The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 24, 1885, Image 3

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    rs i
?Thc SiuUt stovtmu
. JINK24. lRCt
(Mciniiay excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served hy Carrier. er week
Sunt by MhiI. j)fr mouth
uiieyenr ........
Fro of postage to snbcriln'i.
. l.ret5.
E&"Advurtlsenients inserted bvtlievcnrat
the rate of 6:1 per square per month. " Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
tice To Advertiser.
The Astokian guarantees to it- ad
vertisers the largest circulation of juiv
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the Si. Charles
Hotel. Portland, Or.
The Shadows of a groat city.
Thoreare thirty-seven silk bnfs worn in
The green apple, gripes and small boy
joke is in full bloom.
See McKanlass to-night at Ross? Opera
house; from 8 to 10:30.
The Ancon will replace the Idaho on
the Alaska route next mouth.
The Telephone issues excursion tic Rets
to Portland and back for $2.50.
Reserved seats for Saturday's great
performance at Now York Xovelty store.
The Tarn O'Shunter crossed out yester
day. The Mount Washington goes to
day. Three car loads of dynamite passed
through Portland last Sunday en route to
Rev. "W. S. Hamlin returned from For
est Grove last evening, where ho had
been attending the annual session of the
Congregational association.
Letters or papers placed in tho exnruss
office this evening will go to San Fran
cisco on to-morrow's steamer.
In a baseball game at North Yamhill
last Saturday nine young ladies played
against nine men over .r0 years of age.
and boat the masculines in a score of l2
to 2T.
Chas. "Whitehead, formerly city editor
of the Portland Neios, drops in for in
spector of pensions for California. The
joke of it is that he is. or was a Repub
lican. The Columbia, which sails for San
Francisco to-day, will have a largo
cargo. Among other freight shipments
are 7,500 cases of salmon. .'500 tons wheat
and 300 tons oats.
Ther Mount Washington which has been
in tho river for nearly two years, goes to
San Francisco to-morrow with a load of
wheat. She then goes lo tho Sound for
a load of lumber.
A large gathering at Ross' Opera house
last evening tcst'ficd to the skill of Prof.
McKanlass, who is truly wonderful in his
specialties. To-night is the last oppor
tunity to see tho champion skater and
Geo. Noland returned from Kugene
Oity last evening. Whilo in that city
tho'regonts of the state university con
ferred upon our handsome young city
attorney tho degree of master of arts,
which is almost as good as winning a
foot race.
A gentloman from Clatsop yesterday
stated that Frahk Ward, a well known
resident met with a serious accident last
Saturday. While leading a bull from
tho pasture the brute hecamo enraged
and gored Mr. Ward in tho back, then
tossiug him in the air and inflicting se
vere injuries.
C. "W. Uurrage, lately returned from
tho white settlements, warns an Orego
nian reporter and tho rest of mankind
against English sparrows and black bass.
These sparrows who live in snouts eat
fruit blossoms in a manner terrible to be
hold. They are worse than caterpillars
in Astoria. As for black bass they are a
holy terror; they everlastingly chew up
every other fish that swims in the same
water with them. Once and all he Mr.
Burrage) gives us timely warning, never
take the horseshoe the sparrow we mean
from the dure.
It wasn't salmon this time: it was ice
cream; twenty-one people in New Haven
were pizeued'last Monday, from eating
ice cream. The ice cream must go. The
telegram is defective as it doesn't adver
tise the doctor who was called in, nor
does it say where tho ice cream was made.
That little item in yesterday's Astoihax
about the sequel to tho "poisoning'' by
eating canned salmon in New York, when
it was shown that the salmon had been
'poisoned" in tho ixrisouous atmosphere
of aNowYork tenement, remindsa prom
inent Astoria cannery man of a similar
incident which was telegraphed all over
the country a few years ago as an exam
ple of "poisoning' by eating canned
goods. It appears that Lusk i Co., the
celebrated San Francisco fruit and veg
etable packers, had a lot of damaged
canned corn, "swell heads," which tbo3'
could do nothing with. Finally it got to
swelling badly and the whole lot was
flans out in a lot behind the factory.
somo liuie ienow came juuiik wiiu i u;m
ket and picked out half a dozen of the
best looking cans and carried them home.
Tho family ate the contents of one of
the cans and one of tho youngsters died:
then there was a howl about Lusk's corn,
for some saphead found tho can that con
tained the corn with one of Lusk's labels
on it. A few weeks passed by and the
family tackled the corn again and this
time another angel climbed tho golden
stair: then the press rose on its posterior
digitals and hrioked, for there again
was that can with the label on it. Once
more, ere the green grass had made ver
dant tho two little mounds in the cemet
ery, that same family had another fatal
feed on tho corn and for the third time
the undertaker had a job. Then they
"took a tumble"' and for tho first time it
dawned on them that rotten corn thrown
out as unfit to touch was not correct
fodder for the infants of their brood,
and while corn was good, and while
Lusk packed good com he could not bo
blamed if a damaged lot thrown in the
garbage was fished out and an attempt
made to turn it into flesh and blood.
Negro Ole Bull at the Opera Hote
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
D. R. Mcintosh assumed charge of
the city delivery of Tin: Daily As
Tom AX on the 1st inst. All payments
are to he made to him and he is author
ized to receipt for the same.
J.F. Hallokax &Co.
E. .1, Partridge will remain a few days
longer; now is the time to get good
views of the city.
Vocal null Instrumental Itlusic.
A lad' is desirous of obtaining a class
in Vocal and Instrumental Muic
Best San Francisco references. For
particulars enquire at New York Nov
elty Store.
A I'olircxiiJiii far Concomlj Street Charges
Asralust the Police .! ndzc-Strert Work
Onlcrrd lip? tin A Tax of Fifteen
Milli I.eiietl-Other Matters
f Municipal Welfare.
The city council met in regular session
last evening. Present Councilman
Bergman.Cooper, Gratke and Trenchard:
Goo. Noland, city attorney; T. S. Jewett,
auditor and clerk: C. W. LoHfjhrey, chief
of polic?. In the absence of the mayor.
C. J. Trenchnrd, president of the council,
took the chair. Minutes of last meeting
wore read and approved.
A petition was read from the residents
of Concotuly street westward, and numer
ously signed, asking for a policeman to
be stationed there during the fishing
sea&oti, and was, on motion, granted.
A iMrtition asking for a street lamp
corner Wall and wast Seventh streets,
was referred to committee on public
A petition asking for the improvement
of Court street from Cass to Washington
streets, was refered to committee on
A petition for a terra cotta sewer to bo
put on Benton street from Seventh street
to water front, was referred to committee
on streets.
A communication was read from C. II.
Cooper regarding the disposition of
corpses of drowned men, etc., was refer
red to the county court.
Councilman IJealev took his sent.
The committee on wnvs and means, to
whom was referred the city assessment
roll, reported as follows recommending
that the value of improvements of Con
rad Buchtel bo reduced $209; that the
assessment of I. W. Case bo increased
.$.,000: that the assessment of C. H.
Cooper be reduced $11,000: that the front
of lots 1 and 2, block 8. be transferred
from W. II. Gray to J. 1L D. Gray: that
the mortgage assessed against D. E.
Please, in block 811, for 700, be struck
eut: that an indebtedness of $1.2."0 of L.
& M. Serra, be not allewed: that C. W.
Shively be assessed additional, 2,808;
that C. S. Wright bo assessed additional
$1,2.7J: that Mrs. L. B. Stringham be al
lowed a reduction of 91)0; that Mary B.
Kuowles be assessed 1,250: that the
Pythian Land and Building association
be allowed an indebtedness of $2,'.Kj;
that G. W. Hume be allowed a reduction
of 12,37.1: that H. M. Weatherbeo be
assessed 3,500: that the Oregon Im
provement company be assessed for
1,200: that M. J. Kinney lw assessed for
1.800: that J. Q. A. Bowlbv be assessed
800: that C. H. Page be assessed 1.300:
that Geo. Havel bo assessed .".)7i.
It is also recommended that ordinance
No. 702, entitled an ordinance providing
for thp refunding of taxes for the year
1SS1 be repealed, and that an ordinance
bo passed allowing each and everv person
who paid their taxes for the vear
18.S4 a certificate allowing them a
sum equal to twelve nulls on their
assessed propert v as shown bv the as
sessment roll for the year 1HS. That
said certificates be received from tho
person to whom it wjiS issued and no
other person and for no other person's
tac. And it is further recommended
that the following levy he made for lSSe:
general fund, five mills; interest on
bonds, four mills; street lights, three
mills; fire department, three mills.
The report was, on mot ion adopted.
The reports of police judge for Apri 1
and May were adopted.
lhe committee on public property re
ported recommending that the city pny
E. R. Hawes 200 for 200 feet of cotton
The following was read:
Wo your committee on health and po
lice to whom was referred the chargas of
the mayor against the police judgo of
date February -Jth, 18B,"i, beg leave to sub
mit tho following repert: That upon in
vestigation at tho date of said charges
we your committee did not find suffi
cient to reiwrt upon said charges. Tho
committee have, however, since that
time received sufficient complaints veri
fied by proof from the taxpayers of onr
city, to charge said officer with conduct
unbecoming a jnsaco officer of the city.
All of which is respectfully submitted for
C. J.Ti:ENCH.m.
C. H. CoOl'BK.
Committee on health and police.
The report was adopted and a commit
tee of investigation appointed consisting
of Councilmen Gratke, Dealeyand Cleve
land. An ordinance declaring the probable
cost of improving Benton street was
passed under suspension of tho rules.
An ordinance declaring the probable
cost of improving Lafayette street was
passed under suspension of tho rules.
An ordinance declaring the probable
cost of improving Washington street
was passed under suspension of tho
Ordinances granting liquor licenses to
Megler t Wright and Chas. Corpella
were passed under suspension of the
An ordinance was then passed undor
suspension of the rules levying a tax of
fifteen mills on the citj property forlSS4,
in accordance with the recommendations
of tho committee on ways and means as
reported above.
An ordinance about a mile and a half
long "providing for the manner of re
funding taxes paid on the alleged illegal
assessment and levy of 1SS1," was read
first and second times and passed undor
suspension of the rules.
An ordinance granting Rob't Wihlgren
a liquor license was passed.
The following claims were ordered
paid: A. V. Allen. 4.80; Griffin fc Iteed,
T.2Ti; The Astokian, 40,70: Carl Adler,
G.7ri; Dr. Fulton, 2.50; F. L. Parker,
l.G5; Jas. Gardner 14.
It was resolved that tho grade of Water
and West Ninth streets be established.
It was also resolved that Cushing's Court
street be improved.
For the position of policeman to bo
stationed in accordance with the petition
allowed, Councilman Dealey nominated
Jno. Currau. His nomination was unan
imously confirmed, and on motion coun
cil adjourned.
For convenience as a work of refer
ence for general and family use, I regard
Johnson's Cyclopaedia far superior to any
that has been published.
Tho arrangement and subdivision of
the articles make it of unspeakable value
to every household; while the array of
distinguished authors givo it undoubted
For particulars how to obtain or sell it
C. H. Libbey,
General Manager Pa. Coast.
Portland. Or.
irl Wanted
To do general housework. Apply at
Mrs. u. A. May's, next door to astoki
an office.
Don't fail to so see McKanlass play
two banjos at once at the Opera LTouso
this evening.
First class photos at Partridge's.
A Substantial Victorr for M. J. Kianejr.
The case of M. J. Kinney vs. E. D
Heatleyfet als., bids fair to become as
celebrated as the case of Jarndyco vs.
Jarndyco which Dickens in his "Bleak
House" has so graphically reported. Dep
ositions havo been taken and testimony
procured in and from all the lands of
tho earth and the isles of toe sea, A'onu
erous tomes of testimony, innumerable
folios of evidence, incalculable reams of
argument and sundry and divers costs and
accruing c asts and fees have resulted from
all this legal action and it may bo the
end is not yet. Thus far the victory lies
with tho plaintiff, 5L J. Kinnoy, whose
attornei's, Fulton Bros, and Stott have
left no stone unturned to secure a ver
dict for their client which many would
consider a righteous one.
The facts in the case are familiar to
Aslorians as the case has been reported
in full from time to time in these col
umns. In the circuit court here last
February a verdict was rendered for tho
plaintiff, M. J. Kinney, and was immedi
ately appealed to tho supremo court.
Last evening C. W. Fulton received a
transcript of a decision just rendered
from the supremo court affirming the de
decision of tho lower court.
The gist of the decision is the affirm
ation of the allegation that the foul
weather experienced by the Titan in 1876"
was tho cause of tho salmon boing in
such a condition, when it reached En
gland as to justify heavy claims for rec
lamation, or at least tho attendant cir
cumstances were such as to justify tho
belief that such heavv weather and the
consequent injury to tho vessel's cargo
would be ground sufficient to contest
the claim for reclamation set up by the
defendants and appellants in the suit.
Says the transcript in conclusion, " The
case will havo to go back in order to as
certain tho amount included in tho ac
counts of said creditors for reclamation
of advance niado upon the salmon ship
ped aboard the Titan. The said credit
ors are entitled to no such reclamations,
but as tho case stands now it is impossi
blu to ascertain that fact. When it shall
be known, tho overcharge in each of the
accounts of said creditors can bo deduct
ed and a decree entered accordingly."
"A light run' is the answer to tho
question "How's salmon?" Tho proph
ec3' made in the earlier part of tho season
seems in a fair way to bo verified, though
tho next thirty days may make the same
difference in tho aggregato pack that a
similar poriod has in that of previous
yenrs. irora figures furnished by ono of
tho oldest and most experienced cannors
on tho Columbia river, The Astobian
gets a comparative statement of tho
packs of '84 and '85 up to and including
the 15th of June. Comparing the period
from April 1st, 1881, to June 15th, 18S4,
with the like poriod from April 1st. 18S5,
to June 15th, 18S5, tho Anglo-American
Packing company has so far packed 2,130
cases less salmon this year than last; tho
Eagle Canning company 4,000 less;
Knappton, 3,200 less; North Star. 1,200
ittjs: Scandinavian, 1.000 less; Fisher
menSj Packing Co., 750 less; Pacific
Union Packing Co., 1,433 less; Badollct
& Co., 947 lass; Pillar Kock, 1,500 more;
West Coast, 1,500 less; Occident Packing
Co., 3,053 less; I. X. L. Packing Co.,
1,590 less; John A. Devlin, 3,700
less: A. Booth & Sons, 1,800 less; Wm.
Hume, Astoria, G.0401ess: Union Packing
Co., 0,148 less; Washington Packing Co.,
2,500 less; Cutting Packing Co., 2.700
less; Astoria Packing Co., 0,014 less; Geo.
W. Hume. 1,070 more; F. M. Warren.
Cathlamet. 1,500 more; Eureka, 1,000
more; J. W. & V. Cook, 4.000 more; F. M.
Warren, Cascades, 7,500 lass; Ocean Can
ning Co., 3,000 less; Geo. T. Myers, 4,000
less; James Williams. 1,000 less: Aber
deen, about even; Win. Hnrne, Eagle
Cliff, 1.500 mere: Sam'l Elmore, 4.000
less; McGowan, U,000,which as it is a new
cannery, mav bo reckoned as "tnore."
From these figures, which are stated to
be authentic, it would appear that tho
shortago in the pack to the 15th inst., as
compared with '81, is 07,227 cases.
.Reference to the market is necessarily
indefinite. From 95 cents to 1.12X on
the river is the range, and tho meager-
e.s of sales at the latter figure hardly
jnstihes its mention.
'Free Self-Cure."
A correspondent wishes to know how
tho many who advertise a "self-cure free;
send self-addressed envelope," otc, make
monej-: or if they are the philanthropists
the wording of the advertisements
would seem to indicate? Ne: they are
not philanthropists. All their philan
thropy is concentrated ou self, and
their sole object is to make money.
This end is is attained by selling at so
much a thousand tho self-addressed
envelopes they receive from their dupes,
and they never hevo any difficulty in
finding a market for their wares. As a
rule, the same party advertises under
several aliases. If any ono dasires to
I rove by practical experience what sort of
a market there is for self-addressed
envelopasand namas, let him nnswer
one of thase advertisements, and in a
short time ho will be deluged with cir
culars of all kinds
Buclilcn Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sorcs.TJlcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by V.
E. Dement & Co.
Attention A. IT. & t. Co. Team.
Members composing the Compxny
Team during the Tournament held in
Astoria June 10th and 11th are hereby
ordered to return to the Foreman on
or before July 13, ISM. the suits fur
nished them by the company; or such
portions as they desire, the articles not
returned to be settled for as per previous
F. 11. Emikrson,
V. T. .Iokuan, Secy.
Syrup ofFigs.
Manufactured only hy the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy maj be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Champion Colored Holler Skater at
the Opera House Tuesday and Wednes
. McKanlass. Uanlo King, at Opera
i House,
Washixqtox, Juno 22. Michael Doran
and Patrick Kelly, on behalf of tho Dem
ocratic State committee of Minnesota,
gave early notice that all who intended
to apply forexecutivo favors under tho
Cleveland administration, should send to
them their petitions and papers'.and thus
savo time and money, and at tho same
time make a sure thing of it. It was a
novel and perfectly well-meant proclama
tion. As tho officers of tho only author
ized agent of the party, they held that
they would not only be powerful with the
president, but were entitled to be the
agents of tho distribution of his favors.
In due time they came to Washington.
Tho time was about identical with Mr.
Cleveland's advent. They awaited the
manifestations of the wishes of the
faithful Democrats who sought rewards
for their services to tho party. Mean
time other Democrats of standing made
it known that they objected to the set
ting up of a machine in Washington to
control appointments, and, to emphasize
the objection, a number came them
selves. The committee's engineers were
disappointed in not being recognized or
employed as they expected. The Mug
wumps were doing most of the business.
Nor did tho president seem well disposed
toward them, but gave his attention
rather to the others. Finally it seemed
to be of no use waiting for the tide to
turn in their favor, and Mr. Doran and
Mr. Kelly prepared to break camp and go
home. Not to bo utterly worsted, thev
cast about for a single appointment tha't
could bo given them. Secretary Man
ning, with whom their success had not
been good, said that there was tho office
of superintendent of public buildings at
Minneapolis; they might name him if
they chose, and jumping at tho chance,
they named him.
Now, it should bo borne in mind that
St. Paul, where tho unfortunato gentle
men reside, and Minneapolis aro two
cities which, though very close together
geographically, are intensely hostile.
They are so hostile, indeed, that a dis
tingushed Minnesotian avers that,
were.Gabriel to take his stand in either
town and blow his trumpet, tho in
habitants of tho other would not pay
the slightest attention to tho summons.
When tho people of Minneapolis heard
that Doran and Kelly, to save themselves
from utter discomfiture, had secured the
appointment of a citizen of St. Paul for
superintendent of tho public building
in their city, they roso up in rebellion
to a man. On Thursday night last tens
of thousands of peoplo formed themselves
into a torchlight procession parading
Kelly's effigy preparatory to burning it.
What was meant to savo them from
disgrace became tho causo of their
Kelly and Doran aro overwhelmed.
No one in Washington can sufficiently
comfort them. Doran at onco worked
his plans to Ieavo tho country for a time
at least, and will proceed to Now York
for passage to Ireland, and Kelly will
for a soason retire to tho banks.of tho
White Bear lake, bound by an oath
never again lo resume the business of
office broker in Washington. In the
language oitho chairman, they "know
more than they did when they set ont."
But both aro good Democrats, and a brigh
ter day doubtless awaits thomin the
Excited Thousands
All over the land are going into ec
stasy over Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. Their unlooked for
recovery by the timely una of this great
life Saving remedy, causes thein to
go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar
anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs,
Colds. Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronch'itis,
Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial
bottles free at W. E. Dement & C'o.'s
Drug Store. Large we 51.00.'
One of the finest-billiard tables ou tl-e
coast at Jeffs Telephone."
An I'Uciiiit Substitute
For oils, salts, pills and all kinds
of bitter, nauseous medicines is the very
agreeable liquid lruit Syrup of Fig?.
Ilecammcndcd by leading Physicians
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co.. San Francisco, Cal. For
sale by V. E. Dement fc Co.
E. J. Partridge, the. celebrated Photo
grapher will remain till Monday the 22nd
inst. Any one wishing photographs of
the late tournament should "order at
once, at the gallery, over T. G. Rawl
ins's. For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al .sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
.FrcMli Eastern and Shoulwater
ilay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked lo any style
at Frank Fabre's.
E. J. Partridge, photographer, arrived
Tuesdavand will remain one week.
Captain Hustler uestres all those who
still have their assessment blanks to re
turn them to him immediately.
Just as good as you usually pav a bit for,
can be had FOR FIVE CENTS at C. P.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
he benight at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel. Astoria.
Buyyonr"Liu7e of Gray at Portland
The best place to buy wedding pres
cnts is at Adler's. You can find there
anything you want at bed-rock prices. I
A beautiful 125 Palace Organ for 75,
warranted for 5 years, at Actier s.
The only McKanlass playing two Bb
cornets at once at the Opera House Tues
day and Wednesday.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
Crow's gallery is headquarters for the
best photographs for the least money.
For the very best photographs at the
lowest prices call on Crow the Photo
grapher, No. 6K Water street.
A. L. Sales, humorist, at the Opera
House. 8 to 10 i p.m.
Remember Adler's reduction of 2." per
cent on Silver-ware. 1 le still has a fine
assortment of Rodgers Bros' well known
ForaSoat Fit tin;; Boot
Dr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to 1. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving, ouwora wurK.
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 23 and M cents.
Sold by W.E. Dement
ibT11 '!
Vanilla, Xcmon, Oranee, etc., flavor
Cakes, Cream, Padding, &c., a dell
cntcly and naturally aa tbo fruit from
vrhlch they aro made.
For Strength and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Prlco Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xupulia Yeast Gems,
Scil Dry Hop TTcat.
Purest and strongest Natural Fnitt Flavors.
VantlLi. Lemon. Oranjxe, Almond. Rose, etc.,
fkvor as delicately and naturally as the fruit.
For sale by Cirrrixo.MmtLK & Co., Agents
rortlaud, Oregon
Another Miction
A stylish business suit - $10
Former price - - - 15
A stylish business suit - 11
Former price - - - 10
Fine Diagonal suit - - 20
Former price - - - xJ5
The very best dress suit 25
Former price - - - 30
Boys' and youths' suits at greatly re
duced prices, also all the extensive as
sortment of lien's Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises,
Sold at cost by
Merchant Tailor and CloMer.
Do You Tliiulc that vJcfT" ol
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. lie buys by the wholesale and
pavs cash. "That settles it.,J
The average female heart is left in a
perfect flutter by our latest arrivals of
novelties in Dress goods, Parasols, otc.
Pn.VKT. Bkos.
At Franlc Fabre's.
Board for S22JK) a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Private card rooms at Jefl's new sa
loon "The Telephone.7
Hot T.nncli, at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 cverjr day.
A fine lunch with drink or eigar, 25
No charge after tvro o'elock,
w 7E-.t rw roipTP
J- 1 Aim u I l"" "" U
Th.e iLeading
oods and Glothin
Our tock is now complete in every department and ladies wishing a choice
selection of first claas goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early.
h the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor
ably with Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first class goods.
Rich Black and Colored Silks.
Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks.
Evening Silks, in all the latest tints.
Fine Imported Dress Goods.
Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits.
New Ginghams. New Prints.
New Lawns. New Chambrays.
New Table Linen and Napkins.
Embroidered Table and Piano Covers.
Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett.
Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves,
Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc.
loak Department.
Having bought more largely than this seasons trade seems to demand we
havo concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price.
Ladies Cloaks, Traveling Ulsters,
Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc
The He
The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc.
We defy any and all competition. Call, oxuraine our goods and be convinced.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
"Parker Ilouse, Itlaiu St.,
For a flrst-class Shave, scientific ITair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Du PARK, Prop.
Everything new received
o. a. Mcintosh
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods!
Moa's, Toutlis' and Boys'
Hats and -Furnishing Goods.
Fashions !
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
as soon as published.
New Styles!