The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 26, 1885, Image 3

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Site gatttj storian.
...IUL.Y50. 1SS5
(Monday excepted)
TcrMh of Subscription.
Served by Cirrler. per week
Sent bv Mail, per month...............
" : " one year ...........
Free of postnve to subscribers.
K?"Advcrtiscnients inserted by the year at
Hie rate of .?2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
Tin: Astoiuan' guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the. St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
That Multnomah excursion comes down
ou Tuesday afternoon.
The Oregon took 3,737 cases salmon
yesterday and 22."? sks 03-sters.
The auction sale at Carl Adler's will lie
continued to-morrow evening.
Theo. Broemsar reopens the Astor
House for business this morning.
Cushiug Post No. 11. G. A. It. will meet
on Tuesday evening at seven v. m.
Have you your ticket for the Cushinglic
Jief Corps moonlight oxenrsiou next Tues
day evening?
There will be a special meeting of the
vestry of Grace church to-morrow even
ing at 8 o1clock.
The Clara Parker leaves at nine for
Young's river falls; the Gen. Miles for
Ft. Canby and llwaco at eight.
The finest fruit is offered for sale at
reasonable prices, and large quantities
are being pros2rved for a rainy day.
There will ba spscial ssrvices at the
Congregational church to-night, com
memorative of the death of Gen. Grant.
Frank L. Parker is mailing more room
for his increasing business by putting up
a sort of upper deck for storage of goods.
There will be divmo service on board
the ship JJaidce, lying at Kinney's dock,
at 4 p. n., Iter. J. McCormac officiating.
The bark Lily Grace sailed from Port
Townsend on the 20th, with 470 Jl lum
ber and 300 cases salmon, for Valpa
raiso. Y. 31. C. A. open Gospel meeting this
afternoon at 2:1;; subjects: "Angels'
mission, and man's mission," Acts 10: 39
48, singing from Gospel Hymns. All are
cordially invited.
The "haddo" is a variety of salmon that
visits Seattle ouca in two years. There
is a difference between the haddo and
the hoodoo. Ono fisherman caught GOO
haddos near Seattle last Tuesday.
The Columbia arrived in yesterday at
10 a. m. The Oregon sailed for San Fran
cisco at ono o'clock. Tho Elma started
out but turned back and anchored at
Sand island. The A. li. Field crossed out
at i p. m.
Tho sales el yesterday's Daily and
Weekly Astouian -rare the creatcst in
the history of the papsr. Though an
oxtra large c-dilion of the weekly had
been run off, every copy was gone before
tan o'clock.
Tho Albany Democrat is twenty-ouo
years old. It is a bright newsy paper and
has every week a wholo page of crisp
state and local news. Its proprietors,
Messrs. Stites & Hutting aro eveidontly
prosperous and deservedly so.
Tho Telephone camo down yesterday
with passengers, flour, fruit, sheep, etc.,
put it all off, took on passengers and
started back at two. Tho if. if. Iliomp
son camo down with another crowd of
excursionists, and goes back this after
noon. An eccentric individual who yesterday
afternoon demanded arrest at the hands
of Sheriff ltoss and was refused, as there
existed no cause, shoved his list through
tho window of a fruit store on Chena
inus street and was promptly accommo
dated. This morning tho Clara Parker will
make one of her pleasant excursion trip3
to Young's Uiver Falls. This will
give everj'ouo a chance to spend a
pleasant day. Tho steamer will leave
Main street wharf at i) o'cleck: faro for
the round trip only lift' cents.
General Grant's funeral will bo on
August 8th. Tho Grand Army posts
throughout the nation will mako duo ob
servance of tho day, and will furnish a
nucleus for a popular demonstration of
respect in every city for tho old com
mander who has gone over to the major
ity. Oar Jewell correspondent writes that
thero is some kind of a throat disease go
inc tho rounds thero which is pretty se
vere, but so far has not proved fatal.
All crops look remarkably well. Haying
is at full blast. Canada thistles are get
ting quite a hold in tho valley, and
threaten to become a nuisance.
There will be an excursion on the
Gen. Miles to-day to Fort Canby and
llwaco; the boat leaves Capt. Gray's
dock at eight, and re-turning leaves u
j. i.ic .- -TmiB 'Pits Art7i Tt
waco at half-past four. Tho Novelty will
go down as soon as the Telephone comes
down from Portland, and will return,
leaving llwaco at six. Fare for either
round trip ono dollar.
The first salmon of tho season were
caught on tho Coquille last week. If
thoso caught arc a sample of tho season's
run, says tho Marshfield Ncivs, tho can
nerries will be supplied with a good
quality of fish, as they aro largo and fat.
The sea lions aro not so numerous at tho
entrance to tho river as formerly, from
tho fact that they havo been driven off
and their numbers so diminished by
Simplo justice suggests mention of the
Oregoniaii's enterprise in securing news
of General Grant's death. On tho morn
ing of tho 23rd it had tho news, had edit
orial comment and a previously prepared
biography, tho wholo being complete and
a rogular scoop as far as news was con
cerned. Yesterday tho San Francisco
Call of tho same date was received wiUi
out tho news the Orrgonian had. For an
Oregon newspaper to ; get away with
such an important news item is some
thing that deserves favorable notice.
Wo speak of tho Call particularly be
cause it is on tho inside as far as eastern
teleerranis aro concerned, and on the
principle of "win plumes and wear
them," tho uregoman nas a nguc 10 crow
The Northern Pacific is preparing a
time card to govern tho movement of a
Pacific coast fast freight line, which is
to begin next Sunday. Tho engine and
cars of tho train will bo equipped with
Weatinghouso air brakes, so that tho time
made will be especially fast. It is pro
posed to make the run from St. Paul to
Portland in 1G0 hours, or six days and
sixteen hours. This is better freight time
than is made over any road in the coun
try. Many roads aro running equally as
good freight trains for a short distance,
but nono ever ran a rogular freight train
at the rate of nearly twelve miles an hour
for a distance 1912 miles. According to
the present schedule, the time consumed
in making the trip is 103 hours. This
will mako the new run 33 hours shorter.
New Yosk, July 24. This afternoon
Mr. Turner, Mayor Grace's chief clerk,
received a message which determined tho
question of Grant's burial place in favor
of Central park, New York. It was as
"Your two telegrams to hand, and I
understand the matter now to bo definite
ly settled that General Grant's body is
now to be interred here. "Wo cannot
tako any moro definite action in regard
to the matter of Mrs. Grant until a later
date. The faith of tho president of tho
board of Alderman and my own is
pledged that wo will see, when a litttle
time has passed away, that tho wishes of
the family aro gratified by formal reso
lution of the board. Answer imme
diately, so I may appoint a committee to
make a movo for a grand national monu
ment. W. li. Gbace."
Upon receipt of Mayor Grace's telo
gram Mr. Turner repaired at once to tho
cottago, where a conference was held
with Colonel Fred Grant. Tho colonel
read tho mayor's dispatch, and retained
it. At the close of the conference
Colonel Grant assured tho mayor's repre
sentative that ho and the family thus
formally accepted the tender of a burial
place for General Grant and Mrs. Grant
in Central park, Now York city, and that
he and tho family would now proceed
with all the funeral arrangements with
reference to tho above conclusions. Tho
mayor's messenger then telegraphed to
Mayor Grace the icsult of his mission.
Mr. W. J. Arkell has arranged tho fol
lowing time tnblo for tho removal of the
remains from Mt. McGreger: Leave Mt.
McGregor at 1 1. m., Augnst 4; arriyo at
Saratoga at 2 p. m., leave Saratoga at 2:30
r. at., arrive in Albany at 4:30 p. ai., leave
Albany at 12 o'clock noon, "Wednesday,
August J), and arrive at about 4:30 in Now
York. In the intorval from 4:30 i. si.,
Tuesday, to noon of Wednesday, August
f, the remains will lie in state at tho cap
itol, and from tho limo of arrival in New
York, "Wednesday af tornoon, until Satur
day, August 8, tho body will lie in state
at City hall. Public obsequies will laLo
place Saturday at such time as tho civic
authorities may arrange, and interment
will then follow in Central park.
Some evil ceniu3 must have presided
ovor A. W. Swalin, tho president of tho
association, or he never could havo col
lected together such incongruous ele
ments as made up 200 participants in
this excursion, nor could he havo be
trayed such woeful unfitness for tho
position. About half tho party wcro in
eligible under the'rules of tho association,
hvaing no interest whatever in tho press,
and nominally representing some paper
for tho purpose of participating in the
excursion. These were soon appropri
ately styled dead beats, and n feeling
sprang up between them and tho mem
bers of tho pres3 which was not condu
cive to harmony. Thev had nono of tho
sympathies and feelings peculiar to nows-
paper men. Aueycareu notmng about
the reputation of tho Iowa press. They
were out as professional dead beats and
their aim seemed to bo to get tho most
they could for tb.3 least return, regard
less of modesty and common decency.
"Where the numerous freo rides were of
fered they would burst from the cars and
rush pell mell to tho best carriages for
choice seats. At tho dinners tendered
they would dash up to tho tables liko
stampeded cattle, or a lot of hungry
swine, oomo even went so inr in ineir
madness as to climb in at tho wmuowof
a hotel to get to tho tablo before tho39
who crowded through tho doors. Their
conduct was simply outrageous. Strange
as it mpy seem, this element found es
pecial favor with 3Ir.Swalm. Inianola,
Joira, Advocate-Tribune.
Thero was on exhibition in Calvert's
show window yesterday, one of the finest
pieces of pen-work lately exhibited in
this city. It was a framed copy of tho
resolution given below, and tho work was
done by Judgo J. "Walton, who has
passed tho third decade of his life. The
work is dono in colored inks, and was
done with a common steel pen. The fol
lowing is a text of tho resolution, of
which three copies havo been made, one
for each of the Astoria companies, and
one for tho Astoria fire department. Ono
copy is on exhibition to-day in Frank Mc
Dowell's shop windew: Jlcsolvnl, That
the thanks of Capital hose team No. 1, of
tho Salem firo department, for their cour
teous and hospitable treatment during
tho fourth annual tournament of the
firemen's association of Oregon, held at
Astoria, Juiio 10th. 11th, and 12th, 1835,
are cordially tendered to tho officers and
members of the Astoria firo department,
whose united efforts to make the event
ono of perfect comfort and enjoyment,
will ever be remembered by their hon
ored guests. Signed by Frauk E, Hodg-
kin, T. A. Howard, and li. b. Jordan,
committeo appointed by Capital hoso Co.
No. 1, S. F. D. Salem Statesman, Wth.
1 am instructed by 3Ir. Carl Adler to
commence at once the closing out of
the balance of stock remaining in the cast
half of his establishment, as the prem
ises must bo vacated within a few days.
Commencing at seven o'clock i m., on
1 will offer at public auction all the
goods now contained therein, consisting
of a large assortment of first class stock
comprising a complete assortment oi
Stationery, Books, Fine Albums, Pict
ures, Fancy Glassware, Notions and
Toys, and other articles too numerous
to mention. Also Clocks, Watches,
Fine Jewelry and Silverware.
Special attention is called to this im
portant sale. The public may rest as
sured that every article put up by the
auctioneer will be sold to the highest
bidder without n serve and regardless
of the cosr.
The sale will be continued on Mon
day, 27th, and every evening thereafter
fill further notice.
E.J. Partridge goes seaward to take
some fine views. On Thursday he will
be at Fort Canby: on Friday at llwace:
onSaturdayandSundayntNorth Beach.
W. Lussier 01 San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
From our Regular Correspondent.
"WAsnTKoioh", July 18, 1SS5.
Tho opinion of the attorney general in
the caso of tho Dolphin is likely to bo a
surprise to the country and will be littlo
less than a thunderbolt, not only to Mr.
Roach, but to all government contractors.
"Wo may expect to seo the opinion vigor
ously combated, and until Mr. Koach has
a chanco to reply to Gen. Garland with
regard to tho logal aspects of tho case, it
may not bo becoming in laymen to pre
judge tho merits of the controversy. It
will occur to most people, however, to
ask what security a contractor has under
existing usages that his work will finally
bo accepted by tho government. Tho
opinion will certainly make contractors
more cautious in. the future, and will
havo a tendency, as has already been il
lustrated on a recent occasion, to keep
them from bidding on government work.
In nlmostall large jobs tho work is passed
upon by a subordinate officer or board,
and partial paymonts mado to the con
tractor, if tho "work is deemed satisfac
tory by tho authorized inspector. A new
and perplexing olement is introduced, if
wa aro now toundorstand that theso un
der officers havo no authority to repre
sent tho government or construe an act
of congress, and that tho contractor at
unj' stage of tho work is liable to havo
his work rejected and to bo sued by tho
government for the money paid him in
installments by the treasury by tho au
thority of the board of roviow.
Of course, if it can bo shown that
thero was a conspiracy to dofraud the
government, to which tho contractor, tho
board of review, and tho secretary of the
navy wero parties, then thero would bo
no difficulty in bringing an action, but
in tho present caso no such charge is
made, nlthough it seems to bo part of tho
creed of good Democrats that all tho navy
dealings with John lloach aro steeped in
corruption. Possibly this conviction has
had its influence in the present attitude
of tba administration. No doubt wo
shall all bo sufficiently enlightened on
tho law and equity m tho matter as tho
opinion opens tho way to extended and
expensive litigation.
The rules in regard to annual leaves of
absence in the interior department havu
not been changed, and tho same rules aro
in force that prevailed last year. Tho
first assistant secretary, Mr. Muldrow,
said yesterday that the subject of
changes in tho rnleshadnot been taken
under consideration.
The commissioner of tho general laud
office has affirmed tho right of entry un
der tho public land laws and decisions of
tho supreme court, of lands heretoforo
withdrawn by voluntary action of tho
general land office, for railroad indem
nity purposes, whero no requirements of
law existed for making such withdrawals.
The offect of this decision, if sustained
by tho secrotary of tho interior will bo to
restoro to entry under tho homestead
and other laws many million acres of
public land which havo been kept out of
market for many years because claimed
by railroad corporations.
Tho successor of Mi. Foster as minis
ter to Spain has not yet been decided
upon. When Mr. Foster loft hero for
Spain to negotiate a sscond treaty, tho
appointment was postponed until his
return. Tho report that ho will shortly
bo hero has renewed tho hopes oi per
:ro iiHS rcuocuim, uupta ul ir-
nXX ffJSSrSS? rS i
mission is
sidered ono of tho most desirable, and
there aro now moro applications on filo
in the stato department for it than there
were for any other office.
The special delivery po3tnl system pro
vided for by the last congress will be put
in operation in tho course of a month or
two at about a dozen of tho principal
postoffices of the country, including New
York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Chicago
and Washington. Tho details of tlie
system aro now being forraulnted at tho
pubUJUiuu uupuikujuuh
Tho law provides t
that tho attachment ton letter bearing!
of tho denomination of ton cents shall
entitle tho letter to immediate delivery
at free delivery offices to bo designated
by tho postmaster-general. It is believed
mat iiity messenger ooys win oe required
at tho New York postoffice and twenty
five at each of the large stations in that
citv. "Whilo no doubt is entertained that
the system will pay its expenses in the i
an extent that will adequately compen
sate tho messengers employed. li.
Tho new high school building will bo
completed by the 1st of September. Its
cost, with that of the site, will be $153,
000. It is said that about $10,000 has
been Bpent on "flub-dub" ornamontation.
This was absolutely necessary to pat tho
building in harmony with tho school sys
tem. Oregonian.
IJriclilcn's Arnica Salve.
Tin: Best Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulccrs, Salt llheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chanprd Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required, it. is guaranteed 10 jjivu
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 23 cents per box. For salo by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Its Iclicacy orFlavor
And the efficacy of its action have
rendered the famous liquid fruit reme
dy Svrup of Figs immensely popular.
It cleanses and tones up the clogged
and feverish system, and dispels
Headaches, Colds and fevers. For salo
by W. E. Dement & Co.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint?
tnuoirs vu:
italizer is
guaranteed to cure you
Sold by W. E.
irl Wanted.
A competent girl can get a good sit
uation by applying at this office.
A class of instrumental music for the
instruction of Violin. Piano, Organ and
Guitar will be organized, if sufiicent
patronage is insured within the next
week. For particulars apply to A. J.
Megler at the Occident, or leave order
and address. .1. Ji. buexxer.
Portland, Or.
Sleeuless Nlchts made miserable
by that terrible cough. Slnloh's Curo is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Ce:
Piano for Sale,
Of splendid tone and fine make. Will
be salrl at a bargain. Apply at this of
fice. Coffee Mill.
FoarJ & Stokes' coffee mill is in oper
ation. Fresh roasted coffee ground in
quantities to suit. All brands of coffee
at the lowest prices. Your coffeo ground
while vou wait, we guarantee posi
tive satisfaction to our cnstomeri.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussier of San Francisco
The most beautiful poetical gems in
English literature ore those fatherless
waifs, begotten seemingly of the un
courted visit of tho Muses to the unpro
fessional poet. Tho hand that wroto the
following ovor a quarter of a century ngo,
still moves, unknown, in tho ordinary
avocations of life, or lies in an unknown
grave; yet what masterpiece of the pro
fessional poet equals it, and who among
those whom Fame has caressed has ever
come "nearer" to Nature's heart?
By the merest chance, in tho twilight
In the orchard path he met me
In tho tall, wet grass, with its faint per
fume, And I tried to pass, but ho made no room;
Oh! I tried, but ho would not let me.
So I stood and blushed till tho gross
grew red,
"With my face bent down above it,
"While ho took my hands as ho whisper
ing said
How the clover lifted each pink, sweet
To listen to all that my lover said!
Oh! tho clovor in bloom I lovo it!
In tho high, wet grass went the path to
And tho low, wet leaves hung over,
But I could not pass on cither side,
For I found myself, when I vainly tried,
In the arras of my steadfast lover,
Ahd he held mc thorc, and ho raised my
"While ho closed the path beforo me.
And ho looked down into my eyes and
How tho leaves bent down from tho bough
To listen to all that my lover said.
Oh! tho leaves hanging lowly o'er me.
Had he moved aside but a littlo way
I could surely then havo passed him,
And ho knew 1 could never wish to stay
And would not have heard what ho had to
Could I only aside have cost him.
It was almost dark, and tho moments
And the searching night wind found
But ho drew me nearer, and softly said
How the puro sweet wind grew still in
stead To listen to all that my lover said.
Oh, the whispering wind around us.
I am sure he know, when ho held mo lost,
That I must be all unwilling;
For I tried to go, and would have passed
As tho night was come with its dows at
And the sky with its stara was filling.
But he clasped me close when I would
havo lied,
And he mado mo hear his story.
And his soul came out from his lips and
How the stars crept out when tho white
moon led,
To listen to all that my lover said.
Oh, the moon and the stars in glory!
I know that tho grass and tho leaves will
not tell,
And I'm euro that tho wind, precious
Will carry his secret so safely and woll,
That no being shall ever discoTor
Ono word of tho many that rapidly fell
From the eager lips of my lover.
And tho moon and tho stars that
looked over
R, . wi,at n fnirvlika snail
They wovo around us that night in tLo
In tho path through tho daw-laden
Nor echo tho whispers that mado my
heart swell
As they fell from tho lips of my lover.
A Life Saviiifr Present.
Mr. 31. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by :i simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which caused him to procure
a large bottle, that completely cured
him, when Doctors, change of climato
i I!rtnr1iiti3 lfrvircfnfKVPri! (7fill!h-
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it Is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free
atW.E. Dement & Co.'sDrug Store.
Large size S1.00.
3Iore Slard Times i"reo
You live in vain if you do n tgo to
lephonc Saloon, and try lialdy
e. jNU .uuiift cnarge ior jjuncn.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2.
: Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc.
Vanuero Cigars, AAA Old Valley
WliisKv, lioca lieer on draught, iiau-and-Ualr
; Latest Papers, liilliards,
Piano; Best place in town.
Juit as good as you usual I v pav a bit for
can be had FOK FIVE CENTS at G. P.
Shoalivatcr Kay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabro's.
Compressed Iteast.
A good many ladies would make thoir
own bread if they could get good yeat
in convenient sdnpe. A. V.Allen has
it in small cikcs.tne famous compressed
veast. Call and get a sample cake. It
is the beat made and is in such shape
that you will have no inconvenience.
To be had only at A. V. Allen's family
grocery store.
Soutetliin "Xcvr.
A. V. Allen has a splendid coffee mill.
Call and sec it. Fresh roasted coffee of
all grades received daily and ground to
order. If you like good coiicc leave an
order and j ou will he pleased.
Sjrrnp oTFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fin Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Xmurcs Own Trun Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had-of V. K. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
vet thoroucbly; to dispel Headaehs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
For lame Back, Side or Chest; use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by V1E:poraqnt:
For n Neat Fittiugf Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom -work.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, ana louet arucies, eiccan
he bought at the lowest prices, at J. W
Conn's druc store, opposite Oc.-iden
hotel, Astoria.
Why will you cougnwhen Shiloh's
Curo will give immediate relief. Price
10cts50ctsand81. Sold by W.E. De
ment. That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. K. Dement.
Geo. "W. Pittock of tho Oreflonian, was
in the city yesterday.
Henry Hewott came down from Port
land yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. C. A. Lose, of Hillsboro, 13 in the
city, tho guest of Mr. and Mr3. J. W.
Test Your BaMng Powfler To-Day !
Brands adrertiscd as absolutely pcra
rie n. can top down on a. hot rtoTa tkjMI
r-eatod.tben remoTo tba corer&nd smell. A chem
Ift will not be roqulrod to detect tboprcseoco at
lit ntaUafolsets lizs FIEVER Ea anllaae4.
InamilllonhorncsforiKiuarterof acenturj it
has Hood the conmmer'a reliable test,
Baking Poirdcr
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The strongest, most dclldons and natural
Uaror known , and
Sr. Prico's Lupu'.in Yeasi Gems
lor Light, Healthy Bread.Tho Best Dry Hop
Yeast lit tho world.
ibht Healthy Bread,
The beat dry hop yoast In the world.
Broad raiBod by this yeast is Hght,whlte
and wholesome liko our grandmother'
delicious. breed.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
KanTrs of Dr. Frics's special Flaiorins Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For salo by Cirrrixa.MEnLK & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
A stylisli business suit - $10
Former price - - - 15
A stylisli business suit - 1 1
Former price - - - 16
Fine Diagonal suit - - 20
Former price - - - 25
The very best dress suit 25
Former price - - - 30
Boys' and youths' suits at greatly re
duced prices, also all the extensive as
sortment of Men's Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises,
Sold at cost by
Merchant Taiior and Clothier.
Good Swelling Houso
For rent or sale, one block from Post
ofliee. Apply to Jeff.
At Frauk Falrc'.
Board for S22J50 a month. The best
in tho eity. Dinner from 5 to 7.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short I
notica, go to Frank i abre'a.
Anv one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kate "Duffy as nurse from the 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will uleaso address her at Little Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
BxMtfMiBW y
fttZm 7"N.
J- Ajji) lf,p ,f, J
1 1 1 - 1 a ' t.i r.-if
k m
T Ml ft rv 4 . I1
Clothing Just Received!
And Must Be Sold,
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July loth, and whereas these Goods are now upon my
hands, and must he sold within the expected time, I have concluded
to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking tho Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Dark Mixed AllWool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cassimcre Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's Mixed Cassimcre Frock Business Suils 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits-. - 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to anv Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have ju3t received a large stock which must he disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
All G-G20C3J5
Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All!
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Ilair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Da PARK, 1'rop.
Everything new received
Having built and refltted with unproved
machinery the above mill at large expense,
we are now prepared to
And Famish all Kinds and Sizes or
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And everv -description of Mill "Work with
Promptness and Dispatch.
Mouldings, Turning and Bracket "Work a
All Kinds of Finished Lumber for
We cordially invite our friends and the pub
lic to etTe us a call.
Cor. Genevieve and Astor Sts.. Astoria, Or.
BAIN & HART, Proprietors.
Id. a. Mcintosh.;
e 3
The. Leading Clothier and Hatter,
New Goods!
Men's,' Touths' and Soys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
jgrrn&ST goods at he lowest prices..:
Carry In Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published!
, a
Holdeii's Auction Rooms
r Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chenamus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 -JO A. si., at rav Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate,
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfullv solicited,
Notary Public for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly ereaonlan.
New Styles!