The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 11, 1885, Image 3

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    VWG""KP5''"! i
She gaitt gtsfotm
(Monday excepted)
Term of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week i5cts.
Sent by Mail, per month . cocts.
one year ....$7.oo
Free of postage to subscribers.
CS'-Advertisements inserted by the year at
tlie rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Hfotice To Advertisers.
The Astoriax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Smoky -weather.
Everybody is going to see "The Private
Reserve your seats for the concert at the
City Book store.
Hunting parties report grice unusually
scarce this season.
Port is said to be the best thing for
seasickness any port will do.
The Coquille salmon cannery will be
sold at sheriffs sale next Friday.
The British bark Rover of the Seas will
load salmon at Victoria for Liverpool.
A drug store at Marshfield, Coos coun
ty, advertises "skins and cordwood re
ceived at par."
Carl Adler has a splendid assortment
of fancy goods that can bo bought at
bed rock prices.
The British ship Nagpore, 1287, Cham
bers master, from Hull, via Victoria, ar
rived in yesterday in ballast.
Some of our exchanges are advertising
, theFrazer Medicine Co.. of Cleveland,
Ohio. Tns Astoeian's experience of tho
concern is that it is a grand fraud.
The R. R. Thompson came down early
Sunday morning with a fall complement
of passengers for tho seaside, tho Miles
taking a great many to Ilwaco and tho
At 10:30 to-morrow morning E. C. Hol
den will offer for sale, at his auction
rooms, some bedroom and parlor furni
ture, and miscellaneous articles. See
Hwacoites can see "Tho Private Secre
tary" and get back the samo. night.
Capt. Gray will run tho Miles or Canby
an extra trip that night if enough go to
make it worth while.
Next Tuesday morning at ton o'clock
E. C. Holden will sell at auction tho fur
niture in tho bar room, office, dining
room and bod rooms of tho Astor House.
Sale positive; seo adv't.
Yesterday's incoming steamer brought
a big consignment of California fruit.
Blackberries are about through with;
peaches, grapes, pears, watermelons and
canteloupes seem tho present favorites.
"The Private Secretary" ran two hun
dred nights at the Madison Square The
ater in New York. The samo company
play it at Ross opera house next Monday
night. Reserved seats at Carl Adler's.
Tho British bark Hawarden Castle,
from Cardiff for Montevideo and Astoria,
put into Falmouth July 7th and reported
an explosion in tho fore peak, by which
one man was killed and six wore serious
ly injured.
S. R. Beed who is going to run one of
the Umpqua canneries this fall got some
good bargains yesterday in fishing gear,
in some cases getting the nets almost as
good as new for less than tho twine in
them cost.
Last Sunday the Hcrmania of Port
land tried to see whether she or the tug
Astoria was the stouter. Sho tore away
a part of her housing in tho oxperiment.
The Astoria had tho paint on her guard
chafed a little.
Tho tug Fearless from Coos bay loaded
at Flavel's dock yesterday for "Reed &
Bergman's canneries on the Umpqua. She
took on board nets, Chinamen, provisions,
twine bedding, furniture, etc., and start
ed with a big load.
A large number of excursionists camo
down on tho Lurlinc Sunday morning
every berth and available resting place
being occupied. Many went to tho sea
side on the Miles .and others enjoyed
themselves around town.
Mr. Arnold, president of the state agri
cultural college of Corvallis, writes to
State Senator Reed regarding existing
vacancies in that institution. Any enter
prising youth who wants a free scholar
ship should interview Mr. Reed.
The Stale arrived in in good season
yesterday. Tho Columbia sailed with a
large crowd of passengers, many of whom
Astoria is just as well off without as they
bring nothing when they come and tako
away considerable when they go.
People always get and have just as
good officials as they want. Tua fact
that a public officer is a scoundrel, a
thief or a go-between, is evidence suffi
cient to show that the community that
endures him don't want a bettor man.
Jack Oliver, well known in this vicini
ty, died at tho hospital about midnight
on Sunday. He was paralyzed about
eighteen months ago, and had been
more dead than alive ever since. He
will be buried from the hospital at ten
o'clock this morning.
Thb Astobux is indebted to the hy
drographio office for a chart showing tho
submarine cables with principal connect
ing lines and sea coast telegraph stations
in parts or the world not generally
known, which has been prepared for the
use of tho navy and mercantile marine.
The rates over these lines aro also given,
making a most useful chart for marin
ers. Tho bursting of a privy vault at the
Court street school house Sunday morn
ing mado odorous the circumambient air.
Strong men wept and the firo engine of
Rescue No. 2 was brought out, but got
sick at the stomach and wouldn't work.
Finally One's Amoskeag was started up,
and after an hour or so it was compara
tively safe to walk on Court street south
from tho court house.
Tho Multnomah arrived down from
Portland at 3 with a large number of ex
cursionists over SCO a few of whom
went to Ilwaco on the Canby. The bal
ance enjoyed themselves around town for
a couple of hours, when tho whistle blow
and she started back at 5:30, with as mer
ry a crojfl as conld be got together. Tho
TelepJion'e came in at 4:15 with 50 or CO
passengers, tho Novelty taking many to
the seaside.
A cable dispatch says: "It is reported
that natives of the Hermit islands, in the
Pacific ocean, have eaton the crews of
two merchant vessels." It is not in tho
interest of navigation to have merchant
vessels thus robbed of their crews, and it
would appear as if this appetite on tho
part of tho Pacific islanders for their
fellow beings should ba noted and sup
plied by some of our enterprising Colum
bia river salmon canners.
Frank L. Tarter Elected Chief Enrlnecr-
C. C. Fnlton First Assistant Aug.
DftnleJson Second Assistant.
The annual election of chief engineer
and first and second assistants of the As
toria Fire Department took place yester
day. The polls were at the engino houso
of Rescuo No. 2. There was considerable
"rustling" and n fair amount of
interest manifested. The close of
tho polls showed that Frank L.
Parker received eighty-four votes for
chief engineer: F. B. Elborson received
foity-oight. For first assistant G. C.
Fulton received IIS; for second assistant
Aug. Danielsou received 111.
In the evening tho boys gathered at
Two's rooms to give the newly elected
officers a send-off. Refreshments were
served; speeches made: congratulations
extended and responded to. About half
past ten Cashing Post cornet band gave
a fine serenade and with three cheers and
a tiger the ratification ended.
Last Friday, "William Brush, a logger
working in Marshal Morgan's logging
camp at "Westport, had a serious and pos
sibly a fatal accident. It appears that
the unfortunate man was engaged in saw
ing a windfall and after he had sawn
through tho tree tho heaviest end slid
down tho hill, and by some means passed
or rolled over him. He was taken across
therher the following day, and thence
up to Portland. Ho lives in Nebalem.
Most of the boys working in the West
port sawmill havo left and gono over to
Skamokawa to Montgomery's mill.
And now the people li ving" here are ablo
sometimes to get venison, as somo parlies
aro hunting and occasionally bring in a
fat deer which is a welcome change.
There will be a concert given at Ross'
opera houso Thursday evening, at which
occasion some of the best musical talent
of Astoria and Portland will tako part.
There will bo an orchestra of seven
pieces, with Prof. Francis as violinist,
that will render somo fine t-'pleclious.
overtures, medleys, violin solos, cornet
solos, etc.
Tickets, reserved seats fif ly cents, gal
lery twenty-five cants, for sale at lbi City
Book store. Proceeds for the benefit o"f
tha church.
A Sound Ytrn.
A f ew days ago whon Capt. DalgarJno
was assisting to tear down tho Chincso
shanties bought by him on tho county
property ho was accidentally struck over
tho eye by a bit of flying debris. Since
then ho has had lots of fun telling how
ho was slugged by so and so, always tell
ing a different yarn to each listener, till
many were mystified as to tho causa of
the magnificent mansard roof eroded
over one of his peepers. Capt. Harry
Taylor who gets "how-come-you-so" once
m a while, had beon in at Del's bar room
in that fix and had a quarrel there.
Next daj', on sobering up, ho noticed
Del's eye and inquired about it, where
upon ho was told that it was ho who did
it while ho was drunk. Being truly pen
itent, and desiring to make amends, ho
at onco went to Waterman & Katz' and
bought a now dress for Mrs. Dalgarduo.
That lady says now she wishes ho would
black Del's other eye. Del. is now study
ing out a now story with a truo Scotch
man's view to thrift. Port Townscnd
Argus, G.
'ol Very Encouraging.
A Polk county farmer who tried diver
sified farming gives the result as follews:
Hops, ten acres, not worth picking: but
ter, from ten cows, A No. 1 quality, no
market for it; eggs from fifty hens, worth
twelve and one-half cents in goods; ba
con, from fifty hogs, can't get any cash
for it, only trado at less than bacon cost;
rye. 1,200 bushels, worth less than wheat
and no market; barley, SiK) bushels, can
only got an offer of forty-live cent.?, de
livered in Portland less than wheat
would havo brought at the samo place.
Add to this dried fruit, which ho always
had, but which will bring nothing this
year, and seo what diversified farming
comes to.
No Siio;v For Nelialem.
Thogjvernmont engineers in their re
port on an examination of Nehalem bay
and river, recommend that no improve
ment be attempted by tho government.
They say: "Enough is known of Neha
eom bar to conclude that it is too shoal
for easy crossings by tho smaller class of
coasters. Works or contraction would
probably give a channel of required depth
and stability for these vessels. But it
does not appear that tho least cost of tho
improvement work is warranted by tho
traffic of the region in its present stata of
development. The entrance to Nehalem
bay and river is not now worthy of im
provement." lion Would Afctortu Do!
Tho ship Harmonia arrived in this
port July 31, thirty-seven days from Yo
kohama. Her voyago is of particular in
terest, on account of its demonstrating
tho relative value of San Francisco and
Tacoma as points of shipment for goods
in transit for tho east. Tho ship Isabella
was in xokohama, loaded with tea, when
tho Harmonia began to load, yet tho
latter's cargo, consisting of 31.000 pack
ages was in Chicago before tho Isabella
had reached Tacoma. Tho Northern Pa
cific railroad will evidently havo to find
a moro southerly terminus. San Fran
cisco Dispatch, !.
Martin Foard has had in his employ
for somo timo past a Chinaman named
Jim Brown. About four weeks ago Mr.
Foard missed thirty dollars in coin from
a bureau drawer at his residence. Ho
paid little attention to his loss, however,
until last Sunday evening, when ho
missed twenty dollars more from the
samo place. His suspicions were then
fastened on Jim Brown and he notified
Chief Loughrey of his loss. Jim was ar
rested in a Chinese gambling don by Of
ficer Ostedt. Ho was taken to jail and
searched and fifty dollars in coin was
found in his possession. His room being
searched a quantity of silk handkerchiefs,
towels, Jac8, etc., were found in his bag
gage. SI-John's Chapter No. 14 K. A. M.,
holds its regular convocation this l nes-
dav evening August 11th. A full at
tendance of members is requested. So
journing companions are cordially in
vited to attend.
By order M.E.1I.P.
Room and board in private family for
gentleman and wife. Address "Board,"
care this office.
There is a whole evening of laughter in
"Iho Private Secretary" as presented by
tho Mcdiscn-squaro Theater company.
If there is any fault in the work it is a
superabundanco of comical situations,
but it is constructed by a skillful hand
upon a trustworthy dramatic model, and
the result is moro genuine satisfaction
than is generally derived from the farcial
comedies of the day. Tho story is hardly
worth the telling except as it is told in
in tho play. In a word it deals with tho
mental and physical contortions of n
parson who, going to fill an engagment
private secretary to n country gentleman,
is mislod by two frolicsome young men.
and in pursuance of their mischievous
plans is successively taken for the nephew
of a testy old bachelor, a burglar and a
spiritual medium. Ono of the young men
meanwhile plays his pranks in tho guise
of the privato secretary and raises tho
mischief generally with tho men and
women gathered in a country house. Mr.
W. H Gilletto in the title role presents a
very strong bit of characterization, en
dowed with real originality of conception
nnd finished to a high degree. His very
appearance is laughter provoking, and
anything more ludicrous than his sepul
chral enunciation J md gawky movements
can hardly bo imagined. His efforts are
fitly supplemented by Mr. Kennedy's
equal artistic delineation of the choleric
old uncle, and other capable people in
Iho cast contribute to a popular success
which will be received here with tho samo
favor as elsewhere. A full cast from the
Madison-squaro Theatre, including "W.
H. Gillette and M. A. Kennedy, are an
nounced to appear hero on Aug. 17. The
' Rajah" will be produced on August 18.
Seats arc now on sale at Adlers music
Free Exhibition.
And auction sale of twenty highly fin
ished oil paintings at B. S. Worsloy's
auction rooms by Prof Schafer of San
Francisco. Tho above namo should bo
sufficient guaranty to any lady or gen
tleman that this exhibition is worthy of
the attention of oar best citizens. Fred
erick Schafer is a graduate of tho Dnsscl
dorf school; also officiating member of
tho Fine Art Association of San Francis
co. His exhibition at tho mechanics
fair last year was tho largest ever made
by any artist on this coast and was
awarded over 1,200 in premiums. Mr.
Schafer now is about to depart for Eu
rope and he has been prevailed on by his
brother artists not to throw his collec
tion on tho San Francisco market which
would break prices in art. He has t her o
foro shipped thorn to Portland whero ho
has disposed of eighty paintings and has
l6ft twenty to bo closed ont hero at tho
mercy ol our citizens. Tho collection
will be ready for inspection this ovening
and closed out to the highest bidder on
to-morrow night at eight o'clock sharp,
regardless of their value. Tho paintings
will be on inspection this evening at B.
S. Worsley's auction rooms.
Tli? Keasoa Why.
The Standard says that a largo surplus
of butter, tho genuino article, has accum
ulated in tho hands of tho wholesale
merchants here, which accounts for tho
low prico of that article. Tho reason of
the accumulation is that oleomargarine
can be bought for six to eight cents per
pound, leaving a larger pro lit thau buttor
would give. Tho dairy lay will bring
butter back to a good pfico this coming
fall and winter, but it is thought the
prico will never bo a3 high again as it
was once.
Ca'ifcrnls Heat.
In many interior towns yesterday
thermometer marked two or three
grees above 190'. In Sacramento it was
101 in San Rafael it was as high as that
at one time. In the Napa valley it was
higher thau that in places. At Red
Bluff a report says it was 101; at Keeler,
Inyo count', 103 and at Fort Yuma tho
sweltering heat pushed tho quicksilver to
107 in tha shade. S. F. Bulletin, 4.
He lacked the Cheek.
"How is it, mj friend, that you never
bay your goods from me? J havo been
in business nearly a year, and you have
not yet patronized me." "Well, John,
you seo that lam very sensitive." "What
has that to do with it?" "A great deal.
You never advertise, and I haven't tho
cheek to go whero I'm not invito'!."
When the Lcares Begin to Fall.
Tho Oregon Democrats who went to
Washington for offico and glory, will re
turn with empty purses and sad of heart.
It is announced that no appointments
will be mado till October. Portland
!5:!oltieu7s Arnica Sulrc.
Tin: I.kkt in the world for
Cuts, Bruges, Sorcs,UIi'trc, Sail Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Deinunt & Co.
E. .1. Partridge, photographer, goes to
Ihvaco beach and Oystervil:cfor"a week
or ten days.
The man who left the silver watrh at
Mrs. O'Brien's new hotel about six weeks
ago is hereby notified to take Ins prop
erty away and pay for this notice.
V. Lussier ol San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leaning photographer.
Eastern Turpentine ill quantities to
suit at Wi i.sox & Fisher's.
Siioalwater itay OysterM
Constantly on hand, cooked to any stylo
at Frank Falrus.
Good lirclllii;r. House
For j cut or sale, one block from Post
office. Apply lo Jeff.
At Fran It Fabrc's.
Board for S'220 a month. Tho best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
rcraScat Fitting Boot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
nantiis slml, next door to I. V. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Get your nhotosraphs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussior of San Francisco
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Capt. Chas. F. Powell and family aro
summering at Fort Stevens.
Hon. Goo. H. Williams camo down on
the Wide J Fist yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Anderson, of Portland, is
visiting Mrs. J. B. Wyatt.
Mis3 Anna Shelby, of Portland, is the
guest of Mrs. A. Van Dusen.
Miss M. A. Hodgdon and Miss Lois
Steero aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. A W.
W. W. Randall, business manager of
Tho Madison Square Theater Co., is in
the city.
Mrs. J. W. Strong of Tho Dalles, is in
the city visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Holden.
Prof. A. L. Francis came down from
Portland last Sunday afternoon and will
bo in tho city several days.
F. W. Sparling, long timo efficient reg
ister of the land office at Vancouver, has
sent his resignation to the president.
The Misses M.B.and L. K. Trevett
arrived on yesterday's steamer from a
sixteen years' residence in Bremen whith
er they went when thev wore infants.
Prof. Hilgard has resigned the suporin
tendency of tho coast survey. Prof. Hil
gard is tho uncle of Heinrich Hilgard, of
Berlin, hotter known to Orcgomans as
Henry Yillard.
W. H. Gillotte, who appears in "Tho
Privato Secretary," is himself a noted
dramatist. Ho has just finished a new
play, "Tho Fisherman's Daughter,"
which will be brought out at the Madison
Square Theater in New York next Octo
ber. He is also the author of "Esmeral
da." Mr. Gillette will be at Boss' opera
houso next Monday night.
Report of the Britsh bark Barracouta,
henco to Cerk: Sailed on tho 21th of
January, with strong S gales and high
sea; was out 13 days to lat 40 N; had
strong NE trades to lat 10 N, and then
many days of light airs and calms;
crossed tho equator in Ion 118 W, 39 days
out; had the SE trades very light to lat
23 S; had very light variable winds to lat
30 S; then heavy galos from E for four
days with high sea; on T3th, experienced
a heavy SW gale, snow squalls, and on
tho following day tho gale increased to
almost a hurricane, with a terrific sea,
steering ENE, on account of leeshore,
shipped large quantities of water fore
and aft, but no heavy seas to endanger
tho ship; at 4 r. si. tho wind had moder
ated to a heavy gale, and the barometer,
which had been below 29, rose to 23.40;
at 7 p. ax. tho ship was about 39 miles SW
of the Western islands, and tho weather
tho samo, when a heavy sea was shipped,
smashing tho long boat; it was very dark
at tho time, and when about to throw tha
broken boat overboard it was discovered
that the main hatch was stovo in, tho
sea pouring into tho hold, and at onco
kept the ship away; it was somo timo
and with great difficulty that wo succeed
ed in nailing two parts of a topsail over
the hatch, covering all with boards
lashed to tho deck; ono sail was
washed overboard and nnother burst
with tho heavy water shipped; men and
sails were repeatedly washed to leeward,
and tho ship could not bo kept on her
course owing to the great quantity of wa
ter in her, till sho was lightened; jetti
soned about 3G tons, COO bags of wheat,
and half tho crew working from the nf
tcrhold, throughjtho cabin, they met at
tho forehatch; at daylight we sighted
land, which proved to bolSandorson's is
land, bearing SWfivo miles, (tho ship
had coma between tho Udefonsos and
tho main islands without any land boing
seen); had to haul up to ESE to weather
W of Cape Hermite; tho following day
wc mado a new main batch and tarpaul
ins, and kept on our course; crossed the
equator on tho 21st of May; had fresh
NE trades from Int. 0 N to lat. 23 N, and
then many days of light airs and calms;
passed Flores on tho 23d of June, and had
strong N and NNE winds to tho 4th of
July, when wo took a light W breeze,
which gradually freshened; arrived at
Cork on tho 9th of July, ICG days .out.
Wide Awake Druggists.
Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al
wajs alive to their business, and spare
nopainstoseeurc the bestof every article
in iheir line. They have secured the agen
ey for the celebrated Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. The only
certain cure known for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection
of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a
positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free.
Regular size Sl.00.
A Salem Sunset.
What gorgeous sun-set skies light up
our Oregon landscapes these pleasant
evenings! With the western skies bum
ished gold and shading into delicate
pinks as tho zenith is approached, and
balmy sea breezes fanning tho blooming
face of nature, heaven cannot bo far off.
If Portland was a little further away we
would belie vo it was right here. States
man, G.
What Von Want to Know.
Everybody wants an honest answer
to this "simple questien: What is tho
best medicine to regulate tho bowels,
cure costiveness and biliousness, help
digestion and give strength to the
whole system? People ask us this
every day. Wc answer, Parker's Ton
ic. It is pleasant to the taste. All
children like it Mothers all praiso
it It will save a thousand times its
cost iu every family. Editor Western
Syrup of Figs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Trim Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may he
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, urompt and effective remedy
known, tocIeansc the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gpntly
vet thoreughly: to dispel Hcadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
A Good Cigar,
Just as cood as you usually py a Mt for
can be had FOR FIVE CENTS at 6. P.
Engagement Extraordinary.
Prof. McManus the celebrated pianist
from London, has been engaged at
great expense bv the enterpristng pro
prietor of the Telephone saloon, and
will furnish fine music at all hours.
Free hot luuch every day. Tho best
place in town to have a good time.
JJALTr George,
For lame Hack, Side or Cnesi use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Prico 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Vanilla, Xenon, Oronce, etc, flavor
Cakes, CrcnEii, Pnddlnff, bc, a dell
entcly and naturally as tho fralt from
which they aro zaadc.
For StrcDfftli and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo.
bakers or
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's lupulin Yeast Gems,
licit Dry Sop Yeast.
Light Healthy Bread,
The best dry hop yeant in the world.
Bread raised by this yeast Ib llght.whlta
ond wholesome tike our grandmother's
delicious breod.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
ManTis ol Dr. Price's special Flawing Eitracis,
Chicago, III. St Louis, Mo.
For sa'e by CtnTixa.MKRLB & Co., .Agents
Portland, Oregon
- Orcson
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
.St- Str. A. B. Field,
Capt. Ganrielion,
Will leave Main street wharf every Satur
day at 8 a.m., until further notice, during
August. September and October. Freight
perO. 1L&X. Co. will connect at Astoria.
Itntc from Portland and Astoria to Hobson
ville$Gper ton. Passage from Astoria 55.
Address BADOLLtT & CO..
To Rent.
Iylocated. Apply at this OlUce.
?io More Hani Times Free
Board !
You live In vain if you do not so to
the Telephone Saloon, and try lialdy
George. XO MOKE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 'J.
Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc.
Vanuero Cigars, AAA Old Yalley
Whisky, Boca Beer on draught, Ilalf-and-IIalr
; Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piano; Best place in town.
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
Katclhifry as nurse from the 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will please address her at Little Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this piiper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc! can
be nought at the lowest prices, at J. w
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hctel, Astoria.
An Elcgaut Substitute
For oils, salts, pills and all kinds
of bitter, nauseous medicines is the very
agreeable liquid fruit Syrup of Figs.
Kecoramended by leading Physicians
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal." For
sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shilolf Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Shiloh's Cough aim Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment AVIIAT!
Do You Tliiuk tlint 'Jcfi ol
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents, no unys uy me wnoiesaio ami
pays cash. "That settles it"
"Hackraetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Prico 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. E. Dement.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by-tbac terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A
full lino of legal blanks on hand at this
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Why wiil you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10cts50ctsandSl. Sold by W.E. Dement
wtzm AvuiiA
ft LtHIUL tJiUUIli
IS 14
And Must
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing- season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July 15lh, and whereas these Goods are now upon mv
hands, and must he sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cassiraerc Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimcrc Frock Business. Suits.. 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-- - 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Bnsincss Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
J.ll G
Marked in Plain Figures
C. H. GO
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, ItXaiu St.,
For a flrst-class Share, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Du PAKE, Prop.
Everything new received
ITaTlng built and refitted with unproved
machinery the above mill at large expense,
we are now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes cf
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of Mill "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Moulalngs, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We cordially invite our friend and the pub
lic to give us a call.
Cor. flenevieve and Astor Sts Astoria, Or.
BAIN & HART, Proprietors.
D. A. Mg
The Leading Clothier and Hatter,
New Goods!
Men's, Youths' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
liUUulf DU i
Be Sold
and One Price to All!
Carry inlStock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
" " - ii 1 1 1
as soon as published.
Holden's Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chcnamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 :30 a. m at mi Auction Uoonis.
Will conduct Auction Sales of lteal Estate.
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfulh solicited,
Notary Public for the Mate of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Daily and Weekly OrcflOJifan.
New Styles!
a B BBS d& Efc 9 I "
III 1 II 1
111 $? I s