w She gaftjj tarimt. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY JUNE '21. 15 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSELS IX TUE RIVER. Remonstrant. Br lilt Mt Washington, Am sp lUidce, Hr bk Archer. Br bk H-itty. Brbk Klraa.Brbk lladdiogtontiure, BrbV I'arnavon Castle. Brbk Zamora.UrbfclrSe VESSELS OX THE WA Y. I'roui Foreign Iortn. for Hit Columbia Itivcr Abeona Br bp 97'J Burnt island May 12 Birmah. BrbkS12 Honolulu Crieedale, Br sp Liverpool Mar 1 Moltke, Ger bk S2S Liverpool Orerdale. Br bk Callao March 2 bolveig. Nor bk ffl Callao Jan IS W. H. Bcssc, Am bk Hone Konc May 1 From American Port. Olive S. Southard. Am sp Xew York April IS TIIM5 TAKIiK FOB AhTOIHA. J I NK. i Hir.II W'ATr.K. I LOW 1VATEK. First. Second. First. Second. e o S 3 2 H i-" 2 H SHS s s , I sj h. m. (. w. .-- . w. j h. in. j i s - I -s li 1 44a 8 2 3ATp G a 8 51 0 0 8 JW 3 C J J23 7 0 -lib Ob 9 2U 0 3 IMS 3 (i :i 8 on 7 r 4 ; 7 o io oi o c 10 .w s r. 4 4 03 7 1 ft 3S 7 10 41) 1 0 11 40 3 '' 5 ;o c 7S1US 15 - - - 0 C ! u' S 7 07 7 S 0 37 2 fe 0 33 'JO 7 7 4!1 0 3 8 00 S 1 1 41 J 1 1 40 2 3 h a (xi 04 s 48 f r. a 40 l s j au 2 c a 10 12 7 ! 3C l 0 3 4r 0 7 3 :w 2 0 10 11 17rt 7 0 10 2J 9 3 4 3!) -0 1 4 80 2 8 11 013J7XUU7 C 5 30 -OS .112 3a 12 1 07;) 7 4 11 53 7 0 10 -1 3 0 12 3 0 18 - - - - 1 JVJ 7 .1 7 07 -1 T. 7 OS 3 9 14 0 4'.'a 3 7 2 42 7 V 7 ."3 -1 Ji 7 St 2 0 15 131 ! 4 3 21) 7 7 S ."ft) -12 8 4S 2 8 1C 221 X 4 12 7 7 ! 26 -0 fl -TJ 2 8 17 3 22 S 2 4 50 7 8 10 18 -0 1 10 47 2 7 IS J 20 75 5 42 7 9 110 0 7 11 .Vt 2 Jl 19 5 40 0 II 0 30 8 0 II ." 1 4 - 20 CStl 0 0 7 IS .SO 100 2 2 0 J 2 1 21 S21 I! 5 S if) i 2 2 13 17 1 57 2 (i 22 a 38 0 5 S 5S 8 3 3 21 112 51 3 1 23 10 4. CO a 42 83 4 10 0 5 3 fit) 3 4 24 II 43rt 0 7 10 24 8 4 5 11 0 0 I 41 3 7 25 0 34f 0 8 11 111 85 5 51 -0 4 5 2 3 8 2 117;0S1I42 S5 Ji 33 -0 5 0 10 3 a 7 -" . .. J .V OS 7 07 -05 5 4S 3 a 28 0 15a 8 4 2 20 ti!) 7 31 -0 1 7 2!) 3 b 2-.I 0 4 8 2 2 f.r. 7 0 8 01 -0 2( 8 02 3 0 30 I 2 Jo 8 1 .: ftp 7 ij b 2"fl 0 01 8 40J) 3 4 The Hours between iiuclniiit and noon arc designated by o (a. m.). those between noun and midnight ly ; (r. m.). oi. Wm a denotes midnight, ot. O0mi. denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lowcrlow waters to which t he sound ings an given on tlie Coast Sunov charts. HAVE YOU IN THE M.VTTEE OK Rags, Bottles, Old Foetal, or Junk of Any Sort, Will give j nu the best iir.ee for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying I'm to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at P0ARD& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. Holden's Auction Rooms f Established January 1st, 1877. j E. C. IIOLDEX, Real Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street. - Astoria, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries erry Saturday. at 10 :30 A. M., at mv Auction liooms. Will conduct Auction Sides of Real Estate, Cattle, and Fanning Stock wherever de sired. Cash Krtnrnn Proinptlj made after Salts. Consignments respectfully solicited. Notary l'ublic for the State of Ongon. Commissioner of Deeds for A xwhmgton Territorv. Agent for Daily and "Weekly Oregnnian. Notice to Contractors. BIDS "WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL .June 25th at o o'clock for the erection of the new Grace Episcopal church. Astoria. Plans and specifications may be .seen at the office of C. W. Ix'ick. architect. Kinne's building. The committee resenes the right to reject any or all bids. A Wholesale and Retail Dealer in b MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TBOPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Lifj:iors,Tobacco,Gigars STREET WORK SOLICITED. Having removed part of our Grading Outfit from Portlandto Astoria, we arc jiow pre paredto do all kinds of ' Grading and Filling. At reasonable rates, "either by day or job.- 1 Portion of the PnblicPatronage USoiicUed Offlce-at Elmo Hotel. Hamilton, & 'Cummings. AlTtlll to mi FOABD I TIE Allen, SOCIETY arEETIXGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7 A. F. A. M. REG ULAR COMM FNICATIONS 26 first and third Tuesdays In cachTQr month, at 7J4 o'clock, r. M., at the' V x Hall in Astona. Members of the order In good standing arc Invited to attend.. By order of the W.M. Bea7er Lodge No. 35. 1. O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING EV- K&-ye ery Thursday evening tgSK; seven o'clock, at -the Lodge "SSE--' room In Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- y ria. Sojourning members of the order In good .standing, cordially Invited to attend. By order ' N- Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. O EG ULAU MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN JLX campment No. 18. I. O. O. F., at the Ix)dge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at beven r. m., on the second :ind fourth Mondays of each mouth, Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By onler C' 1 . Seaside Lodgro No. 12, A. O. U. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Iodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held In their Hall oer Carnahan & Co.'s on Thursdav evening of each week, at 7 o clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes berore and after each meeting. By onler M. A . C.BBOVN.Itec Astoria Lodee No. 40. 1. O. G.l. REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evening at 7 :30 o'clock, in the Hall over Carnahan's store. Members of the Or der. In good standing, are Invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legrion of Honor. TEGULAR MEETING OK ASTORIA JLfc Council No. 935 is held on the first and thinl Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock r. ai. By order of the Council Commander. It. V. MONTEIT1 1, Scc'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday eveninss of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are lespectfully requested to attend. By older. C. BROWN. Recorder. CushinEr Post No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 SJO i i. Visiting com rades cordially invited. Bv older P.C. Cushing: Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REG ULAR MKETI NGS ON TH ESECON I) and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 r. m. By order Mi:s. C. BOSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS lodgc every Friday evening, at 7 30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights rordially invited to alien.'. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST '1 hursday of each month, in their Ar mory Hall, in Pythian Ca.stle.at S r. M. Reg ular drills on the second, thiid and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as .shall be designated by the Ct imnxuder. Sojourning Mr Kn'ght cordially invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Astoria Ladles' Collee Club. REGULAR MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S ! looms on the first and third Friday's ol each month at 7 P.M. Miss. F. B. ELBEILSON. Pres. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7l4 o clock. BSTJVrsons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the .same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the b nday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S..li:WETT. Auditor and Clerk. Columbia Candy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE TRADE SUPPLIED, Leave onlcres at Astoria Bakery, Ed. Jackson. Prop. c. K. T.AIX, P...I. 1IAKT. 9Haiug built and refitted with improved ni2chlnery the above mill at largeepense, we are now prepared to MANUFACTURE And Furnish all Kinds and Si?es ef Sash. Doors, Blinds. And every desciiptlon of Mill Work with Promptness and Dispatch. Moulding;. Turning and Bracket Work a Specialty All Kinds of Finished Lumber for Sale. Wc cordially invite our triends and the pub lic to giro u$ a call. Cor. Genevieve and Astor Sts.. Astoria, Or. BAIN & HART, Proprietors. P. Patterson, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Shop on Cmcomly Street, opposite Kinney's Cannery. SASHES. DOORS. MOULDINGS. ETC., ON HAND. Estimates given and all work warranted to give satisfaction. B. Lemon & Co. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portland, and Astoria. Portland Office No. 1C. N. Front street. Boat Building, THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & Perchcri's. K. HI. ICATnEKS. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of C:.-s and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomcnes. More aconomlcal than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlu in cont. Ror- AL BAKIXr. POWDF.lt CO.. 10G Wall-SL N. Y . SAVED BY THE CASH SYSTEM. J. H. BOBBINS & SON Hare determined to abolish the OLD CREDIT SYSTEM And haie made SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! In Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Uooks, Strings, and everything pertaining to the music trade. have called in all our traveling men, discon tinued our sub agencies, stopped belling to the trade, and now offer to sell direct to tin consumer at a less price than wo have been selling to the tiade. Wc pro pose to sell for ca.sh with order, thereby avoiding bad debts. Every Piano and Organ sold by us is fully warranted for live years, and will be kept in repair free of charge. Any Piano or Organ ordeied of us, after three days' trial, can be returned at our expense, if not as recommended and satisfactory, and money refunded. You can buy a Piano or Organ of us on the installment plan at the same price as the cash purchaser. Uy paying us any amount at any time, we place the same to vour credit and send you a cer tificate "of deposit. When you have deposited the lull cash price of the In struniencj'ou wish, it will be subject to j-our order. Should .sickness or other misfortune overtake you before the amount of the Instrument is deposited, and should you so desire, vour money will be refunded m full. V e buy Pianos ami urgans at the factor' lor cash aim snip in car loads. Other Musical uocus we hay in Europe, and get them as low as the low est Now, as we offer to sell direct to the consumer, you will get your goods at a heavy reduction by ordering from us. The cry of Shoddy will be set up by interested parties, but it will not go, for these are the same Pianos and Organs we have been selling for the past ten years: ami it is a well known lact that there are no better instruments marie in the world. Wo append our Trice List, in which are shown our old credit prices and our present tremendous reductions. We give prices of leading styles only, but the same reductions run through all stvles. IIOBBINS & SON (or PEASKjPIANOS. Stylo 7, $200; old credit price, "). Style 8,S22o; old credit price, 3400. McCAMMON" PIANOS. SlyleT. S22T; old credit price, S-TiO. Style B.vnSOO; old credit price, S."00. Stjie C.S310; old credit price, ST50. IIALLET & DAVIS PIANOS. Style 10, S:r23; old credit price, 7X0. Style 24. S50; old credit price. SdiO Style4.VKV)G,S4iri ; old credit price 700 IIENlirF.MILLEIl PIANOS. Style 10, S410; old credit price, SGOO. Style !, S350; old credit price, .$T00. Stvle 8, $325; old credit price, 5430. W. W. K1MHALI, ORGANS. Stvle 100, $55; old credit price, Sliri. Stvle 101, $r5; old credit price, $173. Stvle 200. S70; old credit price, 175. Style 201, S73; old credit price, S185. Slyle250.$85; old credit price. 200. WHITNEY & HOLMES ORGANS. Style 300, $S0; old credit price, S150. Stj-lo 210, $85: old credit price, Slfi5. Stvle 321, $95; old credit price, S173. SUie ISO. 100; old credit price, 185. Stj-lo 204, 125 ; old credit price, $275. A Rubber Cover and Stool goes with cash Piano; a Stool and Music Rook with each Organ. No charge for pack ing and shipping. Other musical goods reduced in the same proportion as Pianos and Organs. Sheet Music at one-half the list price. Those who use stringed instruments will save one-half by purchasing strings of us by the bundle. All we ask is a trial and you will be convinced that wc mean just what we say. Cut this out and save it for future use. Correspondence solicited. Send for full descriptive catalogue. We have been in the Musical Merchan dise business for the last ten years, and as to our mode of dealing refer to per sons who nave oougnt our instruments in all portions of the North Pacific Coast For city reference we give the name of the Hon. HENRY FAILING, Pres ident of the First -National Rank of Portland, Oregon. J. H. BOBBINS & SON. 229 First Street, Portland, Or. J&t JS.Xir Jr 9 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand. Tersinal attention giveu all ordprj, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Keasonable. Shop and o'fUcc on Cass street, one door above Prank Fabre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. . INDIGNANT G. A. R. 3IEMBER5. Pobtlaxd, Maine. June 22. Tito weather is perfect, and delegations of Grand Army people are beginning to arrive. The Law and Order league has issued a circular, statiug that all liquor consigncu to memoera ol iuu Grand Army will be promptly seized. The proposition made by tho same committee that all consignments to members o the Grand Army be seized and taken to police headquart ers, and if, after inspection 'by commander-in-chief Kountz, they bo found to contain any liquor, they be not forwarded to consignee, met with instant opposition, and the fact of proposition having been made has caused something of a rebellious spir it to arise, and visitors opeuly declare their intention to contest any such ar bitrary .action, should it be attempted. Itis not denied that there are quanti ties of liquor now en-route consigned to members of the Grand Army, who are either here or who are to ar rive, and prominent officers of the or ganization declare they intend to take and keep possession of their con signments. Constant agitation of this subject recently by temperance leaders has causedit to take a place of paramount interest on all sides. General Logan is expected to arrive to night. He will be given a grand reception, as will also Generals Slo cum and Eosecrans, who are also ex pected to-night. The executive com mittee is likely to be put to a severe test by the demands niado upon it. The Iowa delegates this morning tel egraphed for 500 additional quarters, and numerous other requests of a similar nature will be made. GItAND ARUX MEK INDIGNANT. A great deal is heard on all sides in regard to the liquor question to-night. Tho associated press is in receipt of the following telegram, which seems to have been inspired by circulars is sued by the temperance leaders: Newport, Vt., June 22. To the Associated Press : Two thousand comrades of the Grand Army of tho Republic have read the dispatches regarding the appointment of special police to care for the lives and property of the people of Port land. Wo call your attention to the fact that in times past we wero the police of tho nation, and tweuty years has not diminished our respect for law and order. AVe came unarm ed and on a peaceful mission, as your guests, and respectfully ask permis sion to enter your city unmolestedby special police or special investigating committees. This was signed by the departments of Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, Iowa. Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, Dakota. Missouri, Nebraska and Michigau. The pecu liar wording of the circular sent out by the advocates of temperance seems to have the effect of creating no small degree of resentment on the part of visitors from other states, and many of them claim that to issue such cir culars to a body of men so old in years, in service, and in distinguished honors as that of the G. A. R. is scarcely less than an insult. Tho growth of the lumber trade in California and on the Pacific coast is shown by tho fact that whereas 17, 500,000 feot of sawn lumber was the aggregate ontput for the first quarter of last year, there is an increase of rather more than 5.000,000 feet for the same period this year, the total being 22,300,000 feet. The inventor of barb on fence wire receives a royalty of $120,000 a year. YOU5G IIIKX! KE?AI THIS. fnE Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elkc-Tito-VoLTAio Belt and other Electkio Ari'LiAXCES on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afilicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, ami nil kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and manv other dis eases. Complete restoration toliealth, vigor and manhood guarantied. No risk is in curred as thirty davs trial is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet tree Street Lumber. $8.50 a Thousand. West Shore Lumber Mills. .1. C. TRULUNGER. Prop. Dissolution of Copartnership. iTUUSISTO NOTII'V WHOM IT MAY JL concern th;it on the 21st of April, i&r,, the copartnership heretofore exlstiug be tween Jno.C. Vike and II. G. Eveusou in th Blue Anchor Saloon, was dissolved by mutual consent. Jno. C. Vike will in the future carry on the business, collect all bills due and pav all indebtedness. JNO. C. VIKE. H.G. EVENSON. Astoria. May 2, 1335 TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. TerniK moderate. Apply to X. CLINTON. President. . T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried IF'IES.TTX'OLTS. NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Clfrnrs and Tolacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's. Squemoqua St. The Fine Iron Bark "RE3I0XSTRANT,' Is on berth at Astoria for Salmon loading to Rate of insurance by this vessel is the low est quotablo. For particnlara apply to MEYER, WILSON & CO. Portland, Or to GEO. W. SANBORN, Astoria. Tho Remonstrant" wiHbe followed In Meyer, Wilson &Co's. direct line of vesiels by the lino iron bark "Birmah,' now en-route. iiti Ullir!! " ie miifii i WGfi&?PGWS iisFiGrni7 iircitrns. iTcm: TOKTCJSIIS. MI) LOATiisemi: Nostra. I hive tried for eleven e .is to have mv wife cured of a teirible j-k.n disease. The Clticuka Ek-.iedies iCith ns.v Resolv ent, the new Blood Purifier, mternallv. and Ccticiti:, the great Sm ('tin-, and Cuti ci'KA Soai. an exquisite Nklu BeautinVr. externally) have done in si weeks what I hac tried for eleven j cars to havedont. You shall hae the paitleularx as mhii as I can give them to von. jd a-, v.e are so well known in this part of the count rv. it will benefit you. and the remedies will cure all who ue them. CIIAS. II Will l F. Makvsa ili.i-.Kv. KTCZXi: crsSKl. I used your Cuncunv 1:kmkimk for Blotches, and am compl!1 :ted. m inexpressible joy. CiTifiirv 5.w ; ihi licst I have ewr'uscd. and t ihf profusion it is invalnaMe t or cle..nsjn ; lie sk-ii. there by removing all "eirk. zrense. iKtiitt. ami all the stuff used l thfiii. Ieiie;r the skin mire, and white ami ii M rates pleasure Is in uvointi ens' . vr' . i .ulh-le. H. MACK. ClKtmjtltm C'MM'i'u H'Jlrr Shnlcr. YofscsTowx, Ohio. BEST FOII t3TiTHX. Having used our Ct rici'KA Ukmkdiks for eighteen nu "nthsf r Teiter. and finally cured It. I amaiiotis;ti.er it insvii mi com mission. I can recomend it 1hoihI any remedies 1 haw ever ued for Teller. Bursts. Cuts. etc. Infiet.it is the best medicine I ha e e er t ned for am thirs. MVKTI.K Mls. R. S. Ill'UiON. Since 1 haw Ik-ci selling the Cl'iktkx Koikmks 1 h:ve never lizard a sjitglecom piaint. but on the contrary ewt one who lias used them has been well pleased with them, and thev out sell all mheis. F. 15. CPBBEKI.Y, Druggist. AN'lMtnws Im. NCKOFUT.orS SDKrlS. I had a dozen bad sores on my body, and tried all remedies I could heir of. and at last tried your Cnn'cnx Bi'MKin !'-. and thex haw cured me. .IND.CASKILL. Hr.itr.oN. Tii.wrn Coi'T . Pknn. CrritTi: RrMKiHKS are sold every where. Price : CrnrruA.H' . Kksolvknt, t ; Soai. 2-"ic I'repared'bv the PeTrr.i: D::i: AMtCiirMit i C.. Its-ro. !e:nl ror"SEovt fn'urMln DNeasrs " TAl? uununi. Pimples. I'.I.i 'kheads and IHlfj OliJ s,kiM, lLf Itie ClTICl'ItA S f Tint piire.swcd. safe, and effective Ann r ican dtstilation or Viteli-IP:"l. American Pine, Canada Fir. Marigol 1. and Clover lilossoin. c.iilcd S XfOKi)'.s Riucw. Cn:K roiiCvrvKirii, with one box Cvtxkkiial Soi.vrj. rand oii"sANi-oni's lMi'0n I.n HALKiC. allinoueiaekage. ma now 1h had of all dniL'gistsfor.sI V). AskforSXKoi:t' BAPlrAI. Ci KK. Complete I..K'al and ConstUutional Tk at meat for every form of Catarrh, from a Sim ple Cold or lnthien 1 to loss of Mnell, Taste, ami Hearing, Coush, Bronchitis, and Ca tarrhal Coiisuniptloii, in cwry package. Cicrsymcn, Voeaiihtn. And Public Shakers wilhoii' iuiiiiIkt owe their tin sent iLscfiiluess and siieci bs to Sax KonitV Uauical Ci'uk Tor r. rAitnii. Kev. Dr. Wiggin sjiys : "One of the lH"t remedies for Catanh naj . the uet remedy we have found iu:vhfetime of sulfenng is SAXroi:ii'si:.nic.vL Cci:it It clears the heid and throat so thorotishly tint, taken each morning on rising, there are no un- :lcasaiit seeretions aim no uisagrecaoie hawking during the entire dav. but an uu precedeiitt d clearue-s ot voice and re-pira-torv oraans." Sold bv all druggists. Price Sl.oO. Putter Diuam! I'lieKiir:. Co . i;-.ti:t:. COU-JJVs Weary sufferer from Bheumnti :h. Ntt.ia! gi.i. Weak and Nr VOLTAIC BSSBICIEIO i.uugs. i imiriis anu 4ASTEB5 C Ids, WeaK B.u-.c. Weak Stitliiaeh ami Bowels, Dpci,s'. t'ciuale Wtainess, Shooting Paii.s thmu'-'h tl-.e Loins and Dae, trv these Piasters. Placed oer the pit or the Stomach, thev prevent and cure Ague Pains. Bilious Colic. Liver Complaints, and protect the system from a thousand d's. ae. AlAKKETS. WYftTT &TH0lfiFS0 DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED &1EATS. CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. IlSIilX Feed, 33-feo, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0L3PABJY. Fresh and Cured 3Ieafcs, FRUITS, SUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHKXAait'S Street. AHtorla,' Oct. Washington Market' 31nln Street, - Astoria, Oregon. BR!t3IAX CO,IItOIKIETOJtS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market w ill always be supplied w 1th a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESK AND CURED MEATS 1 ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. SSSpcclal attention given to supplying ships. GERMIfi BEER HALL 3 FROM THE Northern Pacific- Brewery Five Cents a Glass. E5"No Inferior Beer sold at this place. WJI. BOCK, Proprietor, 'LOEB & CO. JOBBER:; I WINES, ijiiyuMs AND CIGAKS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Occantsrs, and AH Kinds cf Saloon Supplies. tS-Al! goods sold at San Prancisco Pnv MAIN STREET. Oppositt Parker House. Astoria. -- . ASTORIA Manufacturer of rVJouldings, Sash," Doors, Blinds, Rails. Balusters, Hcwal Pests, Brackets, SCROLL AND TURNED BALUSTRADES, BOAT MATERIAL, &c. Orders solicited and promply attended to IIOIFA CO.. I'roprietov.. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Street, Nkak Paiikki: IIjusf, ASTORIA. - OREGON. QEHERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAKDai MARIE EEGIEES Boiler-Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OTall Desrriptlons made to Order at Short Xotioe. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. II ustlkk. Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. JOHN I'ox.Suiicrintcndent. iSiiiliSIiiti BUTFAIiO, N. "ST. Organized with a Fall Staff ot Eighteen Experienced and Skillful 1'hjvicijns and Surgcotzi for the treatment of all Chronic EteeaaeA OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Tliroat and Ltmg Diseases, Liver ana Kidney Dis eases, Bladder Diseases, Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nervous Affections, cured here or at home, with or without seeing the patient. Come and see us, cr send ten cents in &tanips for our " Invalid's Guide Book," which gives all particulars. and all Morbid Conditions caused by Youthful FoUle3 and Pernicious Solitary Practices are speedily and lA.iiuain.-mi curuu uy uur fjpvutausi:. jjwk, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps Rapture, or Breach radically cured without the knife, with out trasses, without pain, and without danger. Cures Guar anteed. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. PILE TUHORS and STPJCTURES treated under guarantee to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, World's DisressAUT Medical Assocunox, C63 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. fJMt'rf' The treatment of many thousands of cases of thoso diseases peculiar to at the Invalid's Hotel and Sunrical Institute has af OF WDBE8. forded large experience in adapting- remedies for their cure, and BR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts visor and strength to tho sys tem, and cures, as if by magic, Leucorrhea, or ""Wnites," excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or faUinc of tne uterus, weak hack, anteversion, retroversion, hearing down sensations, chronic con gestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and ten derness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness. It promptly relieves and cures Nausea, and Weakness or the Stomach, Dadigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleep lessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OR SIX BOTTLES J'OiTS-OO- Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's largo Treatise on Diseases of omen, illustrated. World's Sup sasajj Medical Assdata, G63 Hain St., BUFFALO, U. Y. SIGKI-HEADAGHE, Bilious Headache, Diz ziness, Constipation, Didigestion. and Bil ious Attacks promrjtly cured by Dr. PIERCE'S Pleasant PURGATIVE PELLETS. 25 eont a vial, by Druggists. 8 unn jRupturlI TRANSPORTATION LINES. llteci Steai Iraaiii Co SUrYirVlER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Cysterville. Montesano and Olympia STEAMER siSs "GEB. MILES," W. p. WiiiTcojin, Ma.vti:i:. V"ill !e.ie Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft". Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M WP.hOjstervihV Mails and Express daily, and Through Matte to points beyond, and Montesar.o. V,. T on Mondays. "WedneBdavs and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Mile" will make two round trips. leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about v. jr.) :: Iit.urs after arrival from first trip Fare io Ilwaco. - - $1.00 Pass'-ngcn wi'l save 23cens by purchas intr tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton. - $2.00 jl or Tickets, 'lowage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf. f.ot of Benton street. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER. SsL CAPT. E.. T.MOODY. Astoria. Or.. Cathlamet. "W.T.. "Wcstport Or., and intermediate poiuts. The Steamer Afbiinfainegr will leave Asto ria dall) , until further notice, from Hustler's wharf. loot of Main street, at lialf-nssti o'clock P. 31., as follows : Jlocdays. YTednesdajg and Fridays, for GATHL.vMETand intermediate points on vi-x-ih. Tor. side will go to YVestport. same days. Tuesdays. Thnrsdajs and Satunlaj, for YVESTPORT and intermediate points ou the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same dav. Will Leave CATHLAMET, W.T.. for As toria, 3Iondaj, Wednesdays and Frldayi at seven o'clock A. 31.. touching at allwayland lii'.'S on Wash.Ter. side, and return on same side. Will Leave WESTPOllT, for Astoria, Or. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdays at sev en o'clock A. 21.. touching at nil way land ings on Oregon side and return ou same sid For Freight or Passnge, apply ou board, or to Mainstiect Wharf. IMPOTENT MEN Ba they YonngorOia having Lost those attributes oC PERFECT MANHuOO Itay Regain Quickly PERFECT .SfiYiral Pnwpr wSBSSSBm ra m3&&Sffi&&i PonrgnTiR fi0!.rrv X'X" 'xr - -""iifc nuiuii, luj J i,i dna'e. HY THE USE OP The Civiale Remedies. The fitre over llAtoniMIlI i every iraco or llEBILITY. Ii:i:. K-IHliA, VAKICOCELE and every r.irmorjmln.illoss ana neatness whether dua to Mouthful tolly, Abne. or J.atural Knilure. TnH tnatni' nt nnsrinatil bv I'KOF. C1VIALC o.loi.teil in t-viry I10-l'iTXl.ln FISANL'Kand iiiHiualitieilly endorsed by tho Jledieal lrofeiSion Is 1 AIl.-i AIM'LIKll, lAIM.tS. yriCK, and nlKnoall LVMI.NO I ITS KEM I.Ts FREE TO ALL Fponrece,itor6cents , T . . . -MiJlJ. ln potapo stamps. Wo wi Iend free to any earnest Inquirer, our spirit utd tlliistrateil Ci pace lnejlcal work.givlnssviiio loins or nil Tonus of Sexual Disease, desvriptloii ... ..i.a iiiuiuitiii, pru-va, irairaoiuauanu ea IcilH.r fllllorMiliient-,. Ac .tr. Wenj-o also agents for the new nnd ceitaln Vd cure, acu Adjusting nnu uiovo nttinir CradS tonipreasor, for tho thorough and radical curl wuiiout surgery, or Consultation with full Medlcnl Stan. FKEl Civiale Remedial Agency, 174. Fulton St, N.' RESTORED "SP TU'r.tti, ! tun T'ioumuiU cannot ijtt rami of XtJin L tVEAKXESS. LOSS OF JflX IlUOO.aiultheresitltofabuse.dtieateorexcrsses. ti oirm'j ta complication called PROSTA TOR RUE I DR. LIE BIG'S IXHGORATOR u the OXLi'c-rfor PROSTATORRIIEA.Pnce. BI.W pi r paclaye, (J packages. 810 00. Gaule tit li nl h ami Sflf-Amitytt umtree. Address LIE Rn: I'lV't'XS IRVur Dneate of Men, 110 tlranj tit trn Franntcn. Cul. THE SPECIALIST, Xo. 1 1 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. TISEAT3 Ar.LCllROXIC, SPECIAL AXD PRI- TK DlSKASKSWlTHWOXDEItKUI. SirrKSS THE CHEAT EPJGLISH REMEDY! rs a certain cure for crvous Debility, Lost 3Ianhood. Protatorhoea.and all tne evil ollects of youthful follies and excesses, and in drinking intoxi cating liquors. Ir JUnile wnoisareg ularphysician, grad uate of the Univer sity of Pennsj Ivania uin .ipwi! tn ioniec sooo for a caso of this kind the Vital Kcstoratlvo (under his spe cial advice and treatment) will not'eure. Sl.50 a bottle, or four times tho quantity S-, scut to any address on receipt ot price, or C. O. D. in private name if desired, by lr. .Ilintle. II Kcarnvit..San Francisco, Cal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE DOTTLE FREE will be sent to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and ago. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. fifloore's Remedy -FOR- 5?olgQ3Q. Oals.. MOORE'S REMEDY Cures and Prevents POISON OAK. t'lEES Piles. Burns, Cuts: BE- SIOVES Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup, Etc.. etc. An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. all Druggists. 25 Cent n Box. Sold by Try It! HOT MEDICAL SPRINGS. A Hack will leave Eugene on the arrival of the train from Portland, EVEEY TUESDAY, Making the trip from Portland ill less than two days In daylight. f" PETER RUNEY. y; mi&fMmm lil MAMH00D y? KiuciT$Hl