C33 "".ASTORIA, OBEGOy TUESDAY SEPTEMBER i2. 1SS5 ISSUED EVERY MOBKINgT (Monday excepted) J. F. HALL.ORAN & COMPANY, ruitLisiiKiis xsn ntorniKTOiis, A STOI1I AN BUILDUP G, - - CAS5 bTR 111 Terms of Subxcriptioii. Served by Carrier, per vcck.......... Joels. Kent by Mail, per month .... (VtcLs. " " one year .....$7.00 Fre? of postage to subscribers. I-Advertisements inserted by lite year at the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, eacb mseition. ftotlce To Advertisers.. The Astoriax guarantees to it- ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper miblhhed on the Columbia river. This paper is on file at the St. Charles Jlotel, Portland, Or. This is a world of change. The "Knights of Labor" are 400 strong at Seattle. First day of Autumn; sun rises, 5:17; sun sets, 5:57. The Occident Packing company ad vertises its annual meeting on the 4 th prox. State prohibitionists have issued a call for a meeting at Salem next Thursday. In Portland 3,030 children attend the public schools. Last year 3,022 were enrolled. Jas. "Williams, of Tanzy Point, is putting up salmon at Tacoma, at the rite of 500 cases a week. The News says that one-cent pieces are finding their way into contribu tion boxes in Portland churches. A Portland stock company has or ganized with a capital stock of 50, 000 to build and maiulain a hospital in that city. Tho Ancon is now being repaired at Victoria, and when ready will start carrying grain from Portland to Sua Francisco. There are those who think that should Gov. Moody call an extra session, John H. Mitchell would be the senatorial result The Commoner is the namo of a proposod new Democratic paper at Colfax, V. T., alleged to bo backed by a capital of $3,000. Tho Willamette, coal laden, ar rived in yesterday afternoon. The Sulitelma sailed. The T. F. Quizes, previously reported, araived in. The Puget Sound Navigation com company is trying to establish a busi ness between Tacoma, Seattle and points on each side those places. "Jeff." who went to Portland on the Telephone yesterday, says he ingo ing is open a now restaurant before long, and that it will be "the boss." Nails have followed the example of sugar and have gone up 55 cents a keg. Potatoes and salmon are still cheap, and drift wood is plenty on the beach. It is understood that a new hos pital is shortly to bo built at Ft. Can by, direotly opposite tho present hos pital which will bo used for the adjutant's office. Job printing at this office just as cheap, and fully as good, as anywhere in Oregon. From Chicago comes 2,100 lbs fine stock, bought "way down," for cash; our patrons get tho benefit of low prices. The latest addition to The Asto Aste ria: museum is a petrified fish, from the Bear's Paw mountains of north ern Montana. This fish was fond on the summit of these mountains, 7,000 feet above the sea, by the donor and is a remarkable curiosity. Tho Welcome says that not over one-sixth of the value of property in Portland has been even nominally as sessed, and that the small property holders comprising about one-fourth of the property value with the various licenses, pay three-fourths of tho city taxes. Last Sunday's S. F. Chronicle says it is stated on good authority in rail road circles that the Oregon Pacific proposes to commeuco work in a month ou its eastern extension to Boise City, L T., there to connect with the Chicago and Northwestern from the east A newspaper is like n pretty woman in many respects. To be perfect it must be the embodiment of many rvnes. Its form is made up. It is always chased, although sometimes inclined to bo giddy. It enjoys a good press, the more rapid the bettor. It has a weakness for gossip. Talks a good deal. Can stand some praise. Is awfully proud of a new dress. 411 the work iu Johnson's Now Illustrated Famiiy Atlas of tho "World is by men of acknowledged superior ity in their several departments. The physical geography is by Guyot, whom Agassiz declared to bo tho greatest geographer living; tho re ligious department by Hitchcock; the statistical portion revised by tho librarian of congress; and the maps made from the most authentic gov- ernment surveys and foreign charts. The unusual operation of lithotomy was yesterday performed on a patient .UtlUieU. XiUBlIU, (111 Jl. AU.M 0 UUOHll the stone -weighing over an ounce. Stone in tho bladder is common in limestono countries where water be comes impregnated, but on this coast the diseaso is comparatively rare. This is believed to bo tho first case of the kind in this vicinity and tho sec ond in Oregon. The operation is one of the most delicate in surgery and one that few surgeons caro to be called to do. The "Washongal Railroad and Im provement company is the title of a new incorporation formed in Port land, tho object of which is to con struct a narrow gauge railroad from the Columbia river, at or near tho mouth of tho "Washongal river, Clark county, W. T., to tho Cascade range near Mount Adams, a distance of fifty miles. The incorporators are ex-Governor George L. Woods, Hon. John H. Mitchell, Messrs. "W. Cha- ney, F. M. Thayer, P. O. Chilstrom, A. N. Hamilton and W. H. Holmes. Tho capital stock is 8500,000, in shares of 510U. ullage Li. ). Tiioniau, civil service commissioner, and his assistants held an examination for would-be govern ment employes in Portland last Sat urday. There were nine persons pre seuted themselves, all men. Eight entered the examination for the gen eral departmental services and one the limited course. One also stood an examination in special branches designed for a position in tho geo logical survey. The examination lasted about four hours and tho pa pers will be sent to "Washington. Judge Thoman left vc3terdav for S fl at tie. A reliable gentleman, who returned recently from California, tells the Oregoni'in that he has it from the best authority that a combination ex ists iu California, which, backed by funds advanced by the bank of Ne vada, has caused farmers and other holders of grain to hold and store their grain in tho interior, waiting for better prices. For this reason, ships arriving in San Francisco have been unable to obtain cargoes, and it seems reasonable to suppose that the move ment of grain from Oregon to Cali fornia may be caused by the deadlock in San Francisco, which it is likely to relieve to some extent. Clark Longhrey caught a man in McCann's old building near O'Brien's hotel, at half past two yesterday morning, who had pawned a compass at JfcfFs restanrant the day before. As tho compass was one of the five stolen from A. G. Spexarth's last Fri day and as six revolvers which weie also stolen from that establishment, together with three compasses were found in tho man's pockets, there is a strong supposition that the man knows considerable about the burg lary. He gave his name at tho pre liminary examination as John Case, and was held in the sum of $300 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. TIIK T. F. OAKEs. The American iron ship T. F. Quizes, 1897, J. B. Clift master, arrived in yesterday afternoon from Wilming ton, Cal. bho is the second iron sail ing ship ever built in the United States, the Tillk E. Marine: which came hero on her first trip, and has been here since, being tho first. The two vessels were begun about tho same time at Roach's ship yard at Chester, Pennsylvania, and are con sidered to be fino vessels, the Quizes being the fiuer of tho two. An agent of the English Lloyds who made a survey of the vessel says there has not been a vessel bnilt in England for ten years that is of superior con struction. The Quizes presented a line sight off the bar yesterday. She carries a great spread of canvas; her masts are lorty; her mam-yard is ninety-six leot long and her fore-yard ninety-four feet. She is a beautiful vessel and attracted considerable attention yes- terdav afternoon as she lay in the stream iu front of tho city. This is her first visit to the Columbia river. She will load wheat for Queenstown and can carry 2,900 tons. runrriM: tins evem.nu. Astoria, Sept. 21, 1SS3. "We, the undorsigned, deeming Wm. McCormick's plans for towing boats through the Cascades, of sufficient importance, heroby call for a meet ing of the citizens of Astoria and vi cinity, at the rooms of the Astoria chamber of commerce this evening at 730 r. m., to take steps towards in vestigating their merits with a view to raising means for putting them in operation. S. Abkdt & Febcuun, I). Moiir-AX, Jr. J. O. A. Bowles Fovcui Stokes, H. B. Pakkck, 1. J. Goodman. 15. Yak DrsKN, S. Ei-mobe, E. It. Hawes, L. Wilson, Bozoirni &, Johns, W. W. FabeisS C. Led-exwkbeb, J. O. Haxtiiobn, W. S. Kxkkiiy, Ij. C. K.INTCEY, Jas. W. Welch. J. W. IIuhe, Jons IIobsox, Auo. C. Kinxev, J. H. D. Gbat, IS. J. 110T.DKX, J. B. Wyatt. I'ASTEi: MAIL .EBV!CL. Astoria, Sept. 15, 18S5. Editor Asteriax: If I mistake not bids will be invited next month for the mail sorvice be tween Astoria and Portland for tho next four vears, beginning with Julv 1, 1SSG. Before the schedule shall be ar ranged the citizens of Astoria Should petition the department for quicker service. Twelve hours between tho two places is too long for this age. The Fleetwood and Telephone have demonstrated the fact that tho time oau be made in seven hours the year round, We would suggest that tho time be reduced to eight hours, six a. m. to two r. M. Fast Time. Wile Aim he Jlrii;;i(s. Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al v.ras alive to their business, and snaie nopains to secure the best of every ailicle in theh line. They have secured theagen cy for the celebrated Dr. King's New J)iseoery for Consumption. The only certain cuie known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free. Regular ii-e $1.00. Tor Unit. A fine io:in furnished or unfurnished. Apply at iCNidence of Capt. Whitcoinb. W. LussieroiSan Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A full line of legal blanks on hand at this office. IJringinp- Gladness To millions, pleasing their palates and cleansing their Systems, arousing their Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs and bowels to a healthy activity. Such is the mis sion of the famous California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50s. and Si bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. AN A WTUL M01TSTEE. NARROW ESCAPE OF THE HUXTERS. A Hideous I5ea.it Emcrpcs and Terrifies Three Highly Respectable Citizen. Last Saturday three gentlemen started from hero to go a hunting up Lewis and Clark's. They took with them in tho boat sundry refresh ments, ammunition, etc., and antici pated a very pleasant time. Yesterday one of them came in and told a weird tale. He was slightly incoherent, due probably to tho effect of fright, for his bright blue eye was slightly dim, and his erstwhile manly bass quavered like a wind-blown reed. Ho said that they had gone up Lewis and Clark's and after varying success they started home last Sun day evening. Just as the sun was setting they were rowing out from Lewis and Clark's into Youngs river, when one of the three exclaimed: "Bovs, lookout! Thero's a big log lying right ahead of us." "That's all right," said tho one who was at tho rudder; "we'll row over it." "What follows is best described by the narrator. Said he: "Wo thought was joking when he sung ont and so went along. Just as we got into Youngs river gave a yell mat mauo ovory hair on mv head stand straight up, His eye3 stuck out so far that they looked like hard boiled eggs, and ho kept yelling and pointing his finger at something ahead of us. I thought ho'd gone crazy first, then I looked over my shoulder. WhewF' Tho narrator paused and wiped away tho perspiration which dripped from his brow, and Tnc Astoriax man drew a long breath. "Well," w.-i3 the query at last, "What did you see." "Sonio thing I hope never to see again. I thought it was the devil, first Bight iu front of us in the water, not n hun dred feet away, was a long brown ob ject that looked liko a big log a-float- 111'. It seemed about ninety feet long. Quicker'u a flash the head of the Thing h'isted itself out of the water about ten feet. Ugh!' "What did the head look like?'' "Like nothing I ever saw on this earth before. Tho head was as big as a can buoy and shaped something like a buffalo's head, with horns in stead of ears. Its green eyes were as big as dinner plates, and it seemed to be cross-eyed mebbe that was be cause I was so scared. It had double rows of teeth, each tooth at least six inches long, and there was long hair on its neck just liko a horso'sjmaue." "What did you dor' "1 tried to think of some prayers, but the other fellows kept yelliu' so hard that I couldn't think of any thing to say. At last I turned the boat 'round aud started back up Lewis and Clarke's. The minute I did that the monster behind us be gan to squirt water over us through his terrible nostrils. Ho sent a stream of water over us as big and fast as .Rescue No. 2s ever did and tho boat began to fill. 'Bow for your life,' 1 shouted to tho other two. 'Bow your self aud ba ,' says the one near est me, aud with that ho jumps over board and strikes out for the bank. The other grabbed the oars aud I taking the remaining pair we sent the boat Hying. Then the monster fol lowed us, his head away up and ho a sqnirliu' water for all that was out. I got too seared to row and I says to , 'stick to tho boat; it's your only hope.' You see I thought the Thing wonld gobble him up it ho stuck, and I felt that ho was better prepared to die than me. I jumped overboard, and the next minute I heard a yell aud a splash. I thought it was all over with Joe, but I didn't look back and kept making for tho shore. I'd just got to the bank when I felt some thing grab my leg. I thought I was a goner and came near fainting. It was only Joe, though, and we got out of the way mighty quick, I tell you." "What became of the monster':" "We all hid and watched it Tho Thing swam up to tho boat, looked into it aud then squirted a bigger stream of water than ever. e lay Hat aud I could hear our hearts beat in' like drums. It the Thing had come ashore it wonld have got us sure, for wo were too weak to move.,' "Well, what did it do?" "It flipped its tail (a tail that looked liko a big iron fan,) right under tho boat and it went sailin' up in the air thirty or forty feet. "When it camo down, tho Thing caught it in its mouth and then started down towards Smith's point at the rate of about twenty knots an hour." The abovo interview wa3 written out at halt past two yesterday after noon. It was then read to ono of tho narrator's companions. He was asked if he wanted to make auy addi tions or corrections. "No," said he. "It's true, every word of it. Only I don't think I was as scared as ho says I was. I think he was the scaredest one of tho lot." The other was seen a little later. He said, "I don't want to say nuy thing about it, only this: Pll never go out with thoso two fellows in a boat again unless I kuow just what they are taking aboard in the way of refreshments' before we start." icjiiote iu Hcallii. Health is wealth. Wealth means in dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosan ko's Cough and Lung syrup, the best Cough byrup 111 tho world. Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron chitis a:id Primary consumption. One dose gives relief 111 ever case. Take no other. Price HO cents and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by .!. W. Conn. fiolil Plating. Wm- Armbruster, watchmaker and jeworer at Adler'.s Crystal Palace, is now prepared to do fine work in Gold and Silver Plating, at reasonable figures. Repairing of watches and jewelry done on shot t notice and at low figures by competent workmen, at Adlcr's Crj slat Palace. For a Real rilting Hoot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che nauius Mreet, next door to 1. W. Case. AH goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock ; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. f A POSSIBLE CLUE. Astoria, Sept 20th, 18S5. Editor Asteriax: The singular episode of the three men two of whom wero drowned on Tuesday, September Sth seems to call for tho publication of another very singular incident the more sin gular as it happened on the samo ev ening. It is this: At tho store of J. B. Osborn, on Young's river bay, wero collected several persons whose attention was attracted to a boat something like a fishing boat, by very loud and blasphemous talk in the boat, aud three men in it who seemed to pay little or no attention to the boat, it drifting whithersoever it might. Some of us thought they were fighling; but of this we conld not be sure, as they must have been from a quarter to a half mile distant from the store. This turbulent quar rel was kept up a3 long as they were in sight, and until the boat drifted out of sight, down the bay, toward the Columbia river, and for some time after they wero ont of sight A most singular incident in this connection is that nothing can bo learned of auy such men, or boat, or any such quar rel among auy persons up the river. E. Groves. J. B. Osborx. lORTLl!iI aULD00.S. Following is a partial list of Mult nomah county's heaviest taxpayers, for 1SS4 and 1885: 1SS5. 1SSI. J C Ainsworlh 2Cf ,97." S274.074 Allen and Litwis i,Ci 3i4,U7." Balfour, untune & Co.. 11,G1j BankofBritishColumbia 102,."00 190.SGO 203,300 BaIfour,Eornian & uath- no lio,iK Henry W Corbitt 239,073 Corbet fc Macleay 112,930 244,530 103,975 103,500 151,030 210,224 117,300 120,239 118,300 wJyOvU 506,090 109,400 101,800 149,523 332,200 174,430 133,800 Frank Deknm 3G,730 Dundee Mortgage- Co.... 59,973 Homy Failing 213,430 Geo H Flanders 119,030 RGlisan 133,700 Jacob Kamm 163,223 WSLadd 237,000 Lnddand Tilton 119.6S0 S Mead, Estato 144,000 N P Terminal & Co 314,030 O. Fire and M. Ins. Co. . 89,330 Or. Beal estato Co 133,110 Or.Imp. Co 100,000 Portland Savines Bank. 162,123 SGBccd 157,300 It R Thompson 214,100 The Prohibitionists' $177 Campaign Fund. Tho Pennsylvania prohibitionists aro said to have a campaign fund of S177 with which to dam the remorse less tide of rum. But dam it they can't with such a meagre amount of mone. JSorrmown Jlerala. Seasickness. Seasickness, iu the main, is caused by the rapidly varying pressure of blood ou tho brain, duo to tho up ward and downward motion of the ship. As the ship descends into the trough of the wave the pressure in creases; as she rises to the crest the J pressure diminishes, aud nausea is t!i natural nnd ordinnrv nniispnneiifn I of a sudden rush of blood from the brain. Great relief may often bo ob tained by lying on the side, with tho head resting on the breast and the knees drawn up as near as possible to tho chin. In this position, the var iation in the pressure of tho blood is reduced to a minimum, and tho stom ach aud its nerves in a great measure ; are protected from the vibrations of the ship. JJne!ilr:i.s Arnica Salvo. Tiis IJhsr Sai.vk in the world for CuLs, liritiae-:.S'ire.s,Ul'i'r.-,iaU Uheiini, bever bores, letter, I happed Hands, Chilblains Corns and all .Skin ICrup tions :ind positively eares I'llea, or 110 pay required. It is guaranteed to give nerftrl .satisfaction, or money refumled. Price 2T cents per box. For sale by V. E. Dement & Co. Sjri orFiK.. Manufactured only by thc California Fig Srup C. San" Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had or W. . Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidnejs ami Dowels gently vet thorough!; to dispel Hcadauhs, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. (let your photographs taken at Crow's gallery by W. Lussier of San Francisco All the patent medicines advertised in tliia paper, together witli the choicest perfumery, and toilet ai tides, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at. I. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hcte!, Astoria. what: S You Think liat 4-Je!I ot The Chop House (iives voir a meal for nothing, and a glass of HMiiething to drink V "Not "much !" hut he gives a better meal and nioreef it tlmn any place iu town for 2i ends. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. That settles it.' Will you sutler with Dyspepsia and Li wr Complaint.- Shiloh's Vitaiizer is uanil.teed to cun you. -sou u . r-:. Demo Sleepless Nights made miserable by that Jei rible cough. Slulolfs Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on jniaraiitee. It cures consumption. Sold hy W. E. De ment. Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7i cents per lo:ile. Sold hy W. E. DemenL Why will yon couiii when bhiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 ets and Si. Sold by V. li. De ment. allacl:metack.' a lustinjj .wul fra grant perfume. Price 2.i and fifl ccntA Sold by W. E. Dement. Kor lame Rack, Side or Chest ue Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 23 o-iit-. For sale by Yr. E. Dempnt. That I Jacking Coupd can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement. PEHS05AL. Mr. D. S. lv- Buick has. bought hc Eoseburg Flat' dealer. Lord LaudsdJJwne, tho governor general of Canada, "will be in Port land next month. Mr. J. W. Gearfmrt leaves this morning for the stato fair. He con templates a visit to. Foley springs be fore returning. Mr. Sutherland, of tTie Welcome, says he would rather run his presont paper than start a Democratic daily in Portland, and snggest3 that easy financial circumstances would make a good uewspaper of the Standard. Test Your BaMng Powfler To-Bay ! Brscds adrertlscd as absolutely pure COgT 'iq' s -rvrrvrf--i THE TEST: rite ft can top dotcn on a hot ioto mt!l ji(-2to!,then remove the ccrerand rmclU A chem ist will not bo required to detect tho presenco at Ammoaia. l$MM DOES KOT CONTAIN A3DI0XIA. IU Kttlikfclacts Has NEVER Betn QanUocti. Inamllilonhomesfornqunrtcrof accntury it ltoj stood tbe consumer's reliable teat, THE TEST OF THE GVEH, Price Batiug Powder Co., KAIHXSO? Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Exlrack, The strongest, most delicious aiU natural llavo r LnoTn , and Y: Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems 1 ur light, Healthy Uread.Tbo Best Dry Hop Yeast iu tho world. FOR SALE BY GP.OCERS, CHICACO. - ST. LOUIS-. Light Hejltbv Bread. 9- Tiio nest dry hop yoa3t In the world. Bread raised hy this yenat iq light.whita nnri wholcnomo liko our grandmother' dplicious hrcatl. CROCERS SELL THENl. rncPARCD or thc Price Baking Powder Co., HinTraol Dr. Price's special Fl3VflnnzEitrac!3, Chicago, ill. St. Louis, Mo. II. P. G11EG0RY & CO. Sn, .1 .Vorlli Front M rorllauri. Or. Impostors and Dealers in- "Woo&-working Machinery, i lax Kirs. -iioi,ii:rs. .iioirritsKKS. tkxon'kks, Kami-impcriii"- DIueluiieH, Ij-UIh-m. HotUis tlacliineu, Stand Maivs, Scroll Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting;, AND ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Hknton Sti:krt, Xcah pakkkk ITousk, ASTOUIA. - OKECOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AHD BOILER MAKERS. LAM ME ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. f nil DctrrintionK made, to Order at Short A'otlce. A. 1). Wass. Trcsldont. .1. i. liusTi.Ki:,Secrotary, I. W. Cash, Treasurer. John Fox.Siipcriutcndent. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Patronize Home industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any hi the Market, AT AS '.K.SOXAItIiR a prick. Tie M Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pnre aud Unadulterated. It gives general Satisf.ictlon aud is Furn Islieu in Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders "With Wm. IJock, Rerniama F.doon, or Cuuis. Evensox, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Auy Tart of the City. ViSJTING CARDS. A Lare Stock of FINE VISITING CARDS, Or Every Grade TO RE SOLD TOi; CASH. AT THE ASTOHIAH OFFICE. efiiW 1BIM!&'C8 Vi m 3? (y &ti&3 5 xji A " "S ?-2 ??& c? .-v. L.ip.mcv 13 & gf ' i PwiYFSST fr"M C. H. COOPER'S, i THE LEADING Dry Goods sGlothing House IN THE CITY, Tie Finest Cools, Tie Largest Stoct And the Lowest Prices. While economy is wealth, it is not policy to be penny-wise and pound-foolish by purchasing auction goods, or goods that have lain for a long time upon the shelves of some fossilized store, a prey to moths and deteriorating dust, which fact with misfits, etc., makes them un desirable, and then they become auction or so-called Cheap John goods, which are conceded by the wise to be dear at any price, and for which people of this day pay only a trifle less than for first-class goods at a ONE PRICE, FIRST CLASS HOUSE, Which carries a Large Assortment but a Small Stock, which is kept fresh by constant replenishing from the Eastern and Pacific Markets within a short opace of time and at prices for the quality of goods that defies competition. Just received from an Eastern Factory a fine assortment of Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, which in Quality, Style and Price excels anything ever before offered in the city. A full Hue of Genuine Kangaroo and Dongola Shoes, for Ladies or Gents which are highly recommended for this climate, as they are con sidered ,vater proof and will not crack, while they aro the easiest shoe on the foot ever manufactured. A Fine Assortment of Men's Boys9 and Children's Clothing Constantly in Stock. 2CQUNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. C. H. COOPER Pytliian Building, GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon Parker House, Main St., For a flrst-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc. After September 1st I will be prepared to manufacture all kinds of hair work. II. Da PARK, Prop. CITY BOOK STORE. Pine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties. AH Publications Received as Soon as Published. GRIFFIN REED. NOTICE. MZXiS. JDEnPO-T-, FRESH FRUITS, Candy and Notions, Good Cigars and Tobacco, at C. P. WttSOKTS KT-COME AND SEE ME. McINTOSH'S Gents' Furnishing' Store! -The Best Place FINE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES! In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns in English, French and American suitings, which will be made up to order First Class or Equal to Aay thing in thc State! CLOTHING PERFECT -FITTING- In Men's, Youths' and Boys'. FINE WOOL, MERINO AND BALBRIGGAN UNDEhWEAR! HOSE A SPECIALTY. our IN HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS. -A. Tar&& A.mmo3?ti3LG33Lt of "JELGktml d. a. Mcintosh. , ML Astoria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded J. P. AUSTIN, ScHhitlc - Oregon DEALER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. fA FINE BILLIARD TABLE in the City to Buy- BEADY IN 11E BEAKY MADE novelties; J -A 'v - v ia&r-aJ?&'''