P ystmdii lT&"i ' 1 dflf "Jl1 ' " nj She "guilt gurtodan. ASTORLA.,mEGO:r: THUKSAV..:..T.r. JULY ir.. 15-5 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HAL.LORAN &; COMPANY, rcnLisnEiis and rKomiETOKS, A3TORIAN BUILDIXG, - - CASSbTEEEl Terms orSnliscripilcm. Served by Carrier, per week i3cis. sent by Mall, per month cocts. " one year 57.00 Frea ol postao to subscribers. "Advertisements inserted by the year at t he rate of S2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fltty cents per square, each Insertion. Notice To Advertiser. The Astokiax Ruarantecs to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of auv newspaper published on the Columbia river. This paper is on file at the St. Charles Hotel, Portland, Or. The Willamette sailed 3'esterday. J. D. "Wagner, representing iho San Francisco Golden Era, is in the city. Plnms are fifty cents a bushel in Salem, and fifty cents a pound in Montana and Idaho. A. V. Allen receives compressed 3east, the housekeeper's favorite, on every steamer. Judge Townscnd has sold the Lafavetf 0 Register to Messrs. Fenton and Wester field. It cost 27.83 per capita to give Walla Walla's school children a term of school last year. Iho A. B. Field will go to Tillamook on Saturday the 18th inst., leaving Main street dock at 8 a. m. A now lighthouso has been finished at Mayne island, Active Pass, J. C. It is a fixed white light, visible twelve miles. The street fakirs are not so numerous this summer as usual. The pickings aro kind o' snort for those fellows this sea son. Blackberries aro in Iho market in great quantities. The cheapest they have been offered so far is five cents a pound, which will probably be the bottom figure. Mr. C. W. Shively, clerk school dis trict No. 18, gives notice that there will bo a meeting in the schoolhonso in that district this evening to levy a school tax, etc. The Geo. W. Elder, a stranger of late in these parts, is duo from San Francisco to-morrow, with freight and pissengers, in pl.ace of the disabled Stale of Califor nia. The salary attached to tho post offico has been reduced from 1,900 to 1,800 a year. Just how the officials figure on these things seems singular. Salem gets 2,100, Walla Walla 2,100, and Tacoma 2,100. An invitation is acknowledged to a ball to bo given by Cashing Po3t G. A. It. band on tho evening of the 21th inst., at Ross' opera house. Tho boys deserve and will doubtless have a pleasant even ing's entertainment. Among some delinquent accounts re cently advertised for sale, appears 1 he name of Henry Fisher, for $1.59. Ho holds a receipted bill for that amount, tho bill having been paid beforo tho list appeared, and its publication in that list was a mistake. "Tho American Bookmaker" is re ceived with an elaborate description of the Otto gas engine which many progres sive newspapers now depend on for power. The AsToniAN is believed to bo tho only newspaper north of San Francisco printed on a press run by the Otto gps engine. Tho operator at the Cape reports that at G:43 last evening the dead body of a man was seen floating out to sea. Tho only thing that could be distinguished was that the head was bald, and the body clothed in black. Somo pDor un fortunate whoimayluavc left somo hearth stone desolate. Tho steamship Wilmington, Barnard's opposition boat, will leave San Francisco for tho Columbia on her first trip about August 3d. Tho Wilmington is a steel vessel of 752.07 tons net burden and was built at Wilmington, Delaware, in 1SG.". Her homo port is San Francisco. She has engines of 150 horse power. Tho Tillamook Maud Mining company has been incorperated: S. M. Keeunn, J. B. Parker, S. M. Crane of East Port land, and others aro interested. Capital stock, 1,000,000; shares 5 each. Tho company has bought a mill with a daily capacity of two tons, and will begin op erations at once. Ninety and ninety-two cents appears to be the current pneo for county orders. As they draw eighfper cent interest, and aro perfectly good, it would seem as though they ought to bo worth ninety five, but anything in this world is worth just what it will fetch, and county orders are evidontly no exception to tho general rule. There was a lively time at the Pacific Union yesterday morning. According to the account of tho circus, Mr. Dunn grabbed Mr. Smith by tho beard and yanked out a handful, and Mr. Smith placed the torn handful of beard in his pocket, after which ho smoto Mr. Dunn with his fists. No arrests. Under date of July 14th, Capt. Geo. T. Morse, of the barkentino MelancL'toa, writes from South Bend, W. T., where ho had just arrived with his vessel, that on the 10th inst. ho spoke tho ship Benjamin F. PacJcard, lat. 44 33' N., Ion. 13i)9 03 W., 153 days from Liverpool, bound for Port Moody, B. C. The captain's wife and child wero very sick. Captain Morse supplied him with medicine and vegetables. S. B. Osborn writes from his place at Wilhamsport that at a late hour on the night of Monday, tho 13th, John Bush ard left Young's bay intending to go up Young's river. Nothing was further heard or seen of him, but the following day his boat was found bottom upwards opposite J. G. Nnrnburg's; his hat was floating on tho water. Tho presumption is that the unfortunate man is drowned. Tho July salmon run, which started in pretty heavy the first week of tho month, has fallen off, and it looks now as though the prophesies of a short pack would come true; there are not lacking thoso who assert that tho aggregate will bo 200,000 cases below that of last year. Tho outside estimate is 475,000 cases, and it is said that this is putting it 3O,C90 cases too uign. it would seem as though Jos. Hume would win his bet. It would be a good joke on same of tho Portland ouice seekers if tho Port land custom house wero abolished. Mr. Hobson and his deputies and assistants would, in that case, be civen moro com modious quarters. The United States and Clatsop county micht make a trade have tho present custom house con demned and sold to the county for a court houso and a new custom house large and styliBh erected on tho site of the present court house. The postmaster general has approved the design for the ten cent special deliv ery Btamp authorized by congress at its last session. The stamp will bo about tho size of an ordinary postage stamp and tho shape of a dollar note. On tho left of tho stamp there is a pretty vig nette of a messenger boy in uniform. Across the lop are these werds: ''United States special postnl delivery;' along the bottom the price of tho stamp, ten (10) cents, is expressed in figures and letters. Conspicuous on tic body of tho stamp aro the werds: "Secures immediate de livery at special delivery office." When these stamps get out here, a letter that has 0110 on will be delivered at tho resi dence or place of business immediately after its receipt at tho post office. COX7L2" V0lt. G Y CO-IM EST. Astoria, it seems, liko Portland and tho other towns of tho country, has been thrown upon its own resources. Tho Astokiax of yesterday says: 'Someone said somewhere somotimo "that 'it never rains but it pours.' Tho remark con tinues to be quoted because it cannot be improved. It applies with particular aptness to Astoria's present depressed condition. Salmon, logs, lumber, rail road prospects, and everything clso it may almost be said, offer a dull appear ance, and now comes the probablo los3 of a littlo business that usunlly helps mat ters considerably in tho winter time the loading of ships?' It is v trifle severe that all these misfortunes must come at onco,bat after all it seems best for a town to get down to '"hard pan' occasionally. It takes oat the deceit, shuts down our extravagancies and stop-; bluster. It teaches people ibo primary value of things and ir.3k.-s them appreciate good times whenia tho coarse of nature, thoy come round again. Ther is a popular song of no great merit which declare.! that spring would be a dreary seasou if there wero nothing clso but spring, and so it is; with good times. Bat Astoria is not alone. Tho ill-luck is pretty evenly distributed. Yt'e innstquit relying upon outside conditions and each go diligently to worl; to develop its 1 jci1 resources. That is tho only sure prosjKT ily. Astorin fhould try to fill up the fino country tributary lo it. When Chit sop county has a population of fifty thousand, Astoria will cease to care much about the items of business who38 lo.n now is tho occasion of dark foreboding?. Orcgonian. Tho Astosiak talks gloomily of the shipping interests of that port. After citing tho facts that salmon, logs, lum ber, railroad prospects, and everything clso have been disappointing this year, it speaks of Iho loading of ships, in this wise: "The tonnago at present on tho way aggregates 7,784 tenes: two years ago at this time there were ftS.OiX), and the winter of 18S3-4 required here i!5,G3!) tons of shin tonnaze. The causes of tho falling on are far reaching m thcirnature. But tho vessels are not. Two and threo years ago moro oal .vhs needed here, which brought ship from Australia: the Northen Pacific railroad was not finished, and supplier had to coiun around thu Horn 1:1 vessels that took wheat to England when they crossed tho bar bound out;ciuse5 which no longer exist brought other vessels, and higji freights made it profitable for vessels to coma here ba!la-t laden, discharge and load at a hand some profit." But tho causes mentioned by the Astociax as depressing tec freight ing interests of tho Columbia mav prove only temporary. The Oregon" wheat crop can not fail to attract tonnage. The groat crops of the northwest will herdly stand double and treble handling between producers and consumers, and it is contrary to ail rules regulating trans portation to have the crops of Oregon and Washington go to San Francisco to seek tonnago for Europe. Ncrs. now to ir.iae: vr.. Now that the small fruits are becoming moro abundunt, preserving is the order of tho day. HoasekcGpers who disliko the tedious, old-time fnhhion of clarify ing sugar and boiling the fiuit will ap preciate tho two following rocires, no firo being needed in their preparatien: First, put one quart of while preserving brandy into a two-gallon stone jar that has a tightly filling top. Then, for every pound, of fruit in prime condition and perfectly dry which you put in the brandy add three-quarters of a pound of granu lated sugar: stir every day so that tho sugar will bo dissolved, using a clean wooden spoon kept for the irarpose. ivrery sort 01 iruu may bo used, begin ning with strawberries and ending With plums. Be.suro and havo at least one pound of black cherries, as they make the color of the preserve ver3r rich. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apricots, cherries (sweet and sourj, peaches, plums are all used, and. if yoa like, currants and grapes. Plums and grapes should be peeiedand cut in quart ers, or eighths or ilicv; cherries also must be seeded, lne jar must be kept 1:1 a cool, dry placc.and tho daily stirring must never bo forgotten, for that is the secret of success. You mav use as much of one sort of fruit as you like, and it maybe put in from day to day jut as 3'ou Happen to nave it. liair the quan tity of spirits may bo used. Tho pre serves will bo ready for use within a week after tho last fruit is put in, and will keep for a number of months. Wo havo found it good eight months after making. Second Take some pare white vinegar and mix it with sonic granulated sugar until the syrup is formed quite freo from acidity. Pour this syrup into earthen jars and put in it good, perfectly ripe fruit, gathered in dr3 weather. Cover tho jars tight and put them in a dry place. Tho contents will ke?p for six or eight months and the flavor of the fruit wiil be excellent. Salt for Damages. In the state circuit court at Portland, J. B. Montgomery has brought suit ajainst tho O. & C. It. It. Co. Tho action is to recover 35,0C3 for damages uns tained under tho following circumstances: J. B. Montgomery and another man wore driving up North Front street at noon on the 22nd of December, 1582, near its in tersection with North Fourth. Tho en gineer of ono of the O. & C. locomotives was eating his dinner, when tho yard master signaled him to get off the track. Tho engineer reached forward and n'aced the cover on his dinner bucket, and at the samo moment opened tho throttle valve and let steam into the cylinders, tho Eton cocks being open, the noise made by the escaping steam ecarcd tho horse, and ho rau'away and collided with a pile of lumber, throwing Montgomery out and breaking his right leg and inflict ing other injuries. As soon as the engin eer saw tho horso running ho stopped tho engine. Mr. Montgomery was un able to stir from bed for fifty days and was confined to tho house for .four months and a half, ancl paid a bill to nurses and doctors amounting to 3,500. llano Tor Sale, Of splendii tone and fins make. Will be sjld at a bargain. Apply at this office. and difficult to explain in the necessarily brief limits of a newspapsr article. The wheat is hero to ship and p'ent y of it, just the samo as two and tbra : irj ao. "TTALL, BT GOSII!" Yro wero winding down ono of tho mountain roads of Tennessee in a cart drawn by a mule. The land was barren. tho houses no better than hovels, and it was a queiy how people made a baro liv ing or were content to stay. By and by wocamo to a turn in tho road where there was a trough to water horses and mules, and tho cabin of a settler. This cabin was the poorest of all, and noth ing around it indicated that tho owner made any attempt to cultivate tho soil. Wo reached the place just in time to wit ness a tableau. A woman, poorl3' dressed, and her face bearing tho look of ono who had eeen much worry and suffering, stood near the trough, and a satchel filled with clothing sat on the ground beside- her. Five feet away stood her hus band, a burly, tough-faced mountaineer, and ho held a switch in his hand. Neith er minded us as wo drove up, and it was a full minute beforo the husband said: "Mary,rilwollopye!" 'Jim. 3-0 dasn't!" she replied. "Mary. ye can't leave me nohow!" "Jim, I'm gwino ter do it! I've starved an' suffered till I'm clean gone! I'm go ing home.' Man-, if ye don't take np that satchel and march in I'll wollop yo good and stout!" There wero Iwo or us besides the driver. The woman looked ap and scanned our faces, as if to judgo how far sho might count on our help, and the driver said: "'Taiu't rulablo for strangers to mix in, Mary, and Jim's got a knifo and would kill somebody'. Bettor go in." Never!' she hissed. "If 3ou don't," said the husband as ho came a step nearer, "I'll make tho fur fly! Take that!' With v swish he brought tho switch down across her shoulders and raised it again. She stood stock still for a min ute and looked him in tho eye, and then walked into tho hovel. " Itayther peart, but tho gad will euro her! " grinned tho husband as ho drow tho switch through his fingers. His triumph was short-lived. In sixty seconds Mary reappeared. Sho had tho mountaineer's heavy rifle in her hands, nud as she came out sho raised it on a lino with the man's heart. "Jim, I want ve to git!' "N-o!" "SarlinP' "Shoo! Can't do it!" "Click! click!' "Mary, what yo gwino ter do!" "Kill yo like a wolf in yer tracks if yo don't walk away!' "Whar lor" gom up, He looked into her eyes and saw the change. Poverty and brutality had corao to an end. Jjovo had turned to disgust, and in placo of fear was such braver as he would net havo looked for in a man on tho road. Ho saw "shoot" in her eyes, but he still hesitated. "Mary, drop that rifle!" he whispered. "Jim, git! If you are hero when I've finished conn ting twenty I'll kill yoa as there is a God in Heaven!' Ho began backing away. When ho had gone twenty feet ho turned and walked. When he had gone a hundred ho halted, wheeled about, and after a long look muttered: "Wall, by gosh! Mary, let's make up!" "Keep a-gitlin,' Jim," she replied, as sho still covered him with the rifle. In five minutes he was out of sight up the road. Tho woman placed tho nun and satchel in tho cart, walked into the hovel to be gone two minutes, nnd when sho camo back to tho cart and took a seat with us flames wero creeping through a hundred crevices between tho dry logs. Without a word she climbed in, ancl only onco during tho fivo niilo rido did she u'.tcr a word. At a bend in tho road she looked hick at the pyram'd of sinoko and flame wrought byherhr.nd,and said, as if to htrsslf: "Jim didn't know Mary, Jim didn't!' 1 IN THE PASTRY -I!E Tr.g;v.Tt. Tanllls. Lcnon, Oraacc, etc, flavor LaL.sc, Creim, Putl'jtnsr, &:., tin del! calely and naturally sutba fruit from iUlch tlscy aro taatle. Fcr Strcagtli end Trco Fruit I'lavor They Stand Ione. FKCPJkHCO DY TMC Prlco Baking Powder Co., C::cago, til. St. Louis, Mo kkP3 or Dre Prices Cream Baking Powder JLfcD J?. Price's Xupr.lia Yeast Gems, "n?i 5ry Hop Tcant. KOI CAIXEYGROCERS. vr j; dAKi edt oxe oUAun. Light Healthy Tho ooat dry hop yoaat In tho world. Bood raisod by this yeast ia Ught.whUo ondvtholeqomo lilto our grandmother'a delicious hread. GROCERS SELL THEffl. FRE7ARE0 6T THE Price Baking Powder Co., SaTis of Br. Price's special FlaiGnnz Eitracis, Chicago, til. St. Louis, Mo. l-'or ?a'c by CnTixc.MEHLE & Co., Acnt Porfaud, Oregon Frrxli Eastern ami Shoaltvatcr Cay 3".tcrs Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Wf (TMelM v IF - KIP Bread. ISSsi i2h1 h-'"w' g GOOD The Royal Baking Powder Never Fails to do Perfect Work. The "Good Luck" thatfhvays .attends the use of the Royal Baking Powder in making perfect bread, cake, biscuit, pastry, etc., is not "luck" after all, but the exact result that inevitably follows the correct application of scientific principles. All the scientific knowledge, care and skill attain ed by twenty years' practical experience have been combined in the Royal Baking Powder to make a leavening agent absolutely perfect, and it cannot help doing perfect work in the production of light, sweet, wholesome, palatable bread and pastry. The most exact accuracy and precision are exer cised in the preparation and combination of all the ingredients of the Royal Baking Powder.- Every ar ticle is first ascertained absolutely pure. A number of chemists are employed to test the strength of each ingredient, so that its exact power" and effect in combination with its co-ingredients is definitely known. Nothing is trusted to chance, and no person is employed in the preparation of the materials who is not an expert in his particular branch of the business. As a consequence, the Royal Baking Powder is of the highest grade of strength and excellence, always pure, wholesome, and uniform in quality. Each box is exactly like every other. It will retain its pow ers and produce the same and the highest leaven ing effect in any climate, at any time. The Government Chemists, after having analysed all the principal brands in the market, in their re ports placed the Royal Baking Powder at the head of the list for strength, purity, and wholesomeness, and thousands of tests all over the country have further demonstrated the fact that its qualities are, in every respect, unrivaled. Housekeepers never fail to have "good luck" in making the most delicious bread, biscuit, cake and pas try, who use the Royal Baking Powder. AG001I Cijrir. Jtist as nood as vou usual! v pav a bit fo r can b had FOlt FIVE CENTS at C. P. Wilson's. x.!l tl:? patent tueriirmi-s ailwrthcd in this papi-r, to!eliiiT with tin ohoico-. wrfumery. and toilet aitirk-s. ,!ceaii !. bought at l!u. lowest prices, at .1. W Conn's drim store, opposite OrMilrti hotel, Astoria. For Dinner I'artio to order, at short noliec, yo to Frank Fabru's. IVo ""Jlore Hard Times Tree Board ! Yon live in vain if 301: do nutijo lo the Telephone Saloon, and try Haldy ('corse. SO MOIIE charge for Lunch. Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2. Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc. Vaouero Cigars, AxVA Old Valley Whisky, I'oca Iker on draught, Half amMJalt ; Latest Papers, Billiards, Piano; Uest place in town. Co in pressed Yeast. A good many ladies would make their own brcail if they could get good yeast In convenient slnpe. A. V. Allen has it in small cakes, the famous compressed yeait. Call and get a sample cake. It is the best made and is in such shape Hint you AYiSI have no inconvenience. To be had only at A. V. Allen's family grocery store, Blanks. Warrants, deeds, mortgages, clc. A full line of legal blanks on hand at this office. At Frauli F:tbrc'a. Board for 3220 a month. Tho best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. The finest stock of books and station ery of all descriptions you will find at Adler's Book Store. For a "Vent Fitting Bout Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, nest door to I. W. Cate. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Good Dwelling House For rent or sale, one block from Post office. Apply to Jekf. Something- New. A. V. Allen has a splendid coffee mill Call and sec it. Fresh roasted coffee of all grades received daily and ground to order. If you like good coffee. leave an order and you will be pleased. Coffee Ulill. Foard & Stokes' coffee mill is in oper ation. Fresh roasted coffee ground in quantities to suit. A II brands of coffee at the lowest prices. Your coffee ground while vou wnit. Wc guarantee posi tive satisfaction to our customers. For the very best photographs at the lowest prices call on Crow tho Photo grapher, No. CX Water street. Crow's gallery is head quarters for the best photographs for tho least money. LUCK 31 MiictM IN A !. 5ffe: IN v '" A stylish business suit - $10 Former price - - - 15 A stylish business suit - 11 Former price - - - 16 Fine Diagonal suit - - 20 Former price - - - 25 The very best dress suit 25 Former price - - - 30 Coys' and youths' suits at greatly re duced prices, also all tho extensive as sortment of Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Sold at cost by M. D. KANT, TEE BOSS Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ilfe I OLOTHCI-KTG-! J- I 'J' m n " )J IA i 1 1 5vv OF MEAT'S Olof liiiis Jus! And Must Be Sold, "With the expectation of a large Clothing Tradetthe end of the fishing season, I placed large orders in MEN'S SUITS of all kinds to arrive before July loth, and whereas these Goods are now upon my hands, and mnst he sold within the expected time, I have concluded to put the knife clear in to the quick, by marking the Suits at prices that will close them out without fail. LOOK AT PRICES Men's Dark Mixed All "Wool Men's Mixed Oassiincre Sack Business Suits Men's Mixed Cassimere Frock Business Suits Men's California Cassisnerc Sack Business Suits.. Meif s Silk Mixed Black Sack Business Suits Men's Black Diagonal Sack Dress Suits Men's Black Diagonal Frock Dress Suits Men's Finest Dress Suits from $20 to 32.50, equal to made bv Merchant Tailors. I also have just received a large stock which must be disposed of, in Boys Clothing, Ilats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Underclothing, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. MO GOODS MXS&EPEESENTED ! AIT O Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to All! n HIS PYTHIAN BUILDING, wri'Tii 'mi jt.'h i Hi mirrT "- .! .m i- " ' !. -g--g n The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria. ARTISTS' 33ATIKIAI.Sr5. TOILKT ARTJCXiES, JAPASESE GOODS 1'ASCY GOODS. KABY BrCCiES. The Latest Notions "We defy any and all competition. OPPOSITE PARKER HOUSE, GO TO THE 0 Hair Dressing Saloon Parlxcr House, Main St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cat. and hygienic Shampoo, etc, U. Du PARK, Prop. w GRIFJFIX cty mm STORE STATIONERS 8NE WSDEALERS Everything new received as soon as published. jl nlSfSli iiH a m f a ' !facs:ai:a83iss23S3::s:i::ssz:;u:s2::s:::Eisssss;:Eas5Stxi:3Bs:'! The Leading Clofhisr and Hatter, New Goods! DEPrRTNT, New Styles! Men's, a?outh.s' and Boys' CLOTHING Hats and Furnishing Goods. -FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST VRICES.JB. dgUulli leeeived ! AND QUALITY. Business Suits .$10 00 . 13 50 . 13 50 . 15 00 17 50 . 17 50 . 17 50 anv Suit - oocSLs ASTORIA, OREGON. MAX OS. ffi g -irS'CAL I.5T1!C3IETS. I JE'iVEIiRY. l WATCHES AXD CLOCKS. Q I miil 4AES. z o and Novelties, Etc. Call, examlno our goods and bo convinced. - ASTORIA, OREGOIY 7TfT '- f mmT'iV,'iml?rfV W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compound w & KEED, L ., . , r, . ....-, im I IMHT