(0 im ' -- . --. - - -- . . i ' . . .i. i ... . i - ' ' ' i , i , ., .. . i -- ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1885. VOL. XXIII, NO. 144. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. -Tin. A. 1. ami J. A. FCLTOX. Physicians and Surgeons. Will nivo promnt attention to ull calls, Iiom any part of the city or country Office over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Smiemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. TTR.FItAXK PACE. Physlcinn nnd Surgeon. Office. ItooinC, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. office liouns : - to 11 a. m. ;-3 to 5 1M. Residence, opposlta the Johansen building oko. a. oonnis. oko. noland XOE.JJSD & IORRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall. Astoria. Oregon. f. w. foltok. c- c- rvvrox. FlIXTOI BROTIIEKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and c.Odd Fellows jMldlng TOSEPU A. GII.I.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OrriCK. on Cass sticot. 1 door south or Odd Fellows Building. pi ETiO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Comity nnd Oily of Astoria Office :-Chonamus street. Y. M. C. A. hall, Room No. S. T q. A. BOWLUY. Attorney nnd ComiHOIlor at Law, Office on Chenamus Street. Astoria, OrcRen r w. L.r.icit, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Offick : Room 9, Kinney's Brick Block, TAY TTJTTL.E, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Tythlan Build tag. Rrsidkxcf-Ou Codar Street. lKick ol St. Mary's Hospital. F P. HICKS. A. B. SHAW. HICKS & SIS1W, DENTISTS. Booms lu Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squcraoqua streets. Astorl.i Oregon. BANKIHC AHDJHSURANGE ! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OBECOX. OFFICE HOUIIS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock r. M. iT.W.FECniTEIMER, - - President H. W. COKBETT. - - Vico President EDWARD HALL, - - Secretary THE OREGON Fire anfl Marine Insurance Co. OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital I'ald Up. - S22O,00OeH Cash Aact Exceed. - KO.009,00 C. LEIXEXWEBER, - Ajrent, ASTORIA, OREGON. Moore's Remedy -FOR- Polson Oftli.. MOORE'S REMED Cures and Pieents i'OlSON OAK. tUREK Piles. Bums. Cuts: Ri:- JIOYK'S Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup. Etc.. etc An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggist". CcatM Box. Try It! AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. LIMITED Is the only flour that has taken First Prize three years in succession at the POUTLAXD aiECKAXIC'S FAIR. Also at State Fair. Oae trial Is sufficient to convinces of its supe riority. See that the word CAFITOLison each sack. GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stalk St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISIiER, Astoria Agents. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying freight; running evory ten or twelve days. Tb "ALCALDE" will leave San Francisco on the 15th mst. Freight $1.50 per Ton. S. H. HARMON,. 316 Stuart St., San Francisco, Cal., eULTSOP MILL CO., Astoria. E-NO PRIMAGE. FEVER At this season ne&rlr ercir one needs to use boma port of tonic. IUON enters intoalxncxt every phy iicica'a prescription for those w bo need building op. For Weakncs. KBersr. &c, it TLasBHnde. J.nrk HAS NO EQUAI,, is tho only Iror Iron TnndicinB th&t is not inlnrlOUH. It Karichea tho Jllood, InTiperiUCH tho STBtcm.Itcstorcs Appetite, AldHUlacHtlon yutcni,JCcstorc9Appcine,AiaiAiacHuoii T rx int Mdrl-lm rrr ininrB the tOCth. C&UEO hesd. &cha or produce constipation ofAer Jron medicine Jo Dr. O. H. Bijjeley. a. leading pajsician of Springfield, 0 ears: "Brown's Iron Bitters Is a thoronghlj copd medi cine. Inaa it in my practice, and llnd Its action excels all other forms of iron. In weaVnw. or a low condition of the system. BroTm'fl Iron Bitters is csnallr a positive necessity. It is all that is claimed for it.' o Genuine has trade mark and crowed red lins on wrapper. Taice no other. Madoonlyby IJKOYV' CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMOKn.5in. Inrcn Hand Boos nuefnl and attractive, con. t&inmg list of prizes for recipe, information abont coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any adorcss on receipt ol 2c. stamp. SXELL, BEITSIIU & WOODARI), Wholesale Agents Poril :nd Oregon TUTT i 1 Lis Is TORPID BOWELS, DESORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. rrom these sources arise thrco-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their cxistence: toss of Appetite, IXoirels costive, Klclc irendnche, fullness after eat lnjr, aversion to exertion of body or mind. Eructation of food, Irritabil ity of temper, X.svr spirit, A feeling before the eyes, hlQhly colored Crlne.COASTlPATIO.V.anrt demand thouscofaremodythntnctsdircctlyon tho Liver. As a Liver mcdicincTUTT'S 1'IXI.S ljavo no onuaL Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through tbeso three scavengers of tlio system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin nnd a vig orous body. XUTT'S riXil.s cause no nausea oi griping nor interfero rllx dally -work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. aoIdeTerrwherc25;. Ottice-H MnrrnySt.N i. GnATHArRonWiiisnnii3 chanced in. stantly to a Gtossr Black by a singlo application of this Dtk. Sold by Drug- 4sts,or sent by express on receipt of $u Ofllce, U Jiurrav Street, New York. rurra haiiUal o? tenuis ssssipcs nsa. SOUR oy stcr and Chop House. The Best Cooked to Order in First Class Style. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FItio Ice nifta.Tw Alex McCrea & Co.. PROPIMETOia. Genevieve street, rear of Adlei's Crvstal Palace. Open liny and A'ilir. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. Worth British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, Axn COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire insurance Companies, Representing :t Capital or 867,000 O0O. B. VAN DUSEN. Agent, MERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts. Etc AT Phil.A.Stokes&Co. Next door to Foard & Stokes' store, is head quarters tor Clothing at Bottom Figures Evervthinc bought here Guaranteed to be just as represented. No old stock ; every- iiiiiiK iicrn. .iiiu ib uuuus un every oieamcr. jirnicmurr me place, PIII1.. A. STOKES & CO. evA full line of GENTS' FURNISHING uuuDSiorsaicat Prices that Defy Competition. M. E. KIPP, PLUMBER AHD GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and sausiacuon guaranteea. Terms Seasonable. Shop and office on Cass street, one door aooverranK rareT ltestaurant, Astoria, uregon. To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL- xv ly located. Apply at this Office. SPRING Birr of GENERAL GRANT. New York, June 16. There are two stories current in regard to the heavy medical bills wh'ich are being incurred by General Grant Four very cosHy physicians have been .em ployed, almost conturscusiy, aurtng the last six months. It is customary in this city for practitioners to return bills to their regular patient on the 1st of Juno for the preceding half year's services. A careful estimate of the aggregate four accounts gives S-i0,O0U as the sum which, judging by tho quantity and quality of the work done by the four doctors, must have been demanded at tho beginning of the present month. Dr. Douglas now lives in tho house, neglecting his other practice altogether, and Drs. Sands, Shrady and Barker have averaged two calls per day, counting in the days which they have devoted entirely to tho case. All are special ists accustomed to largo feos. The suggestion that they aro content to accept tho incidental advertising in lieu of cash remuneration is not tena blo, because the oaso has not, on tho whole, mado good a reputation for the two whoso status could bo raised by connection with a celebrated case. One story is that George W. Childs paid the bills. Ho was here about tho 1st of Juno, a visitor at tho Grant honse. His intimacy with the general is well known, and his liberality is proverbial. Childs has since declined to tell whetrerho met any or all of the medical expenses. A second ex planation is that tho physicians have taken in payment orders on Webster & Co., the firm which is to publish Grant's book. Tho income from that source is bound to bo large. Mark Twain, a member of tho firm of "Web ster & Co., says that ho does not per sonally know of any such arrango ment, but that his assent or that of his partner would not ba essential. It is certain that the goneral's pres ent resources yield only S27,000 a year, which would barely cover the ordinary expenses of his household leaving nothing for such immenso doc toring bills as must have been now rendered. Tho reason why Dr. Douglas is kept on guardjiight and day is the patient's expectation that he will eventually choke to death and his wish to have expert help at hand While ho sleeps, sitting in a chair, un able to lie down for hours, Douglas occupies a bed in an adjoining room, with a bell so hung that a pull by a cord at Grant's hand will awaken him. This precaution is in addition to the watching of the negro attendant Through his illness General Grant has exhibited those traits of charac ter for which ho has been noted. He has been patient, plucky, strong in pain and ever true to his manv friends. The general has perfect con fidence in his physicians, and is as passive in their hands as a child. He takes great interest in tho pathology of his disease and discusses it freely. Dr. Douglas is at tho houso eery day. His attention is not solely of a professional kind, for ho has formed a real affection for his patient, which is entirely reciprocated. He treats tho general with distinguished con sideration, and is extremely carefu of his feelings. Notwithstanding this the general is convinced that he will never get well. Colonel Grant knows it likewise, but since tho late favorable chango in her husbands condition Mrs. Grant entertains a hope of his full restoration to health. The general himself said tho night of his great trial, "Let mo die," but since ho has grown stronger ho longs for his health, although wearily shak ing his head when asked about his re covery. It is recounted that onco during his illness tho general imagined him self in command ot his old army again. Ho arose, stood up and looked back ns if his men were behind him. He raised his hand as it it wore a sword and said: "Come now, for ward march, steady." At that mo ment ho foil back upon bis bed, as if in groat pain, put his hand quickly to his face and exclaimed: "I have been struck on the cheek by a shell-" AVhen the press was charging the physicians with having made a wrong diagnosis tho general never wavered in his confidence in their skill. He said: "Tho greatest battle I ever won I was placed under arrest for. It was at Fort Donelson." Don't Eet In a Hurry. A health journal says that people ought to take three-quarters of an hour for dinner. This is well if thero is enough dinner to hold out so long. Tho penalty for hurrying meals, as most people do, is a grievous attack of dyspepsia. In such a case you will have to resort to Brown's Iron Bitters for euro, as did Mr. J. B. Pinkstone, Shortor's Depot, Ala., who writes, "I found relief in Brown's Iron Bitters after years of suffering from dyspepsia." Mr. Cleveland is the first President who has worn only a mustache. Her ald. This would seem to bo rather an airy costume, oven for so robust a man as Cleveland. Scott's Emulsion f Pare Cod JLivcr Ofl.-tvith IlypnphoFpliitc If Value for TFomen, and Children. Dr. K. Haas. Jerscv Citv. X. J., savs: "I have given your Emulsion to my lit tle boy, of three years. He was in poor health, but he has now taken two bot tle and is improving both in strength and health. 1 have also recommended It to several of my female patients and they have derived much beneGt from It." LATEST NEWS 1TE3IS. Counterfeit silver dollars are in ex tensive circulation in Pennsylvania. Six hundred indictments against liquor sellers havebeen stole"n from the court uonse m wheeling, west "Virginia. It is stated that ex-President Ar thur is suffering from Bright's dis ease, which during the past year has assumed an aggravated form. The Bhode Island legislature pass ed and tho governor has signed a bill prohibiting more than ten hours' work a day by women and children in tho mills. It recently cost tho town of Plym outh, Mass., SSO to remove the carcass of a whale that had been washed ashore at Mahomot Point, and tow it out to sea. A colored preacher, who is serving a term of imprisonment in tho guard house, is anxious to get out in time to "fill an appointment." Wilming ton, N. C, Star. A lady residing at Nunda, Livings ton county, has given birth to twenty seven children, including five pair of twins, during her married life. Ni agara Falls Courier. Tho most profitable industry in Now Hampshire is that which the legislature encourages by bounties on wild animals. It has cost the state 8M,756 10 tho past year. Nashua, N. B., Telegraph. Atlanta, Ga., has made arrange ments for a big religions revival. A great warehouse has been converted into a church capable of seating 4,000 people, and preachers and singers from far and near are coming in. A womau in York county, this state, was choked to death recently by her false teeth, which became dis placed while she was asleep, and lodged in her throat so as to closo the windpipe. Ph iladelph ia Ledger. Tho decision of tho United States court of olaims in the case of Cjdot Engineer Perkins of the navy, is that tho secretary of the navy has no au thority to dismiss a cadet engineer from the service. W. W. Scranton, of Scranton, is keeping editor Chase, of tho Scran ton Times, in jail sixty days because he cannot pay a judgment of SLiOO won against him in a libel suit, after serving out n term of imprisonment for criminal libel. Sfiringjield Re publican. Unusually heavy mortality has pre vailed thronghouthe country during the winter and spnng,inonths, pneu monia and epidemics working a dead ly power. In mnuy sections the rate of mortality lias been 50 per cent, greater than has been experienced in the past twenty years. lioston Jour nal. Tho little town of Lafayette, Cham bers county, Ala., is taking on airs. A horn is blown at G o'clock in the aft ernoon as a signal for the closing of stores, and a few miuntes thereafter scarcely a soul is seen on tho streets. Tho boys play base ball from G o'clock until dark. Columbus, Ga., En quirer. A socialistic society called uTho Harmonists," at Economy, Pa., near Pittsburg, which onco numbered 1.300 members, hjxs dwindled to thirty. The survivors are all aged, and none of them probably will be alivo ten years hence. Tho property of the so ciety is estimated at fully S1,000,000 for each member, and what will be the final disposition of it is kuown only to a small circle. It is said that many of the members havo never handled a penny in their lives, and would not know a piece of money if tho saw it The losses of tho goverment from tho dishonest operations of the post master at Lewiston, Idaho, will not be very large; tho postoffice depart ment has got track of and intercept ed fourteen of thirty letters, each of which contains 8G00 worth of money orders, which were sent by Hibbs, tho defaulter, to banks in tho west for collection, and that the Canadian postal department has stopped mail intended for Hibbs at Victoria, B. C. W. F. Kettenbaoh wroto from Port land tivo days ago that Mrs. Hibbs had left McMinnville to join her husband at Victoria, and that they had started housekeeping there. Lewiston News. Rreirlnir in San Joie. Mr. Ernst A. Denick proprietor Fredericksburg Brewery Co., San Joso Cal., writes that for rheumatism and other painful ailments SL Jacobs Oil is a remarkablo efficacious specific. '' I- - ,rWhy do the wicked live?" asks Dr. Talmage. Tho principal reason, as far as we can discover, is to give tho preachers and lawyers a chance to make a living. New York Graphic. Eating Is a Torture, And sleep often a mere travesty of repose, to the dyspeptic. Appetite is correspondingly impaired by this most prevalent cf maladies, and headaches.biliousness.constipatiou. pov erty of the blood, loss of flesh and of vitality, and a thousand annoying and Indescribable sensatloas arc its concomitants. It Is. more over, the progenitor of numerous and for midable bodily disorders. Obstinate as It is, however. Its complete eradication may be effected by the persistent use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine which com municates both vigor and regularity to the organs oi ingestion ana secretion, relaxes the bowels gently but thoroughly, enriches and nurifies the blood. Dromotes annetite. and gives tranquility to the nervous system, rersons of weakly constitution and physique, who use this superb tonic infallibly derive from It the stamina of which they stand so much In need, and It is Invariably successful In remedying and preventing malarial diseases. WSLH SERtitMfpitdEOt FOR 3EJ&JLT&a CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Hsadache.Toolhache, Soro Throat. Sirelllnc- Sprain. Uralses, llnnm. Scald. Frot Ultcs AM) ILL OTHER BODILY r.il.NS A.tD ACHES. SM by DrnstiU acd Dealsr erorrwliera. FinyOcaUa buttle. Directions in It loapujei. THE CIIAKLES A. VOGELEU CO.. (5cci3r.t3A.VUGECxasC0.) BilUaorc, 2d., C.S.A. WiisonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOK Salem Ploiiring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Plonr and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOltIA, O KEG ON. 8. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OBEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMrm 4&5?&r sF S H O F Ji&& V .i- i Boiler Shop - All kinds ol ENGINE, OANNEEY, AUD STEAMBOAT WORK Iroraptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. B, Lemon & Co. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portland hu1 Astorl.i. Portland Office No. 10, N. Front street. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice U cut on Lake Cocollala and Is pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will ba promptly attended to. G.REED. Manager. Coliiiia Transportatioii Comply. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW TELEPHONED Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock evary Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. rAn additional trip will ba made on Sunday ofEaclt Week, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock SoBHay Morulas:. Passengers bj this route connect at Kalawa for Sound port j. U. B. 8COTT, President, GEE1IIA HOTEL MRS. EVA WALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class In Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up with every Conven ience for the Comfort or Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squcmoqua and West 8th Streets. II. B. PARKER, Propr. first Class ia Every Respect. Frco Conch to the House. C W. KXOW&RS. l. d. nnowx. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROTVN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evert Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House lfire-proof Brick Building. ISO Booms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or B. B. Franklin, MeiMer anfl Cabinet Mate SQUEtVIOQUA STREET, XKXT TO THE ASTORIAN BCTLDIN'O. J3TAU work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. FOLEY HOT MEDICAL SPRINGS. A Hack will leave Eugene on tho arrival of the train from Portland, EVERY TITESDAY, Making the trip from Portland In less than two days in daylight. rETER RUNEY. The Telephone Saloon Tlio Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tho Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social GIas. The Best or Wines and Liqnor3, Tho Choicest Cigars. . Everything New and First-Class. R. t. JEFFURY. Prop'r. STEAMER THE BEST 13 THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE OI Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Solo Agents for Astoria. J. A. WILSON. (Lata of San Francisco.) PAIHTER; PAPER HANGER AND 33 EOOB.. TOB. Has located in Astoria and solicits a share ef the patronage. All work strictly first class. Terms moderate. Order hot at Van Dusen'a. J. H. D. GRAI, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Vood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot ofBenton street, Astoria, Oregon. WEI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUiNE ENGLISH CUTLERY. Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In MOT ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T123. AND Copper. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. S. JEIillOItE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. zzSEE THAT YOU GETzz TEE "PORTLAND" Oiiolo Frrri 1 ly :E,-fc:rL-t 3E2.oll3? FLOUR!! For. Sale in lots lo Suit. By wixsoar & fisher, ASTORIA. Or SIBSO CHURCH & CO., PORTLAND. Or. Sol Gi Jflmliy, Scarf Pins, Chains, f aides, Pianos and Organs or ihe Rest malic at tue toirest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. 83A11 goods warranted as represented. 6USTAV HANSEN, JEWELER