OI Aj&AAS VOL. XXIII, NO. 138. BUSINESS CARDS. J)K. A. I,, aart .1. a. FULTON. Phyici:m anl Surgeons. Will kIvc prompt attention to ail call. Horn any part or the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner (as and jiitiinoqua streets. AM'-rin, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. K. FRAXK 1AK. rhysf .-! rsccl Snrgcoo. Office, RooinG, over D. A. Mcintosh's store wCr n.njiuuua;-u iu II A.M. ; 3 10 5 P.M. 0 UESTIOAr AB 0 UT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. The qnestioahas jirobiblj been asied thousands f S 12 oU lt 4doa h B,at ie does rare toy diBeaia grant known to the profession, and inqSrr of ny I leading chemical firm vnllsnbBtantiita ffirZrfi inw were are mare preparations of iron than nf .. ?IH?112,?.a??!S9 Tbi3 8hos con- I ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JCXE 10, 1885. GLADSTONE DEFEATED. Exciting Scenes in the English House of Common. may not bo lasting confusion." The Post has no indication. what the policy of tho conservatives -Rill be. Loxdon, June 8. In the house of commons this evening Childers made n statement touching the spirits tax. Mr. Childers -was no sooner done ox plaining the government's reason for not at present refunding the tax tnan the lit. Hon. Sir Michael Ed ward Hicks Beach, conservative. rn? -i-i i i -.' .. - - iiuicKiy anu asuea way it was that Dodging a Cyclone. Residence, opposite thcVohanscn building . SnSSSSR 53? Ci bewl fl Which. ouSht tllATrt (hta.u..L. j" riirnM' ,----- .... .Jlllm J.i 1 J- r Miisiiciory iron combination had ever boonfnuca. GEO. KOIJV.KD !KO. A. DOItUI.S. XOr.ASI &. DORRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. hoicorer. aremsrk&tiln fufi ; pryoiistcowrn'JSIItO :t, that prior to tho ri ivtr. N IJITTBIWcotwrfort. f o be economical, had to resort to ex. treme forms of taxation in order to mxmmwissiSsss. ' edicinNdo7iiBOm7iWiiiwA?2 R? toI" cheers from tho tory benches. WW hi Kinney's Work. . ppoMte Citv J Du.c8n,W 1Sh:1. Astoria. Oregon. Pl" ' ?f pdeK!A Ia, CI.ni and Fcycr. sh i. i 7" . " "coiiiiy,i'aln in the ' xria-for all thc ri T-'S"--cuornra- n n t .7. rrTrr'rr"13 iron u prescribed dPr . HnUWfl'S RnNR TTPRQ berer.dc. minnfn T.n-n -n n ... ?" W. KOLTOX. . r, FULTON, f VVZ.TOTi ESISOTIZERS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ItoiMiisSMiid O.Oihl Fellow. Building. YOSKJ'H A. UIUL,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opficf. on Cuss street. I door smith or Odd Fellows Building. Q.KF.O r. t'ARKCrSR SURVEYOR OF riJit.aj Counf3anI City it Astoria Office :-Chcar.imi; stieet, Y. M. C A. h:.ll. Room No. s. not enre in e minnte. Kko all other thn,X "VJl iT woaiy, .-mion taken br fC'XS'-iSS:." : Sir Michael went on and denounced tue increased duty on spirits. He I heard a noise and ran ont to see ij;u it , as. j. saw at some distance off a heavy black cloud, funnel-shaped and twisted at tho bottom like a screw. It seemed whirling with rapmny ana was coming through tne woods like a wild animal. It was just awful. People began to cry out and run around distracted, and I felt very queer. I saw that great black thing come bouncing through the -air like a cannon ball, and I concluded I was about to fly away noon it nnri i an angel. Tho cloud-did not lin ninco to tho ground, bnfc bcrnnrtnrf nn nn I uuwu, jumping ciear.over the tops of xl Prwsj1 KnK I fesaSiV&'lKSXAS MER PRICE, FIVE CENTS. fiEEIilA HOTEL 3IhR.EVAWALLMAX, - Proprietor. ASTOItfA, OREGOX. Firs. I Class in Every Kespcct. said tho receipts from spirits wero al-'fome.of tlie trees and, tearing others .uuj ut-uicuauijj. xie inougut a small increase in the duty on tea would have been wiser and much more prohtable. The government, he benefit la rVni - 7 HZ? tao srmptoa n i ""; i'-uii, j.uv yuvernmenr, ne &SSIS!&SlSSSTitmne Sh?uld Lave "ised Inwmithoeffcti sawJlrmSSTHA.'!? duiv OU Wine, hfinnnxn n-mo Wn f SEJKSSyg? hlteV," J?.or,e necessity than beer or spirits. i tar. ind If A nu?;1nn"R,?r?.e".,i, lienl n- i ?,ir -aiwuaei concluded by moving that J. l' A. BOlTiiSY, ttorney a.utl Omjt-;el!or i.t Law, OiJl?e on ChcH:i!nu4 Siieet, Aftorla, Oregon. AllCHITECT AND SUrKKINTEXDRKT. on in The Genuine has Trade Mv nd JZZ1'. H,e absence of a corresponding addi- onrrreppcr. TAKK NO ftTEirr lmn to t"0 duties Oil wine. sxcm heitsiic A IVOODAKD, ' r ,,,?lm Cross, under secretan- for jiomki.k Ac.kn-ts rorii.m.i o.:i. j -"a, spoice for the government, in -! answer to a number nf mieaflnno rt ! corning attacks reported to have been made on Iho government bv General bir Peter Jjiimsden. Mr. Gross as sured tho house that Sir Peter, since t his arrival in London, had disavowed i any intention to attack the anmrn. uient, and did not consider himself responsioio ror any incorrect v Ti STTI MB ria G4.V Mna V&JS Orricic : Itoom 9, 3 inr.ej 'a llrick DIock, JAY TDTT1.E. 31. :. PHYSICIAN AKD SUJJGEOK Office liooms i, 2, and 3 rithlwi itniM lnp. , KKSiDErcr.-On Cedni Street, lmrk ol hU Marj-'a Hospital. iORPED BOWELS, B2SORDERED LSVER, and MALARIA. - r?A?miH,csafionrccsariseihree.fonrth of the diseases of the human race. Thee ir trf APPf". Boircls costive k,?eadcZle fuHKcs-. after cr.t Tr'?v.rsIon to exertion or body or i&ort,emi,cr O"" spirits, A rcelinc 2iess,FiKtteriucat their ii4.nn K l. HICKS. A. K. HHAW DEXTrSTS. J'.yims in Alien' Kuildinc. up stairs. cr . (iss and Squeinoqua .sliveLs. Astoila "rejron. AND INSURANCE! erattiicircrt,uotg as2sss3 7i,7. tmT "avno cnual. Tliciructionon 5. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA. - REfl05. OFriCE HOURS : m 3 o'clock A. M. until S o'clock 1 thSoaUimi,lrit,M through tho tnrco ' sca-i-eagers oTtlie system prodnelnaf nppeUte. sonn 1 di "stton regular stools, a cliir Bkiri nnd a x& oronshody. TCTT'S PitLS causcno ANTIDOTE TO WlAf Apia aaggSZSggggj. o"co jlirrlfl' bissf?! ttHnirrcsizrg EUB B &2M3&iiIF M. M. W. FECnHEIMER, -H. W.COKItETl, -EDWARD HALL. - President Vice President Secretary THE OKEGOff Fire ai Marine Insurance Co. OK PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital Iaid Up, Cash Asset Exrued. S22O.000 000 2SO.0B0.00 stantly to a Gwssr Rlack lVv n s&rtn application of this Dru. SoW b? DrS2 r2ic.c' u Murrav Street. New Yorlr Th Oystvv and Chop House. The Eest Cooked to Order in First Class Style. WK MAKE A SPECIALTY OF lEPija. Ice Croam Alex McCrca & Co., PROPRIETORS. p.nnS?v,SS'e strc.e.t' Iear of A,,ler's Crystal Ialace. Open Itny and. Xishr. C. LEIXEXWEBER, ASTORIA, ORKGON. Ag-cnt, Woore's Remedy -FOK- Poisop. Oals.. rl Pjlos. Eurns, Cuts: Ett" 2JOl'i;s Sunburn and Freckles. Cold in the Hoad cr Luucs. Croup. . t- .!... . . - " - - oaiuae i AJlll.Y SALVE. Sold liv llSeiRHEffn OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Soots. Overalls, Shirts, Etc Phil.A.Stokes&Co. Neat door to Foanl & Stoke-.' .store i lie id quarters te: C.'othing at Bottom Figures m. poneu utterances attributed to him by journalists inclined to misrepre sent him. Childers moved the second reading of the budget and in his supporting oiiwuucijjumcu mat in tno total in crease in the beer and spirits duties, England pays seven-ninths. Scot land ono-ninth anl Tralanl oae- mutii. Dir unane3 iJilko supported the uuoger. iiesaul that tea was already tared enough. A further tax on wines would not ba verv nrnrtnnfim and would injuro colonel trade. Sir Stafford Northcoto and others u.wuy aijuaeu, iur. wiaustoao arose to reply. He thought that the oppo sition were creating a precedent wuicu iney wouitt regret when thev came into power again. Tho present wiiieuuiy uaa a oanehcial eflecfci) preventing adulteration and increas ing trade manv millinns nnnnniiv It would bo most impolitic to increase me umy on wine unless on tho most extreme pressure. The government were compelled to raise money, in iuh -in mo impenuing danger to the ompire, a danger which even now ho was unable to say had passed away. .The opposition cavilled at the mode of raising money, without KiifTnc; an alternative. Tea would require an additional tax of 3 per cent per pound to produce the same amount, mxo miaiuy iiu; umj fo per cent, on an innocent beverage. The mrom. ment had to choose between alcoholic liquors ana tea and sugar. They would accept the issue of tho vote as ono oi me or death, and did not envy thoso who. it they gained a vic tory, would have to bear the conse quences. Mr. Gladstone's remarks were re ceived with prolonged cheers. j.uc K"Ki""ieui; wns aeieatea on io pieces. 1 thoncrht T wnnM i; down a while. I selected a spot that was full of mud and.water. I don't know why I chose suclf a place, but mayboit was because I -was in a nurry and did not liavo timo to chose well. It was a soft place, however, and had its attractions at that mo ment. After I had got myself well settled in the mud I saw tho cvclono i 8T?1Qff me the go by. It passed about iwfusiumyioic and tore things ;.t ..jxiuj. J.UVIV B3a tree stand ing there m full view. The cyclone struck it about forty feet from the ground, turned the branches and all around half a dozen times like light ning, and thon snatched tho whole upper portion into kindling wood and carried it off. It was an .wwnQmr. mg sight, and although I am glad I s.w it, I don't want to kp if. nin ji .' ""r "" - noc so exose, anyhow. Macon Tele graph. No woman will love a man better for being renowned or prominent. a," oughhebetho first among men, she will be prouder not fonder; as is uireuiuucase, sno win not even bo proud But irivo her In nrnmnin ion, loudness, and there is no sacri hco she would not make for his con lent and comfort. Tho man who loves her well is her hero and king iNo less a hero to her, though he is not to any other; no les3 a king though his only kingdom is her honrfc and home. It i; a mnn'c rnr,i rit :r i, :c . i -., , . .-" :"4,5 " "t 13 uuuitpp.v lYiiu ins witct in nine cases out of ten. It is von- nvr. tional woman who will not bo'aU gho. cautoan attentive husbaudamira' oij uAccpuonauie one who will not be very disagreeable if she finds her self wilfully neglected. wmsmm m esssss:o w ZS&&WZS&si '- THE GRSAT Blffil 3?C 85sH EjraSSSfi VrlZL FOR e ji n & Rheumatism, Heuralgia, Sciatica, LL'mhnnn n-rtnn tin.f.S.- 4-.... . . ' "' "-..-. itwujuw, idcinacne. Sere Throot, Srrellla. Sprnn4. nrui ' c l.A.sVtI' n WiniLT 1'AI-CS A.D ACHIS. ScM b7 Drojrt, anl D!er3 eToryJme. FMr ctl'.a UjUJc Dlrecttonj la 11 1-snpuiti. ,, T1IE CHAKLES A. VOBeLeu Cii AJKT. NEW HOUSE. NEWtFURN!TURE. Fitted up Trith evrj Couren iencc for the Comrort oi Transient and Permanent Guests. THE BEST IS THE Wilson & Fisher i i Cn er .sriiiciiioou.1 and Wan Sth Streets. I liil Urn: 3 Ce iitN n Rex. :!st Try It! AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Redue'ion Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED Is the only flour that Iins taken First Prizo three j ears in succe:s!on at the PORTLAXD MECHANIC'S PAIR. Also at State Fair. One trial sudlcient to convince of its sure- Soe that the word CAPITOL is on each sack. OEORGE SJIIEL, 8 Staik St., Portland AtreYit WILSON & FISHER, Astoria Agents! To Rent. A LARGE NEW BUILDING NPA? tiiw (). R.&N dock. SuhaW?f a sffi and boarding house. Inquire of " u . BOZORTH & JQHX8. Dissolution of Copartnership t i.t . ... fnr'v,, ?:? SAs -very! Steamer. Jtememb.rVhe V.ie." " Piir. a. STOKKS & CO. GSaS!lSea? CEST8, ISUIXG Irlces that Defy t'ompetttlon. $67,00000 Capitail Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Kercantile Of Ixindon and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AKD COMMERCIAL OF CALlFORf"IA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Acent. Notice. I. W. Onsn will nnH..nt ..II nnnn..n. .,.. ton. and will pay all Ibllls" necea' ty to "be Settled nil inv nmniinl J JNO. ENBERG. the Bine Anchor Saloon. "Cas dksolved1 1 v mutual conspnr. .Tnn r- imV. "?.T.ea P? ftiturc carrj on the business, collect ail hiii! due and pay all Indebtedness. toI,ls JNO. C. VIKE. Astoria, Slay 25, iss5. H' Q E VENS0N' Gr. A. STINS0N & CO.. BLACKSMITKING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cau and Court Streets. Shin and Cannery irnrir t7m..i.i..- Wacons made and wnnir n.i rife I guaranteed. r ia the second reading, the budget being rejected, 2Gi to 232. When !). . suit was announced Lord Randolph Churchill and 3Ir. Parnell jumped up uu inuir seats and enthusiastically waved their hats. Tremendous ex citement was caused by the nnnounce ment of tho division, and Gladstone immediately adjourned tho house, and the cheering was renewed.' Thirty-nine Paraellites and all the conservatives voted with the majority The minority included Sir Michael Bass, the brewer, and several Irish liberals. Althouch strong dims i.o,i been issued, many 'government sup porters were absent It is confidentially rumored that Gladstone will visit the queen to morrow and tender his resignation. London, June 9. Following is an other account of the s;enes in the house of commons af jer the division When tho result of tho division was" announced Gladstone, -who hA unan leaning forward in his seat and cyn- v.. uuiuui:. oiuriKLi. iiirnpfi nn n o,l -1..i-i.jj T- i -. tw uuu uiuiuueu uis nands nervously to gether. Tho house immediately be came a babble of confusion, members yelling, stamping and waving hats. tv-n.wj iiuu xiunuKercnieis. A tu multuous cheer came from the galle ries, and SpeakerPeele vainly howled for order. The Pamellites pointed at.Gladstone nnd yelled, "that is the iiriue oi coercien: ' jJown with Buck shot Forstcr!" nnd "remember Miles uece: iur. LiladStono nrnsn lr move an adjournment, but stood in ma piace i uuy n minute before ho could be heard. Tho cabinet has been summoned to meet to-day. - Thf, Daily Telegraph says it is doubtful whether th rnncorr-nr. will accept office. Neics' editerial: "Tfc is imnr00;i,i to forecast the consequences of the vote. Tho ministry will probably re- oiyu miu iub opposition tOK6 poSeS- sion of the government We do not suppose that even the conservative leaders will seek to undo what has been done on the Afghan question. Ihe whole policy of the country is thrown into momentary, we hope it The m'tid euro is tho racket most vigorously worked. Anv rmrsnn wi,n happens to comedown with smnll.r.n-r can get rid of it in two minnfoa uv making his mind believe it is simply a case of buckwheat pimples. Kea'.thrul Ylffor for the Girls. Jlrs. Livermore says, in one of her juuiuic-d on uins, " would give to girls equal intellectual and industrial training with boys. Yes, and givo im:uj uquujy good Health, too." Yv hen your girl3 are sufibriug from paleness and debility, it it a sign that their blood is poor and thin, and that they need Brown's Iron Bittqrs. The only preparation of iron that can be taken safely. Miss Barton, Chestnut st, Louisville. Kv.. snvQ ''Rrnim't. Iron Bitters cured me of rheumatism when everything else had failed. Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AKD SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOU Salem Slonring Mills, Portland Eoller Mills, Capital Ploiir and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. VVrOillA.OKKGON. ' STOP.lA. - OREGON. The-Piotoe'r- .Machine -Shop . 1MBKER, I'roir. First Glass ii Every Respect. I'rtM; Coneh ( Hio Hoss&c. oyal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is or Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THEHOUSEKEEPERS FAVORITE Of Superior P.Uins Quality. Guaranteed io Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. FaiDtiDf and Paper laspt KALSOMINING ETC. OBCAS. OXiSlESIKr C. T. KXOWI.ES. U D. BHOWN. St. Charles Hotel, (European P(an.) BROWX&KXOWLES - - Proprietors Fiust Class in Everv RcsrEcT, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Briek Building, iso Rcoais. In the Center of tae Oitr. Cor. Front and Morrison St?.. Portland. Or Franklin, KLACILSMIIH t .i. wj 'fj&r r-j. Boiler Shop ''jE&' All kinds or EITCHHE, Q&BKEBLY, STEAMBOAT W0BK Prt'inptly attended to. Aipcclalty made of repairing '&SNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Merfafer asd Cabinet Maler, SQUEWIOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTOUIAX BUILDING. rAll work done In a skillful manner on short notice at Reasonable mtes. Paint Shop In building formerly oc cupied by J. A. Montgomery, comer of iuum nna Jetferson Streets. All orders promptly and satfsfaetoriy executed. J. H. D. GEAl". Wbolesale and retail dealer iu. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. ab?eSLStKeAnfn? w,harRo reason oregon f Ileaton 3treet, Astoria, WIS. EJ3GAH, Doaler In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMDS STS. HOT MEDICAL SPRINGS. o. A man in Maine has purchased 200 acres of ground which ho will use as a rabbit ranch. They multiply so fast, and are always in such dumand in the market, that ho reckons on an income oi 5,000 per vear. If the rheumatic snflorpr lu.c ! fifty cents, he may yet ba happy, A. E. Lemon &; Go. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS "Portlauil am! AstorJn. Tortlaud OPJce No. io. N. Front street. A Hack will leave Eugene on the arrival or tho train from Portland, EVERY TUESDAY, Making thetrin from Portland in less than two days in daylight. PETER RUNEY. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TIIE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in bottle of St. him joy. Jacobs Oil will bring A Kansas farmer who dug him a cyclone pit awoke the other night to find his house goao and himself and bed in the dcoryard. The cvclone didn't blow any horn to warn him to skip for his pit. rure le Delivered at Your 9 Door. . There is Trouble Iu Store For those who neglect to recWy Irregulari ties ol the stomach, liver anil bowels, which they foolishly Ir.agino will "come right of themselves." or this silly error such persons arouHialiy dlsa'ju3ed by the develonniDnt of somo serlou chronic malady, traceable to wnat tuey were pleased to con?ldera trifling disorderor tho above named organs, Snch a cilinhnMon Is easily avoided. A course pr Hosteler's Stomvh Bitters Invariably has t.ic effect of renewing the secretive ac tion of a torpid liver, restoring heiithydl Ki&a?id sl?s!,n,Ia"on. and rendering ihe habit of the body perfectly regular. Tbe activity of these all important functions be ing restored, and thft cnflm r.tim t,.i and regiilated by this Incomparable correct ive and invlgorant. no danger to the gener at health n to bo apprehended fronicause3 Ji . i S ' ,cu ,n l,mc, win assur- tmj uuucriiiiim it. !t took only fourteen months for a Wall street man to build a S250.000 house, put in $90,000 worth of furni ture, lose his fortune, move to the country and take a situation at S0 per week. A Virginia law suit abonfe n flffv cent dog cost ono party 290 and the other $425, and resulted in ono mnr der and a case of nrson. However every American wants his legal rights. This Ice Is cut on LaUo CocoIIala and is All orders left Past & Hansen's Astoria s-cda otks v.iii be prom;:lv attended to. O. RECD. Manager. The Telephone Saloon i The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those who enloy a Social Gla-s. The Bc3t or Wfnes ami Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. HAMARE, IEOlf, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 'S'JLo. AND Copper. R. I.. JBrPEEY, Projr. Coin T nsjiirtafioa Cipr. FOE Through Freight on Past Time! THE SEW STEAMER . -ASK FOR Union India Bubher Co.'s Pure Para Gum CRACK JPKOOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! dSoAH. thJ? bP0t3 are stamped CRACK ,T.2.tne heels. am" have the PURR GUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep vv lilcli prevent their cracking or breaking. V?-Are.n.,S13k,nS.tIiem with RUBBER AAD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. J FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL$,IiD RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. cotPX-ar rubber co. It H. PEASE. Jr. I AgentT 3.M.RUNYON, f ban Francisco. Why will you cough when Shtloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts50ctsandSl. Sold by Y7.E. De ment -"-v. Which has been speelally built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every MnnriflV. IVpflnocrlau snfl Vi-lrir,,, c ... . . --" --"j 'aj ai u R.m. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. ft. J""An additional trip will be made onSnndov xi, -r.. -. . ,vXa, x-resiaentj SEE THAT YOU GET TEE " PORTLAND'' FLOUR!! Fop Sale iu lots to Suit. By TV JLS ON & FISH E R, ASTORIA. Or SIBSOX, CHURCH & '.. PORTLAND. Or. oi GoB Jbw Blry, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Pianos and Organs of ilie Best make at the JLo-K-est I?riccs. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. tyAJI goods warranted as represented. i GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. ..i J3r&iiit 5