TW -"l ? . '-M-e, m. "3? t,"-""? r .",if -"TJ q.r ''--Srr;ri, ."" P) --.- ,V, jlVJ4J VOL. XXIV, NO. 70. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, JS85. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. : r 1 f-w n Siii fi jB si Sis in I I"ftfefe?iafe!SgSfcM!SiJSIaa- -TI 1H I 111 I 1 111 I I YQJjfcC yy JR B iiv ?Nfe Js I l-S3KSaBlSBlSSes9Piil3 w-P JS'r r A JIMS' lt BUSINESS CARDS. TTR. A. Ii. and J. A. FULTOK. IMiysiciaiisand Surgeons. Will give prompt attention to all calh, rioin any part of the city or country. Office oer Allen's Store, corner Cass an J Souemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. D . FSAKII IA K. Physician nnd Surgcou. Ofllce, RoomG, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. Orncn nouns :-9 to ll a. m. ;-s to 5 r. m. nesldence, opposite the Johansen building D It. tOCKItAKT. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OrriOK : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoiia, Oiegon. OCA A. DOUIIIS. GKO. NOLAM) XOULXD & DOISKIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ofilfe iu Kinney's Block, pposite Cit Jla.II. Astoiia, Oregon. . W. if ULTOX. G. C. h U1.TOK. JTLTOS E52OTI$EKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kor.ns-.5and C.Odd Fellows Building. rft J.O P. 1MRK.KU SURVEYOR OF VAataop Comity and City ut Astoria Olllce : N. K. corner Cass and Astorstieets, Room No. 8. tfc. A. ROYi'IiUY. Attorney and Oounxfllur ut Law, oaice on Chenannis Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTliE, 3S. S. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1,2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, hack of St. Mary's nospital. F F. XllCKS. A. K. SHAW. mess & sn iw. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Ca?s and Squemoqua streets. Astoria. Oregon. JOnN H. MITCH KLL. RALPH II. DEMENT. ailTCIIFXIi & WEMKXT, Attorneys and Councelors at Law. Booms 1, 2, 3, and 4 Kamni's Bui'.din, North East Corner of First and Pine Streets, Poitland, Oregon. T? It. SPEIDK NOTARY PUBLIC, Senrcherof Title, Abstracter and Conveyai.cer- Otiico on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As torian ofllce, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTOKIA, - ORECOS. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Roduclion System by ttie Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITKD Is the only flour that has takcu Fiist Prize three years in succession at the POtTIiAXI MECHANIC'S FAIIt. Also at State Fair. One trial is suftlclcnt to con incc of its supe riority. See that the word CAPITOL is on each sack GEORGE SJIIEL, 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Bost San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. f2ffAU goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker Jlotise. Astoria, Oregon. For Rent. mHE HALL OYER D. L. BfcCK & SON'S X can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladies ' Coffee Club. Mrs. BERCMAN. Mrs. PRAEL. MBS. CHARTERS. GREAT -rfJrt?6f 11 u w zvatirs a ? iSi SCCSi USS3S& s aEOE?. KajuKT. CURES RheumalisirSj Keuraigia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache. Ile-dachc.Tcothschc, Boro Throat, Swclllnss. rpraln. Jiralc, JSurna, Nculil. Kro.t I1S., A'SD ALL OTlItU KODILT TilSS A:.3 JlClirj. Roll ty Drasclrts n5 Dt-l-r c-ir !. titty. T U ule. m-oswus in 11 .. ja- 3. tiik c;i.KLt a. vo:::.e: co . 1? j use wnac its name implied ; a Purely Vegetable 'Compound, thai acts directly upon theiyer curing the many diseases igidenyio that im portant organ, and prevbiiting the na merous ailmsnts tl&garise from its ciion,.sucIi as dice, 33ilio!ines& aria, Sicfheadaclie, etc. It is therefore Tolave doodHealti ihe, Iirver must hit kepi; in offier." DB. SAHTOHD'S LIVES INYIG0SAT02. Invicorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. s a Household Necu'. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complainla D3. BAOTORB'S UVEB nfTIGOSATpH. An experience of Forty years, and Thou lands cf Testimonials proto its Jferit. FOTt SALE TIT ALT. DEALERS IN MEDICINES For full mfcnnitlon tend yonr address for 30f &ce Cook on the " Lhxr and its diseases," U 'f.RJSPCKD DUAM: fiT JtW TOES CIXT A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Notice of Assignment. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom tt may concern that the under signed lias been appointed assignee of the estate of M. I). Kant, au insolvent : and all peisons hayingclaims against s.ihl insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee properly prilled at his ofllce at P. A. Stokes ."fcCo'.s, in the cilv or Astoiia. Clat sop county, state cf Oiegon, within Unee montlis from this date. PHILIP A. STOKES, Astoria, September 2, lStf. AND CARRIAGE PAENTI&C! In Good Style and Lowest l-hing Price?. cnts. OESE. Shop at tVJontgomery's old stand. VS8IT8NG CARDS - A Large Stock or PINE VISITING CARDS, Or Every Grade TO B25S03.B TO It CASH. AT THE ASTORiAN OFFICE. For Sale. A COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOMED house and lot, well situated. Cash takes a bargain. Inquire at this ofllce. r. - ' am . r. " B gg& I rlE BirRa6sa M& rlaTVTitrari rwvnm'.AJ Dyspepsi ti CosenessVlvfal Rheittiaatmr Tmsmvtnac v ityit ON THE NEUALE3I. A Letter From R. D. Cole, cf Columbia County. Ed. Mist: A short lime ago I re ceived a visit from Dr. A. E. Kinney, member of the Astoria chamber of commerce. He has just returned from Galiforuia, where ho has been iu consultation with some of the lead ing railroad men of the Pacific coast and also of eminent coal men, and thoy have been talking up the scheme of bnilding a railroad through tho Xehalcm valley from Forest Grove to Astoria. The doctor stated to the Central Pacific people, and also to Cornwall & Co., that there was an abundance of coal in this valley, and this fact they disputed, and said there was no coal hero that was worth noticing, and Dr. Kinnoy in formed them that he was able to sub stantiate the fact, and Ihey asked him to go and make u personal exam ination of tho coal veins and report, and it thoy were of sufficient thick ness to pay for working that they would send men to look ovor the ground and to test the coal. So tho doctor came here to xny place and asked me to accompany him to Peb ble creek. "Ve went np to Mr. Thos. Adams' and asked him to go along as a guide. "We rode on horseback to where the trail turned off from Uk1 old road that leads to Quick's mill, aud then took the trail to Peb ble creek. But the doctor had sprained one of his ankles very severely and could not go farther than tho creek, and we left him there aud went on a hunt for tho coal. Wo found plenty of iloat coal in the creek, and some very chunks, but did not find the vein. We brought out some very fine speci mens. This was on tho we3t fork of tho Pebble. Tho vein is two feet thick. We returned to Mr. Adams' house, and Dr. Kinney started for Astoria the next day. no asked me to go back as soon as con venient and procure a guide that knew of the location of the big vein on the east fork of tho Pebble. So I went back last week and got Mr. Israel Spencer to go with me, and we went to the big vein, whieh wo found without any difficulty, I meas ured it and fouud it to be eight feet eight inches iu thickness. A hole has been blasted down Bix feet deep, and no bottom found to tho coal yet Tho wholo bed of tho creek, clear across, is solid coal and of goodqual- ity- . . . . 1 have mauo a report or. my invest igations to Dr. Kinney, end it will bs furnished to the San Francisco papers for publication. lTho report appeared in The Weekly Asxorian of Sept. 12. It is generally known that thoso railroads in this country that pene trate tho coal fields are tho best pay ing roads in the world, and the coal mines of Pebble creek, iu the upper Xehalem, and those at Onion Peak, near the month of the river, togeth er with our inexhaustiblo snpply of fine timber, will be very potent fact ors toward inducing capitalists to build a railroad through this valley. Tho timber supply on tho Nehalem rivor and its tributaries is jhe most exteusivo in the whole northwest por tion of the United States that is yet untouched, and this route, between the system of railroad in tho Willam ette valley and deep water at Astoria, is one of the most important routes in Oregon. There is one drawback that has placed Columbia connty aud its people at o disadvantage, this county aud Clatsop havo never been sufficiently advertised, aud when em igrants come to Portland, and scrape au acquaintance with that board of immigration thoy are never sent to Co lumbia and Clatsop counties, and it is hardly known outside of Oregon that there are such places. It seems tho ana cf that board to send immigrants as far down the Oregon & California railroad as possible, or over tho en tire lino of the O. R. & N. company's roads, in order to bleed them as deep as possible. I foresaw what would result from the formation of tho board, and refused to support tho bill appriating the state money for such a purpose, unless tho railroad companies would put up half the amount, and when two members of the last legislature were selected to compose that board, one was taken from the south end of the O. & C. railroad and one from tho east end of the O. P. & N. road, and those two companies are dividing the spoils And if iu the future, Portland should persist in her present course, then eastern Oregon will become tributary to Omaha, as it almost is at the present tiino, on account of no markets and no manufacturing in our own metropolis, and whenever 0. & C. and C. & O. roads aro connectod (and tho day is not far distant) then southern Oregon will deal directly with San Francisco, nud then tho greatness of Portland will be a thing of tho past; and if the Central Paci fic railroad company get control of the O. fe C. road, which they are bound to do, then tho extension to deep water at Astoria is an assured fact. Astoria is a better market al ready for us than Portland, and near ly all of our beef stock from this part of the country goes direct to Astoria. While Portland has always opposed the forfeiture of this land grant, and has hooted down the idea of a rail road through this valley, Astoria has been sending petitions and memori als to congress, calling for the for feiture of this grant, and is doing all in her power to-day to induco capi talists to take hold of this route and build the road. B. D. Cole. THE 4-HERALD ON SILVER. When old John Brown was buried, Wendell Phillip3, in delivering his funeral oration, alluded to tho enter. priso of the New York Herald in se curing a telegraphic report of his tri al, and exclaimed: "Nowl see why God Almighty in his divine wisdom permits the Now York Herald to ex ist!" So people of the present day, reading tho Herald articles on silver, and noting the idiotic folly with which the same dreary nonsense is iterated and reiterated day after day, realize that the effect must bo pre cisely the opposite of that which the editor wants, and are inclined to be lieve that even the New York Herald may have its use3. It is no disgrace to a man to be ig norant of political economy but there is no call for those who have tho misfortune to bo ignorant to parade their ignorance. A man may bo a respectable citizen, a devout churchman and a good father of a family, and yet knows so little that ho believes the stoppage of silver coinage would put up wages, a3 it3 continuation will pi't them down. But why should he make himself ridiculous by saying so? An editor may bo so hopelessly unconscious of what is going on around him a3 to declare that the champions of silver are working in tho mtorest of some silver miners iu Colerado: but why write himself down an ass by saying so? A writer may really think that if the Bland bill is not repealed gold will become ''as scarce as hens' teeth;" but when people aro so un fortunate that their minds are dis torted to this extent, thoy gen erally hold their tongues, and no ono knows what fools they arc. A hireling of the eastern bank interest may bo so maladroit as to argue that a silver dollar will "not buy a dollar's worth of anything," when he can discover the contrary at tho nearest grocery or dry goods store, but tho wonder is that sensible men like tho majority of oastern bank presidents can fancy that their cause is helped by such gabble. We notice by the telegraphic dis patches that the Washington corre spondent of the Herald has come to the rescue of tho editorial department, and informs it in plain words that it is wasting its breath, as there is no prospect of the repeal of tho silver coinage act. Ve have been saying so auy time theso three or four mouths. When the New York papers stop their attempts to create a panic wo may expect gold to react from its late advance, and tho two metals to draw nearer together. An injured knee is not au knee-sy thing to cure, unless yon have St. Ja cobs Oil at hand. In that case the task is a very simple one. We want to warn our people to look well to their homesteads. "Con structive residence" is a thing of the past, and in order to prove up every requirement of the law must be strict ly complied with. Besidenco, accord ing to late decisions, means au actual living upon and improvement of tho land, and no other definition will bo accepted at Oregon City hereafter. Oregon Mint. Ill"i Les wa Her d'&in. "Well madam1 said a fashionable physician to a wealthy lady patient,"if you don't like my prescriptions, per haps yon had better try Parker's Ton ic, or "some other quack stuff." "You don't mean it Doctor," sho answered, "bnt your advice may bo good for all that. Sometimes what you call 'quack stufT is the best aud most sci entific medicine, after all." She got a bottlo of Parker's Tonic and it enred her of neuralgia arising from a disordered stomach ond nerves. She told her friends and now they all keep n doctor at homo in tho form of Park er's Tonic. A. Beggarly, n logger on tho Sno homish river, by tho occurrence of a sudden rise last Sundav which broke his boom, lost about 1,000,000 feet of logs. Getting Strong Again. Fetcrs and exhausting chronic or acute diseases leave the patient, on his recoery, in a pitiable state of prostration. Then it Is that he needs a tonic upon which he can re ly, one liich, like HoslettcVs Stomach Bit ters, will accelerate convalescence, and aid the processes of digestion. That peerless in vigorant compensates, as nothing else will, for depleted strength. After using it a short time the quondam invalid feels in ever nerve that he Is getting strong again Appetite Increases, there is a gain in w eight, color ami fullness return to ttic cheek, the lack-lnstrc eyes grow brighter, sleep Is un broken and rctreshinz. These gratif!.InE ex periences arc renewed with each returning day. until completely restored in health and vigor, he returns to the avocations which his illness interuptcd. Usethe Bitters in bilious ness, dyspepsia, rtieumatism and constipa tion. "JIackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Trice 23 and 50 cents. oM nv w. k. iJement, FOS RENT, Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ATPLY AT ASTORIAN OFEI6E. MARKETS. WYATT a THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED rVlEATS, CHOICE GrPvOCEHIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. I&Siil Food, HElto STAR MARKET. WHERE? a eOKPAKY, ifresh and Cnn-ii Meal-, Vegetables, FRUiTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IlOTKU CHi;XA3XU Street, Astoria, i. Washington Market. 3nin Mrcct, - Astoria, Orccon. i:::;j3a- & co. ivaorKu-.Tosts J RESPECTFULLY CALL THE A1TEN- i tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied w itli a j FULL VA1HETY AND BEST QUALITY. or FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rate3, whole sale and retail . SSSp?eIaI attention given to supplying siiips. B. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty, A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. TcrmN JtoasorufMe. Shop and office on Cass street, oue door above Erank Fabre's KtAunuit. Astoria, Oregon. ik A.. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHIN6, At ?V.rt- ifogew old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship pud Cannery work. Horseshoem. wagons mad nr.A rejsiired. Good work .juaraiiirP.! $87,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, COMMERCIAL CF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, liepreccutiiig a Capital or $67,000 OOO. V.. VAN DUSEN. Agent. FOLEY DOT MBDIC1L SPRINOS. A Ilaek will leave Eugene on the arrival of the train from Portland, EVERY TUESDAY, Making tho trip from Portland in less than two dajs In daylight. PETEK RUNEY. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASTOKIA. - OKEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH -SPi$ L aki. ;iyz&ym Doner onop ;s5Si2Fs All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AJJD- STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ARBOURS rish Flax Threads HAVE NO tfHPgffjf irSbM GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! Exieriencei Fisiierien Use no Oiler ! HENRYDOYLE& CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS JFOK PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted un for tho Comrort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liqnors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. 15. Ii. JEFFREY, I'rop'r. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAMASS, M, STE1L, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TlXX AND OCDpiD3?- Coliiliia Traisprtatioii Comply. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday,, at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each. TVeelt, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Saiiday Xoruing. Passengers bj this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. u. B. SCOTT, President! EQUAL eEtKBTAjjp Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR J. H..D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Wffl. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,- GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENA1IUS STS. .. . Irf tf I