The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 30, 1885, Image 3

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(Monday excepted)
rum.isiiKirs axi proi.m:iktors,
Terms or.Snbftcriptioa.
Sorred by Onrrter, ier week lScts.
ent by Mail. e r month Mcts.
one year ..?7.W
V roe tf postage to subscriber.
fSTAtlvcrtiscinfnts inserted ly the vearat
the rate of $2 jilt square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents jut square, ewli
Police To Art vert iaor..
The AsToniAX guarantees t it ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on 11k; Columbia
This paper is on file at tin St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Judge F. J. Taylor came ltosne yester
day. The Oration is duo from San Francisco
this morning.
And now comes the question. "What
will the July run be?"
Dr. Tuttlo leaves this morning on a
visit of a week's duration.
Goo. Bender succeeds S. Demean as
janitor at the custom house to-morrow.
Bridget Gallaghpr, a former noloriotv
of Portland, is in the Salem insane
The latest orniz(iMi is tbe "Real
Kstato broker's association of the north
was U"
Salmon are aaid to be plentiful in up
per town, most of the canaerie rnitniug
fall force.
The Carmtrnm CuMU will soon go on
berth to loud salmon for Liverpool direct.
See adv't.
The Wm. II. now at Victoria
has been chartered to load Kilmon here
by Cajit. A. W. Berry.
Mr. P. C Kastwick. the efficient engi
neer, in charge at the Fort Stevens gov
ernment work, is in the city.
Frank BachW. of Pioneer Engine Co.
No. 1, of East Portland, won a 1.10 vard
race laal Sunday in 16 seconds.
Say! Don't you think it's a mean man
that would make his daughter eat an
onion before sue started for ihe skating
"Zillah, or the "Woman in Ited,'" will le
played at Ks, opera ltouac to-night.
Mine. Jaitanc!ekri last appearance in
Jacob Kaium ha-? chartered the Gc
Xcwetl at $5TOG a month to ran on his
transportation line in connection with
the Lnrline.
A fine breeze for a yacht raca yester
day morning. Fishing loaU came in
from Bnl;er. bav and the bar at a gait
of 10 knots.
Astoria is the liveliest and lKsi business
town in the northwest. Disasters and
financially stringencies only temporarily
affects her prosperity.
Mino. Janauschok's dresjes are the ir
fection of creative art. Those who claim
to know say she wore $30,003 worth of
diamonds last evening.
E. J. Partridge the photographer has
sonio fine views of the city which are for
sale at a low price. They are handsome
ly mounted and worth having.
A Noltuor, rotiring editor and pro
prietor of the Portland Slondartt. was
presonted a. handsome gold watch and
chain by his employes last Friday night.
The J!cnwntnml and Zuhhhh go to
saa to-day. The Haddingtonshire has
still several thousand casas of salmon to
take on. She will have a big cargo ovvr
1,800 tons.
The proposed Y. M. C. A. excursion to
Knappa, on the -1th of July, has been
postponed till later in tho season, as a
suitable boat could not be procured for
that day.
A private detective from South Bend
was in tho city yasterday, looking for a
party called Patrick Laughlin who, he
says, came bore on Sunday with a young
girl of fjftcon.
Capl. J. G. Hustler tearfully requests
those who have property in School dis
trict No. 1, and who have- not yet brought
in their assessment blanks to do so with
out furthor delay.
Renicnibor tho grand entertainment
and social at tho Congregational Church
on Wednesday evening. Fine music,
rhetorical?, charade? and refreshments.
Admittance 23 cents.
A fire alarm last Sunday morning was
caused by n blaze in the "boiler room of
tho Union cannery. The department got
thero in quick time and the flame was
put out. Damage $f0.
Brown's Iron Bitters niRii has struck
tho town and is doing considerable ad
vertising in the way of pamphlets which
are loft at every door. It is good medi
cine and will boar praising.
Two Italians who had a striking" argu
ment regarding the probable outcome of
the war in tho Soadan were brought be
fore Justice Brakke yesterday, who will
give them a hearing to-morrow after
noon. J. P. Austin, of the Seaside, ha a well
stocked establishment and those who
happen his way will do well to replenish
their stock of eatables and drinkables.
His slock is largo and well assorted and
his prices reasonable.
Men who go from house to house wil
ing goods should not be patronized. Our
merchants sell just as cheaply and are al
ways here to make good any possible mis
take. Besides thero isu't any too much
money in Astoria at present.
Mr. H. T. Sargent, manager of tho
Mmc. Janauschek party, goes to Portland
this morning. The company go to south
ern Oregon and overland to California.
Mmc. Jauauschek appears at the Baldwin
in San Fraucisco. July 23th.
The Baldwin Theater company went
down to the seaside on the (Jen. Mile,
Sunday morning and had a jolly time.
"Larboard "Watch, Ahoy!' was well sung
by the qnnrtette. They returned to Port
land on the Thomjuon at 0:30.
Tho Albany Democrat thinks Oregon
firemen should feel encouraged over their
prospects of improving their time, and
says that at tho late Iowa tournament
the nozzle was handed the judge in 1214
seconds, after a three hundred yard run,
including the one hundred yards of hose.
Last evening's mail brought a Maine
paper tho Fairfield Junrnal with an
account of how tho seals trouble the sal
mon fishermen on the Maine coast. It
reads kind o natural. The .Tovriutl says
that the fishermen moor a boat with a
dummy in it outside their nets and thus
scare the seals away.
There will be a social ballatthellwaco
school-house on tho 4th, the recoption
committee is composed of Mrs. B. A. S?a
borg, Missos May Graham, Carrie Hen
ness. Belle Hawliins; and Messrs. O. It.
Stoat, A. E. King and W. W. Ward.
The floor managers are It. Stone, J. Gold,
J. Graham and W. Seaberg: floor director.
P. Moore
xne x'ort j.ownsena Argus ventilates
the fact that tho U. S. coast survey
schooner Ytdxm has been laid up in tho
harbor of Viotoria ever sinco last fall and
very naturally wants to know why an
American Government vessol should bo
wintered and repaired in a foreign port
when there were so many good American
port close by.
The lighthouse board at Washington
has awarded the contract for building a
a marine boiler for the steamer Man
zanila to Moynihan & Aitken of San
Francisco. Their bid was $7,400, and
the- agree to complete it in 120 days.
The highest bid for the same job Tras
?14,000. and the next lowest to the suc
cessful bid $3,000.
A case came under observation vester-
day which illustrates that some things
can be done as well as others. A. came
into town with a load of charcoal. Ho
owed B. some money for goods, and B.
started to get out an attachment. But
A. also owed C. who wanted his money
just as badly as B., so while B. was getting
out the necessary papers C. got A. to
give him a chattel mortgage, thus get
ting in ahead of all competitors.
The Gen. Miles made an excursion to
Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, Sun
day morning, leaving Gray's dock at 9.
Thero were about fifty aboard, including
the Baldwin Theater Co. She arrived at
Ilwaco about 11, and tho pleasure seek
ers wore given four hours in which to en
joy thorn selves, and they mado the most
of it some going over to tho seaside and
others walking back to Cnuby, and en
joying the beautiful scenery along Bak
er s bay.
The 11. Ii. Thompson left for Portland
at 0:39 Sunday evening, with a fair sprin
kling of passengers, including tho Bald
win Theater Co. The Lurlinc cast loose
at 7, with a few returning excursionists,
and many bets were offered with no tak
ers, that she'd boat the Thompson to
Portland. Tho merits of the different
fast boats on tho river woro discussed,
the little Fleetwood which is now being
overhauled and repaired, having many
friends; and tho time is ripening for a
great race in the noar future.
Tho groat tragedienne appeared at
Bo? opera house last ovening in a new
play to Astonans " My Life." The
audience was not very large, n fact duo
not to any lack of appreciation of Mme.
Janauschek's genius, but because a good
many people think 1.."0 for a seat is a
good deal of money. They think that as
the price of everything else is down from
that of former years, the prica of amuse-
mont should follow. They aro right.
Mr. Sargent would do better at one dol
On the other hand it must be said that
Madams Januuschok ranks with Nillson,
Patti, and other artistes, to nee whom is
gladly given from 2 to $4 for an ordi
nary seat. It is the province of gonitis
to be high priced and of course if one
wants to seo the greatest living tragedi
enne they must pay the price set.
Mine, tfauauschek is abovo criticism
usu-illy bestowed on thovj who appear
behind the footlights. Long since she
won success and preeminent fame and to
day stands at the head. The play she ap
jwarcd in last evening is a singular one.
its beat point seems tole the opportunity
it gives Mine. Janauschek to personato
two such diametrically opposite charac
ters as Leben and Circe: in tho one a
brilliant adventuress: in the other a ten
der loving woman.
Mr. Alex. II. Stuart who charmed an
Astoria audience in "Mother and Son,"
two years ago, was equally successful in
his :Sir Lionel Ellwood." Mr. Geo. D.
Chaplin again renewed tho pleasant re
collections of the same trip, in his clever
rendition of the important part of "Fred
eric Boston." The ladies deserve praise
for their impersonations.
If tho performance could begin at
eight o'clock, and if peoplo could got to
their seats b&fore the first act is half
through and if there was some mnt ting in
the aisles and entrances to deaden tho
sound and the echo of tho footfalls and
if one or two other little matters of gen
eral, com fort and convenience could be
attended to tho performance would bo
more mutually satisfactory to both play
ers and audience. To-night will no given
the creat play of "Zillah, or tho Woman
in Bed." This is Mras. Janauschok's
last app?arauce in Astoria. Reserved
seats at New York Novelty Store.
About nine o'clock last night, James
MsCann camo to coroner Boss1 office and
toll him of the serious illness and proba
ble death of a man that had come up
with him in his fishing boat from Fort
Stevens. It appears that McCann took
him into his boat at Fort Stevens, the
man asking for a ride from Fort Stevens.
He didn't act anyway out of the ordinary,
until just below the Seaside cannery
when he went forward to put up tho
spru in me ooai, wucn no couguou nnu
began to spit blood. Ho turned around
between tue paroxysms of couGhmc and
asked McCann "what am I to do?" Mc
Cann told him not to Get frightened, but
he coughed incessantly and finally began
to vomit Uloau. McUann careu lor him
in the boat as well as he could, but tho
man grew weaker and was evidently dy
ing, McCann landed tho boat at Gray's
dock and when he got there sent for Dr.
Fulton and then reported to tho coroner.
The mau was brought to the doctor's of
fice and for an hour and a half they
worked with him but to no purpose, he
having breathed his last shortly after tho
boat touched tho shore.
His name is unknown, and beyond the
fact that he was a Swede and had been
employed on the government work at
Fort Stevens no one seems to know any
thing about him. Coroner Boss will hold
an inquest on the body at niuo o'clock
mis morning.
flnrJilcii'.s Arnica Salve.
Tin: UnsT Salvi; in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
1-Vver Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corn", and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or -no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. De.mont & Co.
Ois Saturday
That magnificent chair at Giistav Han
sen's will be raffled. A few chances
left. Call and sec it The raffle will be
at seven v. m.
Xo rVEore 2Ianl Timc Free
Board !
You live in vain if you do not go to
the Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy
George. NO MORE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2.
SoupCIam Chowder, etc., etc
Vaquero Cigars, AAA Old Valley
Whiskv, Boca Beer on draught, Half-and-Halt;
Latest Papers, Billiardi,
Piano; Bost place in town.
Dr. Jay Tuttle desires the person who
has his oar syringe to return It nt onc9
to his office or residence.
Salem is to have a Chinese theatre.
Grain is ripening in southern Oregon.
The city of Astoria employs 183 people.
Squirrels are destroying tho crops in
Union county.
An earthquake shock shook Olympia
last Sunday morning.
Seattle has incorporated a general hos
pital association.
Rich coal and silver mines are reported
discovered at Silverton.
Ex-Senator Mitchell and ex-Governor
Woods aro practicing law in Portland.
W. H. Abrams will build a new uni
versity building at Eugene for lb,520.
'Tis said Louiso Lester, who plays in
the Casino in Portland, has a glass eye,
Tio cutters on tho Northern Pacific
complain of not receiving pay for then"
Ten pounds a head is the average yield
of wool from sheep along Snake river
tins year.
A Chinaman, near Salem, recently
suipnea o uaies oi nops aos uuu
lost $300 by the operation.
The various logging camps on Chehal
is river and Gray's harbor aro putting a
largo number of logs into the water.
It is proposed to complete tho partly
constructed Vilard hotel at Portland and
use the building for city and county of
fices. The Walla Walla hose company ran
out 500 feet of hose, mado connections
and got water in two minutes and fivo
Tho Port Townsond Argus says: "Tho
question of tho location of tho Territorial
penitentiary is still in doubt, though it
will probably bo settled in favor of Wal
la W'alla.
At Tacoma, Frederick Billings, ono of
tho leading directors of the Northern Pa
cific, stated positively that it is tho inten
tion of tho company to complete tho Cas
cade branch, lease or no lease.
The Bandon City Fishery company ex
pect to bo in full blast by tho 1st of July.
Their new fishing boat will bo ready for
sea by that time. Maggie is twenty-seven
feet long, six feet beam, and is half
Doctorvillo is the namo of a now camp
in the Cconr d'AIeno mines. It is situated
saven milo3 aboye Eagle, on tho west
fork of Eaglo creek. A number of valua
blo mines have been opened in the vicin
ity of the now camp.
On Wednesday ovening, tho eight year
old son of Anthony Wiegand, near Needy
postoflice, exploded a can of coal oil and
sot tho house on fire, which was burned
with all its contents. The three children
were also seriously burned.
George M. Clark, from tho neighbor
hood of Crabtree creek, recently drew
upon Linn county treasury to tho amount
of 27.50 for bounty for killing wild
animals. Tho list footed up two bears,
two cougars and two coyotes.
Tho Trimblo brothers, of Roguo River
have been again arrested for violation
of tho law for protection of fish. This
time they aro prosecuted for failing to
close their fish trap on Saturdaj' nights
and Sundays as required by law.
David Cloniucer. of Columbia county.
who goes to tho penitentiary for throe
years convicted of murder, has an citato
worth 20,000, against which aro claims
of 4,100 for legal and other expenses.
Ho is 01 years of ago and has two sons
T. M. Alvord of White river, W. T., has
contracted with tho Yalley Beet-sugar
company to raise 250 acres of sugar beets
per year for fivo years. This amount of
lanuoi mat quaniy win prouuee over
5,000 tons annually, for wlu'ch ho is to
receive 4.50 per ton delivered at tho
Mrs. Cohen, of Weston, had been act
ing strangely last week and on Wednes
day after breakfast and her husband had
gone to work, sho took hor'six mouths
babe in the pantry and cut its throat from
ear to ear with a razor, killing it instant
ly. Then sho went into a neighbor's
llouso and related tho deed.
The Coos Bay Xciwt is informed that
Getchell's cannery, on tho Coquille, will
bo run to its full capacity this season.
Tho cannery will furnish tho fishermen
with Jjoals and nets, and will pay them
a stipulated prico for tho salmon. It is
tho intention to run fifteen boats besides
seines, when tho season opens,
At 7.30 o'clock, Friday ovening, Charles
Uawes, tbe unfortunato young man who
was run over by a train at Albina, Thurs
day, and had his leg cut off, died at St.
Vincent's Hospital. From tho time of
tho accident to his death. Mr. Hawes
never rallied from tho shock, but con
tinued to slowly sink until he passed
quietly away.
A contract has been let to tho Pacific
Bridge company, of San Francisco, for
the construction of a bridge across uoguo
river for tho accommodation of tho Sam's
valley people. The span is 240 feet, and
tue oriugo win uo tuo nnesc in souuiern
Orecon. Contract price, 13,4S7. Miller
& Son, of Portland, camu within 200 of
sjcuring tho contract.
Charles L, Koontz, son of Michael
Kooutz, says the Montesano Videllc, was
drowned in tho Cbehalis river, just bo-
low tho Satson. on Sunday last. (Jharloy,
as ho was familliarly called, wont in with
a companion to swim, rnd was seized
with cramps wbilo in tho water. Find
ing nimselt unaoio to swim, no caueu
for his companions to bring tho boat,
which was close at hand, but before as
sistance could be rendered ho had sunk.
The Tacoma News, of Juno 23d, said:
"The first oil collected and refined on tho
North Pacific coast was burned in n
lamp yesterday in this city. The oil was
collected from the surface of the ground,
on tho Tacoma oil company's land near
Elhi, and subjected to the refining pro
cess of Mr. Newland. It burned with a
strong, bright flame, and was pro
nounced by experts to be of a superior
Tho Cheyenne Sun of tho 11th says
"James Q. Shirley, of Union, Oregon, has
sold 2,000 head of fine mixed cattlo to
Dater & Co., of this city. Tho consider
ation is at present unobtainable, but is
believed not to fall below 20 per head.
Mr. Shirley has also sold 200 fino two-year-old
heifers to Donald McPhee on
Pole creek. Consideration in this sale is
also unknown. Hunter & Evens are re
ceiving, in installments 230 cars of Kan
sas and Indian Territory cattle, which
aro passing turougu uneyenne at tho rate
of about three trains daily. They go to
Bock creek and are thence driven north.
Tho cattlo will number something over
',iuu neao."
A few weeks aco a man was dropped at
Missoula and died. Tho crime was com
mitted by a man named Underwood who
relieved him of his valuables and escaped.
They were both railroad men, and search
was made for Underwood but without
avail for many weeks, although ho was
tracked along the lino of tho N. P. R. R.
to Spokane Falls. Cheney, Sprague, and
finally to Walla Walla. Deputy Sheriff
Bradley, of Missoula, armed with a war
rant, finally discovered his man at the
Stine house. Underwood states that ho
was in company with Mongro, tho dead
man, and was hailed by a stranger who
gave them both something to drink, and
that he waB drugged also.
The discovery of gold on Pine creek, at
ihe head of Pine valley, in Union county,
Oregon, i3 creating considerable excite
ment throughout eastern Oregon, and
the reports have already been Hashed
across the continent and have in no way
lost their exciting tendencies by the dis
tance traversed. But to say that tho
substantial ground of excitement is really
enormous is drawing it mild, is in no
wise out of reason. Tho Standa)-d was
shown rock from the new discovery that
was said to be of inferior quality to much
that had been carried away from that re
gion that will undoubtedly yield its hun
dreds; and he was informed by J. T.
Williamson that he saw 200 in nuggets
picked out of a rock in the space of thir
ty minutes. Mr. Williamson also stated
that from twenty pounds of ore which
had been taken from ono ledgo and re
duced to bullion, over 200 had been re
alized. The mountains are becoming
densely populated with prospectors, who
aro flocking in from the adjacent country
and from a distance and the only ques
tion as to a Leadville or Cceurd'Aleneex
citement is in the extent of this mineral
Editoh Astebun:
I make this assertion in all confidence,
feeling sure that no one who has ever
been there will dispute it. It is useful in
many ways. It helps to mako up a var
iety, which is tho spice of life. When a
person becomes tired of his comfortable
home, tired of his overy day work, tired
of eating clean victuals out of clean dish
es placed on a clean table, with a com
fortable chair to sit in, tho only remedy
yet discovered is to go n-picnicing, carry
a basket of grub two or three miles on a
rough road, up hill and down, over logs
and through mud, get lost two or three
times and finally bring up at your destin
ation, hot, tired, and demoralized gener
ally. Oh, it is glorious fun.
It was tho favorite and commodious
steamer Clara Parker which carried the
victims this time, and Young's river falls
the place selected. Wo left Main street
wharf at 9 a. it. with a jolly and expect
ant crowd. Tho weather was all that
could be desired. Tho bay was beauti
ful in its calm stillness. A fishing boat
hero and there, a littlo steamer puffing
along in a complacent, self-important
way, as though it thought tho river was
made expressly for her benefit, gavo var
iety to the scene. As wo neared Smith's
point, the steamer R. It. Thompson was
seen coming from Fort Clatsop, and in
tho peculiar hazy atmosphcro she looked
likesomo vast floating palace lying on
tho water.
The ride up Young's bay is a delightful
one. Some time in tho future when As
toria gets to be a largo city, somebody
will have a boat houso near where tho
old mill stood, so that a person can run
across from town any day and hire a
boat, and sail or run around tho bay to
his heart's content. There will bo scull
ing races and all kinds of races such
as they have in other places where
nature has provided so fine an opportun
ity; but at present tho bay and surround
ing country wonr a primeval look, and
with tho exception of now and then a
house and clearing, there is nothing to
indicate that tho hand of man had be
gun tho work of subjugation. The scene
as wo steamed along the bay, heading
south, was one to mako the heart of an
artist glad. Tho atmosphero was clear
and Saddle mountain showed to advant
age, whilo tho near hills covered with
dense forests, and tho green tido lands
on cither side, mako up a picture not
easy to excel. But soon we have reached
a point beyond which tho Clara Parker
cannot safely go, and accordingly we
haul along side of tho bank and tie up.
The small boats are lowered and we
prepare to tako a short voyage in them.
Wo are finally landed with our lunch
baskets, etc, and now tho trouble begins.
Just the best way to reach tho falls,
seems to bo n question nobody in our
crowd can answer; but wo skirmish
around and by perseverance and energy
reach tho placo in tho courso of time. It
is not necessary to try to describe
l'oung's river falls. Nearly every Asto
rian has seen them one time or another.
It is a very pretty, cosy littlo place and
the f rash, cool breeze caused by the wat
ers dashing on the rock, the hills on eith
er sido covered to the water's edge with
evergreens, alder, maple, etc., make it a
most delightful place after tho hardships
attending tho journey hither.
Sitting in the cool shado and gazing at
at the falling water, and trying to pene
trate tho " forest primeval" with the im
agination ono feels for tho minute that
picnicing is not so bad after all.
After a short rest tho ladies of the
party devoted their principal attention
to the lunch. And with tho proverbial
picnicer's appetite every one proceeded to
do justice to that part of the programme.
After demolishing tho good things (and
ordinary eatables tasto pretty good when
the appetite is sharpened by tho unusual
exercise), tho party enjoyed themsalves
in various ways for a couple of hours.
Some wandored o'er the hill gather
ing berries, flower.;, or whatever tojk
their fancy, some trout fishing whilo
others simply took jt easy and enjoyed
tho time in a quiet woj
But time passes quickly and it became
necessary to prepare for a .start towards
the steamer. AN o cot to the boat landing
with less'difiicnlty than wo experienced
in coming, end altera pleasant row down
the stream wo reached tho Clara Parker
in safety. While waiting for stragglers to
bo gathered in we listened to the tales of
adventure and rough experience which
some of the party had gone through.
beveral gentlemen wuoso names l will
not mention, got off the road entirely and
wandered around for some two hours
and finally got bask to wbere they started
from more by good luck ttiau good man
agement. One man in particular was so
exhausted, or so appalled at the idea of
having to pass tho remainder of his days
in these woods that ho became nnablo to
proceed, and it was with tho greatest dif
ficulty that he reached the open country
and got back to the steamer. Ho said
he had not seen tho falls he oxpected to
but ho had had falls enough for one
The trip homo was not particularly
eventful, we had somo singing and pleas
ant conversation and reached the wharf
at Astoria in good time and well pleased
with the trip generally.
Astoria, Juno 20, 1835.
"Wide Awalic Druggists.
Messrs. Y. E. Dement & Co. arc al
ways alive to their business, and spare
nopains to secure the best of every article
in their line. They have secured the agen
cy for the celebrated Dr. King's !Nev
certain cure known for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AMluna,
Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection
of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a
positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free.
Regular size fri.oo.
ForaA'cal i'ittiujr Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new poods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Buy your Llrae of Gray at Portland
Test Yonr BaMng Powfler To-Day !
Brasds advertised as absolntctj- paro
rtico a can top dvwn on a hot store, entll
heated, then remove tho cover and smell. A chem
lt will not bo required to detect tho presenco of
ll Htslthfalocis lias' NEVER Dtta QcnUontd,
liamilllonhomcsforannartcrofaccctarx It
tii ttuod the conmmcr's reliable test,
Price BaKin
"Prvrrl ni
-, XVI1UV.1
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
She stronscst, most deHclors and natural
flavor Itaown.
3r. Price's Lupuiin Yeasi Gems
for Light, Healthy Bread. Tho Best Dry Hop
Yeast In tho world.
!f55p?iv Dnpsn
The nest dry hop yoast in tho world.
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght.whHe
and wholesome like our crandmother'g
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.B
HanTrs ol Dr. Prtcs's special Fte?onii2 Extracts,"
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sa'.e by CnnxcJlEBLR & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
The UabicsCryForlt,
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Fiirs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys. Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy-activity. For sale by Y. E.
Dement & Co.
Vocal ami Suslrmncntnl HI u sic.
A lady is desirous of obtaining a class
in Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Best San Francisco references. For
particulars enquire at New Tone Nov
elty Store.
At Franl Fabrc's.
Board for $22.30 a month. The best
In the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
For the very best photographs at the
lowest prices call on Crow tho Photo
grapher, No. G Water streak
Syriii ofFig.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy mav be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
KIcasant, prompt and effective remedy
nown, to cleauc the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gpntly
yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabrc's.
Gray sells Sackctt Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
Fresh Eastern nml Sh?a!vater
Iluy Oj-nicrn
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
A 3ooI Cigar,
Just as good as you usually pav a bit for,
can ba had FOK FIVE CENTS at C. P.
Oglviie's Popular Beading No. 19 just
received at Adler's. It is a splendid
Bemcmber the great reduction of 25
per cent on every article in Adler,s store.
It will not last forever.
Croquet sets, Bird-cages. Baby-carriages,
Velocipedes, and Toys and No
tions of all descriptions at a great sac
rifice at Adler's. Must be sold to va
cate the store.
Crow's gallery is headquarters for tho
best photographs for the least money.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Attention A. H. & F.. Co. Team.
Members composing the Company
Team during the Tournament held in
Astoria June 10th and 11th are hereby
ordered to return to the Foreman on
or before July 13, 18M, the suits fur
nished them by the company; or such
portions as they desire, the articles not
returned to be settled for as per previous
F. B. Euiersox,
F. T. Jonn.vK, Seoy.
Do Yon TIiiuEc 111 at Jcfl" ot
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much 1" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place In town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
The average female heart Is left in a
perfect flutter by our latest arrivals of
novelties in Dress goods, Parasols, etc.
Pkakl Bkos.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
Lcn ui
Th.e Leading;
ry Goods end Clothing House
Our stock is now complete in every department and ladles wishing a choice
selection of first class goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early.
In the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor
ably with Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first olass goods.
Rich Black and Colored Silks.
Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks.
Evening- Silks, in all the latest tints.
Fine Imported Dress Goods.
Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits.
New Ginghams. New Prints.
New Lawns. New Cham brays.
New Table Linen and Napkins.
Embroidered Table and Piano Cevers.
Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett.
Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves,
Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc.
Cloak' Depa
Haying bought more largely than this seasons trade see3 t demand we
have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price.
Ladies Cloaks, Traveling- Ulsters,
Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc
e New YorkNovelty Store
The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
Tho Latest Notions
"We defy any and all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a first-class ShaTe. scientific Ilalr-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
Bl. Du PARK, Prop.
n k
Everything new received
The Leading Glothier and Hatter,
New Goods!
Men's, Tou.-fch.s' and Soys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examino our goods and be convinced.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published
New Styles!