfast, house-gossip, etc., another half-hour; then ho took his pen and wrote con tinually. From ten to twolve, while ho wrote, numbers of people came, some with letters of introduction, or old friends, and so on. He was very glad to mako the acquaintance of talented young artists; he received them with immense kindness, giving" them advice and sometimes letters. But what he absolutely hated was to be stared at as one of tho sights of Paris. Once his old friend, Caraffa,.' came and told Lim, "There is a Rus sian princess on the Boulevard who waited two hours yesterday to see you pass ; she wants much to make your acquaintance What shall I tell her?" "Tell her," said Rossini, "that I am excessivoly fond of aspar agus. She need only go to Hotel et Chabot and buy tho finest bunch bIio can get, and bring it here. I shall then get up, and, after she has well inspected me in front, I shall turn round, and she can complete her in spection bjT taking the other view too, and then she may go." Pipe Line on the Eesert. The English army is engaged in construct ing a water pipe line from Suakim on the Red Sea, 22) miles across ihc desert to Ber ber on the river 2s' lie. litis is a long conduit. 1 t.s progress will be watched by cabinets, and it will be discussed at firesides around the wcrltl. Rut were the bottles of Castoria used last year, placed end to end they w ould form an inch aud a half pipe lino of health syrup 3,000 miles long, or extending from its reservoir in New York, to San Francisco. Yet the contents of this Castoria line are sucked dry 3 early and by children alone. Such an illustration help3 convey an idea of the populaiity aud the immense trade in tills wonderful preparation which filters In- Jto so many homes. Mothers whoso days arc made wearisome y cmntren outot sort, aud whose nights are angelic vigil over Mck beds, have learned the value of a remedy which prempUy brings health ami rest. To them Castoria In the house is of equal Im portance to that of water to the soldter on the desert. A Livery for tho Nurse Girl. It has of late been tho fashion in France to have nurse girls attired in some of the peculiar costumes of foreign nations. The fashion, how ever, was costly, and in many cases unsatisfactory, so there has been a return to the old style, with tho long cloak and tho cap trimmed with rib bon. A distinction is made in wealthy families by using very wido light col ors, and the ribbons arc very wide and reach to the lower part of the dres3. The loop3 on the caps are fashioned like wroaths, only instead of being, as heretofore, ordinary loops they are arranged in hollow plate? and fastenod flat to the crown, while the long, wide ribbon ends fall down the back. Showy ornamental pins are among the plaits of tho ribbon. Girls of the marriageable age in Japan are computed to be worth "li each. Mr. S. E. Bennett, who represniLs the firm of David Cnrriek & Co., Pin! adelphia, Pa., snjs that he uses noth ing in his stables but St. Jacob Oil, as a cure for sprains, galls, and sueh ailments of horses. .MARKKTS. WYATT & THOfiBPSGh. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED KEATS. CHOICE GSOCEEIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery and Glassware. Mill Feec3., ZETto, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COUIPAHY, Fresh and Cured 3Ieats, Vesetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTi.l. i'KKXAHrsi HJret. Atoi(a, ir. Washington Market. 3taln "-ticft. - Istori.-!, tt.rgftti. RESPECTFULLY CALL Till! A mix tion of the public to the f.ic: that the above .Market will aUvaj.s he supplied with a FULL VVMETY AND BEST QUALITY - - rti" - FRESH AND CLJHED ftlEAYf ! Whirl: will le Mm! at Sowi'st rates, v.hole saleu'itl relail. fc&"Spee'.!l attention jjiven to Mipplin ships. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe north British and EXercantile Of London and Ediiihur"h. Old Connecticut cf Hartford AXl) COWirVJERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, lU.pru:ciiUiigat,npilalorS67,000 COO. It VAX UUKKN. Assent. AS rGR! A IRON WORKS. Hknton Stsckkt, Xkau !a::keu IIoose, ASTOKIA. - OKEGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAPaiOMfflEMES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofnll Description made to Order at Short Notice. A. 1. Wass. rrcsldent. J. (S. IIusTt.Kn,Sccretary, I. V. Cask, Treasurer. Joiix Fox.Supcrintondent. G. A. STJLNSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, At C3pt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wayous made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. ! -BARBG 1 iVE NO tpttflOEr.7 ,fc?iiiff5!ff AVWVW I I 1 M s&cjm J uwjSSjjKTMjw r!!:Si restu'i I&"vl GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY UAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT TIIE VAHIOUS Ini ernaf ional Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1I1E WORLD. ualily can Always be Depended on ! ipiert FIsiiBrmeii Use 10 Other ! ' HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. AGISTS Ij'OK Seine Twines, Hope and letting Constantly on Hand. The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. lippcially tltted up for tho Contort and Coin enience of those w ho enjoy a Social Gla's. The IJest or AYincs and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. I,. JEFPEEi S'rojt'r. agnus 0. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRd, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TIKWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRiP LEAD SHEET SRON, ?La. AND Oofppo2?. Columbia fransportatloii Comw. FOE PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW - Tri rniinur - I clu nunc Which has heen specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilsou & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. f-An additional trip will be made on Sunday ef Each. Week, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Sunday Morning-. Passengera bj this route connect at Kahuna for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, Presld'eutJ Threads EQUAL ! Qt&lM Igyy, SAN FRANCISCO. 1MCIFIC COAST. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR J. a. D. GMiAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIftlE, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, OreRon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENAMUS STS. STEADIER -. 4