The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 11, 1885, Image 3

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ffec 33rHjj Jlstorian.
TUUKSIUY .. Jl'NK 11. lSvi
(Monday excepted)
porusiirks xsn rnormrtrons,
Term ofSobscrlplIon.
sarvA Igr Carrier. !er week I5cts.
Sent hv Suit. Hr month mas.
" " oncyenr f!7.w
Free of iKHCajf to swlvri tiers.
E'Advertisfineiits inserted liyihf vearat
Uie rate of $2 per fjusire er intHUii. " Tran
sient advertising llfty ceitl- pw square, each
ZSoiice To Advertisers.
The Atoiuan guarantees ! it ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Cnlumiua
This paper is on file hi ilSl. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Contests bgfjin at 9 o'clock sharp.
A very light ran of fish is roportoJ.
Last night oft he Casino onora treupe:
The Willamette is repniriii" inside the
O. It. & N. docks.
The tournament contents liegin at
10:80 this morning.
Hoar the "Torpsdo Rad the Whale'" at
the opera house to-night.
Don't miss to-night's performance.
Hotter go than wish j-ou had.
James Dolling, of tho Casino opwa
company, Portland, is in the city.
llaservod seats for to-night's perform
ance at tho New York Novolly utore.
The Stale came in yesterday with a
light mail and a large passenger list. The
Columbia sailed.
!dx. U. E. Hicks, father of Dr. F. P.
Hicks, and a worthy exponent of tho art
prosorvative, is in the city.
All work on tho extension of the Cali
fornia & Orogon railroad has been sus
pended for an indefinite period.
The schoonor Alcalde, of the San Fran
cisco & Astoria packet lino, will ft-til
thonce for this port next Saturday.
De Force's oil factory is running, or
rather walking. It will work at greater
speed when tho salmon come faster.
Tho Jiemonstrant has about 11,000
cases salmon aboard. She expects to
carry a big load, probably 50,000 cases.
What a splendid compauy that Casino
troupe would bo to givo us "ilartha.'
Wonder if it is included in their reper
toire! Bound trip tickets to Portland and re
turn by tho Telephone can bo obtained of
tho agout at Wilson fc Fisher's dock.
Prico $2JiO.
Tho directors of tho O.K. AN. Co.
have their annual moeting in Portland
next Monday. It is understood in St.
Paul that that lease to tho Northorn Pa
cific will not be made.
A Portland special to The Astokian
announces that tho Republicans nomi
nated Jno. Gates for mayor yesterday.
By many tho nomination is regarded
equivalent to an election.
Hon. Jno. Sherman, one of the ablest
men in tho nation, coinos down from
Kalatna on the 11. It. Thompson to-day.
Astoria is in good trim to recelvo him;
he deserves a reception and shall doubt
tlcss have it.
At Portland, last Tuesday, tho grand
lodge of Masons elected J. G. Beames of
Jacksonville, grand master; J. C. Fuller
ton, of Boseburg, deputy grand master,
and A. Kasburg, of Marshfield, grand
senior wardou.
While tho Eugeuo team was practicing
with Astora No. l's hose cart last evening
tho hose flew off the reel, striking the
wheel and smashing tho cart. Burt
Dunteu, who was on the tongue, was
hurt by tho jar, but not seriously.
With due appreciation of the excellent
orchestra that so charmed tho audience
last 6vening, and tho evening before, it is
kindly suggested that if it didn't play
quite so loud tho singers on the stage
would have a fair show. As it is they ap
pear to be well, handicapped.
Tho "Pirates of Penzance" was played
to a large and appreciative audience.
Every one did well, and the applause was
hearty and well merited. It is thought
that Mr. W. H. Kinross may be induced
to sing a solo between the acts to night.
Miss Lester, in last evening's perform
ance, added to the manifest favor with
which she had already been received, and
has won a prominent place in tho re
membrance of Astorians. To-night,
A private dispatch received yesterday
savs that in tho case of Hiram Brown, et
al., vs. school district No. 1. tho decision
of tho lower court has been affirmed.
This is the case in which suit was brought
against tho district to enjoin action of
tho school directors and test tho validity
of school bonds issued at the timo tho
new schoolhouse was building. Judge
Smith decided tho case in favor of tho
district last January. The case was ap
pealed to tho supreme court with the
above result.
About ASM) last night the at
tention of Officer Corbett was attracted
by tho appearance of a man evidently
intoxicated and leaning dangerously over
tho rail on the north side of Squemoqua
street, opposite G. H. Cooper's. Before
he could reach him tho unfortunate man
fell into tho water and was drowned. The
body was recovered shortly afterward
and taken to tho coroner's, where an in
quest will bo held at nino o'clock this
morning. Beyond the statement that ho
was a sailor on board ono of tho vessels
in harbor, nothing could ba learned re
garding his identity.
D. It. Mcintosh assumed charge of
the city dolivcry of Tin: Daily As
toriax on the 1st inst All payments
are to be made to him and he is author
ized to receipt for the same.
J. F. Haixokax & Co.
An experienced young business man
wants employment for about half of
each day. Salary immaterial. Address
'Astorian No. 3,' Astouiax Office.
E. J. Partrldae, photographer, arrived
Tuesday and will remain one week.
First class photos at Partridge's.
Gonccrt at The Telephone this after
noon from 3 to 5.
Any one finding a stny Canary bhd
will please leave it at the residence of
H. Du Boissonund be rewarded.
Neat, Cheap and good at Carl Adler's
Crystal Palace.
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coast at JetTs "Telephone."
Of The Ore:?oa Stale Fire men's Association.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning, in
Pythian castle, B. S. Wowley, president
of tho association, called to order the
fourth annual meeting of the Oregon
State Fircmen'H Association and road his
annual address. C. J. Trsnchard, A. F.
Wheeler and Win. Preston, who reported
the following delegates present and entit
led to seats in the conventien:
From Boseburg. I'mpqua nose Co.
No. 1. L. A. Sanctuary and Phillip
Mathews. From Dallas. Terror Engino
Co. No.l, C. T. Burnett and H. B. Cos
per. From Oregon City. Columbia Hook
A; Ladder Co. No. 1, John Moore and
John It. Trt-nbarth: Fountain Hose Co.
No. 1, Jacob Mader and B. B. Beatre.
From Eugene. Eugene Co. No. 1, J. B.
Campbell, by D. M. Sloan proxy, and
Yt'm. Preston; Eugene Hook & Ladder
vu. i.u. 1. txeo. onmn ana n.xnu. rrom
McMinnville. McMinnville Hook & Lad
der Co. No. 1. Wm. Camnbell and F.
Multncr.gFroin Albanv. Albany Engine
Co. No. 1, C. W. Watts, by Wm. Miller
proxy; .Limn -hugme Uo. Jno. 'J. Geo. I.
Foster and J. K. Weathcrford, by Geo. 1.
Foster proxj'; Bescue Hook & Ladder Co.
No 1, F. P. Nutting and Thos. J. Over
man, by F. P. Nutting proxy. From Sa
1pm. Capital Engino Co, No. 1, T. E.
Howard and H. S. Jordan; Tiger Engino
Co. No. 2, Thomas Holnian, by L. P.
Lindgron proxv, M. C. Star, by E. Croisan
proxv; Salem Engine Co. 2o. 3. T. C.
Shaw and C. A. Churohill; Alert Hook &
Ladder Co. No. . T. B. Wait, by W. A.
Moore proxy, and S. J. Chadwiok. From
Astoria. Astoria Eajrine Co. No. 1. O.
J. Trcnchnrd and L E. Selig: Bescue En
gine Co. No. 2. A. S. Bead and F. L.
Parker, by C . IL Stooktou prexy: Alert
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. J. E. Thom
as and H. G. Smith. Under tho rules of
the association the following officers
were entitled to seats and were present:
Thos. A. Jordan, of Portland; B. S. Yror
sley, C. W. Fulton, W. J. Barry. F. P.
Hicks, J. G. Charters, of Asteria: A. F.
Wheeler and F. 21 Hodgkin, of Slem: C.
H. Stewart and J. N. Hoffman, of Al
bany; A. V. B. Snyder, of McMinnville.
After a ten minute recess tho secraiarv.
F. E. Hodgkin read his annual report. Ho I
said: '
"There has been but ono meeting of
tho board of directors sinco our associa
tion met in Albany, in August last, which
meeting was held at the Gilman House
in Portland, on Wednesday, April 7,
18S5, at which time no business of impor
tance was transacted, save tho annrovnl
of the psogramme of prizes and contests
as arranged by tho liromen of Astoria for
the annual tournament of 18S5.
The published proceedings of the asso
ciation and tournament of ISSlaro print
ed in pamphlet form and those who have
not aueady secured comes can do so bv
applying to the .secretary. Tho expense
of publishing tho same was 21 in addi-
liuii iu ma uaiuuiii receivcu irom ine ad
vertisers, and in typograph cal annoar-
ance it will compare favorably with any
received from older organizations of like
character in the eastern states.
lour special committee, consisting of
Messrs. Chas. B. Moores and A. F.
Wheeler of Salem, and O. H. Irvine of
Albany, who last vear were appointed to
draw up, present to and nrgo the passage
of a bill by tho legislative assembly of
los.!, proviaing lor mo exemption or nro
meu from certain duties, have with tho
assistance and co operation of others,
performed that duty, and placed upon
our statute books a law that no doubt
will meet with the satisfaction of all
parties interested.
lho distribution of tonics connected
with tho volunteer fire service, among
representative firemen in different parts
of tho state for discussion at this meet
ing, is a new departure with us, and ono
of which wo anticipate good results. lollowiug volunteer companies of
the state have complied with tho regula
tions concerning membership, and as
such are members of the association at
the present time :
Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 Astoria
Bescue " " "2 "
Alert H. ft Ik " " 1
Capital Engine " " 1.... Salem
Tiger 2 "
Salem " "3 "
Alert H.&L. " " 1 "
Albany Engine " " 1 Albany
Linn 7' " " 2
Bescuo H. & L. " " 1 "
Eugene Engine " " 1 Eugene
'r H.AL. " ." 1
Independence H. & L." 1.. Independence
McMinnville " " 1... McMinnville
Columbia " ' 1... Oregon City
Fountain Hose ' ' 1... " "
Jackson Engino ' " 1 The Dalles
Terror " " 1 Dallas
UmpquaHose " " 1 Boseburg
This shows an increase in our mem
bership during tho past year of four com
panies, notwithstanding tho loss from
our ranks of Gervais Engine Co. No. 1,
the first, and wo Irnst ihe l:st. for raauv
years to withdraw from the association.
As will bo seen, we have captured Oregon
City, The Dalles, and Dallas, and wo
hope at our annual meeting in 1883 to
have added to our roll of membership
every volunteer compauy then organized
within our state.
He then gave a detailed statement of
the receipts and expenditures of the
association for lho past year, showing
that the receipts, including balance on
hand, were $3W.G0, and tho expenditures
were 1.40, leaving a balance of
130.20 in the treasury. Ho concluded
as follows :
Meeting, as we do this year, at the
place of our birth, in 18S2, wo can seo
much reason for congratulation over our
present prosperity and future prospects.
It was in this hall on the year above
mentioned that a little band of delegates
metnnd organized the Firemen's Asso
ciation of Orogon. Tho work was sys
temized and planned by the Astoria Fire
department, and our first meeting oven
was a grand success; interest in which
was manifested by tho most influential
departments. Tho organization the
same year of the paid department in
Portland deprived ns of tho co-oparation
oi many oiuerwise emnusiasuc support
ers in that city. With the energv, how
ever, cuaraciensiic 01 uregon nremen,
the membership showed asteady increase
until to-day, on the eve of our lourth an
nual meeting, we number nineteen com
panies, representing ten different depart
ments, composed of a3 efficient members
as can be found in the volunteer fire ser
vice of any of our sister states. Gentle
men, it is a record of which wo may well
feel proud, and it behooves us, each and
all, to labor for its continued advance
ment and prosperity.
There are some among our members
who have advanced the idea that wo
might with advantage to ourselves in
clude within our jurisdiction tho volun
teer firemen of western Washington ter
ritory. The Vancouver Fire Department
would no doubt have come within the fold
this year had our doors not been closed
to them, and I must confess that it was
with regret that in answer to their in
quiry as to whether their delegates would
be admitted as such. I was compelled to
respond in tho negative. The mateeris
ono that merits our careful consid
eration at tho present meeting. It has
also been suggested that we open our
doors to individual firemen, allowing act
tive and exempt members of any depart
ment to become members of tho associa
tions under each rule's regulations and
restrictions as it may deem advisable to
establish. This would not only afford us
a constant source of revenue in tho way
of membership fees and annual dues, but
it wonld revive tho interest of Eomo of
our old veterans in fire matters and en
able us vouncer members to receive from
them somo pointers, gained by thom by
their long experience on tho ropes. There
are many such in our stato who would
merit such recognition at our hands and
from whom wo could gain much inter
esting information.
In closing this my third annual report.
I desire to congratulate the association
on its election in 1834 of Bonj. S. Worsley
as its president. Not only was tho honor
merited bj him by reason of his haying
been mainly instrumental in the original
organizatio'n of onr association, but he
has ever been enthusiastio in its ad
vancement and support, and in the asso
ciation and tournament of the present
year he has been the leading spirit, and
labored zealously for its succe-s. Thank
ing him and tho other officers and mem
bers of the association for their co-oper
ation and support and hoping we may
enjoy an instructive and harmonious
session I remain, very truly vours,
Fkauk E. Hodgkin,
Thefollowing resolutions were adepted:
Resolved that section 8 of the rules of
this association governing hose compan
ies, bo amended so as to read as follows.
Sec. 8. No professional runner shall bo
allowed to compete in any contest. Tho
term "professional runner" is applied to
one who is following or has followed foot
racing as a profession, or mean-fr liveli
hood, and current reputation shall be
deemed conclusive evidence of such pro
fession which shall ba determined by tho
directors of this association. Ilcsolvcd,
that article VI of the constitution so as
to read "every fire department in Oregon
and Washington territory shall bo en
titled in this association to two delegates
for each company that said department
represents. Ilcsolvcd, that tho 300 yard
wet test which for the last three years
has been the only hose contest bo consid
ered the championship race until the
New York contest be won twico in suc
cession by any company which may bo a
member of tho association.
Tho convention then adjourned to tako
part in the parade.
Upan reassembling at fivo r. h., a list
of topics was taken up and discussed:
Tho advantages of hoso carts over hose
carriaeoo was discussed hv Thomas A.
Jordau, ex-chief engineer Portland fire
uepartment; tuo best methods of supply
ingcities with water and the best kind
of lira apparatus for small cities was also
discussed. A. F. Wheeler; of Salem, dis
cussed "What class of men are adapted
to mako good and successful firemen?"
"Our state association, its objects, aims
and purposes," was given a thorough dis
cussion by C. W. Fulton. Tho durabili
ty and reiiibiliiv of hoso was also dis
cussed, and W. J. Barry gavo a practical
discussion of "Forest tiros and tho best
method of extinguishing tho same."
Other topics were discussed, mention of
which space and time are wanting.
Tho convention then appointed
tho following judges in to-day's contests:
Wm. Preston, J. N. Hoffman, A. F.
Wheeler, T. A. Jordan, W. J. Barry. The
following were selected as timo keepers:
S. W. Church. J. W. Hume, L. A. Sanc
tuary. Tho election of officers for tho ensuing
year resulted as follews: President. B.
S. Wersley: vice-president, J. A. Hoff
man; secretary and treasurer.F.E. Hodg Hedg
kin: board of directors, A. F. Wheeler,
C. J. Trenchard, L. A. Sanctuary. The
place of meeting for tho next tourn
ament was not officially decided, but will
come up to-day.
BuckZcn'M Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Sai.vk iu the world for
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or liionev refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. ForVnle bv Y.
E. Dement & Co.
Eo Yoti Thinlc that 6"3cW of
TJie Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much r but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it''
IforalVeat Fitting; Koot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
uanms street, next door to I. XV. CabO.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
:-r'Ii Eastern ami Shcmlivater
Hay CyMcr
Constautl v on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Jiiit as good as you usnallv pav a bit for,
can b: had FOB FIVE CENTS at C. P.
At Fran It Fabre'n.
Boardfor S22JK) a month. Tho best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Private card rooms at Jell's new sa
loon -The Telephone.'
Order your Firemen's Shirts from
Prael Bros.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
To-tIay?K Tournament
Will need Decorations. The best as
sortment and lowest figures at
Caiu. Ad m: it's
Crj'stal Palace.
Firemen antl Citizen
Will find decorations, flags, etc., to suit
their ta;te and purse at
GniFFiN it Reed's
City Book Slore.
Our sale of Ball's Corsets is unnrecc
deiited. Pkaeh Bros.
Bein Jloro Pleasant
To tast, more acceptable to the stom
ach, and more truly benficial in its
action tne lainous California Iinuid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs is rapidly super
seding all others. Try it For sale by
W. E. Dement & Co.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Cnns drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is-sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by Y. E. De
ment. Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
When others fail try Crow, the lead
ing Photographer, No. C W ater street
Cuts, lirui&cs,Sores,Uln'rj!,SaIt Bheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruj
tions, and positively cures Piliis. or no
A Flno Turn Oct ETerjbodj- Pleased."
As tho hour for tho parade to form
drew nigh yesterday afternoon many an
anxious eye was turned to the west,
whero tho clouds looked black and heavy.
A few minutes before one fell u light
shower, but by tho timo for tho proces
sion to get together had arrived tho
afternoon was fino and no better weather
could bo desired. Tho parade rendezvous
was in front of lho city hall, and after
being formed under the skillful super
vision of tho grand marshal and his aids,
the procession moved. Frsfc camo a de
tachment of police, then the chief engi
neer and his assistants, the marshal and
aids, followed by tho H. A. C. band, from
Salem, which inado music along tho
route. The delegates to the State Firo
nien's association took a rece33 to take
part in the parade and marched after tho
baud, followed by Astoria engine compa
ny No. 1 tho engino magnificently dec
corated with wreathes of flowers and
heavy masses of brilliant blossoms and
drawn by four brown horses. Astoria
No. 1 ho3e team was next in line, after
which camo Albany hose team No. 1. a
fine looking body of men, followed by
Salem No. 3, Tigers No. 2 of Salem and
the Tiger No. 2 hose team; this wa3 an
object of interest and praiso along tho
lino of march. Following camo tho En
gine team, who will be heard from to-day
and after them marched Bescue engino
company jM. , meir engino guttering
in the light and gorgeous with flowers,
drawn by four gray horses and followed
by liescuo lioso team. Tuo tender team
preceded the fino looking delegation that
drew the apparatus of Alert H. & L.
No. 1.
After the long and brilliantly attired
procession had gono over tuo entire
route, the resident companies were es
corted to their respective houses and C.
W. Fulton, in a few remarks from the
balcony of No. 2's, thanked tho visitors
for their presence in the parade, tho band
for their efficient aid and dssured tho
delegations that had come to participate
in tho tournament that they were twice
welcome and that in tho morrows contest
thcro would be every opportunity to test
tho skill and efficiency of tho volunteer
fire departments of tho state.
Largo crowds filled tho streets, tho
awnings and roofs, tho windows, and tho
graud stand that had been erected on
Hamilton street. Tho affair passed on
without any accident, and reflects credit
on those who organized and participated
in it. To-day the fun begins at 9
A. M.
To-day's coktests begdj at 9 this sionx
rso. 8IIABP.
M. P. Minor is tho Xcics correspondent
during tho tournament.
Geo. Saubsnt represents tho Salem
Statesman in tho tournament.
Tho H. A. C. band of Salem present a
fine apnearanco and make good music.
The Salem boys think that Squemoqua
street is "a daisy of a track" to run on.
A. F. Wheeler, assistant state treasur
er, was mingling in tho giddy throug yes
terday. The probable foot race between Martin
of Yamhill and Geo. Noland is a much
discussed topic.
Tho placo tor holding the next tourna
ment will bo either Eugene or Salem, the
latter, probably.
"As lino a body 01 firomon as over
aascmbled in Oregon,' is the verdict of
visiting veterans.
That hosa carriage of Tiger's No. 2, of
Salem, was a noticeable feature in yester
day's procession.
Tho Eugene delegation attracts consid
erable attention by the lively way thev
pick up their feet.
J. B. Fithian, of tho Sta'.ularJ, is tha
correspondent of his journal in describ
ing the tournament.
Kant's cartoons were a prominent feat
ure of tha decorations on Alert H. & L
company's hou-.e yesterday.
A large number of additional spec
tators and participants came down 011
the boat yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Stites, editor and reporter of tho
Albany Democrat, occupied a place of
honor in the parado yesterday.
The resident companies will keep open
house to-night, and victors and van
quished will meet in friendly reunion.
Tho thanks of Tim Astokian are due
tho obliging secretary of tho association.
Frank E. Hodgkin, assistant secretary of
state, v
The valley boys have been doing some
lively practicing since they struck the
planks. They say they don't want any
better track.
"What aro tho wheelbarrows for? ' was
the question a good many asked yester
day on seeing tho wheelbarrows in the
rear of the Salem band.
Pools sold lively last evening. Bescue
No. 2 and Tigers had tho call in tho
steamer contest; Grunt and Noland sold
lively in tho 300 yard race.
Quito a number embraced tho oppor
tunity of a trip to the ocean yesterday
morning and went on tho Gm. 'Miles, re
turning shortly after noon.
"You Astorians tako tho cako for tasty
decorations and small flags," said a visit
or yesterday afternoon, after feasting his
eyes on tho wealth of adornment that
made brilliant tho lino of march.
J. W. Welch, superintendent of the
Wr.ter works, wishes it stated that ho will
keep equal prcssuro on tho water pipes
all day and that it is hi3 desire to give
each company a fair show in supplying
them all exactly alike with all the water
they may need.
That was a pity to have No. One's hoso
cart smashed that way last evening. But
it can't "be helped. Tho judges and time
keepers elected by the board of directors
yesterdav are requested to meet at Bes
cuo No. 2a engine house at 8 o'clock this
morning, to make all preliminary ar
rangements. Syrup orFJ;rw
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system ; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
vet thoroughly; to dispel lleadachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Shiloh's Vitalizcr is wnat you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price lu and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
Gymnasium: Boys Class.
A class for boys from the ages of 7 to
13 years will be formed at the Astoria
Gymnasium. A competent teacher will
be provided. Apply at the gymnasium
between the hours of 10 a. M.and 10 r.M.
W.E. Johns, Prop.
If yon want a first-class plctnre go to
Crow's gallery and you will bu sure to
he suited for his work recommends
itself. , .
The average female heart is left In a
perfect flutter by;our latest arrivals or
novelties in Dress goods, Parasols, etc
rr.AEL Bubs.
Test Yonr EaMpg Fowfler To-Day !
Brands adrcrtiscd as absolutely pnra
Tlaco v can top down on a tot etoTo nattt
Iiratcd.then reniOTO tho corer and smell. Achein.
1ft Trill not bo required to detect tho prcaeccs at
IU UtillUolMU His NEVER 8" QactloatJ.
InajnilHonhoKcsforafjuartercfacentarr it
liia stood the consumer's reliable test,
Price BakiBg Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The strongest, raost dcllcioas and natural
3?. Price's Lupalin Yeast Gems
1 or Light, Hsalthy Brwd.TheEeitDrj-Hop
Yeast iu tbe world.
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors,
Vanilla, Lemon, Orange. Almond, Rose, etc.,
Urvsr as delicately and naturally as the fruit.
For sale by'dnTixo. Merle & Co., Agents'
Port laud, Oregon
Always Satisfied,
If You Buy Heady Made
Mm, ami Jonfeliii GooOs
Tailor and Hatter.
P. Patterson, .
Shop on Concomly Street, opposite Kinney's
Estimates given and all work warranted to
give satisfaction.
To Rent.
ly occupied by J. Pilger. A desirable
location. Apply to
Hot J.uncli, at ilic Telephone
From 11 to 2 every da
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
Shiloh's Catarrh Iteniedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker lloulh. Sjold by W. E. Dement.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank" Fabre's.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full Jf guaranteed.
JA 1 Allium l" "' 1 J
Our. "-lock is now complete iu every department and ladies wishing a choice
selection of first class goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early.
In the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor
ably with Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first class goods.
Rich Black and Colored Silks.
Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks.
Evening Silks, in all the latest tints.
Fine Imported Dress Goods.
Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits.
New Ginghams. New Prints.
New Lawns. New Charr.brays.
New Table Linen and Napkins.
Embroidered Table and Piano Covers.
Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett.
Novelties in, Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves, ,
Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc.
Cloak Department.
Having bought more largely than this seasons trade seems to demand we
have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price.
Ladies Cloaks, Traveling- Ulsters,
Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc
Tlie lew York Novelty Store
The Leading Stationers and Kews Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Pnrlicr House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Du PARK, Prop.
. ii? Ill II tStJilrk p I UHl wp
Headquarters for Decorations of all Kinds.
w uitlfTiil y& I1CE.U. w
r 1 riif fii 1. n i1 " jjjfa-1. juruwi
i VO m KB BI1V 111 wais s
5 y s
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods!
Msa's, "STo-aHas' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
AT -
a I JEll'EIiKY.
- ana" Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
' F. ..J-l.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
New Styles!