The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 28, 1885, Image 3

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..JULY M. 1S-5
(Monday excepted)
J. 1". HAliL.02AN & COMPANY,
ruBLism:us and proprietors,
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week.. .
Sens !y Mail, per month
" r " one year
Free of po-jtage to Mibcribers.
. 15cts.
ISAdvertiscinents inserted by the year at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fiftv cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
Tiie ASToniAX guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the. St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Council meeting to-night.
How's your back? If you want a real
easy chair call at E. C. Holden's.
Hov. "W. S. Hamlin and family go to
Ocean beach this morning to spend a few
Capt. J. G. Hustler gives notice con
cerning assessment roll school district
No. One.
Astoria lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T., has
adjourned further sessions till the first of
next October.
Fine underwear and tho latest novelties
in neckwear just received at Mcintosh's
furnishing store.
"Prof." Chancy has sued tho Xcw
Northwest for libel placing the damages
to his character at 10,000.
The Columbian of tho 24th has the
best poetry on tho death of Grant that
has yet made its appearance in Oregon.
Goods are being slaughtered at Adler's.
Things went very cheap last night.
Seats will be provided for ladies this
There will bo a danco at the school
house at Ilwaco to-night; supper at Cen
tral hotel; tickets ?2, admitting gentle
man and ladies.
There will bo a race at Ilwaco at two
o'clock next Saturday afternoon, between
Graham's black mare "Flora Belle," and
Hall's "Pat," for $50 a side, 300 yards.
As a coincidence it may be noted thai
Seattle collected and spent precisely tho
same amount for its Fourth of July cele
bration that Astoria did for tho firemen's
Chadwell reports hot weather and hay
ing: a good deal of clearing going on
which the present dry weather helps:
times "quiet" but every one in hopes
they soon may mend.
The Wynnslay cleared from San Fran
cisco for Queenstown last "Wednesday
with 50,091 centals wheat valued at 81,
33G. More than one half of her cargo is
composed of Oregon wheat carried from
here by the 0. 11. & N. steamers.
Tho moonlight excursion on the Telc
plione will bo something fine. Better go
than wish you had. Music, moonlight,
harmony, dancing, homo in good time.
Get your ticket, only fifty cents. Cush
ing ilelief Corps guarantees you a good
A hook baited with tho fringe of a red
shawl, by a Portland boating party, was
seized by a large salmon last Sunday, and
the Orcgonian gravely reports that "the
man who baited those hooks will try
trolling for salmon in front of tho city
with a spoon and appropriate tackle."
D. S. 1L Buick, grand patriarch of tho
grand encampment I. O. O. F., of Ore
gon will bo hero to-morrow ovening and
will pay an official visit to Ocoan encamp
ment. He is visiting the encampments
throughout the northwest and from hero
goes to Victoria and New "Westminster.
A man who had a minuto to spare yes
terday was telling why it was that the
Portland folks mado a failuro of tho bal
loon ascension on tho 4th. Ho said the
day was so warm that the hot air in tho
balloon was cooler than tho hot air out
side, and tho blamed thing refused to
stir. Mebbe so.
Tho report of the supremo chancellor
of the Knights of Pythias, for tho year
ending March 31, 1883, shows 2,0G9 subor
dinate lodges, with an aggregate mem
bership of 154,900, an increaso of about
10,000 over the last report. The order is
spreading rapidly in Mexico and tho
South American states.
H. D. Pugsley, who killed Jno. Mcin
tosh on tho south fork of tho "Willapa
last Tuesday, gave himself np to tho offi
cers immediatly after tho commission of
the deed. Mcintosh was a single man.
Pugsley has a wife and two children.
Tho quarrel is said to havo been about a
fallen tree, but all accounts of the affuir
are very meager.
Fires on every sido mako tho atmos
phere close and add to the general dis
comfort produced by tho present heat.
Tho sun at noon looks down from a cop
pery sky, and sets in flame; the moon
comes up like a blood smeared disc, and
wears an uncanny look all night, and
every puff of wind makes ono think
there's a firo somowhere so pungent and
smoky does it striko the nose.
Frank Parker advertises that after the
1st he will sell goods for cash -only. If
that plan was adopted all over town it
would be sonic inducement to those who
pay cash all the time. As it is thero is
very little encouragement to a man to
pay coin at tho time because ho doesn't
get tho purchase a bit cheaper than tho
man who has to bo dunned and dunned
and dunned and who finally wants to set
tle at a discount.
Tho board of fire delegates met last
ovening and appointed judges and clerks
for the ensuiuc election for chief encin-
eer of tho Astoria fire department which
takes place on tho tenth of next month.
Tho judges are C. H. Stockton, of
No. 2's, C. !J. Curtis, of No.
l's,andEd. D. Curtis of Alerts. Tho
clerks aro Thos. Boolling, of No. l's, and
W. E. Warren of No. 2's. Tho polls will
be at 2"s engine house.
"While visiting at Foster's placo on
Crooked creek, across the river, last week,
Geo. M. Howe heard a commotion one
day near the house aud saw a hugo 1,000
pound black bear seize and carry off a 200
pound hog. Ho got a rifle and followed
Mr. bear, finally getting a range shot at
him, taking him in tho shoulder and put
ting tho bullet through Bruin's heart.
George has ono claw and the funny bono
of the bear as trophies, and for a man
who wasn't in robust health it was a first
class exploit.
A boy named Jas. Ferrell was before
Justice Goodell yesterday afternoon on a
charge of assault and battery. He had
flung a stono at tho littlo daughter of
Capt. Eben Parker Sunday afternoon,
striking the child in the breast and
causing grave doubts as to her recovery
a3 she was prostrated, having vomited
blood. The case was held under advise
ment awaiting the result of her injuries.
It is a warning to the hoodlum prac
tice of throwing stones indulged in by
thoughtless boys throughout the city a
practice that should bo stopped.
Astohia July 27, 1835.
Meeting was called to order and com
munications from secretary of Astoria
No. 1, notifying the board of the election
of tho S. Danziger and Peter Secommut
members of Astoria Ko.l, referred to com
mittee on certificates. Communication
notifying the board of tho death of Irving
Stevens and II. II. Brown; secretary in
structed to make proper entries. Also a
notico of the resignation of Cbas.
Stickles, a member of Astoria No.
1; saTctary instructed to make
S roper entry. Communications from
b. 1, notifvinc tho board of tho
election of M. Olsen a delegate in lieu ?
of A. Marker, removed, il. Ulsen pre
sented his credentials as a delegate from
No. 1. accepted and ordered placed on
The president stated that the election of
judges and clerks would now be in order,
whereupon tho following were elected:
Ed. D. Curtis, of Alert Co. No. 1; C. H.
Stockton, Kcscue No. 2; C. J. Curtis,
Astoria No. L The following clerks
were elected: Thos. Boelling, of Astoria
No. 1; "W. E. Warren, of Rescue No. 2.
On motion the judges and clerks just
elected be declared the judges and clerks
of elections for tho department year.
On motion tho election to be held in
ItescuQ Engino Co. No. 2's building.
Committee on certificates reported that
certificates bo granted S. Danzigerand
Peter Secommut, On motion icport ac
cepted and certificates ordered granted.
C. Bbown,
tiraut lu Portland.
Less than two years ago Ulysses S.
Grant walked tho streets of the city of
Portland, where he had spent the least
meritorious portion of his life; where he
had been an ill-paid subaltern, looking
in vain for promotion and struggling
manfully to emancipate himself from
the tyranny of drink. Ho canio back to
us on the completion of tho Northern
Pacific, to find both changed for tho bet
ter. Portland had grown from a dirty
riverside hamlet into the most cosmopol
itan city on tho continent, when its size
is considered. And he had become,
through the medium of opportunity, not
only tho foremost soldier of the ago, but,
while still moving in privato life, the
foremost citizen of the world's grandest
republic. I was talking with another
man of self creation, another ono of stern
and rugged fiber, since gone over to the
silent majority Gen. Ja-T. "W. Nesmith,
when we met the man of Fort Douelson.
The salute was cordial but characteristic
ally terse:
"Hello, Grant."
" How are you, Nez? "
Break! Broke! Break!
On thy marginless shares, O, T.
For I would that I could recover
The fortune I lost in thee!
Oh, well for the broker bold,
That ho buys aud sells on tho floor!
Oh, well for tho fortunate wight
"Who hath geld in great galore!
For the prico went down, down, down,
And the loss I saw in dismay,
And the money invested in railway stock
Has vanished forever and aye!
Break! Broke! Break!
On thy marginless sharos, O. T.!
But the Bpeclral form of a fortuno that's
"Will over bo haunting me.
" Oregon Transcontinental.
The circulation of a paper should not
be a secret. The business man who ad
vertises in 1(3 columns has a right to
know how many peoplo aro going to
read his advertisement, and the newspa
per man who intends to bo fair has no
objection in telling it. Sunday Mercury.
Ocean Kitc.impmcnt fto IS.
There will be a special meeting of
(he members of Ocean Encampment
No. is:, 1. 0. 0. F., on Wednesday even
ing, the inth iust, at eight o'clock. Bus
iness of the utiist importance. A full
attendance necessary.
By order C. 1
1 am instructed by 3ir. Carl Adlcr to
commence at once the closing out of
the balance of stock remaining in the east
half of his establishment, as the prem
ises must be vacated within a few days.
Commencing at seven o'clock r. m., on
1 will oiler at public auction all the
goods now contained therein, consisting
of a large assortment of first class stock
comprising a complete assortment of
Stationery, Book, Fine Albums, Pict
ures, Fancy Glassware, Notions and
Toys, and other articles too numeious
to mention. Also Clocks, Watches,
Fine Jewelry and Silverware.
Special attention is called to this im
portant sale. The public may rest as
sured that every article put up by the
auctioneer will be so!d to the highest
bidder without reserve and regardless
of the co3r.
Thesale will be continued on Wednes
day, 29th, and every evening thereafter
till further notice.
11 C.,
W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Good Dwelling- House
For rent or sale, one block from Post
oflice. Apply to Jkff.
At Franlc Falre'.
Board for $22.50 a month. The best
hi the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notico, go to Frank Fabre's.
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kate "Duffy as nurse from the 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will please address her at Littlo Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dj-spepsia.
Price 10 aud 73 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
I'iaxio Tor Sale,
Of splendi-1 tone and fine make. Will
be sold at a bargain. Apply at this office.
Items of Interest About Our 5eIghbors.
Harvest hands aro plenty and wages
low in tho "Willamette valley.
About 13,000,000 pounds of wool will be
clipped in Oregon and "Washington terri
tory this year.
Sines 1874, thirty-threo vessels havo
been stranded on the coast of "Washing
ton territory.
The Portland iron works havo secured
the contract for tho fish ladder at the
falls at Oregon City.
The territorial penitentiary committee
havo selected "Walla "Walla as tho placo
for the new prison building.
Two years ago hop3 were a dollar a
pound in Washington territory. Now
they are worth from six to ten cents.
Tacoma's water company has doubled
its rates. Tho newspapers kick and the
company ask "Wot yer goin' to do about
it, heyr"
A Portland commission merchant last
week shipped 1800 pounds of blackber
ries to towns in eastern Oregon, Idaho
and Montana.
The hay crop on tho Sound is very
largo this season. It has all been secured
without any loss. Grain crops aro also
yielding large returns.
A gas explosion in the Carbonado coal
mine killed a man last Monday. Four
men have already lost their lives in that
mine on account of the deadly gases.
Jackson county offers the following
bounties for scalps: Panther or cougar,
$3; grizzly bear, 5; brown bear $5; wild
cat or catamount, $1; mountain wolf, $5;
coyote, $4.
Tho Taooma coal company have found
by tests mado by several blacksmiths
that they have a vein of coal which com
pares favorably with the Cumberland
blacksmith coal.
Tho Chinese pheasants recently turned
loose in thi3 state havo interbred with
tho native grouse and a new gamo bird
with tho head of a pheasant and wing
and tail feathers of a grouse is tho re
sult. The Wasco Sun learns that Mr. Un
church, tho founder of tho order of A. O.
U. W. , is now visiting California, and
that he will before returning to his homo
visit Oregon accompanied by a commit
teo of the grand lodge.
Many flouring mills in tho stnto aro be
ing overhauled and rollers substituted
for stones. Tho quality is so superior to
that made by tho stono grinding process
that tho milling fraternity see that they
must introduce the new process.
lloseburg Plaindealer: Captain Lit
tlofield, superintendent of tho govern
ment works nt Empire City and tho
mouth of the Coquille river, arrived in
town Tuesday evening with two govern
ment horses,which he shipped to Astoria.
He says all government work in Coos
county ftopped, the appropriation being
Washington territory bid- fair to be
como an important stock raising country.
Stock men are moving in very fast, and
inSeptembor a gentleman from Great
Britain will invest C0,000 in that terri
tory in tho cattlo business. Ho writes
that he intends to locato in tho Kootenai
joDuntry, and commence business with
o,uiAi neau or caitio.
F. 11. Lamb, department commander
01 mo u. a. it., nas issueu oruers direct
ing posts to drape their colors in mourn
ing for thirty days, also to wear crape in
coat buttonhole for thirty days. A spe
cial memorial service is to be held in
each post nt its first meeting, after the
reception of the order. Cushing Po3t
No. 14 will meet nt sovon this evening.
A land surveyor from Harney valley
reports affairs in that section as boing in ierse. 0 MUlib charge lor litncii.
,rncrornnc rrm.lilinn. tnHi pnlnnrliiinTeeal! the time. Hot from 11 tO 2.
-X. JfLUU. QUI. IUU1 llUlii XXtll UKJ V VCW&9VI
prospects for the future. Many stock-j
men from California aro removim? their I
lifornia aro removing their L.Vnnuero Cigars, AAA Ulil Vaiiej
i vallev, and a new town, Whisks;, Boca Beer on draught. Ha f
, has been established. It,"l-IIalt ; Latest. Papers, Billiards,
.palation of about ono hun-M:; Begt place in town.
herds to the
called Burns,
contains a ponulatie:
stockmen. Lux & Miller, a California'
firm, have bought and distributed on tho ,
rango some 40,000 head, and others hav6 ;
nearly that number there. j
Tho contract for putting in the fifty-J
two new iron cells in tho addition to the ,
penitentiary, has been awarded to Trcnk-
man& Wolf of Portland, by tbo stato
board of public buildings. The bids for j
the contract show a very broad range,'
and were as follews: Trenkmnu & Wolf, ,
$11,909; H. C. Wandt, of Portland, $LV ,
J2S B.F. Drake, Salem, 16,723; Wm.
Drack, Portland, $17,000; Robert Collier
r. r.. i. '-a'-m ji-- i 1L.1 .f
the Willamette iron works, Portland, I
Trnofnr ft-xi WW Thn Trnrt- nf nlnninfi
the cells will ba commenced as soon as
the brickwork is far enough completed.
Twenty years ago, nays tho Wasco Sun,
before tho days of railroads, when mails
went on tho Columbia, a Portland roan
could write his basines3 correspondent at
The Dalles ono day and receivo an an
swer the next. ow, by tho improved
mode by tho O. K. fc N. Co.'s railway, it
takes three daya to do tho samo. People
aro forced to eo on tho cars at 4 o'clock
in the morning and arrive thero at 9
o'clock in the evening, and forced lo stop
a half hour and pay 75 cents for a miser
able meal at lionnoville, instead ot start
ing a half hour earlier and getting a good
meal at a largo town. This prolit it in,
said, belongs to somo of the big officials
of the road.
It is reported that the Oregon Pacific
will be extended east from Corvallis at
sorao future period, and work will prob
ably begin this fall. The objective point
is Boise city, I. T. The road will cross
tbo Cascades through Sautiam pass and
extend through tho Malheur country. A.
preliminary survey has been made, and
the grade found to bo an easy and prac
ticable one. At Boiso the Oregon Pacific
will undoubtedly connect with the Chi
cago nnd Northwestenij and Oregon wHl
havo another transcontinental line. This
latter company aro now rapidly pushing
their road rapidly west of Niobrara, Ne
braska, and will probably roach Camp
Robinson, Wyoming, the present fall. By
August, 18SG, it is expected that tho Chi
cago and Northwestern will bo running
its trains to Yaquina city, the western
terminus. It is said that a line of steam
ers will also bo placed on tho route be
tween Yaquina and San Francisco.
JLJnc!tIcnf Arnica Snlre.
Tub Best Sat.vk in the world for
Cuts. Bruises.Sores.Ulcers. Salt Khcum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapprd Hand,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures rues, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
erfcct satisfaction, or money refunded,
'rice U3 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Demont & Co.
a -
An Elccaut Substitute
For oils, salts, pills and all kinds
of bitter, nauseous medicines is the very
agreeable liquid fruit Syrup of Figs.
Jlecorainended by leading riij'sicians
Manufactured only by tho California
Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. For
sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
Will you sutler with Dysjepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure j'nu. Sold by W. E.
Getvour photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by Y. Lussier of San Francisco
The Carap The Campers What Tkey Do
Lots' Toons; Dream.
Tho typical camp is f? miliar to the
genoral reader. It consists mainly of a
tent, a couple of blankets, a hole in the
sand and a dog. Tho tent is used to
swelter in until it rains, and then it is
tho best place on the premises for any
body who wants to get wet. The blank
ets are intended for slumbering purposes;
but after the first night they aro gener
ally requirod to keep tho rnin out of tho
meal and tho bugs out of the sugar.
The hole in tho sand is the kitchen.
The cooking is done there. The cooking
is a good deal liko the hole. No particu
lar ueo has ever been discovered for tho
dog. But ho is always there. Ho makes
himself useful, mainly, in eating up the
lard and tipping over the milk pail.
These aro tho only refreshments he has.
His favorite occupation in tho night is to
sit closo by the tent door and keep the
moon off.
Wo forgot to mention the campers.
These arc usually male and f emalo eith
er or both. They wear blue flannel day
and night, and havo sunburned noses.
They aro generally hotter fed than the
dog, and not quite so lean. They live on
whatever tho cook gots up for them.
Sometime! be only gets up early in the
morning. Then the campers aro very
indignant because ho did not let them
know that tho provisions were out.
The best fun is boating without fish
ing, and bathing. Most campers' boats
furnish bathing and boating facilities at
tho samo time. This is very convenient
for those who aro too lazy to undress.
Most campers aro desperately lazy.
Their food has something to do wf th it.
Where there aro males and females, tho
bathing has to be done in bathing-suit3.
This is very amusing, because you never
can tell whether a camper is going bath
ing or going out under tho trees to write
poetry. Tho bathing-suit and the camping-suit
are just alike.
As a rule, nobody ever falls in love
while out camping. This is what makes
mixed parties so safe. It looks awfully
dangerous in theory, but when it oome3
to practice" thero isn't anything danger
ous about it. A creature who is perfect
ly lovely in a ball dress can't smite worth
a cent in a blue flannel blouse, with a
man's big straw hat tied down over her
cars and tho skin peeling off tho'end of
her nose.
Camps aro great places to cure love,
too. If tho young man who goes away
to a foreign land with a broken heart,
trying to forget her trying in vain,
while his heart-strings ache and his np
petito dwindles down to a fino point if
this poor lore-sick young man could only
camp for a week with his dear idol, he
would oomo homo with an enormous
hankering for roast beef and a big com
fortablo patch of contentment on his
broken heart.
A JLife Sarin;? Present.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his lire by a simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which caused him to procure
a large bottle, that completely cured
him, when Doctors, change of climate
and everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, iioarsencss,ScYero Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free
atW.E. Dement & Co.'sDrug Store.
Large size $1.00.
IV o More Hard Times Free
Hoard !
You live in vain if you do not go to
the Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy
- - . - . - . . i" ' .
Soup, Clam ChoWder, .etc., etc.
Vnquerp Cigars, AAA Old Yallcy
J u-t ns good as you usually pay a bit for
can bo hail FOB FIVE CLN 1 S at 9. P.
W ilson's.
SJ.oalv.ater II ay Oyter
, ,, i....i t,.i .,., -.i.
cnslaX "i?1"1, cookc(l to any tar,u
Compressed Yeast.
, . A ,' ,...,.., "i.ii:-
A good many ladies would make their
own bread if they could get good yeat
! convenient slniie. A. A . Allen has
t in sinall cakes, the fanious compressed
v.i;t. fH mid "fit a snniiiirt cake. It
jf best made and is in such shape
that VOU Will ll.1VC IIO inCOnyCllieilCC.
To be had only at A.
V. Aliens family
rocery store.
Sometliinjr Xcir.
A. V. Allen has a splendid coffee mill.
Call and see it. Fresh roasted coffee of
all grades received daily ami ground to
order. If jou like good coffee leave an
order and you will be pleased.
Syrup ofFifrs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Trno Laxative. This
nleasant linuid fruit remedy may bo
had of W. K. Dement & Co, at nfly cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
Iueasam, prompt, aim cuucuyc iuiui-iiy
cnown, to cieau&e the system; to acton,
the. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel lleadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
For lauits Back, Side or Chest ue
Shiloh's Por-uis Plaster, Price 25 cent?.
For sale bv V. E. Dement.
I' Fitting iloot
Jr Shoe, go to P.. I. Goodmans, on Ghe
nruiiii strrej, next door to 1. W. Case.
All go'fcls of the best make and guaran
teed qu-ilily. A full stock; new goods
eo:ii:ii!y arriving. Custom work.
All the patent medicines advertised
in :hi. papir, together with the choicest
iHTfumtCj , and toilet articles, etccan
b.,bo,!ght:i; the lowest prices, atJ.W
C-nn's drug store, opposite Ocideii
iirtei. Astoria.
Whv will you cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Blanlts.
Warrants, deeds, moi Images, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at this
CoITec Ulill.
Foard & Stokes' coffee mill is in oper
ation. Fresh roasted coffee ground in
quantities to suit. All brands of coffee
nt the lowest prices. Your coffee ground
while 3'ou wait. We guarantee posi
tive satisfaction to our customers
You Think that 'JetT, ot
The Chop House
Uivm vnu a meal for nothlmr. and a
class of soniethinc to drinlc? "Not
much r hut he eives a better meal and
more of It than anv place in town for
SSSSi1-- S5SS S""1-aild
Hott a Fortlasd ITeirspaper Wm Eitlreljr
"Sir," said tho business managor of a
Portland newspaper, coming with droop
ing head into the presence of tho propri
etor, last Saturday, '1 havo a startling
confession to make to you."
"What can it be?" asked the proprietor,
trembling with an excitement that could
not be concealed.
"Oh, sir, spare me," said tho business
manager. "I know I havo done wrong,
but the temptation was very great. I
have spent tho year's profits of this paper
for my own private use."
" What have you done with the money?"
gasped the proprietor as he grasped the
back of a chair to steady his quivering
"I F' answered the business man
ager, as his head fell lower and lower
upon his breast and a blush of shame
came to his cheek "I I have spent it
for two plates of ice cream."
Vanilla, Xeaaoa, Oraag, etc.. fla-rer
Cakes Cream, Faddlaca, fcc, as dell
calely and natarally astke firult ft-oat
which they &xo made.
For Strength and True Fruit
Flavor Tliey Stand Ione.
Prico Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo
Dr. Prices Criam Baking Powdir
Br. Price's Xupulin. Yeast Gems,
Eest Dry Hop Teaat.
Ihltry Bread,
The De9t dry hop yeast In tha world.
Bread raised by thia yeast la Ujght.whlts
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious hrenrt.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
laaTn oi Br. Price's special FfeTorwz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by Cirrriya.MEULK & Co., .Agents
Portland, Oregon
Aiflier Muctii
A stylish business suit - $10
Former price - - - 15
A stylish business suit - 11
Former price - - - 16
Fine Diagonal suit - - 20
Former price - - - 25
The very best dress suit 25
Former urice - - - 30
Boys and youths' suits at greatly re
duced prices, also all the extensive as
sortment of Men's Furnlshlnjr Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes. Trunks and Va!iae3,
Sold at cost by
Merchant Tailor and Clothier.!
oi If), I
T L (
And Must
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
airive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knifo clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cnssimcre Snck Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimero Frock Business Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits.. . 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to $32.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
AT! CtOOc3Ljs
Marked in Plain Figures
0. K
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker, Slain St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
anil hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Du PAItK, i'rop.
P U PfiHPfP1
bi Mi uUUr til 0
Everything new received
W Wi M M
Having built and refitted with unproved
machinery the above mill at large expense,
we are now prepared to
And Furnish all Kinds and Size-? ef
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And every description of Mill "Work with
l'roinptness anu Dispaicn.
Mouldings, Turning and Bracket Work a
AH Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We cordially Invite our friend- and the pub
lic to give us a call.
Cor. Genevieve and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or.
BAIX & HART. Proprietors.
The Leading Clothier
New Goods!
Man's, ,7o'Ult2ls, and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Beoeived !
Be Sold
and One P.rice to All!
Carrj' in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compouudett
as soon as published.
J itt I PMM IMOi mKm
Holden's Auction Rooms
r Established January 1st, 187T. 1
Ileal Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
CliPiiamus Ktreer. - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale ot Sundries every Satunlav,
at 10 -J3Q a. ai., at mv Auction itooms.
Will conduct Auction Sale of Real Estate.
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. C&bh Returns Promptly maile after Salts.
Consignments respectfully solicited,
Notary Public for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Daily and "Weakly Oregontan.
end Hatter.
New Styles!