cu thc Jjattg Jsfotfrn ASTORIA, 011EGON TFESDAY. JUNK 16. 16551 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE TOUT OF ASTOKJA. READY FUR SEA. 5B Luis, Br blc Quoonntewn. June IS H. A K. Oex. Ur fep Uerk. Juno 13 f California, ss Ucbnoy. b V Jusu IS A RRl VALS FROSl SKA. ONtWi.ti Pseblraan. S FJune 15 VESSELS IX TUE RI VKR. Janet AloNcil, MtWasliincton, Am p Remonstrant. Hr bk Aronor. Br bV Haldee. Hr bk Elma. Br bk Kitty. Hr bk Carnavon Castle. Br bk Haddisctenkhire. Brbk Zatnora. Br blc 11) VESSELS OA THE WA i From Foreign I'ortn, fcr ibe I'fllumMn Hivcr Abeoaa Br sp Wit Burnt island Mir IS Ibnaab. Br bkS13 Honolulu Coleaa. Am bk lions Kocr. April W. JrlstdaU, Brsp Liverpool Ma 1 Mottle, Gerbk SiS Liionool Urerdale. Br bk Callao March 2 SotTOic. Nor bk 602 Callao Jan 'i W. II. Bosec. Am bk Hong Kons Jley 1 From American Iort. Olive S houthard. Am ep New York Apnl 13 TIr: TAKLE FCR ASTOHIA. .irxi. IM01I WATER. LOW WATER, Inrsl. Second. linU Second. a s r s js s 2 jrl ji j u 2 js 5 . 2 m H. m. I JA. w. I .v ft. m. I .v A. nt. ( a. I I I I " I " I "1 i n;s- 3 45j 4 IS 4.V 5 as 8 SIR 9 20 10 01 10-19 lias 037 1 41 3 C 3G 3 5 32 2 0 2 3 2 6 2 0 26 3 9 30 3 9 2 0 2 R no 7 5 707 8 00 7 8 t -is w a Sl 5 kj ; i i is s 7 !1 17.7 H S 4S o !t 9 10 S2 j:t 11 o7 11 V. .9 i iw I? S 4'2 .T SS) )T 4 12 17 2 40 r. 4'. 4 30 0 o f 7 a C r. aj o. in 7 07 T Xi s:s 9 2S 10 13 11 03 11 3" 1 00 2 13 3 21 4 lit r, 11 r .-i i r, as T 07 7 31 8 01 I 7 7 4 1 - - IM9 9 7 11 Ml 4 231 XK ii-iO G S2I :ias 18 45 S 11 S Ji 1 SO "i 42 0 ao 7 IS S Ol R -IS !1 12 10 1'4 11 or 11 42 1 ." 229 2 .VJ K r. r. 0 r 2 1 2 G 3 1 3 4 3T 38 3 9 3 9 3S 3C 34 " 1 l! 2 513 0 4 ' r. : 101 r. . - I 2 10 IS 20 02 40p 11 43(1 !C oai)n ii7j, k ni.w 0 1R 8 So! 12Jrt r, I5;i S25n 0 8 The liwirs lietw ecu midnitit and noon are le-stpiated by a (a. m.). Uiose between noon and midnight by p ('' M.). OA. OOm.a denotes lnidiiiht, oA. 00h. ri denotes noon. Tlie heigiit is reckoned from the level ol jtvoragc lower low wntcrs to which thesound Mi? are Riven on tlie Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exporls. SHIPMENTS FORKIGX. .iANUAi:r. Wlioftt. SCS.S37 bus. Flwir,2t.S3S bbls , Total. ! cargoes). I'BUIlUAltr. Wheat, 01CT3 bus , Flour, 3.(07 bbls .. Salmon, 11.800 .. Lumber, MS M. Total (10 Cflrsoes) ma nan. Whoat, 32278 be Flour. y.27 bbls . Total, (0 cargoes) ... Amu. Wheat. 99.109 bus Flour, bbls Lumber, 900 M Total, (i oarjoes). MAY. Whonl foo.oue bus Flour 28, 182 bbls .$635,371 . 113,252 ... $731,023 M.S47r,230 . 152.090 , 59.950 .... 09.873 ....747,113 ,.$23D.629 ,. 30,930 ..-S27C.879 .5 77,000 .. 41.000 .. 12,(50 $133,050 $127,717 90,100 .217,817 Total (4 cargoes) OUXK. 2 To IA verpool per AUalmhail. Flour 18.998 bbls . $75,952 IB To Quec nstown ptr 31. t E. Cox. Wheat C2,o09 43-CO bus $3oriU) 13 To Cork, per San Luis. Wheat 34,970 bus. 123,500 - ' " Astoria Kctnil Jlat-kct. Flour per bbl So.OO Wheat, per cental SL50 Oats, " S1J JJacon. sides per lb, 141G ct. Shoulders, " 11 cU. Hams", " 131G ets. Lard, " l0lfiK ct. Heef,818eLs. Mutton, 712 eta. l'ork, 10l.r ets. Veal, 1420 ets. Butter, lier roil -10r,0 ets. Eggs, per dozen 1G22 cU. Potatoes, per lt J1 ct Cheese, per n 1G20 ets cornnieal, per Ui 4 ets. Oatmeal, G6 cb. Heans, Coffee, Tea, Rice, 4G ets. 12X40 ct 2590 Cts. 7 9 CtS. Sugar, G10cts. Sj'rup, per gallon 70c Si. Honey, per gallon $1.13. Salmon, per Kit $4.50 Onions, per lb a ct. Apples dried per lb 710 cts. Peaches " " J330cls. Plums, ' " 12KlGcts. Candies, per D 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen $G. Hay, per ton 15 $20. Hides, per lb 5 n cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c; coal oil. 33c; lard $1.25 The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot. the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Fine Pastry: A First Class Establishment, rricw to suit the times. F. B. ELBERSON, PropY. ASTORlAf BIRECTOItY. 1 State OfScers: United Stalei Senator J X. Uolph liepresentatlve in Congress B. Hermann Governor. ." Z. V. Moody Governor's Secretary Chas. 11. Moprcs SecrcLiry of State K. r. Harhart ! Assistant secretarj- r k. bw State Treasurer VA. llinich Assitont Treasurer A. V. Wheeler Sup't Public Instruction K, J. McElroy State Printer. W. II. Uy.irs Clerk School Land Uoard E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asylum Dr. H. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary Geo. Collins i W. P. Lord Siipieme Judges -1. II. Wnldo MV. W.Tluiyer Dl&miCT JCDGEd : First District. Sccoud DLstrict Third District... Fourth District Firth District Sixth District L. R. Webster lU)uert Bean 15, I. Hoise Seneca Smith F.J. Taj lor . "M. L Olmstead Clatacp County Officers Judge, C A Mcuulre Clerk SherllT Commissioners... Assessor. Treasurer. Sunojor. Scliool Sup't Coroner C. J.Trencharl .W.G. i:'-- J D, lv. W.intn Jno. Hobson J. V. Warn n Isaac lJen,-nia:i ;. r. I E. Hnzmns J. V. Ujn- Astoria City Mavor ..... .......... Auditor aud Clerk. .. Treasurer. . Assessor........ Street Superinteudent Ciiief of Police Police Judge........ . Sexton OGcers: I w. II nice .T. S.Jewett J. O. Huillcr Geo. P. Wheeler Titos. Logan Clurk l-oughrey C. II. Stockton M. Conl -j COUXCILMBX : C. II. Cooper First Wartl 1 A. A. Clcvel-wiil ( Isaac Bergman ( T1hs. Dealy. Second Ward C J. Tiencliard (Chas. Gratke. . - SOCIETY JIEET1.";3. Temple Lodge, No. 7 A. P. A. 11. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in each month, at 7V4 o'clock, r. M.. at tlie Hall in Astoria. Members of the older in good standing are inritd to attend.. Ky order of the W. M. Bearer Lodgro No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. TKRITLAlt MEETING KV- vrrv-ii st -t zz. - i .:"" :.. -rrf"r3 jl ery inursaay evenui evening ati-S. the I-odgejP? seven oV.lnok. at rnrun in Olil Pollmr4TI:i11. AnIiu ria. Sojounilng members of the order ii good standing, cordially invited tonttei'd. Bj ortler N. G. Ocean iSncampmont, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. D EG TLAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN-JLt- campment No. IS. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m.. on the secoiid and fourth Mondays of each mouth. Sojourning breth ren cordiallv invited. By order O P. Seaside Lodare No. 12. A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A O. IT. W. will be held in their Hall over Carnahuu & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary Trill be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C.BROWN, Bee Astoria, Iiodore No. 40. 1. 0. 0 .1. REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evcn'ng at 7 :30 o'clock, in llio Hall over Carna ban's store. Members of the Or der, in good standing, aro invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Lesion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OK ASTORIA Council No. 930 is held on the first and third T-jcsday of each month, at 7 o'clock r. m. By order of the Council Commander. R. V.MONTEITH, Sec'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are respectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN. Recorder. Cushinff Po3t No. 14, Q. A B.. TiEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST IX on tlie second and fourth Tuesdays of cacn monin at 7-u r. m. viMting com rades cordially invited. By order P.C. Ousting Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MRETINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuosdays of eacli month, at 2 p. M. By order Mrs. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodjre No. 17 , K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in -their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. A3toria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. "REGULAR MEETING ON THK FIRST JLi Thursday of each mouth. In their Ar mory Hall, in Pythian Castle, at 8p.m. Reg ular drills on the second, third aud fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as shall be designated by the Commander. Sojourning Sir Knight cordially invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Astoria Lsdles Coffee Club. IJKUUL&K MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S IA rooms on the first and thhd l?rida's of tacit month at 7 P. M. Mrs. F. B. ELBERSON, Pre. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evening of each month at 7K o'clock. arl'prsnns ilixlrinv tn Viqv tntt- ixlsl upon by tlie Council, at any regular meet- iuk limn prescuk iuc same 10 ids AUUllor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds iti regular meeting. THOS. S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Columbia Candy Factory. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE TRADE SUPPLIED, Leave ordercs at Astoria Bakery, EcL Jackson, Prop. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Soolables and Parties. Terms Moderate. Apply to -N. CLINTON. President. Street Lumber. $8.50 a Thousand, West Shore Lumber Mills. J. C. TRULLTNGER,Pr. H .Cticjf W P0WDE! Absolutely Puze This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud wholesomeius. More oconomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition v.ipi tho nrV. tltudo ot low Mst snort weight, alum or phosphate powdFr. Sold 0..1 in ans. Rov ai.Bakixo Powdku Co.. lit, W:.!:-st. N. Y. SAVED THE CASH SYSTEM. BY J. H. BOBBINS & SON nave determined to zboliih tho OLD CREDIT SYSTEM And hue rr.ide SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! In Musical Instruments, Sheet Mtisie. Music Dooks, Strings, and everything pertaining to the music trade. e have called in all our traveling men, discon tinued our sub agencies, stopped selling to tlie and now offer to sell direct to the consumer at a les price than v.e have been sellins to tlie trade, e pro pose to sell for cash Willi order, therebj- avoiding oatt ueias. Every Piano and Organ .M.ld by u is fully warranted for live years, and will bi kept in repair free of charge. Any Piano or Organ ordered of us after three davs' trial, can be returned at our expense, if not as recommended and sati?factor3 and money refunded. You can buy a Piano or Organ of us on the installment plan at the same price as the cash purchaser. I5y paying its any amount at any time, we place the same to your credit and send you a cer tificate of deposit. When jou have deposited the full cash price of the in strument you wish, it wi'l be subject to your order. Should sickness or oilier misfortune overtake you before the amount of tlie Instrument is deposited, and should you so desire, vour money will be. refunded in full. We buy Pianos and Organs at tho factory for cash and ship in ear loads. Other Musical Goods we buy in Europe, and get them as low as the lowest- Now, as we offer to sell direct lo tlsc consumer, you will get your goods at a heavy reduction by ordering Irom us. The crv of Shoddy will be set up by interested parties, but it will not go, for these are the same Pianos and Organs we have been telling for the past ten years: and it is a well known laet that there are uo belter instruments maJe m tlie world. We annciid our Price List, in which are shown our old credit prices aud our present tremendous reductions. We 5ive prices of leading styles only, but ic same reductions run through all styles. ROBH1NS & SON (or PEAbEjPIANOS. Style 7, $200; old credit price, $T0. Style 8, $223; old credit price. $400. McCAMMON PIANOS. Slyle7, $225; old credit price, $330. Style 3 J, $300; old credit price, $300. Style C,$310; old credit price, $330. 1IALLET & DAVIS PIANOS, Style 10, $323; old credit price, $330. Style 24, S330; old credit price, $5G0. Style45,55,5G,S415 ; old credit price $700 I1EXRYF. MILLER PIANOS. Style 10, $410; old credit price, SG00. Style !, $350; old credit price, $300. Style 8, $323; old credit price, $430. W. W. K1MDALL ORGANS. Style 100, $55; old credit price, 105. Style 101, 63; old credit price, S175. Style 200. S70; old credit price, $175. Style 201, $75; old credit price, $183. Slyle 250, $85; old credit price. $200. WHITNEY & HOLMES ORGANS. Style 300, $30; old credit price, $130. Style 210, $85: old credit price, $1G3. Style 321, 595; old credit price, S175. Style 190, 100; old credit price, $185. Style 201, 125 ; old credit price, S275. A Rubber Cover and Stool goes with eah Piano; a Stool and Music Rook with each Organ. No charge for pack ing and shipping. Other musical goods reduced in tlie same proportion as Pianos and Organs. Sheet Music at one-half the list price. Those who use stringed instruments will save one-half by purchasing strings of us by the bundle. All wo ask is a trial and you will be convinced that vre mean just what we say. Cut this out and save it for future um?. Correspondence solicited. Send for full descriptive catalogue. We have been in the Musical Merchan dise business for the last ten vears. nml as to our mode of dealing refer to per sons who have bought our Instruments in all portions of tho North Pacific Coast tor city reference we give the name of the Hon. HENRY FAILING, 33res ident of the First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. J. H. BOBBINS & SON. 229 First Street, Portland, Or. To Rent. THE FINE BUSINESS STORE FORMER ly occupied by J. Pilger. A desirable location. Apply to C. S. GUNDERSON. Mrs. Sophia Dagg'et Beg leave to notify her friends that slic has opened a Boarding House anil Restaurant In the building of Mr. Joplla,iInSL,:Opp. Pioneer CetUurant. Where she will be glad to see all her old friends and as many new one as will bo pleased to give her call. I "WHY HE WAS KETIRED. I One of the heads of division whoao rasignation vras asked for during the week, went on Friday to see Secre tary ?.ranning, with a vie- of getting some mitigation of his cntonc He was received -with much Kindces by j the secretarj-, who ;."ked liun it he j had no all along anticipated re i moval when a Democratic adminis tration should come in? "I really j cannot see.1 said the secretary, "hov. ,you could expect anything else." j The Republican ufficial demurred t this, and said that he faithfully I performed his duties, v.a not a poL tician and- no one had complained of him. '-Well, now, as to that," said tne 3creter;. "I will let von b? the judge yourself. Here are a pile . Here are a pile ol received from people in Bul them over and let it u I inmi-rtf '. leiteis i nave receiv your district ITJR imnu It vtl lliiul. u Itnuuim M secretarv r'mriit. i i.infi fnr asking you U give way for a Demo ' rose up in judgment against him. ! lie was pronounced bv the writers to be "red hot" in his politics; a fre quent correspondent of Republican ucwsinicrs, extracts from his letters being appended: his journey a homo at election lime were noted; reports of his .speeches at town-meetings were given, and his immediate re moval was demanded as the only thing that would pacify his Demo cratic neighbors. When he had got through with tho batch of letters he handed them bnck lo the secretary. "I haven't another word to say," said he. "If I were in your place I would r.o just as you do. I am sorry I troubled you. I am an offensive iwr tisan, but I'm blessed if I knew it until now." Washington Capital. Don't Ho It. Bill Nye says: "Don't attempt io cheat an editor out of a year's sub scription to his paper or any ether sum. Cheat the minister, cheat the doctor, cheat the lawyer, cheat any body and everybody, but if you have any regard for future consequences, don't fool with the printer. He will get even with you and more too. You will be up for ollice sometime, or want some public favor for youself or some of your friends, and just when you Ihmk your luck is a "thing of beauty and a joy forever," the printer will open up upon you and knock your air castles into a cocked hat at the first lire, and then you'll curse your stupidity for a drivelling idiot, and go and hiro some man lo knock you down. Grading has been completed on tlie first threo miles of the .Sataop rail road, extending west from Oakland, in Mason county. A thirteen ton lo comotive has been ordered from Pittsburg, aud six logging ears from Detroit Thirty-five pound steel rails will be laid, and it is intended to have the road in operation by the 5th of August. Pursuant lo the call for tenders issued by tho Port Blakely mill company, for clearing, grubbing, and grading three miles of road for a standard guage road bed in Mason county, five bids were submitted. William Harking being the lowest bidder secured the contract. JJis bid was 70 per acre for clearing, 13 per acre for grabbing. 20 cents icr cubic yard for earth work, and oJ cents for rock work. Both these roads are intend ed primarily for getting out saw logs, but it is the intention of both com panies to extend them from time to time, as circumstances justify, until both reach Grav's Harbor. Chehalus ViiMte. Are Yon Tired of Reins; Sick ! Wo want to say a word to the men, women and girls who work in stores, offices and factories. There are hun dreds of thousands of you in the country. Very few of you are well. You are shut up loo much aud exer cise loo little. In this way you gel sick. Your blood is bad, our diges tion poor, your head often aches, you don't feel like work. Your liver, stomach and kidneys sire out of order. Parker's Tonic has cured hundreds of such cares. It is pure, sure and pleasant. The Chehalis YitletU is ipfonned by parties from the Sound, that a steamboat route is to be established between Seattle and Portland, and that Grr.y's Harbor and Shonlwatcr bav will be stations on the route at which the boat will call at regular in tervals. It is calculated that two trips per mouth will be made. D. Gil more and J. Andorsim, of Seattle, are the parties who are about to start the scheme. A .Life Saviiiyr Ircscuf. Mr. M. E. Allison, Ilnlchinon, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple Trial Rottle. of Dr. King's New 3)iscovery, for Con sumption, which caused him lo procure a large boille, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness,Severc Coughs, and all Throat and Lung, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial 3ottIes free At W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Laiffc size $1.00. YOBXG 3Ii:XN-J5KAi THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt rjid other Electric ArrLiAXCEs on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) affiicled with nervous debtlitv, loss of vitalitv and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, igor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is in curred as thirty davs trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE Norton Facile Brewery Five 'Cents a Glass. ES-No inferior Beer sold at this place. W.1I. BOCK, Proprietor, u tra j sfi a "ss n wjs fi ei ijy e. j i 4.lClf5Ii ATI 3 3fS Sr3S I- Jose what its nams implies Purely Vegetable "Compound, acts directly upoa the iyer : carina j y -i - --j the many diseases iicidei portant organ ana fi! v X ) o thai im, atinthsnu - ' Ki mcroiis ailmfints tKst) arise from its deranged or rSorpJfpSction, suck as oQS enessV wdbria, Sick-neadacho, Rhei etc. It is therefore s iruismytiRit u. o iisYe uooq nerutc :he Lrrer must "be &epfc in artier.'' DR. SMiFORD'S LIVSR IHYIG0BAT0R. Invigorates the? Liver, Regulates theBow- zli, Ptrn-Uiepi the System, Purines me Blood . Assist s Dstion, Prevents Fevcre. ts a Household 'Need. An Invaluable F miily jlcdici.ic for common complainls. l2. SAH?0RC'3 LIV2R IHVIG0BATQE. .1 K-yrfrrre of Fjrtg years, and Thou ik Si'rf Testimonials prove Us Merit. TCZl R I.R BY ALT DEATXR3 Et SIEDICINHS FVr f 11 lufflnavlon cnd yonr address for 1(X :, "-ok on t'tc "Lmr and its dioasc3," tc ' ' R'tVOKD A DCAJ.E ST., XSW YOEK CITg MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DKAI.EIte IN fr'esh and cured meats, CHOICE SKOCEBIES, PROViSittfiS, One Iuht and Glusswsire. JM23L jsPoocSL, IHI"to, STAR MARKET. WMBRRY K QOffiPAJSfY, Yvt'sh and i'sims Meats, FRUiTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. (PPS1TK OCCIDENT HOTEL. riU'.r.AjlUJ Kti-ect. Astoria, l. Washington Market liiiln Mretl, - liJoi In, Oregon. Sr:Rt;KA A '. rftOFKIKTORS RESPECTFULLY thin of the milt CALL THE ATTEN- tton of the milttie to the fact that the above 5.srkt will slnay be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FAESK AUD CURED MEATS ! ! Whk'h will 1 sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. ESfSpcefcu attention given to suppljing shljkS. HAVE YOU inyffli ie Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Ibletal, or Junk of Any Sort, 71 Will j;le jou the be-t price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a R( i.i i in; Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at E0AED& STOKES. Headquarters Water Street. at building, east end FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! The Splendid Iron Barque JANET 3IcNIEL. 100 A 1. S&S Tons Resistor. Will be at Astoria shortly and will take IN LOTS TO SUIT SHIirrERS. For rate of freight and insuranco apply to BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO.. Portland. Or., Or to L. RUSSEL, Astoria. A, . Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In F 11 k STOKES MILLFEED. . Giass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LlquorsJobaccoXigars 'SfLOEB & GO. JOBBEl IN WINESS LIQUORS, AND OIGA1W. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and Ail Kinds of Saloon Supplies. t-Al! goods sold at San Francis?.. Prpr, MAIN STREET, Parker House. Astoria. Oi--:. Opposit- it. Four Rooms. Centrally Lccaled AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPIMJ. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFMCK. THE HEYNEHAN PUNCH CIGAR. 5 Cents. Fully Equal to the Usual Hit Cigar. Try It. To lie Found in Astoria only at C.P.WILSON'S. G.A.STINSON & CO.. BLACKSftllTHING. At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner t C:v and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, norv-!hicSf. Wagons made and repaired. Unml wmk fruaranteed. WILL Faster AND EASIER Titan any o it er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. Itsoes Deep and Sever Sticks. CARNAHAN A. CO.. Agents Astoria. Price, Si. 50. T. G. RAWLINGS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domesiic, Green and Dried NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fiaie Cigars aud ToTmcco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. lUvni'-i built and refltted with improved machinery the above mill at large expense, we are now prepared to MAHTJFACTTJEE And Furnish all Kinds and Sizes e,f Sash, Doors, Blinds, And eery description of Mill Work with Promptness and Dbpatch. Moti!aing, Turning and Bracket Work a Specialty AH Kind3 of Finished Lumber for Sale. We cordially invite our friends and tlie pub lic to give us a call, Cor. Genevieve and Astor Sts., Astoria, Or. BAIN & HART, Propiietois. Dissolution of Copartnership. THIS IS TO NOTII; Y WHOM IT MAY concern that ou the 2lst of April, 18b?, the copartnership heretofore existing be tween J no. C. Yike and H. G. Evenson in the Blue Anchor Saloon, was dissolved by mutual consent. Jno. C. Vike will in the future carry on the business, collect all bills dua sud pav ail indebtedness. JNO. C. VIKE. H.G. EVENSON. Astoria, ilay 23, 13 J5. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bhnton Street, Khar Paiikee House, ASTORLV. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMI1BMEMIS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. O-SFXZKTG-S , Of all Descriptions made to Ortler at Short Ifotlce. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hustleb, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. Jous Fox.Suporintendent. ASTORIA Manufacturers of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Rails, Balusters, Newel Ppsts, Brackets, SCROLL AND TURNED BALUSTRADES, BOAT MATERIAL, &c. Orders solicited .and promply attended to no&T i&CO.jProprietor. ! fjSFllcut 1 A-2L3.&y d PATrBTn3ACOJOJ3JI. J.C.TruHingcr C. K. UAIX, K..F. IIAllT. Planing Mills TRAXSPOETATIOX LINES. llwac-3 Steam legation Co SlirVHVlER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STE.VMER a "GEN. MILES," " . P. WniTcoatn, Master. j wm leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) j ror j Tt. Stevens. Ft.Canhtr anri Ti-cran. at 8 A. M- WithOjsteniileMnllsand Express daily, and Through Maila to points beyond, and Montesano, W. T on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays tlie "Miles" will make two round trips. leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about a i m. a hours after arrival from first trip Fare to Ilwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers wtil sae 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. IIwacG Freight per Ton. - $2.00 SSTl'or Tickets, Towage or Charter ap Hy at the otllce or the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER. CAPT. E. J. MOODY, Astoria. Or.. Catlilamet, W. T.. Wektport Or., and intermediate points. The Steamer Mmmtainccr will leavo Asto ria daily, until further notice, from Hustler's wharf, foot of Main street, at half-past 2 o'clock P. 31., as follows : Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, for CATHLAMETand intermediate points on Wash. Ter. side will go to Westport, samo dajs. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for WESTPORT aud intermediate points oh the Oregon sidewill go to Catlilamet saraa uav. WillLcavo CATnLAMET. W.T.. for As toria, 3Ionday, Wednesdays and Fridays at seven o'clock A. 31., touching at allwayland inas on Wash. Tcr. sido. and return on sama side. Will LeaTe WESTrORT. for Astoria. Or. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at sev en o'clock A. 31., touching at ail way land ings on Oregon sido. and return on sama side. tor t relent or Passauo. annlv on board. or to Main street Wharf. TENT MEN Bo they YonnsorOId havlnj Lost thews attributes of FERFECT MANHOOD Hay Regain Quickly fc Sexual Power TVX Procreatiye Abiuty, Jccn Cn tale. BY TIID 17SC Or The Civiale Remedies. Torni or heininal los3 and weakness whether du to Mouthful olly. Abuse, or Natural Failure. "Lis treatment originated by I'JtOF. CIVIAI v adopted in eviry IIOsi'iTAiln FKAACEand ct mialitlpilly enilorsed by thu 3Ielical Profe-ssion. Is I AML APPtlKD, IAIXLIR. QriCK. an 1 above all LAVll.NG IN IIS IEULT! FREE TO ALL. Pln receiptor cenu ,.,,. -t-JuL' In postapo stamps. w8 i 1 -,nd freo to any earnest inquirer, our splen did illustrated 6t page medical work, eiTintrsyinn toms of all forms of Sexual Disease, description or tl.u treatment, prices, testimonials and news paper endorsements. &c, &c We are also ajrents for tho nevr and ceitnln to cure, ielf Ad lustinff nnd OIoto Fittins Cradli Compressor, for thu thoroucU and radical euro without iiurgery, or VARICOCELE Consultation rclth, full Medical Stofl; FItEE. Civiale Remedial Agency, 174, Fulton SL, N. Y. RESTORED Th reason that Thiuiandt cannot gel curtxl of SEitlSAL Vi'EAKSESS. LOSS OF JfAX JIOOD, and the result of abuse, disease or excesses. is otemi to a complication called FROSTATOR RIIEA. DR. LfESIO'S .Y TIG ORATOR u the O.YLi'cure for PROS TATORRIIEA. Price. S2.C0 per package, 6 packages, 810.00. Guide t Health and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE BIO IHSPE.VSARi'for Disease of Men, 100 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cat. 331 . JMXKTTXDEl , THE SPECIALIST, 3o. 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. TnE.trs ALLCnnoxic, Stecial and Pri vate Diseases with Wosdebful Success. THE CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for Vervons Debility, Lost Manhood. Prostatorkoen.and all tne evil effects of outhful follies and xcesses, and lu drlnklns lntozl catlBS llqnors. Dr Hlntle who Is areg ular physician, grad uate ot the Univer sity of Pennsylvania will agree to torhet Sow for a case of this kind tho Vital Restorative (unaer nis spe cial advice and treatment) will not;curo. 31.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity 53, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or C. O. D. in private name If desired, by Ir. Sllnllc, II Kearny St.. San Francisco. Cal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPiE BOTTLE FKEE will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy In regard to all business transactions. DO VOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Fine Boots and Shoes TO BE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Come and Get Rare Bargains AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. AEV0LD, Agfc For Rent. THE HALL OVER D. L. BECK & SON'S can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to tho executive committee of the Astoria Ladles ' Coffa Cluto. Has. BERGMAN. MKS. PRAEL. Mas. CHARTERS. dmi htm '2Trf.llkiViiiiiiWH iVv MANHOOD lWI pR4.,yilKfJis H(jUiaB .-