The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 25, 1885, Image 3

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    - jt wjr irJf
(Monday excepted)
Terms of .Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week I3cts.
Sent bv Mail, per month fiOcts.
" "' one year S7.C0
Free of postage to subscribers.
5J""Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of 2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The AsToniAN guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paperis on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
I'nll Particulars Regarding the Lest Bark
and Her Unfortunate Crew.
"Lady Clare."'
Deserved seats for to-night's perform
ance at Carl Adlers'.
It costs $850 a day to run Portland's
city government.
For its size Astoria is the liveliest
place in the state to-day.
Some fine elk meat was brought down
from Knappa yesterday.
Last night of the "Wnllnck Theater
company, llesorvcd seats at Carl Adler's.
The wreck of the Haddingtonshire was
sold in San Francisco last Saturday for
The Wallack Theater company appear
to-night in the groat society plaj, "Lady
There will be a social dance at the As
toria gymnasium next Friday evening,
the 23th inst.
At a recent "Walla "Walla fire the Union
reports one of the fire companies as hav
ing got "first mud."
The Astoria campers, G7 in number,
are enjoying themselves at the boach.
They will feturn on Thursday.
The Oregon City Courier says hundreds
of men apply daily for work at the locks
and turn away disappointed.
Theodore Broemser has tho contract
to board the officers and men at tho gov
ernment works at Ft. Stevens.
The circus will be here next Monday
and Tuesday. It pays the city $100 li
cense for exhibiting. It will carry out
considerable coin.
The U. S. government vessel Hasslrr
came in yesterday. She will take on a
pilot here and on Thursday go to Tilla
mook bay to survey.
An article in Friday's Astobiak regard
ing tho tide lands of this county credited
J. F. Nowlen with 80 acres. "It should
have been 200 acres.
The iron works at Oswego will soon
shut down it is- said. Dull times and
trouble among tho managers aro the
principal reasons for tho ceasation of
The British bark British Army, 1239,
Goulding master, who3e long delay had
occasioned some uneasiness, arrived in
ballast last Sunday, o'J days from San
Tickets for the Portiaud Mechanics'
fair havo been received. The printing
for this association was done in tho state
as the managers look to the city and
state for their patronage.
The Empire, which has for several
years carried freight and passengers on
the Sound, has been bought oil by tho
Paoifio Coast Steamship company, and
will run on that route no more.
The British bark Sulitclma, 9G4, Gra
ham, master, G7 days from Nagasaki, ar
rived in Sunday afternoon, minus her
main t'gallant amd mizzen top mast.
She was towed to Portland yesterday.
The Walla Walla in water ballast ar
rived in from San Francisco last Sunday
and proceeded up stream. She will be
used in sluicing out a channel at St. Hel
ens, Martins, Walkers and other interior
The usually correct San Francisco Bul
letin in its issue of tho 19th, says: "The
British bark Sulitclma is loading tea at
Yokohama for Tacoma." The Sulilelmu
arrived here in ballast last Sunday to
load wheat.
A large audience assembled at the M.
E. church last Sunday evening, tho occa
sion being the commemorative services
of Kev. Dr. ltoberts' pastorate. Dr. Rob
erts delivered an eloquent and interest
ing address.
"Work has begun on the now buildings
for tho Indian training school at Chema
wa. Tho Statesman says the contractors
aim as far as possible, to get their ma
terials from Salem and hopes that Sal
em's business men will aid them to do
After many years of faithful service in
oeace and war Ordnance Sereeant E. H.
Brodie, TJ. S. army, has been placed on
the retired list of his grade in acoordanco
with tho act of congress approved Febru
ary 14, 1835. He intends to make his
future home in this city and "hold the
fort" no more. Ho has a splendid record
through thirty years of service.
John Robinson has a troupe of twelve
colored men and women, who were for
merly slaves, traveling with his show, ap
pearing in the street parade, whero they
represent a scene from life, "Way down
in Dixie." The party presents a group
of colored people, with joyous faces, sing
ing and shouting their campmeeting
hymns, and jubilee songs. It is a very in
teresting picture of southern plantation
life and will be a feature in Monday's
Returning seashore passengers to their
home3 in Portland and East Portland
complain a good deal about matters sea
ward. Policy suggests that matters be
made as comfortable as possible for so
journers. It is a considerable item, tho
yearly visit of several thousand people,
and as Astoria refuses to avail herself of
the opportunity to turn the travel this
way, the next best thing is for those who
live at Ilwaco, North Beach, Seaside,
Clatsop and elsewhere to make it as at
tractive as circumstances will permit.
Yaquina is going to put in a big bid for
summer travel next season.
Some of the state papcra aro trying to
defend the action of tho managers of the
state fair in having their printing done
in Cincinnati. One newspaper as a sort
of clincher says the managers "saved"
$80 by having tho work done there. Ob,
very well then. If "saving" is the order
of tho day there aro a good many news
paper men in the stato who will "save"
the dollars they would pay compositors
in advertising and favorably noticing the
fnir. If a man wants to cet tho saving
business down real fine ho should die and
then his expenses would entirely cease.
The st?to fair managers made a big mis
take in sending to Cincinnati for their
work and for eTery dollar they "saved"
they lost $100.
Girl Wanted.
A competent girl can hear of a good
situation by applying to B. B. Franklin,
next door to Astoria office.
The following is taken from yester
day's Oreyenian:
Pocrr Rkyus, Aug. 23. The two pur
vivors of the wrecked bark Haddington
shire are now being cared for here at tho
ranch of Mr. Reiuhold. Wm. Murray,
16 vears of age, the Scotch apprentico
lad "on the Haddingtonshire, tells the fol
lowing interesting story of the disaster:
"Wo left Astoria July -1 with a full car
go and twenty-one souls on board. We
had a fair run south for three weeks un
til one day, whcntwelvo degrees north of
the line, we were struck by a squall,
which threw us clean on our beam.
When we struck we had all our sails set
but the rovals. It was two hours before
tho vessel righted. While she lay on her
side, Simon Johnson, tho carpenter, and
August Anderson and Thomas Ros3, able
seamen, were washed overboard. The
next morning we found the second mate,
Wm. Curtis, dead on the deck, killed by
something which struck him during the
squall. Our starboard lifeboat 'was
smashed, tho sails all torn, tho starboard
forecastle all washed away and tho cap
tam'achronometer and sextants smashed.
The cantain cave orders to coino about
for San Francisco. Wo had a good run I
up, guessing our reckoning and looking
out for laud the last four days. Wednes
day there were lookouts alolt and on
deck. Wednesday night at eight bells
when Hans, tho man who was saved with
me, came below ho said he would not run
four hours more, no knew we were near
ing land by the change in tho color of . Aw Anvtnn 4Un 11 rl'hn Qlllr
thought he was joking. I went on watch
then. It was roach and very foggy.
At two o'cloci Thursday morning 1 was
heaving tho log from tho poop deck. We
were making eight knots, with every
thing set but the royals, and our foghorn
blowing. The deep sea lead had just
been brought.on dcok at 2,03 o'clock, when
tho lookout called eut:
and the bow forward of tho forecastle.
No part of the rigging could be seen and
only tho ragged stumps of tho masts.
The vards and all the rigging had been
carried overboard. Tho ships bow
points northward and her port ado leans
toward tne shore. The midships aro
carried away, and in fact the whole ves
sel is
And there is no chance of any part of
her being saved. The salmon, I think,
arc also lost, as some COO cases havo
floated ashore and havo been piled up
along the beach. Tho cans being air
tight were so heavy that the weight
bursted the bottom out of all the floating
cases and tho tin3 sank, while tho cases
aro being washed ashore. Large quanti
ties of flour are strewn along the sands.
I think that considerable of tho flour
can be saved, as tho water dots nt pen
etrate sacks more than a quarter of en
inch. Wo could not communicate with
tho shore and consequently could learn
nothing beyond what I havo stated."
A later dispatch from Point Reyes says:
All that is visible of tho bark Hadding
tonshire is a few feet of the bow and
stern. The vessol is broken in two parts,
and from the open ends whero she broke
and separatod, the sea is washing out
hnTHi of canned salmon and bags of
flour. She lies in tho breakers, and what
little i3 visible above tho waves i3 being
rapidly demolished.
She went aground on a shelvinc. sandy
bottom, 100 yards from tho shore, five
miles north of Point Reyes light house.
The ranchers thereabouts call tne oroau
white strip of beach there North Beach.
It belongs to the ranch of Peter W. Rein
hold. For miles along the beach the
white sands aro dotted with stacks of
bagged flour and boxed salmon, carried
up by tho wreckers, while the water's
edge is fringed with bales of broken
boxes and bags of flour, the latter too
much damaged to bo saved, looking like
prodigious dumplings. This evening a
crowd of tho neighborhood ranchars re
turned to their homes, having stacked
ap about 3,000 boxes of salmon and as
many bags f flour, but not having found
nny bodies.
Board of delegates met at hall of Alert
H.&L. Co. No. 1, August 24, nt 8 p. it.
Roll call, absent G. C. Fulton and F. P.
Minutes of July 27 and special meeting
of August 10 read and approved.
Communication from secretary of As
toria Engino Co. No. 1, read, asking that
a certificate of active membership bo
granted Dudley R. Blount; granted.
Communication from secretary No. 2's
asking that certificates of membership be
issued to E. G. Rogers, G. C. Richardson,
T. Loughery and H. J. Wherrity; samo
Also for exempt certificates for J. A.
Montgomery and Jos. Surprenant; samo
The secretary stated that ho had re
ceived the proof ot exempt ceruncates.
which was then examined by the board.
On motion the secretary was instructed
to notify A. L. Bancroft & Co. to forward
certificates by express.
C. Baowx,
Tho now exempt certificate is a work
of art nnd is handsomely executed, un
oho side appears Astoria Engine Co. No.
One's house, on tho other the house of
Rescue No. 2, and Alert H.&L.N0. 1.
In tho lower loft hand corner is n fino
view of the Court street school house, and
in the opposite corner is an illustration
of the custom house, tho picture being
one well worth f raming by its recipient.
It is on exhibition at The Astoeiah of
fice There are about 75 exempt firemen
entitled to receive certificates: Mr.
Brown wishes thoso who aro entitled to
one to leave him thoir names as soon as
On exhibition last evening was a
handsomely engrossed and framed voto
of thanks from Capitals of Salem to the
Astoria fire department for their court
eous treatment during the lato tourna
ment when they met in friendly contest.
Capitals havo sent to each of the three
Astoria companies a largo photograph of
their team just after their return to Sa
lorn last June.
Tho first officer called to the captain,
who was in his berth, and then ordered
us to haul down tho maintopmast stays
and square tho main yards. We struck
just as tho staysail camo down. Tha
captain just then camera deck and or
dered us into the port lifeboat. Wo got
li 4-ortllrt lirolm1 rn nil flirt 111 it: llrllf
iuu i.i.w "u""'-" "" ."" "w "" "-" 1
lowered when tho boat was sniasuea . o fared badl pnttmg into San
nrr.iincf. in chmv Kirli Inn cnntnni 1 J . .
Every one in Astoria remembers tho
lerriblo experience of tho captain and
crew of the Bmblcton from Acapulco to
Astoria last winter when so many of tho
crow died miserably from fever con
tracted at Acapulco. Tho bark Star of
Geo. H. Durham is in the city.
Cant. Nathan Ingersoll is registered at
tho Occident.
F. R. Cogge3hall came down from Eure
ka yesterday,.
Mrs. John Muir and family come down
on tho Telephone last Sunday.
J. E. Stuart, tho artist is making
sketches of scenery near Tillamook. ,
Geo. H. Williams is getting a little
boom for the vacant TJ. S senatorship.
Ward Stevens camo up fron tho boach
last Sunday where ho has been sojourn
ing for several weeks.
C. J. Trenchard goes on a littlo vaca
tion to Victoria to-morrow. Mr. Trench
ard will be absent a week or ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fulton, Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Mcintosh, Mrs. A. L. Fulton
and Wm. Barker returned from tho
beach yesterday.
Edward J. Dawne took his oath of of
fice last Saturday as judge of the terri
tory of Alaska, and will at once proceed
to that country. Hi3 salary is $2,509 a
J. N. Griffin leaves this morning on a
visit to former friends in Washington,
D. C. J. F. Hemenway will have charge
of the military telegraph line during Mr.
Griffin's absence.
SaoVe and Fos Outside.
Francisco after losing tho captain nnd
several of tho crow. The Norwegian
bark Jorsalfarcr which left hero last
year wheat laden, has had a similar ex
Xierience, though, fortunatcly.Isomewhat
modified, on her return trip. Sho was
bound to Victoria, but put into San Fran-
bluo light, and then the first officer went cisco last Tuesday. Sho left Acapulco
up into the mizzen rigging. Wo hung j on July 9th. and on tho first day ont
then ordered us into tho ricaing. Thir- !
teen of us got into the main rigging, two
in the mizzen rigging, and tho captain
.ind first oflfasr wjn, b lo v fur b'.u t Ii2ht
and rockets. When the captain came up
tho commnioa wav the sea washed the
rockets out of lifs hands. Ho burned one
on with tho sea going over tho mastheads
until :5iD o'clock, when the rigging gave
way, and then the captain ordered ui on
"As I was going down the rigging the
and the yards, but crawled up through 1
the rigging and tne sea washed 1110 over
board. I heard nothing but cries for
help. I was in tho breakers and so ex
hausted that I lay on my back and tried
to swallow enough water to drown. Tho
breakers threw mo away inshoro and I
felt sand with my linger.!. That gavo
mo hope, and 1 swam and straggled un
til I got on tho beach. I fainted then
and woko up two hoars afterward. I
found a beaten path, followed it and got
here, whero thoy gavo ma warm, dry
clothes and breakfast. Mr. Reinhold
rode down to the beach when I told him
what had happened, and found Hans
Markuson, tuo oluer only 0:10 savcu.
m .Tfilm Frnzinr. cinlain: Geor0 Gun
niugham, chief mate; John Mackay,
steward; Colin Campbell, cook; Walter J
Eastland, Peter McLean. Thomas Mider,
John Waters, Edward Morrison, Robert
Fife and Charles Lungson, able seamen;
William Morrison, Robert Darney, Fred
Poheiui and James Cunningham, appren
tices. Tho captain lived in Iveru&tt,
When t'jo boy had finished this story
ho was asked where ho lived.
"In Glasgow, with my undo and aunt,"
ho answered.
"This will bo happ'news to them."
"No, sir," tho boy answered, tsars
springing to hi3 eyes for tho first tinio
during his story. "My cousin, their son,
was lost with tho ship."
Tho story of Hans Markuson is much
the same as that of tho boy's. Murku
son was below and felt tho vessel pitch
suspiciously. Ho ran on deck and asked
the mate if ho had seen a light.
Tho mate said, "Yes, a flash light,"
just as the man aloft called, "Laud
"I was in the mizzen rigging wilh the
captain, male and steward when tho cap
tain ordered us down. The steward, who
was below me, was afraid to move, so I
slid down tho backstay. I got hold of
tho log lino and tried to take it ashore
with me. when I was washed over, to
savo tho fellows who could not swim, bat
tho lina was to short."
Had a life preserver on, and was with me
and the mato and steward in the water
some time, but wo got separated when
tho boxes of salmon knocked us about,
and I saw no more of them."
Mr. Reinhold says that Markuson was
insensible when found on the boach. air.
Reinhold after caring for tho survivors,
notified the neighbors and then rode to
Olema and telephoned to San Francisco,
so that, as ho says, everyone would know
of the wreck.
This evening Markuson was taking a
lesson in milking and tho boy was sitting
bv tho warm kitchen liro his lama foot
propped np comfortably.
wuaii win you uo uexu
"Wo aro going to keep him here a
couple of month?," said Miss Reinhold.
"Well," said the boy, looking out on
tho rough, foggy ocean, then back to his
cheerful surroundings, "I was thinking I
havo had enough of tho sea for a while,
heaw oalea wero encountered, which
drove the vessel up the gulf. On tho
same day tho captain was stricken with
the fever and fell on deck as if paralyzed.
The crew one by one wero stricken down,
nnd after tho vessel got out.of tho gulf,
sho made her way helplessly northward,
tho raafc for a period of twenty-five days
being the only man able to work. At tho
end of that time the crew commenced to
show signs of improvement, and were
able occasionally to tako a littlo "spell at
the wheel," and gradually improved un
til nt tho timoshe reached tho Jatitudo of
San Francisco thero wero enough men
able to work to enable the master to at
tempt to reach that place for medical aid.
Ono of tho crew died on tho passaee and
the master had a very narrow escape, as
for over three weeks ho was lying at
death's door. Tho discaso is caused, as
in the case of tho Star of Erin and tho
Embleton, by tho water taken aboard at
Acanulco from tho swamps. The vessel
j was immediately quarantined, and no
one auowfcu on ooaru or to couimuaicuo
with her.
"W. Lair Hill," said Mr. A. L. Ban
croft, yesterday at his publishing houso,
"is very busv at The Dalles on his new
logal work which wo are to publish. I
am expecting all tho copy in in a few
days from now. It will bo called 'Hill's
General Laws of Oregon Annotated.'
I can't say yet whethor there will bo ono
or two volumes. Wo aro to print tho
edition of one thousand provided for by
the last legislature. No, I can't toll
whether or not tho entire edition will be
out in two months, but if you ask mo n
month hence, I can tell you. It won't
tako us a great while once wo get all tho
copy. Wo'll put on a big force of print
ers and rush it right through. It will be
a verysalcablo work, and will contain
full annotations of tho decisions 'of tho
supreme court reports ot Oregon and
UaillOmiil, IUU UUilblllUlUJU Ul HOW 1UI,
American decisions, and Jndges Sawyer's
and Deady'j ninth U. S. circuit court re
ports. Thero aro other features of par
ticular interest to lawyers. It will givo
tho complete laws of Oregon, and with
tho other characteristics I havo men
tioned, will be tho best work ever at
tempted. Tho labor of compiling such a
work is almost herculean, but tho author
is sticking to it niobt and dav. Hill I
suppose vou know him is a very ablo
man, nnu nis uook win, moreiuie, uo
Bomelhingunusnal." Xcws' S. F. Corr.
He Befitted Thirteen Dollars.
On the up trip of the Columbia just
before arriving at tho mouth of the river,
a schooner was seen bearing down upon
the steamer with all sails set. Owing to
the smoke or fog neither vessel sighted
tho other until they wero close together,
and for a few moments a collision was
imminent. Both vessels hovo thoir
helms hard down and a disastrous catas
tropho was barely avoided. Some of tho
passengers say they do not want to see
such another close call. Standard, 21.
nil S
llUUUlf Uli a
Test Your BaMng Powfler To-Bay !
Brands adrertlsctl as absolute! pura
c:- j 'X' vnv ,r Trtiwoigr n. .
ITaeo & can top down on a hot rtoro nntlt
iratd,then remore tho corer nnd raelL A chem
it trill not be required to detect the presence tt
last Evening' Performance.
Tho fine play of "Victor Dnrand was
splendidly rendered at Ross' oicra houso
last evening by tho celebrated Wallack
Theater corananv and deserved a far
.better house than that which was there.
Tho play is ono in wuicn tho company
has won tho plaudits of press and public
and was presented in tho samo finished
and thorough manner that characterizes
all tho performances of this company.
To-night they appear in "Lady Clare," n
society drama that has held tho boards
month after mouth in tho leading thea
ters of the United States. Reserved seats
at Carl Adler's.
A few days since, while tho Astoria
camp peoplo wero bathing in the surf, an
amatenr photographer went down to the
beach and proceeded to tako an instan
taneous view of the bathers. Just at the
critical moment an Astoria bello stooped
to arrange her stocking, and as the "ap
paratus won't lie," even for beauty, tho
yonnc lady looms up in tho photograph
like Tillamook rock in a storm. At last
accounts tho stooping belle was trying
to raise enough com to purchase tho neg
ative. Sho has offered $13 for it, but
tho photographer stubbornly demands
more, and declares that ho will print an
unlimited number of photographs if tho
central figure doesn't come to tinio in
side of two days. Uregonicni, 24.
Baseball Game.
And Must Be Sold
With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must ho sold within the expected time, T have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will cicse them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cassimere Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits IS 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-. 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to $32.50, equal to any Suit
made by Merchant Tailors.
IU UealtUalstM llai MEVER Beta QsiUlonnJ.
InarollHonhonieaforanaarterofacciiturj it
Lai uootl the container's reliable teat.
Prico Baking Pordcr Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
Tbe rtroaget, no t dcllclons and natural
f?:6 Price's Lupalin Yeast Gems
lor IJsnt, Healthy Crejul.Tho Host Dry Hop
Yeast In tno world.
! C3
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, ITats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing-,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
ATI Goods
MarkiMl in Plain Figures and One Price to All!
0. K.
To Mariners.
Captain Frank Tcckor, ia chargo of
tbo Point Kobinson steam whistle, bailed
the steamer Messenger last Friday, and
requested Captain Parker to inform tho
pnblio through the newspapors, that ow
ing to a scarcely of water to feed his
boilers, he would be unable to use tho
ion whistle after Saturday, the 23d inst.,
until ho was supplied by rain or other
wise. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 22.
Slxtj-tno-and-a-balf Cents a Ton Wonld Be
r Lessening.
tyarenot in a richt good place to
raise wheat for the foreign market. Still,
the charges can bo lessened, and ought
to be lessened. Vregoman.
KSiicUIun-H Arnica Salve.
Thk Br.RT in the world for
Cuts,, Sores,Ulcprs, Salt Itlicuin,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively .cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
A gamo of baseball between an Astoria
nino and an equal number of Portlandera
was played on tho grounds near tho Sea
sido House last Friday. Tho Astorians
were victorious by a scoro of 27 to 14.
The toam was compostd of H. G. Van
Dusen. Ditcher: Jno. Scotchler, catchor;
F. J. Taylor, 1st base; G. C. Fulton, 2nd
base; Tom Crang, 3rd base; It. E. Prael,
I. f.; Alsoy Fox, r. f.; C. "V. Fulton, c. f.;
W. T. Chutter, s. s.
A Ititii on a Drugstore.
Xever was such a rush made for any
Drug Store as is now at W. E. Dement
& Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption.
Coughs and Colds. All persons aflectetl
with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness,
Severe Coughs, or any affection of the
Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot
tle of this great remedy free, by call
ing at above Drug Store. Begluar size
The Peat dry hop yeast In tho world.
Bread raised by this veaat s Hght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmothers
delicious hread.
Price Baking Powder Co.
saiTis of Dr. Price's special FtoYOrtng Eitracts,
Chicago, III St. Louis, MO.
For sale by CinTixo.MEKLK & Co., .Agents
i'ortlaud, Oregon
Hair Dressing Saloon
Tarlier House, Itfain St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
aud hygienic Shampoo, etc,
El. Du PAltK, I'rop.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
D. L. Beck & Sons carry a full assort
ment of staple and fancy groceries and
give special attention to family trade.
A'l orders filled promptly and delivered
free of charge.
Eastern Turpentine in quantities to
suit at Wiivox & FisnEit's.
Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
Capt. Bruce, marine survej-or for the
board of underwriters and representing
tho Fireman's Fund Insurance company,
Capt. Kichards, tho English underwriter,
Capt. Freeman, United States inspsctor
of hulls, and Mr. Naglb of tho Commer
cial Insurance company, made a risit to
tho scene of tho wreck. Upon reaching
their destination tho mombtrs of the
party spent several hours in examining
tho coast whero tho Haddingtonshire was
wrecked. The soa was running high and
none of tho tugs that visited tho spot
dared approach near tho beach or to
send boats ashore. Tho object of the in
spection made by Capt. Bruce and the
other surveyors was io sso il any p.irt ui
the lost vessel or ner cargo coaia ue re
covered for salvage.
Captain Bruce gavo tho following nar
rative of what ho had seen during his
inspectien: "Tho Haddingtonshire,
which went ashore about two and one
half miles north of Point Bsyes light
house, is all broken to pieces and
nntViinrt nlmnt her rjin be saved. The
onlv nortions of tho vessel which are Groceries swapped for cash at S. F.
I visible aro the stern from the cabin ait l prices at Beck's,
Wo More Hard Times Frt-e
Hoarel X
Ton livo in vain if you do not go to
Hie Telephone Saloon and try Baldy
George. XO MORE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot trom 11 to 2.
Soup. Clam Chowder, etc., etc
Vnnucro Cisrars. AAA Old Valley
Whiskv,Boca Beer on draught. Half-and-llalf;
Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piane: Best i lace in town.
Xo, S North Front St., Portland, Or.
Sole agents for tho
New York Beltins anil Packing Co.
We haudle nothing but the best and guar
mitpp mnn snrvlca for the inonev than can
be obtained from any other ltubber Goods
In tne marker.
Everything new received as soon as published.
Tho finest assortment of Teas and
Colfecs in town at Beck's.
Anr nnc desirine tho services of Mrs-
Kate "Duffy as nurse from tho lOlh ot
September until tne lum oi ueccinucr
will please address her at Jiittie iaiis,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory'.
At Frank Falre.
Board for $22J50 a month. The host
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Ciootl Dwclliiig House
For rent or sale, one block from Post
office. Apply to Jeff.
Gctvour photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussiar of San Francisco
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fab re's.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria aud
Canker Mouth, ttihl by . E. Dement.
f!rnnn. Whooniiig Couch and Bron
chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure- Sold by W. E. De.menL
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etccan
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. YV.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
Shealwater Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any stylo
at Frank Fabra's.
Do You TJiinlc that Jen" oi
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much P but ho gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents, lie buys by the wholesale and
pays eash. "That settles it."
Syrup oTFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures' Own Trim Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of V. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It Is the most
nliMcinf iirnmnf mill (Tiptirt TftmPflV
known, to cleanse the system ; to act on.
Hip. Liver. Tvidnevs and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel lleadachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
ForaXeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namiis street, next door to 1. W. Ca5-o.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Having built and refitted with improved
machinery the above mill at large expense,
we are now prepared to
And Funilsh all Kinds and Sizes cf
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of Mill "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Moulalngs, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We ord:ally invite our Irlciuln and tho pub
lic to gire us a call,
Cor. Genevieve anil Astor St3., Astoria, Or.
BAIN & HAliT, Proprietors.
Holden's Auction Rooms
r Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate ami General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chciianms Street. - Astoria, Oretjou.
Auction salo of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 :30 A. M., at mv Auction Kooras.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real ludate.
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. . , .. t. .
Cash Returns Promptly mado after Sale.
Consignments respectfully solicited.
Notary Tublic for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Territory. . .
Agent for Daily and Weekly Oregoman.
Furnishing Store!
-The Eest Place in the City to Buy-
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns in Eucllhli, French
nnd American -suitings, which will be made up to order i irst Class or
Eqnul lo Anything: iu tho State!
W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
The Bahlcs Cry For It,
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy activity. For sale by W. E.
Dement & Co.
r:aiy :u xk
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
SEE OUR novelties;
Large sso2rt23CL:o.-t of lOTsvfcs!