(0 YOLrXXUl, NO. 145. BUSINESS CARDS. ASTORIA, OREGON, THT11SDAY. Jl'NE IS, 1885. PRICE, FIYE CENTS. T"R5. A. L.. and J. A. WLTOX. P.iy.ielaus mil Surgeons. Will iilve promt attention to all calls, from any part of the city or country. Offlceover Allen's Store, corner Cass and Snuemoqua streets, Astoria, Oiegon. Telephone Mo. 41. rvU.FKXK PAGE. Pliyslrliui anil Surceon. onlee, RooniC, over 1). A. Mcintosh s stoie. orricr. Hot-its -9 to ll a. .m. :-3 to n i m. Residence, opposite IhcIoImnMin building X. A. DOKKIS. CEO. JfOLAND XOr.AI) & RORKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OJKce in Kinney's Monk. pposlte City I lull, Astoria. Oregon. V. KUl.TOX. . C FULTON. riT.TOX B250TI1EKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C.Odd Felloes Buildlug. TOSKPII A. GI1.5... ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. on Cass stirpt. 1 door south of Odd Fellows Building. riF.i.o v. PAititr.it, SURVEYOR OF OlatHOp t'ounty nnd City of Antoria Onice :-Cheiiannu strei-O. M. C. A. hall, Room Mo. S. r . a. noiviiUY, Attorney and Counsellor at Iiaw, OiKre on Clienamus Street, Astoria, OtCEon. fi XV. I.KICK. ARCHITECT AND SUrttKtXTEKDCNT. Office : Itoom 9, Kinney's Brick Block, TAY TUTTI.E. 31. i. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Office Rooms 1, 2. and 3. Pythian Build ing. Kesidkxoe On Cedar Street, buck ol SU Mary's Hospital. F P. HICKS. A. K. SHAW. hicks !t siitw, DENTISTS. Booms In Allen's Building, up j.talr. cor ner Cass and Siiuemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AHJUHSUBANCE ! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, .ISTOXU.1, - OREGON. OFFICE HOUIUS : From 0 o'clock A. 51. until 3 o'clock P. 51. M.W.FECHIir.IMER, ii. w.coitBirrr, - liDWABD HALL. - President Vice President Secretary THE OREGON Fire ani Marine taraoce Co. OF rOItTLVXD, OREGON. Capital VaUl Vi, - 8O,O00 0C0 Cash Asset I'xreed. - iiBO.WDO.OO C. LEI XEX WEBER, Agent, ASTORIA, OREGON. .AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, MuRHfMelurrd on the Gradual Reduction 3 stem by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. MV1TT.H J Is th. only flnir that has taken First Prize three years In succession at the lOItTI,AXI JIECHAXIt'y FA IK. Also at State Fair. .One tiiat is Mtftlclcnt to convince of its Mire riorlty. Hm tiiat the v.oid CAPITOL Is on each sack. GEORGE SIHEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISllER. Astoria Agents. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LINE. Cairying freight; running every ten or twelve da vs. The -ALCALDE' will leave San Francisco on the 15th inst. Frelgnt - - - $1.50 per Ton. S.H.HARMON. 31f. StuaiJ St.. San Francisco, Cal., CLATSOP MILL CO.. Astoria. tSTHO PRIMAGE. To Rent. THE FINE BUSINESS STOKE FORMER ly occupied by J. Filger. A desirable location. Apply to C. S. GUNDEKSON. To Rent. ,A .FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTBAL X lly located. Apply at this Office. ill $UFp 'IF tpvi"1 -THE 2 ST TONIC, ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dynpepsln, Indigestion, WcnKne1, Impure itIooil,.TIaIarlaiClilll! and FevcrK nnd XeurnJcln.. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the KldnrvB nnd Liver. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, anaau wno loaa scuentary me. 1 1 does not Inj ure the teeth , cause headachc.or produce constipation ojat iron mcaicmr uo It enriches and purifies i he blood, stimulate the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves iieannurn ana .ueicning, anu sirengui ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Luck ' Energy. &c, it has no equal. Jjjr- The genuine has aboe trade mark ai rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no otlit t j4rijiir nnon. chehiiml con iultitokj, an. SXELL, IIEITSnU & WOODARD, Wholesale Agexts Portland Oregon. HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you cant tell. FOR Mairand "Beast! Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. FOLEY HOT SIBDECAL SPRINGS. A Hack will leave Eugene on the arrival of the train from Portland. EVERY TUESDAY, Making thctiin from Portland in less than two dajs In daylight. PETER RUNl'Y. 67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. Worth British and mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AX.') COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, lie presenting a Capital of SC7,000 OOO. n. VAN DOSEN. Awn: It a OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Etc AT Phil.A.Stokes&Go. Next door to Foard & Stokes" store, Is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures Everything bought here guaranteed to be Just as represented. No old stock ; everv tliing fresh, and NEW GOODS on every Steamer. Remcmbsr the place, PKIX. A. STOKES A CO. C3B-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices thnt Iefy Competition. The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Gla-s. Tlitt Best of Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. t. JEFFJBRY. Prop'r. ElJri 1 5- - D t" " ca Bfe OREGON AND WASHINGTON SPRUCE, At iloiitesano, May 19th, a corre spondent of the Northwestern Lum berman -wrote as follews: How many "substitutes for white pine'' have been brought forward since the wise men of the Census Bureau discovered in 1SS0 that the supplv of that valuable timber would be exhausted in a few years? From the present state of the market I judge that there is still some white pine left, and that dealers are not ap prebensivo of its immediato extinct ion. But though it is doubtless true that tho timber of tho lako region will last for many years yet, I think it will bo admitted that the nner grades of white pine are becoming so scarce and high priced that a wood to partially take its place is a des ideratum. Of all the timbers 5et offered for that purpose only one, southern yellow piue, has made any headway, and that is only one line, flooring and ceiling. For finishing lumber .in common buildings, for siding, for the cheaper grades of dressed and matched lumber, for the common boards so largely used throughout the we3t, I think I am safe m saying that no lumber luis yet been found on tho Pacific slope to lako the placo of white pine. Prob abl3 no perfect substitute for that magnificent timber will never bo feund: but I think wo havo in a com paratively neglected tree of tho north Pacific coast a material that will yet bo shipped east of tho Itockv mouu tains for sonio of the uses we have mentioned. The tree I refer to is the Sitka spruce, which is found in abun dance over the entire region west of the Cascado mountains from 100 mile south of the Columbia river to the British Columbia line. Tuo tree is of great size, a bight of 250 feet, and a diameter of six feet being not uncommon. The wood i3 rather heavier than white pine, which it somewhat resembles in appearance, and weighs rough, when dry, about 2800 pounds to the thousand feet. The logs yield a largo percentago of clear lumber, which takes under the plane a beautiful, smooth, silky sur face. It makes excellont finishing lumber aud siding, as it is entirely irco from pitch, and takes paint oven better than white pine. A valuable feature is the nature of the knots, which are nearlv all hard and sound. ulhCknots?,wbfini 'wilfnot Knock ont, and which make even tho coars' est of the lumber available for the barn boards" in such demand among western farmers. It also makes splendid shingles, and I think an ab solutely clear shingle can bo produced here cheaper than anywhere else in the United btates. lor packing boxes it is qnito extensively used on this coast, and unequaled for tlrat purpose by any timber I know of. In the last two years quito a de mand for spruce boards for lining grain vessels has arisen in San Fran cisco, but there is as yet no steady market for it, aud spruce stumuagc is not in much demand. California uses redwood almost entirely for fin ishing, and in thi region the native cedar is used because it furnishes a material that is easily worked, and shrinks so little that it may be made into doors, etc., withont seasoning. Had it not been for these two com petitors tho merits of the spruce would have been recognized long ago. We also have, m our lir, a material equal in most respects to the south ern vellow pine, and far superior in size and accessibility. Should the southern pine ever bo exterminated, as we are told the white pine is being. Washington territory and Oregon will be able to fnrnish in unlimited quantities a clear, rift-sawed fir floor ing as good as any yellow pmo 1 have ever seen; aud in .ill the attributes of a good framing material it is superior to either white or yellow pine. Mail advices from Fort Spokane bring news of the drowning on the 9lh inst. of two soldiers of Troop H, second cavalrv. While out fishing on the Spokane river their boat upset and thevsank beforo assistance could reach them. On Monday, the 8th inst., a son of Chief Moses was drowned in the Columbia at Fort Spokane. This makes six persons drowned near the fort within one month, and none of their bodies havo been recovered. Reports from tho Willamette vallev say the hop yield will be largo this year. Tho same report comes from Puyallup valley. All that is wanted is reasonably fair prices aud the growers will bo satisfied. Last year's prices were 13 to 15 cents per pound, but at present 5 to 9 cents is quoted. At the last figures there is hardlv anv margin of profit for the growers. Tho yield of lbb2 brought on an averago SI per pound. Why do Doctors Prescribe Ltnuorst Because they know not what else to ao; or necnuse sometimes a little liquor serves to kindle the exhausted uresot aigestion. unt this liquor prescription is aaa Dnsinpss for tim patients, for it makes drunkards rml ulu liirguui.ijoruyoLtuem. jjrowns iron outers uoes not Kindle a tem porary fire. It nourishes, enrirjlips. strepgthes, purifies. It drives out aemnty and dyspepsia, and sets tho invigorated system at work on a basis of health. The proper weight of a man is 151 pounos, according tc rroiessor Mux ley's estimate. CATTLE THIEVES IN PRFGAY. "Cattle thieves in the land where I raise stock," said a Montevideo cat tle breeder visiting Now York, "have discovered a new and ingenious mode of distinguishing their booty. Last autumn I lost several head, and half a dozen times I and my men, with the mounted policemen, came up w ith the thieves, and I snw with them cattlo that I knew at once were mine. My brand was on them (J. M.) nnd sometimes there were scars on the bodies that I know quite well. The animals were exactly like mine in every respect but bne. Tho horns branched differently. If those on my cows had pointed up these dropped toward the gronnd, and often one pointed forward and tho other back ward, or one .toward tho sky and the other toward the earth. "J. M.,' the drover said, were his own or his employer's initials. The cattle were certainly mine, but I could not swear to them, and I was oblidged to see them taken away. "Tho thieves had kept the horns wrapped in poultices of boiling hot meal until they were soft enough to bo twisted, and thus destroyed the cows identity. The horns soon hard ened when the bandages were re moved. "I havo been told that the trick was invented by Russian cattle thieves. I wish they had kept it at home." Steamer Seized. Deputy Collector, Frank Winslow arrived last evening from Semiahmoo, his new station. Ho made his first appearance there on Friday last, and found tho British steamer Hope in port. -Captain Bentley claimed he went there in distress, but Mr. Wins low learned that he had been there thirty-six hours, and hail had con nection with the shore several times, contrary to tho laws of our countrv. The deputy took charge of the vessel on behalf of the United States, and securing tho services of Captain Dav is, late of the Eranytl, left Semiah moo at 5 v. m. Friday Tor Port Towns end, handing her over to thocollector on arrival For offenses of this char acter the i enalty "3 a fine of S1.000, which th collector will impose. The steamer ;- jhe.8amo Hope that was built h.iti$r7xear3 j.RO for Lolt & Lrilmore. bhe is now owned bv Mr. Saywnrd, of Victoria. -Seatflrpnit-Tntflfigwi-r, 14. Last Sunday, the second son of Mr. Hamilton, aged 12 years, was drowned in the middle fork of the Willamette river, near A, D. Hyland's ferry, while he and an older brother and his uncle, lL Miller, wore at tempting to ford the river. Getting into deep water the wagon box floated off, and with the bov was car ried under a drift near bv. The other two came near lostnir their lives. They got out by getting hold of the horse6:. The Tacoma, W. T., Chamber of commerce has borrowed $10,000 in New York with which to erect a building. Prompt, safe and sure: lied Star Cough Cure. AVidows in Warehani, Mass.. are al lowed :i barrel of herring freo from the town fishery. This is a great in ducement for some women to become widows. There are husbands in every town who are worth much less than a barrel of herring. Arc You Tired or Reins Mek ! We want to say a word to the men. women and girls who work in stores. offices and factories. There are hun dreds of thousands of you in the country. Yery few of yon ar well. You are shut up loo much and exer cise too little. In this wav von net sick. Your blood is bad, your diges tion poor, your head often aches, von don't feel like work. Your liver. stomach and kidneys are ont of order. Parkers 'Ionic has cured hundreds of such cases. It is pure, sure and pleasant. tV recent dispatch savs that Senator Edmunds will appear beforo the house of lords during his visit to England. There must be some mis take about this. The house of lords will appear before Mr. Edmunds. .rntlri KnmlMinnof I'nrc CoiiXi".vir01!,ivith Hyp c plujihiff Its-1 alucfor Homm ami Children. Dr. It. Ha s .Jersey City, N.J., savs: 'l have given our Emulsion to my lit tle boy, of three year, lie was in poor lionlHi. luir lif lms iinvr talroii twn lirtt- fft' Mini ! imnrnviiirr linf It in cfrniirrrli and health. 1 have also recomnieniied it 10 several 01 my iciuaie patients aim they have dcrh ed much henelit from 11. Are you made miserable bv Imli- K. Deincn'. Forlamu Hack, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Trio 2Ti eent. tor sale by . E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health anil, vect breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Item ed'. Priite 50 centi--, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Sin lou's CmE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, anil Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement t Co A Nasal Injector free 'with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Jtcmedy Price 50 cents. Sold by V. E. Dement TRADE Wf ?MRK. Aimed ut 'rce from Onlatcs. Emetics and 1'oixr.zix. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Tor Coaslis. Soro Throat. Hoarcnc. Colds, InSncnzs, Bronchia, Asthma, Cronp, Wioop- Ins Consh, Qalnsj-. Pain Iu Cict, uJ oUi?r tSntloasot do Tliroat anU Lnne. 1'rlco 30 cents a bottle. Sold by Drnzsist anJ Praters. 2xrUt3 unable to induce their dealer to rrompUy act it for them Kill rcctlrt tiro bottle;, Erpresi charges paid, by tending one dollar to the nur.ua a. togeler coaiuxr. Sale Owotj cJ JLnoIetn-tr Ealtlnorv. XarjIaaiJ. C. S. A. Ship Chandlers. HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Painis, Oils, and Yarnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOU Saleiu Flouring Mills, Portland Eoller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOKJA. OREGON. A A-RNDT & FERCBEN, ASTORLA. "- OKHGON. The" PioneerMachine Shop BI.AGKSMTTU ?5 SHOPg Boiler Shop ' TSSsM? -3- Ml Kinds : EffGINE, GANMEEY, Ai.T STEAMBOAT WOBS Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF I FAYETTE STREET. ;. Franklin," Aiw.m, UririaleraiiCaMMWer,'; SQUHrVlOQUA STREET, M'XT TO Till: ASTOHIAN lU'II.MXG. O CSfAJl work douo iu a skillful manner on sliort uotice at reasonable rates. GoIiunWa ! Through Freight THE NEW "ift l"r.So7iff?7iBte24s?' Wilson & Fisher tifi Esa&sj&BtSBBgmssmi Which has been spscially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. J-An additional trip will bo made on Sunday of Each. IVccU, leaving Portland at O O'cIocU Sunday Morning;. Passengers bj this route connect at Kalama for Sound port3. v. B. SCOTT, President, THE BEST IS THE o:oc:e3.je:e3s,!i? ! Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY N of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Klsins quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Accntrt for AMtnrin. J. A; WILSON. (Late of San Francisco.) PAINTER, PAPER HANGER AND Uoa located in Astoria and solicits a share ef the patronaae. All work strictly flrst class. Term" moderate. Order box at Van Dusen'd. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of licnton street, Astoria, Oro;on. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNEK MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR Magnus C. Crosby f Dealer in JMRDWASE, IM, STEEL, on Pipe and Fittings, STOVEj TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD 1 chppt r?nsj -3?1r. A2D Copper. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Tee u cut on Lake CoooIIala aud is pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria .Soda Works will be promptly attended to. CREED. Manager. on Fast Time! STEAMER iHortation Cine HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ffilili HOTEL. MRS. EVA WALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORTA, OREGON. First Class in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up willi every Conven ience for the Comfort ol" Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squcmoqua and West Stli Streets. IX. B. PARKER, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Coacli to tlie House. o. AT. KNOWLKS. U D. IJROWX. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN &KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evkht Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Baildir?. 180 Rooms, la the Center of tho City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland. Or The Roscoe Oyster and Chop Honse. The Best Cooked to Order in First Class Style. TtE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF IF-iTTie Icecream Alex McCrca & Co., PROPRIETORS. Genevieve street, rear of Adler's Crystal Palace. Open Jay and ZV'slir. Mrs. Sophia Dagget Begs leave to notify her friends that sho has opened a Boariii House anil Eestanrant In the building of Ir. Joplln, 'lain St.,',Opp. Pioneer Eestanrant. "WTiere she will be glad to see all her old friends and as many new ones as will ho pleased to givo her a call. THE ELMO L0D0INGH0USE1RESTAURAHT J. N. HAMILTON.. Prop. No. CT Water St.. Astoria. Nice, new, clean Beds, anil, careful atten -tlon to lodgers. The Table supplied with tho bast in season. THE BAR Is supplied with an extra quality of liquors and cigars. Private Boarding House. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces that she Is prepared to fur nlsh Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only, or with Board and Furnished Rooms at very reasonable rates. No extra charge for use of Parlor or Bath room, and every effort will be made to make her guests feel com fortable and at home. IMnncr Served from 5:30 to C;30 2 ."I. MRS. E. C, HOL.DKX. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson streets. A Well Furnished Table ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED With the best and cooked In a neat and wholesome way. can be found at Mrs. G. "V. Ruckcr's Private Boarding House, over Eat on & Carnahan's, next to Odd Fellows Build ing. Terms; $5 a week, $22.50 per month. $1 a day. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. 8. JEIilLOKE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria. Oregon. USEE THAT YOU GET THE "PORTLAND' Olaoioe Ftt. i ly lE-sftOjOL-t Roller FLOUR!! For Sale in lots to Suit. By WILSON & FISHER, ASTORIA. Or SIBSOX, CHURCH & CO., PORTLAND, Or. PARKER HOUSE