;." ?-(r ; , W cn VOL. XXIV, NO.G5. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, JSS5. PRICE. FIYE CENTS. 4Wf LP 111 P iLl III 1 1 II'sILtII I LI i I n in BUSINESS CARDS. TTVBW. A. u and J. A. FULTON'. Physicians SBd Surgeons. Will give prompt attention to all calls, from any part of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Souemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 4t. D K.FKANK PAGE. Physician nnd Surceon. Office, Itoomc, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. Office Hours : 0 to ll a. m. ; 3 to a v. m. Residence, opposite the Johansen building D U. LOCHH ART, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oiegon. (JKO. A. DOItltlS, OKO. SOUXSD solaxd &, iokkis, attorneys at law. Offlco in Kinney's Block, tpposlte City Hall. Astoila, Oregon. W. FULTON. O. a KUI.TOK. ntfTO KitOTIlEKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lto.nu.5uiid C.Odd Fellows Building. r KliO F. PAItKEIt SURVEYOR OF t:intHOj County and Cilj' of Astoria Office : X. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8. T fc. A. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTLR. 31. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2, and 3. Pythian Bulld- 'ng. Rf-sidknck On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. F P. HICKS. A. It SHAW. nicKs & siL&xv, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria. Oregon. JOHN H. MITCH EU.. RALl'U M. UEUKNT. MITCH KLL & DEHKST, Attorneys and Councelors at Law, Rooms l, 2, 3, and 4 Kamm's Bulidluo, North East Comer of First and Pine Streets, Portland, Oregon. T K. SPEDDBX, NOTARY PUBLIC, Searcher of TIUch, Abstracter and Conveyancer. Offlco on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. AHEAD OP ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by tho Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED J Is the only flour that has taken First Prize three years im succession at the PORTLAND MKCIIAXIC'S FAIR. Also at State Fair. One trial Is sufficient to convince of its supe riority. See that the word CAPITOL is oh each sack QEOROE SHIEL, S Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria AgetiW. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. PA11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN BTREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon For Rent. fflHE HALT. OVER D. L. BECK & SON'S jl can od reuieu ior ruuuc jaiucrtuKs. Application may be made to the ezecutfro committee of the Astoria Ladies ' Coffee Club. MM. BERGMAN. Mrs. PRAEL. MBS. CHARTERS. ? Ml SfefcTHE GREAT ftjti Wtkm REM CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Headachs.Tcoihache, Soro Throat, fiweltlnc. Kpnln. Uro!s it urn is feculilN Frol I II to, ltD 1LLOTIICU IIOMLY PAliS AND ACHL?. Soil lj HrusrWtl and l)flen cwj"tere. HftjrC iUi buttle. Dircdl.ni in 11 Liacuir. Tin: cuaki.kn a. vo::ku:ie "o . (SuccMiar. ta A. t VLlCLT.1 Cj ) UaltiiciTC. 3d., I. ... I. INVIGORATOH X" lost wnac its name implies : i Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon the Itfver j curing the many diseases portant organ, anc o that im. ting the nu tnerous ailm arise from its deranged or ction,. sucli as Dys ice, Biliousness Coi aria, Sick-headachy Rh It is therefore s aiiiarmtnlt " To iiave Good Healti :hc Lwermiisfc be kept in order.'" DB. SAITFOBD'S LIVES INVIGORATOH nvfaorates the Liver, Renulates the Bow- sis, Strengthens Ihe Sj'stem, Purifies Ihc Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents J? evcrs, Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Mediciuc for common complaints. D2. SANTOHD'S UVEB INTIGOEATOE. An experience of Forty years, and Tuu. lands of Testimonials prow its Merit. FOK S XK nV ALT. DEALERS IN IEDICnn3 For fall information wnd your a0drc?3 for 1 r.-C5Eook oa ,ue "LUvr and Its dica'." U 1.NrOED 1 CIJANE 6T.. SEW lOZK ClT- A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. TUTTS PILLS TORpiyOWELsT"" DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths oftho diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Iron of Appetite, Bowels costive, Slclc Heftdjtclic, fullness after eat Ing, aversion to exertion of body or ralHtl, Eructation of food, IrrltaijII ityoftempcr,IiorsplrIU,AfcelInc of having neglected some dutjyDlx Tlnei,FlntterIng at thcHeart,lota before the cycm, highly colored rJrlne,COarSTlPATIOIV,and demand tho use of aremedy that acts directly on IheLlver. AsaLivcrmedicIncTOTT'S PILLS have no onuaL Thelractionon the Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso threo sca-rengera or ae Bystem," producing appetite, sound digestion, rcgulnr stools, a clear skin and a vig orousbody. TUTTS MELS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere -with dally "work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold.everywherea59. Ouiee44ilurraySt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GratHatr orWhiskeks changed in. stantly to a GLOssr Black by a singlo application of this Dte. Sold by Drug S?sts,orsentby express on re ceiptofjL Office, U Murrav Street, New York. roira kaotal cr tnirDL sisxxrzs nix. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTBAL ly .located. Apply at this Office. 111 firapflKEl THE PRESIDENT AND THE TERRITORIES. "We read of a man from one of the territories vrho approached Mr Cleve land for an appointment in his terri tory just before the president vrent to the Adirondacks on his fishing spree. He presented his claims in a forcible manner and so clearly to the point that .the president made sub stantially the following remarks and propounded the questions which -foleowed: "I sincerely sympathize "with the people of tho territories, because they are intelligent, industrious and courageous, and really it looks as though all the appointments for the territories should be made from the territories, but I cannot persuade myself to do so, because I am under no obligation to tho people of the ter ritories, except to do them justice, and this I intend to do. Now lot us reason together. "Who pays the ex penses of a territorial government? The general government, of course. Do the people of a territory help to elect the chief magistrate of tho na tion? Ho. Have they any voice in congress, except it be something in reference to their territory? No. To whom am I indebted for the position that I now occupy? To the people of the states. Would I not bo ungrate ful then to appoint you to a position in the territory, when there are a hundred capable men from the states asking for the same position; men, too, who worked for tho success of the Democratic party hard and faith fully? Yes, sir, I would bo uugrate i ful; not only to them, but to the Democratic party. "Whilo I realize 3'our positiou, and would like to do for yon, yet I deem it my duty to as sist thoso who assisted the party. I do not caro so much about minor officers, and shall oontinue to mako a few such appointments from tho territories, but with all duo respect, I do not feel that tho Demo cratic party is uuder any obligetions to the people of your territory. Your territory is but the ward of the general government, and the people thereof must accept such good men a? the government send you. You would do the same thing under like circumstances." Tho aspirant aropo and left the room, and as he passed down the street ho was heard to re mark: "He is the d nest, bull-headed, thick necked, fat paunched, lean pated man I ever saw. D n a terri tory nnyhow. Mollie MajuirM Reorganizing. - t -?iilV:' .'", SnAMOKix, Pa., Sept 32. M&llie Maguireism is again rampant in tho upper and lower Luzerne districts. Nine murders havo recently occurred in tho northern coal fields, and mines are frequently fired. The murderers and fire-bugs go free, and the coal and iron police seem powerless to af ford protection to life and property. ''Moonlight" rifle companies are drill ing unmolested, and the association of miners and laborers is daily grow ing by hundreds. It is well known here that tho Mollie Maguiro broth erhood has been quieth' organizing since last April, nnd a general out break is conlidently looked for before November. Detectives are watching for the approach of socialist Gormen of Chicago, who intends to organize a revolt among the mines. Familiar "coffin notices" Have been received by a number of law and order societies. SaxFiuxoisco, Sept 13. Since the passage of the ship immigration act, the importation of Mongolians has fallen off several thonsnnd, and the month to 200. The most of these are smuggled unlawfully. It is an open secret that 500 each have been paid for Chinese women smuggled through port This may get through without dissent of tho surveyor of tho port, who may be a party to the transac tions The subordinates do about as they please. The Democrats are af ter the surveyor's scalp on this score and ou account of partisanship. They have been unsuccessful thus far on account of factional d 'Ter ences. New York, Sept. 14. The Post's Washington special says: The pres ident is said to have taken a decided stand in reference to California np pointments, which may n!so extend to other states in which there aro bit ter factional contests. The Califor nia factions are so bittor that each claim they would rather have repub lican officials continue in office than see the other faction triumph. The president has given California pol iticians to understand that he will not listen to anything further in reference to thee offices, or make any more appointments until the strife ceases. Rome, Sept 1-L Barn Von Schoe zer is coming to Rome, bearing an autograph letter from Emperor William to tho pope, looking to a settlement of tho religious disputes that have been pending betweon Germany and the Vatican. It is said that the czar's morbid ness concerning nihilism is increas ing, and in consequence his mind is almost unhinged. There is no decrease in the yellow fever epidemic at Guaymos, Mexico, which is rapidly depopulating the place. Gladstone's condition is reported worse. The liberal party is sadly de moralized for want of a leader. WHY SALT SHOWS IN BUTTER. It is not uncommon to see butter in rolls or prints, of good quality and tolerably fresh, with a coating of salt crystals all over the outside, giv ing it a stale and unpleasant appear ance. -Luis may ue causeu in several ways. If the salt used is of poor quality, and particularly if it is too coarse ingrain, it fails to be well in corporated in the butter, and chang ing to brine after tho rolls have been made up, it comes to tho surface and takes the form of a crust The finest nnd best salt, not -well worked into the butter, will act in the same way. Again, if there is more moisture left in the butter than it will naturally hold, the salt joins with this extra water to form a brine; this brine finds its way to the outside, evapor ates, and leaves the salt covering. The best means, therefore, of avoid ing this difficulty, is to make the but ter by tho granular method, wash it very thoroughly, and allow it to drain and dry off well, whilo still in the granular form, before adding tho salt Then mix in the salt as thor oughly as possible, having it of the best quality and as fine as can be got; allow it to stand, a little whilo before working and putting into its final form. This gives an opportunity for all the salt to dissolve before the working, and then for removing all surplus brine. All butter, however, contains a pretty large percentage of moist ure in tho form of brine, nnd it must be kept in n moist atmosphere or elso the water of tho briue will evaporate more or less, leaving the salt visible on the outside. Any good bntter will show this dry salt if ex posed long enough in the very dry air. Work is to bo resumed on the Cal ifornia and Oregon railway, 120 miles of which remain to bo completed. Tho dispatch which furnishes this information says that work was stopped some time ago, pending ac tion by congress in regard to the land grant claimed by the company. This is no doubt true. The threat of ces sation of work was used as a club jto prevent congress revoking a forfeit ed land grant, and the performance is about to be repeated. If congress does its duty and restores these un earned lands to the public domain, the roa'd will soon be completed, nnd there will bo plenty of good govern ment land open to settlors which would otherwise go into the hands of (the greedy corporation. It is absurd for tho railroad to try to make people believe that the road cannot be built uuless the lands which it neglected to seenre when it had a chance aro given to it William I). Howclls says that uo woman can livo in the same house with a genius -which would indicate an astounding scarcity of genius. But tho idea was hooked from .Tano Cnrlyle, who warned her sex against marrying men of genius, but con tinued to livo with Thomas till she died. Tho czar has decided to restore to Sebastopol the military importance it possessed before the Crimean war. The defenses of southern Rnssia are being strengthened, nnd war prepara tions are going forward at many pieces. What is home without a mother? As cheerless as it would be without St Jacobs Oil. Both soothe and com fort. The Canadian minister of militia aud Gen. Middletou will start for British Columbia, via San Francisco in a few days. The object of the visit is to ascertain what steps should be taken to fortify Victoria and other points in British Columbia. Iletttr thin She Expected. "Your letter received. In reply I am happy to say that Parker's Hair Balsam did much more for mo than you said it would, or than I expected. My hair has not only stopped falling out, but the bald spots aro all covered, and all my hair grown thicker, softer and more lively than it was beforo my sickness a year ago. Thank you again nnd again." Extract from let ters of Mr. R, W. T., West Fifty-third street, New York. The Present Ccneratlon Lives at telegraphic speed eats tco List, re tire, too late, docs not rise bctiine-t, .smokes and (alas, that we should h.ive to say it!) chews too much tobacco. The consequences are dysjcnsu. a general absence of that ro bust and manly vigor which characterized our ancestors, and a manifest proneness to early decay. iCcgular hours, a due allowance of time for meals, the disuse of excessive smoking, and altogether of chewlnsr tobacco. In connection with a course of Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, will in nine cases out often efface consequences of the abuses of the laws of health as dictated above. A want of .stam ina, dyspepsia, ncivousness and biliousness are among these conscqueuees. and they are bodily ills to the removal or which the Hitters is specially adapted. Nor Is ihe Bitters less fitted to overcome and prevent fever and ague, kidney and bladdertroublesand rheu matic ailments. It is also a fine appetizer and promoter of convalescence. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breatli secured by Sliiloh's Catarrh llem ody. Price r0 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Ilev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both my.self and wife owe our lives to SniJ.on'8 Consumption Cuke." Sold by W. E. Dement. SniLon's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by w. E. Dement & Co MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. I&ajLXX 3F"ooc3L, 2E2to. STAR MARKET. WHERRY &. COKPATCY, KrrsJi ami Vwvni McaK "7o gotatolos, FRUITS, SUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT 110TE1 Oil KA'A ail'S Street, Astoria, Or- Washington Marker. Slain Mrerf, - Astoria, Oircmi. B HUM 31 AX VO. XJlrx'KI2.TOfm RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX tlou of the public to the fact that the above Market will always besupplied with a FLTM. VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be soM at lowest rates, whole sale ami retail. KySlM'flal nttfliMmi Hrn Xn mnnlvinfr ships. M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AKD CAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention riven all orders, and satisfaction joiarantet d. Terms IteasimnUIe. Shop and ofiire on Cass street, one door above Frank Fabrp's Restaurant. Astoria, Oregon. 0. A.STINSON & CO., BLACKSftilTHiNG. A rapt. i:nrs old stand, corner of Cins anil Court Streets. Slup anil (Tannery work. Hor?e.shoeln?. tV:uitis inadi and rep.uied. (Jood work oiarantpctl $87,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. ETorth British and Mercantile Of Loudon and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or S67,000 OOO. P.. VAX DUSEN. Accent. FOLEY HOT MEDICAL SPRINGS. A Hack will leave Eugene on the arrival ot tho train from Portland, EVERY TUESDAY, .Making the trio from Portland in less than two lays in daylight. t PETER RUN'EY. S. ARNDT & PERCfiEN ASTORIA. - ORECON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 8HO PS ,f- 0 , c vs3S383 DUIIUI OUUJJ -JgZg. All kiuds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AKD STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing OANWERT DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ifa- BARBOUR'S: Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO tJSttO0?7 GRAND PRIZE jVlfetff iwivi 1 i-OSBsr THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! ExperiBncefl FMermeS Use no Otlier ! HENRYDOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, AGEXT8 FOlt PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Hope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or lYInes anil Uqnors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. t. JEFFREY. Prop'r. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, ION, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TlXL AND OoDOr- ColMiiia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE "Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers-will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at ! P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday or Eacli TVeelr, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock SHHday Sferalsz. Passengers M this route connect at Kalaroa for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President EQUAL ! atROiry PARIS 1878. Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPEIETOR J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer I11. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Wm. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKNEK MAIN AND CIIENAMTJS ST3. O -5 v-r , 4ft-