The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 04, 1885, Image 3

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OCTOBKi: 1. l-5
There were fifty-two deaths in Port
lam during September.
The Ilwico wharf company has de
clared a dividend of $2.30 per share.
Jos. A. Gill, editor and proprietor
of the Pacific Journal, is in the city.
The Oregon sails for San Francisco
to-morrow; the Columbia, is due to
morrow morning.
Straw hats and summer clothing
have received a resurrection in the
last two or three days.
John E. Day has been licensed by
the presbytery of Oregon to preach
at Clatsop and Oregon.
The Portia sailed yesterday.
Three ships, names unknown, wore
in the offiing, bound in, at noon.
The 21. E. Watson cleared for
Plymouth yesterday evening with
95,101 bushels wheat, worth 09,300.
Monday evening at 8 o'clock Mr.
O. A. Maun, will organize the class
in mathematics, at the Y. M. C. A.
Song service this afternoon at 3
o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. rooms in
placo of the usual gospel meeting. All
are invited.
Win. McCormick will give a public
exhibition of his new boat in front of
Wilson & Fisher's dock at four o'clock
this afternoon.
There will be a fine dinner to-day
at the Parker House wild game,
teal and mallard duck, with jelly,
chicken in every style with all the
delicacies from -1 to S r. m.
School begins in district No. 1, to
morrow; the fall term also begins
in district No. 9. In the latter dis
trict the board of directors havo en
gaged Mrs. E. N. Davis as principal
and Miss Katie Powell as assistant.
Rev. Dr. Garner will conduct serv
ices as usual, morning and evening,
in the First Presbyterian church.
The sacrament of the Jjord's sup
per will be administered in connec
tion with the morning service.
There is said to be a rumor current
in Salem that Gov. Moody is going to
resign, thus making Secretary Ear
hart governor, who would then ap
point Moody U. S. senator. There
might bo a worse political mistake,
but it is not apparent.
An eleven, year old boy named Bliss
Aiken has been stolen from his
grandfather, at Salem, taken to San
Francisco and back, all clue to his
whereabouts being lost Anyone
knowing anything about the lost boy
should address Mrs. Jennie Aiken,
163 Ninth street, San Fraucisco, Cal.
The total shipment of salmon from
the Columbia river by rail, river,
ocean foreign and domestic, from
April 1st to October 1st, 18SL. was
491,414 cases; for the same period
from April 1st. 1885, to October 1st,
1885, were shipped over laud and sea,
foreign and domestic, 4G9,S35 cases.
The stock is almost entirely cleared
out, there being not over S,009 cases
in first hands on the river to-day.
The outlook for next season is more
encouraging than at anv time since
Nelialcm Coal.
One effect of Messrs. Colo aud Kin
ney's recent letters in Tun Astokiax
regarding the coal measures of the
Nehalemhas been the attention at
tracted to that vicinity by men in
San Francisco and elsewhere who are
on the look out for discoveries of
that kind. AVm. Parsons, a wealthy
San Franciscan, came up about ten
days ago and spent a part of last
week in exploring that region in
company with Lowenthal, who
acted as guide. Mr. Parsons, on
returning here, said that it was the
first coal mine that he had ever seen
where the facts bore out the state
ments about it, and that ho had
traced the vein to where it showed
ten feet in width. He took some
specimens with him to San Francis
co. Prospecting parties report great
difficulty on account of tho dense un
dergrowth. Tho trail is reported
cleared now so that it is possible to
get in there. That country needs,
and ought to have a good wagon
School Exerciser.
The public school in DislrictNo. 15
on John Days river, closed last Fri
day, after a successful term of four
and one half months, taught by Mis?.
Kate PowelL After a nice lunch in
which all present participated the
closing exercises consisting of reci
tations, songs, etc., were conducted
in the open air, tho assembled audi
ence of neighbors and friends of tho
school being too large for the school
room. The remainder of the after
noon was passed in various sports
including a very pleasant ride in
Y. M. C. A.
Educational Classes:
Monday evening, mathematics Mr.
Carlos A. Mann.
Wednesday evening, bonk keeping
Dr. Benson C. Martin.
Friday evening, shorthand Mr. T. J.
Open for new members, this week
only. Committkk.
Save money and
Books at Adler's.
buy your School
School Books '20 per cent less than
any other place at Adler's.
Before you get your School Books get
Adler's prices.
On account of hard times Carl Adlcr
has made a reduction of 25 per cent on
all School Books, School Supplies and
School Books to be exchauged will he
found at Adler's, also all Books sold at
Introduction price at Adler's Book store.
FornXcat Filling Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street next door to I. V. Ca.e
AH goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Considerable interest has been man
ifested the last two weeks in a pro
posed series of bjnt races, the first
two of which came of yesterday. As
far as sky and water was concerned
nothing could be finer, the wind,
which was almost duo west was very
light, not enough to bring out the
sailing qualities of the craft engaged
in the trial of speed.
The tide was at the flood at nine
o'clook, but the first race was not run
for some little lime afterward in ex
pectation of a good breeze springing
up. Sovoral hundred had gathered
at the river front to see the aquatic
contest and at 10:0S, two plungers,
sloop-rigged, and owned by J. 1L De
Force and J. C. Indwell, respectively,
each with a crow of four men, shot
out from the foot of Cass street.
Each boat carried about the same
amount of sail, but the absence of
suitable breeze made tho send off
rather tame; when opposite Main
street wharf, the tide set toward the
wharf and as the articles of agree
ment said no method of propulsion
should be used except sails, the
getting away was a tedious matter.
The lower black buoy, below Smith's
point was made bv De Force's boat
at 11.-09, by Lidwell's at 11:13, and
the finish, which the freshening
breeze gave more life to, was made by
De Force's boat at 11:5G, the other
coming in four minutes later. The
race was for fifty dollars a side, A. D.
Wass and J. W. Urowu judges; Jno.
Betls, referee. Indwell claimed a
foul, on the ground that his oppo
nent's boat had hail assistance in
bearing away from G ray's dock. The
judges finally declared the race off.
Do Force says he will run it over
again if the stakes are set at SI0.) a
Was the one that attracted the most
attention. This, like the first, was for
S50 a side, two Whitehall boats, be
tween which it would be hard to
choose, entering; the one owned by
Wm. McCabe, the other by Denny
Curran. A. D. Wass and Jno. Betls
were the judges. As the time for
starting came, the belting, which had
been aoout even, swung around to
two to one on Curran's boat, which
immediately after the start took a
sheer around to two lo ono on Mc
Cabo's boat. '-The new boat," as
McCabe's boat was called, took a
shoot ahead and rouuded the black
buoy in the stream opposite tho city
at 1:41:25, r. m., Curran's boat coming
around also on the starboard tack
one minute later. Then began what
everyone said was the prettiest boat
race ever seen in Astoria; the two
boats were sailed 'for ali that was
out," J. W. Brown sailing McCabe's
aud Denny Curran his own boat; tho
former had one or two mishaps, un
shipping his tiller and getting a little
water in the boat. On his boat were
J. W. Brown, 1. P. Leathers, Jas.
Hess, aud Thos. Lowrie; on the other
were D. Curran, Jno. Nehon, Jno.
Grant, and Wm. McKenua. They
sailed to the buoy bolow Smith's
point, two aud one-half miles away,
and coming back, although Ihe tide
was agaiust them, Ihcy had the ad
vantage of a steady breeze from the
west Tho winning boat, Wm. Mc
Cabe's, crossed the line at 2:27 2S; the
Parole coming in at 2:27:35; bring
beaten seven seconds in a race that
took 1 hour, 51 minutes, and 15 sec
onds to run. Between i00 and $590
changed hands on this race
Was au impromptu pulling match in
two Whitehall boats between Clark
Loughrey and J. C. Lidwejl. to the
spar buoy and back, one mile for S10
a side. Loughrev rowed it in 9:'8,
Lidwcll in 9:55.
Will be sailed for next Saturday
afternoon, the 10th inst. The race will
be for Whitehall boats exclusively;
the winning boat takes the handsome
silver cup presented by Messrs Meg-
ler t Wright, aud the entrance
nioncv; the second boat takes the fine
silver cup presented by Gastav Han
sen, all expenses to be deducted from
entrance mouev. the fee being $2.50
for each boat entered. All entries
are to be made bv six o'clock r. m.
Thursday, Oct 8th with A. J. Megler
at Occident hotel, nono but Astoria
boats to be allowed to compete
Further details regarding tho raco
can be had from Messrs. Wass and
Betls who will act as judges on that
A number of new projects are on
foot at tho present lime which if car
ried through will add greatly to the
importance or Pacific county. They
are a new cannery at Ilwaco, a tele
phone between Oyslervillc and
Ilwaco, a Hour mill on the Willapa
and a wagon road through from Elk
Prairie on tho upper Wiliapn, lo Che-
hahs on the iNorthern lv.ciuc railroad.
Journal, 2.
i5ieI;IenN Arnica Salre.
Thk IJkst S.u.vic in the world for
Cuts. lJrm--c--,S-r'-s,Ulvr--,S:ilt Rheum,
Fever Sines, Tetter. Chapped Hands
Chilblain'-. Conn, and all Skin K:ui
tions, and positively er.nw 1'des, or no
pav required. It :- guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2T cents per box. Tor sa le by W.
E. Dement & Co.
The members or the Astoria Musical
society are requested to meet at Odd
Fellow's hall on Monday evening at
half past seven o'clock. A full attend
an re is desired.
Bv order ol the President.
II. Van Dusf.x,
U. S. Government Nautical
for 1SST now ready. For sale
& Heed's.
it Griffin
School ISooIis.
All new books adopted by schools for
sale at introductory prices until .Janu
ary 1st INSfi. Tlio.-e who have pur
chased from us any of the new books
am have the difference between the reg
ular and Introductory prices refunded.
Gkifkix & Kr.ui),
City Book Store.
The following extract from the
school laws of Oregon, should be
clipped out and and preserved for fu
ture reference by all who have not
the laws in pamphlet ferm:
The teachers in tho public schools
of this state may dismiss all pupils
under eight years of age after four
hours session each day, or, where
that is not practicable, may allow to
pupils of that ago recesses of such
length that tho actual confinement in
the school room shall not exceed
three hours aud a half per day.
Teachers shall exercise watchful
care and oversight over the conduct
and habits of tho pupils, not only
during school hours, but also at re
cesses and intermissions, and while
going to and returning from school.
Every public school teacher shall
give vigilant attention to the temper
ature and ventilation of the school
room, and shall see that the doors
and windows are opened at each in
termission, for tho purposcof chang
ing the atmosphere of the room. lie
shall require his pupils to take proper
exercise, and shall encourage health
ful play at recesses, but ho shall
strictly prohibit all dangerous and
immoral games aud amusements.
Every teacher in the public schools
shall prepare at the beginning of
each term, a programme of daily ex
ercises and recitations, and post tho
same in a convenient place in tho
school room for the benefit of tho
Every teacher in the public schools
shall be provided by tho board of
directors with a school register in
which he shall carefully note the at
tendance and standing "of his pupils.
At the close of tho school, the teacher
shall deposit the same with the clerk
of the district, who shall preserve the
same along with other books and pap
ers belonging to his office for inspec
tion. Teachers arc authorized to require
excuses from the parents or guardians
of pupils, either in persoa or by writ
ten nolo, in all cases of absence or
tardiness, or of dismissal before the
close of pch'jol, aud no excuse shall
be deemed valid except that of sick
ness or necessary employment The
teacher shall be the judge of tho snf
ficency of excuses, subject to au ap
peal to the directors.
Whenever the uuexcused absence
of auy pupil during auy term shall
amount in tho aggregate to . seven
days, he shall be roported to the di
rectors, and tho teacher may suspend
him until the opinion of thedirectors
can bo taken. For this purpose, an
uuexcused absence or tardiness for
half a day or less, and for more than
one hour, at any one time, shall be
deemed a half day's absence; and
such absence or tardiness for more
than half a day at one time shall be
reckoned as an absence for a whole
The teacher of every public school
shall, at the close of each term, make
out and transmit to the county su
perintendent, a written rexrt, ac
cording to such form as may be fur
nished by the state board of educa
tion, and file a duplicate copy of the
same with the district clerk.
It is earnestly urged upon all
school directors to afford their teach
ers every facility for iittcnding insti
tutes, and to allow them a reasouablo
time for such attendance, without de
duction from their wages, and with
out requiring them afterwards lo
make up the lime so spent
Iu all public schools in this stale,
the teachers shall require of their
pupils regular stated exercises in com
position and declamation.
In all schools where there are pri
mary pupils, it is recommended thai
exercises in freo gymnastics aud suit
able vocal aud "breathing exercise''
be given daily.
2$o pupil shall be allowed to retain
connection with any public hchool,
unless provided with books, slate aud
other things required to be U3ed in
the cbisses lo which ho is assigned;
but no pupil shall be excluded for
this cause unless the teacher shall
have given one week's previous no
tice to his parents or guardians, of
the art'clas needed. Indigent pupils
may be supplied with books, otc., at
the expense-of tho district if the direct
ors so order.
Pupils affected with contagions
diseases shall not be allowed to re
main in auy of tho public schools.
Every pupil is required to attend
school punctually aud regularly: to
conform to tho regulations of tho
school, and lo obey promptly all the
directions of the teacher; to" observe
good order aud propriety of deport
ment; to be diligent in study, respect
ful to teachers, and kind and oblging
to school-mates; to refrain entirely
from the use of profanity and vulgar
language, and to bo cleau aud neat in
person aud clothing.
Any pupil who shall, in any way
cut or injure any fences, trees or out
buildings belonging to any school,
or shall write auy profane language,
or make auy obscene pictures on tho
school premises, shall be liable lo
suspension, expulsion or other punish
ment, according to the nature of tho
The removal of tho life service sta
lion building at North Cove was com
pleted on last Friday. Tho station
stands about 500 feot north from
where it formerly Btood, out of danger
of being washed away. The need of
its removal was that it stood in close
proximity to- tho bank, which has
washed away by action of the tides,
about 50 yards iu the last three years.
The wash was rapidly approaching
the station. A new cottage for the
captain of tho station is now being
erected at North Cove, and Capt John
Brown will remove there with his
family aud occupy it as soon as it is
completed, which wil probably bo by
Deccinberl, lSSo.-PaciJi: Journal, 'J.
A 15 ii li on a Drugstore.
Never was such a rush made for any
Drug Store as is now at Y. E. Dement
& Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consuniplion,
Coughs and Colds. All persons affected
with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness,
Severe Coughs, or any affection of the
Throat aud Lungs, can get a Trial Bot
tle of this great remedy free, by call
ing at above Drug Store. Regular sizo
Edixob Mist:
In the recollections of an early set
tler of Columbin county, published iu
your issue of May 15, ho states that
the first salmon fishery in the county
was established below Oak Point by
Jotham Beed, who afterward asso
ciated with him Thomas Hodgkius.
This is a mistake of the writer. The
first fishery at Oak Point was
commenced by Mr. Thomas Hodgkins
and I. C. Landers in the spring of
1S53. Mr. Hodgkins camo from Bath,
Maine, where he had bsen eugaged iu
the fishing business Ho brought
with him a gill net, aud he, with Mr.
Lauders, commenced driftiug for
salmon with his gill net that spring.
This was undoubtedly the first gill
net used in tho Colnmbia river, and
was the commencement of what
proved to ba one of the most import
ant industries on the river. Pre
vious to that time tho salmon fishing
was confined to catchiug them with
seines, mostly or altogether by the
Indians with seine3 made by them
selves out of the inner bark of a tree
cedar. I think, but am not sure.
The fish were, very plentiful, but
there were not many fishing places
on tho river. All I can remember at
that time were at Chinook, Tenas
Hlahe, Oak Point, Kanicr, and a place
still used for seining just below the
mouth of the Willamette, on the
Washington side. This last was a
noted place for Indians' fishing, where
several tribes annually gathered for
that purpose. The Cascades was al
ways a great fishing station, but I am
now speaking of the lower river.
Ono of tho best places on tho river
for the purpose was at Oak Point,
on the Oregon side aud here let mo
explain why there are two Oak Points
opposite each other. When Vancou
ver's first officers explored the river
they found a grovo of oak trees ou
the mainland ou the south side of the
river. Being Iho first oak trees
found they named it Oak Point
When tho saw mill was built on tho
opposite side of the river it was gen
erally called the Oak Point mill, aud
when a postoflice was established
there it was called tho Oak Point of
fice. So, though there aro no oak
trees and no ''point" there it still goes
by the namo that belongs to tho op
posite side of the river.
Mr. Hodgkins saw the advautagc3
the placo possessed for a fishing sta
tion and established himself there to
carry on that business. Himself and
Mr. Landers both took donation
claims, and after the June freshet of
1S53 built three fish traps opposite
the shore of their claims, tho first
salmon traps built on tho Columbia
rivor. Tho first traps built did not '
prove a success, not being strong
enough to stand the swift current of !
the river during the freshets of June.
Iu the spring of 1S5I Jotham Beed j
was associated with Hodgkins and S
Landers, haviug a third interest in '
the business, and in the fall of that
year they built a trap that withstood
the ilood and was very successful. In
the fall of 1S55 Mr. Landers sold his '
claim to Jotham Boed and his inter- '
est in tho business to Hodgkins &t
Beed, aud the business has been car
ned ou there since that time. Mr.
Hodgkiii3 went back to his old home
iu Maine for a time, but returned and
resumed the business at his old
claim aud still continues it, having
associated with him, since the death
of Mr. Beed, Mr. Ball, the firm now
being Hodgkins & Ball. James Quiun
bought a portion of Iho claims of I
Eben Weill and has built several I
traps opposite the above, so that the i
whole shore is still, as of old, a noted '
In June, 1SGG, Mr. Wm. Iluiiie, who !
was at that lime engaged iu canning
salmon on the Sacramento, visited
tho Columbia to examine tho fisher
ies, and, after examining several of
them, concluded to remove here from
the Sacramento, and in the fall of that
year his partners, A. S. Hapgood and
George W. llnmo came up from Cali
fornia, took up the land on the north
bank of the river and built tho first
salmon cannery at the place where.
Wm. Ilumo still carries on the busi
ness, and in the same buildings first
erected for that purpose, with very
iittlo addition. Messrs. Hapgood and
Hmno were the pioneers in the busi
ness of canning salmon on this coast,
if not iu the world, and to their enter we arc indebted for tho immense
business in that line which is now
carried ou along the river, giving
employment to many thousand people.
So this neighborhood o.f Oak Point
was whero this great business was
first started, both in catching and
canning salmon. Oak Point also
has the honor of having had the first
honso built by white meu iu Oregon
erectel on it In 1S03 Captaiu Mathcw
Winship, in the Grig Albatross, came
up the Colnmbia river on a trading
expedition and selected Oak Point in
Oregon, as a tradiug post He built
a house, cleared laud aud planted a
garden; but the annual riso in the
river in June came over his ground,
inundating tho house and garden,
which disarranged him so much that
he moved every thing back to his
vessel and left the river, going to San
Fraucisco. A.
Proper Treatment Tor Coughs.
That the reader may fully understand
what constitutes a good Couch and
Lung -Syrup, we will say that Tar and
Wild Cherrv is the base of the best rem
edies yet discovered. These Ingredi
ents with several others equally as effi
cacious, enter largely into Dr. Uosanko's
Cough ami Lung Syrup, thus making it
one of the most reliable now on tho mar
ket. Price 30 els. and $1.00. Samples
free. Sold by J. V. Conn.
Do Ytiii Thiiilc that Jotr" ol
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink'.' "Not
much T5 but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. Jle buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it.'
All the patent medicines advertised
iu this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
lie bought at the lowest prices, nt J.W.
Conn's dru-i store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
Financial Results of the State Fair.
Tho total receipts of the recent
state fair amounted to S15.656.10; total
expenses, S3.0S0.66: premiums for tri
als of speed, S5.250; balance, S7.325.-
fcL This is exclusive of tho So,000
appropriated by the state for pre
miums outsido of the speed pro
gramme. This S5.000 and the amount
of the premiums will about balance.
From tho S7,025.ilr the board paid
the $4,500 personal noto given to pay
tho premiums of the fair of two years
ago, with interest, amounting iu all
to $4,960. They also paid the interest
on the mortgaged debt of the society,
amounting to about $1,290. The
balance on hand to tho credit of the
board in tho bank is now $1,165.11.
This will go over to help pay tho ex
penses of the next fair and salary of
fno secretary. Tho bill passed by tho
legislature piovided that the state
printer should furnish printing to
the amount of $500, and the amount
taken slightly exceeded that sum at
tho rate allowed by law. Ore
gon ian, 3.
Test Your BaMpg Fowfler To-Day S
rnmjs a-l-rertiscd sa sbsoJctdj- pcra
TLico a can tcp tfotm on a hot ftnt-o i-ntll
rr.itMl.thcn rt-motothecovernnilMnell. Achpci
!twHI not bo required to detect tlio presenco -f
Ill llfaltiralntii Has NEVER R-tn QarUiostJ.
n a million liotnrs for aquartcr of accctury it
iu ttood the container's reliable teat.
Price Bakfcs: Powder
Dr. Price's Special Fbvoring Extracts,
The sirosscsi. met dcllrioti and natural
Price's Lupuiin Yeas Gams
1 it Ucht, Healthy Kread.Tho Best Drv Ho?
Vi-ast In tUo vorlJ.
The neat dry hop yonst in tho world.
Brond raiaod by this yeaat Is Hght.whlte
and -.vholosomo liko our graridmothor'3
delicioiia. bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
KanTts ol Dr. Plica's special naYormz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louio, Mo.
Xo. . .Yorlh I'ront Sf.. INirlland.Or.
Iiiipoiters and Dealers in
Wood-working BEachinery,
Z!,.?KKS. ?IOIiI:RS.
rinxiu-iiaiiffrins: Jiaoiiiites,
Ej'iilifs. IJorin-r 3Iael-iiurJ,
ISantl r-intVH, Scroll Snivs.
Rubber and Leather Belting',
Warrants. deeds, uiortgaijcs, etc. A
Hill liiu- of legal blanks nit liantl at this
Manufactured only by tliu California
Fig Sjruj) Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True. Laxative. This
iikiu-ant liquid fruit remedy may be
had or E. Dement Co, at fifty cents
or mie dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and eueetive remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and liowels gently
jet thoroughly; to dispel Jleadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Foi Dyspepsia ami Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
b.KIe of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Jt never
fails lo cure. Sold by W. li. Dement.
The Oalj- Icrlcet Kcmctly
For habitual constipation, dyspepsia
and kindred ills, is the famous 'liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. J t strength
ens as well as cleanses the system, it is
easily taken and perfectly harmless.
For sale by W. K Dement & Co.
Shiloh's Catarrh lli-meUya posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Cup.k will immediately
relieve Croup, Whoopintj Couidi, anil
Bronchitis. Sold by v . E. Dement & Co
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price TiO cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
For Kent.
A fine room furnished or unfurnished.
Apply at residence of Capt. Whitcomb.
Tho Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Uour
bon, Ind., says: "Hoth myself and wife
owe our lives to Shiloh's Co.vsumitiox
Cum:." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussior of San Francisco
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Trice 50 cent-;. Masai Injector free.
For salo by V. E. foment.
V. JjUssicroiSan Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
itDui rrj3
In? ft n fin iii fn I nil" I
Great Reduction
Wp have received from the manufacturers direct 20 Bales of
Woolen Yarns in all the different grades and makes.
German Knitting Worsted, .,
Germantown Wool,
Wool Knitting- Yarns,
Saxony Yarn, 0 and -1 fold, . .-...
Shetland Wool and Floss,
Victoria Zephyrs, 2, 4 and S fold,
Chcneilles, etc.
lbs. ot the very best
reduced to $1 .00 per
lbs. Germantown Wool reduced to So cents per
lb. Former price $1.25.
lbs. Saxony Yarn, $1.S.) per lb. or 12i cents
per hank.
as f I
viciona zepnyr
tgThe above goods
the very best brands in the
P. S. We are reeiving the Latest Novelties in the
market per every steamer, selected by Mr, Copper who
is at present in San Francisco.
r u
The Leading
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parhcrllonsc, Ulain St..
Tor a tln,t-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
ami hygienic Shampoo, etc.
Alter September 1st I will be prepared to
iiKinufaeture all kinds of hair work.
II. I)u PAKK, Prop.
Fine Stationery, Blank Books, Scliool Books and Supplies,
Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties.
AU Publications Received as Soon as Published.
Candy and Notions, Good Cigars
and Tobacco, at
aTv-trdir ! riin i
Gents' Furnishing Store!
-The Best Place
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns inlhisfllsli, French
:usl American suitings, which will be made up to order First Class or
Equal to Aiij-tliiit;-; in the State!
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
A. Xut?so Assortment o DECAtsS
German Knitting Worsted
lb. Former price $1.50.
in cniflo 1-o i4 ?. a 1 - L
per oz. or 25c per package.
we guarantee full weight and
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Com po untied
ScnsiIo - Oregon
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
in the City to Buy-