The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 13, 1885, Image 3

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!te gattt Ustotfnw.
(Monday excepted)
Terra k of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15cts.
Sent by Mail, per month . COcts.
" r " one year 7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
fc)CAdvertIsenients inserted by the year at
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astokiax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
The country assessment roll foots np
$1,933,378; last year it -was $1,871,4C3.
Alert Hook and Ladder company moet
to-morrow eyening for election of officers.
The British Benevolent society -will
have a business meeting next Tuesday
John Rutter expects to have the new
pilot schooner which he is building ready
by October 1st.
The case of Chas. Stewart charged with
larceny was yesterday postponed till
Tuesday, ponding the arrival of witnesses.
New stake lights have been established
on the Columbia at Hoffman and Knapp
landings, and the light at Hunter's dis
continued. "Visual occlusion" is what the Seattle
Chronicle calls the smoke over on the
Sound. Nothing like that was noticed
here just smoke.
Jas. Brennan, a Portland tinsmith, fell
from the roof of the St. Louis house last
Friday evening, sustaining injuries
which resulted in almost instant death.
Tho Telephone came down at one yes
terday afternoon and started back at
two. "She comes down at 4:30 this after
noon and loaves for Portland at six to
morrow morning.
School in District No. 18 begins to
morrow. Misses Lawrence, Connolly
and Atkinson, the former efficient corps
of teachers have been reengaged by the
board of directors.
Yesterday's storm caused postpone
ment of the laying of tho corner stone
of tho new Episcopal church. The cere
mony will be performed at four o'clock
to-morrow afternoon, whatevor the con
dition of tho weather.
Reports from Alaska aro to tho effect
that the salmon oatch was a total failure
there this season. It is rumored in Sitka
that tho Northwest Trading company has
abandoned their salmon curing plant on
the Chilcat river.
There will be a praise meeting, and
service of song, at the Congregational
church to-night. Some fine anthems
will be rendered, and all all the exercises
will be of a special character. The
service will be free and all are invited to
There is a good deal of mone' sent to
San Francisco from Astoria every year
for beer that might as well be kept at
home. John Kopp. proprietor of the
North Pacific brewery, is making a fine
quality of boor, that is daily delivered in
any part of the city.
John Winters. Portland delivery clerk
of the O. R. k N. Co., died suddenly at
St. Vincent's hospital in that city Friday
morning. Deceased submitted to a deli
cate surgical operation for hernia on Sun
day last,and died from internal inflam
mation. He was a native of Salem, Mass.,
aged 38 years.
Capt. Schneider, a well-know Portland
saloon keoper, has been sued by the Al
bany Brewing company of San Francis
co. Tho suit is interesting, aB it is set
forth in tho complaint that between Jan
uary, 1884, and August, 1885, tho brewery
sold and delivered to Schneider $25,
010.29 worth of beor, on which ho paid
At tho M. E. church to-day Roy. Dr.
Roberts will hold divine service, it being
Erobably the last time in Astoria. It is
is intention apon the arrival of Mr. Jos
lyn the newly appointed minister, to re
move to his son's nlace near Colfax, "W.
T., where the good wishes and kind ro
membrances of hundreds in tho commu
nity will follow him.
The rain came down yesterday in a
perpendicular, business sort of way, that
pleased the just and the unjust, unpro
vided with umbrellas or water-proofs.
There was a little more wind than seem
ed really necessary, but the whole com
bination beat the smoke, and the whole
some air from the bosom of tho ocean
was like velvet to the cheek.
The Astoman is tho farthest west of
any daily newspaper in the United States
(unless the Eureka, Oal., Times-Telephone
publishes a daily edition,) and
though so far west is just midway bo
tween the east and west line of American
possessions. That is to say, Astoria is
just half way between Eastport, Maine,
and Attoo, tho west point of Uncle Sam's
Misfi Mappio Fearnsido has been ap
pointed postmistress at Lincoln, or Ho
quarton or Tillamook.
Rt. Rev. John A. Paddock, D. D., Bish
op of Washington territory, will officiate
in Grace church to-day.
R. D. Hume has a salmon hatchery at
Ellensbnrg, Curry county, and oxpacts to
propagate a million samlets this fall.
R. G. Praeland M. Du Boisson, two
Astoria boys, have passed a creditable
examination in Portland and have been
promoted to the high school.
Capt. Steve Babbidge brought tho Gen.
Wright up from Fort Stevens yesterday,
the storm interfering with survey work
on the bar. He returns to-morrow
Capt. Flavel is the recipient of a hand
some oil painting from Capt. Watts, of
the John T. Berry. It represents that
fine vessel inward bound and signaling
her arrival.
If Frank M. Hurd, member of Triangle
Lodge No. 104, K. of P., of S. F. is in the
city ho is asked to communicate with "W.
A. Sherman, K. of R. and S., of Pacific
Lodge No. 17. It. of if., or call at the
City Book Btore.
Election of Officers, A. II. t t.
Co. No. 1.
To-morrow evening, Monday, Septem
ber 14th at 8 o'clock sharp, regular an
nual election of officers will take place
in the company hall. Clears.
By order J. O. 13ozortu,
F. T. Jordan, Secy.
Goodwin's Clatsop butter at Beck's.
W. Lussier 01 San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Dare Campbell the Victor la Yesterdaj'
Priro Fight.
The Salem, tho Lucca Mason and three
other boats left Portland at three o'clock
yesterday morning having on board
Dave Campbell and J.E. Reill', tho prin
cipals in a proposed prize fight, with a
number of backers and spectators, in all
over 400 men, They landed shortly after
daybreak in Clarke county, "W. T., but
before activo preparations had been
made the sheriff appeared and ordered
them off. Tho party went aboard the
boats and started down the river, one of
the crowd saying that he had a place far
ther down where they could land and
fight all they wanted. Accordingly they
stopped at Ward's ranch, on the Wash
ington territory side opposite a point
midway between Columbia City and St.
Helens, a level grass plat was mowed and
raked, and a twenty-four foot ring staked
off. By this time the Tom Morris, which
had left here the night before with a
party of Astorians aboard, hove in sight,
the new arrivals being welcomed and
given admission to see the fight, which
began at nino o'clock. The fight was for
$500 a side, Cansbell and Reilly putting
up $100 apiece after they had got in tho
ring. Duncan McDonald, Campbell's
trainer was his second, Joo Taylor,
Heilly's trainer, acted in tho same capac
ity for his man and Geo. Stevens of this
city was chosen referee.
The betting was in favor of Campbell,
odds as high as two to ono being givon.
There was about $l,rC0 in tho pool box,
and $1,0C9 moro on the outside. Tho
fight was short, sharp and docisivo;
uampbell had it all his own way irom
tho start, being evidently superior in
soience, strength and physical ability.
They fought fourteen rounds, and from
the first Campbell had the advant
age, Reilly succeeding in getting
in but ono blow on Campbell's
body. The ficht was fou"ht under tho
London Prize Ring rules, and at the end
of tho fourteenth round, which resulted
in a blow that knocked Reilly prostrate.
he failod to como to tireo, and Ins ugm,
which lasted sixteen minutes, was award
ed to Campbell. The Astoria delegation
backed (Jampuell, and wero accordingly
winners. They got back hero at hve
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Apropos of tho impending race batween
tho Puritan and tho Oawslu, a corre
spondent who belongs, as ho says, to the
aquatio or finny tribe, writes as follows,
with some reserves as to the accuracy of
"When the America boat tha British
fleet, some of us more practical sailors
and ship owners tried to get something
more than a play race out of it, and we
challenged, in 'Bell's Lifo in Londo 1'
(copied into tho American papers of thai
day See Coflin's littlo history of tho
America aud other racing yachts) tho
British ship-owners or builders to raca a
clipper ship of (I think) 1,C93 tons, tea
loaded for a prize of .10,000, from China
to Cowes. The challenge was made by a
club formed for the purpose. I won't
tell you how small it was, nor how littlo
constitution or fow by-laws it had. It
was I think, called tho New England
Ship-owners Club, and the challenge was
signed by Daniel C. Bacon president of
the club. It was never accented nor
much noticed in England. TI1C3' were
too much demoralized by the America's
victory to risk another defeat. "We had
all our plans laid to bni Id a clipper ship
to combine speed and c ommcrciai capac
ity, and to put Uapt. Jrhn. Lmniarcsqne,
the prince of clipper captains, in com
mand. Dumaresquo afterward, in the
California oxcitement, commanded the
clipper ship Surprise, of 1,500 tons, built
for him by Daniel C. Bacon and others,
and, in a raco with tho famous clipper
Staghound from Boston to San Francisco,
beat her, in the shortest passage ever
made between tho Atlantic aud Pacific
ports. The Surprise was built at Samuel
Hall's shipyard, East Boston, and tho
Staghound by Donald McKays Both
ships were wonderful combinations of
speed and carrying capacity, and their
race was better worth recording than any
little vacht race ever made, as they wore
full of cargo at about $40 per ton, and
were kept at racing speed day and night
for the ninety days or so which I think
they took, or one of them did."
Biicklcn'.s Arnica Salve.
Tnu Best Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures rues or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. ivorsaiony w.
E. Dement & Co.
RcopciiiugorSeltool in District
Tio. IS.
School books cheaper than ever before
at Carl Adler's Book Store, also ex
change of books at prices adopted by
State Board. Slate pencils, lead pencils,
ink, etc.. given away at Carl Adler's
Book Store.
Song Olios, Vocal and Instrumental
Folios; fifty different Musical Albums
just received at Adler's Music Store.
Did you ee those little Ladies' Aceor
deons at Adler's. They aro little gems.
Groceries sicapped for caili at S. F.
prices at Beck's.
D. A. Mcintosh has hist received a
large stock of Fine Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Goods. The latest novelties
In Scarfs and Ties.
The finest assortment of Teas and
Coffees in town at Beck's.
D. L. Beek & Sons carry a full assort
ment of staple and fancy groceries and
give special attention to family trade.
All orders filled promptly and delivered
free of charge.
The Cables Cry For It,
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy activity. For sale by V. E.
Dement & Co.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
'Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
For a If cat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmaus, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Eniilith or American Snprenucr
Still a
Tho race for "the Queen's cup" between
tho American yacht Puritan, and the
English yacht Gcnesla, is at present
writing undecided. On the 7th they got
away all right from Sandy Hook, bnt ow
ing to tho lack of wind tho raco had to
be postponed, after twenty miles had
been sailed, the odds being in favor of
tho Puritan. The next day they started
again when tho Puritan fouled the Gcn
esla, carrying away tho tatter's bowsprit.
The raco was then postponed to Friday
last when a third unsuccessful attempt
was made to go over the course, dark
ness closing in and necessitating another
All over the United States and England
tha ereatest interest is manifested in tho
contest between tho two yachts which
ronrcsent the nest euoris, tuo uiguesi
skill and the utmost perfection yet
reached in the art of yacht sailing.
The finest dories of American yacht
ing cluster about tho great international
races which have been sailed for tho
possession of tho Queen's cup, which tro
phy is now tue inosi miuous m mo worm.
It was tho first which was offered for in
ternational comnetition. From 1851,
when the first contest over it took place,
ilntcs tho irreatest development of
yachting; and from that date also the
superiority 01 .-vinculum uia hukhmi
craft, in their build and rig, has been al
most continuously uomousiraiou.
The first international challenge was is
sued in 1837 by Joseph Weld of Bylowell,
England. An American had expressed
the opinion that nothing afloat could
hent tho Wave, owned bv John C. Stev
ens of New York. Mr. Weld challenged
this yacht to sail against his cutter, tho
.4 farm, "for 1,00 or more, tho cosrso to
be no further than can bo performed in
ono day, tho vessel which comes in first
a r l A il.M 1ne' wnl 4n TtMtt !, ft
raca. each vessel t carry what sail it
ploases, sail or pajv' Tho llrarc was a
last naner in biuuum uwi, nuu uu
hoaten the crack Boston yacht Sylph on
two occasions. Tho owner of the Alarm
no sooner satisfied himself of her re
doubtablo qualities than ho asked per
mission to wituuraw uia cuauence. j.s
was reluctantly accorded. She was
again challenged tho following year, this
timfa for $100,000, by a member of tho
Royal British Yacht club, but as she had
been already sold to tho government,
nothing came of it.
John C. Stevens, commodore of tho
New York Yacht club, had conceived tho
idea of some day beating tho very best
craft that British sportsmen could pro
duce, and ho did not abandon it. Tho
America was built oxpressly and sent to
England for this purpose. Her owners,
however, wera ignorant at that timo of
the fact that a cup was to bo offered at
Cowes oion to all nations. Their chal
lenge was posted on August 2, 1831, but
provoked no response. It was soon af
terwards modified so as to include cut
ters, but still it wa3 not accepted. A
final challengo was issued to sail any
British vessel whatever for any sura from
1.0CD to 1C3.0C3 guineas, stipulating only
that thero should bo at least n six-knot
breeze. All England remained as dumb
as an oyster. Evidently her yachtsmen
wero afraid of the America.
It was found after patient endeavor
that the only chance of showing what
she could do was to enter a general re
gatta a hazardous test. The risks were
taken, however, Commodore Stevens
making but one proviso, that his vessel
should not start unless there was a good
breeze. Tho A7ticrica sailed, and, as all
tho world knows, won the cup, against all
types of rigs and all sizes of bottoms,
leaving tho best of tho English boats
miles behind her.
The Queen's cup now became America's
cup, and as such has since been known.
An anecdote revived will bear repeating
once more. The queen viewed tho raco
from a steamer off the Needles. At a
certain moment she is represented as
"Signal master, are the yachts in
sight ?"
"Yes, may it pleaso your majesty.3
"Which is nrst 7"
"Tho America."
"Which is second?"
"Ah, your majesty, there is no second."
Englishmen no longer spoke in derision
of American yachts after this triumph
as "Yankee skimming dishes."
The ocean and international races in
which tho Jlenrictla, Cambria, Sappho
and Dauntless wore engaged, occurred
between 1SG7 and 1871. Tho Cambria
and Dauntless crossed tho Atlantic, start
ing from Cork on tho 4th of July, 1870.
The former arrived first at Now York by
a difference of two hours. This success
emboldened her to challengo for tho
America's cup, and occasioned the first
race for its possession in America. Tho
event took place on the 8th of August,
1870. Twenty-four yachts started and
the Magic camo in tho winner, tho Cam
bria being tenth.
Tho third contest was in 1011. auo
LiDonia, owned by James Ashbury, com
modore of the Royal Harwich yacht
club.was then looked upon by the British
with tho same hopes which m tho hearts
of American yachtsmen had centered
about the Ajnerica. They thought her
certain to win. Tho America in the
meantime had changed hands, and had
even como into tho possession of an Eng
lishman. "With an altered rig sho
seemed to belio her former splendid
performances. It was her further des
tiny to get into tho confederate service
as a privateer and then into tho American
navy and to be given n man-of-war rig.
After still more humiliating misadvent
ures, sho was purchased at auction by
General Butler and another gentleman
and in tho samo year was entered 111 tho
raco for tho cup agaiuBt tho Lironi'a. Tho
latter was beaten badly, but tho America
was also distanced.
In 187G tho fourth contest for tho cup
was provoked by tho Canadian schooner,
tho Countess of Duffcrin. Tho America
had been rerigged, but was refused an
entry, as she did not belong to tho chal
lenged club. She sailed over tho courso,
however, and beat every other vessel iu a
twenty-milo stretch to the windward.
The sloop Atlanta vrna the causoof a
farcical competition for the cup in 1881,
in which she had not the ghost of a
chance of beating tho Mischief, which
was pitted against her.
Every successive winuor of the America
cup had given it into the custody of tho
Now York Yacht Club in trust, subject to
challenge. Tho last deed of trust was
made in 1832. The Genestd's was the
first challenge under its provisions.
Tho America's cup is of solid silver,
ewer-shaped and elaborately ornament
ed. It stands full two feet high and
weighs at least 100 ounces. Around its
broadest part are medallions, variously
inscribed. The first is as follews: "One-Hundred-Guinoa
Cup, won August 22,
1851. at Cowes. Encland, by yacht Amer
ica, at the Royal Yacht Squadron regat
ta, open to all nations beating" and
then follow the names of all the vessels
which started in the raco of 1831. On
tho next medallion is engraved: "Schoon
er America, 170 tons. Commodore John
C. Stevens; built by George Steers, Now
York, 185L" On tho "other spaces are
inscriptions recording the results of the
races with tho schooners Cambria, Livon
ia and Countess ofDufferin and tho sloop
Tho Gcncsta (tho name meaning "a
boom") has got away with overything on
tho other side of the water and tho Pur
itan has the fastest yacht timo on record
eight milas in less than thirty-seven
Yes, his front name is Tobias,
And he isn't over pious,
And his eyes aro on the bias,
So to speak;
And his only aim and bent is
Nobby clothing for this gent is
Just a bit non compos mentis
Liko and weak.
And thi3 feather-weighted gent he
Though not over one-and-twenty
Has of knowledge quite a plenty,
So to speak;
For he'd rather be a-pranciug,
And kicking at a dancing,
Than his stock of wit enhancing.
Learning Greek.
Though he apes tho drawl and stammer
When ho dons bis sleek claw-hammer,
Yet Tobias shoots his grammar,
So to speak;
And ho questions very rarely
(So his clothes aro hanging fairly),
If his brain be fashioned squarely,
Or oblique.
No, ho has no education,
And his beauty took vacation
'Bout tho timo of his creation,
So to speak;
And upon mature reflection,
Taking-each distinct'bisection,
I'vo decided his complexion's
Rather weak.
Though his shirt has not a rimple,
Nor his beardless ohm a dimple,
Yet he boasts a chronic pimplo
On his beak;
And his voico is not reliant,
For at times it is defiant,
And at times it is a pliant
Little squeak.
Now it seems to me so funn3'
That this half-demented sonny
Should be loaded down with money,
So to speak;"
While tho writer of this ditty,
Who you seo is rather witty,
Has to scrub about the city
On his cheek.
S. S. Fostuk.
Murder Near Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, W. T., Sept. 11. At
10:30 o'clock lost night Fred. E. Lux
shot and killed James Dobson, at the
former's ranch, five miles west of Walla
Walla. Lux and Dobson were not ac
quainted. Both camo to town riding
white horses. Dobson was drunk and
took Lux's horso after dark by mistake.
The horso being gone, Lux footed it
home. He saw the horse tied aud a man
Ivinc on tho ground asleep at his house.
Ho spoke to the man, who awoke and set
his dofj on Lux, who shot tho dofj. Dob-
son seized a sinele-treo at the side of the
house and approached Lnx, who shot
him near the heart, from which ho died
in two hours. The character of both
men was good. Lnx has been much
troubled with land sharps trying to (jet
his land nnd was fearfnl of his life. Tho
Coroner's verdict to-day was doath from
a pistol wound in the hands of F. E. Lnx.
Lux is now in jail.
ExcittMl Thousands
All owr the land are xmg into ec
stasy over J)r. King's ?Jev Discovery
for Consumption. Their unloosed for
recovery by the timely use nf this groat
life .Saving remedy, causes them to
tjo nearly wild in its praise. It is guar
anteed to positively eure Severe Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, JJronchitis,
Hoarseness, of Voice, or any affec
tion of the Throat and Limes. Trial
bottles free at V. E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store. Large size $1.00.
The largest dock in tbo world is at
SL Johns, Newfoundland. It is GOO
feet long nt tbo top, 558 feet long up
on the lino of keel blocking and 132
feet wide, nnd tbe drift over gate still
25 feet at high tide.
Iiettfr than She Kx peeled.
"Yonr letter received. In reply I
am happy to say that Parker's Hair
Balsam did mnch moro for me than
you said it would, or than I expected.
Sly hair has not only stopped falling
out, but the bald spots nre all covered,
and nil my hair grown thicker, softer
and moro lively than it was before my
sickness n year ago. Thank you
again and again.'' Extract from let
ters ot Mr. It. W. T., "West Fifty-third
street, New York.
Syrup ofJFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
Itlcasant liquid fruit remedy may be
lad of W. F. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys ami Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fever: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
All the patent medicines advi-rl'Wfd
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet article.-?, etc.. can
ne bought at the lowest prices, at.I.W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
yon have a nrinted guarantee on ever
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Snii.ou's Cur.E will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by V. E. Dement & Co
Just Kcecivcil.
Strictly choice California roll butter
and Dupee hams.
D. L. Br.CK & So.vs.
Do You Tbink that Jcfr- ol
The Chop House
Gives j'ou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much 1" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. Ho buys uy the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
Employment by a German girl who
understands cooking -and house-work.
Apply at Germania Hotel.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
I gallery by w . Lussier of San Francisco
TanHIn, Xcmon, Orance, etc., flavor
Cakes, Cream, Padding, &c.t m dell
calely and naturally a tho fralt from
iclilch tiicy aro made.
For Strength and Truo lTruit
Flavor Tlicy Stand ionc.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
U1KCR3 or
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Br. Price's Inpulin Yeast Gems,
cat Dry Uo; YcuiU
The best dry hop yoast in tho world.
Bread raised by this yoaat is Hght.whito
nnd wholesome like our grandmother's
dpiictous hread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTrs ot Dr. Price's s?sciai FlaYonns Extracis, '
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sa'e by Cuitinr.Merle & Co., Agents
l'ortland, Oregon
Vo. S.Vorlh Front St., Portland, Or.
Impoiters anil Dealers in
"Wood-working Machinery,
au(l-iiaptrinir jiacliiues.
ial,l.l2' orlns aiachincs.
-'"fiSAnH 1-SSSSi SSTnV
-- - -" &!
For Rent.
X orado," on Chenanms, between Renton
ami Main. Saloon fixtures for sale or to
let. Apply to
For Sale.
house and lot. well situated. Casli
takes a bargain. Impure at Ihisofuce.
A. V. Allen,
Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In
Glass and Plated Ware,
Toother with
Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars
Furnished Rfloms.
ly furnished rooms to rent at lire dol
lars per month ami upward, ami by the week
or night. Enquire corner Main anil JHTer
son streets.
5gga.' rJU -igcv
TJ:o.c3.0jEttfcg,i n g.
First Class Kcarso and Material
ox 1IANI.
Shop anil Office on Main St., above Pioneer
Candies; Fiuits. Foreign and
Every Variety cf Fruit in Season.
Sruioinoqua Street.
Next Door to the Gem Saloon.
Four Rooms, Centrally Located
Abstracts of Title.
a set of Abstract Books from the records
of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to
furnish completes and correct Abstracts of
Title to any Heal Estate In the County, at
reasonable rates.
Attorney at Law, Astoria. Oregon.
Office, itoora 6, over Gity Book store.
Kvta 1 n"-Vj
Dry Goods Clothing House
The Finest Ms, Tie Largest Stock,
And the Lowest Prices.
While economy is wealth, it is not policy to be penny-wise and
pound-foolish by purchasing auction goods, or goods that have lain for
a long time upon the shelves of some fossilized store, a prey to moths
and deteriorating dust, which fact with misfits, etc., makes thorn un
desirable, and then they become auction or so-called Cheap John
goods, which are conceded by the wise to be dear at any price, and
for which people of this day pay only a trifle less than for first-class
goods at a
"Which carries a Large Assortment but a Small Stock, which is kept
fresh by constant replenishing from the Eastern and Pacific Markets
within a short space of time and at prices for the quality of goods that
defies competition.
Just received from an Eastern Factory a fine assortment of Men's,
Boys' and Children's Hats, which in Quality, Style and Price excels
anTthing ever before offered in the city.
A full Hue of Genuine Kangaroo and Dongola Shoes, for Ladies or
Gents which are highly recommended for this climate, as they are con
sidered water proof and will not crack, while they are the easiest shoe
on tho foot ever manufactnred.
A Fine Assortment of
Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing
Constantly in Stock.
Pythian Building,
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc.
After September 1st I will be prepared to
manufacture all kinds of lialr work.
II. Dn PA11K, Prop.
Fine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies,
Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties.
All Publications Received as Soon as Published.
Candy and Notions, Good Cigars
and Tobacco, at
Gents' Furnishing'
The Best Place in the City to Buy
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns in English, French
anil American Baitings, which will be made np to order First Class or
Equal to Any tiling' in tlio State!
In Hen's, Youths' and Boys'.
SEE our
v. Large Assortment of IBCtisi
Astoria, Oregon.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
- Oregon
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,