m f '!i.--f"S, ( Site gmttj toriim. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. .. JULY CO. 1885 The Jefferson Democratic Associa tion" at "Washington has thus far filed charges against 875 officials. A Boston statistician says that $1 will buy as much of the necessaries of life to-day as S1.50 in 1875, $1.32 in 1855, 01 cents in 1815, and 1.19 in 1825. Jons C. Fremont, now seventy two, says that he camped where Chi cago is, where Minneapolis is, and where Salt Lake City is, before there was a house at either place. The death of Grant is a serious loss to the ghoulish caricaturist of Puck who has always taken delight in printing villainous pictures of the old general and tried to make him ridiculous. TnE Sixteenth Amendment, a pro hibition paper, published in Buffalo, has fixed things for 1S8S. This is its presidential ticket for that year: For president, Lucy "Webb Hayes; for vice president, Elizabeth Cleveland. TnE proportion of illegitimacy in Chili is prodigious, exceeding 23 per cent. In the United States it is less than 7 per cent In Austria, lhe-Eu-ropoan country which approaches most nearly to Chili in this particular, it is less than 13 per cent. It is in the Pacific ocean that what is probably the deepest water on the surface of the globe has been found. In latitude 11 deg. 21 min. north, longitnde 113 deg. 16 min. east, En glish scientific explorers dropped the sounding line 1,575 fathoms, about five and one-fifth miles. Watermelon seed pools are the newest style of gambling. Each player puts in a quarter, or any other sum agreed upon, and makes his guess, then the melon is cut and the seeds are counted, and the best guess er takes tho pool. Something over six hundred seems to be the average number. A Frenchman has patented a pro cess for making butter by passing a current of electricity through milk, thus rendering the operation of churning unnecessary. A similar method is to bo used for cheese mak ing, and to restore ancient butter to its original sweetness of flavor. A senator recently was pressing for an appointment, and finally said to tho president that tho applicant had been in "Washington since the 1th of March. Tho president is represented as saying that if that was the case ho did not want the man, "because if he has been in Washing ton since the 1th of March he's spoiled." Nobody thinks of the District of Columbia as more pestilential in its climate and surroundings than South Carolina or Msssissippi with their swamp miasma and epidemic fevers; and yet census tables just published show that the death rate is greater in the District of Columbia than in any state or territory in the union. The chief of tho bureau of statis tics reports that tho total value of imports of merchandise during the year ended June 30, 18S5, was 577, 176,850, a decrease of $90,220,813 com pared with the preceding year. Ex ports of merchandise for the year ended June 30, 1885, were $711,893, 683, an increase of $13S,071 over the preceding year. The notice into which a London newspaper has just come, bv its arti cles on the moral depravity of the great citj', makes it interesting to know tho origin of tho name and the paper. The words are pronounced "Pell Mell," and were used to desig nate an athletic game, in which a ball is driven through an iron ring with a mallet. It was played in the neighborhood of St James parkin the time of Charles II, and gave the name to the celebrated street, Pall Mall, Thackeray, in his "Pendennis," described an imaginary newspaper under the name of The Pall Mall Gazette. Years afterward tho pres ent paper bearing that name was started, thus perpetuating the fancy of tho great novelist. The originator and first builder of an iron ship is living in New Orleans in extreme poverty and old age. He is Commodore "William H. Hunter, formerly of the United States navy and later of the confederate navy. "While a lieutenant in tho old navy, long before the war, he pressed the subject of iron ships on the attention of tho navy department in various reports, and at last secured authority of tho department to build an experi mental vessel. This vessel was con structed at Pittsburg in 1817. That was the beginning of a change which has converted half the navies of the world into iron vessels. As has often happened in such cases, Commodoro Hunter received no profit from the valuablo conception of which ho was the author, and now that ho is old, poor and broken down, tho world has lost sight of him. The New York Post of the 27th, in speaking of tho decision to bury Gon. Grant in Central park, says with can dor and good sense: "Although his son, Colonel Grant, has expressed a desire for his interment in Central park at the head of the mall, wo feel sure that further consideration in calmer moments would satisfy him, as well as other members of the fami ly, that a place of popular amusement like the park, and particularly that part of the park in which the baud plays and lovers of amusement con gregate, is hardly suitable. The fact that the Soldiers' Home is on the border lino botween tho north and south gives it peculiar fitness as a place of interment. The Soldiers' Home is national in its character; it is near to tho scenes of tho dead he ro's greatest triumphs, both military and civil; it is within sight of Arling ton, that great bivouac of tho dead where so many thousands of his com rades lie; it is a memento of the first war in which he took part; but most of all it overlooks two great sections of our common country, that claim equal right to render homage at his tomb. Tho claims of the nation are superior to those of New York, and it cannot be supposed that any wish of tho dead chieftain would be opposed to the desire of the whole nation to have a share in the testimonial tho perpetual testimonial to his great ness." NEW TO-DAY. SOMETHING KEW! Tlu Genuine IuiihuLhI Culmbaclier Lager Beer. Never before in Astoria. Try it once :iT THE TIXi:PI103.E": And you will drink no oilier. JUSTHECEXVEB LUXURIOUS Easy Lounging Chairs, For Sale Cheap at "ES O- IQIolcaLoiQ.'Vs Auction Rooms. Notice. NEITHER THE UNDERSIGNED agents nor Captain Jonas of the British hark llirinaJiUom Honolulu will be respons ible Tor any debts contracted by the crew Avliilc at tbis port. MEYER, WILSON & CO., Astoria, July 21th, 1SS5. Mta Milieu IX A stylish business suit - $10 Former prico - - - 15 A stylish business suit - 11 Former price - - - 1G Fine Diagonal suit - - 20 Former price - - - 2o The very best dress suit 25 Former price - - - 30 Boys' and youths' suits at greatly re duced prices, also all the extensive as sortment of Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Sold at cost by M. D. KANT, THE BOSS Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ADLEES MEAT TO-NIGHT ! SEE SMALL BILLS. Private Boarding House. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPFCTFULLY announces tlut she is prepared to fur nish ladies r Gentlemen with Hoard only, or with Hoard and Furnished Rooms at cry reasonable Kites. No extra charge for use of Parlor or Rath room, and cery effort will be made to make her guests feel com fortable and at home. Dinner Served from .".to Ca I. .12. 3ms. i:. O. ZIOLDK.V. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson stro.'ts. Abstracts of Title. miiE cndersigned has compiled A a s?t of Abstract Hooks from the records of Clatsop County and is now prepared to funiMi complete and correct Abstracts of Title to anv Heal Estate iu the Count v, at re.isuii.iuie rate. C. It. THOMSON, Attomev at Law. Astoria. Oregon. OrKiCE, Koum 5. uver City Hook Store. Dissolution of Copartnership. N jetici: IS HEEEHY given that the iiiulersiirned formerly partners uouis harness utnler the firm name of heii5on& Anderson, have tills d.iv disolvcd nartner- hliip by mutual consent, Martin Anderson letiring and Chris. Evcnson continuing said misuiess. &.ua enns uvenson to pay an or the indebtedness of said firm and collect all arcouutsaml monevs due or to become due it. MARTIN ANDERSON. CHRIS. EVEN'SON. Dated the 2nd day of Julv. ISSJ. Notice to Taxpayers. ALL PERSONS "WISHING A CORRECT representation of their taxable proper ty on the county assessment roll should hand in their statements immediately to the assessor. He will be found at his office iu the court 1ioiim from C a. m. to 8 i. si. All assessment blanks must be In by August 1st. J. F. WARREN. County Assessor. H. B, KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Keasonnble. Shop and office on Cass street, one door above Frank Fabrc's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. FOR TILLAMOOK! Str. A. B. Field, Capt. Gabrielson, Will leae Main street wharf every Satur day at S a. St., until further notice, during August. September and October. Freight perO. K&N. Co. will connect at Astoria. K-ite from Portland and A.stoiia to Hobson ville$Gcr ton. Passage from Astoria 5. Address HADOLLbT & CO., Astoria. I he Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Coin enience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines ami Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. T JEFFREY. Frop'r. EXCURSION TICKETS! FItOM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Tor $2.50, OK THE -'TELEPHONE," 1 his holds good until September 30th, 1SS3 MerctiantsInrleBenflent S. S.LIne BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco. The A 1 Steel Steamer WILfflXGTOX Will leave San Francisco OX OR ABOUT AUGUST rI. (Eact sailing date Riven soon.) For particulars in regard to freight and passage inquire of Z .1. HATCH. Agent, Portland, or FRANK. BARNARD SCO.. San Francisco. Notice. THE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF DISTRICT No. I. Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, is completed, and now in the hands of the Directors of said district. The same can be seen at the office of the clerk. Parties inter ested ran examine the same and file objec tions If they have any thereto, until the 7th day of August, 1SS3, on which day the Di rectors will sit as a board of equalization to consider the same. Hy order of the Board of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER, Clerk. Astoria, July 7th. 38S5. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTEAL ly located. Apply at tills Offlce. M &B S2 i We beg to direct special attention to our LATEST DI PORTATIOXS of NOVELTIES Fine Dress Goods, Lawns, Parasols, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Etc., Etc, Which we are selling according to our motte: The Best Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. PEASL BROS. Dealer at Wholesale and Retail in furmtnt-a ifofirimcr suuiiiuiuj uuumb5 Oil Cloth., Wail Paper, Window Shades, Mouldings, Etc. Astoria Furniture Co. Dealers Furniture, Bedding, Waii Paper, Mirrors, PICTURES, IohIbi, Carpets, Iattins, Picture Iraies, f in (low Shales, etc. Cor. Chcnamus and Hamilton Sts. II. l)v BUJSSOX, Manager. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Thirty Professors and Instructors. 336 Students! Departments of literature. Lair. 3Ici'IcInr,jluIc and Arl. Elocution a specialty. Hoard and home for ladies in the Woman's College, SWo per week. Mrs. V. S. Harring ton, Dean. Gentlemen board In clubs for $2,"i0 to 53.00 per week. Many hoard themseh es for SI.00 to $1.50 per week. The best moral gevernment: is maintained. Tuition halt price to children of ministers and thoe preparing for the ministry. First term begins September 7th. Law Department opens Sept. IGth. Medical Department oihmis In Portland December 2nd, 1SS3, Dr. E. P. Fraser, Dean. Send for catalogue and Information to THOS. VAN SCO'S", President, Salem, Or J. P. AUSTIN, Seaside - Oregon DEALER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. S-A FINE BILLIARD TABLE. J. A. WILSON. (Late of San Francisco.) PAINTER, PAPER HANGER AND I3ECOH.ATOR Has located in Astoria and solicits a share efthe patronage. All work strictly Ilrst class. Terms moderate. Order box at Van Dusen's. NOTICE. FRESH FRUITS, Candy and Notions, Good Cigars and Tobacco, at c. i "witsoars tSTCOfilE AND SEE ME. Tkrasuiiv Dkpaktmknt L.S. LlFK SAYIXO Skiivick. Washington-. D.C Juia'C. ISS" (SEALED I'KOrOSALS WILL BB RE- . O eelcd at this ofllcc until 2 o'clock r. m. of Thursday, the 13th day of August, 1S53, for the construction of a frame cottage at the Shoalwater Bay Life-Saving- Station, near the light-house. Eacli bid must be ac companied by a certified check for one hun dred dollars ($100) drawn to the order of the Secretary of theTreasury,as security that the bidder will enter into contract without de lay, and give such bonds for the faithfulper formancc thereof as may be required If his bid be accepted. Specifications and plans, forms of proposals and full information can be obtained of the Collector of Customs. As toria. Oregon ; the Keepcrof the Shoalwater Hay Life-saving Station. North Cove, Pacific county, Washington territory ; and the Su perintendent of the 12th Iifc-S.iing Dist rict, room 2.1. Appraiser's building, San Francisco. California. All proposals must be endorsed. "Proposals for constructing a cot tage at Shoalwater Ray Life-Saving Sta tion." and addressed U. S. Life-Savins Ser vice, Washington, 1). C. The right to reject any or all bids, or to waive defects, is rc- serveu. S. J. KIMBALL. General Superintendent. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF CLAT son. ss. By virtue of the written request of Win. Wherry endorsed upon a certified copy of a certain cuanei mortgage uatea -May ictn, 18S5. aud civen bv T. Helceson to said Win. Wherry for the sum of 8 50 with Interest tucrcon at me rate ot ten per cent per an num, requesting me to foreclose said chattel mortgage, I did upon the 17th day or July, 1833, levy upon the following described per sonal proierty, one fishing boat, particular ly described as follows, to-it;one fishing boat thirty feet long, eight feet and eight inches beam, ( Inside measurement.) three feet deep and painted blue on the out side, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the time of sale, at the foot of Cass street In Astoria, In said county and state, on Friday, the first day of August. 18S3, at the hour of 10 :30 a. m. of said day to sat isfy said sum and Interest together with the costs, expenses and accruing costs. W.G. BOSS, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Astoria, July 21st, 1SS5. alas-nato MziUn mi putj euihis in WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any o'li- ; eraxe made. Hundreds of womlnipii tos. 1 tify to its supe riority, it coes Deep ami Scter Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., A cents. Astoria. Price, S1.C0. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Street, Nkak Pakkkk House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAI ailAEffi ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTIKTGrS , Ofall Descriptions made to Order at Short rotice . A. D. Wass, President. J. O. Hustleh, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. joun Fox.Suporintendent. Notice. BE IT KNOWN TILVT T.GEO. W. PAR dec, of Astoria. Oregon, have thLs day purcased of .M. C.IIutchings the right of the said SI. C.JIutchlngs patent process for test ing sealod cans in the state of Oregon and territory of Washington, for the term of 1" years from t lie 17th day of March. lSS, ex cept one right sold to M. J. Kinney and one right sold to the Aberdeen Packing Co., at Ilwaco. W. T. GEO. W. PABDEE. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Treasury to pay all county orders pre sented prior to January 1st, lbSl. All such orders will cease to draw interest after this date. ISAAC BEItGMAN, Treasurer Clatsop County. Astoria, Or, July 21th, 18S5. G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMiTHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. iiXE. J.C.Trullinger From and After ilyli Si??. GOODS WILL BE SOLD fbane: l. iTr-rmT tt- OKA.IEU IN Hay, Oats, and Straw, Line. Briot, Cement, Sand, anil Plaster Wood Pclirered to Order. Drayinsr. Teaming anil HijircssBii'dnm. rEll .ipi'ly to the Captain, or to A FtTLI. STOCK a a sj.se. DEAI.EK Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD CGQDS. Agent, for Magee Stores and Rims The Best iu the market. Piumblng poods of all kinds oa hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner THE NEW MODEL l3lllkSSc -"?!:"2??v I'ANf.K CAN BE HAD IN A" 0SKilC: TOKIA ONLY OF gfefS a B. SAWBS m$MmmSdi fes AfiE-vr PLUMBING, GAS FITTING' AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cheunnnis Street, Xcxi toC L. Parker's Store. Carnaiiaxi & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RRTAIL DEALERS IN :i itllli Corner Checamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will apply to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meetinjr for a license to sell iine, malt and spirituous liquor in less quanti ties than one quart, for a period of one year In the building formerly occupied by Luh;i Serra and known as the Cam pi .restaurant on Squemoqua street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon. DOMENICO SAUGUlNETTI. Dated July 14th, 18S5. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and K Street. PORTLAND, - - - OEEGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This is the largest and most respectably kept Hotel in the Northwest. Board and Lodging $ 1 .00 per day MEALS.25 cents. LODGING. 25 and CO cents Free Buss to and from the House. CB?ia ;ii!ncMC Emplo3ed."5:a E. Lcnlston, (Late of Minnesota HouseProp O. CLARK, AGENT. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Odd Fellows Land and Build ing association In the lodge room of Bcatf-r Lode;c No, 33, 1. 0. 0. F., on Monday. August 21th.lS85.attwop. m. A full attendance is requested. A.J.MEGLER, Socretary. Astoria, Oregon, July 22, 18S5. FOR NEW YORK, DIRECT THE FINE At BARK BESSE, This well known and favorite Clipper will go on berth in July at Portland and Astoria. The attention of SALMON and "WOOL SHIPPERS Is especially called to this opportunity- of shipping to New York at low rates of f releht. For particulars apply to TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., Ship Brokers, at Front St., Portland, or to A. AY: BERRY, Astoria. I 33k i pabker. STilAHllll i'UiU PARKER tben P. Pnther,htaster. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAU- ix. . imx:is.s:. CALL AND EXAMINE IT, WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. II A WES U :dso agent for 1 1. Buck pteit GooliBf Sior-- And other first-class S37es. Fururcco "Work. Stoam Fit tisgs. etc., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. te ry, !"- Harilwe anil Ski VAN DU8EH & CO., DEALICRS I?f Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binaclc Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Ulacliiucs, laIiLs and Oils, Groceries etc. Sol del Jew elrx Scarf Fins, Chains, Watches, Pianos and Organs of (lie Best mahc at the J-oYrcst Trices. The finest stock of Jewelry iu Astoria. I3?A1I goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED 3IEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars and. Tobacco. Main street, below Chenamus. FOE SENT, Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. City Taxes. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TUAT THE Tax list of the city of Astoria. Clatsop, county. Oregon, is now in my hands for the collection of said taxes, and will remain with rae for thirty days. J. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurerand Tax Collector. Astoria, July ist.iSSo. A. gm. Vg"gr .