1 VOL. XXIV, NO. 74. iCS J. JLVJUl., Uii crnTT rv T?I?nYV I71in. V S17PrrT?.rR!7R O. IQQi: PRICE. FIVE CENTS. JJVaVJ.ll JL MIJ.I.1. J. UJUA JLJLJJ.1JLJLJLJJLI. ,-, J UUUi TSfr?-- iL-PLf iii 5i i in i i i ii""ss&sfe:'-Xi 'ii i in i i ni in BUSINESS CARDS. T"R. A. Ia. and .1. A. FULTOX. Plij'siciansantl Surgeons. Will give prompt attention to all rails fjoin any part of the city or country. Office oter Allen's Store, corner Cass and Smieiiioqun streets, Abtyria, Oiegou. Telephone No. 4t. D K.FKAXK IAK. i'hyIInn nnd Mnrs;poii. Office, Koom C, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. Okkick Hours : -9 to 11 a. m. ;-3 to 5 i. m. Residence, opposite the Johansen building TTVIt. EiOCKHART. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON'. Ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Atoiia, Oregon. GKO. A. DOItKI.S. OKO. XOLAND SOI,AXI & DORRLS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OM.-e In Kiiuiey'.s Block. pposilf Cit Hall. Astoria, Oregon. W. l'UI.TOX. C. FULTON. A ITORNEI'S AT LAW. Itoi.ins 5 and (5. Odd Fellow Uulhllu. GRI.O F. IAIlKE:t SURVEYOR OF Clatftop County and Oily ir Antoria Office : X. E. comer Cass and Alor Mieets, Itoom No. 8. Tq. A. BOWLKY. Attorney and :oyn--Hr t inv. OlhVc on Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. TAY TUTTiiK. 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Office Rooms 1, 'J. and 3. Tythian Bulld- J!R. Hesidkn'CK On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. K I'. HICKS. A. K-SHW KIICKS A SII I w. DENTISTS. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. jy K. Sl'EDDKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, Senrelierof Titles. Almtrnotor am! Conveyancer. Ollleo on Gass Street. 8 doors south of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! E. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OUEGOX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. 11. until 3 o'clock J. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual BeducUou System by the Saiem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., limited Is the only flour that has taken First Prize three years in succession at the POHTL.AXI) MECHANIC'S PA I It. Also at SUnte Fair. One trial is sufficient to convince of itssupo liority. .".ee that the word CAPITOL is on each sack GEOUGE SHI EL. 8 Stalk St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. LOEB &-00. JOSU'.KltS IN WINES, LTQUOSS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. fSSAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker" House. Astoria, Oregon. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom it may concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate of M. D. Kant, an insolvent : and all peisons having claims against taid insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee properly verified .at his office at 1'. A. Stokes & Co's, in the cltv of Astoria, Clat sop county, state of Oiegou, within three montlis from this date. PHILIP A STOKES, Astoria, September 2, 1885. For Rent. THE SALOON KNOWN AS "THE COL orado," on Chenamus, between Benton and Main. Saloon fixtures for sale or to Jet. Apply to WM. LOEB. ffi (HO 13S3 liTl Irzh &M fi B.9 KJfe&ib HSR msm CURES RheuTrialism, Keuralgia, Sciaiic: Lumkgs. Dschaclte. Kcpdsche.Toolhacho, Soro ThraJ, SiT"-IIhir:. ?m!i. UrzXt , i?.n aUj eTiim: i:oiju Piiss asd aw.t-: Soil ly Drul" " l"lirj CT-riwe. TBIj f lntlle. Iirei'ji.i Ju II 1-cn.ui; . t::i: rtiAKi.:: a. vo:fc'u:r in. (SuMiir.uA. VVt.U.12j i tt-Hlno-r. l TUTT TORPSD BOWELS. DISORDERED LSVE2?5 and MALAREA. From t hc&e sources arise threo-fonrlb s of the diseases of the human nice. These symptoms imlicato their existence. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Klcli Heailaclie, fuIIncT ivftcr tat itijr, aversion to excrtien of boily os mind, E rue tat Ion of font, Zrritalil ityoftcmpcr,roxvi!pirits,AfccIIni of IiavInjjneKlected sonic duxy,li zliie3S,Flutterlngattlicireart.Io!a before the eyts, Iilghly colored tJrIne,COASTlPATIOX,an(l demand thousoofaremedythatnctsdirectlvon the Liver. As aLivcrinerticineTDTT'S 1'IL.I.S have no cnual. Tin ir action on the Kidneys and fckin i3 also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three scavengers cf tlie systeia," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stoolB, a clear nkln nnd a vig orous body. TCTT'S PSIjTS cause no nausea oi griping nor interfere "witli daily work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. hold ereryvriierc2jj. OlHee 4 1 liturn j St-N V. HMOYI l"Jl?V ITTn rtTrtIICTr"T"3 otntimiil . stantly toaGtossr I'.Lvik by a single application of this Ore. SoM by Drug- 'nsts,or sent by exiircss on receipt of $L Ofiico, 44 Murray Street, New York. rjiraaAKgAL or u:zrsii szssi?r3 rsss. Holdens uclioii Nooms f Established January 1-f, 1S77. E. C. IIOLDEX. Heal Estate and General Aitclintn-cr and Commission iYierchcnt, Chena'nus StrwL - Astoria, Orivw. Auction Kile of Sundries i-wry Satiirdav at 10 i) a. M at mv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of ilea' Estate. Cattle, and Fainrng Mock ln-icer il" sircd. Cafch Uetunxs I'roraptlj D'.ciloatttr.tlrs. Consignments respect firth solicited. Notary Public for Hie Mali r Ort-j:on Comiuisslouer or DeeiN fr Wa.liito Ten itory. Agent for Daily and Weekly On;ujin. THE FINE AMERICAN SHIP 4,.I0IIN T. KERRY," Nowenniute fro n San rmn- cLscoanddne licit', will follow the Ulrmah in our direct lineof Salmon Vessels From Astoria to Liverpool. For rates of freight and inMirawcnpph t ME Elf, WILSON & CO.. Portland, Or. -TO THE- YOUNG PEOPLE! Of Oregon sm! TV:ishi:ist'. You Live in ?-n EdLcaUnal Age. Your Place and Success in L fe diwul largely upon your Ir.uu.u in School. XX SPLITS To sjend time in srhool. He thit lakes t nit to grind his -cj Ihe.cuts moie gntss ami dees a better Job. THE OPPORTUNITY IS YOURS. Pacific University, at l'Viv-t Jrv U read v t ogive yoii sucli help as ou need. Forest (5 rove is easy of nc'ivss, lleallhrul:uidi:eautilirt TAKE YOUR CHOICE IN ACADEMY, COLLEGE. MUSIC. AR T, PEN MANSHIP. MILITARY DRIL!, PHYSICAL CULTUItE. Adifcntaces Good. Teaching Thorough. Ex pensrLIght . Educate yourself at Tualatin Acadeniv and Faclfic. Unlverlly. School Year oi ens Sept. 2, 18S5. Send for Calahtgue, to .1. F. ELLIS. Forest (J rove, or. Notice. mAKE NOTICE ALL WHOM THIS MAY X concern, that I the under.-igued have and do claim the NW " of section us, town ship 8 N, range 8 W, 1G3 acres. I request all parties not to trespass ou the above men tioned laud or its effects, as I have given sufficient proofs of mv rights through the United States Land Ome in Washington City. District or ColumbH. d-w JOHN ROGERS. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing be tween John Stephansnn and C. Carlson, un der the tirm name of Stephansou & Car'son, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .1. fctephanson retires fiom the business and C. Carlson remains, and all bills due the firm are to be jiaid to C. Carlson and he will set tle all claims acauist said firm. I will pay no bills from this date unless contracts i on my personal or written order. C. CARLSON. Astoria, Oregon, ScpL 19tli, 1P&I. For Sale. A COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOMED house and lot, well situated. Cash takes a bargain. Inquire at this office. wn r-a ..vL .; jj Wsm sss "y ZTott Women May Understand. "Well, you know men understand about Buch things." How often dovreuear this sentence from the lips of -women, when any question of politics or business is un der discussion, and in how many different -ways and tones it is uttered. Sometimes it is said with an apolo getic and self-depreciatory manner, as if because men "knew about things" was a good and sufficient reason why women should not ; some times tho air of the speaker is one of discouragement, that seems to say it's really no use to try, under the circum stances; while others still will speak in a grave and serious way, as if they were simply statins a s'cientfic and physiological fact which no one would bo unreasonable enough to deHy, and concerning which there was no need for anj' display of feeling whatever. Women of the last class are per haps the most "ageravating," for they seem to believe that whatever a man knows about the subjects men tioned above, and other matters re lating to the conduct of evcry-day affairs, he knows by intuition "or in stinct ; that it comes" to him in some mysterious way because he. is a man. It is not perhaps necessary that she should be able to converse'fluent Iy about "margins" and "cot ton futures," although I know several bright women who are all the more attractive and no less womanly be cause they can at least listen intelli gently to talk on these m: 'tors; and it may not be imperative for her to be prepared to give at a moment's notice an exhaustive opinion upon the advisability of the" govennent's granting subsidies as an encourage ment to infant industries in lieu of maintaining a high protective tariff. But she should know how to use a "railway guide" and look after her own baggage in traveling, cash a check at a bank, or send a telegram in a rational manner, and without asking more than fourteen questions of whatever unfortunate man happens to be near. These, and the other everj'-day matters of which they are types, arc fundamental, like the three It's in book knowledge, and a girl or woman ought to be as ashamed of be ing ignorant of the one as the other. But women are to be wives and mothers, you say ; they are to be lov ingly cared for and all burdens and cares of this world outside their homes are to be taken from them by their natural protectors. Well, granted. Suppose each woman in tnc land marries and herhusband lives longer than she does and is all that a hus band should be, so that there are no old maids, nor widows, nor disap pointed wives, who would, of course, have to earn their own living, or at least, manage their own affairs. What then? Women have still no excuse or reason for ignorance. They are to be companions and helpmeets for their husbands, and how many of these latter have hardly a thought or an interest in their lives that is not comprised in the two words "busi ness" and "politics." If the wives know nothing of these subjects, what sort of companions csm they be? And as to the children, will the boy have less or more respect for his mother and her wishes and authorilj if she can sometimes explain what lie is so eagerly desirous of knowing about men and things, instead of iriving the stereotyped reply, "Oh, ask your father, "child ; I don't know." But to return to our text of how a woman may "understand about things"; the answer may be gath ered from what has already been said. Let her go to work as a man does, let her read and think for herself and talk with those who know more of the subjects to be pursued than her self. Let her observe and compare, and, above all, acquire experience by accustoming herself to do things in dependently until she has become self-reliant and has a sound, well trained judgment that will make her her own mainstay and a sheet-anchor ol sensible and helpful counsel to all around her. A dress for the Queen of Italy has just been forwarded to Koine from a leading Parisian establishment. It is of satin in a new and delicate shade of pink, brocaded in white, with a pattern representing interlaced cords and lassols. Tho skirt-front was composed of pale pink satin, laid in flat folds just beneath the waist and caught in graceful draperies at the sides of the train with looped cords of pale pink silk, finished in. long, slender tassels in silk and pale pink beads. This frontage was finished with a fringe to correspond, which fell over two ruffles of narrow Mechlin lace. The greatest rag-shipping port for this country is Hull, from which 39, 000 bales were sent to New York in 18S4. Then comes Londou with 25, 000 and Hamburg with 11,000, but no other port sent over 5,009. The value of all paper stock imported was near ly $15,000,000. The number of fossil plant specie -now known is estimated to be not less than 9,000, and may be considc -ably greater. A catalogue of a : which have been described down fo the present year is beiug prepared at the National museum. In Birmingham, England, a com pany has been organized for tli novel purpose of distributing to tin manufactures of the town air stron'y compressed at a central station. There is no hope for dudes. A French scientist claims to manufac ture artificial brains. Tho Yuuug Surgeon's Story. Again I beheld her two years of dissipation, of madness, had "passed, and once more I saw her whom I had so basely deserted. It was at the opera she sat in a box near me, and though the pale ness of her cheek gave her an almost unearthly appearance, I saw that she was lovely as ever. All eyes were upon her all but mine ; for one glance had called up so many painful recollections that I dared not risk a second. I felt my self a guilty wretch. "Poor Emily 1" I murmured, as tears of bitter remorse filled my eyes. I was interrupted by H , who, touching my elbow, whispered: "Look in'that box on the right. Is it not extraordinary to see a young girl with such white hair?" I turned impatiently from him; but so many remarks of the same kind were whispered by those near me, that the words seemed to hiss in my ears. "I'll beta dozen of champagne." said one of my neighbors, "that she has been friglitened. Pear has been know to turn the hair gray in a single night." "You are mistaken," said another. "No sudden shock could have changed it so completely. I am a surgeon and know something about these things ; it is more likely the result of some secret sorrow."" "Perhaps she is a widow," said a third, "and has fretted for the loss of herhusband?" If the look with which I regarded tho last speaker could have killed him, there would have been one puppy the less in the world. "irour conjecture does not seem to be a very probablo one," said the surgeon; "she looks too young for a widow. I should say she was not more than seventeen or eighteen." "Just eighteen!" exclaimed I, in voluntarily. "Do you know the young lady, sir?" he asked, turning to me. I was silent, and he continued. "If the study of physiognomy is to be de pended on, an unrequitted passion is the cause of the calamity." At these words I could no longer restrain my feelings. "Be silent, for heaven's sake!" 1 exclaimed, grasp ing his hand convulsively. "1 am the greatest villain on the" face of the earth!" He looked at me in astonishment; but just then the curtain again rose, and the clang o.f music drowned all other sounds. While everybody's attention was drawn to the perform ance, I took courage to look once more at Emily. How beautiful she was, as she sat with her gaze fixed on the stage. So young, and already grief had "decked "her brow with the silvery badge of age! Could it be? Was it she whom I saw? Her golden hair chaugedto white by grief for my inconstancy ! The play was over mechanically I rose to go. As I reached the door one my friends hurried to meet me. "How long have you been re lumed?" said he. ''Did yon know that Emily was in town? I saw her just now. Good heavens ! how it has changed her!" "It has, indeed!" said I with a groan, "dreadfully, awfully changed her!" "Of course you know the cause?" "Too well! too well I am the cause?" "You! What! Did vou persuade her to do it?" "To do what?" "Why, don't you know that fancy ing her hair had a red tinge, she was persuaded to use the new Victoria dye, which has turned it white? Still, as her husband docs not mind it, why" "Her husband?" "Yes, that handsome young fellow there leading her out of the box." Feeling as if my own hair might bo turning white that minute, I left. Mothers. There are upon the kin f ever) human beliif, cl M and :clult alike, 2,30o OuO pores. Through t! t-r pores in the form .f iusciif i hle pcisiiTitioii, is expelled more than one quarter of the nourishment taken Into the sjsim. The.imporlai ce of keeping open these per-piration valves upon a child's body is second only to Unit of proms.t!y digesting the food eaten. It was lo open the pores of the kin xnd to assimilate the lood that Dr. Pitch- r formulated Caslnrla. Loose bowels, constipation, fevers and eruptions which are so constant among infants and cluldien, and which kill cnc-tiiird of all children before they are five year old, arhc principally from lliesc two causes. It is from the won derful results attendant upon the use of Castotia in regulating the stomachs and bowels and keeping open the pores of the skin, that C.istoiia acquired its world wide reputation. AVitli plenty cf water for the body, pure air for the lungs and Castoria to assimilate the food, there need be no unac counted for sickness nmoDg children. Cas toria is a vegetable prescription without morphina or other narcotic property. Thirty j ears extensive use has given L a history never attained by another medicine. Buffalo has a business firm named Irish & English. Why should sufferers from rheu matism undergo the fatigue of travel in order te got to the mountain s or tho seashore, when they can stay at home and be cured by St Jacobs Oil? Echo answers why. A Swedish Go diva. The 2d of February in Sweden is considered the midwinter day. In the era of paganism it was a great festival in honor of the heroine Goa or Goja, deified under the name of Disa, to whom the whole month was consecrated besides. The legend of Goa is very curious. It states that at one time when the country was visited by a frightful famine, the Thing, or national as sembly, decided that, in order to al leviate the general distress, it would be necessary to put to death a part of the population, especially the old and infirm. Goa alone dared to pro test loudly ; and claimed to be able to propose a means of remedying the dearth, which would prove more efficacious as well as more humane. The King ordered the execution of the decree to be postponed; but in the interim, desiring to test the sa gacity of the young girl, and to con found her audacity, he sent her wor.! he Avould only receive her on condi tion that she would come to hit dwelling neither on foot nor on hors back, nor in a vehicle ; neither dressed nor undressed ; neither in the course of the year nor during any paticular month; neither by day nor by night. Goa solved the enigma. She came to the King's house on a sledge drawn by a goat, holding on to the side of the sledge, with one leg resting on the pole of the sledge, the other on the goat. She wore a fishing net only in lieu of garments; and she came exactly at the epoch of the solstice, when the month is still un determined, at the time of a full moon, but while it was yet twilight Being permitted to speak, she a! vised that the old and infirm, in He-; of being exterminated, should 1 merely sent to the still unpeople t parts of the country, where they would be able to obtain tnc means ot existence without being any burdi-ti to the community. The King liked the advice ; and as the adviser had charmed him by her beauty and her wit, he took her for his wife. Here, There. Everjulicre, Malaria is found. Even where the disease Is not prevalent where the general condition of the surro.mding locality may Dc favorable to health, i-olated cases may exist. Bad drainage, a damp cellar, the escape of sewer gas.theexLtance of masked cess pools, prox imity to stagnant water all these are fre qmnt causes, and what town or city of any magnitude is free from them. Hostelter's Stomach Hitters, whether in town or country whether the germs of the disease dcrelope cither ihc bilious remittent or Um intermit tent form, or that in g.itivc. sluggish, but not less obstinate type called dumb ague. Is equaLy efficient, both as a prcventitlve and a remedy. Had dluestiun. biliousncis. con stipation, a want of vitality, are also reme died ny it, ami me nnppiot results may be sureh anticipated from Its use. Tor the re lief or ih Mini.itiwn, kidney and bladder com plaints, and nervousness, accompanied by a lack ef appetite and .sound repose. It is biianit and agreeable. MARKETS. mm & THOMPSON. DKALEItS IN FRESH AMD CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. 35I13L1 Peed, 3E2to, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, lYsh and Cured Meats, ITegotafoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEL, CHBXA3IIIS Street. Astoria, Off. Washington Market. ' Slain street, Astoria, Oregon. BEK6A & CO, rilOritlETOJIS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX tion or the public to the fact that tho above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. CSSpecial attention given to supplying ships. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe, north British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S67, OOO OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Agent. BARBOUR'S: rish Flax Threads HAVE NO gjHBBIVy jJk)HigJw UKAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT TIIE VARIOUS International Expositions TITAN TIIE GOODS OF ANY OTIIER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! Expert Meriei Use i Oilier ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS FOR TACIPiC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. .Especially fitted up for tho Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. It. T JEFFREY, rrop'r. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlaa. AND Copper. HIM b'O FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAUER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at I P. M. "VLn additional trip will be made- on ui v uciot. bwhs- nerniDjp. for Sound ports. EQUAL ! ERvtH ratp The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TIIE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPEIETOR J. H. D. GKAI, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKNEIt MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. Sunday of Each W'celc, leaving Portland rassengers dj this route connect at Kalama Transportation Company. u. B. SCOTT, President n t V