The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 30, 1885, Image 3

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?hc gailg Jlstotfatu
(Monday excepted)
Terras ofSubscrlptlon.
Served by Carrier, per week locts.
Sent by Mail, per month ... cocts.
" l " one year .... $
Free of postage to subscribers.
i3T"AdverUenients inserted by the year at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising flf t y cents per .square, each
Roticc To Advertisers.
Tun Astokian guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper'is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
John Robinsons circus.
Koad Carl Adler's adv't.
The parado to-morrow will be im
mense. Old John Robinson's mammoth circus
will exhibit hero to-morrow.
Reserved seats for "Wednesday's Kel
logg performance at tho Now York Nov
elty store.
John llobinson'a circus is to arrivo at
noon to-day. Tho parado to-morrow will
be worth seeing.
Frank Silva, tho "amatour pngihst, was
arrested in Portland last l'riday on a
charge of vagrancy.
A heavy gate fell on John Murray,
aged eight yoars, in Portland last Friday
inflicting fatal injuries.
J. F. "Warren bought a fmo block in
Tinker's addition to North Ueach last
week, paying 800 therefor.
The stockholders of tho I. X. L. pack
ing company will have their annual
election to-morrow afternoon.
It is understood that T. A. McRrido,
district attorney for this judicial district
will resign his position to-morrow.
Tho Columbia arrives to-day from San
Francisco with 123 cabin and 80 sleorago
passengers. The Oregon leaves out.
Monroe Hamblin,a Portland carpenter
tried to drown himself in the Willamette
Friday night but, was restrained and
Tho surveying party on tho bar got in
throe days work last week, which is not
so bad in such thick .weather as has pre
vailed. A largo quantity of choice old papers at
this oflico to bo given away for nf ty cents
a hundred; just the thing to put under
carpets, etc.
Dr. Lockhart's professional card ap
pears in another column. Tho doctor s
uniform success is excellent evidence of
his professional ability.
Fog or smoke, bo it ever so thick, doss
not delay tho Telephone. Yesterday she
arrived down before one o'clock, leaving
promptly on timo at two.
Tho Lurlinc and Mountain Queen collid
ed in the Willamette opposite Portland
yesterday afternoon. Very little damago
resulted not over $100 altogether.
Just at present Astoria seems to be an
immense wood yard. About 1113 China
men, more or less, are sawing the spruce,
fir, maple, etc., into convenient lengths.
Workmen wero engaged yesterday in
placing a metal cap on the dome on Capt.
Flavel's new residence, which, when com
pleted, will be one of tho mo3t prominent
buildings m the city.
Rov. It. Scheidt of the German Re
formed church will hold his last divine
service in Astoria, at 2 o'clock this after
noon in tho Presbyterian church. Ail
Germans are cordially invited.
Tho Miles came up from tho saashora
with a big crowd of returning excursion
ists yestorday. September is really the
best month at tho seashore, but as the
Portland schools open shortly parents
are getting back in tho closing days of
Chas. M. Cornell has been given the
contract to remove the boat houso at
Shoalwater bay life saving station. Tho
bids wore as follews: W. D. Spaulding,
$850: Andrew Olseu, $820, Ross, Dcvol
and Andrews, 729; E. A. Nickels, $(XW;
Chas. M. Cornell, 675.
Returning sportsmen report having
treed three elk on Lewis & Clarkols last
week. The agilo animals scaled tho
limbs and hid amid the upper Branches,
the dense smoko precluding Jiny possibil
itv of bringing them down. An affidavit
accompanies tho Statement.
John Robinson has a troupo of twelve
colored men and women, who were for
merly slaves, traveling with his show, ap
pearing in tho street parade, where they
represent a scene from life, "Way down
in Dixie." Tho party presents a group
of colored people, with joyous faces, sing
ing and shouting their campmeeting
hymns, and jubilee songs. It is a very in
teresting picture of southern plantation
life and will bo a featuro in te-morrow's
For some weeks dirt has been hauled
down Benton street from an excavation
south of the school-house. Yesterday
afternoon as a loaded wagon was going
down the steep incline some part of the
wagon broke and tho horses started at a
lively gait. At Astor street tho front
wheels fetched away and tho frightened
team came straddling down tho street,
finally crashing into tho New Corner
saloon, on tho corner of Concomly,
knocking things endways and doing con
siderable damage. One of tho horses, a
fine animal, the property of Frank Oarr,
Struck the door of tho saloon with such
force as to break his neck.
We, the undersigned merchants of As
toria, Oregon, agree to close our peaces
of business at 8 o'clock v. si., sharp, bo
gining September 1st and continuing un
til April 1st, 18SG, Saturday night ex
cepted. C. H. Cooper, Prael Bros., Carl Adler,
D. A. Mcintosh, Griffin & Reed, L J. Ar
vold& Co., Eaton & Camahan, D. L.
Beck &. Sons, Magnus C. Cro3by, S. Dan
ziger, A. V. Allen, Sept. 20th, G. Hansen,
J. A. Montgomery, Marcus Wise. S.
Sohlussel, E. H. Jackson, Mrs. A. Mal
colm, Louis Kirchhoff, New York Novel
ty Store, Bergman & Co.Carnahan & Co.,
Wherry & Co., A. Van Dusen & Co.. I.
Coken, E. R. Hawas, C.Heilborn, Wil
son & Fisher, P. A. Stokes & Co.
Astoria, August 23th, 1885.
Xo It lore Hard Times Free
Board !
You live in vain if you do not go to
the Telephone Saloon and try Baldy
George. NO MORE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot trom 11 tu 2.
Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc
Vaquero Cigars, AAA Old Yalley
Whisky, Boca Beer on draught, Half-and-Half;
Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piane: Best place in torn.
The Captain
Objects to
Tajlas Double
Yestarday 1L A. Snow caused the ar
rest of Capt. Fraser of tho British ship
Xagporc which finished loading grain
last evening. Tho captain gave bonds
for his appsarance.
The circumbtancos are substantially as
follews: Upon tho arrival of tho Kag
pore Snow piloted her to Portland. Tho
custom is for the pilot who takes the
vessel to Portland to take her back here.
On Thursday, the 20th inst., Snow got a
dispatch asking him to what draft to
load her. Saow telegraphed "sixteen
feet,' and went up the next day, report
ing to tho captain who said that ho had
another -pilot. Some delay followed,
which resulted in the ship's "loading to
eighteen feet, 'and starting from Port
laud the folio ving Monday with that
draft, Al. Betts taking hers?fely through
getting hero Tuesday afternoon.
Upon tho arrival of tho vessel Snow
presented a bill of 03 to tho captain for
towage of tho vessel at 17 feet. Tho cap
tain paid Betts, and refused to pay Snow,
who libelled tho vessel. Snow claims
that the condition of tho tido on tho 23th
justified him in sending tho telegram on
that day saying to load her to sixteen
feet; that ho knows the river and would
have been willing and able to take her
down drawing eighteen feet on the Mon
day following atho tido was constantly
increasing. Tho captain claims that the
extra two feet that ho enabled to load
mado a differenco of over l.0 tuns
to tho foot, which cut down his bills for
lighterage 100, thus effecting a snviug
of that amount to the vessel. Upon tins
fact he, through his agents, bases his ro
fusal to pay the G3 that Snow demands.
Yesterday morning the agents of the ves
sel depos'ited GS with the board of pilot
commissioners and g;ivo notice of their
intention to present, to-morrow, charge
against Snow, alleging want of knowl
edge of the river in his pilot ground,
and citing the fact that by loading the
vessel to eighteen feet they s-ived 100.
Opinion is divided and the abivo is be
lieved t- be a fair statement of ths i.ies
tion. UOAO TO TilK .NEH.UKM.
Astoria needs roads to tho south, cast
and west of tho county. There is a set
tlement on the Nehak-ni that lias consid
erable trade which is at prtrfviit conduct
ed in a roundabout sort of way at Gara
baldi and Hobsonville. in Tillamook
county. Tho settlement is not over
tweuty-fivo miles from hero in a straight
line. All along the river is settled and
all the county nteds is communication
to make it one of the inoit thriving set
tlements in Oregjn. Messrs. Crawford,
Scovill, Bc-wley and other-? arc trying to
get a road through and ve hopa they will
succeed, A little aid on the part of
some of our Astoria business men would
bo a groat help. Tuero arc parti.-s roady
now with a contract which Mr. Bewley,
now in the city, has. which agrees to cut
a good road clear to Latter creek or the
Nekanikum. If tlicra wjis only a road lo
tho Nekanikum tho rest of tho way would
ba plain sailing. Thctradoof that fer
tile section can bo secured with a litllo
effort 'on tho part of Astorinu--;. If Asto
iia ever amounts to anything, it is tha
trade of just such communities as that
in the vicinity of Onion Peak that will
bring her out. There is n largo tract of
country that will raise anything, but it
is hard ta get settlers in a place till it p
made comparatively oasy to get to it.
Tho hardv men who havo hewn out
homes desisrvo aid in their efforts, and
tho least that tho city can do is lo givo
the trifle of tl o few hundred dollarsasked,
It will come back ten times over and in
a continuous increase. J illamook coun
ty is moviug in the matter and is going
to build to the county line.
Peoplo talk of "a railroad." but there
is more good in a wagon road for Clatsop
county than a railroad. Tho way to
bring a railroad is to build wagon roads
that will bring people, that will make it
worth whilo for a railroad to cora here.
If The Astouian camo out this morning
with a feasible scheme to "get a railroad
to Astoria." 100,000 would be pledged
before night, when for actual benefit ?
good road costing one-hundredth of that
sum and running south to tho Tillamook
county line, would do us all more tan
gible good.
Our salmon industry, our summer vis
itors, our shipping, our little trade, all
aro good things to have, but in the devel
opment of tho surrounding country, its
settlement and Growth, in assessable
value, lies the main part of tho future
lj('a at ri nr Hi P,!n!irifT ont mort
gages is a good way to make money, but
there are other ways that aro better.
Tho more enterprising we all are in re
gard lo this matter of roads, etc., the
sooner Astoria will assume the station
that God and Nature intended she should
Very Well Said.
The statement that tho oysters of
Shoalwater bay aro becoming oxbauslcd
is the converse of tho truth. For tho
pnst threo years the number of 03'ster
beds and oysters in the bay has been
steadily growing, and this season tho
growth and number is largely in excess
over that of last. Soveral years ago tho
oysters in the bay suffered from a blight,
and for a number of years little, if any.
trade in oysters from here was carried
on. but since 1882, when trado began
again, each recurring year has seen an
arithmetical progression in tho increased
shipments, and this year will prove no
exception. As to the Yacpiina bay oyster
having a finer llavor than that of tho
Shoalwater bay oyster, we havo only this
to say tastes differ. Wo aro glad that
our neighbors on Yaquina bay have oys
ters, and wish them success in both
growing and selling them, but lo attempt
to build up a trado for Yaquina bay oys
ters by misstating facts about those of
Shoalwater bay seems to us to bo 'bad
policy. If Yaquina bay oysters aro of
finer quality than ours, they surely will
find sale on tho market without mis
representing what aro easily proven
facts. Pacific Journal, '23.
Perinls&Ioa to Refund.
Judge Deady yesterday granted Kicli
ard Kcabler, receiver of the O. & C rail
road, authorily to return to settlers
moneys paid for lauds within tho limits
of that company's forfeited land jrant.
Under this order, llio ionowins snais win
bo paid: A. J. Svritzcr, 102.40; Brown &
Gilbert, $192.70; J. IL Brown. 8101.20;
by IL C. DndorwooJ, 277.08; W. S.
Prink, 153.41; Henry Christian, T59.rl.
D. L. Beck & Sons carry a full assort
ment of staple and fancy groceries and
give special attention to family trade.
All orders Tilled promptly and delivered
free of charge.
Xow ia Transit Across the Coatinent.
Wasukgtok, August 29. Tho transfer
of several million dollars in gold coin as
registered mail matter from San Fran
cisco to New York by order of United
States Treasurer Jordan has excited
much curiosity hero as well as elsewhere.
Until very recontly the fact that bo im
portant a transfer of government treas
ure was in progress was known to only a
few trusted employes of tho treasury
and postofiico doparments. Absolute se
crecy was en joinod upon those few offioers,
for fear, it ia said, that tho knowledge
that many millions of dollars in hard
cash were being moved by railroad across
the continent would tempt the cupidity
of desperate road-agents and train
wreckers. Persons here who have ob
served, with steadily increasing interest,
Treasurerl Jordan's restless activity in
his new sphere of action, regard this
transfer of gold from tho Pacific to the
Atlantic coast with surprise. ilen who
havo grown gray in tho service of tho
treasury department can seo no necessity
for such a step. They say that tho trans
fer is not only unnecessary, but that it is
both costly and hazardous. Special cars
have to bo chartered to carry tho gold,
and tho fact that Mr. Jordan directed
that tho movement bo kept as secret as
possible shows his appreciation of tho
dangers involved.
Since tho first of last Juno 12,:7X),000
of gold oin has been transported from
tho San Francisco sub-treasury to tho
New York sub-treasury. Tho golden
stream is still silently flowing eastward,
and nobody unless it is, Mr. Jordan, ap
pears to know when it will stop. There
is now about SG.l)00,000 of gold coin in
tho vaults of tho New York sub-treasury
a much larger quantity than was ever
there before. That amount is exclusive
of tho 5,1)10,000 of gold that was recent
ly advanced lo tho government by tho
New York bankers. It is a curious fact
that while Treasurer Jordan was stirring
up tho New York bankers by tho intima
tion that tho government might be
obliged to pay its balances to tho clear
ing house in silver certificates, tho sub
treasury in New York was receiving every
few days consignments of gold from San
Francisco. It is creditable to tho discip
line and prudence of tho employes who
havo had tho handling of this great
amount of gold in its movement across
the country thnt thev succeeded in trans
porting about 9.000,000 of coin from
San Francisco to New York before any
knowledge of what was being dono be
came public. Tho coin has been shipped
in stout boxes, some containing 200,000
and others 300,000. Jordan's reason of
accumulating so much gold coin in Now
York Ls a matter of conjecture. Some of
tho most experienced men in tho treas
ury service privately express their aston
ishment at the movement. They say tho
transfer is absolutely unnecessary. Tho
great danger and great expense of mov
ing 12.000,000 or 13,000,000 of gold coin
more than 3,000 miles overland might
havo deterred a less brilliant man from
making tho transfer.
At every performance the hugo canvas
tents of John Robinson's great Threo
Ring Circuses, were literally jammed,
packed and crammed with "happy, laugh
ing people, in many instances the em
ployes of largo business houses, being
sent by their employers, who purchased
the tickets in bodies of a hundred or
more. John Robinson desires the out
side world to know that just as his Mam
moth Show is exhibited in the largest
cities, so it will bo exhibited in the smal 1
cst villages and towns, and that every
one of his Ten Big Shows nuitod and
combined, and every siuglo member of
his gigantic troupe, and every ono of his
great new novelties, and marvelous fea
tures will surely accompany him over his
entire route into the smallest of towns.
There are ten thousand new attractions
to amuse and instruct tho young and the
old, previous to tho commencement of
the circus performance proper. Tho
principal interest seems to center around
the huge herd of elephants ranging iu
size from tho colossal "Empress" to the
litlio twin baby elephants, tho es
pecial delight of tho children. Tho cir
cus performance is tho best by a long
ways that ever visited Chicago, and of
such a pleasing and varied character as
to make it difficult to single out any act
of particular merit, for they are all of
tho very best. For.two hours and three
quarters there is a" succession of acts of
daring horsemanship, tumbling, perform
ances of trained nuimaln, wire walking,
acrobatic feats, bicycle riding and a host
of other novelties. The laughable antics
and tricks of tho Twin Baby Elephants
never fail lo create the greatest fun and
amusement. Tho marvelous troupe of
gymnastic bicyclers, tho startling llight
of tho human cannon ball through tho
air, the wonderful and thrilling life-Ienp
of tho winged lady of the clouds, the ler
riflio flight of a human being from the
great Roman Catapult' driven through
space at tho terrible momentum of three
miles in ono mhiute. make up a constel
lation of startling and astonishing won
ders and amazing novelties never before
seen on earth. Chicago Daily Tribune.
At Astoria to-morrow and Tuesday.
The following is published by request
of Capt. Pewell:
Four Stevens, Oregon, Aug. 28, IS?.-;.
Delivery at this placo of cannery waste
(tin clippings) is desired dnriug the
month of September, 18S.1, in lots of 50
short tons or more tho waste being
firmly moulded, as in a box or barrel,
into packages of not less than -100 pounds
Sirly-fivo cents por short ton will ba
paid for deliveries on scow at tbo wharf,
and 75 cents per short ton for the pack
ages placed on the jetty as directed, be
tween about half-tido nud low tido lines.
Unloading at tho wharf will bo made
in the ordor of of tho different
Inspoclinc and weighing are to bo
mado aud directions given by an ngout
appointed by me, and in caso of any dif
ferenco my decision shall bo final.
A short ton is herein considered ns
2,003 pounds.
Payments will ba mado ns soon as
vouchers can bo conveniently prepared,
for ono delivery or moro ns desired.
Cnxs. P. 1'owin.t,
Captain of Engineers.
liticUIeir Arnica Salvo.
Tub Bkst Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts, BruwSjSorcs.Ule.ers.SalL Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eru
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price '23 cents per box. For sale !j' W.
E. Dement & Co.
Eastern Turpentine in quantities lo
suit at Wilson & Fisiikp.'s.
Boles of a Minnesota Summer Besort.
Thi3 hotel has been built and arranged
for the special comfort and convenience
of summer boarders. On arrival each
guest will bo asked how ho likes tho situ
ation; and if he says tho hotel ought to
havo been placed upon tho knoll, or fur
ther down toward tho village, the loca
tion of tho houso will bo immediately
changed. Corner front rooms, up only
ono flight, for every guest...
Baths, gas, hot and cold water, laun
dry, telegraph, restaurant, fire alarm,
bar-room, billiard table, daily papers,
coupe, sewing machine, grand piano, n
clergyman, and all modern conveniences,
iu every room. Meals every minute, if
desired, nnd consequently no second
table. English, French, and German
dictionaries furnished every guest, to
make up such a bill of fare as he may
desire without regard to bill affair after
wards at tho office. Waiters of any na
tionality and color desired. Every waiter
furnished with a libretto, button-holo
bouquet, full-dress suits, ball tablets, nnd
hair parted in tho middle. Every guest
will havo the best seat in the dining
hall, and the best waiter in tho house.
Any guest not getting his breakfast
red-hot, or experiencing a delay of six
teen seconds after giving his order for
dinner, will plcaso mention tho fact at
tho office, and the cooks and waiters will
bo blown from tho mouth of tho cannon
in front of tho hotel at once. Children
will bo welcomed with -delight, nnd
aro requested to bring hoop-sticks and
haw-keys to bang tho carved rose
wood furniture especially provided for
that purpose, and peg-tops to spin on tho
velvet carpets; they will bo allowed to
bang on the piano at all hours, yell in
tho halls, slide down tho bannisters, fall
downstairs, carry away desert enough
for a small family in their pockets at
dinner and mako themselves as disagrco
ablo as tho fondest mother can desire.
Washing allowed in the rooms, and
ladies giving an order to "put mo on a
flntiron" will bo put on ono at any hour
of tho day or night. A discreet waiter,
who belongs to tho Masons, Odd Fellows,
Knights of Pythias, and who was never
known to even tell tho timo of day, has
been employed to carry milk punches
and hot toddies to ladies' rooms in tho
Every lady will bo considered tho bello
of the honse, and row-boys will answer
tho bello promptly. Should any row-boy
fail to appear at a guest's door with a
pitcher of ice-water, more towels, a gin
cocktail, and pen, ink nnd paper, before
tho guests' hand has left tho bell-knob,
ho will be branded "Front" on his fore
head and imprisoned for life.
Dogs allowed in any room in tho house,
including tho w(h)ine-room. Gentlemen
can drink, smoke, swear, chow, gamble,
toll shady storios, stare at the new arriv
als, and indulgo in any other innocent
amusements common to watering places,
in any part of the hotel. Tho proprietor
will always bo happy to hear that some
other hotel is "tho besthousein tho coun
try." Special attention given to parties
who can givo information as to "how
these things aro dono in Yowrup."
Tho proprietor will tako it asa personal
affront if tiny guest on leaving should fail
to dispntethe bill, tell him ho is a swind
ler, the bouse a barn, tho tablo wretched,
the wiuesvilc, and that he, tho guest,
"was never so imposed upon in hts'life,
will never stop there again and means to
warn his friends."
Clara Locks Kellogg.
The ushers had a busy time of it last
night, bat every one got seated at last.
Tho ojxsra houso never looked to better
advantage than it did on this occasion,
and Miss Kellogg will have no reason to
complain of Eau Claire, for a more select
or appreciative audience could not be
well got together. Tho programme, a
charming one, was replete with every
thing classical. Miss Kellogg in her
bright nnd dazzling costumes, looked her
best and did her best. She received sev
eral recalls, to all of which sho replied
cheerfnily nnd gracefully. On one occa
sion tho gentlemen were rather slow in
taking their places and an audible sigh
escaped C. L. K. which created a ripplo
of laughter over tho house, and no ono
enjoi'ed it more than Miss Kellogg her
self. Miss Kellogg and her ndmirablo
troupo leave to-day on a special over tho
Milwaukee fc St. Paul line. Eau Claire
Daily suilcr, July 7.
Only a beautiful maiden.
Bathing herself in tho sea,
Flirting with jolly old Neptune,
Taking his rudeness with gleo;
Wading far out in the low-shelving sand,
Laughingly riding on wavo lotho strand.
Only a crab in tho walor,
Laying in quietudo there,
Thinking perhaps of his daughter
Or of his wandering heir;
Struck on the hoad in tho midst of his
Snapping nt two limbi that thrcat'ningly
Only an unhappy maiden
Uttering squeal after squeal.
Pounding tho water to fury,
Pointing a finger to heel
Where n crab clings, his day-draam for-
Fast as a mortgage hangs on to a lot.
For I '11111 Back, Side or L'liebt. use
Sliiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnco 25 cents.
For sale liv W. "E. Dement.
Syrup ofFif;.
Manufactured only liy the California
Fiji Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Xrtiurcs Own Tnu Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
liad f V. E. Dement & Co. at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the mot
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, tu cleanse the system; to nut on,
the Liver, Kidncjs and JJowels gently
jet thoroughly; to dispel lleatlachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallcrj' by V. Lussiwr of San Francisco
Shoalwater Hay OyHiers
Constantly on hand, cooked to anj'
at rrauk rabres.
Groceries sicajipcd for cash at S.
prices at Reek's.
An KIciraiit SnbHtitule
For oils, salts, pills and all kinds
of bitter, nauseous medicines is the very
agreeable liquid fruit Syrup of Figs.
Recommended by leatling Physicians
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. For
sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
V. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Why will you cough when ShUoh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOctsSOc&andSl. Sold by W.R Dement.
B. W. Hobson, of Knappton, is in tho
Lieut. Cotton is registered at tho Occi
dent. E.D. McKee camo down from Portland
yesterday afternoon.
Jas. R. Hall has sold his drug store at
Hwaco to E. B. Stone.
Jos. A. Gill, editor and proprietor of
tho Pacific Journnl is in tho city.
Mrs. T. W. Eaton is a passenger on the
outgoing steamer. Sho goes to San
Francisco to select a stock of fino fall
C. T. Thomes has returned from the
beach. "Whilo there ho bought a lot
about two miles abovo Stout's, and next
season will erect a seaside villa.
A 7?"! "CT33ID,
Vanilla, Lccon, Orancc, etc., flare?
Cakes, Crcazis, ruddlns, 5:c., na deli
cately nnd naturally as tho XVolt from
which they &ro xasde.
For Strength and Truo Fruit
Flavor Tlicy Stand Aiic
Prlco Baking Powder Co.,
Chicoso, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Pawrfsr
Dr. Price's Xupulin Yeast Gem3j
21 est Dry Hop Yeat.
Light Healthy Bread,
The beot dry hop yoost in tho world
Bread raised by thlo yonst ts Hght.whlta
onri wholesome like our grandmother's
rleliciou9 bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTisol Br.Fiics's special FlaionnzEilracis,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CinTixo.JlKRM-: & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
.o. 5 XorSh Front St.. Portland. Or.
Sole agents for the
Xew York EcltinR and Tacking Co.
Wc handle nothing but the best and guar
anteo more service for the money than can
be obtained from any other Kubber Goods
in the marker.
House to Rent.
47 mi
Tt suitable for single centlemcn. In-
quire of
at Gcrmania Ueer Hall.
Gonil Dvrclliii;; House
For rent or sale, one block from Post
office. Apply to Jekf.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Slulohs Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. K De
ment & Co.
At Fraulc Falrc's.
Board for $22-0 n month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
I'or a Kent Fitting linut
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the let make and guaran
tied quality. A full stock; new goods
constautly'arriving. Custom work.
All Ihe patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with tho choicest
perfumery, and "toilet articles, ctcean
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel. Astoria.
Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
For DinnerParlics to order, :it :hfrt
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Sluli'h's Cough ami Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guaranty. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. what:
Io You Tlii n Ic that Jen' ot
The Chop House
(lives j'ou a meal for nothing, and r.
glass of something to drink? '-Not
much r but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
'23 cents. He buj's by the wholesale and
paj's cash. ''That settles it.'' .
Any one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kate "Dully as nurse from the 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will please address her at Little Fall?,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
Shiloh's Yitallzer is what j-ou need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dj'spepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
The finest assortment of Teas aud
Coffees in town at Beck's.
&Smm Wda nJ
mm zwm
$y$m v -o
And Must
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing.season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
at rive before July loth, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that ui:l close them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cassimere Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-. . 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to any Suit
made lv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Hoys Clothing, Hat?, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All!
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parlior House, DIaiuSf.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific llalr-cut.
ami hygienU; Shampoo, etc.
After September 1st I will b prepared to
manufacture all kinds of hair work.
II. Da FAKK, E'rop.
Everything new received
C. E. 11AIX,
r..J. IIAKT.
Having built and refitted with improved
m'.'clilnery the abOTe mill at Iarj.j expense,
we arc now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and bl.os cf
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of 5U11 "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Mouldings, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We cordially invite our friend and the pub
lie to give us a call.
Cor. Gcneviove and AMor Sts., Astoria, Or.
BAIN & HART. Proprietors.
i ii i i i i i i
Gents' Furnishing Store!
-The Best Place
In the Tailoring Line 1 am Showing the Latest Patterns inBnslish, French
ami American Muitius, which will be made up to order First CInss or
Kqual to Anything in the State!
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
bee our
Large Assortment of j3LSft&l
af EL
Be Sold
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published.
Holden's Auction Rooms
Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate nnd General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chcnamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at lo :30 A. m., at inv Auction Kooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate,
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfullv solicited,
Notarv Public for tho State of Oregon.
ComtKLssioner or Deeds for Washington
Agent for Daily and "Weeklv Orcgonian.
I ill I T?T "Jr " ' 'J-'-"'",.
in the City to Buy-