O) hc Smht Sstorfiw. ASTORIA, OKEGOX: TUESDAY ..AUGUST 11. 1885 Each mau who took up arms for the suppression of the recent rebel lion in Canada is to have 320 acres of land in Manitoba. Lord PaiiMEKstox once remarked that the drawbacks and objections to war are somewhat mitigated by the fact that it teaches geography to per sons who otherwise would never learn it. A profound sensation has b eon ex cited in Berlin and Vienna by the ap pearance in a well-known German newspaper of what purports to be "a true account of the death of .Prince Frederick Charles."' The journal as serts in plain terms that the Red Prince did not die of appoplexy, but that he was shot dead by his wife. Germany deals with strikes and riots in a summary way. It "investi gates" the circumstances, then de clares the locality of the strike or riot in "a stale of siege." That places it under martial law, when the military takes command. The strike or riot is then brought to a sudden closo. unless the ammunition gives out. The engineering difficulties in building the Canada Pacific Railroad are greater than any of those encoun tered in any of the present transcon tinental lines, because the available passes in the Rocky mountains are more broken and rugged. A choice was made of. the lowest of the five within Canadian lerritorv, but tlm is now deemed a mistake, and survey ors are exploring the others at a heavy cost. The putting of the bark J.scbcl in the tea trade by the Northern Pacific Company, cays the Seattle Posl-In- telUgcnw, had the effect of reducing transportation rates to eastern ports one-half. The old rale was 3 cents a pound to New York. The- Isabel, as the result of competition, cot to lf cents, and at that her cargo was se cured. The Gorman ship Htirmoiila was one of the vessels that was jut by the Californiaus against her, and she is now at San Francisco with a cargo of 2,182,00a pounds brought at the same rate. The rate to San Francisco heretofore has been 2 cents a pound. Should shipments by the Northern Pacific Company continue rales will undoubtedly take a further fall. Tnn new Michigan libel law is in dicative of progress in the right di rection. The plaintiff can only recover "actual damages" from a newspaper, and even then $5,000 is the limit. Tho term "actual dam ages" is construed to include all dam ages the plaintiff may show he has suffered as to his property, business, trade, profession or occupation. This is getting the libel business down to a fine and reasonable point The law excludes vindictive damages and this is right. It is just to newspapers, and to those who conceive that they Lave been damaged by any publica tion. The plaintiff must provo actu al damages, and this will largely slop the favorate amusement of certain attorneys who make a business of in spiring litigation of this kind. Saturday's Oregonian says that '-it is now impossible for loaded ships to pass St Helen's." That is to say that even the comparatively light draught vessels that arc compelled to go to Portland at increased insurance and freightage cannot have anything like a cargo. Tho Oregonian savs that the O. R. & N. Co. estimates that it will cost SS,000 to sluice out the channels, and that if Portland will furnish one half the company will furnish the other half. The Oregon ian thinks that is "generous." Tho company that charges $L2o for what only costs 37j cents can well afford to be "generous" in getting Portland to donate $4,000 to enable them to do more business of such profitable kind. It has come to light, says the Standard, that Chas. P. Wright, one of the directors of the Northern Pa cific, is opposed to the lease of the O. R. & N. property. Ho has sent out a confidential letter to a number of stockholders in his company, asking for proxies to vote at the next meet mg of the company to bo held in New Tork in September. A St. Paul merchant having received one of the letters was considerably surprised thereat, and showed it to Mr. Oakes That gentleman said he did not think it would amount to much, as the customary rule with all railroad boards is to specifically nominate per sons who shall receive aud vote prox ies. Mr. Wright's deviation from the rule has made some stir in railroad circles and tliCLSolution of the matter is that Mr. "Wright is opposed to the leasing of the O. R. fc N. company's lines by the Northern and Union Pa cifies, although ho does not mention the latter in connection with the mat- tor. The essence of the letter is contained in the following extract: "The present terms talked of are 5 per cent, for three years and three months and G percent thereafter; and the amount to bo paid on the stock and bonds of tho Oregon Railway and Navigation company will take preced ence of not only the common, but al so the preferred stock, thus making both common and preferred stock secondary to the payment of the in terest on the Oregon Railway and Navigation company's stock and bonds. Due caution will be taken in the premises. Having a large interest myself, I propose to give the matter my special attention at tho proper time, and will endeaver to take such cclion as will benefit the interest of the Northern Pacific railroad com pany." NEW TO-DAY. A K ARE CHANCE. Called to Europe !y family affairs that le- inhe immediate settlement. I offer for sale mj Weil Established Business. To the rislit paii"i this is A Splendid Opportunity! Thoe only who mean business may apply to FR.4.XK. FABKK I'JIOPKIETOU MODEL RESTAURANT. HOTEL FURNITURE AUCTION SALE ABSOLUTE AND PEREMPTORY! TXSTnrCTKI) BY' SAMUEL MO RK, ESQ. -- owner ofthe pioperty. I viil sell niiNi itvoly wituout reserve, to .Iic highest bidders On Tussday August 18, al 10 A.M. Every Arlit'Ii of Ktirnitmc Contained in the Bar-room, Office, Dining-room, Parlor. Bed-room, Pantry and Sitclien of THE AST0II HOUSE, On Jefferson Si reel, Astoria, if desired reasonable, time will be kIvcii to resposible bidders for part of ilie purchase money, For detailed list of furniture tec catalogue. K. C. IIOLDE5, Auctioneer. lecM' Auction Sale Wednesday, Aug. 12. 10:30 A. ftl. At Iffolclcn's Auction ISooius. rBiWO COTTAGE BED-BOOH SETS, JL each consisting of Bedstead. J)resInr Bureau. W?sh-stand. Table, '2 Chai s and Rocker. Al-onlot of Double, Three-quarter and Single Brdtteads and Spring Mat resscs, One Ash 10 foot Extension Table. 1 Solid Black Wainut Leaf Dining Tabl.. Blankets. Comforts. Feather Billows. Irnp--. Window shades, Toilet Crockerv, Chairsaud Second Hand Carpets and Glutting. Also, 1 Handsome Imuse. new. Also, m Cans, to Ins each, and 2! Cans, 5 lbs each. Cood Lard, and VI Cans of Maple Sugar Syrup. JG. C. HOLD:. Ar.cionecr. BOSS' OPERA HOUSE, Monday, - August !7th, Fast nerformance in this city of the Farcial Comedy, entitled THE PRIVATE SECRETARY, The London and New York laughingsuc cess, presented by tlie full cast of THE MADISON SQUAKE THEATER COMPANY, Tucludiog W. II. GILLETTE. Direct liomXcw York, where the Comedy has been pronounced the FUSSIEST PLAY OF THE DAY. Tuesday, - August ISih, The great Xcw York and London success "THE EAJAH." Scats now on sale at Carl Adler's JIusic Store INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third anil E Streets. PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This Is the largest and mo respectably kept Hotel in the northwest. Board and Lodging $ 1 .00 per day MEAI.S.23 cents. LODGING. 25 and COceais Free Buss to and from the House. t jeb-A'o Chinese Eniployccl.-SS E. Leu Is ton, (Laic of Minnesota lIonserrop. O. CLARK. AGENT. SOMETHING NEW! The Genuine Impoiird Culmbaclier Lager Beer. Never before in Astoria. Try it once :T THE TEraPI10XI?': And you will drink no other. AUCTION! But Everything AT COST! n "&T i VM--M IA1-I I III 1 1 AT ABLER S CRYSTAL PALACE. Valuable Real Estate AUCTION SALE. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Desirable and safe Investment. For Small Capitalists. Speculators or lcroii "wanting a line. lot whereon to build n home. On Thursday, August 20. at 2 P.M I am instructed to sell, on the premises. near Hantliorn's Cannery, the following de scribed valuable propeny, ail siiuateu in up per Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Addir: Alliuerirer frontage or block o, (adjoln Iinr the Anzlo Amencau Packlnc Co.) to ship's channel, being equivalent to over four acres oi water iois. me wnoie oi blocks S. SS. OS and lot, each containing eight lots 73 lM foet each. We reserve, if neees s.irv. the privilege of sub-dividing lots to suit bidders. Tne fttoperty to be sold Is sul- mirablv It.cated. cdTumandmg an extended view of the scenery of the Columbia river and sheltered from the prevailing winter winds. 1 itle perfect. Warranty deeds. Tkiisis. All sums under S2u3. cisli. Over $co0. half cash, balance VJ months at 10 per cent, or 10 per cent premium allowed on one half purchase money for all cash. - i:. C HOLDEY, Auctioneer. EXCURSION TICKETS! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN For $2.50, OH THE "TELEPHONE," IliU holds good until September SOth, 1SS5 THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all nlioibs It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Or Superior ltlsiug Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and lletail Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, MILLJFEED. Glass and Plated Ware, THO PJCAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Llquors,Tobacco,Gigars Assessor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the assessment roll of Clatsop county will be completed and in the hands of the board of Equalization at the court house in said county on the last Monday in August, 1S85, when all persons interested are re quired to attend and make any objections they may hare to the same. J.F. WARREN. County Assessor Clatsbp County. Astoria. August 7th, 1SS5. Notice of Assignment. VTNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' TO ALL J.1 whom it nuy concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate of M. D. Kant, an insolvent : and all persons hating claims against Kaid Insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as signee properly verified at his ofllee In the Occident Holes In tho citv of Astoria, Clat sop count j. .tatc of O.egon, within three mouths from this date. CHAS S. WRIGHT. Astoria, August Cth, 1SS1. Notice of Application. lTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Li undersigned will apply to tho Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors. In less quanti ties than one quart. In the building fronting on Chenamus street and situated on lot No. 1, block No. 23. in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John MrClnre. J.T.BROWN. Uiuu mi rui We Log to direct special attention to our LATEST Tiil PORTATIOXS of NOVELTIES Fine Dress Goods, Lawns5 Parasols, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Etc, Etc, Which we are selling according to our motte: 'Tin; Best Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices.' PHATCT. RTCtflfS.. " i - m r " ' T - " A - m "" -TSTi 1 a rat n ( rrr-h ' Dealer at Wholesale and Kit.-uli.i urnilure5 Bending Oil Clotli, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Mouldings, Etc. r-.TTir-.-iu'i. j. . iprr Astoria Furniture Co. Dealers Furniture, Betiding, Wall Paper, Mirrors, PICTURES, Mling, Carpets, Mini Picture Iras, WMow SMes, etc. Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. XSmBnHHOKHMaVHMESBVUnEbMnanZK Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WIIOLISALS AND KRTAIIj DEAL BUS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cas street. ASTORIA - - - OREGON NOTICE. FRESH FKUJLTS, Candy and Notions, Good Cigars and Tobacco, at c. i. ivii&ox's tSrCQWIE AND SEE ME- WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any o'h eraxe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. Itsoes ueep aim acver Sticif. CARNAHAN & CO., A cents Astoria. Price, S1.50. Treasury Department ) U. S. Life Savino Service. J "Washinoton. D. C. July c, iSSr.. J SEALED MtOlOSALS WILL J!E KE ceired at this office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, the 13th day or August, 18S5, for the construction of a frame cottage at tlie Shoalwatcr Bay Lire-Saving Station, near the light-house. Each bid must be ac companied by a certified cheese for one hun dred dollars (S100) drawn to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury's security that tlie bidder will enter Into contract without de lay, and give such bonds for the faithful per formance thereof as may be required It Ids bid be accepted. Specifications and plans, forms of proposals and full information can be obtained of the Collector of Customs. As toria. Oregon ; the Keeper of the Shoahvater Bay Life-Saving Station. North Cove, Pacific county, Washington territory ; and the Su perintendent of the 12th Ltfe-Saving Dist rict, room 25. Appraiser's building, San Francisco. California. All proposals must be endorsed. '"Proposals for constructing a cot tage at Shoalwater Bay LIfc-Saving Sta tion." and addressed U. S. Life-Saving Ser vice, "Washington, D. C. Tlie right to reject any or all bids, or to waive defects, is re served. S. J. KIMBALL. General Superintendent. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS nEREBY GIVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Odd Fellows Land and Build ing association In the lodge room of Beaver Lodge No, 33, L O. O. F., on Monday. August 2tth, 1SS5. at two p. m. A full attendance Ls requested. A.J.MEGLER, Secretary. Astoria, Oregon, July 22, 1S. FOR NEW YORK, DIRECT, THE FINE Al BARK W. H. BESSE, Tills well known and favorite Clipper will co on berth In July at Portland and Astoria. The attention of SALMON and "WOOL SHIPPERS Is especially called to this opportunity of shipping to New York at low rates of fxeieht. For particulars apply to TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., Ship Brokers, 31 Front St., Portland, or to A. W. BEKRY. Astoria. FtjupiexI JSXE. J.C.TruIlinger T?YvrV. Uarpefs, rnaii!iig5 in II. DuBUJSSOX, Manager. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALE1W IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCEEIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. j3JL 7ecl, Site, STAR MARKET. WE2RR & COMPANY, Fresh nnd Cured jHeuts, FJWITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. C1IE.VAMUS Street, Astoria, Oj;. Washington Market. Slain -ticrt, - A.stoi in, Oregon. IJEIUSaiAX &. CO. i'ilOi'ilXKTOHS DESrECTFULLY CALL THE AtTEN Xfc; tion of tlie nubile to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VABIETY AND BEST QUALITV CF F5ESrTAiiD CURED fflEATS 1 I Which will he sold at lowest rates, whole sale aud retail. fSSpecial attention given to supplying blilJIS. ASTORIA IRON Y0RKS. Betox Stkeet, Neau I'aekek House, A5T0KIA. - OKEOON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDaiMAElEEMES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all descriptions made to Orrter ct Short Notice. A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. Hustlku, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. joiix Fox.Supcrintendent. M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AND CAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. . A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention siven all orders, aud satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Iteosonable. Shop and offlcc on Cass street, one door auovctrauK awe's jcestauraut, Astoria, Orecon. From and After iLtyii GOODS WILL BE SOLD '&:& FTP T n j eka'iki: Hay, Oats, ail Straw, Lime.. B?M, Csieit, Sana mi Plaster Woo4 Deliicrisl to Order. Brain!r. Tf.iuuiisjaii.l Express Husiness, TElt : ii ly u i.e Captain, or to S"!:Ht'Jt?'H SvT A PUil. STOCK THE NEW' MODEf; HB IgpSL t $tr DEALKIi IN Tin, Sheet Iron, ami Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. AOEXT I'OK 3IAGEE STOTES ASI BADGES, THE UESTIi TnE HIAI8KET. riumb'.iig goods of all kinds cu hand. Job walk dona in a workniandka manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On ltecsoi able Term". Cliennniiis Street. Kcxt to C Tu I'arker'a Store, Astoria, Orecon. County Treasurer's Notice. mil EKE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY JL Treasury to pay all county orders pre sented prior toManuary 1st, 18&I. All such orders Will cease to draw Interest after this date. ISAAC KEItGMAN. Treasurer Clathop County. Astoria, Or, July 2lth. 1883. Notice. mo WHOM IT MAY CONCKIIN. THIS A is to certify that we have this day sold our interest in and to the stock of goads, fix tures, good w ill. etc. of our store on Chena mus street near Benton, to IloiiKCec Wah, who will pay all bills contracted prlcr to this date. IIINGFONG. YE C1IO.NG. Astoita, August 3d,lS3i LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND! BKITISII BAKK Firth of Dornoch. We shall nlacc this fine iron bark-on the bcith at Liverpool for August loading. Portland or Astoria shippers can obtain full particulars as to freight and insurance rates by applying to IiIEYER. WILSON & CO.. Portland, or to WILSON. MEYEK & CO., li Brunswick St., Liverpool. &. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING. At Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of Ciss and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeiug. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. LOEB & CO. JOUBEIiS IN WINES, LIQUOES, AND OIGAES. AGENTS FOB THE Sest San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. EETAJ! good3 sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House. Astoria. Oregon. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" TO THE Stockholders ot the White Star Pack ing Company, that the annual meeting of said company will be held at the company's office in Upper Astoria. Clatsop county, Or egon, on Saturday the 22nd day of August. 18S5. at 9 o'clock in the forenoou, for the pur pose of electing a board of directors lor tho ensuing year, and transacting such other business as may legaiy come before the meeting. OLUF W. PEDERSEN'. Fresidont. Attest : S. T. BRAKKE, Secretary. Upper Astoria, August Tth, 18S5. 1ST. t r n. IX !U!U I'AuRER ben P, Parkerlaster. 'or TOWING, FKEIGIIT orCIIAK 11. it. IMIlKKlt. IIANGK CAN I5E II AD IN A TOKIA ONLY OF S. BAWB8, AGENT CALL AND IiX.UIINE IT, Y WILL BE PLEASED. tf. S HAWKS is also agent tcr U. Ml patent Gilii Sioi- And other first-class SVncs. Furnaco "Worlr. Steam Pit rizigs. etc., a spocinlty- ALWAYS 0?7 HAND. Hardware ani Ship (Mlery VAN DUSEN & CO.. DK.VT.EltS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canva9. llemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Seiving DXucIiIiies, Paints mid Oils. Groceries, etc. Soffl.M Jewelry, Scarl Pins, Chains, f atones, Pianos ami rffnus of the Best make at tlie lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. rAU goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER P0H RENT, Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. AITLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. Abstracts of Title. milE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMriLED A :i set of Abstract Books from the record of Clatsop County and is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Keal Estate in the CoHnty, at reasonablo rates. O.K. THOMSON, Attorney at Lavr. Astoria. Oregon. Offioe, Koom 5, over lty Book Store. B. B. Franklin, Unflgrtaier M Catat Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO THE ASTORIAX BinLDIKG. J3y-All work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates.