The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 05, 1885, Image 3

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?ltc gtoitjj ovintte
(Monday excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15cts.
Sent liy Mail, per mouth ... cJcts.
" " one year ... ..............$7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
SSrAdvertlsemcnts inserted by the year at
tiie rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising llfty cents per square, each
Rotice To Atlvcrlisers.
The Astoriax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
Tins paper is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Frank L. Parker 13 selling Roods for
cash only.
The schooner Jennie Wand brought
sixty tons of freight to Astoria.
A critic is a man that tells yon how to
do something that he can't do himself.
Five hundred tons of wheat aro daily
brought to Portland from the inland em
pire. The Y. M. C. A. excursion goes on the
Gen. Canby to Fort Stevens to-morrovr,
leaving Gray's dock at nine a. ai.
A. G. Spexarth is getting on well with
his brick yard on Young's bay. He ex
pects to have a kiln ready to barn this
It is reported that F. W. Stechhan will
sever his connection with the San Fran
cisco Standard theater at the close of the
present season.
The steamship Wilmington, which was
advertised to run between hero and San
Francisco, won't run. So says a dispatch
to the h'agent.
Six or eight forest fires bolwoon here
and Knappa last night lit np the eastern
sky that glowed and reddened as if ten
thousand furnaces were in full blust.
The Ancon loaves here for Alaska to
morrow. "With a good breeze from tho
south there is no reason why tho Ancon
shouldn't reach Alaska by the first of
next October.
A still hunt near Portland resulted in
finding it. The revenue officers found
that the parties had bepn distilling liquor
from fruit. The United States commis
sioner is going to investigate tho matter.
All who intend taking part in tho
Grant memorial servico next Saturday,
aro invited to to meet tho council com
mittee at tho city hall at 8 o'clock this
evening to make tho necessary arange
monts. ThoBritish bark Haidec sailed for Lon
don yesterday. She loaded 1,111 cases
salmon, and 15,278 bbls flour at Portland,
the value of the Portland loading being
$17,071; sho loaded 12,970 cases salmon
at Astoria; value $1)1,880.
About tho loudest smelling place in tho
county aside from some ot Astoria's
sewers is Do Force's oil works on
Young's river. Tho refuse makes a
splendid fertilizer and parties starting
gardens, etc., find it valuable.
Chief of Police Loughrey received a
telegram last evening from Chief Parrish
of Portland, that Mollie Waters, who is
charged with stealing in Geo. Hill's
placo, was arrested in Portland yester
day afternoon. An officer will go up this
morning to bring her down that she may
answer to tho charge.
Send to Portland for furniture, to
San Francisco for beer, to tho east for
clothing; send all possible money away
and then wonder why money is scarce.
If any body shows a little enterprise
encourage him by tolling him he is a fool,
and thon wonder why some body "with
capital," doesn't "do something."
The East Portland city council passed
an ordinance last Monday night prohib
iting cows from running at largo within
the city limits. Tho women of East
Portland have probably got tired of
cleaning the sidewalks. Thero aro yet
one or two alleged cities in Oregon whoro
cows haTO more rights than taxpayers to
the streets.
C. A. "Woodruff, in charge of tho com
missary department at military head
quarters at Vancouver, advertises for
bids for 48 1 lb cans of salmon. "What
the authorities at Vancouver want of so
much salmon is not stated and may well
lead to conjecture. Forty-eight pounds
of canned salmon is a good deal, all at
once, even for a whole army.
The headquarters of tho oloclrio fire
alarm telegraph is now at No. One's en
gine houso, and is in better fix than here
tofore. Box No. 6 at tho Astoria Iron
works has a weak spring, but all the rest
appear all right. An alarm will bo
turned in this morning and tha gongs
rung in both engino houses at noon to
day. It is to bo hoped the arrangement
will work all right for it has been worso
than useless for many months. Jas. Mc
Comber, No. One's engineer, who has re
paired it has been given charge of it.
Last Sunday's Oregonian has a story
entitled "A Modern Orpheus" that has
at the finis "copyrighted." ""Wot aro ye
givin' us." Tho 'Oregon fan appears to
want to give people the impression that
it has something so fine that others would
want to get it it tuey weren't resiraineu
by a "copyright." SVo distinctly remem
ber reading tho same identical yarn in
tho New York Mercury more than twen
ty years ago. Any newspaper that wants
to print it can do so. That "copyright"
racket won't work on the Columbia river
"of commerce."
Every year oomo3 an increasing num
ber of summer visitors drawn hither by
the charming air and the pleasant sur
roundings. To make tho seashore more
attractive would, it would seem, be a good
idea, purely as a matter of policy. A
road to Clatsop in this regard would pay
the oity. Thousands go by here that are
of no more benefit to Astoria than if no
such placo existed. It is tho same as
Pillar Bock, or Skamokwa, or any other
"settlement" on the way to tho seaside.
This is not business and there is only one
way to alter existing circumstances, and
that is to make it worth while for people
to stop here. This should b3 tho true
headquarters for all this summer traffic.
And while talking of this we would gent
ly whisper in the ears of our enterprising
citizens that Yaquina and Tillamook are
stretching out and doing their best to
turn the seaooast travel that way. "We,
this way, have tho advantage; can wo re
tain it.
There will be no auction sale at Carl
Adler's this evening. To-morrow ev
ening special attractions will be offered.
E. J. Partridge will be at his studio
this afternoon and all day to-morrow.
W. Lussier oi San Francisco lias en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short.
notice, go to ivranK aorcs.
Won by Thos. Ward in Thirteen Uonnd.
Astoria and Portland sports havo been
considerably interested for some time in
a proposed prize fight between Thos
Ward and Albert Johnson of this city,
the fight being arranged about three
weeks ago, a forfeit of $75 a side having
been put up. The intention first was to
have the fight in tho vicinity of Astoria,
bat it was finally decided to go up the
riv?r and fight in "Washington territory.
Accordingly the Clara Parker, accord
ing to arrangement, started at nine
o'clock yesterday morning with 74 on
boaid including the principals, their sec
onds and backers. When sho was half
way toward Tongue point,the Tom Morris
started in her wake with 31 more aboard;
as tho price of tickets on the Clara Par
ker was $2.50 "including admission," and
the TomMorris charged but a dollar tuoso
on the former boat concluded they would
mako it interesting for the others, so
tho boat was headed for Fisherton where
the party disembarked and went into Geo.
Myers' cannery. When those on tho Toi
Morris arrived on the supposed scene of
action they were told they would havo to
put up $1.50 spieco to see the fight, which
the most of them did. The wholo party
then went down to Hodges' point whero
they wont ashoro and a twenty-four foot
ring was soon staked off.
"Spad" Murphy seemed to be acting as
master of ceremonies, Hugh McCormack
being referee and John Curran time
keeper. Chas. Bamer and "Scotty"
were Johnson's seconds, Dick McCarron
and Win. McKenney acting in the same
capacity for Ward.
There was a look of settled determina
tion on the faces of the principals when
they came into the ring stripped to the
waist which betokened intent on the
part of each so win. Johnson appeared
in red tights with n red sash wound
round his waist, Ward in white with
a green belt buckled round his middle.
Both seemed in good trim, Johnson
weighing about 14G, Ward a fow pounds
more. Ward semed to havo less super
fluous flesh on him and was the favorite
in tho pools, bats being mado on tho oat
sido to tho amount of $1,01)0. The fight
was for $150 a side, the winner to bo paid
$330, to pay all expenses of boat, grounds,
etc., and to receive all receipts.
Johnson won tho tos3 and after it wa3
announced that the fight would be under
Marquis of Qaeensbury rule3, throo min
mVs to a round and ono minute lest,
"Time" was called. In the first round
Johnson seemed to take Ward by sur
prise: some science was displayed by
both with tho advantage in fivor of
Johnson. In the second round Johnson
got inacouplo of trcmend3U3 blow on
Ward's jaw and neck and a good many
present thought that he would have an
easy victory, but Ward showed consider
able grit and though evidently suffering
greatly from tho punishment inflicted on
him by his muscular opponent ho man
aged to come to tiuSe. Tho next five Touuds
were uninteresting, both doing thoir best
to damago tho other's frontispiece and
succeeding admirably, but displaying no
more science than would be seen in any
ordinary go-as-you-please-fisticuff. About
the eighth round it was anybody's fight,
when Ward seemed to "get his second
wind," and though both were pretty well
exhausted, they fought five rounds moro,
tho advantage being plainly on Ward's
side. At tho close of tho tenth round
Johnson's seconds throw up tho sponge,
and the referee declared Ward tho win
ner. Tho fight began at seven minutes past
three and lasted fifty-three minutes.
Men who saw a good many encounters in
their time say it was the Hardest iougut
contest in their experience. Both men
presented a horrible appearance after tho
fourth round, the blood flowing from
Johnson's mouth in a stream, and Ward's
head so badly battered that both eyes
were closed. The fight was over at four
o'clock, and shortly after tho party re
turned, bringing back two about as
badly battered specimens of humauity or
inhumanity as ever landed at Astoria.
Fort Steven.
Fort Stevens has mora attractions for
those who make picnic excursions than
any other place near Astoria. The work
now being done by tho engineers for the
improvement of tho river is enough to
pay for the trip. Tho fort and the largo
cannon, tho magazine, tho grassy parado
and tho freedom from dust and sand, tho
lako between tho fort and tho lighthouse
in which good bathing can ba had, tho
pleasant walks along the beach and about
the place, aro all enjoyable. Tho fort is
but seven miles from home, and but little
timo is consumed in going and coming.
T. T. Caiuii'iss.
The motion to vacate the appointment
of the receiver in the caso of Lawrence
Harrison and others against tho O. & C.
It. 11. Co., was denied by Jndgo Doady
yesterday, and in consequenco Kecoiver
Koohler still continues to hold that
position. Another decision affeolmg tho
railroad was the overruling in part and
the sustaining in part of a demurrer to
a bill in tho caso of The Farmers' Loan
and Trust company against tho O. & C.
It. R. Co., as well" a3 the denial of the
motion for the appointment of a recei-er.
The substance of a portion of the de
cision 13 that the second mortgage bonds
to the amount of over 2,003.003 aro of
no valne for the reason that thoy aro not
in accordance with Oregon statutes,
which say a mortgage on real estate in
two counties is invalid. Oregonian, 4.
Chinese parents aro afraid to give their
children the line, hiRa-sounding names
their love- suggests, lest tho gtU spirits,
of whom they stand in constant fear,
shonld como to understand how precious
they are, and causs somo calamity to
overtake them. And so you constantly
meet with children answering to tho
names of Little Stupid, Vagabond Flea,
Dirt of Spring Dog the idea bein that
when the spirits hoar tho littlo ones
called by such uncomplimentary names
they will imagine that tho parents care
Tery little for them, and will not take
th3 trouble to molest them.
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kate "Duffy as nurse from the 10th of
Kinfpmlipr until the 10th of December
will please address her at Little Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
Shoal-.vater Ji&y Oysters
Constant v on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabrels.
Warrants, deeds, mortcaces, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
I You Tliinlc that Jefr" ol
The Chop House
Gives 3ou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Xot
much V but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. IIo buys oy the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles if
When tho "robbery" of $733 and sun
dry articles of jowelry at Mistres3 Tillie
Ford's establishment last Thursday night
was reported to the police.there were somo
circumstances in connection with it that
led Chief Loughrey to believe that the
lady herself knew more about tho matter
than sho told. Accordingly n successful
effort was made to keep tho thing shady
for a little whilo to 600 if tho suspicion
was well founded. Ho was pretty well
satisfied that a certain "friend" of hers
named Joo Baker, who seems to bo a sort
of capper for tho game, was tho party
that had tho roost to do with it, and
when the lady told ono of the police offi
cers last Sunday that "it was all right,
she had her money and everything all
back," ho was then cortain that his first
suspicions were correct.
It appears that the two thought if she
were "robbed" that sympathy on the
Eart of fishermen and others who owed
er money would cause them to pay up
their little bills thoy owed her beforo
theyjskipped for San Francieco, and in
that they argued rightly, for sho did, it
is said, collect considerable that only for
tho "robbery" sho wouldn't havo got.
It seems that Baker on the night of
tho "robberv" took the money, watch,
rings, chaini, etc., and carried them to
the wharf by Arndt fc Ferchen's,' under
which ho dug a hole and put tho plunder
there, unearthing it and returning it to
tho madam's trunk when ho thought the
thing had tean played far enough, upon
which sho kindlv informed officer Bucker
that the money'had been "found" and
that everything was "all right." So that
for ways that are dark and tricks that
aro not wholly vain, others beside tho
heathen Chinee aro peculiar. It is not
likely that there will bo anything moro
said or done about it.
Get Through In One Heat.
My sou, if you want to acquiro tho
ability of making short speeches", let me
whisper in your car: Tell tho truth.
Just stick to tho plain, overy day, un
varnished truth, and you'll never talk
longer than fifteen minutes and some
times you'll get through in ono heat,
1:11 If a man comes home from the
brook and says simply: "I caught a
trout that weighs 4K pounds," you can
believe him. But if ho begins by telling
whero ho bought his rod, how much Lie
paid for it, how a big a bass ho took with
it last summer, what kind of a reel he
had on, what fly ho used, tho length and
strength of his casting lino and how long
ho played the trout before ho landed it
my boy, that man may begin with tho
honc3tcst intention in tho world, but by
tho timo he gets tho trout into
tho landing net he will Ho from three to
five pounds in spilo of himself and a
Christian mother. Dob Burdctte.
No Still Hunt Here.
Wong Wa and Wong Choo, two mild
looking Mongolians, were arrested yester
day on a chargo of having nearly killed
Look Lun by attacking him with pistols
and a hatchet, in a Chinese rookery op
posite Jackson's bakery, about midnight
of Monday. A warrant is out for the
arrest of Wong Lung, who is tho third
of tho destroying angels. Look Lun is
in bad favor with tho Chinamen, whose
gambling game ho lately informed on.
IIo is also in bad favor with certain Cau
casians, who are using tho Chinamen as
the monkov used tho cat. So far the
whites havo the coin and tho Chinese 4
havo tho kicks. The caso comes up in
tho police court to-morrow. Thero ia no
still hunt about this, and it may furnish
very interesting reading beforo long.
Where the Piano Gets ia Its Work.
With the savagery of former ages has
departed also their peculiar method of af
fecting the feelings of men. Formerly
men were more body than mind, and tho
only way of reaching the latter was
through vigorous applications of one kind
or another to tho former. Henco tho rod
in tho school room, tho lash, tho rack
and tho thumbscrew in the halls of jus
tice We havo changed all that, and the
refinement of the ago enables a man to
inflict moro paiu by m:ans of a taunt
than formerly would havo been suffered
by a blow. Modern nervous systems are
also developed so that tho torture of the
mind means torturo of tho body, and
right at this point tho piano gets in its
IJjicIileii'.s Arnica Salve.
Tm: Best in the world for
Cuts, Unices, Sores,Uleers, Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, torus, and all bkm irrup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2T cents per box. For sale hv W.
E. Dement & Co.
E'oraSeat Fitting Boot
Jr Shoe, fio to P. J. Goodmans, on Chc
uanuis street, next door to I. V. Case.
A!I ootids of the best make and Kiiaran
ti'd ijualUy. A full stock; new poods
coii-aiiUv arriving. Custom work.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with tho choicest
perfumery, :iml toilet articles, etc can
'e bought ul tin lowest prices, at J. W
Conn's diuu store, opposite OcMden
hrtel, Astoiia.
The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of liour
bon, ImU sa3s: WJoth myself and wife
owcour lives toSiin.oii's Consumption
Cri: Sold by W. E. Dement,
A'o HEorc Hard Times Frco
Board !
You live in vain if yon do not so to
the Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy
Gcorjje. SO MORE eliarse for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2.
Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc.
Vaquero Cijjiin-, AAA Old Talley
Whisky, Boca Beer on draught, llalt-and-IIalt
; Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piano; Best place in town.
A Good Cigar,
Just as good as you usually pav a bit for
can be had FOR FIVE CENT'S at C. P.
Syrup orFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
Eleasant, prompt and effective remedy
nown, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gpntly
yet thoroughly; to dispel lleadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
This afternoon and evening Mr.
Partridge, at his studio near Odd Fel
low's building, will give a public ex
hibition of photo views of Astoria and
If you can stand before the glass caso
in theSmitbsonian Institution inclosing a
spco:men of tho octopus and not feel
your flesh crawl you have more nervo
than most men. As ono looks over those
long, hairy arms, each ono provided with
suckers at every joint; as one notices the
cruel beak and looks into tho wicked,
staring oyes ho instinctively shrinks away
as if the dead monster still had power to
We were off tho Florida coa3t gather
ing sponges. In thoso days and tho
practice is still pursued by tho poorer
class of spongo gatherers wo got our
sponges in anchoring our small sloop or
sbhooner over tho bed and then diving
from hor rail to tho bottom of tho sea,
carrying a weight along to sink us tho
faster. A good pair of lungs and years
of practice enabled mo to reach bottom
in tiiirty or thirty-fivo feet of water and
come up with moro or les3 of a haul.
On that warm coast tho shark and tho
octopus and other horrible things belong
ing to tho fish or reptile species, are pros
oat, and often lying in wait. Tho diver
has a horror of them at first, but tho
feeling soon wears away, and some men
become perfectly reckless. Daring the
first year year I never went down without
a sharp knife in my belt to give any
prowling shark a thrust, but later on I
would take a header off tho rail when a
shark's dorsal fin was cutting tho water
not a hundred yards away.
During tho second season wo lost two
men by sharks, but I took no precautions
and had no narrow escapes. In tho bo
ginning of tho third soason wo anchored
over a splendid bed, in a location well
sheltered from storm and swell, and we
had reason to anticipate a profitable
Thero wore four of us on that trip, and
tho first man over the rail was an old
diver named Peterson. This was about
7 o'clock in tho morning, and although
wa had been up for two hours tho bay
had been clear of sharks. Wo watched
Potorson go over but wo watched in vain
for him to como up. Twenty seconds
passed then thirty then forty, and tho
captain leaned ovor the rail and cried
"Boys, tho old man has got fast down
thoro and is a goner!"
We waited ten seconds longer end then
fell sure that wo would never 03 the old
man alivo again. Wo wero in 23 feet of
water, and tho trawl showed tho bottom
to be clear of weeds and mado up of rock
and sand. It was hard to guess what had
happened. Ho might havo bumped his
hoad against a rock, or had his foot
caught in a crevice ho might hava burst
a blood vessel or boon taken with cramps.
None of us thought of an octopus in con
nection with his sad fate. Wo had seen
a small ono three day3 before, and wo
knew that the creatures lurked in tho
still waters, but somehow wo speculated
on all other theories but this.
As you may imagine, tho loss of old
Peterson upset us, and it was a good half
hour beforo any of us had rallied our
courage. It was my next turn down, and
as I finally got ready to go the captain
handed mc a long, keen shark-knife, on
which he had just put an edge. I accept
ed it, mora in hopes it might bo useful in
enabling mo to send up tho dead body
than through any bodily fear. If Peter
son had been caught in a crevice, or was
held fast by a marine plant, the knife
would loosen him.
Well, over I went at last, and it was
only a few seconds beforo I struck bot
tom close to a lafga-roc'k. Sponges wero J
growing all around mc, and as I reached !
oat for tho nearest I felt' something whip j
across my bare shoulders. All the dres.s
I had on was a pair of trunks, leaving ,
legs, shoulders, arms ana most ot tuo
Kv1tt nibft1 rnnf. "anmnt liinrt' cfnnrr
and lmrnea and blistered, buf in two .
seconds tho feeling had passed from my k
shoulders to my waist, and in another J
second it was in my legs. It was not uu- j
til I tried to spring away that I realized j
my situation. At tho first movo I was
jerked in tho most violent mannor tow
ards the rock, and tho burning incroased
An octopus had gripped me! IIo had j
threo of his terriblo arms around mc, !
and was drawing mo to tho rock. How
his suckers burned and blistered 1 llow ,
the hairy arms gripped and twisted ! i
I tell you I was a frightened man, and .
for several seconds forgot that I had a
knife in my belt. When I finally reached 1
for it the octopus had dragged me into
the shadow of tho rock, and thero I saw
old Peterson's body. Two of tho creat
ure's arms were around it nud 1 was to
make a second victim.
My left arm was bound to my sido, but
tho right was free. As I drew tho knife I
caught sight of tho LoJy of tho reptile.
In facr?tbe arm3 were drawing me with
in reach of the beak. I did not slash at
tho arms, bat struck straight at tho jelly
liko body. I had thon been down so
long that my cars wero roaring and I
realized that I hadonlv a fow seconds
to spare. Luck guided my blows and I ,
slashed at tho creature until pieces of j
the body floated around mc and)
the arms let upon thoir grip. Then 1
started for the surface, and I reached it J
about aB near dead as a man could bo j
and havo any life left. They pulled me
inboard, and with mo canio tho threo
(.m-klAmotrlnphlip lw.-m nnfc from 1
tho body. Not a sucker would loosen its
grip, and they had to cut thorn off with
knives, ono by one, close to my flesh.
Effects? Well, that was the last divo I
ever made, for I was in bed for ,month3.
I can show you fhirty spots on my body
whero tho flesh looks like a firo barn,
and tho remembrance of tho situation
down there will start a chill over
rn there will start a chill over me
tho hottest day. Tho serpent and;in nml cltnrk nM tfirrihls enonpli.
especially when they have you at a dis
advantage, but don't you get within
reach of on octopus never! Direr.
Excited Thousands
All over the land arc going into ec
stasy over Dr. King's JJew Discovery
for Consuinptiom Their unlooked for
recovery by the timely use of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to
go nearly wild in its prake. It is guar
anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs.
Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness. Loss of Voice, or any affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial
bottles free at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store. Large size S1.00.
The UahicsCryForlt.
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Srup of Figs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys. Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy activity. For salo by W. E.
Dement &Co.
J. A. Wilson, the sign painter will be
in Astoria but a few days more. Any
one wanting fine work can leave orders
at Van Dusen's store.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
nnr. will ivi immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 els and gl. bout oy w . .c- uc
raent. Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussior of San Francisco
Dr. Gardner was np from Ft.
Miss Lollio Dunn is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Dorris.
Mrs. S. JH. Friendly and family are vis
iting friends in the city.
F. B. Elberson'a mother and two
younger brothers leave for Kansas and
Indiana this morning.
Belva Lockwood, candidato of the
woman's suffrage party in 1SS4, for pres
ident, is duo here in about a week. Sho
may lecture in Astoria.
Capt. Yarnburg carao down on the Tel
ephone yesterday to go on tho U. S.
steamer Gen. Wright to Tillamook,
whero soundings aro to bo mads and
buoys located.
Test Yonr Baiting Powfler To-Day !
E rands adrertlscd ts absolutely puro
riaeo a can top down on a hot ftoro rnllt
co tort, then remove the ccrersnd fraell. A chem
ist will not bo required to detect tfco presence :
Hi IleslUiralMu HiJ NEVER Brca QanUcaed.
lnamlllionhoraesforaquartcrofaccEtury it
La Mood the consumer's reliable test,
Price Halving Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
Iho strongest, moct delidons and natural
Eavor known , and
?:? Price's Lupulin Yeas! Gems
lus-Llght, Healthy Bread.TlioBestDrr Hop
Yeast In tho world.
Light Healthy
yyjysv-Liju -
The Pest dry lion yeast In the world.
Croad raised by this yeast is Ught.white
ond wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious brood.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
ManTrs of Dr. Fncs's special Fte7onnz Eitracis,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Forsa:ebyCoiTiso.MKKf.r.& Co.. Agents
Portland, Oron
- r - .. S nni1Jnr, Phrylyn
tdSV LGUllS H 181811 S.
I'or Stale Cheap at
33. O- 33lo1c3.ozi."s
Auction Rooms.
fcgSr Sh A. B. Field,
"S3SkS&- Capt. Ganrielson,
"Will leave Main street wharf every Satur
day at 8 a.m., unt A further notice, during
August. September and October. Freight
per O. It. & X. Co. will connect at Astoria.
ILtte from Portland and Astoria to llobson
vll!e?Gper ten: Passage from Astoria 5.
Address BADOLLbT& CO..
Eastern Turpentine in quantities to
suit at Wirsox & FisnER's.
D. A. Mcintosh lias received a full
stock of hats and gent's furnishing
goods, fine tie3 and underwear direct
from the east.
Good Dwelling House
For rent or sale, one block from Post
office. Apply to Jeff.
At Frank: ITabrc'ls .
Board for S22J0 a month. Tho best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free
For sale by W. E. Dement
JbJ$k ' Vrvirw ) fid" j&S&
y kfl
I Ha P 1 I
And Must Be Sold,
With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
tfen's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cassimere Sack Business Snits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-. . 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
A 11 G -
Marked in Plain Figures
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a flrst-clasa Shave, scientific Ilalr-cut.
and hygienic Sliampoe, etc,
11. Da PARK, Trop.
i Hi tiuUrtlt 5
Everything new received
C. K. BAIN, R. J. n AUT.
Having built and refitted with unproved
machinery the above mill at largo expense,
we are now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes cf
Sash, Doors, Blinds.
And every description of Mill "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Mouldings, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kin&3 of Finished Lumber for
We cordially invite our Xriends and the pub
lic to giTe us a call.
Cor. Goaevleve and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or.
BAIN & IIAltT, Proprietors.
Id. a. Mcintosh.!
" 5
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods!
Men's, TToutns' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Received !
and One Price to Ail!
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published.
Holders Auction Rooms
r Established January 1st, 1877.
Real IMate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chcnamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 :30 A. M., at mv Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate,
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfully solicited.
Notary Public for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly Oregonian.
New Styles!