Y ' " i-T. rsi ?hc m$ j&storiiw. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY. ..Jl'LY i. 13 ISSUED SVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HALLORAi & COMPANY, l'URI.ISHKltS AN1 rilOI'ltlKTOHS, AJSTORIAXUUIDIAG, - - CASS XTRgHl Ten f SulitcriytiGii. - -rvl by Cnriicr. per w eel: l.'icte. iit by Xlail. per month ... Pirts. " " otwye.tr ...... ..... ?T.f -e ' of jtostac l MibsnOers. f-sJ'-'Atlvcnfscineirt inserted ly the ear at t'.e rate or 2 iter square jer mouth. Tran s'fiit advertising fifty cents per square, eaeh ur-eitiou. I'uticc To Atlver!issv?. Tun Astoriax guarantees to il- al ertisers the largest circulation of anv newsnaner published on the Columbia riven1 This, paper is on file ar theSL Charles Jlotel, Portland, Or. A quiot Fourth in Astor.'a. Citizens cannot be too careful about fire. The WilltuHeUe crossed out yesterday rifternoon. The bank of I. "W. Cae will close at noon to-ila3'. The Columbia is dua to-morrow: the Oregon sails. The next thing in tho market will be fresh venison. Lincoln, Tillamook couuly. is a money order postoffice. The A. A. Thomjtsun will nrriw down from Portland this evening. The grand lo2j;c of A. O. I. W. will meet at Salem next Wednesday. That fine' chair at Gustav Hansen's will be rallied at jovcn o'clock this evening. From Mr. J. N. Griffin it is learned that the Jane rain full in Astoria amounted to 2.7S inches. There will bo a grand ball at the Ger mania hotel to-night. Good music has been secured. Tickets fifty cent i includ ing supper. The Ancon starts for Alaska to-morrow with a party of excursionists. J. If. Mansell of this city goes up in connection with the affairs of the Cape Fox Tack ing company. The 'Ilwaco.'" "Chinook," "Skipanoif and "Clatsop,"' the four new scows built to cany rock to the Columbia breakwater at Fort Stevens, will, it is thought, be put into use next week. At dusk yesterday evening the a:r was very still,:md a firo balloon, sent up from Adlor's store, rose slowly till it was about a thousand feet in the air, when it struck a current of air, that carried it with great speed to the south. The GoA. jIj'cs leave? for Ilwaco this morning at 8 a. m.. and if it is found that thirty or forty X'rsons wish to go down about noon, the Milet will make a :i second trip leaving Gray's dock not later than 12 at. reaching Ilwaco before the '2 p.m. races. The Jhulilinylonshirc has her cargo. She takes salmon for Liverpool as fol fel fol eows: J. O. Uauthorn, 3.221 cases: Cut ting Packing Co., 2,'JI.' cases: Pillar Hock Packing Co., 1.007 cases; .). G. Mcgler, :,0yi) cases: Anglo American. 1.000 cases: Hapgood & Co.. 1,000 cases; Occident Packing Co., 2.H00 case; total, 17,000 cas. She also takes 0.001 barrels of flour. The most going on in this ieinily tc daywill be the celebration at Ilwaco. The Miles leaves Gray's dock at eight o'clock and will take excursionists there and back for one dollar. The Clara J'ur Arr will take a party of excursionists to the Klaskauinc, leaving Main street wharf at nine a. m, The can't -get -away club will stay at home and look out for the firecrackers and things. A San Francisco dispatch of the 2nd iust., says the owner of the steamer Wilminylon will be here to-morrow on the Columbia to arrange for an indopan dent lino of steamships to run !etween Portland and San Francisco. The 1JV mimjlon which is now running on the Sound route will, it is thought, be put on the proposed lino and it is expected to make her first trip about the irtb. Miss Laura Dainty, supported by an excellent theatrical company, will appear at Itoss' opera house in their great play. "A Mountain Pink.'" next Monday night. The drama receives the strongest ap proval of press and public whereer it has been played. It is now one of the strongest theatrical combinations trm-el-ing.and should be seen to be appreciated. Iteserved seals for sale at the St .v York Novelty store. The member? of the proposed new mil itary company met pursuant to notice at Pythian castle, at eight o'clock last even ing. The meeting was called to order by It. V. Mouteith, who acted as chairman, J. O. Bozorth secretary. Election of offi cers resulted as follews: Captain, C. V. Fulten: first lieutenant, A. E. Shaw: sec ond lieutenant, C. T. Thomos. There are 74 names on tho roll, and the per manent organization is now completed. It is expected that tho arms and ac coutrements will be sent foment week. PKltSO.Vil.. J. C. Trullingcr returned from Port- tana yesterday. C. W. Fulton came down on yesterday's steamer. Carlos Mann, the popular agent of tho J'flejthoiw has returned from Tacoma. Col. lt. 11. Spedden and wife are back from an extended visit to their children in eastern Washington. Zitttlvfi. All the principal barber shorts in the eity will olo;e ar 1 o'clock .July 4Ui, 1S8S. GiMomurs will govern themselves ac eonlingly. Situation Wairlcrt. By a competent man: to lake care of horses, or do other woik abtut a :-tagc barn. Apply to C. this office. IVo Illorc HartI Times Frre Board I You live in vain if you do not go lo the Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy George. NO MOBE charge for Lunch. Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2. Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc. Yaquero Cigars, AAA Old Yallev Whisky, Boca Beer on draught, Hali-nnd-IIalt ; Latest Papers, Billiards, Piane: Best place in town. Ok Satiirrtny That magnificent chair at Gtistav Han sen's will be rallied. A few chances left. Call and see it. The raffle will be at seven i. M. Ves!i Kasiern ::! !:! water IX ay Oyster Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. CLAM MflGIMl-A FIRST EXPERIENCE. Editor Asteeian: I have tried my hand at a great many things, but until a few days ago was in j blissful ignorance of how clams wore ob tained and as 1 look at my lacerated fingers and think of ray experience, tho old saying comes to my mind with all its significance: Where ignorance is bliss, otc. A friend of mine said he was going over to Ilwaco on a business trip and in vited inc along, assuring me that if I went I could walk on terra firtaa and see real farmers. In an ill guarded moment I oonsented. and wo were soon aboard the GVa. Miles, and with tho exception of seeing a fisherman catch a salmon in his net, nothing startling occurred on the passage. When we lauded, a stage coach was t here to receive us. We drove up town and as we were alighting at the hotel one young llwacoon said to anoth aneth er: I guess them's tho fellahs that's goin' to maholhespsecheson the Fourth." Naw,"' replied the other, "not much. Them fellahs couldn't make no speech. They look more liko tho fellahs that es caped from the Astoria jail." I felt in my pocket for a dime for the one that made the first remark, and was wonder ing if I killed the other would there bo any trouble about it, when the first speak or said: "You bet: and maybe thev b?Aor? -1 foau4 oat 1Hu.t lt. -wa.s uot n umotiaro. Alter my menu had trans-1 ameu ii I. s uusuiess, jiu Tiruiiu.teu mm. v.u W alk out to Sei View, and breathe the , atmosphere of a fashionable resort. Smoking, and tning to comprehend how many fifths of a second it lakes 1U0f J : quito fiom the time it lights on you till j u gem moon, asm it u always gcis me couplings tight, we arrived; and as I am a.rn linrn 1s aiun ltnr-iu. " I iiit CflflrM v.... ..... . .,w. ..w...,. -- ..-. orus, uut tuo iact or coinage m-uieu ia it. lpaid no more attention to them. SUOwn on tho books of tho coiner of that but went in to lunch and W read tho ti and in order to miiiQ np tho true programme of exercises half way through ', nt n.(ni inn of tho Now short of poetic ideas at present, will I ,.-,., i state that we found the sea a A larKe delegation of teachers and plain every day one without any frills other persons will leave Salem next Sat- breaSrsPUlS EfcttiJfS,? We " -Monday to attend the teach walked along the beach for some timo I ere association to bo held at Astoria trying to subdue our emotion, and the I next week. Wo are pleased to note that smell of Ilwaco cigars. I noticed little j he governor and family will be present, dints in the sand and inquired what I ..,,, in made them, which gave my friend a j ihe ovation tendered ono year ago to the chance of breaking loose bv casting his teashers of Oregon by Gov. Moody at his eves heavenward, placing his hands on 1 mansion has been heralded far and near, Ins stomach, and in a voice that would i and h,s interest in the educators of our make him his fortune could ho command conn. renuans unabated. Those who it on tho stage, exclaiming clams, for p vnlliind Astoria to bo ono of tho most which;alone, Oh. mighty oc-an thou hast ' J1111.1'.0,1 au4V thriving cities of the state, my everlasting gratitude! And throwing i Combining the , attractions of sea coast, oir his coat he sank on his knees saving j ctiy and city, ita picturesqueness of I will expose to thygaz that which poets sceny and healthfulnessof climate can yet unborn will love to prAwefandwith.,a?',ed;.B??na.ed bv- tho a out further ceremonv he began digging "ificent Columbia, tho river view with its uu the sand with his 'lingers as if he were ev? changing panorama of steamships, going for bedrocks on a time 1W. After , sailing vessels and numberless fishing working like a braver for sometime uo ! and sail Loate as seen from tho moun utlered our iww made bible word, sheol, ' lMUS m the rear is without a parallel on and clapping one or both hands in his ."r coast; If you desire to spend a mco mouth began miking a noise verv much t"c next week for a small amount of resembling a cw between a font cat 'juoneyyou cm do no better than to at o,.r,.T,.i,i.. ...,.!, v..rrr.. "fr.v,.i.. .....l ' tend the association at Astoria. ixdrm ...w.. .-... ....w. ... .. ..nj. iviiauu .a.u the whale." I hastened to enquire what was the mat ter. and as soon as he got tho sand out of his mouth he said that he ju-t missed him by a scratch, but it seemed to h? a pretty largo one to judge from the way it was bleeding. 1 thought j I would do a little digging on my own ic?ount. and selecting a nice little dint I began pretty much after the style of a Scotch terrier after a rat, but in this in stance the rat seemed about as good a digger as the terrier. I kept on, how- ever, tin l got about afoot or so down; and could feel the shell, but could not ' otiidi ii. utul lisil l nivo it up after wet- I tm my cuns anu pints, liut now I was J excited and soon had my coat off and j rllFvllXF?. IntinstraiSang SSt half ! nil linnr. nnil v.ml.Umvo lioon minrr HH now didii clam through in ftho sand, and stovo up couple of joints, last a few nails, aud at last resolved that it was better to stop operations and goto tho hospital for a tew mouths, and then go and ask tho lunacy commissioners to send me to! Salem for a short vacation.whero I might read some unfortunate author's work on ' clam digging. We got back lo Ilwaco, aud after strik-1 inif a bariraiu with Mr.Haii fnrwiinWii( rates on court plaster, began to sura up j the situation, and found 1 had secured four clams and almost a fifth, a ruined pair of pants, soiled cuffs, mutilated hands, and a bitter experience; and to oiT&el this, I lost my temper, and my hat, it Inning blown away in the midst of the excitement. I wanted to be sworn that I would never dig for clams again, but the notary public said I was not in condition, and a'dyised ra.y friends to take me home and see me safely in bed. I am recover ing slowly, and I believe I will, in time, have thonso of my bauds; but my pants I am afraid will never get better. I met my friend a few evenings ago and he smilingly invited me to a clam bake on Sunday. 1 am not vindictive, but he likes reading iu the woods, and I know where there is a neat of yellow jackets. J. A. W. In the U. S. circuit court yesterday, the exceptions io the libel suit brought by J. C. Trullinger and Daniel Itoinian against 1 ho steamer Alliance wero sus tained by Judge Dcady. and judgment for costs amounting to $:L80 given against tho libellants. The case was brought to recover for lumber furnished tho contractor and used at Astoria in tho building of the Alliance. Judge Deady held that a contract for building a ves sel was not an admiralty lien. Stand ard. .?. Bitrlileir A re ten Salve. Tiik Best Salvk iu the world for Cuts. linuses.Sores.UIcers.Salt lthcnni, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2. cents per box. E. Dement & Co. For sale by V. - AM the patent medicines advertised In ih;s pajer, together with the choicest ;? Turnery, and toilet ai licles, elc cm ! bought at the lowest prices, at J. W Conn's drug store, opposite Oe:den hrtel, Astoria. WcEAT! 3o T:t Tlitnlf that "Jcfl1 ol The Chop House (lives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much !' but he gives a better meal and more of it than anv place in town for 25 cents., lie bnj's "by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it.' ForrcUfcai Fitting Boot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. if my lingers had held out, but they ..i T..,i. V..A7Z. ' .. "Y .Y:".i, t. lent several of them on the ' V ., '3: "?,.,?? .";!.....,','u i,"".." shells, and wore a fev. of thorn 1 1... tr iV ... p. n A XILLIOS DOLLARS AHEAD. New OnixANs, July 2. A local paper publishes to-day a statement that over ono million dollars have been coined at tho New Orleans mint of which there is no official record. The coinage act of 1S73 made it the duty of the director of the mint to have a general supervision of all United States mints and assay offices. The first director acting under that law was Hon. H. It. Landerman, and in his report on the subject ho gives statistics cf coinage in several mints, showing the total amounts end denominations of monev made at each place, for each year of their existence. The New Orleans mint was opened for business in 1833, and subsequently money of every denom ination was made there. Tho director's statement is brought down to January 31, 1801, up to which time there had been a total coinage at the New Orleans mint, in both silver and gold, of $00,913,003. The date at which the director's report closes was the date at which tho mint fell into tho hands of tho confederates. Documents lately brought to light, it is stated, show that subsequent to the mint going into tho hands of tho confederates and up to May 30 of tho same year, there wero coined 2."t,003 in gold double eagles, $1,101,210.50 in silver half dollars, thus making a total coinage of $1,335, 210.50 while tho mint was in tho enemy's hands. What was done with this money i does not appear from any available rec- rrnnnfTA Orleans mint this sum must bo taken into accoant. There was no regular GratA finpc:c mi(ler confederate auspices. although the New Orleans mint remained in their control until tho city was taken by federal forces. Neatly Said: Statesman. Wide Airaltc Druggist. Messrs. V. E. Dement & Co. are al ways alire to their business, and spare nopainsloseeurethebestof cviry article tn their li nc. They have secured the agen ey for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only ceitain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Asthma, llay i?everf iironcmtis, or any altection of the J hroat and Lungs, bniu on a positive guarantee. Trial IJottles free, Hegtilar size S1.00. K, Delicary of Flaror A,l tl'e efficacy of its action have 5. l!?"!0!!"! . "?.""I' " K? iiiuiiciiSLy p. m.uiui. Syrup orFIr. Manufactured only by the California Mg byitip Lo. ban Francisco Cal. is Natures Own Truo Laxative. Thus pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of V. E. Dement & Co. at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle, lt is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system: to act on. the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoreughly: to dispel Headachs. Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation Indigestion aud kindred ills. Foi Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sliiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin V Sliiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Ilev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: ''Both myself and wife oweour lives toSinr.on's Consumption' Cri:K." Sold by TV. E. Dement. A Go oil Cigar, Ju't as good as you usually pav a bit for, can be had FOll FIVE CENTS at C. P. Wilson. At Frnnlc Fabrc's. Board for S22-K) a month. The beat in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. For the very best photographs at tho lowest prices call on Crow the Photo grapher, No. Ct Water street. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Sliiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. iTh ro cents, Masai injector free. For sale by V. E. Dement. The average female heart Is left in a perfect 11 utter by our latest arrivals of novelties in Dress goods, Parasols, tc Peael Beoi. For lame Back, Side or Chest uso Sliiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. Crow's gallery is head quarters for the boit photographs for the least money. SXOUH.SIOX I The Steamer "GEN. MILES" Will make an Excursion to FT. GANBY and ILWACO, ox- SATURDAY, JULY 4TH ! LEAVING Gray's Dock at 8 A. M. Ueturulng atcr.M. Fair for Jhe Hound Trip. ONE DOLLAR. ! 1 1 ilfitisre mii tnnoc uti Tlio nmmmii 'J "t'llllll 4V sU. SCCCESS BREEDS EXTT. According to tho Sacramento Record Union it was Thompson who so concisely defined envy as hating that excellence it cannot reach; but Gay estimated it "a kind of praise.' Both wero right. Envy is never so much revealed as when a sneer is tho vehicle of the expression of its hate. It is praise because it testifies to its conviction of the worth of that to which it cannot attain. Livy declares that "it know3 nothing except how to depreciatathe excellence of others,' bat this is not accurate, sinco it des not know enough to recognize and nay tri bute lo excellence. Men of all callings are overy day worrying themselves about the antagonism of others that is born of envy. In fact it is the tap root of most of the opposition arrayed against tho conscientious and successful man. Suc cess is a calling, no matter what its form, always breeds envious opponents. Men should ceaso troubling over this kind of opposition, and receive it as the praise that envy always be stows. "'When men rail upon me," said a wiso business man, "I only pause to inquiro whether it is because! have been doing the right thing. If I am sure I am right, I receive it as commen dation. But if it is because of error on my part, I hasten to correct myself; and thus jealousy and railing I always turn to some account." If more men were thus philosophical tho measuro of happi ness in the world would be vastly greater. A wealthy man, who had acquirod his possessions by his own hard labor and his sound sense, was met by an unsuc cessful ono who had been his friend, but was reported latterly as bitterly assail ing him. "Iromembertho day, sir, when you would havo been glad to havo had mo lend you fivo dollars." said this one to tho man of means. "That is precisely what is tho matter with you now," was the reply; "I havo not the need nor you tho ability, and now because of this you hate mo." There was a sermon in tho response. It is safo to assume when the successful man's motives are im pugned, his acts misrepresented, aud his general course made tho target for sneers, that tho cause is his success, and nothing else. Envy will not tolerate it in any walk in life. Sunday Evening Lecture. Tho "Fourth of July" will bo the sub ject of a lecturo in tho Methodist Epis copal church on to-morrow evening by the pastor. Those who heard Dr. ltob erts' brief address at tho cemetery on Decoration day, will bo prepared to ex pect a thoroughly loyal appeal on tho question of American Citizenship. "We understand this to bo tho first of a series of Sunday evening lectures, the subjects of which will be duly announced here after. Tho well known scholarship of Dr. Itoberts is sufficient nssuranco that theso lectures will be interesting to all; but it is intended to make them particu larly instructive and entertaining to young people, whose attendance is pe- ciallv invited. 1776. JULY 4th. 1885. HURRAH! HURRAH1! Flas, American Slitc'd. Hunting I-'CNtooniiiK. Transparent Imntcrns, Hunting; lyilit3r:tTl, MONTGOLFIER BALLOONS. FIREWORKS! All Descriptions in immense variety, AT nOTTOM PRICES. AT ADLEfTS CRYSTAL PALACE. rrtrSjierhl attention is called to the Ceau tiful Stock of Fireworks. JULY FOURTH, 1885. GBAETD BALI -AT :rmanl Fine String Kami In Attendance. Tickets, 50 cents, Including Supper. Ladles and Children Free. Everything will be done to make this the SUCCESS OP THE DAY. M. STUDZIKSKI, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, OPTICAL GOODS. AKTOKIA. - - Orccon. All floods Best Quality, and Low Prices. County Treasurer's Notice. milERE IS MONEY IN TIIK COUNIY JL Treasurv to pay all countv orders pre sented prlorto October lst, 1SS3 All such orders will cease to draw Interest after this date. ISAAC RF.HGMAN, Treasurer Clatsop County. Abtorla. Or.. June 22nd, 18S5. Notice. NOTICE is hereby: given to whom It may concern that all parties "knowing themselves indebted to tho estate of J. E. Thomas arc given ten days to mako pay meat thereof. ljy uv and save costs. f. r. nicKS, Assignee. AstoiIa,June23, 1SS5. Good Farm rF EiGnrv ACRES. TAItTLY 131 nroved. on tho Khukanlne. For sale hcaD or will exchaneo tor clt-y prtnerty. FIREWORKS! Appij at A8triax fflce. Test Your BaMiig Powder To-Day ! Brands tdrcrtlicd as absolutely purs THE TEST: riac a can tcp dorm on a hot ttara rnt!t heatetl.tben remove the coverand mell. A cbem !t trill not bo required to detect tho presence at JLmrroala. DOES K0T CONTAIN AjLuOXIA. It l!n!tlirslm His NEVER Ecru Qrtttjcti!. InanilHonbomcRfornquarterof acentary it Iat ttuotl tlio consumer's reliable test, THE 7SST GF ?a QYEi!, Price Sailing revracr Co., Dr. Price's Special Fevering Exlracts, Tho strongest, mor t dcllcton anil natural fiavorLnown.a-.-.l D? Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems 1 or Light, llralthy ilre.iil.Tho ttcst Dry Hop Vcait In the vrorld. FOR SALE BY C!OCERS, CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS. Light Heal mm m y The nest dry hop yoast In the world. Broad raised by this yeast is light. vvhito and wholesome like our grandmother'a delicious bread. CROCERS SELL THEftfl. PREPARES BY THC Price Baking Powder Co. ManTis ol Br. Fncs's special riayenns Extracis, ' Chicaffo, 111. El. Louis, Mo. For sale by Cititine.Mkrli: & Co.. Agents Portland, Oregon Aiioite Refliiction IX OLOTHIIirG-! r A stylish Iiusincss suit -1$10 Former price - - - 15 A stylish business suit - 11 Former price - - - 10 Fine Diagonal suit - - 20 Former price - - - 25 The very best dress suit 25 Former price - - - 30 Boys' and youths' suits at greatly re duced price;?, also all the extensive as sortment of Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shzes, Trunks and Valises, Sold at cot by THE BOSS Merchant Tailor and Clothier. City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEKEI'.Y OIVEX THAT THE Tax list of the city of Astoria, Clatson, county. Ont:o!i. U no in my hands for the oollecsfon ofaid taxes, and will remain with me for thirty day". J. G. HUSTLER. Cit v Treastferaud Tax Collector. Astoria. July L-t, 1SS3. Picked Up. YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. A WHITE skit! on Olncy street beach: five row locks and two p:dr oars ; blade marked half moon. Owner can have it by amlyinc to .IAS. FEEI.EY. Notice. BE IT KNOWN THAT I, GKO. W. PAIt lee, of A.soria. Oregon. tia-e tills day purcased of AI. . Hutctdiips the riRht of the said 31. C llutchinzs patent process for test ing scaled cans in the state of Oreson and territory of Washington, for the term of IT years from the nth day of 3'arch, 18S5. ex cept one right sold to M. J. Kinney and one right sold to the Aberdeen Tacking Co., at Ilwaco, W. T. GEO. W. TAKDEE. SW4os7PZRric?r made) nn Bread, ! ft Srv i &-PaKV.F& Jhs Mr . &mm N (laSSs) jsSHi yIiEi 9 V-o off J i' I "''" r" "'' r -AT- (j a S W Th.e Leading Dry Goods end G j i OS1 &STOX.X&. Our stock is now complete in everj department and ladies wishinn a choice selection of tirst class goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early. la the following lines of goods onr selections and prices will compare favor ably with Eastern and isau Francisco houses carrying first class goods. Rich Black and Colored Silks. Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks. Evening- Silks, in all the latest tints. Fine Imported Dress Goods. Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits. New Ginghams. New Prints. New Lawns. New Chambrays. New Table Linen and Napkins. Embroidered Table and Piano Covers. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett. Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves, - Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc. Cloak Department. Having bought more largely than this seasons trade aoems to demand wo have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price. " THE LATEST STYLES IX Ladies Cloaks, Traveling- Ulsters, Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc PYTHIAN BUILDING, hpKpwYnrff NfivpIfvStnrp PllOff iUBUliUvOllj uLUIG gw til au I .iMlagi. imimj I mjr--wwi "! I IU Ull -liTTBlliaBi W The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria. "i TUBB ARTISTS' MATERIALS. TOILET AKTI CliES. .TAPAXESE COOIJS PA.VCY GOODS. BABY JirGGIES. The Latest Notions anil Novelties, Etc. We defy any and all competition. Call, examine our good and be convinced. OITOSITE PAitKER IIOUSE, ... ASTORIA. OREGON '""" -' '" "' '"! '-!. '-J m- u . J.-, GO TO THE Ds Kb Hair Dressing Saloon X:irlter House, itlnin St., For a firit-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Sliainpor, etc, H. Du PARK, Trop. w CTY BOOK STORE GRIFFIN & REED, STATTONERS8NEWSDEALERS Everything new received as soon as published. ?x S:ka:ssiii:iasiii2i2iz:3BC2:2:scisssi:aa:-Ea::BsaciEi;3s: ax23S2Z2sa3-:cc::ss'C'3azCTZ333::i3:::?3z-3c:::c:!33cz:23si: The Leading Ololliisr and Hatter. New Goods! Eft ALL DEPARTMENTS. Idea's, Tcuths' and Boys' 32EZ3 f iipuwu n TTiTBTfTT K35a99SK MBES CLOTHING Hats and FurmsMng Goods. JS'-FINEST flOODS-AT rrainitt ! i HiiilltJIld i ' S? S3 Othh'i House ASTORIA, OREGON. I'J a 5 vjaxos. jirsic.iL i.vsti:l'.iilts. jnyiiiiRT. W.lTt'IJES A.M :LOCKS. lillU) CAGES. Q. z O f . -. ,-w-,.... W. S. DEMENT & CO, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded 5j KM. B New Styles! TITE LOWEST PRCES. SiX