en fe gn Jlstwim. ASTORIA, OREGON; TUESDAY .SEPTEMBER 15. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSELS IX TUE ill YKR. Portia. UrsplJ2l CoJoma. llritisli Army. l$rsp!2S3 fauliUslma. Brbk. Ml. .losio Troop. IJr bit Wi .lotin T. Kerry. Am sp cryof Kenares Brup 1567 Gen. Tairchild, Am 1V Director, llr bk TO. M. 12. "Watson, Br eplfcTO VESSELS OK TEE WAY. Troai Forcljru Iorts, for the Columbia KUer Abcana Brsp9T9 Burnt island Mar 12 Abercorn, Br sp Vifil Sydey Abernyte, Brbt'00 Brisbane Allerton. Br sp 2023 Sydney Juy25 Cannony, Br bk 1155 Sydney Clan McLeod. Br bk CIO Rio City of Florence. Br sp 1200 Australia Cormorant, Br sp 1173 Sydney County of Merioneth. Br bk 10C5Monteidio Cochrina, Br bk 931 Dnnccin Caonabo, Br sp CGC Sydney July 25 Compadre, Brhk Brisbane July 29 Dilbhur. Br bk 1231 Coquimbo Dovonby. Br bk S33 Liverpool via Victoria Aug, 31 Durisdecr, BrspOSS Uunedin Jnly SO Karl Roseberry. Br bk 1150 Buenos Ayres KIwy, Br bk 767 Xewcistlc, A Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 900 Sjdney Tirth of Dorcoch. Br bk 907 lnerpooi Sept. 2. GSriscdale, Br sp Liverpool Slay 1 Glcnafton, Brbk 1109 Brisbane Hishmoor.Br bk 1113 Newcastle N S V. AurIS Java,BrbkfiS0Rio Kincardineshire, Br bk 12SJ London Sept. 5 Lalla Roolh. Br bk Adelaide Lorraine. Br bk 828 Alcoa Bay Lord Kinnaird, Brbk 841 Caldera Auc21 MacDiannai, Brsp 13C0 Sidney Mercia, Br bk 751 Rivoli Maude. Br bk 1077 Sidney Moltkc, Gcr bk 828 Liverpool Fol.25 Koss Head, Br bk 1072 Sjdney Xorcrosf, Brbk 897 Brisbane Peri, Brbk S97 Brisbane Primrra, Brhk 597 Btisbane Julylt RaIsr,on, Br sp 813 Adelaide Respicadona. Br sp 1C29 Australia Santiago, Br bk 400 Sydney Sinpapore, Br bk G5G Bucno3 Ayres 'J'jlhonous. Br bk 1152 Sjdney Victoria Bay. Brbk 1118 Sidney Wist York. BrbkCSa Brisbane July 29 From American Port. Carmarthen Castle, Br sp 1107 Wilmington Bowdon, Brsp lt2l San Franciso T. F. OaVcs. Am fp lsKJ San Pedro Olive S. Southard. Am sp New York Aiiil 13 TIiK TAUSjE FOB AWTOKIA. si:iti:miii:i;. I HI fill WATSUl. LOW WATKK. I FiinL Second. First. Second. ii) '"- C) 2 o 2 s S !1? I if h. in. h. in. h. in. h. in. S 1 5 ftJrt 5 8 4 lip S7 10 27 2 C 11 55j) 2 ; :;o .". r,x& so n :i ::2 - - :! 8 03 .",2 IM') SI 1 17 0 7 0 11 4 a: : so s 10 s:; i4o o:: 212 nio.-fc! :: vs s:; :i 52 -02 :s.r ; 11 21a 70 10 ai so 1 r.f -00 1 12 7 0 0.1;i 7 8 11 31 S8 5 :i7 -0 8 ." CS 5 . . 0 40 84 CIS -D7 (i 23 D 0 27rt 8 S 1 i:i 8 S 0 .W -0 ." 7 15 10 115 so 1 4i; mi 7:10 00 z' 11 2 01 8:! 2 1S 9 0 8 03 0 (i 8 ft) 12 2 47 77 2 50 0 0J 8 12 1 2 'J 21 13 3S5 70 3 21 88 9 10 19 10 15 14 4f.O G3 4 02 85 9 53 2 T 11 12 15 5:57 5 4 4S 80 10 41 3 1 - -10 0 58 5:i 5 41 75 0 19 1 1 11 11a 17 8 2i 53 (5 52 71 132 11 1 Oil) 18 9 37 57 8 0S 7 0 2 41 0!) 2 35 19 10 29 03 9 17 71 3 42 0 7 3 4(5 20 11 03 0 8 10 14 7 3 4 31 0 fl 4 39 21 11 41a 73 11 02 75 5 09 0 4 5 21 22 0 07p 7 0 11 43 7 7 f 42 0 4 5 Ki 23 - - - - 0 28 7 ! 6 OS 0 0 C 2S 21 O20j77 057 82 0 31 0 9 C 59 25 0 57 7 7 1 11 8 4 7 Ofi 11 7 27 20 135 7(5 1 35 87 7 32 1 1 8 02 27 2 14 73 2 0J 89 8 01 18 8 Hi 28 3 00 08 2 41 SS S 31 21 9 31 29 3 51 02 3 53 8 0 9 23 25 10 2S :0 5 Ola 57 4 IIjj S5 10 13a 30 11 :,7; 08 3 0 34 27 21 13 07 04 03 04 00 09 3 7 12 11 3 8 3 4 2 8 21 15 10 04 00 -01 -01 02 0 5 The hours between mutuant and noon are designated by a (a. si.), those between noon and midnight by p (i si.), oi. OOm.a denotes midnight, oi. Oom. denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. JANUARY. Wheat. RCS.837 bus... eCV5 37i Flour, 24.83S bbls 9.232 Total, (19 cargoes) .. 73i,C23 FKI'.RUARY. Wheat, 010.735 bus .$175 230 Flour, 33.057 bbls irj'uHo Salmon, 11.890 -s m'wo Lumber, 50S M Rs73 Total (IG cargoes) $717,113 'MARCH. Wheat, 322,278 bus S239 C29 Flour, 9,237 bbls . " 30,950 Total, (C cargoes) $27G,S79 APRIL. Wheat, 99.19D 1ms $ 77,000 Flour, 11.000 bbls 41,000 Lumber, 900 M . 12.C50 Total. (1 cargoes) .$133,G3o 31 AY. Wheat 1C9.000 bus... $127,717 Flour 23, 182 bbls 90,100 Total (4 cargoes) 217,817 JUNR. 2 To Liverpool per Allahabad. Flour 18,998 bbls . 75,992 15 To Qucenntown per 21. fc E. Cox. Wheat C2.5C9 43-C0 bus $50,500 15 To Cork, per San Luis. Wheat 34.970 bus 529 500 20 To Livcrjmol per Janet McXcil. ' Wheat 0737 bus s r.JOO Salmon 10.503 cases jp 500 29 To Qnccnslovm, pcrZamora. Wheat, Gl,30l bus ?1S,000 ZJJ.U A.irerfoi, per licinoniiirant. Wheat, 7.27C bus 0,184 Salmon, 3G.773 cases 183.8C5 JULY. 3 To Liverpool per Haddinglonbhirc. salmon, 17,gdg cases. m $88,480 num. :i.uui uuis .......4301 31 To Liverpool per Carnarvon Castle. Wheat, G.048 bus 4,899 00 Salmon, 2G.711 cs 135,555 00 AUGUST. 3 To Jjondon per JJaidcc Salmon 240S1 cs . .$119,071 IOUr3278 OUIS . 12.850 i.j xo jcw 1 one jKr II . H.JJcksc. Salmon, 3,9175 as Salt Salmon. 18 bbls Salmon Oil, 12 bbls . Lumber, 73,000 ft Chrome Ore. 90 sks ..... . " Flocks, 32 bis Horns, 41 sks Logs, 5 . Charcoal, 5 sks... " Lacquer, 9 bbls . .Sl"Z.'Z'.'.'.'. SEPTKMr.KR. 2 To Quecmtown per Kaanorc. Wheat, 65,284 bus .. S 4G.1C5 -" Liverpool per isirman. Salmon, 37,493 cs $187,490 THIfi PIPER mayrwfonndonflleatGco.P. "? lrC"Iowen&Co'8NewsnaporAd TertlslngBureau(10SprueeSt.Xtvhprpndrertlslnff contracts may bemaderorlt IX NEW YORK. ASTORIAK DIRECTORY. State Officers: United States Senator .....J. X. Dolnh ltepresentative m Congress 11. Hermann Governor.... . Z. F. Moody Governor's Secretary. Chas. B. Moores Secretary of State U. P. Earhart Assistant Secretaiy. . F. E. Hodgkin State Treasurer Ed. Hirsch Assistant Treasurer A. F. Wheeler Sup't Public Instruction E. B. McElroy State Printer. WT. IL Byars Clerk School Laud Board E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asylum .Dr. II. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary..... Geo. Collins (W. P. Lord Supreme Judges J. B. WTaldo (W."vV. Thayer District Judges : First District L. H. AVebster Second District Ilobert Bean Tliinl District R. P. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith Fifth District F. J.Taylor Sixth District M. L Olmstead Clatscp County Officers: Judge C. A. McGuire Cleric C. J. Trenchard Sheritl W. G. Koss ,, . . D, K. Warren Commissioners y johwisen Assessor J. F. Warreu Treasurer. .. ..Isaac Bergman Surveyor. (J. F. Parker School Sup't M. D. Wilson Coroner. J. C. Bos Astoria City Officers: Mavor- ..... Auditor and Clerk . . Treasurer Street Superintendent Chief of Police... ..........C .....J. W. Hume ..T. S. Jewett .J. G. Hustler . Thus. U)g:in Clark Loughrcy Police Judge. ........ Sexton . . C H. Stockton A. Fruit COUNCILMAN: IC. II. Cooper First "Ward K A. A. Cleveland ( Isaac Bergman ITtioc ll.vitv Second Ward.. , C. J.Vieneiiaid Cluis. Gmtke. SOCIETY 3IEETIXGS. Temple LiOdge, No. 7A.F.A.M. RKGULAlt COMMCNICATIOXS hrst and third Tuesdays in each month, nt 7C nYlork. i 31.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. P.v order of the W. M. Bearer Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. "OEGULAlt MEETING EV- x j-j erj' iiiursuay eveiunj; i,L-Sfr', seven o'clock, at the JxidgeST room in Odd KellowsHall. AMo- ' S?g? 'vw ri:L Sojourning members or the order in good .standing, cordially invited to attend By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. KEGULAUMHIiTINGSOF OCF.AN EX campnient No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Ixidge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven i. si., on the second and fourth Mondays of each mouth. Sojourning bieth ren cordially iuited. By order C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE I-odge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall over Caruahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good .standing, and visiting Brothers arc invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C.imoWN,llec American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 995' Ls held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock i si. By order of the Council Commander. R. V.MONTE1TH. Sec'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are respectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN. Recorder. Cushing Fost No. 14, G. A R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth TucmI.ivs of eaeh month at 7:30 i. si. Visiting "com rades cordially invited. Br oider P.C. dishing Relief Corps No. 3, CI. A. R. REGU LAR M EETINGS ON Tl I ESECON I) and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 1. si. By order Mrs. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W.A.SHERMAN, K. of 11. and S, Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each mouth at i o'clock. BB-1'ersous desiring to have matters acted upon by ilie Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Itctall Jlarkct. Flour per bbl 455 Wheat, per cental $1.40 Oats, " SL35 Bacon, sides per , 1112 cts. Shoulders, " 10 cts. Hams, " 1.11G oLs. Lard, 1013 els. Beef, 713 cts. Mutton, 712 cts. J'ork, 1012K cts. Veal, 1015 cts. Butter, per roll 40ffi45 eLs. Eges, per dozen 2730 cts. Potatoes, 90c cwt Cheese, per fl 151R cts Cormneal, per H 3f cts. Oatmeal, " 5 cts. Beans, " 3K4 cts. Coffee, ' I040et.s. Tea, " 2590cts. Kice, " 7Dcts. Sugar, " 6KllcLs. Syrup, per gallon 7oc Si. Iloney, per gallon Sl-Ll. Salmon, per kitS4Ji0 Onions, er lb 34 cts. Apples dried per tt G10 cts. Peaches " " 1330cLs. Plums, " " 1012KcLs. Candles, per D 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen SG. llaj'.perton l0Sir. Hides, per lb 5 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed. 70c: coal oil. :rc: lard S 1.25 R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. , Portland Office No. ic North Front St. JOB PRHTTI2TC, HEAT, QUICK AND CHEAP, AT The Astoriaii Job Office. pOTAl W fROYALBSWr.? 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesompucss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cans. Rovai. HAKINO POWDKR CO. 10C Wall-St.. N. Y. TK AXSPO IITATI OX L I XES. 0. E, & TS. 00. And Way Landings. The Steamers oft lie O. It. & N. Co., car rv ing the t'.S. niiils, leave the Compam's Dock Kvfry I3 Sundavs excepteii. at 0 A. M. 7 liN is 1 lie only dally line, and the onlv line nuiuing all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only lino of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Sle.imeis leave Couip.iiix I'ek cwrv fo'ir days. Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AM. II.TS. Iuquiicat Compans Dock or at CitvOI Ilce opposite Van Onsen's st on. K. A. NOYKS. Agent. lliaoo Steam navigation Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and .steamboats for Oystervilie. Montesano and Olympia STEAM KR "GEN. MILES," W. P. WlIITI'OMlt. JlASTKR. Will leave .Vstoria dail (Suudajs excepted for Ft Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. at 8 A. lA Wim Oystervilie Mails and Express daily. and Through Mails to points binoml, and Montesano, W. T on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 r. si.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 5-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the olllce of the company, Cray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER. toffl- OAPT. E. J. MOODY, Astoria, Or., Cathlamet, "W. T.. "Wc.it port Or., and intermediate points. Tlie Steamer 2foiinfafnrwill leave Asto ria dally, until further notice, from HustlcrV. wharf, foot of Main street, at half-past t! o'clock P. 31., as follows : 3I,?.,la3rE Wednesdayi and Friday, for CATHLAMET and intermediate points on Wash. Ter. side will go to Westport. same days. ,B.?ay,-Thar,13" and Saturday, for WESTPORT and intermediate points on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same days. r WIllLoaTe CATHLAMET, W.T., for As toria, Sondayi, Wednesdays and Fridays at seren o'clock A. M., touching at all way land Incs on A ash. Ter. side, and return on same side. Will LcaTo WESTPORT, for Astoria, Or. on Tuesday, Thnrsdajs and Saturdays at sev en o clock A. 5L, touching at all wav land ings on Oregon side, jind return on same side. t1jTiFre.,s1lt,0?s?5. WP'y on hoard, or to Main street Wharf. FOR TILLAMOOK! Str. A. B. Field, CapL fiahrielson. Will leave Main street wharf as regu larly as weather permits during August September and October. Freight per O. !, -o00;. w,,u co""ect at Astoria. ll3cl??m prtland and Astoria to Hobson ville $G per ton. Passage from Astoria $5 Address RADOLLhT & CO.. Astoria. Tlic Portland Business College, Portland. Oregon. ofTers superior private and class in struction to the young and middle aged of both fexes who desire to obUiin a practical education in the shortest time consistent wlih thorough work, and the least expense. Day and evening sessions throughout the year. Students admitted any time. Cata logue on application. A. P. Akjistoono. Principal. (2fM& TESTING EGGS. Atfliia conenn tf flio VAfir TTiaTlV nests trill bo found in out-of-the-way ' places, where fowls havo stolen away with the laudable intention of hatch ing a brood -without molestation. Earlier in the season a nest thus dis covered -with a good setting of eggs is better left alone; a brood of chick ens is more desirable than eggs to sell at low prices. Now tho egg3 are worth more than late hatched chick ens would be, especially of tho less hardy breeds. It is desirable to find some method of determining whether the eggs are good. We know none better than rolling a paper in a cone shape, placing the egg in the large end and looking through it at the sun. If it shows clear the egg is good no matter how discolored the shell may be from the rains or dew. An egg should never bo shaken to test soundness. Doing so, even with per fectly fresh specimens, breaks the film which separates the yolk from the white, and running together, the two soon become worthless. An egg that has lain bnt a few days will rat tle if shaken, from evaporation of tho substance of the egg through the shell. Yet if used at once, this egg may be perfectly good. A discolored egg rarely keeps long, for almost ev er' one who sees it gives it a shake to see whether it is fresh or not. This habit of shaking eggs "to test them should be discontinued. It at once destroys the vitality of most of those so shaken, and is the main rea son why eggs transported long dis tances usually hatch poorly. These hops arc a curious vine, by the way. I always supposed that a hop vine and a baby knew how to creep without being taught. The baby may, but tho hop vine does not. It can't shin a polo any more than a codfish, unless it takes lessons. It is like a kitten it doesn't get its oyes open for some time. It comes up out of tho hill and lies sprawling on tho ground until it is taken by tho nape of the neck, so to speak, and wound aronud tho polo a few timc3 and then tied fherc. After that it will seem to catch. on and learn why it was put iuto the world, and will then shin up the polo like a little man. It is not half as intelligent as a beau. His Loss was Her (tain. '"Well madam' said a fashionable physician to a wealthy lady patient,uif you don't like my prescriptions, per haps yon had better try Parker's Ton ic, or some other quack stuff." 'You don't mean it Doctor," she answered, "but your advice may be good for all that. Sometimes what yon call 'quackstufT is the best aud most sci entific medicine, after all." She got a bottle of Parker's Tonic and it cured her of neuralgia arising from a disordered stomach ond nerves. She told her friends and now they all keep a doctor at home in the form of Park er's Tonic. YOl'XG .1IHS!-ItKA TJIJ-i. Thk Voltaic Hf.lt Co., of Marshall. Mich., offer to send their celebrated F.Lnc-tko-Voltaio F.elt and other Ei.KtTKir Ai-rnANCKs on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous debility, lovs of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for iheiiniatisiu, neuralgia, ianly.sis. ami many other dK cases. Complete rcMoration to health, vigor aud manhood guaranti eil. No risk is in curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illusi rated pamphlet free .Shiloli's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Dipllieria and Canker Mouth. Sold by . K. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cough anil Urou chilis immediately relieved by Sliiloh's Curt'- Sold by V. 15. Dfmvnt. -TO THK YOUNG PEOPLE! OfOrcsoH ami lVn-sliinston. You Live in an Educational Age. Your Place and Success in Life depend largely upon your training in School. ST1 s.&.Trs To spend time in school. He that takes time to grind his scvthe.cuts more grass and docs a better job. THE OPPORTUNITY IS YOURS. Tacific University, at Forest Grove. Is read v to give you such help as you need. Fore.st Grove is easy of access, Healthful aud Ueautilul TAKE YOUR CHOICE IN ACADEMY. COLLEGE, MUSIC. ART, TEX MANSIIIP. MILITARY DRILL, PHYSICAL CULTURE. Adrantfises Good. Teaching Thorough. Ex penses Lieut. Educate yourself at Tualatin Academy and Pacific University. School Year opens Sept. 2, 1&5. Send for Calalogne, to J.F.ELLIS, Forest Grove, Or. In The Field Again! J. G. ROSS Having rurthased the Interest or the Mcintosh Bros., IN THE PIONEER RESTAURANT Would most respectfully inform his numer ous friends in the city of Astoria and sur lounding country that lie Is now ready to do business again at his old stand. Come and see me. A Well Supplied Table, an d Clean Comfortable Beds. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administratrix of the es tate of John V. Olsen has filed in the County Court of the state of Oregon, Clatsop county, her final account as such administratrix, and the court has set the same for hearing on 2Cth dav of October, 1S85. w -1 1 ALUERTINA OLSEN. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT THE undersigned was on the 2Cth day of 2o vember. irsi. duly appointed by the County Court of the SUite of Oregon for the County! of Clatsop, administrator of the estate o Joseph Duncan, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verirfled to me at my residence near Skipanon, Oregon, within she months from this date. SILAS B. SMITH, Administrator. Skipanon, Or., March eoth, 1835 Unf itit5i Wilson & Fisher fiPOTE SLLLJAj U.XC1 z 3 WWeasss tQhixi Chandlers, sitive Cure for Every Form of! &-sr w"w.w-vi twj A Positive Blood and Skin Disease from Pimples to scrofula. DISFIGURING HUMORS. Humiliating Eruptions. Itching and Burning Skin Tortures. Loathsome Soies. and every sne- cies of Itchinz. Scaly, Pimply, Inherited. croiuious. aim i. oniagious jit-easeses oi tne Blood. Slim, an.l J-ca!p, with Loss of H-ir, troni infancy to old age. ate positively cured by Cutcuka Rksolvkxt lh? New Bio d Purifier, internally, and C'iticuka, the Great Skin Cure, and Cuticukv Soai an e.quKIte Skin beautiller, externally. ECZEMA. CURED. I was afllicted with Eczema on the Scalp, Face. Ears aud Neck, which the Druggiif, where I got your remedies, pninouni'itt om of the worst cases that had n.c lit der his notice. He advised me t.i tr o-.tr Cirii cui:. Rkjiemks ami alter five tl. js' use, my calp and part of mj face v. re e'direly cured, and 1 hope in anoiliT v.i-ff to liavi my ears, neck, and the other part of my face cured. HKUMAN SUDK. 1) K. 4th St.. New York SCABS AHD SORES. I have been aulrtrd ; nee a-t v. arch with a Skin disease the dixiors called rc7eiu:u My lace was covered with seabs ami Mires, and ihci'chinaiid burning wa almost unbear able. Seeing your Cirrici'KA lCKJiniurs so highly leeomineuiled. concluded t- give them a tii.il. using the Ci'Tiruu and C'iti cuka Soai externally, and SSksolvkxt. Internally, for four mon;hs. I call mvsclf cured, in gratitude for which I nave' this public statement. Mils. CL VR V A . FREDERICK. Br.ad Brook, Conn. Crrit'irin Bkmxoiks aw soM everv where. Price : Cltici'ua. bo : Rkoi vkn't, St ; Soap, J"c. 1'ieparcd bv the IVrrKi: Di:u: and CinaiuwLCo., B.sro.v. Send ror"JSow lr. "nre Sfcln INe:iM.s " DMpr'FS',,,,:x,k",'::,l'!'Sk",R;en,'ncs.:"1 rilll Baby Humors, use C'ltici ka Soap. 'CUICKI.V THr. i;ick." stitch in the side, cram ps.shooting ami sirirp pains, rheu- Aa !i:atic.!icula!gicaii'l!ciaticiains, l & anilYcr e.Meriial pain and ache I? dESjsoothed and expelled with won- WrCWa lcrf "I celerity bv that new. orig- 5 laM hurt, ehgnut and speedy antidote "T. W ;o pain and itillamation, the Cr- Ticna Pi.stki:. "Warranted the pertec- u m of elegant external remedies, and vastly Mipcrlf rtoal other pl.istots At dnuuists, 2Te ; five for Sl Co Miiled fre. Peinn: Di:co andCiikmicai.Co . Bo-aon. Th.it pure, sweet, safe, and effective Anier iKn ditdation of iieh-lla-,l, Anierier.n Pine, Cai.ada Fir. Marigold, and t'lovor-l.Io-vMim. called Santouh': Uadicai. Ci?i:b Kui:('ArAKitn,Avitli one box Catakkhal Sti.VKNTand one Sam"OKis Imtovkd Ix ii alki:. all in one jtackage, mav now be had of :dl ilnigglsts forcl oo. Ask lor Sa:;fo;:iV Uaiwcai. Cl'Kli. Complete IaksiI and Constitutional Treat ment for every form of Catarrh, from a Sim ple Cold or IuflueiiiM to loss of Smell, Tate, and Hearing, Cough, Bronchitis, and Ca tarrhal Consumption, in every package. 4Mcrcymen, Vocalists, And Public Speakers without number owe their present itsefulnessand success to Sax ronn's KamcaIj Ciu:k for Catakkii. Kev. Dr. Wiggin is:"One of the best remedies for Catarrh liny, the best remedy we have found in a lifetime of suffering is Sankouu's ILvnieAi. Cuuk. It clears' the head ami throat so thoroughly thai, taken each morning on risitig. there arc no un nleasai,; secretions ami no .disagreeable hawking during the entire day, but an un precedented clearness or voire and respira tory oruans." Sold by all druggists. Price ?1.00, 1'iilliT Diusnnt: i'lienilral Co.. ttoslon. f1 1 F7Uc "Weary sufferer from ffijUUUVS Rheumatism, Neural- VOlTAIcBaSmS s Pi a ptC ttS Ci.lds, Weak Back. ASTl- "Weak Stomach ami Bowels, Dvspepsia, Female "Weakness, Shoothi'i Pains througli the Loins and Back, try these Piasters. Placed over the pi4 of the Stomach, they prevent and cure Ague Pains, Bilious Colic. IJver Complaints, and protect the sy.stem from a thousand iKs. 23c. Goal! Coal!! FOR SALE BARK "BURSflAH." EX 400 TON'S HMSILT0N SCOTCH SPLIWT, Finest Domestic Coal In the Market. Also Cumberland and Seattle Coal. Oregon Improvement Co., E. A. NOYES, Agent. GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE MM Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Glass. fSNo Inferior Beer sold at this place. 1V3I. BOCK. Proprietor. Notice. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF CLAT son. ss. Bv order of non. Seneca Smith. Judge of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the 4th Judicial District, made September 10, 18S5, a meeting of the creditors;of the estate of F. B. Elberson Insolvent, Is called to meet at my ofllco in Astoria, county and state afore said, on September 23th, 1SS5, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of choosing one or more assignees of said estate In place of the assignee named by saiu insolvent L. s 1 C. J. TRENCHARD. Clerk of the Circuit Court Astoria, Oregon, September 10th 1SS3. GUSTAVBONTGEN, Gc XT KT J3 JSL I T JB0. XEAR VAX DUSEN'S STOKE, UPPEU ASTOUIA. All kinds of new Guns made to order. Breech-loading Guns made from Muzzle loaders. AH repairs done prompt and cheap. First class work guaranteed. Address letters Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The Fine Iron British Ship "City of Benares," 1375 Tons Register, "Will go on Berth at Astoria shortly to load Salmon for Liverpoel: Taken in Lots to Suit Shippers. For rate of Freight or Insurance, apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO', Portland, Or to P. I CHERRY , Astoria. SSESSSSbF HEAVY AND SKELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Var ish. L08Q:BS, SUPPLIES. PKO VIBIOK8 AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOK Salem jTlonring Hills, Portland Holler Mills, Capital Flour and FA2R3AMKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON fnnn a common Blotch, or Ernptlcn, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-Rheum, "Fever Sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, pnrifyin j. nnd invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal un der its benign influence. Especially ha3 it mani fested its potency in curing Tetter, Rose Rash, Boils, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Scrofulous Sores and. Swellings, Hip-Joint Disease, White Swellings, Goitre, or Thicls Necfc, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a largo treatise, with colored platc on Skin Diseases, or tho same amount for a treatiso on Scrofulous Allectiona. ''THE 3LOOD IS TEE ZIPE." Thoroughly cleanse it by usinjDr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and good di gestion, a fair sMn, "buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of con stitution, will be established. gensumpt: which is Scrofulous Disease of tha Lnnga, is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by thU dod-giren remedy, if taken beforo the last stages of the disease ore reached. From its won derful power over thl3 terribly fatal disease, when first oslering this now celebrated remedy to the public, Dr. Piercb thought seriously of calling it his "Consumption Cure," but abandoned that name aa too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, oi strengthening alterative, or blood-cleansinir, anti bilious, pectoris, and nntritivo properties, u uncqualeu, r.ot only a3 a remedy for consumptioa ofthe lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES op thz Li.ver,'Biood,i Lungs, If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo eal low color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bail taste in the mouth, internal heat or chills, alter nating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetitc.and coated tongue, you are suffering from indigestion, Dyspep sia, and Torpid. Liver, or " Biliousness." In many cases only part of these symptonxj are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery has no cnuaL For wealr Lungs, Spitting cf Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption and kindred affections, itJis a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Picrce'a boo!: on Consumption, Sold by Drugglst3, PRICE, $1.00, S?SSf World's SiipasMj Hid kiMm, Proprietors, C63 Main St, Buttalo, II. Y. n LITTLE trvwfne Aea'&iraft LIVER WfeaitLyuDT1T e. r i jliIj fc . ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. Sold hy Druggists. 25 cents a rial. 8500 Reward 13 offered by the proprietors ol Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of Catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or other wise, partial loss of smell, taste or hearinr. weak eves, dull pain or nressuro in the head, you have Catarrh. Thousands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst cases or uanarrn, " uoia in the Head, ano Catarrhal Headache, so cent;. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bektox Stkket, Nkar Paekek ITouse, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANMIAEIEEMES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short A'otlcc. A. D. Wass, President. J. (r. II ustlku, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. JOHX Fox.Superintendent. 1885. INTEREST Will he allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. S. EIi3IOKE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria. Oregon. CURES ALL fflJMOBS, - NT MEN Bo they Younjr or Old havln- Lost those attributes of PERFECT MANHuOD May Kegaln Quickly Sexual Power pRQCBEATOE ABILITY, -r4?3 zzmm &$& r. f A: 4 C.i.air KYTlinUSEOl: The Civiale Remedies. t.!thi,uSSaJad ww whether Uiw ! i.nitliful Folly, Abuse, or Nnturnl Vulture 1 his tn mint nt orisrinatrtl fr l'JMIF. CI VI "l fe ",. '.."'.r. 1,'r!,tTAI.lii FKAACKiSi 'ilEE TO ALL. Mlptofcentt . .i , . JiJ jn postage stamDS. .Ul .iTilSrS! ?? ny rarntqufrer. our 7p!en jii.1 illu-.tnitt.-U CI ratf medical work,giTlncr.Tntp-t.-i.iofaI forms or Sexual DIav. description JHf trra:rant. pncirs. testimonlaUand new. VARICOCELE ComuUntlon wltU rull Medical Staff, FHEE. Civiale Remedial Agency, 174. Fullon SL, U. Y. J". ct tM..i t! 1' 77. iti tticiikiu't gt cured of .;;j. XL WE.XKSESS, LOSS OF JIAX ilO)I, ond Hit res-tit 0 abuse. Jitfiise or cxci-tsts, is arm j (j a complication called I'ROST.l TOIZ- niiE.x. nn. lieiucs ixviooratok the OXL Ycmeforl'nOS TA TOKKllEA. Price. 52.00 per paetage, G packages. 10 00. Guide to lieilth and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE I'.l (I IHSPEXSA X Yfor Disrate of Men. 400 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal. THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearney street, Saa Francisco, Cal. Ti:KTjAM.ClIKOXir,SrECIAI.AXII,KI VATK I)I.SK SKS WITH WONDEltl'UI. THE GREAT ENGLISH REWTEDY! Is a certain cure for crvous Itcliilily, Lost 3InnIiouil. liOHfa(irlineR.aud all tr.e evil effects of youthful folllps and excesses, aud in ilrlnKlisK luloxl callus liquors, llr llliule wiioisareg ularphy.sician, grad uate of the Univer sity of 1'umisylvaiiia will agree to lorliet SS) for a case of this kind the Vital Restorative hinder liWmir- ci-ilativiceand treatment) will not cure. Sl.50 a bottle, or four tunes the quantity $5, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or O. O. D. in private name if desired, by Dr. .Mlnlie. It Kearny St.. Sau Francisco, t'nl. Send forlbt of (itiestions and pamphlet. KAlll'Li: ItOTTLE FttKK wll be .sett to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to ail businos transactions. IWooro's Remedy -rorv- MOORE'S KEMKI Cures and ri events POISON OAK. f'lTUKS Piles. Burns, Cuts: KK- .IIOVRS Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup Etc.. etc. An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by ail Druggists. ii." Cents ft ISox. Try It! Ho More Seasickness! YEACITS SPECIFIC THE OUTSAT Prsventive of Seasickness. This is purely nature's remedy, and Is the only preparation known to the medical world which will surely prevent seasickness. It is pronounced by all who have used it a O oil -send to all travelers subject to this af fliction. This wonderful preparation has never been known to fall If taken as di rected. There Is no use of suffering from seasickness, when SI invested In VEACH'S SPECIFIC will SHrely and safely prevent It. X. 11. THIS IS NOT A CUKE ALL, but is simply recommended and sold as a safe and sure preventive of seasickness, and for which It never falls. If you can not obtain it of your local druggist. It will he sent to any address on receipt of price Si, PKEPAT.ED ONLY BY THOMAS J. VEACH & CO. 223 SACRAMENTO STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., And Main Street, Ferndale, Cal. Sold by all Druggists at $1 a bottle. HAVE TOTJ AiijtMi lo Sell? IN 1TIE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, "Will give you the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a ITawsor ; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at F0ABD& STOKES. Headquarters at building, cast end Water Street. THE BEST IS THE o3bc:e5.a.f:est? ! Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. t ;st.' r Fms. r.xmvm- gf&W&m &3S'shi, j&k W4 -svj fASHOOD & MY RESTORED P WPm hH fes: &kim FOii & STOKES LaihfB t$'i