,(." - Xtf 11 $!tc gattjj Jlstoriiw. ASTORIA, OREGON: TOKSIJAY. ..SEPTEMBER 13. 18S5 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. K HALLORAN & COMPANY, rUlILISHUBS A'D PROPKIKTOBS, ASTOIUAN BUILDING, - - CASS STREEl Terras ofSubscription. Served by Carrier, per week 15cts. St.'nt by Mall, per month GOcts. " one year $.7.00 i'ree of postage to subbL-ribcrs. "Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. Notice To Advertisers. The Astoriax guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. This paper is on file at HipSL Churl ns Hotel, Portland, Or. The State is due from San Francisco this merning: the Columbia sails. Lsave orders for North Pacific browery beer at "Wra. Bock's or Chris. Eversen's. The British Benevolent society will have a business meeting this Tuesday evening. The O. R. & N. companv is carrying passengers from Portland to Vancouver for ten cents. The international yacht race between the Puritan and the Genista will bo sailed to-day. In early times there were no flies in Oregon." Even now flies are compara tively scarce in Astoria. A special meeting of Co. H, O. S. M., is called on to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock, at the company's armory. Henry "Warren, state senator from Yamhill county in last winter's legislat ure, died at McMinnville last Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Leinenwebor, clerk of school dis trict No. 9, invites proposals from teach ers for that district for the coming term. Two teachers aro required, a principal, and an assistant. See adv't. The steamer Kootenai, which has been running between Kettle Falls and the Canadian Pacific railroad at the second oro3sing of tho Columbia ran on a ledge of rocks last Friday, and it is thought will prove a total loss. Tho opening exercises of the state nor mal school at Monmouth will take place to-day at 10 a. m. The opening address will be delivered by Hon. J. D. Lee, of Dallas. Musio and short addresses will constitute the remainder of the exercises. Judge Taylor returned last Sunday from Alkali where he had been holding court. It was tho first timo that district court was held in that newly fledged county seat and tho Alkalites duly ap preciated tho distinction that the last legislature so kindly conferred upon them. There was much tribulation in Astoria on Sunday and yesterday occasioned by tho failure somewhere, somehow of tho water pipes to work. Toward sundown the pitying clouds grew merciful and came to the city's relief: by night any one that had a tin can had plenty water to drink or cook with. Frank Silva, a local sport of some no toriety, and one Harlan, of Portland, had a fighting "contest" in th3t city last Sunday night which ended in a general stampede on the part of II19 spectators at the appearance of the police and tho capture of the principals. The fight was for $1G0 and "gate money." Portland and the valley towns are in fested with burglars. Private residences seem to suffer the most. There aro two or three in Astoria who during the day spot the crib they intend to crack. They are very innocent, have some "smuggled"' goods they want to S6ll, or some other excuse to get inside and look around. Shipmonts of wheat for the cargo of the ship Benjamin F. Packard, now loading at Tacoma, are being made from Portland. On Thursday seven car loads went, Friday five, Saturday eleven and Sunday ten. The wheat is transported in box cars provided with air brakes. It will take 230 car loads to make up the cargo of 3,200 tons which the Packard wil 1 carry. The steamer Yaquina will sail from Yaquina for San Francisco to-day, carrying passongers and about 300 tons of wheat. The wheat shipment is an experiment, but it is thought may prove successful. The present rato for wheat between Corvallis and Portland is $3 20 per ton, and $3 from Portland to San Francisco, making the rato $G 20 from Corvallis to San Francisco. From Cor vallis to San Francisco by the steamer Yaquina the rate is $4 50 per ton, or $170 per ton less. The passenger fare to San Francisco by the Yaquina is, cabin 14 and steerage $7. SCHOOL I Jf DISTRICT 0. IS. The fall and winter term of school in district No. 18, began yesterday with an attendance of 131, which will probably be increased a hundred more in the next few weeks. The district has a fine new building which when completed will bo fully equal to the demands of tho dis trict for many years. Four large rooms, each 3G feet square have been built on the front of the old structure. Miss Lawrence, the principal of tho school, occupies the west lower floor, Miss Con nolly's pupils being in tho room for merly occupied by Miss Lawrence, and Miss Atkinson's primary pupils in the room directly underneath. Though yesterday was the first day of the term, and the school could not be ex pected to bo moro than organized, a visit to the several rooms showed thatregular hcIiooI work was eoiuc on. tho brieht, in telligent faces of tho young folks, the quiet attention to school duti03, and the evident efficiency of the teachers, speak ing well for a prosperous term. At the last meeting of tho board of school directors, it was decided that the teachers should be required to consider the calendar months as school months this term; the usual order of things is to reckon a school month as being four weeks of five days each; under the decis ion of the directors the months shall run from September 14th to October 14th as one month, then to November 14th, and so on, which would give twenty-two school days in the month begun yester day, and twenty-throe days in the next month. All those who have invitations do not forget the entertainment ami social dance at the Gymnasium hall Friday evening. Goodwin's Clatsop butter at Beck's. Reopening ofSahool in District No. 18. School books cheaper than ever before at Carl Adler's Book Store, also ex change of "books at prices adopted by State Board. Slate pencils, lead pencils, ink, etc given away at Carl Adler's Book Store. C0U5TT TAXPAYERS, Who Tr Taxes o 83,000 and Orer. Allen A. V. $ 4,480 Allen & Lewis 21,723 Astoria Iron "Works 4.GT0 Astoria Packing Co 13.200 Astoria Gaslight Co 7.200 Badollet Jno. Est. of 11,57.5 BadolIetMrs. Jane 4,600 Beck D. L. & Sons 11,420 Bergman Isaac 5.G01 Boelling Conrad Est. of 18,300 Bergman &Berry 4,0G8 Booth A. &Sons 30,750 BowlbyJ. Q. A 5,701 Bergman & Co 3,115 Case LAV 19,127 Carruthers, K 5,850 Columbia Water Co 35,800 Columbia Canning Co .'.... 9.000 Cook J. "W.& V 5,431 Cooper C. H 7.700 Corbett, H."W 21,800 Coleman& Co 41,200 Crosby, Alfred 3,400 Crosby, Lilian 3,200 Crosby, Fred. A 3,000 Crosby.M. C 4,422 Crow,E.C 8.1C3 Columbia Biver Lumber Co 8.G80 Cutting Packing Co 25,000 Davidson, Gao 4.G00 DeForco, J. H 3,070 Dement, "W. E. & Co 4.000 Dement, "W. E 7,820 Devlin, Jno. A 9,500 Eagle Canning Co 14,050 Edgar, "Wm 1,320 Elmore. Sam'l 5,003 Fisher, A. C 5,595 Fishermen's Packing Co 8,345 Flavel,Geo 114,573 Foard & Stokes 3,700 Forth, H.O..Mrs 3,700 Fulton. C. "W 3,850 Gearhart, J. W 8,010 George & Barker 4.635 Gilman, M. M., Estate of 4,133 Gray, J.H.D 3,215 Gray, YV. H ,930 Graham. Dan 4,870 Grant, Mrs. Bridget 3 500 Grimes, G.K 3.3G9 Hanthorn, J. O. & Co 13,050 Hawes, E. R 4,025 Hill. Geo 4,925 Hobson, Mrs. Kate and heirs. . . . 5, 135 Hobson, Jno 12,1 il Holladay, Jos 9,903 Hume, Jos i,850 Hustler, J. G 4,7a' Hume,G.Yv" 59.C22 Hume,Wm 24,290 Hyland, T.A 1,470 L X. L. Packinc Co G.250 Johnson. Phil, and Mary 4,300 Joplin, W. E 3,025 Kam, Jacob 31 vx Kant,M.D 3,025 Kelly, Jas. K 4,195 Kinney, M. J, 13,250 Kinney. Eliza 10,091 Knapp, A 4,013 Kneimeyer, YVm 3,100 Lob, Wrn.&Co C.510 Loomis, John 4,3G6 Loinenweber, Mrs. C 9,10 Masonic li. & is. Asa n j&Jj McGuiro.C. A 7,381 Megler, A.J G.38S Meglor & AVright 5,300 Meyer, M G.100 McDonald, .Lois A a.uiw Mendell. Geo. H 7,102 Montgomery, A 7,300 Morgan, L., dr ii,uw Nowlen, M 11,935 Northwest Timber Co 11,810 Nurnbnnz. J. G. 3,791 Uccidont racking Vo.. 7,825 3,400 04.950 0,500 7.595 O'Connor, E. and E... O.B.&N. Co Page, C. H Parker, (x. W , Parker, (J. L. 29,389 Parker, Mrs. C. L 4,050 Parker. H. B 9,103 Pease. D. E 7.9G5 Pythian L. & B. Ass'n 4,575 Portland Savings Bank 7,800 ReedG 3,820 Rogers M. and M 5,795 Scandinavian Packing Co 8,000 ScheffelJ.C 3,150 Sherman Fred 4,000 Shively S. L. Est. of 5,057 ShivelyC. YV 5,705 Sibson, Church & Co 9,000 Shively Jno. M 11,200 Simpson A. M 7,000 Stone A. H 4,448 TallnianS. AY 3,300 Taylor Jas 34,400 Taylor Mrs. E 5,100 Thisllo Packing Co 5,703 Taylor E. A 5,203 Trullinger J. C 21,337 Turner H.L 0,400 Union Packing Co C.800 Van Dusen & Co 0,739 Van Dusen A. Est. of 11,245 "Washington Packing Co 7,500 Waite A. E 3.G9G Warren D. K 19,359 "Warren S.E 3.430 Warren W. E. and M. S 4,125 Welch Mrs. Nancy 13.725 Welch D.H 10,420 WestJosiah '. 7,575 West Jno 20,210 West David 3,550 West Coast Packing Co 8.40G Wherry & Co 4.04 WhitoJ. W. 9,450 Wingate R 3,227 Wise Morris 4,305 WoodG. W.andS.F 8,147 Wright & Hubbard 3,200 Wright Chas 3,900 A Kcliuble Article. For enterprise, push and a desire to get such goods as will give the trado satisfaction, J. W. Conn the Druggist lends all competition. lie sells Dr. Bo sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because it's the best Medicine on the market, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Primary Con sumption. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Samples free. Alert H. A L. Election. The annual election and meeting of tho members of Alert H. fc L. No. 1, took placo at the company's rooms last even ing. The following officers were elected; President, J. O. Bozerth: secretary, F. T. Jordan; treasurer, Jay Tuttle; foronran, F. P. Hicks; 1st assistant, Thos. Aiin ville: 2nd assistant. L. AV. Holt; delegates, Clum Brown, C. B. Martin, Carl Adler. A vote or tnanus was tend ered Capitals No. 1, of Salem, for a hand some picture received from that company, toM.D. Kant, for his efficient services, he being about to depart for San Fran cisco, to the officers for their efficient ser vices, and to Me33rs. Allen and Wagner for sundry boxes fino cigars, whereupon the mooting adjourned. ttucltlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salyk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sa le by YV. E. Dement & Co. Wanted. Employment by a German girl who understands cooking and house-work. Apply at Germania Hotel. f LAYING THE CORKER ST0XE. A Short History of Grace Church Prhh. When the hour for tho deferred cere mony of laying the comer stone of tho new Episcopal church rolled round yes terday, tho clouds hung low and tho fall ing rain prevented the full attendance that would have been thero under bright er skies. Rt. Rev. Bishop Paddock, assisted by Rev. M. D. Wilson, the rector, performed the ceremony of laying tho corner stone of the new edifice with appropriate cere monial, after which Bishob Paddock de lirered the following ADDBESS. According to the only records that are accessible we find that Grace church, As toria, Oregon, was established September 4, 1804, by tho Rev. Thomas A. Hyland. At that timo tho services were held in the court house, where they continued to bo held until tho year 1SC7, when the present church building was erected. The Rev. Mr. H viand remained in charge until tho year 1878, being hero as mis sionary in charge until 1875 or 70 when the missionary stipend was diverted to more needy points; from thut timo until his resignation in 1878 ho drow his 6ntiro support from this community, aB all his successors have done. Besides the regular entries of baptisms and confirmations the following facts are found recerded: That tho present chancel carpet was given to the church by Mrs. Capt. J. W. White in 1872. That the malting in use on the aislo of the church was the gift of Miss Mary R. Morris in 1872. That the baptismal font was the gift of Miss A. E. Twcddle, residing, in 1S74, at 107 E 3Gth street, New York city. That tho first vestry was formed in March, 1875, and consisted of Gen. O. F. Bell and S. D. Adair, wardens: Capt. J. W. White, Gen. Adair, A. Van Dusen, P. Cherry, and Hon. W. D. Hare. When Mr. Hyland came here in 18C4,he found two communicants, Miss Mary A. Adair and Mis3 Emma Brown, who had been confirmed tho year before. When he resigned in 1878 thero was a list of 45 mem bers. Dnring this time thero aro re corded 120 baptisms, 49 confirmations and 02 marriages. So nearly as can be gathered from tho records and from tho memories of those living hero at tho timo there was no va cancy between tho going away of Mr. Hyland and the coming of his successor, tho Rev. Octavius Parker. Mr. Parker camo in tho summer of 1878, and re mained but ono year, going away in tho summer of 1S79. Mr. Parker has left a record of 12 baptisms, 8 confirmations and 3 marriages and n list of CO com municants. Mr. Parker left hero lato in the sum mer of 1879 and there was but a very short vacancy until the Rev. Alfred T. Perkins became rector of this parish 111 the early autumn of 1S79. Mr. Perkins, nntil August, 1881, leaving a record of 52 baptisms, 13 confirmations, 8 marriages and a list of 07 communicants. After Mr. Perkins went away there was a vacancy of 13 months, nntil September 2. 1832, when tho present rector, Rev. Mardon D. Wilson came, tot these three years since this last dato there are 72 baptisms, 17 confirmations, 25 mar riages and there is now, September 12, 1S35, a list of 75 communicants. From all of which wo find that there have been in this parish since its com mencement as a missionary station, 202 baptisms, 87 confirmations, and 99 mar riages including 4 baptisms and 1 marri age by Bishop MorriB during tho inter vals. There remains to bo recorded that in tho autumn of 18S2 a beautiful stained glass window was put into the church in memory of Robert M. Trenchard. This window was furnished by tho young friends of tho young man commemor ated. This corner stono is laid by tho Rt. Rev. John A. Paddock, D. D., of Vash ingtou territory, Sept. 12, 1835. At this dato the intention is, so soon as wo aro able to hold services in this now church building, to remove tho old church to these now lots and eventually use it for the ordinary purposes of a parish build ing. Tho following articles were placed in a box under the corner stene: Bible, Prayar book. New York Church man, Sept. atk,lS85, Living Church, Sept. 5th, 1885, The Daily Astobian , Sept. 12th, 1SS5, tho Standard, Jnly 9th, 18S5, tho daily Oragonian, July 12th, 18S5, Colum bia Churchman, Sept., '85, containing somo account of this new church build ing, history of parish, oopj last 32nd convention journal Riving statistics of parish, list of officers of parish, copy of service for laying corner stone Spirit of Missions, Young Christian Soldier, copy journal 5th convocation of missionary jurisdiction of AVashmcton territory; ceins: Mexican dollar of 1S7G, American dollar of 1SS5, EngliHh panny, 1733, curi ous Chineso coin of 1803, copy of table of contents of box. BILLS OF LADIXG TO FOKEIGX PORTS. AVednesday of this week the Northern Pa cific ratlro:uf company Issued the UKt bill of ladins from the Pacific coast to a foreign port. It was issued by the aeutat Puyal lup. W.T.,toE. Mo?ker & Co.. for seventy Dales .Vipx pounas) nops, consigned, 10 .. Meeker &Co., care Lindsay, Uird & Co.. London, via Liverpool. Orcgontan, H. It is nearly fifteen months sinco "the Northern Pacific railroad com any issued the first bill of lading from the Pacific coast to a for eign port." It was issued on June 2Lst, 1831. by Mr. E. A. Noyes, the agent at ABtoria, to Badollet & Co., 1,000 cases (70,000 pounds) salmon, consigned to Osthoimer Bro3., Havre, France. On July 7th, 1S3I, the Northern Pacific rail road company issued another to tho As toria Packing Co., for 300 cases salmon, consigned to A. AV. Latham & Co.. 17, Pnilpot Lane, London, England, E. (J. Sinco then tho agent hero has issued sev eral more to foreign ports. It is in ao cordanco with the eternal fitness of things that from the seaport ot Oregon the first foreign through bill of lading should be issued over the Northern Pa cific railroad, but it was so long ago that it had probably been forgotten by our Portland contemporary. Excited Thousands All ovor the land are going into ec stasy over Dr. King's iew Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any affec tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bottles free at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Large size Sl.00. WHAT! Do Yon Think that Jcir, oi The Chop IIousc Gives you a meal for nothinjr, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much !" hut he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" STATE AXD TEKBITOEIAL. There has not been a law suit, cither criminal or civil, in AVillamina, Sheridan, or Bellevno precincts, Yamhill county, for moro than two years. Union county has set the following prices to be paid for the scalps of wild animals: Panther and cougar, 3; wild cat and catamount, 1; wolves and coy otes, 3. Among tho contributions to the AVash ington territory exhibit at New Orleans will be a section from n cedar treo 17f feet in diameter, and anothor from a fir 13 feet in diameter, providing a saw can be obtained that will cut them. Thoy are to come from Chohalis county. Last Saturday tho Union Pacific rail road companv closed a contract with the AVillamette Steam Mills Lumbering and Manufacturing company fo100,000 ties, to be delivered at Albino. It is well known, says tho Oreyonian, that no bet ter timber can bo found for ties than Oregon fir. Curry county, according to the census, has a population of 1140. Tho number is about 100 less than in 1S30; but the local paper saj-s tho census was very in correctly taken., sinco some of the pre cincts havo moro than doubled in popu lation. In Curry county thero aro 21,192 sheep and 3,192 cattle. Tho county pro duced 54.900 pounds of butter last year. The ceremonies attending tho drivinc of tho last spike on tho Canadian Pacific will occur next month, the date not hav ing been yet determined upon. Tho road will bo then completed, with tho ex ception of snow sheds, etc. Tho final completion will have nothing of tho character of the Northern's golden spike "blow-out," but all tho rairoad tyecs and many government notabilities will be on hand. UXCLE ESEK'S WISDOM. The great art in getting rich is not in saving money, but in knowing how to spend it. Don't mistako stupidity for pationco; patience is tho humility of wisdom. Any one can commit a blunder, but no one but a fool is bit twice by the same dog. Tho man whom idleness don't lead in to mischief is either a very dull or a very stupid one. ifcononiy is a kind of natural wealth; its money ever at interest. Advice, just at present, is tho greatest drug in tho market; tho supply has ru ined tho demand. Take all the fun out of this world and every pound of life would weigh ten. You can buy a dog for two dollars and a half, but thero isn't enough in the world to buy the wag of his tail. Abe poor are moro extravagant than tho rich, and this is just what keeps them poor; for tho sako of ono feast they are willing to starvo three days. The ridiculous sido of lifo goes far to ward making it endurable. A fool may possibly amuse others, but ho can't amuse himself. Bewaro of tho man who listens much and talks little; ho is netting your thun der and saving his own lightning. A peacock's pedigree is all in the spread of his tail; n wet day takes tho glory out of it. Condensation is almost omnipotent, single words are autocrats, and a sen tence is law for all mankind. Men are very vain of their opinions, and yet there are scarcely any two of them who think nuke. What tho world wauls just now is less civilization and moro of the virtues. Beware of tho ..man of few words; ho always has something in reserve. Truth can travel to the end of the earth all alone, but a lio must havo com pany to keep up its courage. Religion is most excellent to mix with business, but to mix business with re ligion is not safe. We get our vices from each other, but our virtues by cultivation. .Labor will buy anything that is m tho mnrket. Vico and virtuo becan life together and will leave the world when tho last man does. AVisdom can afford to go slew: but if a fool doesn't ran ho is snro to got left. Honesty, liko charity, begins at heme: the man who is not honest with himself cannot ba with others. Century. SUE SABKD KXULISH. A AVashington newspaper man, during a visit of tho Mexican editors to that city, was assigned to a carriage in which ono of tho young ladies belonging to tho party was seated. Taking it for granted that his companion r.poko only hor own language, several places of interest were visited, always in silence. As tho car riage approached the capitol, however, tho nowspaper man felt that ho ninst say something, oVen if he received no an swer. Accordingly, pointing to the uoblo pile, ho ejaculated: "El Capitole, very fine, maguifico." To which the young ladv replied: "You bet your lifo it is." Cure For Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the uacl:, loins and ower iart o the abdomen, causing the patient to eunnose he has sonic efTection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Ulind, Bleeding and Itching Tiles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Uosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. IJosanko Medicine Co., IMqua, O. Sold by J. V. Conn. Syrup orFi;;s. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to act 011, the Liver, Kidneys and Itowels gently yet thoroughly; to dispel Hendaehs. Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion aud kindred ills. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together Willi the. choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at .J. W. Conn's drug storn. opposite OoMdPnt hctel, Astoria. F01 Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. K. Denint. Just Received. Strictly choice California roll butter and Dupee hams. D. L. lincic &Soxs. Did von see thoso little Ladies' Accor- deons at Adler's. They are little gems. The finest assortment of Teas and Coffees in town at Beck's. TASSEXCEK LIST. Tho State of California is duo from San Francisco this morning with tho fol lowing passengers: Charles R Darling J Rosenberg Ernest Kiel A Borell H G AVhite A J Clark L Sullivan Adam Grant A Mayer James Marshall E M Bowis M Myers J L Jenks Frank T Dodge E Niles R Maudelbaum A Smyth Mrs S Duncan Miss B Widanblasa Mrs J S Sberry Mrs Sexsnyder it ch Robert Kelly E Daniel S S Sweet D 3 Philips C B Hensley fc wf R J Harsmg J R Stroud JKasper Mrs Avilliams Miss Ackerman and nnrso Miss M B Cary -BUOhU J J Dohenv George H btewart Miss Saw Mrs Ackerman MrsJM A Carry Mrs CL Fay S H Harmon iurs u M ATeston MissMinnieHarmon J A Baillarceon K HMcReynolds Miss Jessie AYard Frank Tedford George M Ludwick Mrs G AY Tiramer- Miss C Jackson man Mrs E Smith A B Levy J Malawowsky Miss C Levy Mis3 H Hildebrand R N Thompson &wf John AV Rife& wf Mrs Patterson & sn AV AV Sindsn M Kellv -Miss Hart Mrs 11 Bryan Ida Ames Ar Fernback J Simmons J Konolderster W AHothschild J AV Sullivan P Salter A B Elfeit C Conner Mis3 Ida Gatzenberger Test Tour EaMug Powfler To-Day ! Brands advertised as ibsolatclj- pura COSO-LVOlSTW THE TEST: riseo n. can top dotm on n. hot t trro nntil heated. then remove the coverand r raell. A chem ist tvlll not bo required to detect tho presence t Axaxnooia. DOES EOT CONTAIN JL3QI0NT1. :.' lirallhrdacn G NEVER Rrtn Qantloatd. !.i.in llifnlomesforaiuarteTcfacsiitury it urttuud the consumer's reliable teat. THE TSTJ? Price BaKics THE OVEH. Powder Co., D Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, 1 bo rtror.cft, mozt delicious and natural llavor IlSowii , aud ":. Price's Lupuiin Yesst Gems . rlJsM, Healthy Crend.Tho Best Dry Hop "i cast la tho world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CttlCACO. - ST. LOUISp Light Healthy Bread. The uoot dry hon voast In tho world. Bread rnlsod by this yaast is light.whita and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious brend. CROCERS SELL THEW1. PREP1IU9 ar THC Price Baking Powder Co., MTrs ol Dr. Fncs's special FteYonnz Eitracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For .sale by CiitixcMrkLr & Co., Agents I'nrtlail, Oregon IJ.P. GREGORY & CO. So. .1 Xorllt I'rnnt St., I'orllanil, Or. Impotters and Dealers hi Wood-working Machinery, IMiAXKItS. 3IOLDKRS. 3fOItTSKIlS. TKXOXKISS, Haml-paperim: Machines, Iiallu'H, ISorlnc Machines, ltanit sawn, Scroll Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting, rsilljli FlXtIXis GEXEUALLY. or. c hoss, COVSTY CORONER. First Class Hcarso and Material ox HANI). Shop and Ofllee on Main St above rionecr Restaurant. Groceries. I). L. Beck & Sons carry a full assort ment of staple and fancy groceries and Rive special attention to family trade. All orders fdled promptly and delivered free of cliaree. Sriiiiii (!u1iicss To millions, pleasing their palates and cleansing their Systems, arousing their Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs and bowels to a healthy activitj. Such is the mis sion of the famous California liquid fruit remedy Svrup of Figs. 50;. and SI bottles for sale, by V. E. Dement & Co. A Xasal Injector free with each bollle of Shiloh's Catarrh Bemcdy Price 50 cents. Sold by V. E. Dement. V. Lussier 01 San Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. Song Olios, Vocal and Instrumental Folios; fifty different Musical Albums ju3t received at Adler's Music Store. Get your photographs taken at Crow's gallery by V. Lussier of San Francisco EWaUfcnt Fitting1 Hoot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. AV. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full-stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. iSlYIil Bis- C. H. COOPER'S, THE LEADING Dry Goods 1 Clothing House IN THE CITY, Tie Finest (Ms, Tlie Largest Stock, And the Lowest Prices. "While economy is wealth, it is not policy to be penny-wiso and pound-foolish by purchasing auction goods, or goods that have lain for a long time upon the shelves of some fossilized store, a prey to moths and deteriorating dust, which fact with misfits, etc., makes them un de.Mraliie, and then they become auction or so-called Cheap John goods, w Iiieli are conceded by the wise to be dear at any price, and for which people of this day pay only a trifle less than for first-class goods at a ONE PRICE, FIRST CLASS HOUSE, Which carries a Large Assortment but a Small Stock, which is kept fresh by constant replenishing from the Eastern and Pacific Markets within a short space of time and at prices for the quality of goods that defies competition. Just received from an Eastern Factory a fine assortment of Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, which in Quality, Style and Price excels anything ever before offered in the city. A full line of Genuine Kangaroo and Dongola Shoes, for Ladies or Gents which are highly recommended for this climate, as they are con sidered water proof and will not crack, while they aro the easiest shoe on the foot ever manufactnred. A Fine Assortment of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing Constantly in Stock. 2C0UNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. C. H. COOPER Pytliian Building, GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon Parker House, Ulaiu St., For a flrst-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc. After September 1st I will be prepared to manufacture all kinds of hair work. II. Da PARK, I'rop. CITY BOOK ST0R! Fine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties. All Publications Received as Soon as Published. GRIFFIN NOTICE. FRESH FHU1TS, Candy and Notions, Good Cigars and Tobacco, at tSTCOME AND SEE ME- McINTOSH'S Gents' Furnishing' The Best Place in the City to Buy FINE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES! In the Tailoring Line 1 am Showing the Latest Patterns inEuglisIi, Frcncli and American Miiitinjcs, which will be made np to order First Class or Equal to Anything In tbe State! CLOTHING PERFECT -FITTING In Men's, Youths' and Boys'. FINE WOOL, MERINO AND BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR! SEE OUR IN HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, COLLARS AND 'CUFFS. Large Assortment of ECatsl d. a. Mcintosh. Astoria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & GO. ASTOIUA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded & REED, J. P. AUSTIN, SeasiIe - OregoH DEAXER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, TOBACCO ASD CIGARS. ESA FINE BILLIARD TABLE Store! IttLilVY 31IE KEAIY MADE novelties; A. - ,.