The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 29, 1885, Image 3

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tTfte gtoUit Stetotfsm
V--' -
.jriA'23. 1863
(Monday excepted)
Terms cfSnbscrlption.
Served by Carrier, per week. .. i.ict?.
Spnt by Mail, per 1:1011th... . GOcts.
one year ..$7.00
Free ol postage lo subscribers.
JSrAdvertiscmcnts inserted bv the year at
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astokiax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the SI. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
TheState of California is due from San
Francisco this morning.
The Btda arrived in from San Fran
cisoo yesterday afternoon.
Willie Johns' new gymnasium will be
opened with a grand ball next Monday
For this season the Clatsop road has
gone glimmering through the dreams of
things were.
J. 13. Montgomery's mill at Skamolca
wa starts up to morrow; a largo force of
men went over from Westport yesterday.
The O. It. & N. Co. is fixing up its
boats at the bone yard. The IJonila is to
bo entirely built and a boat turned out
that will bo "a clipper."
Dan Holton, proprietor of the Holton
house at Portland, has made an assign
ment for the benefit of his creditors, lie
owes $21,030. His assets consist mostly
of furniture in the Holton house.
An automatic whisling buoy has been
laid by the lighthouse steamer Mansanila
ono and one-half miles west of the outer
rock of Blunt's reef, off Capo Mendocino,
in twenty-live fathoms of water.
IJig shad caught at oar doors continue
to show up. Ono was shown yesterday
that weighed three and three-quarters
pounds, comparing favorably in size, and
m flavor too, with the famous Delaware
Beforo Justice Goodell yesterday after
noon appeared Ah Lin charged with
threatening to kill officer Carlsen: after
some tremendouB swearing on both sides
the matter was taken under advisement
till to-day.
A fishing party goes to Gray's river on
Sunday. Tales aro told of fine mountain
trout to bo caught there ono veteran
angler having secured some last week
that "measured twenty-two inches and
weighed two pounds and a-half.'
The Carnarvon Cattle will finish load
ing salmon this week, taking about 27,
001) cases. The JIaidec has 20,0 Lr cases
aboard and will take 2,500 more. Tho
Kitty is in the stream wheat-laden, a
part of her cargo being this season's
It is thought in Portland that the lease
of the O. It. & N. Co's lines by the N. P.
and U. P. railroads will hnvo no effect in
any changes in the local offices of tho
company beyond a consolidation of the
freight, passenger and ticket offices in
that city.
D. S. K. Buick, grand patriarch of the
grand encampment I. O. O. F., of Ore
gon will bo hero this evening and
will pay an official visit to Ocean encamp
ment. Ho is visiting tho encampments
throughout the northwest and from here
goes to Victoria and New Westminster.
Portland and Astoria aro not so far
apirt now as they used to be a few years
ago. The geography of tho country has
not changed materially, but communica
tion has. It is a common occurrence
now to have threo daily boats arrive
from and depart for tho metropolis,
and ono can go up or return at almost
any hour that suits his own convenience.
Tho annual picnio of the Presbyterian
church Sunday school will be held on
Tnursday, 30th inst. The spot selected
i3 a shady grovo fronting loung's bay
around Smith's point. Conveyances will
be provided to convey refreshment bas
kets. AH desirhlg to participate are re
quested to nssemblo at the Presbyterian
church not later than i) o'clock Thursday
Tho Midlnomah camo down yesterday
in command of Capt. Archie Pease with
about as big a crowd as the law allows in
the shape of a Sunday school excursion.
The sun was shining, and to us it ap
peared very warm, but tho excursionists,
as they swarmed off tho boat, sought tho
sunny side of the street and drawing
their wraps about them said: "How chil
ly it feels." Somo lounged around the
lower deok of tho boat and in tho engine
room where it felt more natural.
In tho U. S. circuit court last Monday
Judge Deady decided tho old case in
which the government sued Wm. L.
Adams, former colloctor of this port, for
$12,800 lost in transit to San Francisco
nearly twenty years ago. Tho judge
held that Mr. Adams was not officially
responsible for the loss of tho money,
which was stolen from his stateroom, nor
were his sureties responsible for hia
actions while so engaged a decision
which appears to be just.
The United States coast and geodetic
survey has been resumed along the coast
of Oregon, tho triangulation and topo
graphy being executed by tho regular of
ficers of tho survey, under chargo of
Prof. George Davidson, superintendent.
J. E. Hilgard i3 superintendent of tho
hydrogaphy. L. A. Sengteller has chargo
of the work on the Oregon coast north of
tho TJmpqua river. Captain Cleveland
Rockwell is in chargo on the upper Co
lumbia and Willamette rivers. Captain
Forse is executing tho hydrogaphy on
the Oregon coast.
Hve Prisoner
Earned to Death at Baler
IUkek Crrr, Oregon, July 28. At an
early hour this morning flames
were seen issuing from the county jail at
this place. Assistance was promptly sup
plied, but the jail wan a log structure,
verj dry and burned so fast that it waa
impossible to check the progress of the
flames. Five prisoners confined in the
cells met a horrible fate, being burned to
death, their crisp and charred remains
being recovered after the ruins were a
heap of burning embers. Tbe names of
the five unfortunate men were John
Cooley, Joseph Brown, Wm. Laud, Lewis
Miller, and George Plumb. Tho sixth
prisoner Fred Wiukelman by name
was rescued so badly burned that ho can
not possibly survive. Ho is believed to
be the one that set tho building on Are
to allow himself and his companions to
Ordisaacci Paused Claims allowed Beioln
tioas Gejardins the Death of Grait.
Tho city council met in regular session
jeslerday evening and was called to cr
der by T. S. Jewelt, auditor and clerk.
Present councilmen Bergman, Cooper,
Cleveland and Dealoy. In tho absence
of tho mayor and president of tho coun
cil councilman Dealey moved that coun
cilman Cleveland act as president pro
tem. Adopted. Minutes of last meeting
were read and approved.
A petition from property owners on
Chenamus street asking for the erection
of a sidewalk on tho south side of Che
namus street from tho west sido of Ham
ilton street to the west side of OIney
street, was granted.
A petition from Mrs. K. Houseman,
asking for a change in her city assess
ment was referred to committee on ways
and means.
A communication from Alert IL & L.
No. 1, was read: the communication
askedif tho company was required or
expected to go outside tho city limits in
case of fire, and asked a reply. Referred
to committee on firo and water.
A remonstrance from Water street
property holders remonstrating against
tho proposed establishing of grade on
It was foggy yesterday morning and a ia ' th ?' fl
scarcity of items made it necessary that iUa ,:, f , 0uv nssMcor renortod
the unusual fog should have due notice, ' as follews:
so ono of the force was detailed to write 5 Astoria, Oregon, July 23, 1885.
it up. After a little while he handed in ; To the Honorable, the Mayor and Com
tho following. He seems to have started
well enough, but got "all broke up"' an
swering divers queries and finally wrote
down his answers and got everything
jumbled into idiocy. Anyone who has
ever been there wnl weep at the recollec
tions tho following brings up:
A fog that wrapped m gray and nee:
won Council of the City of Astoria,
Gsstxemes: Wo your committee to
whom was referred the claim of tho city
assessor for the sum of $-130, beg leave
to report as follews:
Wo find that there has not been any
' more work done on tho assessment roll
! for the year 1SS3 than was done in 1884.
And wo lurtuor una tuat as tar as care
folds the smouldering firs to the soutL', J and good judgment in assessing the prop
rolled in from the ocean yesterday and ortv of the citv is concerned it ha3 beon
shut out tho concave arch of azara neirlected in many particulars. Wo
"Grant will bo buried on the 8th of Au- J therefore recommend that tho city as-
gust" arch of azuro that gilded tho aessor be allowed for making said roll
"old papers aro worth fifty cents a the sum of threo hundred and forty-five
hundred" resplendent azure that ' dollars, that being tho amount paid in
arched "Yon'll find it in tho Weekly is?4.
Isaac Beeomam,
TnoMAS Dealey,
Committee on Ways and Means.
Tho report was adopted.
of tho ' fog that neoeeU 111 wrap-
py folds the Carnal con Comic will j
finish on Saturday next" tho firing ,
smoulds that concaved tho firs of azure j
They are playing at the New Market j
in Portland" that enfogged the lleec-
Au ordinance extending the time for
imorovinc Mnin street, was read first
and second times and passed under sas-
was read
ing wraps of firs that smouldered "He
worked here last May; he is in Portland"
nnfnvA fira flint. fimrAil tli rinn!pti
dent fog enfolding "something under pension ol tho rules.
500,000 cases; can tell better next Satur- i An ordinance declaring the
dav" shone resnlendent in the "litter-' cost of imnrovinc Main street
ing fog that wrapped tho folding con-' first and second times and passed under
caves of tho '"You'll find him up stairs ' suspension of tho rules.
at tho end of the hall" tho concavo I An ordinance extending tho time
presence of tho arching fog that folded for improving Benton street, was read
the azure "She is finishing at Kinney's first and second times and passed under
dock' the glittering folds that fleeced suspension of tho rules.
tho arch of "the writs of attachment j An ordiuanco extending tho time for
aro in the next drawer,, tho foggy , improving Washington street was read
folds of azure fir that arched the fleece ' first and second times and passed under
"They'll bo read3r at three o'clock; suspension of tho rules.
tell Del :ibout it" foldinc flecco of An ordinunco extending tho iimo for
wreathing fir that fogged tho azure J improving LaFayctte street was read first
Here ho stopped, and perhaps it was J and second times and passed under sus-
just as well for Reason wa3 evidently I pension 01 the rules.
tottering on hor throne.
fun, don't you know.
But it's lots of
Th? Exmn-Iou.
An ordinance making an appropriation
of $920 out of the general fund to pay
claim of W. B. Headington, was passsd
under suspension of tho rules.
An ordinance granting liquor license to
D. Sanguinnotti was read first and sec
ond times and passed under suspension of
the rules.
Tho following claims were ordered
paid: It. 11. Marion, $6.53; E. R. Hawes,
$7; M. C. Crosby, $4.09; C. E. Jackins,
, $26.90: The Astoeian $TS.07; Van Dusen
1 & Co., $9.15; W. B. Headington, $920; F.
Cashing Relief Corps No. tl and their
friends filled tho Telephone on an excur
sion to Skamokawa last evening. Though
a httlo cloudy tho occasion was an en
joyable one. A largo crowd gathered at
Dm ilnMr in cpa flin linnt start, nnil nmiil
.... -- , ro o-
ss?: Skisr-ssi & i nfesrion wns
boat crowded with ladies and gentlemen. I unanimously adopted.
No sooner had they got above Tongue Wiikbeas, The finger of Death has
Point than dancing began which was touched the heart of the nation s hero,
kept up with slight intermission, all the I Ulysses S. Grant, and
way up, at their destination and back I WnKSEiS. It is but just and fitting
..; Tim Lnnt nnt iwL' (n ilm iloclr nt that this, the citv farthest west, should
eiolit "minutes to ono this mornin". tho tender that full measure of respect duo
excursionists a littlo sleepy but unani- ' irom every Ainoncau iu iub mua-
mnn: in tlioir ncrrnnmnnt na fr 11ir rlpnu. ' trioUS dead: therefore, be it tlioriil "thn mnsiri. tho .lanoinP ; liesolecd. That we, the Common Coun-
ntirl t'lninnnitliniit. fur an thn nfrht wnro cil of the city of Astoria, earnestly re
on the orb of night gleamed brightly quest our citizens to close their respect-
froai i he rifted clouds m the south. iwe houses ol business on ino cay set
apart lor ine iuuorui ceruiuuuii, uuu to
gether with the different societies and
orders, to meet and conduct in a fitting
manner funeral services in this city.
A. A. Cleveland.
Concerning the Jalr Salmon Ken.
YV-h-a-t ! ! !
Copper cents, formerly a much de
spised coin, are coming gradually into
use. Portland Xews, 23.
The Chinese is the only nation on
earth that prohibits dancing. It is stat
ed that Confucius was tho author of tho
law that has prevented tho Chinamen
from indulging in a sport that all other
On motion council adjourned,
Captain Henry L. Hoyt, a custom
house broker of this city, will leave to
day for Port Townsend to arrange for
the trans-shipment of tho cargo of tea
duo at Tacoma, on tho bark Isabel, somo
time this week. Tho tea will bo oxam-
The following is tho latest in the Cali
fornia Grocer and Conner, written by
"Chinook" from "tho Columbia river.-'
The salmon season is rapidly nearing a
close, and the "July run" has so far been
decidedly small when compared with
past seasons. If I recollect aright, it is
now fivo years sinco so smpll a number
of fish to the boat was caught. Figuring
upon tho total pack is tho order of the
day. I don't indulge to any oxtont in
that amusement. July is full of possi
bilities, and tho salmon are under water.
Tho packer who has not sold, naturally
makes tho output small. Tho reasons
adduced, and tho arguments advanced,
have all a personal bias; so it is better
to await patiently the result especially
as the first of August is now so near.
Standing in front of tho "Occidental"
hotel a few evenings since, I was greatly
edified to hear the opinions expressed re
garding tho remarks concerning nets,
etc., in the letter of tho 25th ultimo.
Fishermen said "it was a shame to givo
away the business." A prominent can
ner, known all over tho world, said that
a whole net had been stolen from his net
rack a fow days or nights since, but it
was recovered, because it had private
marks by which it could bo identified.
No one said tho reports were untrue. Ona
fisherman had been making mental cal
culation. Said he: "I think the Sacra
mento fellows have always taken away
more net than thoy brought with them,
but now that fall fishing upon that river
is illegal, wo shall perhaps bavo a chance
to keen the net3 upon our river." You will
;utiao the high moral tono permeating
these remarks.
Now, a few words about July fishing.
It is true that more than one-third of tho
salmon packed upon tho Columbia river
is putupduring July. This means a great
deal. First Tho canners aro rushed with
work during tho time. Second Tho hot
weather makes it imperative that fish shall
bo cooked every day if fresh salmon aro
to bo canned. Third Any delay in
cooking is suro to result in soft fish.
Fourth Soft fish left over, with which
to begin a day's cooking, wil tend to de
lay the proper attention to fresh salmon,
which, in tho morning, are in fino condi
tion. Fifth A delay of a few hours will
sometimes result in making the whole
cooking for tho day of a quality which
should not bo called first-clas3. Sixth
A rush of fish will nearly always prevent
tho proper washing down, by which tho
accumulation of fish slime, etc., may 'bo
removed; this accounts for tho lack of
neatness so noticeable in many canneries
in July.
It will readily be admitted that more
care is needed" during the hot weather
than in tho earlier part of tho season.
During July, salmon should bo cooked
every day. If a day elapse in which no
cooking is done, 'trouble may ensue.
Should a run of fish occur tho cannor
finds himself unablo to handle all tho
salmon which comes in, and, as a result,
ho pocks tho oldest fish first, so that by
tho time ho completes his work he has
been putting up stale fish for a week.
But is there a remedy for this? Very
surely. If at the beginning of a July'
day there is a supply beyond tho full ca
pacity of tho cannery, throw overboard
all tho old fish. It coats something, but
if you don't preserve tho salmon you do
keep your reputation. Then profiting by
the lesson, refuse- to accept more fish
than you can use properly; wash down
frequently and let yonr more ambitious
neighbors reap tho harvest and cook
salmon; "flat, stiilo and unprofitable"
though tho harvest Tflay be to them.
It is said to require more courago than
is possessed by tho averago canner to
throw overboard fish which co3t from
fifty to seventy-five cents. But it has
been done. One canner, who needs no
advertising, for which he does not pay,
threw overboard in ono season four thou
sand cases of cooked salmon, represent
ing a valuo to him of $20,000. Ho tested
the lot, found they were not up to his
standard, and decided that he could not
afford to risk his reputation by allowing
these salmon to be sold. Ho did not
boast of this (ho is not a man given to
that), but ho avoided all possibility of a
recurrence of this accident.
I asked him during a recent conversa
tion if ho thought it had paid him. He
replied: "That was not the question at
all, the fish was not good enough for my
own use, so nobody could have it." As a
matter of fact ho says tho public will not
learn to discriminate, but will frequently
.pay good prices for calmon of an inforior
quality. But no says, ana i agree wiiu
him, that a reputation gained by a life
time of honest dealing must havo its
weight, and he is willing to abido the is
sue, and provide an article of food,
cheap, economical wholesome and of, first
nations prizo as one- of tho most genteel ined anii unloaded at Tacoma and placed
of amusements. Chinese astronomers aro
prophesying that a new dynasty will soon
be formed, and as tho new emperor is
conducted to his royal palace he will pro
claim that all Chinamen shall be liber
ated from the obligation of wearing tho
burdensome queue. Many Chinamen
aro indifferent, but the more intelligent
aro very anxious Inat the desired change
should come quickly. They count their
ages by birthdays instead of tho actual
years. So a Chinaman is ono year old at
his birth, and is considered two years
old at tho commencement of the second
year. Sea tile Post-In tclligen ccr.
Messrs. A. Booth and J. J. Scotohler
go to San Francisco on the ontgoing Col
umbia. E. J. Partridge, the photographer, has
returned from Ilwaco and is ready for
Sheriff Jordan, of Portland, who made
hosts of friends here during the firemen's
tournament, came down on yesterday af
ternoon's boat.
W. J. Smith "Old Jerusalem" is
something of a celebrated character in
Tennessee, and it seems he is running
for something. At any rate a Tennessee
poet has broken loose in a poem, of
which tho first stanza will servo for a
Pleaso nominate Butler or Tillman,
With all o' their kin and their kith,
Come at us with anything shapely,
But shield us from W. J. Smith.
(Chorus) O, Smith, Smith, Smith!
W. Jerusalem Smith!
Beat and bamboozle 'em,
W. Jayroozle 'em,
Oozlo 'em,roozlo 'em Smith.
When times aro hard and money scarce,
Tho man who grandly rises
Above bis ills and business woes
Is he who advertises.
Test Tour BaMBg Powder To-Day !
Brand! adrertlscd as absolutely pars
rHe a ran top down on a hot ttora until
hratcd.then remove the corer and smell. A chetn
lt trill not bo required to deteci Uu pre&c t
Il ItnlUifalacsi Iks NEVER Bea QsnUea!.
Inamnilonhomforaqaarterofaccatnr7 it
lias Hood tbe consumer's reliable teat,
Price Baking -Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
Tho strongest, inost dellclons and natural
UaTor isovs, and
LV. Price's Lupuiin Ytast Gtms
lor Light, Ileal thy Dread.Tbe Beit Dry Hop
Yeast in tho world.
Light Healthy Bread.
uvur im
The oast dry hop yeast In tho world.
Broad raised by thte yeast is Hght,whita
and wholesome like our Krandmothera
delicious breed,
( WAB Department,
Adjutant Gexubais Ofi-ice,
"Washington, JulylG, 1S85.
By direction of tho secretary of war,
for the words "Desertion mark quietly
removed," used upon his business card,
J. Ambler Smith, attorney, of this city,
was, on July 7th instant, suspended from
farther practice in the bureaus of the
war department.
By order of the secretary of war.
K. O. DnuM,
Adjutant Genera
Occati Knenini::icl Io 13.
There will be a special mectins of
the members of Ocean Encampment
No. l, I. O. O. F., on Wednesday even
ing, the 19th inst, at eight o'clock. Bus
iness of the utmost importance. A full
attendance necessarj".
By order C. P.
1 am instructed by Mr. Carl Adler to
commence at once the closing out of
the balance of sroek remaining in the east
half of Ills establishment, as the prem
ises must be vacated within a few days.
Commencing at seven o'clock i. M-, on
vi:i)Ni:si).vv, jui.y 2i,
1 will offer at public auction all the
goods now contained therein, consisting
of a large assortment of first class stock,
comprising a complete assortment of
Stationery, Books, Fine Albums, Pict
ures. Fancy Glassware, Notions and
Toy., and other articles too numerous
to mention. Also Clocks, Watches,
Fine Jewelry and Silverware.
Special attention is called lo this im
portant sale. The public may rest as
sured that e cry article put up by the
auctioneer will be sold to the highest
bidder without reserve and regardless
of the cost.
The sale will be continued on Thurs
day, :0th, and every evening thereafter
till further notice.
E. C. IIoi.dex.
in bonded cars, and shipped to its des
tination in tho east, under tue supervis
ion of the custom house officers. Tea is
admitted free of duty, but is subject to
examination, according to a special act
of congress, which prohibits tho importa
tion of the article it adulterated. .e,
A New York schooner, bound to Hon
duras, picked up a large ship's boat and
towed it into port, whoro tho Admiralty
court, took it in charge. Tho boat was
duly solid for 110, and as the Admiratly
fees amounted to 103 tho sum of 14
salvage is to bo divided among tho owners,
officers and crew of tho schooner. The
proprietors got a lesson once before, when
they saved a 5000 brig, and received 128
net for the services, and since then there
has been a standing rule forbidding any
of their cantains to nick up vessola, boats
or floating property, when bound for n
British or Spanish port. For violating it
the commander of tho schooner l cathcr
spoon will be discharged when he returns
to New York. Marine Journal.
A J.ifc SaTiiiR Present.
3Jr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which caused him to procure
a large uome, inai compieieij emeu
him, when Doctors, change of climate
and even-thing else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness,Scvcrc Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free
atW.E. Dement & Co.'sDrug Store.
Large size Sl.00.
Uiiclilexi. Arnica Salve.
ThkBkst in the world for
Cuts, Unlives, Sorcs,Uleers, Salt ltheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price '25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
lanTrs ol Er. Price's special Flaionnz Eitracti,
Chicago, III. 6t. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CuiTiNa.ilKRLK & Co., Acents
Portland, Oregon .
The Babies Cry For It,
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy activity. For sale by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Clothing Ju
Received !
And Must Be Sold
With the expectation of a large Clothing- Trade at the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS o a
end of the
all kinds to
arrive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed AllAVool Business Suits 810 00
Men's Mixed Cassimcre Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimcre Frock'Busincss Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-. 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Mens Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 632.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All!
Xiaxio For Sale,
Of splendii tone and fine make. Will
be sold at a bargain. Apply at this office.
Mioal water Key OyHleM
Constantly on hand, cooked to any:
at Frank Fabre's
Comprosctl Yeas.
A good many ladies would make their
own bread if they could get good yeast
in convenient shine. A. V.Allen has
it in small cakes, the famous compressed
veast. Call and gat a sample cake. It
is the hot made and is in such shape
that ymi will have no inconvenience.
To be had only at A. V. Allen's family
grocery store.
Something IVcw.
A. V. Allen has a splendid coffee mill.
Call and see it. Fresh roasted coffee of
all grades received daily and ground to
order. If you like good collee leave an
order and you will be pleased.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Da PAltK, Prop.
OSfe'CJCxGX 5T9.
Cany in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
Griffin & reed,
i i
Everything new received as soon as published.
For a 1'eat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, ro to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All sods of the best make and Ruaran
tccd quality. A full stock; new coods
constantly arrivinp. Custom work.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by v. E. Dement.
"Hackmetack," a lastinc and fra
Rtant perfume. Price 25 ana 50 conts.
Sold by Y. E. Dement.
Sj-rup orFJgs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. Is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant Tumid fruit remedy may be
had or W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels sently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadaehs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
c. E. BAIX,
Will jou suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's v italizer Is
Siaranteea to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussisr of San Francisco
W. Lussier 01 San Francisco lias en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Good Dwelling House
For rent or sale, one block from Post
office. Apply to Jeff.
So 3Iorc Hard Times Free
You live in vain if you do not go to
the Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy
George. NO MORE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2.
Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc.
Vaquero Cigars, AAA Old Talley
Wlnskv, isoca ueer on ciraugnt, iiau-and-IIalt;
Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piano; Best place in town.
A Good Cigar,
Jubt as good as 3011 usually pav a bit for
can be had FOR FIVE CENf S at 0. P.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frauk Fabre's.
All tho patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Iienumerv, aim I'Hiut amuics, eicuau
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W
Conn's drug store, opposito Ociden
hetel, Astoria.
Warrants, deeds, mortgages, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
Co flee Itlill.
Foard & Stokes' coffee mill is in oper
rttion. Frpsh roasted coffee ground In
quantities to suit. All brands of coffee
at the lowest prices. Your coffeo ground
while you wait. Wo guarantee posi
tive satisfaction to our customers.
Bo You Think that Jeff" ei
Tho Chop Houi
(lives von a meal for nothing, and a
class of something to drinfc? "Not
much I" but ho Gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys ny the wholesale and
pays aash. "That settles it"
Haying built and refitted with improved
machinery the above mill at large expense,
we are now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes el
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of Mill Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Mouldings, Turning and Bracket Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We cordially invite ourtrlcnds and the pub
lic to plve us a call.
Cor. Gtaevleve and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or.
BAIN & HART. Proprietors.
Holclen's Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chenamus Street. - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 :30 a. 31., at my Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate.
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfully solicited,
Notarv Public for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly Orecronfan.
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
At Frauk Fabrc'.
Board for $22iK) a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Anv one desirinc the services of Mrs.
Kate "Duffy as nurso from the 10th of
Sentember untl' he 10th of December
will please addr her at lilttle Falli,
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
bv that terrible couch. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
New Goods!
New Styles!
Men's, Yovrtlis' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
"!?' "-