-KT3-' 'X&'" Ci . . VOL. XXIV, NO, 35. """ --' ASTOI1IA, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, JSS5. PRICK PTVE CENTS. RUS1KE6S CAliDS. I a B ffl A B ffi oma I SWEPTTOl)EATH. T"St. A. I, and .1. A. KULTOX P'sjsiolaii.suiitl SurgCfitiN. Will rive pronint attention to sUl culls, i mn :my part ol tlic city or country. OAlce over Allen's Store, comer C:tss ami iiieiiuKjua streets, Asl-iia, Oiegon. Telephone No. 41. . FK.VXK. iai:. IMiyM.ciiiu nnd Surcrou. filee, ItooinC, over P. A. Mcintosh s store. IKPICK IIOUKS : -0 to 11 A. 31. ;-3 tO S 1. M. Residence, opposite the Johanen building u;c... a. nnums. cko. nolaxo .USD & HOKKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ir.ee in Kinney's Block, pp&sit? City Had. Astoiia. Oregon. w. VUl.TOS. u.c.vumoK. FITIIWS IJKOTIIEKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Robins 5 and C.Odd Fellows Building. G Ht.it F. I'ARKKR 'SURVEYOR GF ClatHop County and City cf Astoria Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets Kooin J.'o. 8. J. A. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor at law. onicc on Chcnamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTliE, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Rksidkkck On Cedar Street, back oi St. Mary's Hospital. K P. HICKS. A. K. SHAW. HICKS fc SKA.W. DENTISTS. Kooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. JOHN II. SIITCHKI.L. IIAI.VII SI. KF.Sir.NT. MITCH ETjIj & nEJIKXT, Attorneys and Councelors at Law, Kooms 1. 2, 3, and 4 Kainm'sBuIIdins North East Corner ol First and Fine Streets, rortland, Oregon. T R. SPEDBEX, NOTARY' PUBLIC, Scnrc!ierof TItlcM, Abstracter and Conveyancer. Olhccoa Cass Street. 3 doors south or As toiian oflTce, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, .ISTOUIA, - ORECOJf. OFFICE IIOUKS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 0VI0.-K I. M. In The Field Again J. G. ROSS ' Having Purchased the Interest of the Mcintosh Bros., IN THE PIONEER RESTAURANT "Would most respectfully inform his numer ous friends in the eity of Astoria and Mir rounding conntry that he Is now ready to do husiuess again at his old stand. Como and sec me. A Well Supplied Table, and Clean, Comfortable Beds. STEA3IER MOUNTAINEER CAPT. E. J. MOODY, Astoria, Or., Cathlamet, W. T., West port Or., and intermediate points. The Steamer Mountaineer will leave Asto ria dally, until further notice, from llut:er' wharf, foot of Main street, at bair-paa 2 o'clock P. 31., as follows : Jlonilayn, Wednesdays and Frldajg, for Ca.THLa.MET and intermediate points on WasluTer. side will go to Westport. same dajs. Tuesday, Thur&dayg and Katnrdajn, for "WESTI'OKT and intermediate points on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet .same uays. WillLenTe CATHLAilKT, W.T., f or -Astoria, Monda)c, Wednesdays and Fridays at seven o'clock A. 31., touching at all way land inns on Wash. Ter. side, aud return on .same side. Will LeaTe WESTrOKT, for Astoria, Or. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at set en o'clock A. H., touching at all way land ings on Oregon side, and return on same side. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to Main street Wharf. JOB FZOXTTZXTC, HEAT- QUICK AND AT The Astorian Job CHEAP, Office. Enters the systcnt from '.ra'.awv.a causes, at all fccasonK. Shatters the Serves, Impairs D!vtsltn. and tnieeuiKi mc suscics. mm THE BEST !?!! QaicVlrtndcomplcSrljcurp.Mn!arin,andCliIi!.i and Fevers. l-ors:trri:iittent l'vi rr, I.u sltndc, I.nrk of ilncrcj, it his 110 equal, it enriches and iianlies tha K.xSJ rtimulatM t'to p petit. andetrcncthnMhonm'scIos oad nrr It docs not injura tbo tetU. cause hcsdicbc. produce conrtimtion i"7ir r. wc-iWn" t'n F-iTHzn T J. IIOU.T. Ibo pilrictic and F.fcota Catholic DiTini. of Arkansas. Bys: "I haveured Brovra'a Iron Biltcrsiritli IhjM esl satisfaction for JlaUriv and an a iwwnl'-." f Chills and like diser.vc. and wfll ateas !." i bund as a ready friend." "j UenmnenasnooTotraJennrKaadiTivw-i rw VIAIbiIffiHHi: Ladies' Hand Book ns"ful ami uttrsrtiT. nun tainirvc list of jinzf-s f jr ncir''. iufinaitim t-t coins, etc.. Given nuayliy ail dtrslc-x in mdciift,-r mailed to any nJdrts en receipt of 2c. stsrep. SXKLL, IIL1TSIH" & YiOMXllli. Whoiiai.c ArTs lo-f ' ?.; . rsi "-?.;r--o-tvragg B 3 9 jajst-&J3R5r3 TORPEB BOWELS, DSSORDERED I.SVEB, and WJALAR5A. From t hese sources aris" J hrec-fVmri 1: oftheliscascsrftiicljamaiiiTfo. Thf-e symptoms indicate 11k .r cialeiiet . Xiosa of Appetite, Xtotrcls costive, titck Ileadaclie, fiillncs-j after est" lug-, aversion to czcrtio:iof body or mind, lrttctal ion of food, Irritnbil Ity of temper, Xjoivspirits. A feel 5nr; ofllavinsIleJ;lcccttoIlICtllty.ll ziiic8s,FluttcrIunttlicI!enr(;Iolis before tlio eyes, Iiitilj' coloretl Urliie,Cor6Tl5ATlOA',ai).lilcmand thousQOfareincdylhatactsUIrectlyoii tho Liver. AsaLlvcnncdicineTr'i'T'S I'XUXS liavo 110 c iual. Tlielractionoa the Kidneys and Mcin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso thrco " sca'es ra cf tlic sstcIa,,, producing nppelilc, sctnd digestion, regular stools, a clear shin ami a vig orous body. lTTT'S PlIiT.S cause no nausea 01 griping nor interfere Avith daily vrcrlc and aro a-ncrfect ANTIDOTE. TO PJ2ALAR1A... tiold cveiytrhcroSos. GIEce-i ;-i-AiarmyiuA. LS xi:a-cijaa ssy u i2 -a GratITaiii onAViiiPunw changed In stantly to aGLossv 1lac:c bvasingla application of this 1yk. Sold" by Dnig ists,orsentbye:ipresonrcccintofSi Oflics, 44 M:ftrav Street, Xew York. wira ussuum op tbh-gl sssssa F2SS. HACAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you cant tell. FOR Man and Beasf. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more ever,' year. he Gem The Popular Resort for Asiorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors co to Tin: ckm saloon; ALF.X. CAMPI5KLL. - - PKOPIHETOK B. P. GREGORY & CO. Xo. 5 Sorlli S'riii:! St., : tlac-il. Or. DEALERS IX Bite Beta IselPaeMi Sole agents Tor th' New York DeltiiiK and la-ins Co. We handle nothing hut the hcsl and gu.t antee more .service lorlhennnoy lhaii n be obtained from any other KiiMkt i;im1s In the market. m& The rortland ttusiccss College, Portland, Oirgon, olfeis superior private and cJas In struction to the young and middle need -f both sexes ho desire to obtain a practical education in the shortest time consistent wl h thorough work, and the least expense. Day and cvtniug sessions throughout the year. Students admitted any time. Cata logue on application. A. 1. Aumstkono. Principal. . eiS Vai tmz dT 129 Tl lJ iXZrt Wahkiakum County CinnniNdonciV l'iw oediiis. Tn tin' commissioners' court, v:ih k;..kiim county, V. T., regular term held August 11 and -J. Present Thos. Irving, .lames Wright and I W. Law rence, commissioners, and tl. W. Ck'inettd. auditor and clerk. Thos. Irving v:ns oloctel chnirmnn or the board. J. T. Ijn'.es, .T. S. Msstesi and ilal- Avw were appointed viewers to fWaud ajipraise the damage that would 3e suoJaiued by Wm. A. Spence. should a cottniy road be laid " """ "i;" i."t""i-.i tw I. v J. , J. Foster and others, to meet j.;'rt,,jomjK,r 7 The itttilion of J. .S. Masicn ami ollitTs. for eali5:.:hmeiit of a couuiy i . mad rejected 0:1 account of excessive! damages. The petition of Henry Kaup for a , private road accepted and road or dered established nioii his paying all , fees and coats. i The reiort of view and survey 1 of road petitioned for by Charles cM for damages having been filed, , Ia:k Jvelley. A. J. Montgomery and I John Filzpa trick were appointed ap , 1 raiseis to meet August 2U. i Tl:e lield notes and plat, of re-sur-j vt?y 01 (iray's Kivcr road, deferred i until November term. The ifMniiation of John fitzpat rick r-s d. P. of Skamckawa precinct accepted. The gix months liquor license granted to H. A. Howe, approved. A. 1). liirnio granted six months' retail liquor license. The road petition of Geo. Hatha- way and others for extension of Cath l.'.inet road received, and W, Andrews, 1 Henry Jvaup and .. JJ. icJJonalcl, uiveyor. were appointed viewers to n.eet Auuust J 7. The report of view 'and survey cf road lvelilioneu for by .)e3se Jiater and others be received, but claims for damages having been tiled, .T. P. I os- itr. ijtins Olson and .J. J. Uasey were appointed appiaincrs to meet Seplem bcr 10. TJse school laud Iota 2, '5, 1 and..i in sec, ;W T. 1) N. IX. G W. was leased to (100. Alexander at the yearly rent of That the amount to be paid for li-ecus-e to wddle goods, wares" and merchandise 01 board water-going eraflsjbe S12 per annum. ?Te)citfoijEfttlfejr(3iyi4QiU'of Road district No. 7 not accepted. Contract let S1S5 to build to W. Andrews for an ofiiee for count v auditor. )Vddlers license ;r;.u'.ed to II. Levin). Approved. Claims were examined and allowed as fallews: .1. II. Graham, for boarding pan pews. $31.00; Mary T. Irvinjr. superin tendent of schools, Sfi..00; ,L 11. (Ira- ham. J. P., for holding inquest, jury fees. -ic-. $2,10;): A. IX IJiniie. for supplies furnished pauier. S2t.th): J. IJ. McDonald, snnvyor. Tor feld noloi aud plattini' roads. $1.'W; sur veying Chas. Sfauard road, S-10;); -ureins.Tpfi Baker load. $1(5.00; .1. v.. C leineus. for deed record, fc-r-.' 7.1 All claims for viewing and ap praisir.; damages on p'roposcd county roads -were allowed in full. S. lr. Al bert for comparing assessment roll $1.00: J. AV. CMemeus, auditor's fees, jsoslage. stationery, etc, $iw.hG; v. Andrews, on contract, $100.00. To mombers of the beard: TIjo.1. Irving, $S.50; James "Wright, $9.10; .1. W. Lawrence. Sll.OO: J. W. Olemenf, $0.0i). Adjourned. At the beinninr of the present season it was the intention of the several Fraser river cannorier. to pnt up a total nverage pack or about 10, 00:) cases to each cannery, but owing to the large quanities of fish which hive been procurable, this has been increased to such an extent that the total average pack will be double that quantity or 20,000 cases to each can nery engaged, making the probable total pack of the Fraser river canneries for this season from 120.UW to !:;:, 000 cases. The ship Purlin has nearly finished discharging her cargo of iron and will clear for Portland in a day or two where she lias a charter. The Amer ican ship J'af-kartl will nearly liuish discharging this week. She wili lie here nlKmt three weeks and then go to Tacoma. The captain's wife and son aro very ill. Much alarm is felt by Captain Waterhouse for the safety of the Drummnml and the Toby, American ships overdue sometime here. -Port JUovdy, A ;. . Wat,t.a WatjI.a, Aug. R. Fire, the work of au incendiary, broke out near the Petaluma house at 10:30 p. r., owned bj II. E. Holmes, which was totally destroyed; insured. Whit man & Laey's brick, used as the Del- monico hotel, was completely gutted; insured for $9,000. Other buildings, three adjoining, owned by John Louga, were also destroyed. The fire is still bnrning, but all danger is past. Total loss $30,000. At the New Orleans Exposition, Mr. E. B. Hoyt, a mechanical engineer, was severely injured by a huge derrick pole. He was conveyed to his resi dence, and after only three npplica lions of St. Jacobs Oil, all the swel ling and pain disappeared. Ji OUlUiuu.) aiiciuuuu i pui"; ui five parsons, consisting of. James iSnvder. his wife, hia daughter, aged ii years, "Win. Hefiuer and George Hansen, were drowned in the cas cades of Hie Columbia. They set out in a sail boat, or a row boat carrying sail, a short distance above tho cas cade locks, intending to cross to the Washington territory shore. . "When about midstream the wind died down f to a calm. The occupants had not , provided themselves vntli oars, though it is said they had two small paddles, but they could make no headway against the current, which slowly carried them toward tho rap ids. Some men aboard one oi tho i:i. ...i -vfo,nf; wreguu wm """ """S1"'"" steamers lying at the upper cascades saw the boat driing into dangerous waters, and thev immediately lowered a boat and started to the assis lanco of the distressed craft But they were ! too late. Tho sailboat with its five occupants went over the rapids and disappeared. Early in the evening the boat was found bottom, sido up, by some Indians just below Bonne ville. All three men were said to be good swimmers. Snyder was a laborer. JJeffner formerly kept the State salcoh on Al der street in this city. Previous to this ho resided in Boseburg. He leaves a wife and two children resid ing at that place. Hansen was a car penter in the employ of tho 0. 1. & N. Co. Yesterday morning when tho Pacific express passed Bonneville none of the bodies had been recov ered. It is not likely that thoy will ever be found, as only one or two of the bodies of the many persons who have been drowned in the rapids iu the last forty years have been known to come to the surface. Another report brought down by a passenger is that the boat upset when it was amid stream, and the occu pants were unable to right it. Ore gon ton, 10. Gabriel .Tones, a pioneer of 1S1-1, died at Wiulock recently, at the ad vanced ago of 5)3 years. On his ar rival in aslnngton ho stopped two years near Vancouver, then in com pany with four other families came up the Cowlitz river iu ISIG, then cutting their wav to the Cowlitz land ing through Sanders bottom to what is known as bush prairie, where he located and lived many years. A Lady Professor or Cooling Says: ''Let cookiuff.be an jjrt, chearfnlly taught, and Ihe'klTcTfenwilrTTcras at tractive as the pari iand tho table al ways cheerful and bright.'' She ha3 it. " It is clumsy cookery that is re sponsible for nearly all the dyspepsia of thi.? country. But it is Brown's Iron Bitters that cau cure dyspepsia and give happy health instead of winning discomfort. Mr. Levi Pearce, Elliott ciiy, Md., says. '! experienced much relief from dyspepsia and debil ity by nsing Brown's Iron Bitters." The cattlemen of Harney valley have sold their beet cattle this year to a Chicago firm, and the cattle will be shipped east over the Oregon Short Lino railroad., Only cattle over 2 years old were purchased. The prices paid were from $2o to $30 per head. x Destroy, that SIsn. One may feel that he is getting old, but he naturally dislikes that any thing about his appearance should advise others of the fact. Yet nothing does this so effectually as thin and falling hair. No woman wants to marry a man, and business firms hes itate to employ a man, who shows this fatal sign. Parker's Hair Balsam is worth to you, in this regard, more than its weight in diamonds. Uso it, and have plentiful aud glossy hair. Tdany have had every trace of gray ness removed and brdd spots covered by using a single bottle. CriF.n.VLis, Aug. 9. "Walter Pnlsifer, of this place, wa3 burned to death vosterday while at work on the farm ofW. P. Pitts, near Claquato. He was burning a slashing and was caught in the flames, and being a man of about GO years of ago was too feeble to make his escape. TXhtnytr Malaria Kxlsts, The b.hous are Its certain prey. In inter mittent nnd remittent fever, dumb ague aud ague cak, the liver is always seriously af feele I. an 1 the blood contaminated Uli bile. One of Ihe chief reasons why Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is such a sure defense againt ehill and fewr and crery form of m.ilaiial Ri'-eaM. is.thatitdocs away with liabdit v to the disease, by reforming irregu larliv of the biliary organ in advam-c of the arrival of the season when the disease is prevalent. There Is no finer fortifying pre parative for those about-vLsIiing or emigrat ing to a locali'y where the luiasnu-'aiut ex ists. 1 here is no certain immunity from dis eases in an endeinlc or epidemic form, to-!c secured hv the use of the average tonles and antl-spiLsinodici. IJnt where quinine fails the Btiters succeeds both in preventing aud enilng. Morcovor. it removes every estigc of djpepsia. and overcomes constipation, riieuiualism. inactivity of the kidneys and bladder, and tranquillizes and .strengthens the nervous system. Notice of Assignment. I XTIIKCIISCUIT COURT OFTIIE STATE of Oregon, for Clatsop County : In the matter of the assignment of E. P. Hon", an insolvent debtor : Notice Ls hereby given that the under signed has'bHn appointed assignee of tho estate of E. P. Hoir, an Insolvent debtor, and al- persons having claims on said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly Nerifiedashy law required, to the under signed at his office at the West Shore Lum ber amis, in the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Oregon, within three months from this date. P.A.TUULUNC.ER, Assignee, Astoria, April 18 1SS3. Ffv. .s? M. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Hcaiteche.Tocthscho, Sore Tlirriat, SttcWi'it. Sprain. llral-jM, Hums OoiiI.N, Frot i?ltc, AXD ALL OTHCi: EODII.T PI1..3 AXD ACHE?. S.-TI ly DrjIU awl Dfilrs cve-rsl.-.. FjljCuil'a Yotlle. Dirtrtiuni it II Ubru.-o. T1IK CIIAKI.KA A. VOOKI.EK CO.. (Snr,K-..tA.MKLLXCV.) .'SaUI.cjrcSJ., L'. -. i. GERMAHIA BEER HALL FROM THE lortlera Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. 3No inferior 1'ee old at thl place. WM. BGCIv. Proprietor. E0LSY HOT HBIIIMIi SPRINGS.! A Hark will leave Kegem on llieairlv.il or the train lrom I'oitlaui!. EVEBY TUESDAY, Making thetflo from Portland In lei than two days in dayfttfh. !'ETK:t ltUXCY. $87,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. north British and Mercantile (Jf London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, ANI COFrt?lERC!AL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Ueptoient.ng a Capital of SG7,000 OOO. It. YAN DU.EN. Agent. lto Steai JMgalitn Co SUfflftlgR SCHEDULg. J'i:OM ASrOULVTO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and tlwaco.. Connecting by singes and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER. "GIST. MILES," Rffs W.J'. Wiiiti'Omu, Mastki:. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens. Pt. Canby and Ilwaeo, at 8 A. M WilhOjsterville Mails and Express daily. and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, V. T., on Mondays. 'Wednesday a and Fridays. On Thursdays the ".Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (ahout a 1. :.):: hours after arrival from lifrt trip. Fare to Ilwaeo. $1.00 1'as.sengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaeo Freight per Ton, - $2.00 ZSTFot Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the olllco of the company, CS ray's w harf, foot of Rcuton street. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent. S. ARNDT & FERGHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 8HOPHgR and - -SK:sg2V'V Boiler Shop SisgffiS? All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attouded to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LA FAYETTE STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE! rep Railway ail "Wpta Co. Commencing .Tnly 9, the Ela lfI3.IH,0OF "Will leave Fort Clatsop at inday, and w. I uavo ASTOai-A. J'OH. POB.TX.-ANZ) At 12 o'clock, noon, o 1 same day Or on arrival of Str. Gen. Miles from IJwr et an iving hi Portland about S P. M. T'.r try Kiimisi3 :i Niei:il Xri;t "Will be made leaving Fort Clatsop at " P. M. and Astcria for Portland at G P. M. Sunday afternoon or ailer connecting with Sir. Gen. Miles from 11 wa arriving in Poiifanif about 2 A. M. - : 3ISvTr 3S2A'; : Will leave Portland every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 A. M. for Astoria and Fort Clatsop, arriving in Astoria Tuesdays and Thursdays about 3 P. M. connecting with Str. Gen. Mil?s for Fort Stevens, Fort Canhy and Ilwaeo. The Fast and Elegant Steamer WIDE WEST Will leave Astoria for Portland every Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday at fi A. M. Returning will leave Portland for Astoria and Fort Clatsop ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday at (5 A. M. connecting with Str. Gen. Miles Tor Ilwaeo. Excursion Tickets Astoria to Portland and return good until Sept 30, $2.50. E. A. NO YES. Asent, .IN O.J. BYKXE. Gen. Tass. Agt. ,T. H. D. GKAY. WSulralf ant! retail dialf. ! GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay. Oats. Straw, Wood. Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Ceneial Storasre and Wharfase on rcasnn- able term. Foot of l'.ejitou stieet, .Won. Oregon. WEI. EDGAR, !4a'erlu Cigars, Tobacco and Cigaraftes Meet schaiiKi and Brier Pities, Qnrmi English cutlery Revolvers and Cartridges. COltXEK MAIN AND CIIEXAMUS S'lS 1885. INT EBB ST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. s. c:iii our., Manager Ranking. Derailment. Astoria. Oregon. Magmis 0. Orosby Dealer in HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T-iT-i AND Ooppe2 Pur Ice, ,o yj Delivered at Your Door. This lee is cut on Lake CoeollaU and is pure. All orders left at Tost & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. (.REED. Manager. Coliiuia TransBortation Conpy- EOR FOBTLAND! Through Freight on East Time! THE XIZW Which has been specially built for the contort or passengers will leave AVilson & Fisher's Dock eery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.ftl. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at ! P. M. E&An additional trip will be made on tfumlav of Kucli iVct'li. leaving rortland at 9 O'clock Sunilav aiorxilasr. for Sound porta. Fast and Elegant Steamer 11A. ?L every Wednesday and W3I. Af.r.i:.". Pvop'r. First Class in Every Bespect. Freo Cfl:i-!i (o IIjo House. '. W. U.SOWMM. U I. UROWN. Bt, Charles Hotel, (European P(nn. RKOWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors Fiust Class ix Evnirv RiarEcr, Good Restaurant Connected with tho House Fir-proof Uriel; Building. lSORooTa1. la the Center of the Citr. Cor. Front and Morrison St?.. Portland. Or A Weil Furnished Table AEUMDAHTLY SUPPLIED With the bet ami cooked in a neat and wholesome way. can be found at Mis. G. W. Rucker's Private Hoarding House, over Eat on & Caraahannet to odd Fellows Build ing. Terms; $5 a week, $22.50 per month. $1 a day. The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment ot the Kind in Astoria. Especially tltted up Tor the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social GI:i". The Uost of Wines and Iitunoi'S The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. 15. J.. .IF.FJFJIZIY. li'opr. The GEN. MILES Will Make TRIPS TO TWO DAILY! Forts Stevens and Canby, And liwaco. The second trip will be made upon the ar malof the boats from Portland. Tliis: lives e ery one a splendid chance to et THE OCEAN BREEZE, And see the Mouth of the Columbia. bTKAMEU Passentrers b this route connect at Knlama U. B.SCOTT. President rHnnn OiJUul.