The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 21, 1885, Image 3

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hc gailjj gtftotm
...Tl'LY '21. 1S35
(Monday excepted)
Term of .Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week locLs.
Sent by Mall, per mouth COcts.
" " one year ....... 7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
f2sy-Advertisements inserted by the vear at
ttie rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising Ility cents per square, ear h
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astoriax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file ar the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
V. Cook is at the Occicdent.
C. A. Reed, of Oysterville, is in the
E. A. Soule came over from Oysterville
C. T.Thoiue3 has changed his residence
to Alderbrook.
The Montgomery Castle and Jno. Nich
olson have arrived out.
The tern Maid of Orleans sailed for
Shoalwater bay last Sunday.
Geo. H. Durham came down from
Portland on the Telephone Sunday.
The Denman Thompson theatrici'l
troupe are on the iucormng steamer.
Oleomargarine s seeing hard times m
Iowa. The best country batter is selling
at 7 cents.
An amalgamator and quartz crusher
from San Francisco will bo sent at once
to the mines at Tillamook.
The Oregon is duo from San Francisco
this morning. Mrs. F. T. Jordan 13
among the passengers. The State sails
A silver dollar makes a satisfactory
weight by which to tost letters under the
new rules, as it weighs within a fraction
of an ounce. Two halves will answer.
By the upsetting of a buggy in which
he was going to the Klaskanine last Sun
day, Jas. "V. Welch was thrown to the
ground, striking on his head and sus
taining severe injuries.
A. V. R. Snyder, who .sold his paper,
the Yamhill lleporter, to D. C. Irelund
about a month ago, has concluded to lo
cate in Dallas, Polk count'. So the
Itemizer of the 18th says.
Cashing Relief Corps is talking of a
moonlight excursion to Skamokwa on the
Telephone next Tuesday. Cashing Post
cornet band will add to the enjoyment
of the occasion, and the tickets will bo
four bits to go and return.
C. B. Bagley, of the Olympia Courier,
has the contract for the territorial print
ing at 38 cents. As it costs 50 cents to
set it up, it would appear that the mora
printing Washington territory orders
tho moro money Bagley will lose.
Barbour of tho Walla Walla Journal
has resigned as deputy collector of inter
nal revenue. He has discovered that a
newspaper man bites off moro than he
can chew when he tries to run a political
ofiioo and a newspaper at tho same time.
At a called meeting of Astoria Engine
Co. No. 1, held last evening, the nomina
tion of F. B. Elberson for chief engineer
of tho Astoria firo department previously
made by Alert H. & L. No. 1, was en
dorsed." G. C. Fulton was nominated for
first assistant and Aug. Danielson for
Booond assistant.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Prael had a pleas
ant reception at their housa last evening,
some hundred or so of their friends tak
ing that method of welcoming tho young
couple upon their return from their brid
al tour. A handsomo supper was -6orved
and a delightful evening enjoyed by tho
assembled company.
A Portland visitor thinks we of Asto
ria ought to be thankful for our immun
ity from fevers, etc., caused by defective
sewers, we are devoutly uianHim. rno
tide washeth away much impurity and is
about as good an example of generalized
special Providence as this ungodly age is
usually permitted to see.
Tho Colorado editors, fifty-two of them,
will be here to-day. They leave Port
land at 830 a. m., on the li. It. Thompson,
and on their arrival here will bo trans
ferred to the Gen. Miles and taken to 11
waco. It is expected that they will get
back to tho city about six o'clock in the
evening. To-morrow morning they re
turn. Major J. H. Turner, a respected resi
dent of Yamhill county, died suddenly at
the seaside in Tillamook county, last
Saturday, in the seventieth year of his
age. Deceased was tho father of H. F.
Turner and uncle of A. L. Talmage and
Mrs. G. W. Snyder of this city. He was
buried in the Masonic cemetery at Mo
Minnville yesterday.
Willie, the two-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Sibson, of Portland, died of
typhoid fever at tho residence of Mrs. C.
Boelling, in this city, at an early hoar
last Sunday morning. It is but a few
weeks ago that his sister Carrie, a child
of seven years died, and a third child is
now dangerously ill. The stricken par
ents have the sympathy of the com
munit'. Tho praiso servioa at tho Presbyterian
church last Sunday evening was largely
attended. Miss Lizzie Anderson of Port
land. Mrs. J. B. Wyatt, Miss Katie Fla
vel, Messrs, Wyatt, Richardson, Barker,
Bowlby, Bozorth, and others took part in
the vocal service. Miss Anderson and
Mrs. Wyatt sang a duet. Miss Flavel
sang a solo, 'i-Ave Maria," and Mrs. Wv
attsaneasolo "Recompense;" Mr. W.
G. Richardson and Mr. Fred Barker sang
a solo, "The battle praver," with chorus.
The anthem " When it shall como to
pass" as rendered by the entire choir
was very effective.
Don't bo the great "unknown" in busi
ness. Keep your firm name and business be
fore the public.
Advertising is a commercial science, as
indispensable to real business as book
keeping. Competition is tho life of trade. There
is no competition without tho generous
patronage of the daily paper.
Your sign in The Astobian is fresher
than the sign over your door. Push your
business or it will push you.
Am one desiring the services of Mrs.
Kate "Duffy as nurse from the 10th of
September until the 10th of December
will please address her at Little Falls,
Lewis Co., Washington Territory.
Get your photographs taken at Crow's
gallery by W. Lussier of San Francisco.
A Good Cigar,
Just as Good as you usually nav n bit for
can be had FOR FIVE CENTS at G. P.
W iiioirs.
China wants Germany to loan her $1,
ODO.ODO. Ex-Governor Kinker.d. of Alaska, is dy
in.1 of paralysis.
In New York last week 01" children un
der five years of age died.
The San Francisco Wap has been sold
to Col. Jackson of tho Po I, for $8,000.
The recent Emoncau war news is said
to bo a pat up job 1y financial specula
tors. John Roach, of Chester, tho famous
ship builder, has failed. His assets aro
$13,0D0,OO0. Tho failure throw.? 2,r00
men out of employment.
Joseph . Johnston, United States rail
road commissioner, and ez-lieutenant
general of tho confederate army, has ar
rived at San Francisco to investigate the
condition of subsidized railroads.
The president has tendered William R.
Webb of Washington tho position of dis
trict commissioner, to succeed Commis
sioner West, whose terra haB expired.
West is aged CO, and is a Republican.
The man who robbed the Island railway
paymaster of more that $10,000 recently,
near Victoria, has been captured, and the
money all recovered. The man was
identified as O. Adair, a South Ameri
can. A call for a river convention, to bo
held at St. Paul September o, has been
addressed by tho governor of Minnessta
to tho governors of Illinois, Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Da
kota and Montana. Congressional ap
propriation that will open tho waterways
to the sea is the object of tho conven
AsToutv. July 20, 183."..
ICdixoe Asteeian:
I am not ambitious to be classed
among the chronic growlers and often
endure unnecessary annoyance rather
than say or do anything to disturb tho
equanimity of any good citizen, but un
der some circumstances forbearauco
ceases to be a virtue. This last remark
is not original but is applicable.
There are many customs which con
tinue in vogue long after the causes
which originated them havo ceased to ex
ist; and I think tho practice of putting a
bell on every cow in tho neighborhood
and allowing her to run at large within
tho limits of tho city is unnecessary, out
of date and ought to be prohibited. In
reality, I believe that cows ought not to
bo allowed to run at large within the city
limits. Any person owning a c rv should
keen her in his own lot orstabU', or drive
her outside of the city to feed if he wished;
but thero would not bo so much objec
tion to the cows if it were not for the ev
lasting sleep destroying bell. When
about a dozen of thee city bjvines get
near your bedroom window in the ueau
hour of night, each with a bell which she
jingles as though that was her main bus
iness and tho proper thing to do, you
might as well give up all thoughts of
peaceful slumber and proceed to scatter
all your best stove wood around the yard,
in your frantic endeavors to make those
cows come to tho conclusion tha it will
bo advisable for them to change their
locality. Tho cow is, no doubt, a very
useful and almost indispensable animal,
and m her proper place and under prop
er conditions no one would object to a
person owning as many as they can take
care of, but it certainly is not right to
disturb the rest of a large portion of tho
people of a city to gratify tho foolish no
tion of some one that cannot havo a cow
without a bell on her; and in this remon
strance I am sure I only echo tho senti
ments of every citizen who docs not hap
pen to own one of tho cows.
Hoping this will set some of tho own
ers of theso animals to thinking on tho
subject, I drop it for tho present.
Pno Boxo Publico.
Crcntnntl Int;all
"Grant and Iugalls were great friends."
the Oregon statesment continued. "They
were together at "West Point, and they
are, I believe, good friends to this day.
During the war, while Ingalls was the
quartermaster general of the army of
the Potomac, he and Grant were sitting
together ono night about a oamn-fire
when Grant said to Ingalls: 'Rufus, I am
going .to make you commauder of the
arm of tho Potomac.' But Ingalls
objected. Ho had a very nice place in
his quartermastership, with hundreds
of men under him, and he did not want
to make tho change. Grant persisted,
but after a long talk he finally acceded
to Ingalls' wishes and did not appoint
him. Had Ingalls accepted tho position
he might have been ono of tho greatest
generals of tho United States, and per
haps the lieutenant general. Instead he
is a retired officer. I doubt not he regrets
what must havo been tho great mistake
of his life Grant had a high opinion of
Ingalls. While ho was in Europe on his
tour round tho world no wrote to a gen
eral of the army that he regarded ingalls
as one of the very best men to have
commanded tho army of the Potomac,
and in saying this he did not intend
disparagement to any other officer."
Cleceland Leader.
Did You Ever Hrar of San Francisco!
A great commercial city cannot be
reared near tho coast at any site which a
largo ship can pass and sail inland to
load or even unload. Yamhill lleporter.
W. Lussler oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
A class of instrumental music for the
instruction of Violin, PiaiiOj Organ and
Guitar will be organized, if suflicent
patronage is insured within the next
week. For particulars apply to A. J.
Mkgi.ek at the Occident, or leave order
and address. J. II. BrexxkH.
Port hud, Or.
SoiJicfliiiifr New.
A. V. Allen has a splendid coffee mill.
Call and sec it. Fresh roasted coffee of
all grades received daily and ground to
order, it you ukc goon couec leave an
order and you will be pleased.
Coffee Mill.
Foard & Stokes' coffee mill is in oper
ation. Fresh roasted coffee ground in
quantities to suit. All brands of coffee
at the lowest prices. Your coffee ground
while you wait. We guarantee posi
tive satisfaction to our customers.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notire, go to Frank Fabre's.
Viniio For Sale,
Of splendid tone and fine make. Will
be sold at a bargain. Apply at this of
fice At Frauk Fabre's.
Board for $22.50 a- month. The host
in the citv. Dinner from 5 to 7.
The finest stock of books and station-
ery of all descriptions you will find at
j Actier s book store,
The Aristocratic Colony on CUtsop Beach
And the Democratic Sjndlcate Sjsteia at
Shoal natcr Bar.
We will tako first tho aristocratic re
sort at Clatsop Beach, which is tho love
liest place in America for tho money it
cost. In 387". a party of San Francis
cans visited here and went home in rap
tures about it. Tho next thing they
heard was that tho Southern Pacific
railroad folks had decided to build a
$350,000 hotel at Monterey to keep the
San Francisco elite from going to Oregon
to pass the summer months.
The Clatsop plains, which combine
the bracing air of the sea with all the
beauties of the inland scenery for which
Oregon is famous. Here you have trout-
fishing in the Nekanikuni and grouse-
hunting on tho little prairies that dot
tho approaches to the beach. You can
take a basket and pick all the wild rasp
berries, snlmon berries and whortle
berries that you desire, besides having
the chanco of a shot at a deer or elk if
you so desire; and at the same time you
havo the seafood to invigorate you, right
at the front door. Tillamook head is but
a few miles away and thero you can get
all the mussels you want, while on tho
beach you can get all tho razor clams
that you can eat. Tho latter are, hew
ever, rather hard to get nt and tho man
who digs two razors out of a ho!o big
enough to bury himself, is generally con
sidered lucky; and in regard to mussels,
let us advise the reader never to eat any
that are over two inches in length. And
in crossing tho small rivalets which in
tersect the beach, here and there, tho ad
venturous clam digger should always be
ware of quicksands. All tho articles of
sea-food above enumerated aro provided
bv tho manager of tho Sc-asido House,
but as for grouso and deer the visitor
feels liko furnishing them himself, partly
from love of adventure and partly from
that spirit of sympathy which prompts
Don Ca?sar to say "Oh, my poor landlord."
The company nt tho Seaside has al
ways been oi tuo nigucst type or rort
land's sangro azul, while tho bourgeo'B
have gone over to Unnies just naif a
mile away. At tho former place, one
must dress for dinner: while at the
latter, he may go to tha table in a linen
coat or check shirt. At dinner
in tho Ssasids there is a blaza of dia
monds that misht as well havo been left
at home; while at Grimes', tho order of
the day n easo and personal comfort.
Tho south side of the Columbia bar.
therefore, carries tho fashionable portion
of the sea-bathing public, while the north
side surpasses it in numbers. The north
side, which embraces Ilwaco, Oysterville,
iiroceport and bouth Jiend, in fact ail tuo
villages on Shoalwater bay, catches tho
masses, who still adhere to tho Oregon
fashion of camping out. Andwhilo there
aro many believers in tho comfort of
camp life, there aro thousands of people
who will tell you that camping is but ono
continuous series of hardships and pri
vations. Yet wo believo thi3 to be an er
ror. There are many people who suffer
moro or Ies3 privation and lack of com
fort in their daily home lives in tho very
heart of this city; and as remoteness
from the confer of business and base of
supplies always engenders moro or le3
inconven-'eao?, theso worthy people mul
tiply their privations as soon as they ;
lUilUU IA1U1. J.UU1 llUlJr liVUl MllU 11UJ
housekeeper, whosa mansion is a jewel
case whether it bo ono or three stories
high and whoso neat rooms betoken the
presence of an active woman's busy fin- j
gers, displays the same neatness when
camped in tho silent woods. She is up
with the lark, and while her husband is ,
makin" the caran fire, she is stuffing the!
clothes into the washbag for tho China- j office. Apply to Jeff.
man's washtub. When she begins to get ,
breakfast, sho makes her husband hang! Tho Uabicsl'rjrForll.
out the blankets to air and raiso the foot And the old folks laugh when they
of tho tent in which tbey havo passed find that the pleasant liquid fruit reine
thc night. Breakfast over, the dishes aro dy S rup of Figs is more easily taken
washed and put away and sho sits down and more beneficial in its action than
under some mighty hemlock with hir bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
sewing, whilo her husband shoulders his ens the Liver, Killings. Stomach and
rifle and goes into trackless forests in ' Bowels while it arouses them to a
search of deer or bear. If he goes to dig healthy activity. For sale by W. E.
rock oysters or mussels, sho is by his side . Dement &Co.'
and gathers shells and seaweed to make, i
during tho long hours of tho coming win- Mioalwuter liny Oysters
ter, little mantel ornaments as sonyenirs Constantly on hand, eooked to any styl
of tho sunny summer days when tho song at Frank Fabre's.
of tho robin and thrush echoed from
the leafy bowers overhead. Should Xo IJIore ITaril Times Free
sho prefer not to accompany him, Board!
?Jj,w?8!i j LriS b ' Yo " ' vain if you do n-4 go to
between two lroe3 and thero sho lies , il.iol,iinnn s-iliwm iml trv PiliK
with a book in hand till sho hears his !'enr!T;, '$ 10,,nfJ ?"Ur"I fW?rV.n!ii?
welcome shout as ho returns with the , (.?;Si ,? An?,? ihX 7n? ii in
.;i,f d,n i.r,o ct,n.,i,i ;f n, . ! ' rue- all the tune, not ironi ll to '2.
spoils of tho chase. Should it como on A p,.,., Pin.v,PP. ,., . ,.tiv
to ram sho gathers up eyervthing nud ; ,"i :.'Vn i'iVt-h- a mm v--,n,r
mCw in?r. innanir n: tiii. form...ia,lcrp Cigar. AAA Old A alley
rustics iBupora. langmng ai iae bhoti
without. In short, tho woman who is a
neat housewife at homo will be equally .
so in camp and make a heaven of the) ' "l""' "ul'llw"" '"""
bleakest sand dune between Sin Fran-1 ., . ,....
ciso and Cape Flattery. ! S-ora Spat I-iltins Boot
The canvas colonies along tho shores' Jr Shoe, goto P. J. Goodmans, on Che
of Shoalwater Bay are quite numerous, t naiiius street, next door to 1. W. Case,
thoso about Oysterville of ton exceeding . All guilds of the best make and gtiaran
fifty in number. Somo of these are made teeil quality. A full stock; new goods
of striped dack and are quite costly,' constantly arriving. Custom work,
whilo others are primitive if not slovenly, j
The best tent we havo seen for this pur-1 Compressed Yeast.
poso is called the "lypsy yueen" and is . A 0.)tl inanv ail!es W0Ui(I ,nake ti,eir
divided into three apartments ppo of ou,n,rca,i jf tf,ey could get good yeast
which serves as a dining-room while tho ln convenient shtpe. A. V. Allen has
others are a bod-room and kitchen on :. in s,aiKlkes, the famous compressed
either side. Iho next better m what is veast. Call and get a sample cake. It
called a 'natter SovereigD." fashioned ! js tjK ict made and is in such shape
spmethingaiterthestyleof4,Nessmccks'.Jhat VIM1 wi,i i,:ivu no inconvenience,
shanty tent, being nino feet high at tho To be" had only at A. V. Allen's family
front and six feet high at tho rear and t tr,,e-y torc.
divided into a bed-room and dining-j
room with an awning outside under WHAT!
which tho cooking is done. If the party I
is restricted alono to tho sterner sex,- So You Think that "Jon o
nothing quite as expensive as theso tents
are needed. A plain 7x10 wall tent, with
a fly, is largo enough for two people or a
10x14 will hold six on a pinch. If tho
party go inland they might as well leave
tents behind, but if they go to tho beach
a tent is needed as a protection against
the coasts fogs. Go and enjoy yourselves
before tho September days come, lto
member that tho first thing needed to
endear gipsy lifo to you is tho possession
of a cheerful spirit. It will bo a good
mend to you when your monoy is
gone. Sunday Mercury, ISth.
A Great Discovery
That is dally bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an ca'rly grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Trial Bot
tles free at W. E. Dement & Coo.'s Drug
Store. Large size 1.00.
SjTtip orFig-s.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrnj) Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Ovrn True. Laxatirc This
pleasant lii-unl fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement &. Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and cffccliTc remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindrsd ills.
J. C. Howerton, brother of Nelson
Howerton, ono of the proprietors of the
hotel at Ilwaco, who has been stopping
at tho residence of his sisterm tho sec
tion line road, near tho school bouso died
yesterday from the effects of an overdose
of morphine, which ho took about 9
o'clock on Thursday morning. It seems
the deceased was a heavy drinker and
was in tho habit of taking morphine at
times. Ho had been on a protracted
spree, went to his sister's house, where ho
lay down after taking a dose of tho drug
from a box which laid on a chair beside
tho bed. He soon became stupid and re
mained in that condition until past mid
night. His friends becoming alarmed,
sent for tho doctor, who arrived there
early in the morning and upon learning
tho facts in tho case, tried to get him to
take something to counteract the effects
of the poison, but found it impossible to
force anything down him, and finding ha
could do nothing for him, ho left. From
that time tho man never rallied, but at
3 o'clock in tho morning ho died. De
ceased left a note in his pocket-book
staling that ho had taken nn overdose for
tho purpose of ending his lifo, which had
become a burden. His ago was 50 years.
His brother arrived from Ilwaco last
evening. It is notlyet known whether an
inquest will bo held. Orcgonlan, Wth.
"What fools theso mortals be!" How
truly is ono half tho world made to be
robbed by tho other half! An ingenious
swindler in New York advertised that for
ten cents ho would send the correspond
ent the details of a bona fido schemo to
double his nionoy. Ono victim confesses
to tho reply received. In an opan envel
op under a one cent stamp was received
the following printed slip:
Wo will tell you a plan for gaining
Better than banking, trading or leases;
Tako a new greenback and fold it up,
And then you will find your wealth in
creases. This wonderful plan, without danger or
Keep3 your cash in your hands and with
nothing to trouble it;
And every time that you fold it across,
'Tis plain as tho light of the day that
you double it.
Frederick Logan and Joseph Walsh,
ranchmen nt Seaside, Clatsop, arrived in
town on Saturday. They came from
their ranches on horseback. The came
via Tillamook and Forest Grove, making
tho trip in three and a half days. They
represent the journey as a pleasant one,
although tho trails had to be opened at
several points. Theso gentlemen are en
route to tho Kootenai country where they
propose to establish a stock ranch on an
extensive scale. Xncs, 20th,
Biicliicii's Arnica Salve.
Tun UnsT in the world for
Cuts, Unfiles, Sores.Ulccr.s, Salt Rheum,
Finer Sores. Teller, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions and positively cures Pile., or no
pay required, it is guaranteed to
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price ITi cents per box. For sale bv V
K. Dammit fc Co.
..- r. ..
All the patent medicines advertised
in this Miner, together with the cluiiret
jvtfuniery. and "toilet ni tides, etc can
be twilight at the lowest prices, at J. Y
Conn's drug slore. upnosite Oe'iden
hotel. Astoria.
Good Dwelling House
For tent or sale, one block from Post
,,,,,,.1.- i," nr nn .Innnht Hnlf.
V:",:":lV.' 'Y i..1."- """""
The Chop House
(Uvea vrm a meal for nothing, and a
gla?s "of something to drink? "Xot
much !' but he gives a belter meal and
liion of it than any place in town for
2T. crisis, lie buys by the wholesale and
pays cuili. uThat settles it."
Tin Kev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind- says: 'Both myself and wife
mremir lives to Silicon's Coxsujiitiok
Cur.E.'' Sold by W. E. Dement.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy, rrire 50 cents,- Masai Injector free.
Fur sale by V. E. Dement.
Foi DjspepsiaandLiver Complaint,
ymi nave a pnnicu suarauu'u on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizes It Tiever
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
For lame Back, Side or Uliesc use
.Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pncp '2Tt cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Arcvoa made miserable by Indi
cestion. Constinalion, Dizziness, Loss of
aunetite. Yellow Skin ': bhilohs Vital
izer is a positive
cure. For sab by W.
is. Dement.
Warrants, deeds, moitgages, etc. A
full line of legal blanks on hand at tins
office. "
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shlloh a
Cure. Sold by W. H Dement.
,at-c! TJSS2D-
Tantlla, Lemon, O ranee, etc., flavor
Cakes, Crtarct, Pnddlnc, c, nt dcll
cntcly and naturally as the Trait from
which they aro made.
For Streng-tli and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alono
Price Baking Powder Co.B
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mc.
Dr. Priots Greani Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xnptilin Yeast Gen.3,
best Dry Hop "VeasJ.
The oest dry hop yeast in the world.
Bread raised by this yeost is light.whita
and wholesome like our Rrandmother'a
Price Baking Powder Co..
MTrsoI Dr. Price's ssssiainwonnz Extracts, '
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sa'c by CuitincMeuli: & Co.. Agents
Portland, Oregon
Ante Miction
A stylish business suit - $10
Former price - - - 15
A stylish business suit - 11
Former price - - - 10
Fine Diagonal suit - - 20
Former price - - - S25
The very best dress suit 25
Former price - - - 80
Boys and youths suits at greatly re
duced prices, also all the extensive as
sortment or Mens .burnishing (jnou?,
Hats and Caps,
Boot3 and Shoes Trunks find Valises,
Sold at cent by
Merchant Tailor and Clothier.
Private Boarding House.
annouaces that she is prepared to fur
nish Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only,
or with Hoard and Furnished Kooms at very
reasonable rates. No extra charge for use
of Tarlor or Bath room, and every effort
will bo made to make her guests feel com
fortable and at nome.
Dinner Serred from 5 to GiJJP. 31.
SC Cor. Slain and Jefferson streets.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
131 undersigned formerly partners dolug
business unueriiiourm name oi evensong
Anderson, have tills day dlsolved partner
ship by mutual consent, Martin Anderson
TPtirinir ami Chris. Evensoa continuing said
business. Said Chris Evenson to pay all of
tho indebtedness of said firm and collect all
accounts and moneys due or to become due it.
Dattd the 2nd day of July, 18S5.
And Must
"With the expectation of a large Clothing Trade at the end of the
fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to
arrive before July 15th, and whereas these Goods are now upon mr
hands, and must be sold within the expected time, I have, concluded
to put the knifa clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices
that will close them out without fail.
Men's Dark 3Iixed All Wool Business Suits $10 00
Men's Mixed Cussiiiici-e Sack Business Suits 13 50
Men's 3Iixed Cassimerc Frock Business Suits 13 50
Men's California Cassimere Sack Business Suits--. 15 00
Men's Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits 17 50
Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to any Suit
made bv Merchant Tailors.
I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of,
in Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing,
Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
..ATI Ooods
Marked in Plain Figures
S 111
The New York
The Leading: Stationers and
The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc.
We defy any and all competition. Call, examine our goods and bo convinced.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, ITIaiu St.,
For a first-clasg ShaTe, scientific Hair-cut.
aad hygienic Shampoo, etc,
U. Dn PARK, Proi.
Everything new received
E ,
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods! DEf,;;TtLELNTS. New Styles!
Men's, Toutlis' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
ieoeivod '
Be Sold
and One Price to All!
Novelty Store
ATews Dealers of Astoria.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published