f3) ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12. 1885 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. V. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AKD PKOPKIKTOUS, AbTORIAX BUILDING, - - CASS STREKl Term cTSubscrlptlon. Served by Carrier, per week 15cls. Sont by Mail, per month . 60cts. " " one year . .?7.oo Free of postage to subscribers. Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per iquare, cacb insertion. notice To Advertiser.. The Astoriax guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of anv newspaper published on the Columbia river. This paper is on file at the St. Charles Hotel, Portland, Or. School books at Carl Adlor'g. Goodwin's Clatsop butter at Beck's. The Tillie E. Slarbuck arrived at Fal mouth last Thursd?y. There will be no Sunday excursion on the Gen. Miles to-morrow. J. E. Denney has been appointed to the command of tho steamer Coos Bay. The M. E. Watson went up stream in tow of the Alice and Oklahama yesterday afternoon. C. Caesar, the newly appointed German consul for Oregon, was banqueted in Portland last Tnursiay. Nineteen hundred cases salmon and 1,500 sacks flour were saved from the wrooked Haddingtonshire. E. 0. Holden advertises his regular aucton sale at his auction rooms, of sec ond hand furniture, etc., at 11 a.m. The Multnomah county ns3Q3Sor gives the total population of the county as ag gregating 33,592; legal voters, 10,25L The Qeo. W. Elder is coming hero to carry wheat to San Francisco. The Mex ico takes her place on tho Victoria route. Major Adams has succeeded in getting his paper, the Columbian, out of tho sheriff's hands, and it appears again this week, edited in his own original stylo. Lieut. J. P. "Wisser is transferred from Battery F to Light Battery E, First Artillery, vice Lieut. J. F. "Honeycutt, who goes to Battery F, now at Foit Canby. R. V. Chadd, editor of the Kittitas Standard, formerly of Yakima, dropped dead at Ellensburg last Thursday night; cause, aneurism of the main artery of the heart. A now belfry has lately been added to the chapel of the Holy Innocents at up per Astoria, the funds for which were en tirely raised by tho children's guild of thechapol. The corner stone of tho now Episcopal church will be laid at four o'clock this afternoon by Rt. Rev. Jno. A. Paddock. D. D. Bishop Paddock will officiate in Grace church at the usual hour to-morrow. Tho Oregon sailed yesterday; she car ried from Astoria 497 cs salmon, 900 sks of wheat, 150 sks oysters, and ten tons general merchandise. The salmon ship ments were, Sunset, 103: Magnolia, 330; Geo. Hume, 07. Tho second annual convention of tho Young Men's Christian Association of the Columbia will bo held in Tacoma, Vf. T., on the 8th and 9th of October. Several delegates from Astoria Y. M. C. A. will be present. Capt. Post of the M. E. Watson says that the day the Haddingtonshire went ashore in the fog off Point Reyes he was an hour behind her, but on approaching land he became aware it was dangerous , and wearing ship stood out to soa. Messrs. Campbell nnd Reiley of Port land will bo the principals in a prizo fight to be fought at the mouth of the Cow litz this morning. The Toi Morris startod from hero at ten o'clock last night with a party to see the fight. At two o'clock this afternoon, E. G. Holden will sell at public auction two valuable lots in the town of Alderbrook. To any one desirous of securing a good site for a residence in that neighborhood no more favorable opportunity will likely e vor be presented. From Rainier's icy mountains, from Curry's coral strand, to where the Clat sop fountains lie hid 'neath shifting sand, come words of thankful praise to tho welcome rain, that has put tho fires out, and made it possible to see across tho street once more. The News says there is a deficit of $2, 000,000 in the Portland city assessment roll compared with '84. No wonder, the way 'they assess proporty there. It is common report that the Portland asses sor assesses city property at from 15 to 25 per cent of its actual cash value. Mort gages in that city were last year assessed at GO per cent, of the amount; this year, it is said, 30 per cent, comes nearer the figure. There is where your $2,000,000 deficit comes in. A PLEASANT EYEXIKG. There was a sooial gathering at Mrs. Van Dusen's hospitable residence last evening, a sociable being hold there by the ladie3 of Grace Episcopal church. The spacious apartments were filled with ladies and gentlemen. During the even ing vocal and instrumental music was given by some of the best musical talent of the city. A unique feature of tho evening was the manner in which refreshments were served. Eaeh lady attending tho sociable brought a basket or box in which was put up a delicious array of good things, a nice little supper for twe: inside was her card and a souvenir of tho occasion; at a certain time in the evening when it appeared refreshments wero in order, these boxes wore sold to the gentlemen, and as each gen tleman bought a box, the card inside told him with whom he had tho honor of taking lunch. The buying of the boxes, the discovery of their partners and tho subsequent partaking of the nontents of tho boxes, afforded considerable mirth. It is very likely that that style of social will be deservedly popular in Astoria this winter. Last evening's entertainment netted a handsome sum which will be placed in the fund that tho ladies of Grace church are raising to buy steam heating apparatus for the new church, the cornerstone of which will be laid this afternoon. Reepemu; of SSeliool in District Xo. 18. School boots cheaper than ever before at Carl Adler's Book Store, also ex change of books at prices adopted by State Board. Slato pencils, lead pencils, ink, etc given away at Carl Adler'a Book Store. Song Olios, Vocal and Instrumental Folios; fifty different Musical Albums just received at Adler's Music Store. WHO WERE THEY! More About tbe Sfystcrlons Drowning Lat TnMdsy Mjht. The item in The Astobiax of tho 10th regarding the drowning of two men from a sail boat in the river near Knappton, and tho narrow escape of the third occu pant of the boat, elicited universal in quiry. Tho information received was but tho vaguest outline, and the most diligent effort on the part of this paper has thus far failed to find the names of the lost men. No one is missed; no Astorian appears to havo any knowledge of them. It is certainly one of the most singular affairs in tho annals of the lower Columbia. The only presumption left is that they were total strangers, just passing through the city. It may bo that inquiry from their friends or ac quaintances wherever they came from will throw more light on what is at pres ent a very singular episode. Following is a letter received from tho surviTor of the unfortunate trie: Under date of Skamokwa, Soptember.lOtb, 1885, he writes: Editor Astemax: "Tuesday last, on my way up from Ilwaco, I stopped at your city and got my supper. As I was about to start away two men stood on the dock. One of them asked me where I was bound. I told him I intended to go to Knappton, and from there to Ska mokwa. They then asked me if they could get passage with me. I told them they could, but also told them that tho mail steamer was going up in the morn ing. They insisted on going with me. We started and ran across to the point just below Knappton. when I asked one of them to take down the sprit. The man did as I asked him. I saw him step on deck. When the sprit came down it shoved the man overboard. I sprang from the tiller, ran forward, grasped tho mpn by the shoulder, but as the sprit of the sail came down the end of tho boom caught tbe water, tripping the boat, causing the boat to lay on her side. A squall struck tho remaining sail, which caused the boat to fill. As I found my self sinking, I stripped off my overcoat, also my vest and dress coat, and swam toward a light I saw on shore, which proved to bo drift afire on tho beach. I lay on tho beach about two hours, when the boat came ashore. No men wcro to be seen. I was not acquainted with either of the parties. I will ba at Ska mokwa where parties can give informa tion in regard to tho two drowned men. Fbank B. Huhmiston." Mr. Hummiston's letter is of consider able interest and is a valuable addition to tho meagre knowledgo possessed of the affair. Tho question now is, who were they? ASTOUIA FREIGHT. The Columbia cauie in in good season, she brought Astoria freight as follews: Van Dussn & Co., 2 boards saws, 1 cs hardware, 30 kegs nails, GO bxs soap, 8 cs crackers, 20 bxs paste; A Campbell, 1 cs cigars,; A. V. Allen, 2 sks dry apples, 1 bbl vinegar, 1 bbl hams, 8 cs lard; A Ol son, 1 cs IL II. goods; Brown & McCabe, 1 boat; Chas. Heilborn, 1 crate oilcloth, 2 bales do; C. Gratko, 30 kga beer; Carna han fc Co., 1 cs Ivo, 3 bxs 1 crate codfish, 9 bbls sugar; 1 bd tubs: C. IL Cooper, 1 cs dry goods; C. L. Parker, 10 bbls su gar: D. L. Beck & Sons, 2 bales twine, 1 bx cr. tartar, 2 cs paint. D. Ladd, 1 tool chest; E. W. Tallant, 10 casks wine; Eaton & Caniahan, 3 cs millinery; F. L. Parker, 3 bbls sugar, 2 cs pineapple, 3 C3 milk, 2 pkgs 10 bxs herrings, 3 bxs corn beef. 3 bxs raisins, l cs Honey, z buls vin egar, 1 C3 candy, 1 bx do., G pkgs figs, 3 bxs craokers; l,oarui.Jatokes,rogs seeds, 7 bales meal 1 bx P. barley, 1 cs crockery, 5 tins matches, 5 cs tomatoes, 1 sk sago, 2 bxs chocolate, 1 bbl wine. 5 bxs raisins, 10 sks onions, 4 anchors, 1 kg hardware, 4 cs lard, 1 bbl ham, 1 bbl pork, 1 trc ham, fi cs corn beef, 1 cs cheese, 1 cs fan cy goods, 2 bxs pipes, 1 kg nails, 2 bxs hardware, 1 cs do., 2 cs axes, 1 bx linseed oil, 5 sks coffee, 1 pkg notions, 13 bbls sugar, 1 bbl drips, 1 bbl currants; J. A. Black, 1 trk samples; J. W. Bottom. 1 cs cigars; J. it. D. tiray, 1 cs bacon, 3 bxs tobacco. 1 tin matches, 13 bbls sugar; J. O. Hanthorn, 1 cs stationery; Loo Yuen, i bxs goods; M. C. Crosby, 2 bales rubber hose, 1 bdl galvanized irou, 20 bxs tin, 2 cs hardware: P. A. Stokes, 1 cs sta tionery; Quong Wing, 2 bbls Old Tom, Wm. Patton, 1 bx books; "Wm. Iioeb k Co., 1 bx Glassware; Wan Uine Jan, f bxs goods, 1 mat par or; Wyatt & Thomp son, 1 bx tea. The Judge find KaVcr's Hay. It is said that a certain judge in cor recting a Chinaman 03 to tho location of Astoria, assorted that it was located on Baker's bay which was about two miles wide. Had tho Judge been po33e3sud of Johnson's Family Atlas of tho World he would not need havo made such an egre gious error. ALL ALIKE. Simpson and his wifo were on their way to church, and tho lady was patting on har gloves. "My dear," he said pettishly, "Yot should complete your toilet at home. I'd as soon sea you patting on your stockings on tho street as putting on your gloves." "Most men would," she said promptly, and tho abashed husband didn't say an other word. Etansville Argus. Buclflcii's Arnica Salve. The Best Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorcs,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eiup tious, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Jerfect satisfaction, or money lefumled. 'rice 25 cents per box. Foi dale by W. E. Dement fc Co. In Mr. Shively's place, a black cane with ivory cross-piece handle,and silver ring below handle, marked with own er's name and "Z. Er. an Freiberg". Please return to office of Astoiji ax. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. Did you see thoso little Ladies' Aecor deons at Adler's. They are little gems. Groceries swapped for cash at S. F. prices at Beck's. Anv ono desiring the services of Mrs. Kate Duffy as nurse from the 10th of September until tlft 10th of December will please address her at Little Falls, Lewis Co., Washington Territory. D. A. Mcintosh has iust received a large stock of Fine Clothing and GentV Furnishing Goods. The latest noyehies in Scarfs and Ties. The finest assortment of Teas and Coffees in town at Beck's. TEXAS 1LLAHEE And the (Jentlemea That There Do Ccn Ererate. Last April the justice court in this pre cinct was the scene of a costly caso wherein Chas. Wood, and other residents of Tenas Illrhee had somo privato laun dry work done in public. It was a dirty caBe and ended where it began. At its conclusion Wood started home to find the sanctity of his domestic health again invaded by some ono or mora who stolo several hundred dollars worth of stuff a web of net, a rifle, ammunition, etc from Wood's ecow. Suspicion pointed to a company of congenial spirits who made that place headquarters but no evi dence offering to justify making arre3ts, the matter slumbered till this week, when Messrs. Stewart and Peterson of that re gion, having some little difficulty, Peter son 'peached." declaring Stewart was the thief, and produced tho rifle, at the same time saying that he (Stewart) had cut the marks off of tho web, and used it in his own net. Stewart was arrested yesterday and will bo givon a hearing be fore Justice Goodell at three o'clock this afternoon. Ho claims it is all "a put up job," and that ho is innocent of the charge preferred ngainst him. ALLEGED JOKES. A musical expert says that only ono man in a thousand can whistle a tune. And yet there are peoplo who think there is nothing to bo thankful for. Texas Siftings. The Salt Lake Democrat says that Salt Lake City possesses twenty-eight organ ized baseball clnbs nnd twenty brass bands. If the Mormons can stand all that it is no wonder they laugh at tho United States army. Oil City Derrick. Archibald Adams, a teamster residing near Pittsburg, recontly undertook to bathe tho hind hoofs of ono of his mules in hot water. His widow has decided to sell the mule. Texas Siftings. Walt Whitman is said to be the chiof curioaity in the city of Camden. No wonder! The man who can rhymo "ju risprudence" with "symbolical" would be a cariosity anywhere. Lowell Citizen. It i3 said that Sitting Bull is fond of canned goods. Some ono should send him a can of nitro-glyoerino nnd a ham mer and cold chisel, and tell him to pitch in and enjoy himself. St. Paul Herald. "Why are they called pyramids, pa?" asked Georgie, who was looking at a pic ture of those wonders of Egypt. "They are called pyramids, my son," replied his father, without hesitation, "because you sgo they appear amid the general desola tion of the desert." Boston Transcript. Policeman Addis of Philadelphia re cently tried to arrest a rough, wh fired on him, but tbe ball was stopped by a suspender button. This little incident shows that Policeman Addis has a no ble wife, otherwise his suspender would have been fastened by an old shingle nail or a wooden toothpick. Texas Sift ings. The San Antonio city council has achieved n national reputation for the slowness with which it accomplishes nothing. An alderman meeting au en terprising citizon on Commerce street, said: "We had a very important two hours' session of the city council this af ternoon." "What passed?" "Well, the two hours passed Texas Siftings. Mrs Colonel Ycrger has a dreadful longuo. A few nights ago she and her daughter retired at an early hour, the latter being in an adjoining room, Col. Yerger having gone to the lodge. Mrs. Yerger was in a bad humor, nnd gave her daughtor a fearful tougae-lashing. Misa Yerger stood it for a good while, but at last she called eut: "Mother, for God's sake give yonrself a rest. If you koep this up much longer you will not have anything left ovor for pa when ho comes home f torn tbe lodge. Don't be so ex travagant, ma." Texas Siftings. Mrs. Peterbv was making a neighborly call on Mrs. Simpson. While they wero ohalting together little Mamie Simpson was seen coming towards the house with a package iu her hand. "Mamie is such n smart child; she is too smart for hor ago. I often send her to the grocery on the corner with a twenty-dollar bill, and she always brings back the right change." Enter Mamie, who runs to her mother and says: "I got the coffee from the grocery, but the clerk aays if you don't pay last month's bill you can't get any thing more on credit." Texas Siftings. A building was in process of erection opposite a public building in Washington city. One of the clerks, who had been looking out of the window for somo time, said to another clerk who was reading a newspaper: "I havo been watching that workman over there, and ho has not done n lick of work in all that time. I wonder what ho gets paid for?" Just about the same time tho workman remarked to a fellow werkman: "Just look at that government clerk over there. He hasn't done anything except look out of the window for tho last half hour. No won der the country is going to the dogs.,' Texas Siftings. A JLifc Saving lrcsciil. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple 'J Trial Bottle va. '& JVIllO 1111 Awvwi - J tut vwi- cry, toruoiv sumption, wincn caused mm to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, IIoarseness.Severc Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free ntW.E. Dement & Co.'s DrugJ Store. Large size $1.00, For u "Xcat Fitting Boot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. At Frank Fabre's. Board for $22iX) a month. The best iu the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. Lost. Strayed or stolen : thrcu pigs, largest had three slits in ears; largeit and smallest spetted: other one jet black. Keturn to Joux McCuk, West Sixth St near O'Urien's Hotel. Get your photographs taken at Crow's gallery by W. Lussier of San Francisco WHAT! Do You Thin It that JcflT' ol The Chop Ilouse Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much !" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it.' W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en gaged in tho photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. Wanted. Employment by a German girl who understands cooking and house-work. Apply at Germania Hotel. A FAMOUS GAME OF TOKEB. Stanley Hnntlej s Extraordinary LneV at Bismarck. Ono of tho most famous games of poker ever played in the northwest was between tho lato Stanley Huntley and Major A. W. Edwards, editor and propri etor of the Fargo Argus. Mr. Huntley had not been making much money out of tho Bismarck Tribune, and when he was taken sick and was unablo to attend to business for several months, his affairs became so entangled that he determined to sell out his share in the paper. As the Tribune was the only paper in Bis marck nt that time, and ns there was a strong political ring in the county, he had hopes of disposing of his property to the politicians; but, fearing that he might fail to do so, he dropped a line to Major Edwards asking him to buy his paper. Major Edwards had made a for tune out of his own paper, and as he was ambitious to own more papers, he promptly responded to the letter by drawing $2,000 from tho bank and taking the first train for Bismarck. When he rtsched that city ho found that the trade with the politicians was made, and Hunt ley had come out of his difficulties with several hundred dollars in cool cash. It was several hours before tho return train left, and, having nothing else to do, the major suggested that they play a ganio of poker at $5 ante. Tho major's fame -as n poker player was not confined alone to Fargo. Ho was recognized throughout tbe territory as the best player in the northwest, and when it became noised about tho town that he and Huntley wero to play for largo stakes thero was no saloon in the place largo enough to accommodate tho crowd, and the game was moved to the town hall over tho engino house. The game began at noon nnd continued until 2 o'clock, with varying success. At last thero was a jack pot containing $200 on the table, and it was Major Edwards' deal. When Mr. Huntley picked up his band ho saw that ho held four queens and an nee. Ho wai surprised. Card3 had not been running well enough to justify such luck. Ho saw tho major throw away ono card nnd held four. "How much do you open it for?' asked tho major, nonchalantly. Huntley stopped a moment lo think and then replied calmly: "I don't open it." "Well, I will," said the major. "For how niuch?" asked Huntley. "For $100," replied tho major. "All right," said Huntley, throwing away his four queens, nnd keeping his ace, 'Til come iu. uive mo four cards." With a glance of incredulity and pity tho major dealt them, nnd took ono him self. "I'll bet $100," observed tho major. "Raise you $100," said Huntley. Tho major scanned his hand carefully, looked at bis youthful adversary keenly, and raised it back for the samo amount. "Raise it $100 more," said Huntley. This sort of thing continued until thero wero $2,400 on tho table, and tho crowd was breathless with excitement. "I'll raise you $500,'i said tho mnjor, "if you will trust me." "Itather havo the cash," said Huntley. "Will yon take this ring for that amount?' returned the major, as he pointed lo n magnificent soltnire dia mond ho woro, which cost $1,000 in Chi cago. "l'ca," said Huntley, as he saw the raise. "Then I'll call," said the major. Huntley laid down his hand. He had caught the other three aces. The major had onlv four kings, just as Huntley had suspected. It cost Huntley $500 to treat tho crowd, and when tho major left for Fnrgo it was on borrowed money. The fame of this game spread nronnd the territory, ami when Huntley returned from his trip in tho northwest territory nfter interviewing Sitting Bull, he stopped at Fargo on his way east, and gave Major .Ldwards back bis ring. Af ter dinner, as Huntlev was about to take the train for New York, tho major ac companied by several friend, went to the station to see him off. "By the way, Stanley," said he, "since yon left Bismarck they havo told some pretty rough stories about that game of poker wo played." "What aro they?" "They say that I dealt myself four kings from n cold deck. Now, I want you to tell these gentlemen that I played a fair, sqnaro game." "The major is right," said Huntley, "he played an honest game." "Thanks, Stanley," returned the major. "Now I want to ask vou ono question.' "All right." "I want to know how in tho devil yon ever came to discard those four qncens I dealt yon?" Til answer that, Major, t' said Hunt ley, with a grim smile, "if you will tell me how you knew 1 had four queeiH." Syrup orjFijrs. Manufactured only by the California Fiji Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures ()vn True. Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of V. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to clcniise the system; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and JJowcls ipntly vet thoroughly; to dispel Hcadachs, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Groceries. D. L. Deck & Sons carry a full assort ment of staple and fancy groceries and give special attention to family trade. All orders filled promptly and delivered free of charge. An a'lcgazit Substitute For oils, salts, pills and all kinds of bitter, nauseous medicines is the very agreeable liquid fruit Sj run of Figs. Uecoiiunei'dcd by leading Physicians Manufactured only by the California Fig Svrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. For sale lv W . E. Dement & Co. Khoulwntcr Kay OyMtern Constantly on hand, cooked to any lylo at Frank rahre's. A Nasal Injector tree with each bottle of Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by Y. F Dement. Blanks. Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A full line of legal blanks on hand at this office. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Kerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. Yr. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. Arnvou made, miserablu bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital- izer is a positive cure. For sale by w. E. Dement For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarauteeou every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Test Your EaMng Powier To-Day! Brands adrertiscd u nbsolntclj puro Aarsiosrxa- THE TEST: riaeo a. can top doTrn on a. Jiot rtoro nntlt eatHl,tbcn remove the corcrand ;racll. A chem lt Trill not bo required to detect tiio prcseaco at Ammonia. DOES K0T CONTAIN A3DI0XIA. J.i HniUirciicvi IU NEVER Eccn Qactlswd. InanUlIonhoaesforaqnartcrcfaccntury It Luttood the consumer's reliable tat, THE TEST OF THE OVEH. Price Baking Powder Co., Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The strongest, mtrt dclldors and natural iiaror known. aad ?:, Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems 1 cr Light, Healthy XJre.-d.Tbo test Dry Hop Ytakt In thu world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CUICACO. GT. LOUIS. WjiiTir BBFAD, The beat dry hop yeast In the world. Broad raised by this yeast is light. whito and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious brcod. CROCER3 SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THC Price Baking Powder Co., HanTrs ol Dr. rnes's special Flair onas Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Cittino.Mki:i.r & Co., Agent" Tortlanil, Oregon U.-P. GREGORY & CO. o,."ort!i Front SI., I'orflnuri.Or. Importers ami Dealers in Wood-working Machinery, !M,AXERS. nrOLDKHS. " 3EOKTlSKRS. TKSONjKKS, Sanl-aiuTin 3Iarlunen, litUIicN. ISorln Hindi iuva, Itanri Sawn, Scroll tinwM. Rubber and Leather Belting', AND ZllIA, riSJJIXGS GI'XEKALLV, For Rent. ritHE SALOON KNOWN AS '-THE COL X orailo," on Chenainus between Kenton and main. Saloon fixtures for sale "or to let. Apply to W.M. 1.0EB. For Sale. COMI'OKTAIU.E FIVE JJOOMED hnute and lot. well situated. Cash tV takes a bargain. Inquire at thisofnee. V. Allen. Wholesale and Uet.il! Dealer In rnQoeneSt PtQvtsians, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, THOPICAI. AND nOHlhKTIP FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. . Tigtlier with Wsnas, Liqiiors.Tofaacco.Ciyars Furnished Rooms. MIJS. IJ. C. HOLDEN HAS A FEW NICE ly furnished rooms to rent at five dol lars per month and upward. and hy the week omiglit. Enquire comer Main and JuIIer son streets. GUSTAV BONTGEN, CS- TJ 3ST S jMC X 1? XRAll VAX nCSE2'S STOHK, Uri'KKASrOItlA. All kinds of new Guns made to order, Krcech-loadin? (Suns made from Muzzle loaders. All repairs done prompt and cheap. lut class worksnaranteed. Address letters (HTSTAV BONTGEN. Cire of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The Fine Iron British Ship "City of Benares," 1.iT3 Toils Kegbter, Will ro on Berth at Astoria .shortly to load Salmon for Liverpoel: Taken in Lots to Suit Shippers. Ier rale of Freight or Insurance, apply to BALFOUB. GUI HKIK & CO', Portland, Ortor.UCHEBBY. Astoiia. For Rent. A FIXE TWO STOliY DWKLI.INC IN' A good location ami neighborhood, uiili a k1 well of water and all the modern im provements. Inquire at this oflkv. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTKAL Iy located. Apply at this onice. Shiloh's Cuke will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W . E. Dement & Co Croup, Whooping Cough and Hron chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Just Receive!. Strictly choice California roll butter and Dupee hams. D.L.Becic&Soxs. pwSL mm Ullll P3l SKlf ii. C H. COOPER'S, 1 i THE LEADING Dry Goods IN THE CITY, Tlifi Finest (Ms, Tie Largest Stock, And the Lowest Prices. "While economy is wealth, it is not policy to be penny-wise and pound-foolish by purchasing auction goods, or goods that have lain for a long time upon the shelves of some fossilized store, a prey to moths and deteriorating dust, which fact with misfits, etc., makes thetn un desirable, and then they become auction or so-called Cheap John goods, u liich are conceded by the wise to be dear at any price, and for which people of this day pay only a trifle less than for first-class goods at a ONE PRICE, FIRST CLASS HOUSE, Which carries a Large Assortment but a Small Stock, which is kept fresh by constant replenishing from the Eastern and Pacific Markets within a short space of time and at prices for the quality of goods that defies competition. Just received from an Eastern Factory a fine assortment of Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, which .in Quality, Style and Price excels anything ever before offered in the city. A full line of Genuine Kangaroo and Dongola Shoes, for Ladies or Gents which are highly recommended for this climate, as they are con sidered water proof and will not crack, while they arc the easiest shoe on the foot ever manufactured. A Fine Assortment of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing Constantly in Stock, 2C0UNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. G. H. COOPER Pythian Building, GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon Parker IIousc, Itlaiii St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc. After September 1st I will be prepared to manufacture all kinds of hair work. II. In PARK, Iroi. CITY BOOK STORE. Fine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies, Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and genera! variety of Novelties. All Publications Received as Soon as Published. GRIFFIN REED, NOTICE. AXXXjSL depot, FRESli FRUITS, Candy and Notions, Good Cigars and Tobacco, at C. PWIESOIS'S reCOME AND SEE ME. "McTNTOSH'S Gents' Furnishing -The Best Place FINE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES! ---- In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns inEnUsl Frcuck and American suitings, which will be made up to order First Clns or Equal to Anything in the State! CLOTHING PERFECT -FITTING- In Men's, Youths' and Boys'. FINE WOOL, MERINO AND BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR! HOSE A. SPECIALTY. SEE our IN HANDKERCHIEFSTIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS. J9L Xxafso Assortment of "Sate! D. A. McINTOSH. iGlothing House Astoria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. BRHGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded J. P. AUSTIN, Seaside Oregon DEAXER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. EA FINE BILLIARD TABLE Store! in the City to Buy- READY .lllfiK READY MADE novelties; l O