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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1885)
m aa. .-t - T . ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, J 885 PRICE. FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXIV, NO. 2: KJ'SIXKSS CAIJDP. lWJt. A. l. aud .1. A. frT IFOX Ihji-i:iKsaiiI Siirs':nis. Will ul' proinift attention to all wills. ( titi any pjit of the oily or uountiy. Omi'f er AllcnS Store, comer f'ar.s and ti -inoip'.a streets, AM' li.i. Oregon. iV.ephoise . A. 2 E'lsyiflMn mi (I Sxiroit. of, ee. Koe-mG, oer I). A. Mcintosh s s'.oie. niiii k Heuits: fl toil a.m. :-:: tor, i.m. :oihIei:ce. opposite thc.fnhaifecii building . iioiritis. fiKO OI.M attouni:ys at law. (iT.iv in Kiiine'.s K!wk. ' i i. AMon:i. Oregon. pposite Ot' . b CLTON. a. l 1 M.TON. rrS.YeW KTHEKS. ATTOUN'Ki.S T LAW. Uo.tmsSand C.Odd Fellows p.utMlHA. G RI..O F. PARKKlt SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County ami City of Astoria OIQce : X. E. corner C.'-ss ami Aitor streets, Room No. S. X . A. BOWLBY. Attorney Mill Counsellor at law, OHlce on Chonamus Stieet, Astoria. Oicgnn. O. XV. IjKICK, ARCHITECT AND SUl'EKINTENDENT. Ofkick : Room 9, Kinney S Rrick Rlocl:, TAY TUTTLE, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2, and 3. rjthian Ruild- Ing. Residkxoe On Cedar Street, back oi St. Mary's Hospital. F V. HICKS. A. F- SHAW. HICKS fc SH.IW. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor tier Cass and Sque:nuiu:t streets. Astoria Oregon. JOHN II. MITCllFU.. nil.1'11 M. lU-MPAT. 3IITCIIKLL IIK3Xr.XT, Attorneys and Councelors at Law. Rooms 1, 2, 3. and 4 KammS Btiildius, North I.ast Corner of First and I'ine Streets, ' I'oitlmd, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! f. W. CASS, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTOKIJL, OlCl-XSOX. OFIMCE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. 51. until 3 oVhi! I'. M. AIIKAH OF ALL COSIPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Reduction SjMemhy the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. UMITKIl Is the only flour that has taken Fust Trie three years in succession at the PftRTLAXR 3!KCH.SII"rf FAX 21. Also at Stale Fair. One trial is suMcienr tocomince of iK suj e- i lonty. S'ce tliat tlie word CAl'ITOl. is on eacli sick GEORGE SHIEI., SStaik St., l'oit'.and Agent. WILSON & FISHER, Astoria Agent. A RIG STOCK OF Trunks, Boots and Shoes. Clothing. Etc.. .1 list Received at Phil, A. Stokes I Co's. FISHERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Etc AT Phil.A.Stokes&Co. Next door to Foard & Stokes' store. Is licad quarteis for Cloth ing at Bottom Figures Kver thins bought here cuanintcd to bo just as represented. No old stock ; every thing fresh, aud NEW GOODS on ciery Steamer. Remember the place, PHIt. A. STOKES c& CO. 3-A full line of GENTS' EURNISHING GOODS for sale at PrJees that Defy Competition, j Good Farm EIGHTY ACRES. PARTLY 1M rvF Droved, on the Klaskaniiii. For sale cheap or will exchange for citv property. Apply at astokia- Ofllce. ft 'U?J i 1-nnmn)ifitrfIlna distnossint ecnnlainL i I x t '!. it tends, by impairing nutrition, tad de , ' jns t ho t mo cf the pystem, t prepare t ho vrrj . x iwii.u JJoclino. Si g rr ! A &1 r QutcUyftnd completely Curei DyMcpu;a i m forme. Heartburn, HctchiiiK. Tm-iit1, t I'aod.&c. ltnncliesandptmItestt)ellood. - i lilos I ho nppctito. and aids the ai&inulaticn of -Rrx.J. T. KOBSrrnR, tho honored pastor ; i 1 "irst Reformed Church. Baltimore, Md. try Ilnving used Brown's Iron Bitters for D-V and IndiKPfttion. I Uke erect pleasure m - " npndiii)i it hwhly. Also considor ta splenU. . ciil inriKorator. and very strencthcninp." Genuine has flboTetraderourl: end cmssc In ' niitnnner. Tnho tin other. JId -riT '. imVt.N rllKMICALC'lU HAJ.TIMOM. ' J.diks' IIakd Book neful and at.;-vr' JnninB list of pmei for rorir. jnfnrm-t -r -ci ins. rlc jnven away by all dealers in , !. trailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp SM.LL, HEiTsnu & woonAitn, WllOLRSAIK A8ITS rOfi'.t! 1 OlCJJOll A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LEVER, and eVIALARSA. From t hcse. sources arise three-fourths ofthodic;isescfthc human nice. These symptoms indicate their existence: 3..0SS of Appetite, Koivclrt costive, (Side lleatlaclic, fiilluesK nftcr cnt Iiif;,jiVcrBloii to cxet tion oflincly or jiiiiul,j:rnctatIoji of food, Irritabil ity crtenipcr,IiOXT spirits, Afcclinq ofliavin neglected some thity.lHz ziiicsc,l;luttcrixigattliclFcart,Iots before the eyes, Iiis;ltly colored UrIite,COXSTlPATIO.V,jinl demand theuseofuremcdj'thatnctsdircctlvon tho Liver. Asa Liver mctHcineTUI'S V1IJLS have no c.-jual. Tiieiractionon tho Kidneys and fckin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three scavengers of the sstcTO,,, liroducins aiipetite, sound digestion, icular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous hodj'. Tl'TT'S PliTS ctiuscno nausea or giiping nor Interfero 'Willi daily work umi arc aperfect AH71DOTE. TO MALARIA. bold everywhere 2.:. OUiee4 1 AlurraySt.N V. GratITaii: okAVhiskkus chanced in stantly to aGrssv J5Lfic by asinglo application oi tills Uyi:. Sold by Drmr- -,ists,orsentbycxpressonrcceintof$l. Office, 44 Murrav Street, Xcvr York. sjx-ara aangAi, c? vzzimt ssssgss rsss. Columbia Candy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THS TRADE-SUPPLIED, I.eae ordeisat AstoxiaBakcrj', Ed. Jackson, Prop. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CA3IPBELL. - - PKOl'RIETOK THE HEYNEMAN PUNCH CIGAR. 5 Cents. Fully Equal to the Usual Bit Cigar. Try It. To Be Found in Astoria only at C. T. WILSON'S. TUIO ninCDniaybofoundonfileatGoo.P. 1 nlO rArCn RoweU& Co's Xcws paper Ad YcrtlElnKBureau(10Spniet.Vwhereadvertlslnff contracts may IxrmaacrorUIN NEW YORK. PEDe i II nUTiE tf. r B ..OUflBSWra -3 -. H. I.U K H C I Sbk. feT SfffCL pP BESTTCHEG. n XUTTS WHERE THE REMAINS WILL REST. New York, Julv 2S. The site chos- eu for General Grant's tomb isiuRiv erstde park on a sort of promontory on the Hudson river, and in the high - est point in Manhattanvale. The out- ' ward swell of the promontory begins at One Hundred and Twenty-second street and the river bauk, and ro- turns to its rorrnlar line at One Hun- dred and Tweutv-ninth street. The summit of this elevation is almost a level plateau of something more than twenty acres. On the river side the descent is abrupt. At its foot, 2UU feet below, tiro the tracks of that branch of the Hudson River railroad that runs into the West Thirtieth street derot. On tho northwest is the ferry to Port Lee, and ou the north and i north- ctist the red brick stores, hous es and manufactories of Alauhaitau- vale cluster around tho base of the hill. If the observer looks to the north ho has opened before him the ; long vista of Riverside park, of drive ways, hewn stone walls and ancient oaks and maples, on the steep slopes of the Hudson. The spot suggests revolutionary war memories. Fort Leo is opposite, tho old fort in Cen tral park is on tho southeast, Fort Washington is on the north, and the highlands near West Point shut in tho horizon beyond the Tappan zee. No structures can bo erected to break the uniformity of the view, as the water front and park belong to the city. The temporary tomb to receive the body will be built of brick. General Perry said that the arrang ments for the Grant funeral proces sion could not be completed for two or three days. Military aud civic or ganizations, as well as Grand Army posts from nearly every state in the Union had applied for positions in the line. The Grand Army men he has arranged in a solid body, divided into four or five divisions. There will bo two divisions from this city, and other divisions will be made up of delegates from visiting posts. Each division will be headed by a band of music, and will march in double file. The First and Second divisions of the National guard of the state of Isew lork will form a promi nent feature of tho parade, and it is probable that many militia organiza tions from this state and other states will lake part. Three militia organ izations from Illinois have already given notice that they will b2 pres ent It is requested that all civic and military organizations desiring to take part in the parade will report at once to General Hancock, on Governor's island. Tho parade will probably be headed by a full force of mounted police. It was said that from 2o,G00 to 30,000 veterans would take part in the parade on Saturday August 8th. Each division will carry post colors and old battle colors, and old battle Hags, massed in the center of tho division. Mayor Grace said to day that it was more than probable that the board of aldermen would very shortly change tho name of Riverside park to Grant park. Since L.T.13arin, register of the laud office at Oregon City, received formal notice of tho forfeiture of the Astoria land grant. Hundreds of settlers are pouring into Columbia county and taking up the land. Over 100 entries were made vesterdav. Some of the laud is the bes iu the state. There is quite a large belt in which hops can be raised successfully, as has already been practically demon strated. There has also been a few sales of improved farms, aud Colum bia county has not experienced such a boom for some time. The county clerk's office in this city is also busy since official notice was received of tlie forfeiture. A lake twelve miles long and six wide, snDposed to bo tho source of the Cedar and Snoqualmie rivers, has been discovered in tho Cascade mountains, to the north. The waters abound in fish, the beaver makes it a home, and mouutain sheep aud other game aro uumerous in the vicinity. Messrs. Hill and Imtoch, of Tacoma, are said to be tho only white men who have visited this lake. An In dian trail was found leading to it, but from appearances had notbeen used for many years. Its elevation is 4,500 feet. A good ran of salmon is reported on the upper Columbia river, and the fish wheels .are being run at full blast. The shipments to the cast from the Gciscades, Celilo, and other points are large. At Cehlo large cel lars have been made,and in these salm on will bo placed in ice, so that they can bo kept tho year round. This will enable the Celilo firm to furnish fresh salmon out of season in any quantity desired. This is bound to be a profitable venture, as ice in un limited quantities can be secured at Uehlo in winter. Boston, July 28. A cablegram has been received in tbis city, containing news of tbe total loss of tbo sbip JolinJDeCosta, Captain Oates, witb a cargo of valuable borses. Tbe sbip left Melbourne and was bound for California. Sbo was wrecked off Cookslown, Australia, on tbe 16lh of July. It is tbougbt tbo crew were saved, but tbis is not known bere for a certainty. Tbe sbip was owned by Briggs & Cusbing, of Freoport, Me. Gen. Scott conquered Mexico witb 12,000 effective men. Ho fougbt six battles and was victorious in all. GRANTS LAST VISITTO OREGON. A number of the state papers have j referred to General Grant's last visit i to Portland in September, 1S83. '"When Mr. Frederick Billings was here, a short time ago, he alluded to this visit in conversation with the ' editor of the Standard. Mr. Billings said that he did not know anything about Mr. Tillard's great excursion until the plans were published in the newspapers. He disapproved of it so utterly that ho immediately noti fied Mr. Tillard that he should not attend, and it was only upon the as surance of Horace White, the treas urer of the O. R. & N. Co., that his absence would excite suspicion in regard to the financial condition of the Yillard companies and perhaps bring on a crisis, that ho reluctantly consented to make tho trip. While coming out, Mr. Billings, for the first timo in hi3 life, had an opportunity to become personally acquainted vith General Grant. After tho ceremo nies of tho first day were over in Portland, General Grant told Mr. Billings that it would be impossible for him to have such a visit in Port land and vicinity at that time as he desired, and that if there was a good opportunity to slip away ho would like to return to New York. Mr. Billings had done all he purposed do ing on tho trip, and so he took Gen eral Grant and "William M. Evarts into his car and went home. On this return trip he had the pleasure of free and unconstrained association with General Grant, and, though in 1872 ho bad iu a public speech in Vermont, criticised tho low tono of Grants administration, and in "850 had gone to Chicago and worked night and day to prevent the nomin ation of Grant for a third term, he was charmed with the companionship of his distinguished gue3t, and be came from that time his devoted friend. As they were nearing New York, Gen eral Grant said, "Mr. Billings, if it is not too much trouble to you, I wish you would let me go with yon to the PaciGc coast sometime when you go again, when I can have timo and opportunity to see that country, whero I spent some of my early days." It was afterwards arranged that Gen eral Grant and his wife should ac compauy Mr. and Mrs. Billings on a trip to Portland, this summer. Just before Mr. Billings started on his last trip over the road, he called upon Gen eral Grant, between whose family and his own there had been an inti mate acquaintance since the Yillard excursion, and expressed his deep regret tnat ueuerai urant was un able to mako the trip with him. Gen eral Grant then wrote in reply: "My Dear Billings: I am very sorry that I cannot go to Portland with yon. I hope you will have a pleasant trip, and when you return come aud see mo aud tell mo all about it." "If he were not sick," Mr. Billiugs added, Grant would be here, talking with you and me, to-night." The Crazjr Onilt. This now and fashionable device of the young ladies for using up old bits of silk and satin is one of tho most popular means of spending spare evenings. The quilt is of more colors than ever appeared in Joseph's coat. The proper way of using a "crazy quilt" is to throw it over a weary person who snfiers with debility and lies on a lonuge. AdmiuisterBrown'a Iron Pitters, and his joy will be com plete. Crazy quilts have to be made to order, but you can buy Brown's Iron Bitters of any druggist. Says the New York Werld: It transpires that Sir Peter Lumsdeu was forced to ride from Herat to Askabad for forty days without once wilhont once changing his" clothing, which possibly accounts for his re ceiving the "Order of the Bath" im mediately upon his arrival in Eng land. Wants Another Hclida.. A four-year old Pittsburgh urchin asked his mother last St Patrick's day why they never celebrate St. Jacobs day. She said that when Tommy grow old and rheumatic they would celebrate it with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. This pacified him. Fivo families who arrived at New York Friday week from Bremen, Ger many, were sent back as panpera. Tlie Rcantr of Youth. No matter bow bandsome and stal wart a young man may bo otberwise, notbing can make up for a partially bald bead. Sbining talents are at tractive, but a sbining poll is not Tbe cause may bo sickness or any tbing else, yet Parker's Hair Balsam will stop tbe loss of bair and start a new growtb oi glossy and sole liair so quickly as to surprise you restoring tbo original color at tbe same time Not a dye, not oily, delicately per fumed. Only standard SOc. dressing It is is expected tbat at tbe present rate of survey tbe geological map of tbo United States will bo completed in about twenty-four years, about one fiftb of tbo country, exclusive of Alaska, having tbus far been map ped. Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W.E. De ment. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Curo is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. Dement 88M ?AX n iTTfT MEOY .THE GREAT MANR FOR FAIN. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache. Toothache, Soro Throat, StreWnc. Sprain, Onilict, 11 urn a, fecatdi, t'roit III to, JLM) ILL OTHER BODILY Pi 1 53 ASD ACHEi Sol I lor DmcrfiU and Dealer cuiywlnre. FW j CeuU Lottie. Directions In 11 Lanjuijw. THE CIIAKLES A. VOGELEIi CO., (!ociuA.TlXjt&CO.) UIUMorr,ti., l8.A. 3. ARNDT & FERCHEN. ASTORIA. . OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop -o30B9i All kinds oi ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Atpecialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STP.EET. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flonr and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. YSTOKIA. OltEGOX. B. B. Franklin, Unflertafcer and CaMnet Mate, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO THE ASTOKIAN nUII.DIX. t5T"AU work done In a sklllfnl manner on short notice at reasonable rates. HAVE YOTJ Jm?lii to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags. Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, iffl & STUDS "Will gire yon the beat price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP. MATERIAL, From a Belaying Tin to a-IIawitr: from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Headquarters Water Street. at billdin?, east end Street Lumber. $8.50 a Thousand, West Shore Lumbar Milli. J. . TRfLLINe,rrp. SPECIAL NOTICE! Oregon Railway ant Jaiipto Co. SiammerTiTne Tfttol . Commencing July 9, the Fast and Elegant Steamer R. THOMPSON. R. "Will leave Fort Clatsop at 11 A. M. every Wednesday and Friday, and will leave ASTORIA IFODES. lEQZOXajSLID At 12 o'clock, noon, on same day Or on arrival of Str. Gen. Miles from Ilwaco, an iving in Portland about S P. JI . Every Sunday a Special Trip "Will be mnde leaving Fort Clatsop at 5 P. M. and Astcrta for Portland at 6 P. M. Sunday afternoon or after connecting with Str. Gen. Miles from Il waco, arriving in Poitiand about 2 A. M. : KETUKtflZVG : "Will leave Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 A. M. and every Saturday at 10 A. M. for Astoria and Fort Clatsop, arriving in Astoria Tues days and Thursdays about 3 P. M. and on Satnrdays about A.-M P. M., con necting with Str. Gen. Miles for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and Ilwaco. The Fast and Elegant Steamer WIDE WEST "Will leave Astoria for Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M. Beturning will leave Portland for Astoria and Fort Clatsop everj Monday, "Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M. connecting with Str. Gen. Miles for Ilwaco. Excursion Tickets Astoria to Portland and return good until Sept 30, $2.50. E. A. NOYES, Agent, JNO..I.BYRNE, Gn. Pass. Agt. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer iu. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Generat Stornce and TVharface on reason- iaoia terms. Oregon. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, WK. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENAMUS STS. 1885. INTEREST Tflll be allowed On TimeJDeposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. S. F.IMOKE, Manager Banking Department, . Astoria, Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HABDTABS, DHffl, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES.TINWARE AND t HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlxx AND Copper. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This lee it cut on Lake Cocollala and is pure. All orders left at Tost.& Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G.REED, Manager. Coliiliia Transportation Coim. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW TELEPHON "Which bu biR specially built for the comfort or passenRers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wcdneidty and Friday at 6 A.rT arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Seturnlag leayes Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on at O'clock Baa aay MerniHjc. for Sound ports. RKER HOUSE. II. . PARKER. FroiV. First Class in Every Eespct. Freo Coach to llio House f. XT. K'0VLKS. u u. r.uowx. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BKOWXSKMnVLES - - rrojirtetor. First Clas-j ijt Evkuv Kfspfct, Good Restaurant Connected with thollou. Fire-proof Brick Building. UORooan. In tho Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison St?.. Tortiand. Or DE HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH, OREGON. This Well-Known ami POPULAR SUMMER RESORT "Will OPEN FOR THE SEASO OF ISSr,, Saturday, June 27. TERMS. Board per ueelc $14im Board jer day . ..... . 2fi Children under 12, half price. Tor further particulars npplv to CIIAS. Oil Lll. Manager. Sea Side. Or I), r Thompson, Receiver. Portland. LM LODGING HQUSE1 RESTAURAH' J. X. IIAMILTOX. Xo. CT Water St.. Astoria. .t"roj Nice, new, clean Beds, and carelnl atteu tion to lodgers. The Tahle. supplied with the host in season. THE BAR Is .supplied with an extra quality of liipinri and cigars. A Well Furnished Table ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED With the best and cooked in a neat ami wholesome way. can he found at Mis. G. . Rucker's Private Boarding House, over Eat on & Carnahan's, next to Odd Fellow Build ing. Terms: $5 a-week, $22-50 per month. $1 a day. STEAMEK Sunday or Kach WceJt, leaving Portland Passengers bj tlirs route eonnect at Kalama U. B. SCOTT, President E