.en , J- JP JV Jl-Jlil' VOL. XXIV, NO. 21 ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, J 885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. JI z. " """ --' BUSINESS CARDS. ink, a. i,. ni .J. a. s'tirox Will u.i' pniinnt attention to ::;1 v.d. f . anj p.m of the 'Hj orcam::ry. Oluiv o er Allen's More, onrncr l a -. an 1 ?m ni'iiKitjUK street", Ast- ill. Orvg-M . "i I'lllioi o o. 41. E I'. F 5 , : JS X ; i , : 'i'v. Koonifi, oit I). A. Mcintosh s st i". o. :rricHoui:s:-s) loll a. si. ;-:sio5r. m. "t -idoncp. opjii5c lht.Iohai:'-n budding XOLAXD & HOURS. VTTORNEYS AT LAW. . ii ICniwy's Rioek. !;. Cily ! 1 1. .-toua. Orecon. u . ri in ox. ! f- FUi.'fox. JTLTtfS KSSOT5IS:KS. . I'TOKMEVS AT LAW. stoi.j'isSar.d c.Odd IY'Ioas Building. i tr.o v. :AKiv.r.st SURVEYOR OF Cln.t-.oii County and. Oity ol Astoria Office : X. K. corner Cass and Astor MrocB. Boom No. 8. T t. A. 0"V!i3Y. Attorney and Coi:i:-oIIur : t Ejaiv, OTce cm ChPiiamiis Stieet, Astoria, Oregon. architect and superintendent. OH'iOK : Room :. Kinney V Bilrl. Block, TAX TSTTJ-K. 32- . PHTSIOI AN AS D SU KG EOK OFFICE Itorttns 1, '2. and 8 Pythian Imi'.M inj'. IlKSiDF.xrK-On Codar Street, b.ick ol St. Mary's Hospital. K I'. HICKS. A- v " vw IIICKS & S2 tiv. DENTISTS. Kooins in Aliens Building, tip stairs. e;r i cr Cass and Squrinrqiia .sliocK Atoiia Oregon. JG'IN 11. MITCIIFM.. UM.ri: 51. 1.-T. Allorneys and Councelors at Lav. I'oonw l, 2, :.. and 4 Kauun Iiiii:!in, North East Conui of Eirst and I'iiip Streets Toi II iid, Oregon BARKING AND IHSURAHGE 1 I. F. QASS, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, Ol'EICE IIOl'IW : Eroin 0 o'clock A. M. :mtU 3 oVloK V. 11. All CAD OF ALL COHPETITOKS! Capitol Flour, 5 MantiLiclnred on the Gnn'.nal Kcuuelion System by tl:e Salem (Or.) Capitol Ficur Mills Co., liiti:d Is the onl. flout tliat has taken Eirt rrize tliree j eats In succession at the POUTS .N: 7!:C VXtC'ri FAIK. Also at State Eair. One trial issufllcient toeomir.ee of Its sin e tiotity. See that the word CAI'ITOL is on each swk GEOi:fiE SIIIEL. 8 Stalk St., l'ojt'and Agent. WILSON & 1TSHER, Astoria Agents. A CIG STOCK OF Trunks, Boo's and Shoes. Clothing. Etc., dust Eeceive.l at Phil, L Stokes & Cos, FISHERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots. Overalls, Shirts. Etc AT PhilA.Stokes&Co. Net door to l'oanl & Stokes store, is head o,uartcis for Cloth ing at Bottom Figures Everything bought here imarantcd to be just as represented. No o'd stock : every thhis fresh, and NEW GOODS on eery Steamer. Itememberthc place, FttlL. A. STOK13S & CO. CS-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Jefy Competition. Good Farm jrvV EIGHTY ACHES. TA1ITLY JM J proved, on the Klaskanine. J'or sale cheap or will eichatiRe for city propertj'. Apply at Astojuax Oitlce. :WftHffl P ftl' ec1!nn renewed t-trcngth, cr who mflcr from iiCrmllicn peculiar to their ex, khould try THE BE5T?GMJ This inilicinB ccr.lsncs Iron nith pcrs tc?cU11i tnnicK, and is mralucMo for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all u ho lead erdcnUur hrts. It )n riehes and I'orltics Iho JJIood, Mimnlctcs the AprtelrtPj flrct:ctliPiM the JIueli'M tnd m i's in fact. thnroucUj-JnviKonttCH. Clears the complexion, and inakes t ho elan smooth. It docs not blacken tho teeth, cause headache, cr prodnct) constipation aft ether Iron ncdicintt Jo. Mrs. riJZAEETn nAinp.74ranvell Aro Miliras. koe. "W'is psjt. under date nf Dec. 2Ch. 1884: "I haro nsod Brown'a Iron Bitters, and it has lipen more than a doctor to tnn. having cured me of the r.wil-ne8 ladies liavo in life. Also cured mo of Liv er Complaint, and now my complexion is dear and good. Has been beneficial to my children." Genuine has hUotp tndo marl: and rrorrod red linos onwTapper. Tnhr no ntkrr. Made only by URt.V CZIKSIIC.VL CO..It'.I.TIAIOHK,MI. Iaditb' Ham IJook UFcful and attractive, con ta:nitiR litt of pnros for nnpeK. lnformatwn al out coin, etc piven awa) by all dealers in medirmo, ur tnadbd to any address on rcctipt of 2c ttamp. SEI,L, HEITSIIU &. WOOIAH!, Wiioi.ksai.!: An tuns 1'ortl ii d Oregon. mmi 1? just 7hat its narns implies ; a Purely Vegetable "Compound, that acts directly "upon theiver j cuiing the many diseases iicidefMo that im, portant organ, and p?e?liting the nn merous ailmwits tl&tjarise from its deranged orpiTKVUclion, such as Dyspepsi Jidice, Bilionsnessj Cos'enessftyiaria, Sick-lieadache, RheamVetc. It is therefore a nisrnumr u To "have Otood Healti :hc Li?er must be kept in order." DE. SAinORD'S LIVS3 ISYIGORATOE nvisorates tlieLircr, Icgulatcs thcBotr sK Slrenthcrs the System, Purifies the Blootl,A&:Js!3D"fcstion,Prcvenlsrevcrs. Is a Household 'iTced. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complain' s. D2. SAlirOHD'3 ITVSE UTTIGOEATCS. Ai experience of Forty years, and Tho-x sands (f Tisfimonials prove ita Merit. ron r. ix r.r alt. Dn uxns in MnmctNTS For fnll ;nformn!:PT: wnd yoar addrcffl fcr 1CK t.'-5 Ilro'c on i'ic 'L:vrr and is dici,", t( ' ' p:;i?o3D duan et.. -'V Toi cn3? STEADIER MOUNTAINEER CA1T. E.J. MOODY, Astoria, Or., Call.Iamet, V. T.. Yf.Ji.ipt Or., and ii:f eripediatc points. Tlie SteaniiT Jit:.fafnerrill le.ixe Asto ria dailj, it'itll lurlhirnot'ee. from H t eiS whaif. toot tf Mam street, at ba'f-paHt-o'clock I. j... a- follows : Mondays, Wtdai'SdajK rnd I'rlilBrs, for C.vllIL.Min'atid intermediate points on Wash, l cr. itle will yo to W'e-tport, s.t:ne ilas. Tnesdajs, ThurhdajB and Satunlajs for ATESTI'OKT and mternitdiate p int on tlie On ,.oii siCe v.. il go to Ca'hlamel s:.ine days. Will Lf .15 8 CATIWALT, U.T.. for As toiia, Mnsdnjs, 'Vcdntkdays end I'ritlajs at ,eteu oc!oc2s.. 21.. touclniiat alla laud inus on 'Wash. 1 r. side, and return on same side. WlIllM-aTcAVIiSTl'OltT, for Astoria. Or. on i uesaajK, mcrMiats ana sattinihjs ni sct ea o'clock A. M., touehiuat all Any laud inys on Oregon side, and return on same shL'. Tor Freight or Parage, apjdy on board, or to .Main street Whaif. 'ColupjMa Candy IE"BLO'c2:E?3r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THH TRADE SUFFLI5D, l.eae ordesnt Astoiia Bakery, Ed. Jackson, Prop. The Gsffi Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CATiirilELL. - - PKOrKIETOR THE HEYNEKAN PUNCH CIGAR. 5 Cents. Fully Equal to the Usual Bil Cigar. Try It. To I.e. Found in Astoria only at C. r. WILSON'S. ( 1 1 SP9 mWL0 smgr 5i ?s wa Kra e - PE5 trt )rl gj - Sy Es3 A IIOYAL ROW. London, July 27. It tvHI be re niembered that at the -K-eddinR of Princess Beatrice the queen her self gave the bride away, although the official programme assigned Ihia duly lo the prince of Wales. The reasons for this change iu tho pro gramme turns out to bo that tho pi ince of Wales all along refused to tako any part whatever in the cere monies and decliued even lo be pres ent at his sister's marriage. His rame was, however, placed on the programme withont his knowledge, and iu obedience to the imperative command of his royal mother, he sulkily contented to attend tho wed ding. Upon his arrival at Osborne luns?, Beatrice vainly begged the prince lo give away tho bride, and Iho queen added her commands with as little effect The prince declared the match was beneath the dignity of the roval family, and the alliance worse even than that formed by the marriage of Priuces3 Louise lo the marquis of Lome. If Beatrice must bo given to an obscuro beggar it should never be dono with his con sent, and certainly not by his act At this juncture tho duko of Jidin- burg, probably with an eyo to his mother s hoarded millions, camo for ward and offered to officiate. He was promptly and effectually snubbed, however, by the queen, who donbtless seeing that tho substitution of the duke of Ediuburg for tho prince of Wales in so important and conspicu ons a capacity would create immedi ate suspicion that a serious eruption had taken place in the family, decided personam' to give the bride away. Couriers were accordingly instructed to circulate a story that the queen, anxious lo give crowning proof of her affections for her only remaining daughter, would personally give her away. A report is current in imperial cir cles across the channel that ex-Em press Eugenie made Priucess Beatrice her chief legate, in partial recogni tion of the constant and fonder friendship of the queen, but more that her fortunemay bediverlel from the family of the hated Jerome. As the ex-emprcss is understood lo be one of the wealthiest persons in Eu rope, tho legacy, when it falls in, will be a very -welcome addition to the exchequer of the "beggarly Balten bnrff." Serious apprehensions are felt for the health of Mrs. Grant since the death of the general. It has been this sickness, or rather tho threatening of it, which causes what lo many must be the inexplicable delay of the funeral. Under other cirenmstauces interment would have taken place rs early sis the 3d or even the 2d day of Aug'nst in fact, within the shortest time iossible within which the nec essary arrangements could bo made. All the necessary arrangements could be made quite easily before the time set, asmnch as a week indeed; but what first was a reasonable fear that after the great siege tho family could not stand tho excitement and fatigue of the funeral, has becomo a sad re ality. London, July 27. It is now an nounced that services in memory of General Grant at Westminster Abbey will lake place at 4 o'clock Tuesday, Augusts. Tho deauof Westminster will read the Episcopal service, aud Bev. Dr. Earrar "will deliver an ad dress. A large number of Americans have been allotted soats for the oc casion. The preservation of General Grant's remains during the heated term for a period of ten days is a matter of no little importance. Two days were occupied in the thorough embalming of Iho remains, tho cavities and arteries being supplied with embalm ing fluid which displaced tho blood, as it was introduced. This embalm ing fluid will be to-morrow displaced and replaced by another operation with fresh fluid. Tho process of absorption also renders frequent treatment of the remains advisable if not necessary. Tho forces now at work on the Cas cade branch of the N. P. R. It Co. will be doubled on August 1st, aud the hue pushed to completion. Lately two new camps bavo been added to the grading force, increasing tho num ber thirty men, and other additions will be made shortly. Nelson Bennett, the contractor on the branch, is in tho city securing laborers for tho work. Princeton college this year grad uated 112 ready-made editors. They aro not so good as the hand- sewed article, perhaps, bat they come cheaper. A Kcccislly of Health. It Is a prime necessity of health that the action of the bowels should be kept regular. But the way to overcome a. temporary fit cf constipation, or to remedy chronic costive ness, Is uot to deluge the stomach aud drench the bowels with purgatives of violent and painful action. Hie happy medium befrrecn au inoperative anu violent caiuamc is lies tetter's Stomach Bitters, which acts just suf ficiently upon the bowels to relax them, with out nain. aud which bcimr a wholesome ton ic, as well as aperient, lias the cfTect of strengthening both them and the stomach, and promoting the well being of the whole internal economy. Tlie removal of bl'o from the blood, increased activity of the liver, usualy dormant In cases of costlreness, and sound diction follow the uso of this benef icent medicine, as thorough and genial Iu its effects as it is safe and pure In composition. Itheumatisin. fever and.ague. klndoy troub les and debility are also remedied by it. TOE STINGIEST MAN IN 3IASSACUU- SETTS. Probably the most economical man in Essex county resides in West Ly on. Me 13 a nam worker, anu tnree crackers and a half pint of milk and water are a banquet for him. Ho oc cupies hi3 leisure time in quartering matches, and a quarter gross goes a long way in his house. For tho ben efit of thoso who cannot understand how a man can divide a match in four parts the following plan is given: Have a thin-bladed penknife; lay tho match on a smooth surface, red end poiuted toward you; split tha match by pressing down upon it with the knife, being careful not to cut across tho grain. Long practice has mado this fellow is so skillful that ho rarely fails lo make one match do the work of four. Onco iu a while his wife used to muster up courage enough to appropriato a chicken from their Hock and bako it for dinner. Upon his return homo this man, who is so "minktng." as his neighbors put it, used to open tho oven door, take a good, long smell of tho fumes arising from tho roasting chicken, drink a glass of milk, and go back to work declaring that he had "a feast fit for a king." This man had a son and one daughter. Tho son died, leaving nbont $1,000 to the girl, who was but a child. It is said by his neighbora that he actually charged his own daughter for board until the $1,000 had found its -way to his bank ac count. Boston Post. Artificial Oysters. These are saidto be manufactured in Paris. They look liko renl oysters, and taste something liko them. But they are bad things to eat, and will give almost anybody an attack of dyspepsia. There are legions of people who suffer from dyspepsia who never ate au artificial oyster. To have such excellent digestion a3 to be able to enjoy real oysters, and the other good things of life, take Brown's IronBitters, the best iron tonic over made. Sells for a dollar a bottle. Paius, July 27. President Grevy received the Ghineso ambassador to day with military honors. Tho am bassador assured Grevy that it was the firm desiro of Iho empress to be at peace with Prance. Tha Kislni; Generation. . It Is the opinion of a leading medical journal that it is timemothershould kuow how seriously the health of children is imperilled ly the use of preparations containing morphia and opium, and given for the euro of colds and coughs. The chemist of the Brooklyn Board of Health, Otto Grothc, Ph. D., a graduate of the University of Keil, Germany, certiGes officially that a harmless and yet effective article for such complaints has come to his notice. Ho refers to Bed Star Congji Cure, which he fouud purely vegetable. "The Great America! Deserf is a thing of the past The qnadrant which this 'desert" occupied on the map once embraced the area now oc cnpied'by the states of Minnesota, Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas to the Indian Ter ritory "an area in total equal to nine New Englands." Tho grain product of this "desert" in 18S0 amouuled to 612,410,200 bushels. That Ilaeking Cimgrt can be so quiet y cured by Sntloh's Cure We euantii'pt' ir. S-dtl by V. K. DoniPiiL Wit v-i!! you cougn when ShUoh's Curt' ui'i urn tmtnedi.UV relief. Trice 10 ol- .71 ! and SI. Sold by Y. K. De tn.nt. Mii'olt's Cough ana Consumption Cure is- solo by us on guarantee. It cities consumption. Sold byW.E.Ut' ment The GEj. MILES Will Make TWO TRIPS DAILY! TO Forts Stevens and Canby, And llwaco. The ecoml trip wl 1 bo made upon the ar rival of the boats from Portland, llils gives every one a splendid chance to get THE OCEAN BREEZE, And sec tlie Mouth of the Columbia. II. P. GREGORY & CO. Vi, ." "Vottti Front St., rorllaml. Or. DEALERS IN Rilfe Bellini, Hose & Pactinrr Sole agents for the New York Bcltinj; and Packing Co. We handle nothing hut the best and guar antee more sen-Ice for the money than can bo obtained from any other Rubber Goods in the market. LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND! BRITISH BARK Firtli of Dornoch. We shall nlace this fine Iron bark on the berth at Liverpool for August loading. Portland or Astoria shippers can obtain full particulars as to freight and Insurance rates by applying to MEYER. WILSON & CO.. Portland, or to WILSON. MEYER & CO., 15 Bran-wick st., Liverpool. jS-yjJVy Red Star TRADE M MARK, Sh (ure tTixnliifrTtr Free from Oaiales. Hmctlcs and. Jobtnn.t. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For Concha, Soro Throat, IIoarseneM, Coldi, laancnzs, Bronchitis, Athma, Croup, YfLoop- lac Conch, Qn!nj-, Pains In Chest, end othsr srectton of tho Throat and Lungs. Price SO cents a bottle. Sold by Drnsglsts and DMlers. JPartles unable to indues UMr dealer lo irromptl'j get it for them xcill receive tiso bottles, Expreta charge paid, by tending one dollar to TUB C1URUS A. TOGKIXn C03I15T, Solo Owscn nd HanoAKtarart, IUlUmorr. XarjUad, C. 8. A. 3. ARNDT & JFERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP A.VD Rnilnr shnn -2x AU kinds of .'ENGINE, CANNERY, -AND- b i E A3IB0 AT WORK Promptly attended to. A -specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. WiisonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, . HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Homing Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, Meriate anil Cabinet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, VEXT TO TnE ASTORIAX BDTLDIKS. JS-All work done In a skillful wanner on short uotico at reasonable rates. HAVE YOU Aiytliii to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, MED & STOKES Will give you the bast price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Ilawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at E0AED& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. Street Lumber. $8.50 a Thousand, West Short Lumbar Milli. J. . TRLLrNB8,Prp. JIs3s3K-s&'-. tVCMbn' SPECIAL NOTICE! Oregon Bailway ai Mptioi Co, gtia.Tr. m &i? Time 3?fcfcl. Commencing July 9, the BLb Ri Will leave Fort Clatsop at 11 Jb nday, and will leave At 12 o'clock, noon, on same day Oron arrival of Str. Gen. Miles from llwaco, anivingin Portland abontSP.M. Evcrj- Sunday a SjicciuX Trip Will be made leaving Fort Clatsop at 5 P. M. and Astoria for portand at G P. M. Sunday afternoon or after connecting with Str. Gen. Miles from ll waco, arriving in Poitland about 2 A. M. : RETUiSiVlXft : Will leave Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at SiJO A. M. and every Saturday at 10 A. M. for Astoria and Fort Clatsop," arriving in Astoria Tues days and Thursdays about 3 P. M. and on Saturdays about -150 P. M., con necting with Str. Gen. Miles for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and llwaco. The Fast and Elegant Steamer WIDE WEST Will leave Astoria for Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M. Beturuing will leave Portland for Astoria and Fort Clatsop ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G A. M. connecting with Str. Geii. Miles for llwaco. Excursion Tickets Astoria to Portland and return good until Sept 30, $2.50. E. A. NOYES, Agent, JNO.J.BYRNE, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. H. D. GRAY Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Vood, Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT l General Storage and Wharfage on rcason- i able terms. Foot of Henton stn-ot. Astoria. Oregon. Witt. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENAMTJS STS. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Timef I)eposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. S. EL.3IOKE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAMABE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlaa. AND Copper. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ies It cut on Lake Cocollala and Is pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G. REED, Manager. Coliiliia Transuortatioii Company. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE tfEW TELEPH Which has been specially built for tho comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving.at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. H. 9An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Wecu, leaving Portland at O'clock Saailay Morals. Passengers by this route connect at Kalaroa fcr Soma port, u. B. SCOTT, President Fast and Elegant Steamer ? A. M. every Wednesday and 6T. B. 1M11KER. Iropr. First Class in Every Bespeei. Free Coach to Iho House. C. W. KNOWLKS. u d. miowN". St. Charles Hotel, (European Pfan.l BROWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietor-; First Chass in- Eveuv Respect, Good Restanrant Connected with theIIour Fire-proof Bricfc Rnitding. 150 Ecoms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison SK. Puttland. Or CLATSOP BEACH, OREGON. Tills Well-Known and POPULAR SUMMER RESORT Will 0PE. FOR TJIE SEASON OF 1SS.1, Saturday, June 27. TERMS. Board per week n oa Board per day. 2.r0 Children under 12, half price. For further particulars apply to CIIAS. OllLE, Manager. SciSide. Or D. P. Tuoairsox, Receiver, Portland LMO LODGING H0USE1 RESTAURANT J. X. HAMILTON.. .Prop No. C7 Water St., Astoria. Nice, new, clean Beds, and careful at Jen tion to lodgers. The Table supplied ith the best In season. THE BAR Is supplied with an extra quality of liquor? and cigars. A Well Furnished Table ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED Witii the best and cooked in a neat and w holesomc way. can be found at Mrs. G. W. Rucker's Private Boarding House, over Eat on & Carnahan's, next to Odd Fellows Build- Terms; $5 a week, $22.50 per month. $1 a day. STExYMER