The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 02, 1885, Image 3

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!te gtoUg gisfotm
.-SKPTEMlJIIii i. 1885
(Monday excepted)
Terms of SalscrI;ition.
Served bv Carrier, per vi ecl; loots.
.N:a by Mvl. jf r month (Wets.
on year 7.w
Free of iwrtno to subvriliTS.
SJEyAdvertUuinents inserted b thejo.irnt
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising littv cents per square, each
Notice To Adrcriiscre.
The Atekia: guarantees to its atl
vci Users the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
i iver.
This paper is on file at theM. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Clara Louise Kellogg.
Reserved seats for the Kellogg concerts
at the New York Novelty store.
Phil. A. Stokes was yosterday appoint
ed assignee of the estate of 31. D.-JCant.
Some of the eggs received here from
Portland are very ripa. Probably you've
noticed this.
The fine American ship John T. Berry,
lliS'2, will soon go on berth here to load
salmon for Liverpool.
America's sweetest singer will be at
Ross' opera hoii3o to-night. Reserved
seats at the New York Novelty Store.
The United Stales revenue cutter Mell
aril Rush was sold in San Francisco last
Monday at auction to Capi. Kuowles for
Tho two survivors of the Haddington
shire have been given employment bv tho
P. C. S. S. Co., the boy going on the San
to llosu.
Tho Orajonian says: Tho work of
sluicing tho bars is progressing much
more riipidlj' than was expected, doubt
less because of the soft nature of recent
Tho stock and fixture?, etc, of F. If.
Elborson's Saasido Uakery are advortised
to be sold at sheriffs salo on tho 10th
inst., to satisfy an S00 mortgage held by
A. M. Brown.
Sitka is to have a newspaper the
Alaskan. Tho first number will bo is
sued next month. Hero is a fine thorns
for a column editorial from some one
who has tho time.
Attendants at tho prayer meeting held
at tho Presbyterian church will please
take notice that the meeting will com
menco this evening at seven o'clock in
stead of half past seven.
Messrs. Chas. Iloilborn and 1L Dn
Boisson have consolidated and now oc
cupy the same premises,'ilr. Hoilborn re
moving his stock of furniture and carpets
to tho store east of Mr, Da Boisson.
Seldom it is that Astoria is favored by
tho presenco of such an eminent canta
trice as Clara Loui30 Kellogg. Sho sings
to-night at Ross' opera house. Reserved
seats at tho New York Novelty Store.
On her last trip the Columbia brought
to Astoria 21 hf ii bbls sugar, L'l cs coffee,
30 pkgs tea, 12 sks beans, 42 cas canned
goods, IS cs oxtract, US bxs soap, S as
lard, H bis bgs, 21 pigs tin, l."7 bxs fruit.
"Send The Astoria to my address till
I return," is what every Astorian says or
writes when he or sho go any whero on :i
visit. "Whether to Ilwaco or Idaho, Port
land, Oregon, or Portland, Maine, this
paper goes to many absent ones with its
daily record of events.
At the annual meeting of the I. X. L.
Packing Co. last Monday the following
were olectod directors for the ensuing
year: August Takalo, Thomas Williams,
A. K. Anderson, Andrew Anderson and
Olaf Kinzie, nfter which August Takalo
was chosen president and Thomas "Will
iams secretary.
Occasionally thoro is a referenco (o the
Ice King cargo. A recent report is to the
effect that a portion of tho cargo has
been sold at Lis Gd. Such, says tho Cal.
Grocer and Canner, is not tho fact.
While there havo been sales at low
prices not a case of lee King salmon has
been sold at tho price mentioned.
C. "W. Longhrey, chief of police, was in
receipt of a communication yesterday
from C. K. Page representing" ten tax
payers on property assessed at 00,115,
proffering three per cent, tax on tho
amount for tho city tax for tho cm rent
year. Tho claim is made that no more
than that can be legally collected for the
current year.
Sixteen thousand tons of Oregon wheat
which of right should havo been put
aboard foreign bound ships at Astoria,
are piled up at Mission Hock warehouse
in San Francisco. Tho Willamette will
take a full load, so will tho Ancon en her
return trip, and tho Walla Walla also,
tho latter being about through sending
somo of tho interior mud farther down
the channel.
Thoro is an ugly rumor Hying around
to the effect that a certain prominent
canner has been charged with putting
some labels of a reputable packer on
somo "do-overs'' of his own, and thus
trying to work off inferior stuff at the
expense of his neighbor's business repu
tation. If such bo thecaso ho deserves
and shall havo the fullest possible expos
ure, but it is possible that only ono side
of the story has been told.
It is stated in San Francisco on good
authority that orders have been issued
by the Central Pacific railroad company
to engineers and bridge builders to pro
ceed with the immediate extension of
the Oregon & California railroad. Tho
gap is about 12. miles. Somo sections
of tho road are estimated to cost over
$100,000 a mille to construct. It is fur
ther stated that tho Central Pacific has
been induced to complete tho road in
order to recover at least tho Portland
and northwest trade, which California
lost through the opening of the Northern
Tho trot in Portland on Aug. 31, be
tween "Jane Ii.," of tho Hamblotonian-
Mambrino stock and ''Syphon" of tho
Altamont breed attracted 1500 people.
There was 11,000 in tho pool box and it
is thought that between $30,000 and
$40,000 changed hands on tho road.
"Jane L." won the first heat; timc,2:32K;
"Syphon," the second; time, 2My, "Sy
phon," tho third also; time, 2:32,4; in
the fourth heat "Jane L." distanced the
gelding and won tho race and parse of
$5,000. "Jano L." is G yeara old and
"Svphon" is 5. The former has a 3-year-old
record of 2:5354, and the latter of
Eobinsan's circus give a short per
formance yesterday afternoon and trun
dled aboard tho Mountain Queen and at
tendant barges at three o'clock bound
for Ealama, whero they will astonish tho
na4 ives to-day. The circus is a good one;
there are some excellent performers, but.
somehow they all acted as though tbej
were tired. It takes considerable "git-up-aud-git"
to bring such a circus as
that away down here. Tho one item of
transportation alone, paid the O. R. &
Co.. was 500; then there aro fKO con
nected with the concern who have to bs
fed and fixed, besides the animals who
eat a great deal and require constant at
tention. The manacrs treated the news
paper men very courteously, and as far as
mat went and it rocs p. good ways they
displayed considerable sabe.
"We couldn't Bee five feet in front of
us this morning," Biid purser Jarnard of
the Telephone yesterday afternoon.
That switt steamer was till 2Cii getting
here, and ihv wonder was that any boat
could get through. It took bath river
boats an hour and a-half to get to St.
Johns jesterday morning. The smoke
seemed thicker, and closar, tnd denser,
and b'usr, and more inclined to shut
right down and stay there yesterday
morning than any time yet. From Astor
street one couldn't see the river and up
per town could not bo distinguished. It
is hard for river men to get around these
dnys, and nothing but extraordinary skill
admits of navigation at all. Ileports
from the Sound aro to the same effect.
Nothing but a rain will do away with it.
A wind from the west dispels it tempora
rily, but as soon as the wind goes down
the smoke comes back thicker than ever.
When Sheriff Boss leased the court
houso to the managers of Robinson's cir
cus it was with tho distinct understand
ing that whatever extra guards were
required would bo paid for by the circus.
Accordingly on Sunday evening he
placed two gaards in front of the gate lo
see that all was secure and that no harm
came to county property and when tho
managers wore about to leave yesterday
a bill of $20 was presented therefor, to
gether with a further chargo of eight
dollars for some hose which tho circas
men had cut. The maungera refused to
nay the bill, and not till an additional
$12 in costs was uccuraulated, did they
realize that a bargain is a bargain and
that they had to ny it, which thev did
with exceedingly bad grace. Thev in
dulged in a good deal of loud talk about
tho matter but didu t get away with tho
bluff. Sheriff Ross did no more than
his duty in taking proper precaution in
tho cafo of county property um oar
friends of the circus can linduo reason
able grounds for complaint against hiiu.
Following is tho programme for to
night's performance at Ross' opera heuse:
1. Raposdie Hongroiso. No. 2, popn'nire
edition Liszt: Mr. Adolf Gloe. 2. Du
et "Martha" Flotew: Messrs. Whit
ney Mockridge, and Morcrwvki. 3. Song
"Answers" Blumenthal: Miss Laura S.
Groies. -i. Andaute and Scherzo David:
Miss Ollie Torbett. f. "Jewell Song
"Faust"' Gouned: Miss Clara Louise
Kellogg. G. "Then you'll Remember Mo"
Balfe: Mr. Whitney Mockridge. 7. Quar
tette "Rigoletto" Verdi: Miss Kellogg,
Miss Groves. Messrs. Mockridge and
Morawski. 3. Pasquinade Geltschalk:
Mr. Adolf Giose. is. "Deep duwn within
tho Cellar:' Mr. Ivan 11 Morawski. 10.
English Ballad selected: Mi?s Clara
Louise Kellogg. 11. Concerto (1st move
ment DeBt-riot: Miss OlJio Torbett.
12. Kerry Dance MolJey: Miss Laura S.
Groves. 13. Quartette "Spinning Wheel"
Flotew: Miss Kellogg, Mi.s? Groves,
Mr. iJockbridgo and Mr. Morawski.
K.-tilr.iail IrciJenlnt fortatii. Aug" 31. Tas Ilr-t accident
on the Oregon Pacific occared at Summit
station, twenty five miles west of
lis, at 12 o'clock to-day. Vbile stopjed
for dinner tho engineer left the fireman
in charge. In his abs3nco an engineer
named Blackburn, who bv iwnuission
was on the engine, volunteered to take
tho train men to dinner at the railroad
boarding house, half a mile away. On his
return this engineer appeals not to have
retained i he engine under sufficient con
trol, and struck the can w:t:i enough
forco to drivo them several feet back,
throwing a little girl off and under tho
wheels, killing her instantly. Several
other passengers were badly shaken, but
none seriously injured. The child killed
was tho G-year old daughter of D. Ii.
Lakin, of Eugene City. J. D. Irvine, of
Independence was struck on the head
and rendered insensible for a time. The
railroad company procured tho beet med
ical attendance available, and o cry a'
tention was shown to the sufferers upon
their arrivial at CorvallLs.
An Orcqon Giant.
Astorifitis have noticed during tho last
few weeks,a young man on the streets who
lowered head and shoulders above all ho
met in tiaiure. His name is Drsd Mad
ison, a native of California, aged 21
years; he stands six feet, oight-and-a
mm iiichck, iuiu is not uono growing.
Bailey, the maunger of Robiuijon's cir
cus, caught sight of him yesterday after
noon and hung to him till tho young fel
low agroed to go with tho show. He gets
a free ride to Cincinnati, and by next
spring ho will appear on tho bills as "The
great Oregon giant eight feet high:
On the upper cud of the Shively plate
above the Hospital, an ebony cane, hip
popotamus horn handle, marked "Lieut.
.1. P. Wis-cr". Finder will please leave
at the "Occident"'.
E..J. P.nlridgo. photographer, returned
yeslciday. Ik leaves iiet Monday for
I'm Hand.
JissJ Secii'cl.
St lietly choice California roll butter
and Dupi'c hams.
I). L. JIkcic & Sox.
Thai Hacking Cougn cr.:i be so
quickly cured by Shiloii's Cure. We
guarantee if. Sold bv W. K. Dement.
- Muloh's Cough ami CniiMiniptiou
i'uic is smi by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold h W. H. De-
The. finest assort nient of Teas ami
Coffees in town at Beck V.
For Dinner Parlies lo order, at
notice, go to Frank Fa'ore's.
xlinnlutitiT Kay .:i'Xs
CoMfct.intlv on haud, cooked loan; stile
at Frank i'ab.'o's.
Groceries swapped for
prices at Beck's.
cash at S. F.
Xo I?irr Hard Tinses Free
You live in vain if you do not go to
the Telephone Saloon and try Baldy
George. NO MORE charge for launch.
Fiee all the lime. Hot irom 11 lo 2.
Soup. Clam Chowder, etc., etc
Vaqucro Cigars, AAA Old Valley
Whisky, Boca Beer on draught. HalL-and-Half;
Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piane: Best place in town.
Get jour photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussier of Sau Francisco
The Oregon grain harvest is through
throe weeks earlier than usual this sea-
Portland is shipping fruit in car
load lots to St. Paul, Chicago, and St.
Simon Critchfie'd gathered sixty bushels
of wheat psr acre from 200 acres in the
foothills near Waitsburg.
James Fcrren. of Slate creek, Josephine
county, killed a grizzly bear weighing
700 pounds, at Ids ranch, recently.
The L O. G. T. of "Washington and
British Columbia have increased 534
members and ten lodges during tho past
Tho Northern Pacific railroad has car
ried 32,700 head of cattle cast from points
between Wallula and Spokane Falls this
The gold mines along the Snake river
are attracting more attention this season
than usual; and where thoy are being
worked are paying well.
Work on the fish ladder at Oregon City
has been begun. Twenty men are em
ployed, tho forco will bo increased to
forty-five in a short time.
Thirty-two thousand and seven hun
dred hoad of stock havo been shipped
east from points between Wallula and
Spokane Falls this season.
A threshing machino near Pendleton,
was struck by lightning while being op
orated, recently, audwa3 ontirely con
sumed, with several hundred sacks of
The state board of immigration have
decided to make an exhibit at the com
ing mechanics' fair, provided they can
secure the necessary material from tho
interior of the state.
Much wheat was sold tho past week,
sa3s tho Willamette Farmer, out of wag
ons at tho city mills upon a basis of til
cents icr bushel. Stored wheat is 5SM
cent3, and prospects aro dull.
J. C. Swash, of Union countj", has been
appointed b' Gov. Moody as honorary
commissioner of immigration for the
state of Oregon to the kingdom of Groat
Britain and Ireland, to serva without
cxixmse to the stato.
Blackmail Bro3.' logging camp on
Lake Beecher, near Snohomish, "W. T.,
lias been burned out, including ono mile
of railroad. The loss is $7,000. Tho firo
was caused by a brush fire adjacent and
a strong wind springing up.
The Yaqnina Post has tho following
mysterious item: The near future is big
with events, tho success of which will bo
of the grandest importanco to our people.
A few days moro and wo shall be able to
print their success or failure.
Tho estimated cost of securing light
draught navigation on tho Willamette to
Eugene, a distance of 181 miles, is esti
mated at $30,000, including $12,000 a
year.for maintenance. The snag boat its
now tho only means of keeping it up.
On Monday tho Oregon Short Lino be
gan tho shipment of 27,000 head of cat
tlo from Ontario, Baker county, on Snako
river. It will take 1400 cars and between
lifty and sixtj- days to comploto tho ship
ment. Nearly all tho cattlo go to Chi
cago. li 1852 hops sold at a dollar a pound
and upwards. This induced overpro
duction, and though tho price was 3."
cents last year it is only 10 cents now,
with a great crop growing and a big sur
plus left over from last year still ou tho
Tho Willauicllo Farmer says tho live
stock market is experiencing just now
some very dull times. Beef cattlo are
dull of salo at 2 cents per pound on
foot. Ono year ago 3 cenUto4 cenla
per pound was an average prie, and tho
market was lively.
Gov. Moody has commissioned "Win. J.
Shiplc o! Portland, major and assistant
adjutant-general of tho Second brigado
of the Oregon state militia, and M. J.
Molony, second lieutenant of battery A,
First regiment artillery. Second brigado,
Oregon stato militia.
The American ship Mount Washington
is loading lumber at Port Discovery for
Iquiqui, Peru. Sho will return to San
Francisco with n cargo of saltpeter. Sho
is so old, however, that it is thought that
even saltpeter will not save her if she en
counters a serious storm.
John Stewart, Charley Elkius and D.
"Wayne Clayoool, of Beaver, Crook coun
ty, have sohf lo two Montana men their
entire bands of cattle, numbering in all
about 35,003, at $23.2." ier head for yoar
liugs and upward delivered at Wallula,
and $22.50 at the ranch. Tho former fig
ures were accepted.
Tho A. O. U. VT. has been established
soveu years in Oregon. Tho growth of
tho order is without parallol. It numb rs
3,200 members. During tho time
it was established it has paid out $2i0,()00
to widows and orphans of deceased
members. There has been no assessment
during tho last two months.
The immigration to Oregon and Wash
ington is by far the largest evor known,
at this season of the year. An averagu
of sixty persons arrive in Portland daily-
over tho railroads, and tho arrivals bv"
siearaer aggregato at least 400 per woch,
ocsiuo mo wagon trams arriving every
day in the eastern and southern parts of
the state.
For many years tho desert land of tho
Ochoco country was considered of no nso
except for grazing, but somo energetic
farmers havo provon it valuable agricul
tural land. Last week tho eaitor of the
Ochoco Jleview ate com, potatoes, beans,
watermelons ana cucumbers grown on.
the Agency plain desert, which wero a-c
fine as could bo raised anywhere.
The Idaho, Starr, Messenger, Zephyr
and many other steamers on tho Sound
havo run ashore during tho past few
days, being unablo to find their way
through tho dense smoke overhanging
tho water, but fortunately, aays tho l'ost
Jntelligcnccr, the3' have all selected soft
bottoms to rest on until tho tide came to
their roscue, consequently there is no
damajo to report.
A Salem paper sajs: Last week A.
Caldwell was discharged from the asy
lum and immediately started for the east,
whero ho has arrived before this. Peo
ple here will remember distinctly the
peculiarity of his case. He robbed his
brother's store of several thousand dol
lars' worth of good?, and escaped a ton
years sentence to tho penitentiary by
tho "insanity dodge' and gets off with,
seven months in tho asylum.
An effort is being made lo havo a wag;-
on road opened from iorest Grove to
Tillamook. There is ono from norti
Yamhill to Tillamook, much of it over s.
roach country, while tho ono from For
est Grove would only havo three miles of
mountains to cross. The distance is Sf- :
ty mile3, seventeen of which are settled
on tho Tillamook side, and ten on this.
A Michigan lumbering company haa been
examining iuo oounirj , wuu a view 10
establishing sawmills there, provided
suitable openings can be found.
!Sn vlilon's Arnica Salt.
Tm: Bkst in the world for :
Cuts, Bruises, Sorcs,TJlcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required, it is guaranteed u give
msrfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
ii. uement v: co.
It has been a practico with a number
of prominent Columbia river paciera to
keep their inferior goods out of the
hands of brokers, but this year many of
them have been compelled to accept of
fers which in more favorable seasons
would not receive a moment's considera
tion. To instance, a poor lot of goods.waa
recently sold at cighty-fivo cents a dozen.
Tho goods wero not misrepresented to
tho broker, and would not have deceived
the consumer in the original label, but
tho purchaser's evident intention is to
relabel tho goods, and by hook or crook
effect a sale at tho market rate for stand
ard packs. If tho broker succeeds in
placing the goods with a jobber tho work
of falsifying the pack falls to tho latter.
Tho goods will appear so completely dis
guised as to deceive the packers
and even tho broker who sold to
the jobber who effected the trans
formation. It seems almost a hopeless
task to undertako the breaking up of
this practice of relabeling( but the trade
press can make it an absolute impossi
bility to disposo of their inferior goods,
except on their merits by continuing in
the course of exposing all these tricks of
unscrupulous brokers and jobbers who
have recourse to falso labels to carry out
their nefarious schemes. Packers have
always approved and encouraged this
procedure, and will continue to support
such an effort in their behalf. Cal. Gro
cer and Canner, Aug. 2S.
The fact that though tho season has
only been closed for a month, yet there
aro less than 100,000 cases salmon on the
markot causes the California Gi'ocer and
Canner to consider that it is not surpris
ing under tho circumstances that there
aro moro buyers than sellers, and that
packers of standard brands hold their
goods with great firmnos3.
"The trado will bo surprised to learn
that the reported easy movement which
has continued sinco tho first thousand
cases of the season's pack was ready for
shipment has exhausted stocks to such
an extent that there aro actually mani
festations of anxiety among tho most
conservative buyers, and that practically,
tho market is in the hands of half a doz
en prominent packers, who aro deter
mined to havo a fair price for their goods L
before tho months mterveno between tho
present pack and tho opening of new
season, it should bo said that this is
not en individual report, but that a ma
jority of tho packors' agonts in this city
acquiesce in the viows expressed, and
many go so far as to prodict ono of tho
best markets tho packors havo met for a
number of seasons. It is difficult for tho
buyer to guard himself against falling I
iuiu mitso auiuu viuv,o.
The I-ost C'llnrnnm.
The British ship Cilurnum, from New
castle, England, for this port, is reported
as abandoned, on fire. All the crew were
sared hut ono aud landed at Montevideo.
Tho Cilurnum was an iron ship of 1883
tons net and was owned by Hall Brothers
of Iiondon. The ship wa3 valued at
about .$50,000, and tho cargo of merchan
dise aud coal at about $25,000. The ves
sel was fully insured in English compan
ies aud tho cargo aud freight nionev at
40,000. Of this latter 13.000 was placed
in San Francisco ollices. 'ho Luurnum
has been a most unfortunate vessel, as
on her first trip lo this port sho was to
tally dismaated. She had as cargo a lot
of merchandise, consisting of fire brick
and acid, and a quantity of cool. It i3
generally supposed that the acid waa the
cause of tho disaster. Tho danger in
coal carrying is getting so great that an
extra raie oi iu por cent, is asseu on coat
cargoes, and tho company has lost A7,
."p00 m tho last four months on coal car
goes alouo. S. F. Chronicle, Aug. 29,
Tap O. & C. Land Cases.
The case of It. Koihler, receiver of tho
Orsgon & California railroad vs. Ii. T.
Uarin, register of tho Innd office at Ore
gon City, and others, was yesterday ar
gued beforo Judge Deady in tho United
States circuit court, and submitted for
his honor's decision. Messrs. "Whalley
& Bronau2h renresented tho interests of
tho railroad company whilo Messrs. Wat
l son and Kelley took care of tho interests
of tho government. Oregonian, 1.
X Great Discover j
That is daily bringing joy to the
iconics of thousands by saving many of
thrfr dear ones from an early grave.
Traly is J)r. King's Xew Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
TickUug in the Throat. Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
land I jiu'gs, a positive cure. Trial Hot
jj ties free at W. E. Dement & Coe.'s Drug
1 Store. Largi size $1.00.
Good J3crclliiip: House
J''or rent or .sale, one block from Post
onice. Apply, to JnFr.
Sleepless .Nights made miserable
by that tenriWe.uough. Slnlnh's Cure is
the rein?ily tor you. Sold by V. K. De
ment & Co.
At Frrnik Fabre'.s.
lJo.tidforS22.50 a month. Tho hest
Iu the citv. Dinner from 5 to 7.
foe ii Xont FlUiiifr Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
aiamus hJ'rrel. next door to J. W. Case.
All goods of llio best make and guaran
scedqualiiy. A full stock; new goods
'r-iKi&autly arriving. Custom work.
.11! the natent medicines advertised
, va hb paper, together with the choicest
PHxughtut the lowest prices, at J. Sv.
wjflriiMrv rinii ifiitcz. nriiiii mfv- f:iii
.f-oiurs drug Mon opposite ucMdeni
H Jirtttf, Astoria.
IVnrrants. deeds, mortgages, etc. A
In II line, of legal blanks on hand at this
I)o You Think Hint Jofr" oi
Tlxc Chop 3Iouc
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much f but he gives a belter meal and
moieof it tluui any place in town for
23 cents. Jle buvsby the wholesale and
pays cash. Tlfat settles it."
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kale "Duffy as nurse from the lOtb of
September until the 30th of December
will please address her at little Falls,
Lewis Co., "Washington Territory
Will ou suffer with J)ysnep3ia and
Liver Complaint V ShiSoh's Utilizer is
guaranteed Jo cure you. Sold by W. E.
For lame Back, Side or cnesc use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Bar. M. D. "Wilson returned yesterday
from a trip to Portland.
Frank L. Parker and wife returned
yesterday from a trip to Victoria and tho
Sound. "Just as smoky there a3 hore."
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Strong left the city
vesterdav morning for their home at The
Dalles; Miss Emma Holden, sister o
Mrs. Strong, accompanied them, with the
intention of finishing her education at
The Dalles academy, under tho super
vision of the talented Professor Gatcb.
"TsaSHa, lemon, O ran re, etc, Cnvoi
Caiw, Crenma, Paddings, Ac, n dell
cntely and naturally n tho fruit from
trhlch licy are made.
Xor Strength and Trao Frulfc
Plavor Tlicy Stand Atone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, II!. St. Louis, Mo.
uaxcks cr
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xupulin Yeast Gems,
Scat Dry Sop Tcmt.
Tho best lry hop yoast In the world.
Bread rateori by thin yeast is Hght.whlta
and wholetomo UUo our grandrr.other'a
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
aan'ttsol Br.Frice's spafolflaYonnzExiraets.
Cttcngo, lit. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CiriTiNG.MEiu.E : Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
A Well Furnished Table
"With the beat-anil cooked iu a neat and
wholesome way. can be found at 3Iis. (I. W.
ICucker's .Private Hoarding House, over Eat
on & Camalian's, next to Odd Fellows ltuild
ing. Terms; $5 aweek. $22.50 per month.
$1 a dav.
At Capf. Uogers old stand, corner ot Cass
and Court Streets.
SJilp and Cannery work, Horj.eshoelnj:.
Wagons made sp.I repaired. Good work
Called to Europe ly family affairs that ic-
puro immediate .settlement, i
oner for salc my
Well Established Business.
To the right patties this is
A Splendid Opportunity!
Thobe only who mean business may
apply to
Syrup oTFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
Eleasant, prompt and effective remedy
uown, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Uowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indirection and kindred ills.
Eastern Turpentine in quantities to
suit at Wir.303,' & FisriEU's.
"llackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 2Ti and W) eonts.
Sold by V. 12. Dement.
D. L. 15eck & Sons carry a full assort
ment of staple and fancy groceries and
give special attention to family trade.
All orders filled promptly and delivered
free of charge.
The Babies Cry For It.
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs is more easily taken
anil more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and
Dowels while it arouses them to a
healthv activity. For sale by V. E.
Dement & Co.
Shilolfs Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Prico 10 ami 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by YV. E. Dement.
W. Lussier ot San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W.K Dement.
Light Healthy Bread,
n E I T 8
And Must 5e Sold.
With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade & tee. end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS d! kinds to
arrive before July 15th, and whereas tnese Goods are now npon mf.
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I havo concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men s Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits
Men's Mixed Cassimere Sack Business Suits
Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits
3Fen's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $'20 to 32.50, equal to
made by Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Hoys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosier v, Etc., Etc.
,r ,1.1. G -
Marked in Plain Pignrcs and One Price to All !
3 813 w& v& m? h I ft 0
Eaiir Bressing Saloon
l'arlxer House, Main St..
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and liyglenlc Sbampoc. etc.
After September 1st I will bo prepare.1 to
manufacture alt kinds of hair work.
Jl. n PARK, Prop.
-ill. rrm-g-a i.tiiu !,.,
Ui Eii
Pine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies,
Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties.
Ail Publications Received as Soon as Published.
Por $2.50,
Ihig holds good until Soptemuer 30th, 1SS5
St. Charles Hotel,
(European Plan.)
BUOWN & KNOWLES - - Trorrletors
First Class ix Evehic Kes'Ect,
Good Restaurant Connected with the House
Fire-proof Brick Build inc. IF0 Rooms.
la the Canter of the City.
Cor. Front and 5Iorrion St?., 1'ortl.iml. Or
Gents' Furnishing Store!
-The Bast Place
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns inEuslisli, Frencli
and American suitings, which will he niatle np to order Yirst Class or
Equal io Aiij-.hiiifr In the State!
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
jQu Xiarge Assortm exa.1; of 33C,"t2
Received !
.$10 00
. 13 50
. 13 50
. 15 00
. 17 50
. 17 50
17 50
any Suit
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
!lt STOK.
A. V. Allen,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Glass and Plated Ware,
Together with
Winss, Liquors,Tobacco,Cigars
in the City to Buy-
ItA1Y 91.1 1K