V, I2) hc SttUu Steioviatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: ATr 11DAY . JUNE 2w. 18S5 VICTORIA itnaiA. To-Day marks the forty-eighth an niversary of the accession of Qneen Victoria to the English throne. She succeeded William IX on the 20th of June, 1S87, and was crowned on the 2Mh of June, fc$R. Her ieign of forty-eight years is one of the long est in English history, and is ex celled by that of few English mon archs. Henry III of the house of Plantagcnot reigned from 1210 to 1272, a period of jG 3 oars; Edward III of the same dynasty from 1327 to 1377, a period of T0 years, and George III from 17G0 to 1820, a period of GO j ears, being the only three mouarchs in 1.200 years of English history who have excelled her reign in length of ears. The last ten years of George Ill's life were clouded by insanity, the government being administered by the prince regent, po that should Victoria reign ten years longer, she would le excelled by hut one mon arch Henry III" in the length of time in which the scepter was con tinuously swayed by one individual. The British empire has an area of S,9VK),211 wjuare miles, a population of 307.725.7-11: an animal revenue of 20S,:7.)0,111 and a public debt of i.I.OGf),G20,000. The total area of Great Britain and Ireland is 121.115 Nuare mile, the total population "l7.-lGJi.42il; the remainder is colonial. In the army are l."fi.23G men: in the navy si7.2-"0. The England of Ym is very difier t'jit from the England of "37 and is gradually approaching a icpublie in all ith governmental functions. En gland is to-da a monarchy only in name. Victoria is nominally queen, but the real power is in the G52 men who constitute the House of Com mons. The franchise is being gradu ally extended, and to-day the man who controls a majority of these 052 men is for the "time being prac tically Icing of England. It is easier for a man to reach snpreme ow er in England than iu the United .States. To become 3'resi demt the wishes of ten millions of voters have, at least theoretically, to le consulted. As a matter of fact, probably 100,000 men in each party make the selection. But in England the political area, so to speak, is very much less. If congress were to elect the president, or to name him as in the olden time, our form of govern ment would be more closely allied to that of Great Britain than it is. A man can climb unaided to the top of the ladder in England. He becomes in the first instance the leader of his parly. That distinc tion he wins by his abrlily, his elo quence and power in debate. Xo amount of 'personal exertion can make a man president of the United States. The usual rule, on the con trary, is, that the more he strives for it, the less certain he is of securing the object of his ambition. There are still about a million men in Great Britain and Ireland who have no voice nor vote. When the franchise is granted this remaining remnant the only difference between government in England and in the United States will be that of name. Probablv by the time the piesent reigning monarch has paid the debt of nature, and her sou, the Prince of Wale?, has ascended the thione un der the title of Edward VII, uni versal franchise will be the rule, and there will be an English republic across the sea, the result of the re public of the new world that revolt ing against English rule in 177G set a pattern, to the mother country that was copied ere the twentieth centu ry had begun. History is full of apparent surprisQS and when the En gland that to-day celebrates Victo ria's forty-eighth accession to the throne is compared to the England that in 1GSS sent 3 nines II to St. Germains, who shall say that what we have suggested is an impossi bility! THE STATUE OF LUiEliT. A few years since some of the most eminent men of France conceived the idea of more firmly uniting tho French and American people by tho joint erection of some great work of art. The scheme was most favorably received in both countries ; tho Franco-Amorican union solicited subscriptions from every part of France, while an American commis sion performed a like work here. Tho statue, nearly completed, designed by the celebrated sculptor, Augusle Frederic Bartholdi, was. formally de livered to the United States minister at Paris on the 4th of July, ISSk It was recently placed on board tho Lwe, at Rouen; the vessel sailed for New York May 20, aud is now in Xew York harbor. The statue is 111 feet in height, and represents a gigantic female figure holding aloft iu the right hand a torch and clasping with the left a tablet on which is engraved "1770." Its size may be estimated b the fact that forty persons can easily be seated in the head, and that an ordinary sized man can with diffi culty get his arms around one of tho thumbs. The statue is made of cop per, is hollow, and is braced by iron plates and posts. It weighs 400.000 pounds and cost S200,000. The pedest.il on which the statuo will be placed is on Bedloe's Island, the name of which is to be changed to Liberty Island, in the harbor of New York. It is SO feet in height and isG2 feet square. It is built of granite and concrete. The statue will be turned over to the United States gov ernment on the 4th of next month. Governor Warren, of Wyoming, in a recent interview, stated that the granting of the right of suffrage to women had been a success. He said the law was passed about sixteen years ago by a Democratic legislature "more in way of fun than any other motive." One or two attempts were made later to repeal the law, but they failed flatly. Some of the olficials in power maliciously placed the names of women in the jury boxes, and women ivcre drawn as jurors. But within the past ten years nothing of the kind has been done. The gov ernor saul: "The women never asked to serve as jurors, although they made good ones, aud you can imagine the inconvenienco and weariness that a woman would suffer in a long trial followed bv an all-night session of the jury. We think that it is 110 more right that women should serve on juries because they are voters than they should hoe corn because they own property." How about the offices? "The women have evinced no desire to hold many of the political offices. They are made school com mittees, superintendents of instruc tion, etc.. but that is substantially all. We have had one justice of the peace, however." A xoVRrrv iu furniture is thus described by the Cleveland Plain Dfulvr: "Not a speck of glue is put into the largest pieces of this fur niture, and not only chairs, bnt bed steads, racks, lounges aud all kinds of furniture are made of it. It is absolutely indestructible and finished in all colors and woods. The furni ture comes from Austria, and is made of the Austrian beech, a beautiful straight grained wood. After the parts are turned they are steamed and jointed, and screwed while pulpy and soft. The wood then gels hard and grows round the screws. You can chop the furniture to pieces and that is all. In addition the bends aud .curves are so graceful aud per fect thai the furniture is far more pleasing to the eye than Ihe turned variety." Tin: range of the most approved breech-loading 10-inch caunon,throw ing projectiles of 4G0 pounds, is about 13,000 yards, or about 7's miles. From this may be calculated the dis tances at which hostile fleets might lie off from some of our coast cities and inflict damage nnless we had the means to hit back or drive off the An cslale valued at 1,500,000 has been in litigation in the Brooklyn courts for thirty-two years. All of the original heirs, two of the lawyers and. one of tho trustees are dead, and the surviving trustee is over ninety years of age. The English chancery court could not have done better. During tho month of May about 7S.000 persons arrived in this country from abroad. Of this number 07,000 were immigrants. NEW TQ-DAY. To Whom It May Concern. T TAKi: I'LEASURE IN STATING THAT 1 Mrs. If ary Jaspcrson, holder of the ticket purchased by me from Messr. Bozorth & A ohus of tin- city over the Cunanl Steam ship line and l'ennsyh aula R. B. and con necting lines, arrived safely in Astoria ttccn-tu-onc davs lrom StavaiiBcr,haui received during the trip every attention from the of ficers and employees of the Mamsliip and railroad lines above named, who addressed her 111 her own language. Her baggage ar rived in Astoria in good order on the same boat with herself I can cheerfully recommend all u ho want to tra el over Ihc JatfcM. and safett line, and at the same time have the erv Jrtvt of treat ment in eery respect, to buy their tickets rn the Cunanl Hue. L.T.Alt VOLT). Notice. WE THE STOCKHOLDERS 01' THE Co lumbia Canning Company do hereby notify the public that we will not be respon sible for any business or debts contracted by the present board of directors, Tlios. Dcaley, Barney Gallagher, Jas.Tatton. IJv order of the stockholders. T.CADIGAN, Chairman. JOHN MACKIN, Sec. pro tan. EXCURSION TICKETS! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN For $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," litis holds good untill September sOtli. 1835. HAVE YOU Ml to Sell? IX THE MATTER OF Bottles, Old Metal, Junk of Any Sort, Rags or FOARD I STOKES Will s'tve you the bet price for i Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Uilayiiitf Pm to a ILwm.t; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Hi-adqiiarters at buililiiu. east end "Water Street. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Pine Pastry : A First Class Establishment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop"r. DO YOU WAHT TO SAYE MOHEY? A VKKY LARCH STOCK Ol Fine Boots and Shoes TO BE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. FOR A SHOUT TI.MEOX1.Y. Come and Get Rare Bargains at Tin: SI6N OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. ARV0LD, Agt. ONLY DATS HE! AT ADLERS CEYSTAL For London Direct. "ARCHER," 75G Tous Register, Will Soon be READY TO RECEIVE FKEItillT AT ASTORIA. saxj oveo nxr Will be taken at REASONABLE RATIS. For particulars appl v to SIBSON, CHURCn & Co . Portland. Or to A. W. BERRY. Astoria. The Fine Iron Bark 'RE.irONSTllAXT,' Is on berth at Astoria for Salmon loading to LIVERPOOL. Rate of insurance ly this essel M the low est quotable. For particulars apply to 3IEYER, WILSON & CO. rortlam. Or to GEO. W. SANBORN, Astoria. Tho ''Remonstrant" will be followed in Meyer, Wilson & Co's, direct line of vessels by the fine iron bark "Blnnah." now en route. Boat Building'. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & FerchenV. K. M. LEATHERS. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! The Splendid Iron Barque JANET McXIEL. 100 A 1. S98 Tons Register. Will he at Astoria shortly and will take IN LOTS TO SUIT SHUTTERS. For rate of freight and insurance apply to BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO.. OrtoL.RUSSEL,AStori.1,0rt,and'0r- Art ffi B ff ft "F PALACE The Hue A 1 Iron Barque IJ81P1I 0 villi 0 &j lliu b i hllL 1 W11 beg to direct snecial attention to our LATEST IM PORTATIONS of NOVELTIES Fine Dress Goods, Parasols, Hoopskirts, Which we are selling The Best Goods a? the m FINE Extraordinary Bargains! French Camels Hair in 4 shades of per yard, to be sold at Cassimerc Brocade, something stylish and handsome, must In seen to be appreciated. AVorth 1.50 a yard; reduced to. . Velvet Brocades, reduced to . . ail shades. Regular Price iu Town 2: Very Fine French Black Cassimere, . Town S1.G5; sold at Beautiful Pin-Check, White ami vard; at the Low Price Store Parisian Cord, a new stylish gooK, all "Wool, double fold. Good value in Astoria at 1.23: at The Low Price Store. . TEE MOST USEFUL ASSOETMENT OE ::0O"STST OXiOTSISra,: SI to 1.50 Lower than any House in Town. A FIXE 1AXE OP 3IEaS C1-OTZISM5. CUE VI. AT THE LOW Dealer at W hlp - urniiun ins, Oil Cloth., Wall Papea?, Window Blades, Mouldings, . Etc. Astoria Furniture Co Dealer Furniture, Bedding, Wall Paper, Mirrors, PICTURES, M011I1, Carpets, Mattii, Picta Frames, lin Sliafles, etc. Cor. Chenaimis ami Hamilton Sts. IJ. Dv UUlSON, Manager. no to 3Irs. JInleoliu's 'millinery Parlors FOR SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. A large niul ucll-sclpctoil. stock on hand, NEW COODS being secured every day. A complete line of Ladies' READY-MA 1)E UNDERWEAR, with prices to suit the limes. CHEAP CORSETS a specialty: alo a large assortment of the liest tirade of CORSETS. Children's SUNHONNETS, Ju-,1 receh ed. All the LATEST NOVELTIES, in SILK SCARFS. COLD aud SILVER I ACES and ORNAMENTS are kept at thU. The Cheapest nsillinery House in Astorin. No charge for trimming when material K purchased at the establishment. STREET WORK SOLICITED. Having removed part of our (railing Outfit from Portland to Astoria, we are now pre pared to do all Icinds of Grading- and Filling. At reasonable rates, either by day or job. A Portion or Hie Public Patronage isSolIelled Office at Elmo Hotel. Hamilton & Cummings. Carnaiian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RSTAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON Good Farm OF EIGHTY ACRES. TARTLY LM proved, on the Klaskanine. For sale cheap or will exchange for citv property. Apply at Astoiuax 801oe. "V juawns j Corsets-, Etc. according toons motte: Lowest Possible Prices. R! 8 Gray, if ovular price bl.2 TO 1 -2o 4ft inch. Reirular price in 1 00 Black. Sold at l.o.-, lfcr Go aie and Itetai! 111 yarseis, aural in P. Pa,tterson5 CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Shop on C incomlj Street. opjoitt Kiniii' Cannery. SA.SHES. DOORS. MOULDINGS. BTC . ON HAND Intimates givtMi and nil work warraiite&to gievatiraciion M. STTJDZnrSKI, PRACTiCAL WATOHMAKER "Watch.es, Jewelry, Clocks, OPTICAL GOODS. AhTOKIA, Oregon. All iood Riwt Quality, anil Unv Prices. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF ORECON. COUNTY OF CL.AT sop. ss : My virtue of a decree of forceloMire, order of sale and execution lsued out of the Hon Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the couut of Clalsop in favor of Isaac Mersinan. plaintifTand against E.P.IIolT,AHce E.P.H0IT J. C. TrulliiiKer, I. E. Pease and P. A.Tnil linecr assignee of the estate of E. P. IIoIT, defendants, for the sum of $.ji5s due de fendant I). 11. Pease together with interest 1 hereon from thc'Jtith day of May, 1&.1. at the rate often per cent per annum, and the Slllliof .TiSdlie the nhlilltlff N:i:ii- lr-niriii J witliintevst thereon from thelXth of May, and the costs and disbursments or suit taxed at j?lxroamt the sum of Sivw due R. X. Cnrnahau with interest thereon from the Jdth day of May, , at the rate or eight per cent per annum, and the sum of 5755 due the defendant J. C. Trulhngcr with interest thereon from the 2Gth day of May, 1SS.", at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and for the, sale or the following described property I did on the oth day of June. 1SS5. levy upon the following property particularly des cribed as follow s.to-tvlt : lot two (2) in block four (4) of the town or Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively in Clatsop county. Oregon, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the hingliest bid der for casli in hand at time of sale, at the court house door in said couut and state on the 11th day of July. 1SS5, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. 31. of said dav to satisfv said de cree and foreclosure together w itli costs anil 111c accruing costs. "VV. O. ROSS. Sheriff of Clatsop County Dated at Astoria June 10, iks. Etc., -THE F1XKST- :amily Groceries, Provisions and AT cw3 Corner Benton and Opposite Custom rUMHH L 1 Hitlitti AU. AT X21?J" H . B, FAREER, DEYIEi: Hay, Oats, and Straw, Line, Bricl Cement, Sand aai Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajln:;, Tcaniln? aail Express Business. jflT c TEl; ..pplj to the Captain, orto THE NEW MODEL ?i 5Bajy Jf A FTJIjI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. DEALEH Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD COODS. Agents for i?ragee Stoves and JRangcs The Best In the market. Piumbine; Roods of all kinds on hand. .lot work done In a workmanlike niauue PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. G'liennmns Strent, S.Text tot! L. Parker Store. . 51. OT.KN. .1. CCSTAFSON. A. JOHNSOJT. MARTIN OLSEN 8c CO. DEALERS IN" FURNITURE 52 BEDDING Corner HXuin and Hquemoqnu StreetM. Astoria, Oregon. W1RD0W SHADES AND TRIMMHCS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stoclt. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFPORD. A3.T. X5IVDS OF FURS1TUBE REPAIRED AlVD VARNISHED. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. W3ORT0N Our Sell.iif; and Collecting Agent at Astoria, j All those wishing to purchase a llr-t-elasa SEWIXG MACUIXE, or to make pay-' ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. ' Headquarters at 11. S.WOKSLEYS Sales- ! room. j The Singer Mfg Co., 92 Jlorrison Street. Fortland, Or. t ANY 1'AltTIES WANTING FISH ICED AND GUTTED POU TRANSMISSION TO Part of the World J Any Can have it done hv an expert man who' thoroughly understands the business. Fif teen j ears experience at Cape Ann. Mass. I Apply to DANIEL McPHKE. At Mrs. Oram's Hoarding IIou-e. ' Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIATTHE undersigned, will apply to the common council of the city of Astoria, at its next reg ular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart for a period of one ear from July 1st, iss."5.in the buikluigf rontmgon Chena mus street known as the Occident Hotel. MEOLEU& WRIGHT, Astoria. June i:, 18S5. Notice to Contractors. BIDS "WILL HE RECEIVED UNTIL June 2jth at fi o'clock for the erection of the new Grace Episcopal church, Astoria. Plans and specifications may be seen at the odlce of C. W. Leick, architect. Kinney's building. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For Rent. THE HALL OVER D. L. RECK & SON'S can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladies 'Coffee Club. Mrs. BERGMAN. Mns. PRAEL. Mrs. GHARTER3. Freshest Vegetables jo Prices ! ! Chenamus Streets, House Square. IN STEAMER CLARA PARKER Ebcn P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orOHAR H. 15. FARKE1L RANGE CAN BE HAD IN A--TORIA ONLY OF E, e, HAWB8, AGKiNT IWLL AND EXAMINE IT. Y '. WILL RE PLEASED. . K. It. II AWES is also agent for Uit Ml patent Cilinj M And other flrst-class Btn7M. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit tings, etc., a apooialty. Icmigomery, !"- Hartae and SM VAH DUSEN & CO.. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought'Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc, FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! The fine A 1 Iron Barque ''Haddingtonshire," 1113 Tons Register, Will he READ Y TO RECEIVE FREIGHT AT ASTORIA about JUNE 15th or earlier if required. Will be taken at REASONABLE RATE8. For particulars apply to SIBSON, CHURCH & Co., Portland, Or to A. W. BERRY. Astoria. Abstracts of Title. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED a sec of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate in the County, at reasonable rates. C. R. THOMSON, Attornoy at Law, Astoria, Oregon. Office, Roes 5, rrr irr BmIc Store. ?Tc5i??iSfs5l3fisS55r EPSB " Tii ... "J Ii ' 'JjETIjI , yap i SapSag''fiL 4r