(2) Wt gailtj ?ttonau. ASTORIA. OREGON: Fill DAY SEPTEMBER 11. 18S5 A soldier's generous tribute to a companion leader is Gen. Sherman's eulogy of Grant, delivered before the annual reunion of the Army of the Tennessee, at Chicago last Wednes day night If ague or insanity is latent in a person it will almost always develop itself at sea. So Dr. Fourness-Brice concludes, after studying the subject, as it is revealed in the records of North Atlantic emigrant travel. Lord Randolph Churchill says if England went tocar with Russia on the Afghan question it would probably cost 250,000 lives and that the war would not be confined to Asia nor to the two nations originating it He is in no hurry to start such a fight. The New York Times of the 9th, says Treasurer Jordan is making sil ver absolutely unpopular. As long as the millions of standard dollars are allowed io rest snugly in the vaults of tho treasury, the people do not care whether tho silver coinage act is repealed now; but if he compels one to take $5 or $10 in cartwheels, he immediately becomes a rampant anti-silver man. There is a railroad from Tacoma to Seattle but it is not in operation On tho Sound it is popularly known as tho orphan road. Part of it is owned by the Oregon Improvement company, part by the Oregon Trans continental company and part by the Northern Pacific. This mixed owner ship raised questions of conflicting interests and thus far no corporation appears willing to adopt the road and run it. It is estimated that ther.o are 100,- 000,000 acres of laud on the Pacific coast of the United States that are especially adapted to wheat culture. Of this, California has 25,000,000 acres, or one-fourth of the whole; Oregon has 1S,000,000 acres; Wash ington territory has 10,000,000 acres; Colorado aud Idaho 10,000,000 each; Montana, Ulah and Wyoming 7,000, 000 acres each, and the great bulk of all this wheat laud yet lies un touched. Professing itself iu eutiro sympa thy with tho New York Herald's po sition antagonizing silver, tho Buffa lo Courier is still sufficiently well informed concerning the situation to say that "it is clear the Bland act cannot be icpealed." "To the de mand: 'The Bland act must go,' the response is made: 'The Bland act shall stay,' and those who say so are the more numerous, tho more power ful. They include nearly the whole west and two-thirds of the south." TnEtwiu cities of St Paul aud Minneapolis are good examples of what American goaheadativeness can do. Manufactures, enterprise and public spirit made them what they are. They furnish models for other communities more favored by nature to note. In 18S5 St. Paul had 4,400 inhabitants; Minneapolis, 4,500; in 1SG0, St. Paul, 10,000; Minneapolis, 5,821; in 1SG5. St. Paul, 13,210; Min neapolis S.70G; in 1870, St Paul, 20, 300; Minneapolis, 13,0CG; in 1875, St Paul, 33,178; Minneapolis, 32,493; in 1880, St Paul, 41,498; Minneapolis, 40,887; in 1885, St Paul, 111,397; Min neapolis, 129,200. Such growth is unprecedented in civic history. During eight centuries one's direct ancestors amount to a far greater number than would at first be con templated. Taking three generations to a century, one has father and mother (2), grandparents (4), great grandparents (S). At tho end of the second century tho number of ances tors springs to sixty-four. Following the calculation, you will find that at tho end of eight centuries ono has descended from no less than 10,000, 000 ancestors. Intermarriage, of course, would reduce this estimate, and there is no doubt it must have largely prevailed. But the figures are so enormous that, in spite of all, wo may venture to suggest that the words, "All yo aro brethren," are lit erally true. Protests have been received at the interior department for years against tho abuses practiced by land grant railroads, in tho cutting of timber from public lands. Instead of cut ting from their own sections as au thorized, they have been in the habit of cutting on tho alternate sections belonging to tho government De pots, huts and other road equipments have been constructed from timber which the grant intended should only bo used in tho actual construc tion of roads. To correct these ir regular proceedings, Secretary La mar lias directed that new regulations shall be framed for his signature and enforcement. Timber cutting will bo only permitted on railroad sec tions, and none of that will be al lowed to co for line equipments. It is also proposed to limit these priv ileges to five years, but some of the government officials have doubts of tho secretary's power to set a limit of time. Tiie New York Herald recently said that "gold is and always has been in all civilized countries the one trustworthy standard of value." Ac cording to the Herald civilization is a new condition. Even now it is limited to a comparatively small por tion of the earth's surface. Great Britain, Germany, Holland and one or two other European countries have a monopoly of the article. Over the rest of the world silver, or gold and silver, is the civilized standard of value. Just one hundred years ago the continental congress declared that the money unit of tho United States should be a dollar containing 375.G4 grains of fine silver. The amount of pure silver in tho dollar has never been changed. When the gold eagle was authorized it was based upon tho silver dollar and in the ratio established between tho two metals made equal to ten silver dol lars. Congress has never declared the gold dollar the standard of value. In 1873 the coinage of the silver dol lar was discontinued without debate, the reason then being apparent, in the fact that at the then current price of silver the dollar was worth more as bullion than as coin. Considering these facts, tho claim of the gold dol lar to bo the dollar of civilization is somewhat absurd. Somebody has taken tho trouble of counting up the executions, legal and illegal, which have occured in this country in tho first six mouths of tho current year, and comparing them with tho figures of 1SS4. It appears that in 18S4 there were 193 lynchings, an increase of nearly a hundred over 1883. But in half of 18S5 the number was 99, of which 75 wero in tho southern states and 21 in the north. Texas has nearly a third of tho whole number. In tho Mississippi valley there were but three instauces in which a mob "took tho law into their own hands," and all of these in Ohio. The popular feeling about horse-stealing in some parts of tho coun try is shown by tho fact that that crime ranks next to murder as a provocative to mob violence On the other hand, there ha? been a marked decrease of legal executions, only fo rty-two per sons having been hanged by tho sheriff in the above six months, against a total of 123 last year. The proposal of some philanthropists to put an end to capital puishment souuds funny in view of the exhibit of public feeling on the question. The oxisteucs of that penalty and the belief in an adequate enforcement of the law probably save3 as many lives from mob violence as are taken in duo course of the law. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF CLAT SOJ). ss. By order or Hon. Seneca Smith. Judjre of tlie Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the 4th Judicial District, made September 10, 18S5. a meeting of the creditorslof the estate of F. 15. Elberhon insolvent, is called to meet at my oflice in Astoria, comity and stale afore bald, on September 25th, 1S85, at 10 o'clock a. M. for the purjKtse of choosing one or more assignees of said estate in place of the assignee named by said insolvent. us. C.J. TRENCH ARD. Clerk of the Circuit Court. Astoria, Oregon, September 10th 1SS5. Mrs. 91. Woodficld, Having icceived a Large Assortment of FALL MILLI.NF.KY AND NOVELTIES. nas Commenced Business At Eaton & Carnahan's old stand, next to Fabre's Restaurant, Farm For Sale. 1 H ACRES ON THE KLASKANINE; JLJv good land; 14 acres improved; good house and barn. Apply at Astorian office. O ;NE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO LOAN. Apply to J. Q. A. BOWLBY. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets. MARTIN OLSEN. COUNTY COROIVER. First Class Hearse and Material ox irAxn. Shop and Office on Main SL, above Pioneer Restaurant. C. IT. MABTJJNT. Candies; Fruits. Foreign and Domestic. Every Variety of Fruit in Season. Squemoqua Street. Nest Door to the Gem Saloon. Real Estate Auction SALE. Eligible Alderbrook Building Lots. Saturday, Sept, 12f 2 1 21. THAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS TO offer at Public Auction, two or the most eligible and valuable building lots in the thriving and promising town of Alderbrook, viz: IiOts G and 7 in Bloelc 14, both comer lots and both adjoining the "Walklcy property. Sale on the premises. Terms Casli. Warranty Deeds. E. C. IIOLDEX, Auctioneer. Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL noon on the 21st day of September for the burial of county poor. All Bids to be directed to the County Clerk. Bv order of the County Court. Astoria. Oregon, SeptemberTth, 1S33. Wanted. ANY PARTY DESIROUS OF SELLING a partly improved farm on reasonable terms, located on Young's River, Klaskanine or on the banks of the Columbia, may llnd a buyer by applying at the Astokiax oflice. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DEALERS N GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''oruer Clteuamus and Cass streets ASTORIA - - - OKEGON Holden's Auction Rooms r Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, Real Estate aud General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street, x - Astoria, Oregon. And ion sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 :39 A. si., at mv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Real EM a to. Cattle, and Fanning Stoek horecr de sired. Cadli Returns Promptly made afttr .Suits. Consignments respectfullv solicited, Notary 1'ulilic for the Mate of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for WaMiiugtou Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Orcgmdan. VISITING CARDS. A Largo Stock of FINE VISITING GAUDS, Of Every Grade TO BE SOLD FOR CASH. AT THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. SSGJS- PkXXST 7XX?CS AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In Oood Style ami Lowest Living Trices. ciLis. or.sErv. Shop at Montgomery's old stand. A HARE CHANCE. Called to Europe ly family affairs that re quire immediate settlement, I offer for sale my Well Established Business. To the right pat tie this is A Splendid Opportunity! Those only who mean business mav apply to FIMKK FABRE PROPRIETOR MODEL RESTAURANT. Good Farm OF EIGHTY ACHES. PARTLY IM proved, on tho Klaskanine. For sale cheap or will exchango for city property. Apply at Astorian Oflice. Notice. oregon and california j Railroad Company, v Tortland, Oregon. August 19th, ism. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI1AT IN pursuance of an order or the United States Circuit Court for tho District of Or egon the undersigned is prepared to refund, on surrender of contracts (printed in green color) the amounts paid to the Oregon and California Railroad Company for lands lying within the limits of the forfeited portion of the Oregon Central grant, (generally known as the grant for tho line from Forest Groe to Astoria) that Is, lands situated beyond a distance of twenty-five miles from tho track of the completed railroad line from Portland to McMiunville. R. KOEIILER, Receiver. For Sale. Qf ACRES OF GOOD TABLE LAND, 0J located at Settler's Point, Clatsop county, belonging to the Widow Burnslde. Apply at this oflice. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing be tween Herman Rleppe and L. Grappe under tho firm name of Rleppe & Grappe Is this day uuuntu uy muiuu.1 consent, me Dusiness to be hereafter conducted by Herman Rleppe. to whom all bills due are to be paid and who will liquidate all claims duebv the late firm. 1LRIEPPE, . t , n L. GRAPPE. Astoria, Oregon. September 3rd, 1&83. To Whom it May Concern NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THOSE knowing themselves Indebted to the estate of M. D. Kant to make immediate set tlement to the undersigned, at the assignors late place or business and save costs. All tic counts not paid by September Kth will be placed In the hands or n. collector. PHIL. A. STOKES, Assignee. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom It may concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate of M. D. Kant, an insolvent : and ail peisons having claims againstsaid insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee properly verified at his oflice at P. a Stokes & Go's, in the citv or Astoria Clat sop county, itate of Oiegon, within three months from this date. FlIILIP A. STOKES, Astoria, September 2, 1885. Notice. NEITHER CAPT. WATTS NOR THE UN derslgned agents of the American ship JohnT. Berry will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew while in tins port. MEYER. WILSON & CO. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 7, 1835, Empire Stoi We beg io direct special attention to our LATEST IM PORTATIONS of NOVELTIES Fine Dress Goods, Lawns, Parasols, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Etc., Etc. Which we are selling according; to our motte: "Tin Best Goods nt the Lowest Possible Prices.'' Dealer at Wholea!e and Retail in Furniture, Bedding, Carpels, Mailing, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Mouldings, Etc. Astoria Furniture Co., Dealers in Furniture, Bedding, Wall Paper, Mirrors, PICTURES, Hill Carpets, Mattii, Pictnre Erames, f Mow SMes, etc. Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. CARL SOLE AGENT, Astoria, ROCKfSfcFORD Qutek-Train Invites the public to inspect Ins new stock of "WATCHES. Jiwel ry, Olooks .in I Silverware. Every Article Unequalled s&: - -Ml iS KCS3 P3CTcb Used by me u. . Const Kur- rrfr? In IT S. Kaval Ob HTvatory.by Locomotiro Gnnrnnteod ns Enirlnocrs Con. Represented. dnctors on I thr Uailwajr lace They Wte.. trr am WVi .- V I 07 NirNMOW m v 'Bttjj'v W4m Becfl?n v jj AT ABLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. THIS IB NO HUMBUG! GOODS AT YOUR OWN FIGURES. AT M. D. KANT'S. CLOTHING, Gem $ Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC. Are Now Being Sacrificed. THE GOODS MOST BE SOLD. Biggest Bamains Eyer Seen in Astoria! PHIL. THE FINE AMERICAN SHIP "JOHN T. BERRY," Xow enronte from San Fran cisco and due here, will follow the Einnah in our direct Hneof Salmon Vessels Prom Astoria to Liverpool. For rates of frcieht and insurance apply to MEV'Elt, WILSON & CO.. Portland, Or. Annual Stock Holders' Meeting. milE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE X Stock Holders or the O. F. I & B asso ciation will be held In Odd Fellows' Hall on Monday, October 3th. at2 o'clock i m., pur suantlo adjournment tills day. G. ICEED, . Pres. Attest; A.J.MEGLEIt.Secy. Astoria. August 2ttli. 1SS5. For Sale. A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT for sale. Beautifully located. Apply at Astorian office. jUfty a f3 . Hpn r ft ii Of fihann Irar Pnohl PTft TUP rrflllT uiuuonoo mmap iui uasasi IJ. DuBUlSSOX, Manager. ADLER Wntclics, Clocks . and " JEWELRY Itr.l'AIKKUOX Short notice by a I'lr-m Class Worlt 111:111 Also Engraving, and MONOGRAMS. Done Neat and cheap WATCHES EXACTING ZZX "WYSm. attiviut T"WL'R arc r. cognize as Till BEST. SolC Innrindoal cltlcsitowns br excluslro Atrents (Isadlns Jowflors). with a uu warranty. A. STOKES, ASSIGNEE. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER ; Than any o'h- ci iiAu iiiauu Hundreds of woodmen tes- riority. It goes Deep and Xerer in j luiunuuc- Sticks. CARNAHAN &. CO., .A cents Astoria. Price, S1.50 Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I 1 will not be responsible for any debt contracted by any person unless It be on my personal order. MINNIE G. M. SPEXAKTII. Astoria, August sctii, 1835. .SXEk J PATOnTDACS.30BSL. j.u.irmiinger "STovir XiiTring ' CAN BE REDVCEI) BY TRADING AT MY STORE. Where ISsisincss X Ioixc on a Strict CASH 3ASJS. 1 J lave Reduced 3Iy Expends by Selling for CAbll, and Consequently I CAN SELL GHEAPER TO YOU. run j FRAKT1I I. A wbb bbm',wi t i , easgpasp BL B FAEESR, DEAIEK IX Hay, Oats, anil Strai, Lie.. Met, Cement, Sana and Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Draylnc. Teaming an.l Express Business. 1EU apply to the Captain, or to THE NEW MODE I, J4.t rtate - . - w5S2 A FULI. STOCK tWVtr- . E" "1 J' i.'.r-rirr1"-- aona:jsr -l. mokttgomery, DRALEK I- Tin, Sheet Iron, ami Copper iVare. A general assortment of Household Goodd. ACIKNT FOR IIIAGEE STOVES AKI RANGES, THE REST IK TIIE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all klud on hand. Job v.-orkdona in a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On BeasocableTeini'. Cheuamna Ktrcct, Kexfc to C I. Parker's Store, Ahtotia, Oresoii. HOTELS AND 15ESTAURANTS. PARKER HOU WM. AJ.T.ES, Prop'r. First Class in Even Respect. Free Concli to flic House. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third ami K Streets, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. Our facilities arc such that c defy competition. Tins Is the largest and most respectably kept Hotel in the &orthwet. Board and Lodging $ 1 .00 per day MKALS.25 conts. LODGING. 23 and 50 cents Free Buss to and from the House. 3"So Chinese Kmploycd.-5'tt E. Lcuiston, (Late of Minnesota IlotiseJPrnp O. CLAltlv. AGENT. C. W. KXOWLES. I D. UROW.V. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN &KNO"WXES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evkkv Kespect, Good Restaurant Connected with the Housc Fire-proof Brick Baildinz. ISO Rooms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland. Or ST, DAVID'S, 715 Howard t. Near Third, San Francisco. A first-class Lodging Hotel, containing 190 rooms ; water and gas In each room ; no bet ter beds in the world ; no guest allowed to use the linen onco used by another; a large reading room; hot and cold uater; baths free. Pricoof rooms Per night, Soc and 75c ; per w eek, from 52 upward. Opeu all night. . It. nUGHES. Proprietor. At Market street Ferry, take Omnibus line of street cars to corner of Third and Howard. Columbia Candy Factory. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE TRADE SUPPUED. Leave orders at Astoria Bakery, Ed. Jackson, Prop. EXCURSION TICKETS! FJROM ASTOKIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN For $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," Ihis holds good until September 30th, 18S3 Espeases CASH F1EKER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Mastet. for TOWING, FREIGUT orl'IIAU ii. is. imickkk. IH liSB a BBB& MB i IIAXdE f!AX rSK IT AH TV 1 U - r:i TOBIA ONLY OF Hi) ft B. EAWES, A G E N T V.M.I. AND KXAMINE IF. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. h. !. HAWCS Is also ages.t fortha Back patent CooMd? Ste And other first-class Stoves. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit ting, bto., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. Hardware mi Ship Chanftlery VAN DUSEH & CO.. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Yarnisli, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought. Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Seiviiij; Itlacliincs, Paints mid Oils, Groceries, etc. Sol doll Jew elry, Scarf His, Chains, Watches, Pianos asitl Organs of the Best make at the lowest Prices. The Dnest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. SSAll goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER FOR RENT, Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ArrLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. Abstracts of Title. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COiiriLED a set of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate In the Connty, at rcasouabl8 rates. ,.,. C.R. THOMSON, Attornev at Law, Astoria. Oregon. Office, Room 5, over City Book Store. B. B. Franklin, ill Maker, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO TIIE ASTORIAX BUILDING. EjTAU work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Meriate ai Call