The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 26, 1885, Image 3

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?hc glattj jsforiim
(Monday excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served hy Carrier, per week locts.
Sent t)v Mall, per month nocts.
" " one year .$7.00
1-ree ot postage to subscribers.
JSr-Advcrtlscnients inserted lv the year at
the rate of 2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising nity cents per square, each
Notice To Adrcrliscrs.
The Astobian' Ruarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at tlieiL Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
The Lucayas has arrived out.
The new postal cards are pink.
Social at Ladies' Coffee Club this even
ins. The bark Jlirmah is now due from
To-morrow night, 'Tuo Shadows of a
Great Citj-."
There are 239 prisoners in tho .Salem
Ex- Senator Slater will orate at Haker
City on the 4th.
Jas. O. Spencer lias boon appointed
notary public at Clifton.
Considerable street work is beimi done
in several parts of tho city.
Tho schooner Alculde arrived in freight
laden from San Francisco yesterday.
Tho It. It. Thomj)son started for Port
land at six o'clock j'esterday evening.
Tho Slate arrived in at nine yesterday
morning; the Columbia sailed at noon.
Reserved seats for Janauschok's match
less impersonations at tho Now York
Noveltj" store.
No. 1, Vol. 1. of the Ochocho llewiew,
published by Messrs. Douthill & Harness
at Prineville, is received.
Eli jab Smith, pre?idout of the O. It. it
N. company, was in the cit- yesierday,on
bis way to San Francisco.
Frank Owen, whose memory is dear to
some, is about to start a "newspaper,"
the Hearer at Snohomish, W. T.
Tho Chronicle asserts that there are
twelve hotels in Seattle which would
provo death-trap? in caso of a sudden
'The shadows of a groat cilj-;' then
Jnnauschek; then mountain pink:"
"Peok's bad boy;" tho next will be some
thing olse.
Chinamen boast that for $l.r0 besides
tho regular fare thoy have no difficulty in
getting over the line from British Colum
bia to this country.
Tho Astoria Ladies' Coffeo club will
have a pleasant social at their rooms
this evening. A handsome lunch and
lator in tho evening music and dancing.
Tho regular public examination of par
sons wishing to obtain certificates to
teach in Clatsop county, begins at the
court houso at nine o'clock this morning.
Tho Seaside Houso on Clatsop beach
opens to-morrow under the experienced
management of Chas. Ohle. It is well
fitted up and every attention will be paid
guests. See adv't.
There will be a special meeting of tho
city council this evening to appoint a
policeman in place of Jno. Curran who
was elected at tho last meeting of the
council and who declines to serve.
A Salem drunk has a card in tho States
man thanking tho police force for their
kindness to him while confined in jail.
This is a new departure in tho matter of
"Cards of Thanks"' that are now so com
mon. In tho early morning tho twinkling
fires in tho bows of tho fishing fleet in
the stream bound westward look as
though tho stars of heaven were multi
plied and reflected in the translucent
Charles A. Strauss has been appointed
a naval cadet to Indianapolis by Hon.
Binger Hermann, congressman elect, to
succeed young Strang. Master Strauss
is 17 years of age and a graduate of tho
Portland high school.
Tho seaside season has about begun.
Our visitors are welcome. Thej will
find abundance of good things to eat,
good digestion will wait on appetito and
health on both; sweet sleep and renewed
vigor will bo theirs, and when they return
to their inland homes it will doubtless bo
with tho kindliest remembrances of tho
kindly clime that has so marvelonsly in
vigorated their wearied frames.
There is little stirring in the county
offices. County Clerk Trenchard issues
an occasional marriage license and re
cords some real estate transfers. Sheriff
Ross has a deputy up at Elliot's lauding
to keep off all intruders; tho county
court will have a seance on tho Gth of
July; the jail looks as picturesque as ever;
Counts' Treasurer Bergman is busy cal
culating interest on warrants presented
prior to Oct. 1st, '83 and paying the
The Oregon Spectator of February,
1SI6, gives a list of tho vessels entering
and leaving tho Columbia for the year
ending in February, 181C. There were
nine arrivals, comprising tho Hudson
Kay company's barks ancourcr and
Cowlitz, and schooner Cadboro. the
American brig Chcnamus, Swedish brig
Bull, and her Britannic majesty's sloop-of-war
Alodcslc. Some of these entered
twice in tho year. Tho departures also
numbered nine.
There's a good story going around of a
certain man on whom a counterfeit half
dollar was recently passed. He said
nothing till the chap that passed it on
him gave himself away by inquiring
about it. Then ho gave him to under
stand that he had no difficult v in work
ing it eff: that the government redeemed
bad money occasionally to keep it out of
circulation, and he was ono of tho few
that could fix matters. Tho listener bit,
swallowed hook and all, and in a week
turned up with all sorts of counterfeit
money that ho had hunted up, begged,
borrowed and stole, bought at a discount
and every way. Ho expected to make a
winning,"but when tho party of the first
Eart laughed at him, he at last saw that
e had been victimized himself a hun
dred times worse than tho man on whom
he had passed the countefeit half-dollar,
and who had adopted'this plan of getting
even with tho fellow,
Dr. .Jay Tuttle desires the person who
has his ear syringe to return it at once
to his office or residence.
Attention Knights!
The members of Astoria Lodge, No.
G, K. of P. are hereby requested to as
semble at their Castle Hall on Friday
evening, June 2Gth, 18S3. ats o'clock
for the traansaction of business. By
order of the
W. L. Robb, K. of R. and S.
CATnLAiinT, W. T., June 24th, 1885.
Editoh AsTonio;:
"While G. F. McXally, fisherman for
Eureka Packing company was drifting
near Cathlamet this morning, ho caught
the body of a man in his net, and tied it
to tho shore of Paget island, J. H. Gra
ham, justice of tho peace was notified,
and summoning a jury proceeded to the
place where tho body was tied, bat the
body having been in the water so long
the jury were uuablo to guess as to tho
man's age. complexion, color of hair,
nationality or causa of death, unless 03
accidental drowning; hoight about T feet
ten inches, weight when living about 180.
What clothes remained on tho body were
very rotten, part of a whito and "black
checked woolen overshirt remained
around the neck, black pants, red woolen
drawers, coarse bootr'on right foot, No. a,
well worn. The body was buried near
the place where found with thoughts of
sorrow for the fate of the unfortunate
u. C.
Tho Columbia Rapids Tug and Port
ago Co., filed articles of incorporation in
the county clerk's office yesterday. Tho
incorporators are Jay Tuttle, "Win. Mc
Cormick and J. O. Bozorth. The capital
stock is $3,C00; tho object is to build.
equip, own and onerate ono or more rap-
'ids tug boats. The intention is to build
a working mod'l of the invention of
Win. McCormick and give it a practical
test at the cascades.
Referring to the invention under date
of tho 2,"th inst., writing to tho inventor,
U. Ii. bcott, captain of tho Iclenhone,
says: My opinion is your ideas arc good;
that ysur apparatus will do tho work
you claim. 1 am very anxious to see it
thoroughly tested."
U. B. Scott.
A. V. Allen and wife to C. 1L Page,
titlfi in lots 7 and S, block 14'J, McCJure's
Astoria; 1.
C. II. Page and wife to John and Jas.
Kenney: lots 7 and 8, block 1411, Mc
Clure's Astoria; 250.
C. IS. Soronson and wife to J. E. Hig
gins: lot 5. block 97; 750.
Thalia L. Owen to Thos. Raed: ." acres
in sec. 7; 550.
A. W. Berry and wife to Isaac Bergman-
y& interest in lot 4. block 1)5; S
lots 5 and G, block 73, McClnro's Astoria".
' Geo. W. Toothakor and wife to Chas.
Petefiflh: lots 10 and 11, sec. 14, T. 7, N.
IS. a, W.; 1,C00.
J.F.audD.T. Barrows to S. D. Bar
rews: emit claim deed to M sec. IS. T. (I,
N. IS. 9 W., 1C0 acres; 1.
A War of Hares.
Last Tuesday morning two drunken
men on the roadway near Union town
upset two Chinamen. Tho Chinamen
got some of their crowd together and
beat the men. Tho men got some of
their crowd together and made it equally
unpleasant for the Chinamen. Tho
Chinamen then took refuge in their head
quarters. Their assailants increased in
numbers, mado another assault upon the
Mongolian stronghold. The descendants
of Zengis Khan sallied forth with knives
and clubs; their opponents mustered for
the fravwhen Messrs. Tallant and bmith
got between the belligerents and suc
ceeded m calming their angry passions.
Tho fire still smoulders and may yet be
quenched in gore.
Shsdovx of a Great fit jr.
We arc to have presented at tho Ross'
Opera house on Saturday evening, Juno
27, that sterling melo-draraa, "Shadows
of a Great City," ono of the best pieces
of the kind yet given to the public. Cn
liko most melo-dramas to which we havo
been introduced, "Shadows of a Great
City" is an American play, and is Amer
ican m everything. Tho scenic effects
introduced are reulistic, and tho charac
ters are types of every-day life seen in
any city. The plot is a pleasant depart
ure froin the old repetitions of English
melo-dramas. Ono of the great features
of the play is the abundance of incidents,
thrilling and exciting, which rapidly fol
low each other, keeping tho auditor inter
ested throughout the play. The company
presenting this play is one of the strong
est organizations on the road, the names
that head it Lewis Morrison, George
Osbourne, and L. IS. Stockwell being a
guarantee of its strength and character.
Reserved seats on sale at the New York
Noveltv store.
J. M. Shively vs W. W. Parker et al;
motion to strike out parts of answer de
nied; plaintiff ten days to reply to new
matter in answer.
Shively vs. Grant; motion to strike out
parts of complaint allowed.
Shively vs Noyes; motion to strike out
parts of complaint allewed: twenty da3's
to answer.
And now "lis almost tiino sweet maidens
From urban dust and smoko and heat
to ilee,
To put aside tho rollers of the rink
And sport among tho rollers of tho sea.
lectins Saturday F.vcning-.
There will be a business meeting of
the British Benevolent Association at
the Rooms of Alert H.&L. Co. 'o.l,
on Saturday evening, the 27th inst. at
8 o'clock. A full attendance of all
members anil those desirous of becom
ing members, is requested.
Y. G. Richakdsox, Sec'y,
Ladies Coffee Clnl Social.
The Ladies' Coffee Club will give a
social at their hall, over 1). L. Beck &
Son's store, on Friday evening. Music,
refreshment and dancing will be the
attractions of the evening.
First class photos at Partridge's.
D. II. Mcintosh assumed charge of
the city delivery of The Daily As
toria:? on the 1st inst All' payments
are to be made to him and he is author
ized to receipt for the same.
J. F. Halloran & Co.
Jfo Mco Hard Times Free
Board !
You live in vain if you do not go to
ihe Telephone Saloon, and try Baldy
George. NO MORE charge for Lunch.
Free all the time. Hot from 11 to 2.
Soup, Clam Chowder, etc., etc
Vaqucro Cigars, AAA Old Valley
Whiskv,Boca Beer on draught, Halt-and-Halt;
Latest Papers, Billiards,
Piano; Best place in town.
'He' A Wonderful Genlm-rity lie Drinks."
"Don't you know," said the barkeeper
as ho mixed up a little cough medicine,
while tho reporter nipped a clove, "that
there are lota of young men who love to
boast of what they might havo been be
fore they were ruined by drink, and it is
only too true that whiskey had very lit
to do when it ruined them. In this busi
ness I have met hundreds of men whom
honest people look upon, exclaiming, 0,
there's no telling what great things they
might do if it wasn't for tho curso of
whisky.' If those chaps wero sober,
their real merits would shino out, and
you can put this down, they would givo
an exceedingly poor light."
"But have you never come across an in
dividual who would be of some uso to the
world were it not that his intellect was
blunted by excessive indulgence in
liquor?' asked tho reporter.
"Oh yes! heap3 of em' geniuses! If
you coujd drop in hero some evening, I'd
point yon out a lawyer who was a worth
less one in hia time, but who is now
talked of as if he could be tho first jurist
of tho day only for his appetite. When
ever a fourth-rate doctor or lawyer takes
to drink, he begins right off to get a
reputation; and although people don't
emplov tuem, tney suaue tueir neaus anu
stgh, "What a pity it is that so-and-so
drinks. He's got remarkable talent, and
there's nothing ho couldn't do if he'd
only let liquor alone.' It sets mo wild to
have to listen to such foolishness; but
you know a bartender musn't always
sav what he thinks."
"I tell you that half of them indulge
for tho sake of making a qualified name
and reputation?"
'You have implied as much."
"Well, I'll say it again; it's true. Let
a mechanic go reeling along tho street
threo days out of six, and folks will
point him out as the best mechanic that
ever struck the town. Wonderfnl man,
that! He could bo n millionaire if ho
onlv wouldn't drink".
"This genius talk is worso with new s
paper men than with any other class.
Vou know yourself that there's hardly a
lush on a "newspaper that isn't consid
ered a genius, and this simply becauso he
is a lush. If theso drunken geniuses
would get sober, they'd give themselves
away by showing what frauds they are.
The best printers work steadily and well,
and don't get any credit for it; if they
mnko any failures they aro blowcd about.
The lush doesn't fail, because ho never
does anything worthy of an attempt
that might result in a failure."
Spring styles in tho best newspaper so
ciety show a number of changes. Cred
its aro now usually worn at the bottom of
tho item. Their use is "do rigueur." In
ultra-fashionable offices this season "our
esteemed exchange" has quite taken tho
place of "our contemporary." In the
funny columns tho "chic" thing is to
joke at tho jokes. An "ennui" air with
the old mother-in-law, plumber and ice
cream squibs is much affected. Tho ad
dition of the word "chestnut" or "rats"
at the end of an item is esteemed a neat
thing in trimmings. Full dress this
year is worn in shades a triflo darker
than last season, luo late spring thaws
and swollen streams havo muddied tho
water used in tho paper mills. The "we"
is now worn chielly with tho facetious
paragraph. In brevier editorial it is "en
regie" only with the gravely flippant
"tout ensemble." Snako stories retain
their popularity. They aro worn a trille
plainer and with less garniture of tho
same than last season. Headlines aro
worn plain, of the same material as tho
body of tho articlo. Tho alliterative and
old-colored Dolly Varden styles aro es
teemed marks of vulgarity and lack of
acquaintance with "lo beau monde."
For facings to tho genial editorial tho
playful pun is no longer tho mode. It
has been superseded bj the artful syllo
gism. In dramatic criticism the sombre
half mourning stylo of last year has given
way to tho soulful gush, very low in the
corsage. Tho recent farewell to Irving
bj' Willie Winter is noted as the most
"decollete" thing in this line yet exhib
ited. In affidavits of circulation this
season no novelties aro noted. The old
style of taking tho total issue on weekly
day, multiplying by threo and commit
ting perjury before a notary public, is
still all tho rago. Buncombe wagors
offered rival publishers are still used as
trimmings in the east. In lingerio u
pretty little thing is a lady society re
porter, who does not try to slip in puffs
of dry goods houses nor stab her lady
friends in accounts of receptions. Tho
novelty is exceeded in supply by the de
mand. Chicago Tribune.
He hies to scenes of rural bliss,
To spend a month in idleness,
And hopes to havo his health restored
By country air and country board.
He little knows, and more's the pity,
Tho board each day comes from tho city.
Attention A. II. tfc F.. Co. Team.
.Members composing the Compxny
Team during the Tournament held in
Astoria June 10th and 11th are hercbv
ordered to return to the Foreman oh
or before July in, lSKi. the suits fur
nished them by the company; or such
portions as they desire, the articles not.
returned to be settled for as per previous
F. B. Elberson,
V. T. Jordax, Secy.
Syrup orFigs.
Manufactured only hy the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
ilcasant liquid fruit remedy mav be
md of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton.
uie jjivcr, Xk-iuiicys aim jjowcis genuy
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure- Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Do You Think that JcfT ot
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents, lie buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it"
The average female heart Is left in a
perfect flutter by our latest arrivals of
novelties in Dress goods, Parasols, etc
Pkaei. Bi:os.
For a Xcat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
natnus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All poods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new poods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
"llackmetack," a lasting and fra
crant nerfume. Price 25 and 50 conts.
I Sold by V.E. Dement,
There has been much controversy about
the mortgage tax law of this state. Tho
moneyed men believing that it is not a
good or just law and tho other side be
lieving that foreign capital should pay
its legitimate share of taxes. Looking
at this matter from an equitable point
mortgages aro not indebtedness, but a
bond to secure payments of different
amounts of money, and sometimes at
different places. Tho indebtedness is
not vested in the mortgage but in the
notes that tho mortgage or bond is given
to secure, and until those notes become
due that the mortgage is given to secure
tho mortgago has neither any force or
value, tho value being vested in tho notes,
andjthejfailure of thopaymentof thonotes
forfeits" the mortgage or bond. And now
comes this query: the notes are assessa
ble where tho owner resides and also the
foreclosure of the mortgage is also in tho
district court where tho owner of theso
notes or values that tho mortgages re
sides. Then it follows as a matter of
certainty that tho equity of an adminis
tration or partition of a persons estate is
where ho lives and at no other place.
The divorce laws of tho states develop
this curious feature in tho laws of equity
that a woman can and often does secure
a divorce from her husband in courts
that have no jurisdiction to partition the
husbands or joint estate, but these courts
cannot partition tho estate of tho parties
unless tho suit is brought where the hus
band lives for all joint or family titles
aro in his name. This question of moit
gages presents about tho samo features at
law in equity that cases of divorce does
both are a forfeiture of a bond or con
tract only and courts to havo jurisdic
tion on cases arising, must be in the dis
trict where tho owners or parties reside.
Anoto that is secured by mortgage is
also negotiable and can be sued upon at
common law, and also collected inde
pendent of tho mortgago that secures the
notes, and a note that is secured by a
mortgage might fall into hands that had
no knowledge of the mortgago or bond
security, and collected tho same as an
unsecured note. There is no differenco
between notes; both tho mortgago and
unsecured notes aro negotiable and it
follows that notes and moneys are assess
able only where their owners residence is.
These being tho facts the Oregon mort
gage tax law is only boys play, and will
only end in making fees for pettifoggers.
O. P. Hkntjy.
Convicts havo for somo time been
busily engaged manufacturing the brick
for tho additions to be mado to tho peni
tentiary. It is thought that the work
will bo completed by tho latter part of
the fall. By that time also many im
provements already marked out for the
asylum will bo completed. Tho active
work will begin on tho state house.
Probably tho first improvement mado
there will be tho finishing and furnishing
of tho representatives' hall. Since tho
repairs to bo mado are under roof, tho
work can be done in tho wintor. It is
not likely that the dome will bo com
pleted before the next legislature. Salem
xc4eii Thousands
AH over the land are going into ec
stasy over Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. Their unlooked for
recovery by the timely use of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to
go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar
anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs.
Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
.Hoarseness. Loss .of Voice, or-any affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial
bottles free at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
J)rug Store. Large size 1.00.
The Babies Cry For Ii.
And the old folks laugh when they
find that the pleasant liquid fruit reme
dy Syrup of Figs is more easily taken
and more beneficial in its action than
bitter, nauseous medicine. It strength
ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and
Bowels while it arouses them to a
healthy activity. For sale by V. E.
Dement & Co.
For Dinner Parties lo order, at fiort
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Gray sells Sackett Ilros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M jennranteed.
rcs!i V.nstcm ami !Shcnl water
ISaj Oyster
Constantlv on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
A Good Ctppir,
Just as good as vou usual I v liav a bit for,
can bH had FOR FIVE CENTS at C. P.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be. bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's druc store, opposite Occident
hotel. Astoria.
Crow's gallery is headquarters for the
best photographs for the least money.
For the very best photographs at the
lowest prices" call on Crow the Photo
grapher, No. 6 Water street
For DvspepsiaandLiver Complaint,
vou have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Sniloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Remember Adler's reduction of 25 per
cent on Silver-ware. He still has a line
assortment of Rodgers Bros' well known
E. J. Partridge will remain a few days
longer; now is the time to get good
views of the city.
The beat place to buy wedding pres
cnts i-? at Adler's. You can find there
anything you want at bed-rock prices.
A beautiful 12." Palace Organ for 7u,
warranted for 3 years, at AUiers.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
E. J. Partridge, photographer, arrived
Tuesday and will remain one week.
Sleepless Nights made miserable)
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Ce: "
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures conMimptlon. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ! bhUoirs Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by V. E.
Vocal and Instrumental lUusic.
A ladvis desirous of obtaining a class
in Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Best San Francisco references. For
particulars enquire at Xew Yoric Nov
elty Store.
At Franlc Fabre's.
Board for S22JX) a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
-THY W1M"I l
Af?.,gi T7STTD.
Vanilla, Juemon, Oraase, etc., flavor
Cakes, Creams, Faddlne, tc, as dell-
cutely and naturally as tho fruit frota
which they arc made.
For Strength and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, MO
Dr. Prices Grsam Baking Powder
Br. Price's lupulin Yeast Gems,
Best Dry Hop Yeast.
The ae9t dry hop yeost in tho world.
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght.whlte
nnd wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious brend.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTrs of Dr. Pncs's special FteYenns Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CrrriNG.MKRLE & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
inter Miction
A stylish business suit - $10
Former price - - - 15
A stylish business suit
Former price - -
Fine Diagonal suit -Former
price - -
The very best dress suit 25
Former price - - - 30
Boys' and youths' suits at greatly re
duced prices, also all the extensive as
sortment of Men's Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps,
floors and Shoes, Trunks and Valise3,
Sold at cost by
Merchant Tailor and Clothier.
Young's RiYer Falls
Will leave Main Street Wharf,
Next Sunday, the 28tli inst.;
At 0 o'clock A. M.
Fare for the Ronrid Trip, 50 conts
Light healthy Bread,
mm tw$wljj
Summer Fashions
TJa.9 Leading
Dry Goods and
Our stock is now complete in every department and ladies wishing a choice
selection of first class goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early.
In the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor
ably with Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first class goods.
Rich Black and Colored Silks.
Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks.
Evening Silks, in all the latest tints.
Fine Imported Dress Goods.
Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits.
New Ginghams. New Prints.
New Lawns. New Charnbrays.
New Table Linen and Napkins.
Embroidered Table and Piano Covers.
Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett.
Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves,
Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc.
loak Department.
MaTing bought more largely than this seasons trade serms te demand rru
have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price.
Ladies Cloaks, Traveling Ulsters,
Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc
The New York Novelty Store
The Leading; Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
0, K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Da PARK, Prop.
Everything new received
ID. a. Mcintosh,)
The Leading Clothier and Halter,
New Goods!
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Clothing Hous
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published
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