gCJ5ty.jMn ', ' P S!w gatttj gstotfiw. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1S55 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. V. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AXB PROPRIETORS, ASTORIAX BUILDI3G, - - CASS STRKKl Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per wcek......... 15c tS. fiOcts. sent uy aiasi, per montli " " one year ........., Free of postage to subscribers. ..$7.00 t3F"Advert4scments Inserted by the year at the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each Insertion. Notice To Advertisers. The Astoriax guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. This paper is on fde at the. St. Charles Hotel, Portland, Or. To-night "The Eajab." 'Do you know?" Company H, O. S. 31. -will meet at tho armory at eight this evening. Last appearance this ovening of the Madison Square Theater Co. in this city. The Madison Square Theater company appear at ltoss' opera house to-night in 'IhoEajah." Tho Clatsop campers go on the steamor Sam from Wilson & Fisher's dock at 7:30, sharp, to-morrow morning. Tho British ship Portia, James master, 1424, from Cardiff via Port Moody, ar rived in Sunday afternoon. Fine musio was supplied by an able or chestra at tho theater last evening. There will be equally good musio to night. Those who saw 'Tho Private Secre tary" last night will want to see "The ltajah" to-night. Reserved seats at Carl Adler's. Beginning at ten o'clock this morning E. C. Holden will sell at public auction all tho furniture of tho Astor house without reserve. Tho 0. 11. & N. has conferred on Capt. I. A. Bailey tho title of post captain. Masters of all boats of that company re port to and receive instructions from him. Tho usually vivacious Posl-Intclligencer chronicles tho captnro of a shad near Seattle last Thursday, that weighed "fully five pounds." What a whopper the shad we mean. There is less snow on Mount Hood at present than there has been for fifteen years, and farmers living near by are considerably alarmed. Largo quantities of sulphur smoke issue from Crater rock at times. George Hennes3oy, aged 14, of Port land, was drowned near Brookfield last Saturday. Tho lad had been fishing and hunting in that locality, and accidentally fell in the river. Tho body has been re covered. It is only once in a year that such a theatrical company as tho Madison Square Theater company get here. To Jiight they play "The Rajah." Last night's great audience will doubtless bo repeated to-night. Tho machinery of the steamer North Pacific, amounting to three carloads, has been brought from tho Sound and will be repaired at Portland. The steamer will be placed on ways at Seattle and fully repaired. The entire cost will bo 30,001). The Telephone's dock was crowded Sun day afternoon, awaiting the arrival of that flyer. Sho was a little lato on ac count of the smoke-fog, but finally could be seen coming through tho clouds off Hanthorn's cannery, and betting com menced on her time to opposite landing. Somo had it 7, 8 and 10 minutes, she made the run in 7 minutes, 4)4 seconds. "Way over in New Bedford one's water bills must be paid in advance, or the wa ter will be shut off. As the United States government never pays bills in advance, tho er-whalers have just been treated to the edifying sight of tho postofiice and custom house without water, because one of tho water uscers complained that the government was being treated better than common folks. "We are requested to state for tho bone fit of those who havo made inquiry of the auctioneer regarding the same, that the fine fire and burglar proof safe, with chilled steel vault, and which cost 420 new, will be sold to tho highest bidder at precisely eleven o'clock this morning, standard time. Immediately after tho sale of the safe, the handsome- pool and billiard table, with, outfit complete will be the next article sold. PERSONAL. Major W. A. Jones and family came down from Portland Sunday. MajorJones goes to view the government work at Ft. Stevens to-day. Geo. Dorris, Master "Workman of tho A. O. U. "W., writes that he cannot at tend the reception to bo given Father TJpchurch upon his arrival in this city. Major T. J. Blakenoy returned from Shoalwatcr bay last evening and goes to San Francisco on the Oregon to-day. The bids for tho removal of tho boathouso at Shoalwater bay life saving station will be opened upon Major Blakenoy's return. LAST EYEMXG'S PEUFOaJIASC'E. A good theatrical troupe is always ap predated in Astoria, and the company that last evening delighted the vast au dience at Ross' opera house in "Ihe Private Secretary," certainly deserved the enthusiastio applauso with which they were received. The irresistible fun of tho play proved infectious and long before the first act was concluded everybody was laughing. As "The Private Secretary" W. H. Gillette fully sustained his reputation as a first clas3 comedian. M. A. Kennedy, as "Old Cattermole" gave an artistic representation of that oharacter, and Frank Taunehill Jr., as "Douglas Catter mole," was equally clever. The rest of the cast were good throughout. To-night "Tho Rajah" will bo presented. It is an other of the Madison Square Company's specialties and will be given with tho same care and fidelity as played 230 consecutive nights at their own theater in New York. Reserved seats at Carl Adler's. Secure your seats this morning and avoid the rush to-night. This is tho last appearance of that superb companj'. Attention, Company III All members of Company Jl are re quired to meet at the company's armory Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock p. m., sharp. By order commanding officer. E. D. C cutis, Secy. From San Diego. Just received per Fannie Adclc, the Finest and Freshest Honey. .None Bet ter. For sale only at Foard & Stokes'. PATHEE UPOHUBOH. THE FOUNDER OF THE A. O. U. W. Will Arrive in Astoria and YiIt Sea Side Lodge No. 12. Among other visitors at Astoria, is "Father TJpchurch," tho founder of tho A. O. D. W. Ho has beenjnet and warm ly welcomed in California, and comes in fraternal greeting to the lodges of Oregon and "Washington territory. J. J. TJpchurch was born in North Car olina, March 2G, 1820, and is in his GGth year. He was the son of parents in tho humble walks of life, and his bo hood and youth wero passed similarly to that of other farmers' children. As a young man he drifted into mechanical occupa tions, married and settled down. For over twenty years succeeding 1813, he was in the employ of railroad com panies of Pennsylvania, occupying for the greater part of that timo tho position of master mechanic in tho shops. Wbilo in this position he saw many respects in which the life of tho mechanic might bo improved. Having in view first, princi pally, the idea of bringing employer and employee together in a fraternal organi zation for a better mutual understanding and the prevention of strikes, and sec ondarily the education, elevation and fra ternizing of the masses and a proper pro vision for the future of their families, he commenced evolving his plan for the formation of tho order. This was in April, 18C8. All know that the order has so far outgrown its original scope that tho secondary idea aforementioned has become the primary one, and tho order instead of being confined to mechanics, embraces all classes of society, even tho highest officials in tho laud. As to tho remainder of tho story wo give it in his own werds: "On October 27ih, 1803, at Meadville, Pennsylvania, Jefferson Lodge No. 1, A. O. U. W., was instituted with fourteen members. On the morning of tho 28th, a number of the fourteen demanded that tho words "whito male" be stricken from the constitution. I persistently refused to do so, and tho recorder refunded to every member his entrance fee. I cau assure you that tho future looked dark, but I was determined to do my duty. On November 3d, tho second meeting night, seven of tho fourteen came forward and paid their entrance fee for tho second time. That evening we took in two new members. Wo went to work with re newed energy and determination to trv and build up tho infant order. When wo were nino months old we had twenty members. 'When mv mind runs baci: i can hard ly realize tho fact that our noble order, now over 110,000 strong, is the oat growth of that twig planted in Meadville, Pa., Oct. 27th, 1803. Its growth shows the justice of our cause. Let us not grow weary in well doing, but push the good work forward until every man is brought under its beneficial influence." in oruer 10 protect mm in uis jusiiy merited fame and allow no ono to divide tho honors with him, tho supreme lodge of 18S3 placed on record its decision pro nouncing .tamer upcuurcu me original founder of the order and its protector during its infantile years. Tho body has also voted him the honors of past supreme master workman, and members of tho order everywhere are esteeming it their privilege to cheer tho declining vears of the old man and smooth his pathway toward the end of life. OBJECTS Ol' TOE OBDEU. Omitting all reference to nationality, political opinions or denominational dis tinction or preferences, but believing in the existence of a God, tho creator and preserver of tho universe, and recogniz ing as a fundamental principle, that use fulness to ourselves and others is a duty which should bo tho constant aim and care of all, tho following are submitted as the aims and purposes of the Ancient Order of United Werkmen: L To embrace and givo equal protec tion to all classes and all kinds of labor, mental and physical; to strive earnestly to improve tho moral, intellectual and social condition of its members; to en deavor by wholesomo precepts, fraternal admonition, and substantial aid, to in spire a duo appreciation of the stern re alities and responsibilities of life. 2. To create a fund for tho benefit of its members, during sickness or other disability, and in case of death, to pay a stipulated sum to such persons as may bo designated 03' each member, thus en abling him to guaranteo h's family against want. 3. Tho adoption of such secret work and means of recognition as will insure tho protection of its members wherever mo oruer may exist. 4. To hold lectures, read essays, dis cuss new inventions and improvementr, encourage research in art, scienco and literature, and when practicable, main tain a library for tho improvement of its members. "THE RAJAH." This play was tho third great success at tho Madison square theater, New York city, and had a run of 230 nights. It was. then at the close of the Reason, tak en on the road, where it was witnessed by delighted thousands, from Maine to California. Tho character of "Tho Jlaj ah," as portrayed by Mr. Gillette, is a master xerformauce. Tho cast will bo tho full strength of tho company, and all who have seen the "Private Secretary" should seo tho "ltaj ah to-night. CAST. Haro'.d Wyncol. the Itnj.ihWm. II. Gillette (JladvsWyncot.liisward-Mbs Mauri tfu.Lmi .Toiefih .ltkl. nttorncY Mr. 51. A. Kennedy Job. his assistant M. Hal Warren Ulchnrd Jocclyn.. . Mr. t ramc 1 eniienui, j r. Mrs. Frlngie . Miss Fannie Addison Emelia Jckjl Miss Maude liiroux Cragin . Mr. If. A. Moray Buttons.... Mr. G. 1L li:isipr First Striker, Mr. Ed Barrow Ro3srved seats at Carl Adler's. GOOD FOR CURRY. Shad, silver mines, bears, hemlock, strawberries, trout, fat cattle, apples, brick, elk, salmon, seaside resorts, tide land, advice and lumber are nmong Clat sop county's principal products. Tiie Astobux. Curry county can boast of all the above and much more, among which wo might mention wildcats, pretty girls, clams, young 6ports, potatoes, raco horses, mut ton sheep, brass, huckleberries, sea lions, peaches, cotton-tail rabbits, cedar, mus sels, green corn, snake poison, office seek ers, tan uarK, ueer niaes, juveniles, usu traps, and lots of young-men-on-the-mar-ry. Carry Co. Gazette. At Frank Fahre's. Board for S22JS0 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. W. LussierotSau Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. Good Dwelling House For rent or sale, one block from Post office. Apply to Jeff. ocTorrs, or detil-fish. A good sized specimen of tho octopus or devil-fish was reported Ecen off North beach last week. This monster is not rare off tho California coast, and has been seen in more northerly latitudes. Tho dcvil-fibli or clam crackor, as it is often called on tho Atlantic coast, also frequents the waters of tho Carolina and Georgia coasts. Before tho war, an ex pedition against a devil-fish was account ed the rarest sport going, and was at tended with somo danger. Col. Elliott, in his admirable littlo work entitled "Carolina sports," gives a full and accu rate description of this grand fish, as to its physical peculiarities and its habits. He relates the narrative of frequent bat tles ho had with these giants of tho deep. Tho method of pursuit followed by Col. Elliott was to man a staunch and fast rowing barge, with a man armed with a light harpoon tt tho bew: the ropo being carefully coiled before him on tho bow seat. The devil-fish is often playful and indifferent, and will allow the approach of a boat within striking distance. Onco harpooned, it dashes off with great vigor and at an immense rate. Often a hatch et has to bo used to savo a light boat from being 'submerged by a powerful strain on the bow. Sometimes they strike out for deep water, and such is their swiftness and endurance that tho fear of losing sight of land forces tho crew to cut loose from the monster. Col. Elliott advocated tho attack by several boats at once. If two or moro harpoons can be firmly fired in the fish, its capture is pretty well assured, though there is a en so on record in which a huge dovil fish lowed three boats rowing hard against it so far out into tho offing as to force them night coming on to cut loose nnd savo themselves. It is true that tho devil-fish measures moro tran sverselj than from head to tail. By aid of its mighty flippers it is able to throw itself clear out of tho water, turn a som ersault in tho air, and fall on its back, causing an immenso splash. .Tho writer has seen hundreds of these fish in tho water, and several fine specimens on land, hauled up after capture. Tho largest he siw measured sixteen feet ono way by a foot or two feet ho can not exactly re member, across tho wings. This queer fish has a trick belonging to tho tentacu lar family of rubbing itself against tho anchor and hawsers of boats with which they, in their fright, get sometimes en tangled, and clasping tho object with their feelers, start off with tho boat, to the consternation of tho occupants. If tho devil-fish reported of North beach be still t here its pursuit and capturo might afford rare sport. The Select Knlsnls. Connected with the Ancient Order of United "Workmen is a branch called Se lect Knights. They are governed by the same general laws, and aro made up of memb2r3 of the Ancient order of United Workmen in good standing. The family of everyone belonging to this branch who parucipaio 1:1 11s ueneuis, :s cuiiueu 10 .'52,000 on tho death of a member. This, with the 2.000 in tho regular Ancient Order of United "Workmen, entitles tho members' families to l,O0J. E. H. Stol to, of Portland, is supreme deputy com mander of tho Select Knights, and may institute a legion m this city. Hie late Robert Newcomb was a member of the Select Knights, and on the 13th of July Mr. Stolte paid his widow $2,000. In or der to secure this amount for his family Jlr. Newcomb had only paid in 17 in duel and assessments. A Prize Fight Arrange!. David Campbell and James Reil ley hayo signed an agreement to fight a prize fight with bare knuckles according to the new ra!e3 of the London prize ring, for $500 a side. Tho contest will tako place with in 100 miles of Portland four weeks from date, tho winner to have both slakes and tho entire gate money after expenses are paid. Campbell is of Oregon, and his previous experienco in tho ring wa3 the defeating of Peter Lawlo over a year ago at tho Pavilion. Campbell is a hard hit tpr and will bo hard to defeat, licilley has never had any ring experience, but is a well built, game, young man, but has not as much scienco as his opponent. Roth will go into training immediately, lteilley under the tutelagoof M. Sullivan, and Campbell with J. McDonald as his mentor. Xcics. Hktorj Repeat Itself. There was somo talk a short timo since of an opposition lino of steamers being put on tho route between this port and San Francisco, but tho project fell through. The following from tho San Francisca Bulletin will throw somo light on the matter: "The steamer Wilming ton is now lying in tho creek, above Al ice street bridge, drawing a subsidy of 23 per month for keeping out of ser vice. Tho William Tuber has been lying in tho creek higher up for yoars drawing a still larger subsidy for the same pur pose." The Firemen' Tocrcament. The Clemen's tournament held at Asto ria was a grand success. Capitals No. 1 of Salem are the champions of tho state, beating Rescue No. 2 of Astoria by just one-fifth of a second (pretty close figur iug) in the state association hoso race, and thereby winning n prize of 200. This competition is good and will no doubt bo tho medium of improving tho various companies. There was no hood lumism or wrangling of any kind. Tho next tonrnaraont will bo held at Salem. Pacific Coast Pcciac for July. A. Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to re alize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our best Piivsicians using it in their practice Trial Bottles tree atW.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size 1.00. Wi:.lT! o Yn Til I nit thai "Je,,, oi Tiie t'hoj Iltutsc Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? 'Not much !' but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. lie buys by the wholesale, and pays cash. "That settles iL" fchonlwater Kay Oysters Constantly on hand, cooked to any tj ie at Frank Fabre's. Gctjonr photographs taken at Crow's gallery by W. Lussier of San Francisco Foi Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, Jou have a printed cnarantee on every ottle of Shiloh's Vitalixer. It never fails to cure. So!d by W. E. Dement. A PIOXEER OF PIO.fEEttS. The owner nnd navigator of a sloop engaged in fishing on the bay is Jas. Peace, 87 years of age, and a California pioneer of the pioneers, having come to this ccast in 1818. In 1817 ho sailed from England in the ship Xereod, bound for tho Columbia river, in the service of the Hudson Bay Company. Sho put into the bay of Monterey, where ho became im plicated in a mutiny and was placed in irons. In April, 1818, tho vessel cast her anchor in the bay of San Francisco, where he stolo away in ono of tho ship's boats and niado bis way to the Mission Dolores, where the fathers furnished him with blankets and a pony and; directed him to tho camp of "William Smith, on tho site of "Woodside, San Mateo county. In this vicinity he continued to live for sixty-seven years. He was remarkably skillful in tho use of tools, and instructed tho natives of the Santa Clara Mission in theis use. Tn 1S40, with about forty Americans, ho was seized by tho Mexican authorities, placed in irons and sent to San Bias as a prisoner. Ho was taken to Tepic, where the charges of being impli cated in a conspiracy against Mexico wero found to bo baseless, and he re turned to his home in tho redwoods. At tho close of tho Mexican war ho settled on a largo tract of land at Half moon bay. Here, in 1849, ho hoisted tho first Ameri can flag in Spanish town. This relic ho still has in his possession. In 1833 Peace married tho daughter of Pedro Valencia, and has two sons living. In tho course of time ho lost his property, and in his old ago made use of his skill in construct ing a sloop M feet in length, in which ho cruises the bay inquest of fish and clams, which are marketed at lied wood City. Collision on the Colnmbls. At about 9 o'clock last evening a col lision occurred between the steamers i?. It. Tliompson and Multnomah on tho Columbia, at a point just this side of Oak Point. Tho Multnomah struck the Thompson amidships, tearing a great hole in her sido twenty feet wide. The Multnomah it seems struck a snag, which disabled both wheel and rudder. The force was so great as to throw tho wheel out of tho pilot's hands. This caused him to lose all control of tho Multnomah, and sho swung around and struck tho Thompson on the port side amidships. Tho Multnomah was badly damaged about tho bow from tho collision. Tho holo in the Thompson luckily was above the water lino and no water of any consequence entered tho boat. Both steamers were filled with passengers and tho accident caused quito a panic, but the officers were cool and soon restored order. Tho vessels arrived at their respective docks at two o'clock this morning. Xcws, 17. He Set the Hirer on Fire. Tho Clyde river, in Scotland, burned for thirty-six hours week before last. A fisherman who was wading in the water struck a match to light his pipe nnd while it was still burning threw it in tho water. Gases from the mineral workings underneath tho river's bed had found their way to the surfaco through a fis sure, and lighted up at once. Flames rose to tho height of three or four feet, and wero very difficult to extinguish. ISucii!cns Arnica fsalve. The Best Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorcs.UIcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, anil positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give (erfect satisfaction, or money refunded, 'rice 23 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Syy;ip orfifrs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of V. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the mot pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to clean.se the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadachs, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. All tho patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet article. ctc can be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidei t hclel. Astoria. The Babies Cry For It, And the old folks laugh when they find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme dy Syrup of r igs is more easily taken mid more beneficial in its action than "nitter, nauseous medicine. It strength ens the Liver, Kidneys. Stomach and Dowels while it arouses them to a healthv activity. For sale by V. E. Dement & Co. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price ."50 cents. Sold by W. II Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Uem pilv. Prire fo cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Itev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Uour bnn, I nd- sajs: 'IJolh myself and wife owe our livestoSini.oH's Consumption Cuke." Sold by V. E. Dement. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice., go to Prank Fabrc's. Ill a nit. iVarnin's. deeds, mortgages, etc. A full line of legal blanks on hand at this office. Anv one desiring the services of Mrs. Kate Duffy as nurae from the 10th of September until tlic lUlli 01 .December will please address her at little Falls, Lewis Co., Washington Territory. Ingtigcmeut Extraordinary. Prof. McManus the celebrated pianist from .London, lias been engaged at great expense by the enterprising pro prietor of the Telephone saloon, and will furnish fine music at all hours. Free hot lunch every day. The best place in town to have a good time. BAI.1JY Gkop.ge, Manager. inhere is any body in Astoria that deserves success in business, it is Jeff. At his own expense he lias built and thrown open for traffic a sidewalk from lhe rear of the Telephone Saloon to the lloadwav. May lie live long and get his reward in this world. Turps. Eastern Turpentine in quantities to suit at Wilson & FisnEit's. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a oosi- tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth, ijold by W.E. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Test Yonr BaMng Fowfler To-Bay ! Brands adTcrtlictl is tbsolnte!y pcra com 'x.. t zj THE TEST: rUe a can top Aovra on a hot stora tsiilt fcrated.thcn resnoro the cover and smell. A clicm It trill not bo required to detect tho presence Ammonia. DOES EOT C0XTAIX A3DI0SLI. I! ileslAfclBcia Uzt NEVER Ea QKtUesei. In a million horses foraqnartcrof accnturj It aktood l&e consumer's reliable test, THE TEST OF THS OVEN, Prico Bating Feeder Co., Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extract:, The rtrongrt, no-t delicto'' and natural EiTorVliOcrn.aiid )t. Price's Lupuiin Yessi Gams lorLlght.llealthj-Cread.ThoEestDryHop Vcaot In tlio v orld. FOR SALE BY COGGERS, CH2CACO. - ST. LOUIS.. Si Tho pest dry hop yec9t In the world. Bread raisod by this yoa3t is light, white and wholesome like our Rrandmothor'a delicious, bread. GROCERS SELL TKEM. PREPAR13 Cr TMC Price Baking Powder Co.5 KanTrs ol Dr. rrice's special FfcYonag Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. I'or sale by Ccitinc.Mkiilk & Co., Agents Port!and, Oregon YPJI. ALZ.E&, Irop'r. First Class ii Every Respect. Free Condi lo tltc House. C. TIT. KXOWX.ES. I I. l!KOW". St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BKOWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors FutaT Class ix Evekv ItKsrrcr, Good Kestncrant Connected with the House Fire-firoof ilriclc Caildint;. l'ORcoms. In tho Center of the City. Cor. Front ami ilorrison Str., rortlantl. Or The GEN. MILES Will Slake TWO TRIPS DAILY! Forts Stevens and Canby, And Eiwaco. The second trip will be made upon the ar rival of the boats from l'ort!and. Tills gives every one a splendid chance to get THE OCEAN BREEZE, And sec the Month of the Columbia. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third anil USlrccfw, PORTLAND, - - - OEEGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This Is the largest anil most respectably kept Hotel in the orthwet. Board and Lodqing $ I .CO per day MEALS.25 cents. LODGIXC.SSsnd 9)cem Free Buss to and from the Mouse. 6B".o riilncMC Ihnployetl.-wi E. Leniitoa, (Iilc ol Minnesota IIouse)Prop. O. CLATtK, AGENT. VISSTiWG CARDS, A Larj;c Stock or FINE VISITING CARDS, Of Every Grade TO BESOI.D FOR CASH. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. H. P. GREGORY & CO., So, S Xorlh Fronl St.. rorllaml. Or. DEALERS IN RnteBiiEtlta&PacMi Sole agents for the New York Belting nnd Packing Co. We handle nothing but the Lest and guar antee more service for the innnev than can be obtained from any other llubber Goods in the market. For a Kent Fitting Boot OrShoe,gotoP.J.Goodman3, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. -. jjrr sea m ''slfi n S3 E Irtn? MS-asT v tf iic-h fc-5ri !Ni fcTur-nsa SYIMI61I OF MSETS 3 n g a 3 lag And Must With the fcxnectalion of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to arrive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon my hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have concluded to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices that '. ill close them out without fail. LOOK AT PRICES AND QUALITY. Men's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00 Men's Mixed Cassimere Sack Business Suits 13 50 Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Bnsiness Suits 13 50 Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits--. 15 00 Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50 Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits : 17 50 Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50 Men's Finest Dress- Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to anv Suit made bv Merchant Tailors. I also have just received a large stock which .must be disposed of, in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. NO GOODS MISREPRESENTED ! A. 11 GrGOC2.JS Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All! Gil tffe &k Bfe 0B Bfe 4fe a ni uUUrLil 5 PYTHIAN BUILDING, GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon ParJter House, Main St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc, II. u PA1CK, Prop. 0 TY BOOK STORE GRIFFIN & REED, STATIONERS 8NEWSDEALERS Everything new received B2tt C E. BAI, . J. II ART. EXCELSIOR MILL, Having built and refitted with unproved machinery the above mill at larno expense, wo are now prepared to MANUFACTURE And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes of Sash, Doors, Blinds, And every description of Mill "Work with Promptness and Dispatch. Mouldings, Turning and Bracket Work a Specialty AH Kinds of Finished Lumber for Sale. Wc cordially invite our friends and the pub lic to circ us a call. Cor. Genevieve and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or. BAIN & IIART, Proprietors. !3:2;iSEii2s5is::a:is2X2a3iia33:Eies3sn3SE:E:s3iiaaats:ts3z E SuHzasEEEiisfzsaasssssaaHsasusissaaaiasscESisszaaassmssE- The Leading Clothier and Hatter, New Goods! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Men's, Toutiis' and Boys' CLOTHING Hats and Furnishing Goods.. JSTFINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES.. -: V STOCK! Pporiafi f Be ASTORIA, OREGON. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded xl as soon as published. J Holclen's Auction Rooms f Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, Ileal Estate nnd General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 -J3Q A. m., at mv Auction Booms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Bcal Estate. Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de aired. Cash Returns Promptlf mado after Sales. Consignments respectfully solicited. Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Orcgonfan. MgINTOSH New Styles!