The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 20, 1885, Image 3

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.AUGUST 20. 1S55
(Monday excepted)
rUHLlSHKCS A"D rnoriunrons,
Terms of Snbscrlption.
Served bv Carrier, p?r week lScts.
Sent ly Mail, ppr month GOcts.
' one year $7.00
Frea of postage to sublet ibers.
CBAdvertisemeuts inserted by tbe year at
the rate ot $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, eacb
Notice To Advertisers.
Thr AsToniAX guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
E. A. Noyes advertises coal for sale at
the O. It. & N. dock.
Tom Fitch, the nicest talker on the
coast, has located in Portland.
W. H. Gray has removed from Olney to
this city where he desire3 his mail shall
in future bo addressed.
The Chinese assault case came up in
the police court yesterday afternoon and
again went over to Saturday.
A merry party of campers, Astoria res
idents, to the number of thirty left yes
terday on their annual pilgrimage to the
Cashing Post Cornet band, under tho
able leadership of Mr. Utzingcr, is fast
attaining proficiency in tho rendition of
popular music;
Clara Louise Kellogg will appear in
ooncert here on September 2nd. She has
long been our leading American singer
and will have a large audience in Astoria.
Great clouds of smoke rolled into town
last night from outside fires and the air
was as smoky as a year ago. Bar pilots
report the smoke and fog thick at the
mouth of tho river.
Last Tuesday was the hottest day ever
known in eastern "Washington. At Rip
aria the thermometer registered 112, at
Dayton 105, at Walla Walla 103, at
Wullula 10.1, at Umatilla 103 and at Pen
dleton 103.
It has been decided in tho courts that
if a partner of a dissolved firm neglects
to give notico through tho newspaper of
a dissolution of partnership, he is equally
liable witbMiis partner for all debts con
tracted after dissolution.
Jno. Exon came over from Shoalwater
bay in a plunger yesterday. He started
Tuesday morning and put out a sea net,
catching several hundred pounds of fine
hake and sole, which found ready sale at
the foot of Cass street.
Just after tho Fourth of July it was
telegraphed from Jacksonville that a
party of thirty-two persons there had
been poisoned by eating ico cream. It
now transpires that they all reoovered
except a Miss Alice Forey, who died from
tho effects of the poisoning last Friday.
Tho Oregon export fleet of 18Sl-'& is
arriving out in good shape: sixteen ves
sels oleared in January for England, all
of which arrived safely in average pass
ages of 133 days: eighteen vessels cleared
in February, of which two, tho Yarra
Yarra and Perthshire were wrecked. In
March, eight cleared, all of which have
made their homo port in safety. Thero
were but two clearances in April, the Ken
ton and Eoslin Castle, which aro liable to
be reported any day as having arrived.
Real Estate Sale
At two o'clock this afternoon, at up
per Astoria, E. C. Holden will offer at
publio auction a valuable water frontage
and several eligible building lots. This
sale will test tho present value of real es
tate in that locality. Two or three years
ago property in that locality was in great
demand at fair prices. Five thousand
dollars cash was paid for a similar water
frontage about that time. Sinco then a
cluster of houses sufficient to constitute n
good sized village has been erected, yet
wo doubt if the property to be sold will
realize as much in proportion as it did
three years ago. Real estp te is not boom
ing just now, bat wo have no doubt prop
erty will come up again. Now is tho timo
to invest or buy a lot for n homo, while
real estate is low.
That Insurance "Compact.'
In tho San Francisco newspapers ap
pears tho advertisement of the Transat
lantic insurance company of Hamburg,
that it has withdrawn from the compact.
Insuranco rates in Astoria, have, in somo
instances, dropped over twenty-five per
cent, in the last thirty days. Denial of
this is useless. The Astoeian knows what
it is talking about. Everybody is glad to
know that tho cinch is busted. The m
surance companies have had a good thing
on Astoria, and while Astoria is glad to
know that comparative immunity from
fire has allowed them to make handsome
ly on Astoria premiums, nevertheless it
is satisfactory to know that the high
rates of the last eighteen inonthB are no
longer possible.
Tbe Right Kind of Immigrants.
There is considerable immigration to
this county and land is being steadily
occupied. The men that come are wel
come; they bring a littlo money, they
take up land with a view to settle here
and make a home. Near Knappa, sever
al new places are being cleared. This is
the kind of immigration that Clatsop
county wants. It benefits tho county and
benefits the new comers. Thero aro
enough hero already of bummers and
chaps "looking for work," and hoping
they won't find it.
A Load of Fish.
The plunger Elenaoi Oysterville, come
in yesterday morning with 1,230 pounds
of fish, comprising hake, halibut, floun
ders, rock cod, sole, dog, devil, rat, fiat,
white, and other kinds of fish, which
went off like hot cakes, realizing a hand
some sum to the owners over 100. By
two o'clock it was all gone.
E. J. Tartridge will be at his studio
Eastern Turpentine in quantities to
suit at Wilsox & Fisher's.
If thore is any body in Astoria that
deserves success in business, it is Jeff.
At his own expense he has built and
thrown open for traffic a sidewalk from
tho rear of the Telephone Saloon to the
Roadway. May he live long and get
his reward m this world.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussior of San Francisco
Regarding the 3Iost Important of Fresent
Tho Columbia ought to bo open to the
sea. This would inlerfero somewhat
with Portland's prosperity, bat the peo
ple of the inland empire havo a right to
a water outlet for their produce. New
NorUnccst, G.
The Astouiax has been doing sonio
fine work in showing np tho advantages
of Astoria over Portland as a shipping
port. Tacoma Ledger, 14.
The contest between Portland, Astoria
anu tho Paget Sound as shipping ports
is one between artificial and natural ad
vantages. Portland has an excellent
business situation near the conjunction
of the Columbia and Willamette, and
will probably always be the chief city of
Oregon. It has also tho capital and pres
tige to assist in maintaining its position,
but as a shipping point it has no special
natural advantages. It is situated twelve
miles from the mouth of the Willamette,
which enters the Columbia 110 miles from
the sea. The navigation of tho Willam
ette below tho city is restricted by fand
bars which requiro considerable atten
tion to keep the channel clear. These
obstacles aro avoided by Astoria, which
has only to contend with the bar of tho
Columbia, which, howevor, is in itself a
serious hindrance. Tho Columbia and
Snake rivers afford magnificent facilities
for transportation iron tho sea to tho
Idaho line, with occasional interruptions
from falls and rapids. Thcso obstacles
aro surmountable by locks and canals,
which aro demanded by tho Astorians,
with an implication that the work has
hitherto been kept back by tho influence
of Portland and railroad money. That
is quite probable, as both would lose tho
advantage they now hold by tho opening
of the river, the railroad us a non-coni-petitivo
carrier, and tho city as tho cen
ter of the export trado of tho inland
empire, as eastern Oregon and Washing
ton are called. San Francisco Bulletin,
"Now lot me tell you that I have been
in business hero for several years, and
before that in other places, too, nud I
believe I know what I am talking about
when I say that, if everybody would pay
the bill ho owes to his neighbor once in
thirty days, or upon presentation, thero
would be very little of what wo call hard
times. Tho man who owes a dollar and
has got it to pay, but hangs to it, pre
vents the payment of a great many
debts. The journey that a dollar trav
els tho first week of the mouth, and
the timo it makes, as wo say when we
talk of rpco horses, would surprise tho
man who never investigated. 1 marked
a dollar onco and kept track of it a few
days, requesting each man to keep a
record of whom it was received by him
and to whom paid. Before it disap
peared, about tho end of tho first week
of the month, it hfd paid between
twenly-fivo and thirty dollars in debts.
Not long ago I presentod a bill of about
forty dollars to a man abundantly ablo
to pay it. I knew ho had tho money. But
he looked scared and said, 'I can't collect
my bills, and so I can't pay, you know;
wait a while. Now that forty dollars bo
longed to mo, but ho had it in his posses
sion, and of course 1 couldn t lake it
away from him. I he had paid it to me,
as ho ought to havo done, I should have
paid it out almost immediately, and tho
chances nro that it woald havo baca kept
going, and by this time havo paid ten
times its valuo in debts." Exchange.
Got em or Sulucford.
The newly appointed governor of Alas
ka, Mr. A. P. Swiuoford, of tho Mar
quette (Mich.) Mining Journal, is noted
as a joker and for getting back to tho
home stako in repartee. Secretary Ho tch
kiss, of the Lumberman's Exchange,
having to write Swineford recently on
business matters, took occasion to com
miserate him on his forthcoming resi
dence among tho icebergs and grizzlies
of Alaska, advised him to get hislifo well
insured for tho benefit of mankind in, and hoped a kind Provideuca
would project him from tho ludiain, and
especially the Kcssiau bear, and permit
his going on pleasure "exertions" to Si
beria or tho North Pole, etc, etc. Swinc
ford's reply is characteristic: "Thanhs
for your sympathy. Igo where I will
have cool breezes and a temperature of
not more than 7." degrees in summer aud
an averago of i)8 degrees above zero in
winter. Go buy you a geography or cy
clopaedia aud then let me hear from vou
again. If after you see a pieco of red or
yellow Alaska cedar, cut Irom trees rang
ing in diameter from throe to nino feet,
you want to keep on handling scrub pine
from Wisconsin and Michigan, just keep
at it, and you will havo the sympathy of
yours, truly, A. P. S."
Tho Editor Asls for Sympathy.
Wo crave the indulgence of our readers
for tho shortcoming as well as the tardi
ness of tho Democrat this week. Monday,
oar best help (Idn) was taken quite ill,
and has remained so until this time. Tho
next day our other best help (Billio) also
took sick, and remained sick for two
days, leaving us alono to wrestle with tho
paper. On Wednesday tho good wife
also took sick, leaving us the care of the
two littlo children, the care of tho sick,
tho work of the house, tho work of the
paper, and our own cooking to do. Alfa
retta, Ga., Democrat.
An old Prorcrb.
There aro many wiso saws and old
proverbs which, although of a homely
character, aro found usoful when acted
upon. Uno ot tuein tens us mac ueiays
are dangerous, and in nothing can this
be seen more clearly than m tuo case ot
a nnltL To neolect it. mav bo to imperil
your life, as thero is no moro insidious
enemy tuan wnai we sometimes can on
ly a cough." In all such cases use Hod
Star Cough Cure. It is prompt in action.
gives permanent relief, con tarns no op
iates and leaves no bad effects.
From San Diego.
Just received per Fannie Addle, the
Finest and Freshest Honey. None Bet
ter. For salo only at Foard & btokes'.
At Frank Fabro's.
Board for S22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
W. Lussicr ot San Francisco has en
gaged in tho photograph business with
Crow the leadiug photographer.
Shoalwater Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frauk Fabre's.
Good Dwelling ITousc
For rent or sale, one block from Tost
office. Apply to Jkff.
Some Facts In the Life of the Salemlto Who
U Xo-t the Subject of Political Com
ment. E. J. Dawuo camo to Oregon some
where about 1870, from Arkansas, aa
preacher in tho M. E. church, south.
Governor Grover, A. Bush and other Sa
Icmltcs, though not of his religions be
lief, contributed to the erection of n
church for him, which was free of debt
tho day it was dedicated to worship. At
that time, says tho M'clcome, ho was
known ns "Doctor' Dawne, liko tho re
cent pastor of a Portland church and on
being questioned regarding his title to
D. D., said that ho was note theological
graduate, but that the title" "doctor" re
ferred to his being a full-blown medicus.
He soon after began lecturing in the uni
versity of tho Willamette as a professor
of clinics, materia medica, or something
of the kind, and was tho most popular
lecturer in the university. About this
timo Syl Simpson and he were candidates
in opposition to each other for tho nomi
nation of superintendent of public in
struction in the Democrat io convention,
and ns the un terrified felt that they owed
something to tho religious element,
Dawne was nominated. Syl Simpson
immediately rushed to pon and ink nad
began war on his successful opponent
that ended in his defeat the only man,
wo think, on tho Democratic ticket who
was made to suffer. It soems that when
Mr. Dawno's diploma from tho medical
college was called for, it had unfor
tunately been "burned in a firo down
south," and no word was received from
tho college from which ho is said to have
graduated th?t his namo appeared on
tho list of nn alumnus. Tho gentleman
who has come into such sudden national
notoriety then resigned from tho church
and university, and began tho study of
law. Ho read hard, posted himself thor
oughly in tho Oregon code, and passed
according to one of the judges of tho
supremo court a first-class examination.
While professorhopaid attention to Miss
Miller, daughter of Scotch Miller, a
wealthy citizen of the state capital who
was taking a thorough courso in tho clas
sics', and eventually married her. Sinco
that time or rather ns soon as Mr.
Dawne made peaco with his father-in-law,
a free thinker and very independent
sort of man, ho appeared as fiduciary
agent for his new relative in tho lending
of somo $S0,0C0. Tho following story
told about Dawne, is not generally be
lieved. When called upon as a witness
against the character of a client of Ben
Hayden's in Polk county, that eccentric
lawyer made tho following peroration to
a bitter philippic: "Who is Dawne? A
preacher without a congregation, a doc
tor without a diploma, a money lender
without a cent."
" Grossest Jlan in Alabama."
"De crossest man in Alabama lives
dar," said tho driver as wo approached
a way-side homo near Selma, Ala.,
to ask accommodations for the night.
At supper, and after it, "mine host"
scowled at every one, found fault
with everything earthly, and I was
wondering if ho would not growl if
the heavenly halo didn't fit him, when
incidental mention being made of
the comet of 1SS2, he said: "I didn't
liko its form; its tail should have
been fan shaped!"
But next morning he appeared half
offended at our offering pay for his
hospitality 1 My companion, how
ever, made him accept as a present
a sample from his case of goods.
Six weeks later, I drew up at the
same house. The planter stepped
lithely from the porch, and greeted
mo cordially. I could scared' be
lieve that this clear complexioned,
bright eyed, animated fellow, and the
moroso being of a fow weeks back,
were tho samo. He inquired after
my companion of tho former visit
and regretted he was not with me.
"Yes," said "his wife, "we are both
much indebted to him."
"How?" I asked, in surprise.
"For this wonderful change in my
Juisband. Your friend, when leav
ing, handed him a bottle of "Warner's
Safe Cure. He took it, and two other
bottles, and now " "And now," ho
broke in, "from an ill-feeling, growl
ing old bear, I am healthy and so
cheerful my wife declares she has
fallen in love with mo again!"
It has made over again a thousand
love matches, and keeps sweet the
tempers of the family circle every
where. Copyrighted. Used by per
mission of American Ilural Home.
Australian Lumber XarLct.
Tho Australasian Trade Itctieic, of re
cent date contains the follewing: "Ore
gon timber. Imports, X8,12G feet super.
This parcel arrived per Nellie Mag from
Port Townscnd, and has not yet been
offered at auction. Tho cargoes ox Malay
anu jiugne were uisposcu oi at uucuuu
on June 2M, and that ex Cowlitz on 2d,
at prices ranging from (r 2s Gd down to
r, 10.?."
KucIiZch's Arnica Salve.
Tin: Best Saivk in the world for
CuLs, Bruises, Sorcs.Ulct'rs, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Jhapprd Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
A Xasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
--Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents. Masai injector tree.
For sale by V. E. Dement.
Syrup ofFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
vet inoronguiy; io aispci ncauacus,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. It never
fails to cure. So!d by W. E. Dement.
Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
lCStcl)uffy as nurse from tho 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will please address her at Little Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
When things run smoothly and my men
tal sky
Is clear of clouds and there's no causo
for sighs,
That is, when all is lovely end serene,
then I
Bat when the littlo ills of Ufa appear
To pester, worry, and pile care on care;
When mere existenco is sandpapered, ns
it were.
Why, then I swear.
When on tho right side is my bpnk ac
count, And great good luck my efforts seora to
Then upward toward the sky my spirits
I own the town.
But when misfortunes never seem to let
Up on me, and each move appears a
And life seems one "demnition grind," I
As mad as thunder.
'Tis eo with most; wo all can smile at
At cares and trials from which wo aro
And calmly reason o'er tho ills of lifo
We never see.
But when the clouds ob3curo our daily
And evils from Pandora's box fly thick.
Instead of stopping to philosophize
We mostly kick.
An Ohio Girl's Feet.
In a show-case in John street, says the
Now York correspondent of tho Detroit
Free Press, is a pair of shoes that attract
considerable attention. They aro in
tended for Miss Fannio Mills of Sandus
ky, Ohio, who has becomo famous by the
vastsizoof her feet. Tho shoos aro No.
29, and owing to the fact that Miss Mills
has reached the age in which society de
mands part of her time, tbe shoes will be
the first dress shoes made for her. They
aro made of three goat skins, and are
capable of making eight pairs of ordin
ary ladies' shoes. They aro cork soles
and button tops. Their length is nine
teen inches, tho width seven and a half
inches. Tho waists of tho shoes aro
eighteen and a half inches, instep nine
teen and a half, the ball nineteen inches.
Tho top of tho shoes reaches to tho calf,
and measures in circumference twenty
and a half inches. Tho heels are five
and a half inches in width and four in
ches in length. Four chamois skins
wero used in lining them. Tho shoes,
though plainly made cost $45. Miss Mills
is a blonde and pretty, weight 1C0 pounds
and is of ordinary height. Her father is
a well-to-do farmer and, it is said, will
givo $5,000 and a farm to tho man who
will marry her.
All our readers who are not supplied
with a good cyclopaedia can sccuro a set
of Johnson's. Mr. C.H. Libby informs
us he is furnishing the territory of Asto
ria and Clatsop county on tho canvas.
As n special inducement to those who
read Tnn Astouiax. MraLibby offera as a
premium one copy of Webster's Diction
ary to any subscriber who sends in thier
namo with two new names for a sot of
Johnson's cyclopaedia in eight volumes.
Here is a splendid opportunity for any
ono person to secure ono of tho best
library works published and supply thier
friends, as Mr. Libby will not bo able to
see all our readers ho makes tho above
liberal offer.
If yon are supplied with a dictionary ho
will substitute a copy of D. S. Grant's
JXenioirs instead.
A Startling Discovery.
Physic-inns are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The factthat Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
ami all Throat and Lung diseases is
daily curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery; resulting in hundreds of our
best l'iivsieiaiuusingit in their practice
Trial Bottles freo at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size $1.00.
Itagngcmcnt Extraordinary.
Prof.McManus the celobrated pianist
from Loudon, has been engaged at
great expense by the enterprising pro
prietor of the Telephone saloon, and
will furnish fine music at nil hours.
Free hot lunrh every day. The best
place hi town to have a good time.
. Baldy Georoe,
AH Ihe patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perluniery. and toilet articles, etc-can
he bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidci t
hotel, Astoria.
!): Yon Think ihat JclT, ol
The Chop Ilonso
Gives you a meal for nothing, aud a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much I" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
23 cents. Ho buys by the wholesalo and
navs cash. "That settles it."
For a Xcat Fitting Boot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
uamus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All god.s of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, ImU says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSniLon's Consumption
Cukk." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Its Delicacy of Flavor
And the efficacy of its action have
rendered the famous liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs immensely popular.
It cleanses ami tones up the clogged
and feverish system, and dispels
Headaches, Colds and fevers. For 6ale
by W. E. Dement & Co,
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, o to Frank Fabre's.
A Well Furnished Table
With the best and cooked in a neat and
wholesome way. can be found at Mis. G. W.
Kuckert Private Boarding House, over Eat
on & Camahan's, next to odd FellowB Build
Terms: $5 a week. $22.50 per month.
at lls Cape. For further information
apply to aW. ALLY.
Onion Peat,
Tillamook Co., Or.
Test Tour Baling Powder TtrD&y !
Srxnda advertised as obiolutclj- pira
COIVTAXW fl-nnvrr'!gT ,
riaea eaa top down on hok toTo rati!
heatd,tban remore the coernd smelt. A chem
lft win not bo required to detect tiia presence t
:u UiiUUalom His NEVER Bkb QonUasd.
lnttmllllonhoTnMforaqnarterof acentury It
uwu luuctHuuiDearcuuMciait,
Bating Powder
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracb,
Tho ciroa?etnost deHdciu onj natural
Dr. Price's Lupulin Ytasi Gems
1 or Light, IWltb y bread.Tho Best Dry Hop
Ytuut In tho world.
Light Healthy Bread.
The oeat dry hop yeast in tho world.
Brand raised by thla yoaat Is light. white
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
laa'fis of Dr. Price's s&ecial FtiYonnz Eitracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by Cbttiso. Merle & Co., A cents
Portland, Oregon
W3I. ALLE9I, Propr.
First Class in Every Respect.
Free Condi to the House.
St. Charles Hotel,
(European Plan.)
mtOWN&KNOWLES - - Proprietors
First Class i Every Kespect,
Good Restaurant Connected with thelloiue
Fire-proof Brick Haildinir. lfO Rooms.
In the Canter of tbe City.
Cor. Front and Morrison SU, roitland. Or
Will Make
Forts Stevens and Canby,
And llwaco.
The second trip will be made upon the ar
rival of the boats from Portland.
This clres ever" one a splendid chance to set
And see the Mouth of the Columbia.
Corner Third and EStreetH,
Our facilities aro such that we defy
compctltlon. This Is the largest
ami most respectably kept
Hotel in tho Northwest.
Board and Lodging $ 1 .00 per day
MKALSS cents. LODGING. 25 and SO cents
Free Buss to and from the House.
rXo Chinese Employeil."Ta
K. Lcnlston, (Late of Minnesota House)Prop.
A hare Stocfc of
Of Every Grade
Xo, 5 Xorttt Front St., Portland. Or.
Rite Beltii, Hose &Paclins
SoTe ageuU for the
New York Beltinj: and Packing Co.
We handlo nothlnc but tho best and guar-
be obtained from any othr Rubber Goods
in tno mamcc
Good Farm
proved, on tho JOaskanlnc. Por sale
cheap or will exchange for city property.
Apply at astokiax Office.
And Must
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July loth, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must he sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Bark Mixed AIL Wool
Men's Mixed Cassimcrc Sack
Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits. . . 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I alsu havo just received a large stock which must he disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
All Goods
Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All!
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parlccr IIou.fc, Main St.,
For a flrst-class Share, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, otc,
n. E)n PARK, Prop.
Everything new received
13. J. HAttT.
Having built and refitted with improved
machinery tho above mill at largo expense,
wo are now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes er
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of 3II1I "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
MoukiitiKS, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We eordlally invito our friends and the pub
lic to cire us a call.
Cor. denevlcvc and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or.
15 AIN & IIAItT. Proprietors.
o. a. Mcintosh
The Leading Clothier and Halter,
New Goods!
Men's, "Youths' and Stay'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
fteeeived !
Be Sold
Business Suits .... : ... $10 00
Business Suits 13 50
usvey grists.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published.
Holden's Auction Rooms
r Established January 1st, 1877.
Ileal Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chenamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 0 a. m., at mv Auction Itooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate.
Cattle, and Farminc Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Retnrns Promptly mado aftor Sales.
Consignments respectfully solicited,
Notarv Public for tho State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Daily and Weekly Oregonian.
New Styles!