flj -. ry: ..,.. ' . . -..... '.1II1J'..'.-4HJL.... . . ; VOL. XXIV, NO. 9. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS GAUDS. " ? - - "rnx. A. Li. and J. A. FULTOS. Xli3'.sf ciaus and Surgeons. Will j;le prorafat attention to all calls, fiom any part of the city or country Ofilce over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Squcmoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone o. 41. D K. Fit AXIL PAG E. Phyairlnn and Surgeon. Office. RcomG, over D. A. Mcintosh s stoic. Offick Hours : 0 to 11 A. si. ; 3 to 5 r. si. Residence, opposite the Johansen building c.ko. a. nonius. gko. 2fOi.An XOE.AXl & DOKKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. WW in Kinnej'a RIo&. ppesile City I la . .Woila. Oregon. W. h ULTOS. O. C FULTON. rilJFOX BBOTSiriSS. ATTORNEYS AT I. AW. Rooms 5 and C.Odd Fellows Building. ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Offick. on Cass street, 1 door south of Odd Fellows Building. n Kf-O V. IMKKKIt SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County m.d. City if Astoria onice :-N. E. corner C.i-s and JWor streets, Room No. 8. T q. A. KOWI.KY, Attorney' nud Counsellor at I.atv, Ofllce on Chenanius Street, Astoria, Oregon. ft XV. MUCK.. ARCHITECT AND SUIE.'IXT'SIi:i'T. OtFioK : Room 9, Kinney's l-iitl. Block, TAY TUTTL.E, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGKO? Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3 ryt!i.:.i Build lug. KRSiDKxrE On Cedar Street, luck I St. Mary's Hospital. F P. IIIOKS. A. K.SIIAW HICKS & SET IW. DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up htairs. cor ner Cass and Squcmoqua streets. Astoila Oregon. JOIIt II. HITCH KM.. rimmi m. utxirtT 3IirCHKL.Ij &. WKMEXT, Attorneys and Councelors at Lav. Rooms 1,2,3, and 4 Kamm'a Build ins, North East Coiner of First and Pint Sired., FoitUnd, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - oitExsoar. OFFICE IIOUIIS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'cloilc I. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by the Salem (Cr.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED Is the only flour that has taken First Prire three oars In succession at tho V iokti.a:v 3iEciiAXic'a fam:. Also at State Fair. One trial Is sufllcient to convince of its suj e i lorlty. See that the word.CAriTOLison each sack- GEORGE SIIIEL. 8 Stark St.. Fortland Agent. WILSON & FISH ER, Astoria Agents. A BIG STOCK OF Trunks, Boots and Shoes, Clothing. Etc., J tut Received at Phil. A. Stokes & Go's, FISHERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS. " Gum Boots. Overalls. Shirts. Etc AT Phil. A.Stokes & Co. Next door to Foard & Stokes' store, is head quarters for Cloth ing at Bottom Figures Everything bought here puarante-d to be just as represented. No old stock ; every thing fresh, aud NEW GOODS on every Steamer. Remember the place. P1I.. A. STOKES & CO. -A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Price that Iefy Competition. EMEP SHEaSa At tUls season nearly every ona needs to ao fct.rso ' irt of tome. II'ON enters into akr n't rirr nksr- i iictaa's prescription lortaosoivuo cccu i.uiiujn' up , sr 3 WE 3a I ca rf-rt sv" s- 7HS J2-.BE5TTGKEC. For TTcnlracp;, T.R.ssti"dr. T.ark c.f JincrcT, Arc, it HA.- NO TQiAJ-.. a m tho onlv Iron roodicjnolLstur.nt injuiioi.s. It Enricl-CH the Illopd.. Isn.poratcs tU .System, It eitorcsAi.pelitc.AliisIJiKCst.on It does not blccVcn cr injure the tooth, ccsee LeBl. aclio cr produce conilipaiica AfrrcH nrrfK- tuff' "Da. G. II BniELTT, a lending pajTlcim of Spnccfield, 0 rayc: "Brotai'a Iron Bitten Ha thoronrWy rT n1' cino I ufo it in icy practice, nd ftnl irs.tvta excel all other forms rf iron. In wesknwjj " condition of tho fyrtem. BrnwuVIron llrttcr. re csnellr e. positivo noccafaty It jsrJi the i '.xxI for it.' o GenninohRfl tradotnnrlc nnd crxmreii r-d Ittwsca ivTapper. Takr no otber. Med only fcjr KironT cnr:3iirAL,co..7...Tm.i.::.2Ji. IiDIER' Hand Boos CEcfrl sd rtrrt'w C3- i tsininc list of pnzes fnr rcrlpt-" tn.nitin rbiwv j coirs, etc., piren rrry by all iilpr8 ti met tciz,o, or i m,-,noa to any taorctt, on rerp: ci sc. f viirp. S.M.Mi, IIEITMIU & '.K'M'AHB, AVlIOI.KbAl.K AIT.s lr1 ' (i.; ?r" tvz PCVS? -Ef l,l'?fciAg5Ba?ySi'a-SgS!gi5 IS iv-iJg.'js'jgggagi TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LifSS!y and MALARIA. rrom 1 1 1 ec rou res arise 1 h rec-fourll: r of the iliscasc3 cf the Luuju ix.c f. These fcyniptoins incliattc 1'ic r csi-rtence. Joss of Apjictitc, rSoxrtls costive, tilde IIciulncLe, fullnc s afJir cat tti.avers.outo eserl.ciiof l!o3;or oiIiavIiiqncKlcetcilf.onicctiity.TWi 2i:tc3D.I;,l:itterIrat!TJTfart.Eiots licrcve the eyes, Iilhly coloreI UtIiic,CO.STlPATIO.V,anilileraana tho use of a remedy tliat at tsdirocJlvon the Liver. As a Liver used .cmeTUZir'S I'IZ.X.S have no c inal. TI iractionon tho Kidneys ai;l irWm is also )rompt; removing all inipuiitics ihrouh these three scm-c:ii;vi-3 of !ia s cttai,' producii:? appetite, soutd digestion, regular stools, a clar skin antl a vlp orousbody. TlTTT;- I'IIjCS citiseno nausea or griping nor intcrfcro "vritlt ilaily work and are r. perfect A?rnDG7E TO KIALAI5CA, hold everywhere 2w'5.01i(vli '.irrr- fe.W. GnAYUAin ois vriK'sirj-uj clu"irM in stantly to a Gw-sv IlLvt t ly abinglo application of :hU l)i :. fcoM by Dnyr- cis,ts.orfcent by express on i ecefpt of 51. Office, 41 3Iurr.iv Street, New York. nrr3 hactaIi c? usi?ii 2s:n?ra 1222. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! Tl.M'iM !:!. !' j u-. ''Cai'Jisirvojj C:i:Tl h" lft: At. T T:.s !; &s er. Goes on the berth at As'ttri i ii..ieilia.clv r.int 'will take In Iot to suit !.!pp -. For rate of freight and iiisrran e, ajily to r.ALiori:. githi:!k a to., r-it an l,vr. Or n . LEX. BA1 LLI 1. Astoi u. Soffl MJeiBliy, Scarf His, Chains, Watches, Pi.tHos ttmJ Ortixrs r I: IJe.sf , mnltcni the .nve..t I'rirrs. The finet stock of .levrlo In Astoria. fSAll goods warranted as lfprescnied. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER T. G. RAWLINGS, MioIesale and Iletail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic. Green nd Dried aNUTS. CAXDira, DRIED 3HLVTS, ETC. Fine Cifrar.s and Tobacco. Main street, below Chenanius HAVE YOU IN THE 5IATTEK OK Rags, Bottles, C!d Pcetal, or Junk of Any Sort, 'ill 01 "Will give you the be-t price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belayin; Pin to a Haw or : from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at T0AEB& STOKES. Headquarters at buildin?, cast end Water Street. ' :.. g. attvs ? &tyJ y NUTJV - v nwy i BSB ta i -3n WSk iwC " KSp H atSKSE Mil to sell? FM1& IE A LESSON IN GRAM3IAR. The Proj-cr le of Varions Words and Phrases. The word ''while ' should never be used in the sense of ''though.' The sentence, "While I shall be glad lo meet him, yet I cannot aid him,' is not correct. The word "while should be used, as a conjunction deuotiug time, in the sense of "as long as," of "at the same time that."' "Quite," need as an adverb, means perfectly'" or "completely." "Ho is quite well" docs notmean "moderate ly well," but "entirely well."' The ex l'reas.on '"quite a number' in the sense of a large number" is not legitimate; and the phrase "the girl is quite pi city' means that she is very pretty, not moderately good looking. "Under his signature" has been largely displaced by the phrase,"over his siunnlure."' This change has been helped by the idea that under means beneath, and the fact that figuatures are usually placed at the bottom of a letter, lint the word under h allied to the Latin Inter, be tween, and the expression, "under his .signature" is as good as "under his ban I and seal ,' or "under way,' or perhaps, "understand." J:h- .tord ovation is now used m the sensKJ of shouting aud cheering. But as Prof. E. A. Freeman of Ox ford points out, it has a strict and rfi.'s.'tc meaning; it means the iii'uiK;,'iv:ii' ior a victory wnicu is iot of the first importance, or which is won by a commander not of the iir.st rauk. In saeh a case tho victor walked in state to the capital aud sacrificed a sheep, while in tho full triumph lie vrsi tirawu m a chariot and sacrificed a bull. The word ova tiou,thr n, means a minor triumph, and slicuki ! e not applied to president", governop, kings, generals in coai- inaa'J. or the highest m any position. .John Abhtons admirable book. "Old times," contains the statement that in iiteen Aunos lime no one Imt women used umbrellas, ami omv those "whose avocations compelled them to be out, whatever the weather." Even "Webster's diction ary," whjf'h is not excessively accur ate, lemarks "that the wc of this v.owi for vocation is ery improper. aud Shear, who is good in etymology. ob-crves that the two words should never have been confused. Vocation fs one's regular calling; avocation is a synonym of diversion, as the !Latiu ncwatio means the calhng'away of one's attention from regular employ - menl. It is a banners vocation to negotiate loans; lo go to bankers' diuners is his avocation. "Jtiiualist" hasas.fumcd an entirely i.cw mcauiug. About twentv-five e..rs ago it meant a student versed .;i liturgies and church ceremonies. Accordingly it was legitimate to speak of Catholic, .lew iah aud ?Iohammedan ritualists, lo-dny the word means a Ptweyite, or an Episcopalian who at taches more importance lo religious vestments and ceremonies than the common prayer book seems lo de mand. The use of "around" for "round" is said to have originated in the south ern stales. Around is a hybrid word, means "on all sides of," and should not be used in expressions like "A journey round the world with Gen eral Grant. The equator goes around the earth; a traveler does not. On the point of "begin" and "com mence" American writers arc more cautious than their English brelhern. Very few English writers shrink from the upo of commence, when they might just as well use the preferable word begin. To begin is an honest Teutonic word; to comme jco is a bid Latin word which r.oue of the lloraan classics ever used. A common phrase is "all of us," or "ail of them." The expressions "of us," "of them," imply a part; the word "all" implies the whole; accord ingly, the phrase "all of us," or "all of them,' should be abandoned. To have one do something means, as Erancis Boott points out in the Audover JlvVieic, to require or de sire him to do it. Accordingly it is not correct to say, "I am sorry to have yon go." It is related of a passenger on the Hubson River railroad that the other day ho tore .his ticket into a dozen or more small pieces, shook them up in his hat and when the conductor came around dumped them into his hand. The man of punches and tickets took the fragments, placed them together and satisfied himself that the ticket was all right, aud then punched the largest piece and handed the frag ments back to the passenger. It is supposed that the passenger expected that the conductor would refuse the torn ticket and would put him off the train, in which event ho could have sued the compau' for damages. In the Bernese Oberland a parrot one day made ito escape and perched on the rain-trough of a farmhouse in the neighborhood. The farmer, who had probably never been out of his native village, brought a ladder to capture tue strange animal. When he had reached the top, and was stretching out his hand, the parrot called eut: "What do yon want? "What do you want?' Theastonishcd peasant at once took off his cap and said: "Oh, I beg your pardon; I tuougut you were a bird! ' . Its effect is magical, is what all those 6ay who try St. Jacobs Oil for pains. A SOURCE Or DANGER. "Why Bottles Should he Broken AftcrThey Arc Used; Another risk to life is added by the "secoud-hand bottle" or phial. Ev erybody knows the number of fatal "accidents' due to taking tho wrong medicine or mixture at home from the apothecary's. The largely in creasing use of bottled waters and other beverages points another warn ing against the unwashed bottle it self. The death of ex-Secretary Fre linghuysea seems to have been hastened, if not directly caused, by the same sort of carelessness that made it possible for a young child in this city last week to drink some deadly stuff out of a bottle found in adustlieap. A much stronger word than carelessness, indeed, might ba used to express this lack of conscience in the small daily affairs of lifo that furnishes kindred instances of "in voluntary manslaughter." There should bo as much care employed jn destroying bottles that have had poi son in them as there is expected to be in keeping poison or gunpowder or dynamite away from reckless hand ling. It does not always serve the samo purpose to empty the bottles. Corrosive sublimate, carbolic acid, copperas, used in house cleaning, are often put in old beer or apollinaris bottles. Aconite, which, is used allo pathically in a liniment, was found in the bottle of aerated water which was opened for tho lato secretary of state aud of which he partook. Prob ably some careless previous owner had used a bottlo to Hold that lotion and had allowed it to be gathered up and sold afterward instead of de stroying it. Ale, beer and tho bot tled waters arc usually sold with a proviso that the bottles will be paid for when returned. It is likely that many are carelessly rinsed beforo re filling, with the understanding that only the harmless beverges have been in them. '. It is causing great risks for some body when potash is put into spruce beer bottles or sherry into soda water bottle. Such receptacles being of some ware or dark glass, it is next to impossible to see it they are quite clean and free from sediment when they arc returned to the bottlers. As for furniture polish, shoe-polish, and all such harmless articles, it is consul erate to break tho bottlo beforo they arc put into tho nsh-brfrrel, and then you are sure that iyAmnnfc. left in them -is very muca"-lw-tf!"wy2$$"a5 harm- 'Hail Till the Cloa.li Roll By, Lore." But the clouds won't "roll by' as long as dyspepsia holds its cruel grip. Dyspej-sia beclouds the mind, confus ses the understanding nnd darkens the domestic circle. Brown's Iron Bitters makes short work of dyspep sia. Airs. II. L. Taylor, Lynchburg, b. U., says, 1 have used Brown s Iron Bitters for dyspepsia, with favorable results.. I believe it is all it is rep res3i.teJ to be." Ask any druggist what is the experience of his patron; who have used this great tonic. At a murder trial in Lancaster, S S., recently, one witness admitted that he had been drinking on the day of the murder. He said that ho "felt it some, but not in a romantic, extor tionate way." Another witness said ho executed "a rainbow curve' in coming to tho scene of the tragedy. His horse ho described as "a-sitting bias-wise across the street." Being cross examined, he said to tho sol sel sol iceor: "I am. a master-drinker. I can out-drink you." Bnt tho great est sensation was produced by a wit ness who stated that he refused to tako a drink vvheu invited by one of the parties to the difficulty. This caused "incredulous laughter in the court-room.' SPBCM. MAIL N0TI6B. HEltKAlvTIilt SO MAIL Will bs Forwarded by Steamer TO SAN FRANCISCO. ItepNtcreil mall will be forvrnrded through Iost onitf via Oitden, and ordinary mall via Ashland, t hence bv Maze 123 mile to Delta, tli9ii'-o by ia'l to San Francisco. Wells, Fargo & Go's Wi Icar.y loiters nnd Tackages, as usual, by all fctoamcrs fir San Francisco anil Puget Sound ports SPECIAL MA!L NOTICE. IIin.C.UTEU NO MAIL Will bo Forwarded by Steamer TO SAN FRANCISCO. Iteflstercd mail will bo forwarded through Tost Olllce la ozuen. anu ordinary mal' via Asli?m?. thenco by ktaue 125 miles to Delta, Liencc by rail to SAN FRANCISCO. The Northern Pacific Express Co., Will cairy Letters and rackages, as usual, by all Steamers for San FraneiMO and rnjet Sound Porta. CPJOBS on pjgiTHE GREAT -g?f o IHiiili KfoJI BrfB& !fT OG2V Basse:! CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Scro Throat, Strclllccr- SprMn. Bruited, liurn, bcaM. Fro.t BlU-n, AD AU. OTUCR HODILT TAIS3 ASD J.C1IES. Soil tj DrosihU nl Dealers CTarj"here. FinyCc-Uti buttle. DlrfrtJom In 1 1 Iaa;ujjr j. THE CIIA1U.ES A. VOGELEIt CO.. (!sstKAWA.TUGCCtXCO) JlIUnoT,2d., CS.A. WiIson&Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Ploiiriiig Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital riour and FAIRBAFiKS SCALES. ATUK!A.OKKGON. .. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTOl'IA. - OKHGOIS. The Pioneer Machine Shop v.,--- V r'i .iB.Wi-. Soiler Shtip ?$g-&4- AM kinds ol EffGIffE, GANBEBT, AND STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, t'OOT OK I.AFAYETTK STREET. i. Franklin, Uiiuerlato anfl CaMnet Mate, SQUEN1CQUA ST3EST, NKXT TO THE ASTOHIAX BUILDIXO. fc3ETAH work dono in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ... - -si"" ''5 iSQrjr-i i3S3 Couiia Transuortatioii FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW TELEPHONE Which has boon specially built for tho tomfort of passengers will leave . YVIlion & Fisher's Dock OTery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland arerj Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -An additional trip ivill be mado on Kiindar f Eaeh TTeeK, UaTing Portland at O O'cIbck'SuHUay MornlHx Passgers by Irts rsnUs emnct at Kalaroa ler Sound ports. W. B. SOTT, President SPECIAL NOTICE! Oregon Railway ai Mpta Co. JSiXTn m ey Tim e -37"fcl . Commencing July 9, the Fast and Elegant Steamer R. R THOMPSON, "Will leave Fort Clatsop at 11 A. M. every Wednesday and Friday, and "will leave .A.iSTO'E-LX.A. FOR 'E'O'O.TXjjSL'Kr'ID At 12 o'clock, noon, on same day Or on arrival of Str. Gen. Miles fronillwaco, anivingin Portland about 8 P.M. Evry Siiinlajr a Special Trip Will bo made leaving Fort Clatsop at 5 P. M. and Astoria for Portand at 6 P. M. Sunday afternoon or after connecting with Str. Gen. Miles from II waco, arriving in Portland about 2 A. M. : RKTURSIXG : Will leave Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 830 A. M. and every Saturday at 10 A. M. for Astoria and Fort Clatsop, arriving in Astoria Tues days and Thursdays about 3 P. M. and on Saturdays about 450 P. M., con necting with Str. Gen. Miles for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and Ilwaco. The Fast and Elegant Steamer WIDE WEST Will leave Astoria for Portlaud every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at G A. M. Beturning-vrill leavo Portland for Astoria and Fort Clatsop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday atG A. M. connecting with Str. Gen. Mile3 for Ihvnco. Excursion Tickets Astoria to Portland and return good until Sept 30, $2.50. E. A. NO YES, Agent, JNO. J.BYRNE, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. EL D. GftAY. Wholesale and retail dealer lb. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Oeneral Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of lionton street, Astoria, Oregon. WEI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, m GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS 1885. Interest Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. i. EliHOltK, Manager Banking Department, Astoria. Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAM ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 8HEF LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TjL-ol AND Copper. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. Thislco.i aut en Lake Cocollala and is pure. All orders left at Post & Xiamen's Atoria Soda WorKi will be promptly attended to. G.KEED. Manager. STEAMBR Coijany HOUSE. If. U. PiEHER, Prop's. First Class ii Every Respect. Froc Condi to tlic House. C. TT. KJfOWLES. L. D. BROWX. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWX & KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evert Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. 1P0 Rooms. In the Cantor of tha City. Cor. Front and Morrison St?., Portland. Or EA SIDE HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH, OREGON. TliLj Weil-Known and POPULAR SUMMER RESORT Will OPEN FOB THE SEASON OF 1885, Saturday, June 27. TERMS. Board per week . 514.00 Hoard per day.... 2 50 Children under 11, lull price. For imther particulars apply to CIIAS. Oliuf. Manager. Sea Side. Or D. P. TiioMrso", Receiver, Portland. Mrs. Sophia Dagget Bei leare to notify her frionds that sho has opened a Boariliii Hoise aid Restaurant In the building of Mr. Joplio, Main St., Opp. Ploneor Oeitaaruit. Where she will be clad to sec all her old friends and as many new ones as will be pleased to givo her a call. THE ELMO L0DGIHGH0USE1RESTAURANT J. X. HAMILTON.. Prop. Xo. 67 Water St., Aitorla. Nice, new, clean Beds, and careful atten tion to lodgers. The Table supplied with the best In season. THE BAR Is supplied with au extra quality of liquors and cigars. Private Boarding House. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces that she is prepared to fur nish Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only, or uitli Boanl and Furnished Rooms at very rea.M)ii:tbI( rates. No extra chargo for uje of Parlor or Bath room, and every effort will be made to make hor guests feel com fortable and at home. Dinner Served from 5:30 to 6:33 P. 31. SIRS. E. C, 1I01.DHX. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson streets. A Weil Furnished Table ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED With tho bet and cooked in a neat anil wholesome way. can be found at Mrs. G. W. Rucker's Private Boarding House, over Eat on & Carnahan's, next to Odd Fellows Build ing . Terms; $5 a week, S22.50 per month $1 a day. The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tho Comfort anil Convenience of thoso who enjoy a Social Gl&3. The Best or Wlnea nnd Liqnori, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. 18. I. JEFFREY, Prop'r.