en s VOL. XXIII, NO. 135. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1835. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. T)u- A. LndJ.A. tXLTOS. Pbj'siciausnnd Surgeons. Will the promnt attention to all calls, fiora any part of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Suuemoqua streets, Astoria, Oicgou. j Telephone No. 41. T" It. Fit AX K. PA G K. J I'Iiyir!nn andSurccou. 1 Ofllce, Room C, over D. A. Mcintosh's store. Office Houits :-9 to ll a. m. ;-3 to 5 p.m. Residence, opposite the Johansen building CKO. A. DOUItIS, GKO. XOVAXD XOX.AXI & DOISRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAV. oillce In Kinnej'H Block. - pposlte City llaJL, Astoria. Oregon. C VT. FULTOX. O. C. FULTOX. rur.TS BKOTUERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Roi.rns5and fi.Odd Fellows Building Tosnni A. ELL.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. on Cas btrcet. 1 door south or Odd Fellows Building. . J. A. BOWIiUY. Attorney nntl Counsellor at Law, OElcc on Chonamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. -I BLO F. PAKKKIt. SURVEYOR OF Clataop CouBty.andCIty orAntortB Office : Chenaraus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. 0. XV. liEICK. ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Office : Room 9, Kinney's Brick Block, TAX TBTTLE. 21. !. PHYSICIAN AUD SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2. and 3. Pythian Build tag. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. r r. hicks. A. K. SHAW. mens & sniw. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria. Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! !. W. CASE, Broker. Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, O KEG OX. OFFICE nOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. M.W.FECHHKIMER, -H. W. COtt BET I, -EDWARD HALL, - President Vice President Secretary' THE OSEGtOH Fire anil Marine taraocg Co. OF TORTLAND, OREGON. Capital raid. Up, - 8220,000.000 Cash Assets Exceed. - 280.000.00 C. LELKEX WEBER, - Agent, ASTORIA, OREGON. C. E. Bain & Go. Arc now prepared to furnish Doors. Windows, Mouldings AND ,-"E Jtr. J&- mJ sV- t i IJlT Z3 m Orders Solicited. Moore's Remedy -FOR- Poison Oals.. MOORE'S REMET) Cures and Prevents POISON OAK. CURES Piles. Burns, Cute: RE MOVES Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs. Croup. Etc.. etc. An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggists. itS Cents n Box. Try It! AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction Si stem by tue Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED J Is the only flour that has taken First Prize three years in succession at the POKTIiAXD SIECHAXZC'S FAIH. Also at State Fair. One trial is sufficient to conunce of its suf e riority. See that the word CAPITOL Is on each sack. GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER, Astoria Agents. To Rent. A LARGE NEW BUILDING NEAR THE 'O.'K. &N. dock. " Suitable for a saloon and boarding bouse. Inquire of BOZOKTH& JOHNS. SPRING FEVER At this eeuon nearly otrt oas needs to use soma s rt of tonic. UtO N enters into almost emj pay. ucus'i prescription for tnoea ubo neod baildiug op. 1 R " TH5 70H1E. TMitndc l.Bck of ri no 1'OIIAT- end !ih.7!l. Imn mnAicinH tht is BOt faicrions. It Enriches tfco Blood, IaviporHtes tUe bygtcm, Restores AppetitcAId Digestion It does not blacken or in jnre the teeth, canse head, ache or produce constipation other Iron mtdicinetdo Dn. O. H. Bnrszxr, , lesdifig phyridsn of 8pnngfield. 0 Bays: -Brown's Iron Bitters is n thoroughly coed nedi cine. lose it in my practice, and find its action excels all other forms of iron. In weakness or a low .rmriltinn nt thn mvwipm Hrtnra'n Iron ElttCrS IS nsaaily a poeitive neoeesity. It is all that is clamed for it." a Genuine has trade mark and eroesed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL. CO-BAI.TIMOItK.MD. Limes' Hakd Boos nsernl and attractive, con. taimnc list of prizes for recipes.infonnatinn tbont coins, etc.. given away by all dealers in mMirine, or mailed to any aaarces on receipt ox sc stamp. SNELL, IIEITSHU 4 WOODARD, Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. 0S008 Oyster and Chop House. The Best Cooked to Order in First Class Style. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Fine Ic Orogtra Alex BfcCrca & Co., PE0PH1ETORS. Genevieve street, rear of Artier' Cry-tal Palace. Open liny ami Mlir. M. &. SIPP, PLUMBER AKD GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand, Personal attention given all order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms ItcaMcnublo. Shop and ofllce on Cass street, one door above Frank Fibre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Ofllce. FISBEuWS OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, F.tc AT Phil.A.Stokes&Co. Next door to Fo.nrd & Stokes' store, is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures Even thing nought here euarante-'d toLe Jut as repreventwl. No old stock ; every thing Iicih. and msw ouods on every steamer. KcniemDer tue place. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. 8SB-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Defy Competition. 1885. INTEB3 T Will be allowed On Time Deposits, Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. 8. EI310KE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,080 Capital! Liverpool and London and Glotje. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AKD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Acent. Private Boarding House. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY annoiin -es that she Is nrenared to fur nish Ladles or Gentlr men with Board only. or with Board and Furnished Rooms at very reasonable rates. Jo extra charce loruse of Parlor or Bath room, and every effort will be made to make her guests feel com fortable and at home. Dinner Served from 5:36 to C;30 r. M. 2IRS. E. C, nOLDKX. SE Cor. Main and Jefferton streets. To Rent. Tnr HE FINE BUSINESS'STORE FORME tt- occupled by J.PBger. .,A.:deEirable location. Apply to wm - best For "Wonkacs. C. S. QUXDE2I9N. FIGIITING A LION. SaziT Lake June 5. A man named James Jackson had a terrific fight with a mountain lion on Little Laramie river, Wy. T., recently. He, Bianea out to cut uuu, wiuus uu 11.3 1. X a L. rtnrl lnlin lC' shot gun along. Seeing some birds perched on a rock, lie snot at mem, but hit instead a mountain lion, till then invisible, but which made its presence known by yells ot rage and pain, the charge of shot having lodged in its shoulder anil side. Jackson could have got away without farther trouble, a3 the lion was fully occu pied in tearing around, not having noticed the man, but Jackson thought he would like to have the lion's hide. It would look well mounted, so he fired at him with both barrels, filling the beast with bird shot. But no notice was taken of the hunter, who, emboldened by the animal's inattent tion, walked up close and peppered him again with two charges. That settled it. The lion for the first time noticed the man and wept for him with mouth open and tail la3hing. Too late Jackson started to run but soon saw it was no use, and stood with clubbed gun. and. as the lion camo up, hit him over the head with it. knocking him down. Tren another start to run was made, but the lion was ud and at him again, and the man drew his pocket knife for the fight They closed and the struggle was long and iiaru. J.ne mans clothes were torn off and be was bruised and mangled, but he kept working away with his knife and finally cot it into the throat of the beast, making such wounds that the lion weakened from loss of blood, and finally rolled over dead. Jack son will recover from his hurts and be as well as ever, though ho will be laid up for some time. THE OUTLOOK FOR WHEAT ABROAD. California, Oregon, Chilian, Argen tine Bepublic and Australian ship ments, made after May 1st, will not be available for consumption in the period from May 1st to August 31st British India shipments by canal will be available from May 1st to the mid dle of July. The quantity on pas sage May 7th for Europe was 23,010, 000 bnshels of wheat, including 2, 210,000 bushels for the continent of Europe. In addition to this there will be the additional supplies from the Baltic, southeastern Europe, Al geria, Egypt and Morocco andthe Turkish possessions in Europe and Asia. The United Kingdom will be the principal customer for tue aggre gated supplies. English home crop is 30,000,000 bushels to be delivered. iinghsh stocks are now increasing about G50.000 bushels per week, and the prospects as it now looks, the stocks in the United Kingdom will have been accumulated to nearly 18,- 000,000 to 20,000,000 bushels on wheat and flour in the importing ports on the 1st of July next. This condition of things, with no war iind favorable European crop prospects, will not much favor high pnce3 in littrope. RICH FOR A 3I03IENT. The British ship Britannia was wrecked off the coast of Brazil, and had on board a large consignment of Spanish dollars. In the hope of sav ing some of them, a number of casks of the coins were bronght on deck, but the vessel went to pieces so fast that the only hope for life was by taking at once to the boats. The last boat was about to push off when a young midsbipman went back to see if any one was still on board. To his surprise, there sat a man on deck with a hatchet in his hand, with which he had broken open several of the casks, tue contents of which he was heaping up about him. "What are you doing there?" shout ed the youth. "Don't you know the ship is fast going to pieces?" "The ship may go,'' said tho man; "I have lived a poor wretch all my life, and I am determined to die rich." . Remonstrances were answered only by another flourish of the hatchet, and he wes left to his fate. Oregon and Washington territory shipped 40,000 head of beef cattle eastward duringjthe past year, which brought between $700,000 and SS00, 000 to their raisers. The acting governor of Arizona has drawn on the chief of ordnance of that territory for 1,400 stand of arms and 10,000 rounds of ammunition for use against the Apaches. Hobbles of Hjglenlsts. There were several dozen of the hygienists in council, each with his individual hobby. Each thought all the others were wrong. Each was sure that .his own hobby was the only one. A gentleman present said he had taken Brown's Iron Bitters for debility and dyspepsia; and, though he didn't want to make a fuss about it, he knew the use of this great tonic to be better than all tho notions he had heard advanced in the council. One practical cure is worth thous ands of guesses and notions. Thous ands of happy convalescents speak gratefuUy of .brown's Iron Bitters. A stream of Mormon emigrants is pouring from Utah into Arizona, as the outcome of the enforcement of the Edmunds act A Nasal Injector free with each "bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh .Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement WESTERN OREGON MINES. Hiklsbobo, June 3. The greatest excitement seems to prevail in Washington county over the mines in "Washington, Yamhill and Tillamook counties, and about every other man and boy has his pockets filled "with ore from my ledge, and such ore as it is much of it is common sandstone, some " blossom" of coal, while others smelt and snow about UU per cent, lead or more, and, ot course, wherever you find lead in such quantities, there are sure to be traces of lead and other metals. In Hillsboro they have a crucible, and the proper thing is to have a chunk of lead in the pocket with the ore so as to show the assay. I think it waa Major Barry, who years ago, while engaged for the N. P. R. B., in surveying for a route from Washington county to the sea, in one of the gulches lyingsouthwest of For est Grove and over the mountains, picked up three specimens of gold bearing quartz, one of which in after years assayed S2.50 to the half ounce. I remember seeing the quartz, bat it was said that after careful and super ficial examination no trace of a ledge could be found, and it was thought probable that these specimens had been picked up and carried there in an iceberg during the glacial period. But from the testimony of Solomon Emerick, W. S. Caldwell, John Men denhall and Zed Wilson, it seems that these men took a trip out there, and in something like tho same neigh borhood found placers in paying quantities. In fact it was understood by them that on account of the sick ness of Emerick. the scarcity of pro visions, and ternhc storms encoun tered that they should bury their outfit and return in the spring, Wil son enlisted and went to the Yakima war and died, W. S. Caldwell went to Portland and Mendenhall left, so they never went back. As a land mark, however, they noted when they left, an immense slide showing a very high spur of a mountain that was lit erally torn off, presenting a perpen dicular wall o.f several hundred feet, with apparently a very well defined quartz ledge the full length of its face perpendicularly. Now the curious part ot this is that from Tanner creek or Hughes creek'emptying into Scog gin's valley or tho divide between the head waters of Tanner creek and Wil son river that empties into Tillamook bay quite a largo number of well known men have seen what appears to be a quartz mountain off in a northwesterly direction, and though parties of our best hunters, and moun taineers, have sought to go to the quartz mountain, they have signally failed owing to the zigzag course they have to travel on account of the ex ceedingly rough and broken country and the heavy growth of timber that hides all land marks. Though these expeditions have set out from time to time for the last thirty years. Mr. Frank Pomeroy of Cornelius thinks he reached the neighborhood of this side last week, as lie brougut away with him a specimen of quartz ce: -taining gold visible to the naked eye. He weut up the Gales creek to or near Xehalem and followed down a small creek in a southwesterly direction. At any rate a very large number of people are neglecting all other avoca tions and are devoting themselves to hunting for mines in these mountains, and the immense rnsh can no longer be called fishing and hunting excur sions. Tho writer of this remembers tho Florence mines and the hand ho took in the memorable stampede to the "Bnfiialo Hump," and prefers to re main at home where apples grow on trees and potatoes in tho ground. The mountains are full of ledges con taining minerals is probably true, but not in very great paying quantities, though we may as well have them prospected now as at any time. Hard times set men lo digging in the ground every time. H. Cave in Ore gonian. A Warning to Mother. An old physician writes to a Cin cinnati Medical Journal, that in view of the fact that people living at a distance from cities are frequently obliged to resort to cough mixtures already put up for use, they should provide themselves with only such remedies as are kuown to be free from opiates, poisons and narcotics. He recommends Bed Star Cough Cure, which tests by various Boards of Health proved to bo purely vegetable aBwell as prompt, effective nnd harm less. m - - A number of Russian colonists are settling along the line of the Canadian Pacific railroad. Beautifuxi Cards. A set of mag nificent Floral Cards, 4fxG inches, sent free to all persons who have used Brown's Iron Bitters. State disease and effect. Write your address plain ly. Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: ''Both myself and wife owe our lives toSnu.on's Consumption Cubk." Sold by W. E. Dement. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilolfs ViLtlizur. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. For Rent. THE HALL OVER D. L. BECK & SON'S can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladies 'Coffee dub. Mr. BER-iMAN. MRS. PRAEL. MBS. CHARTERS. Red Star TRADE V7 MARK, UUGH IS Absolxttelu Free from Opiates, Emetics andJFoisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For ConcVs, Soro Throat, Hoartecess. Coldj, Inflncnrn,BronchItli, Athmn,Cronp, TTLooo- loe Coach, QhIdij, PoIbm In Cheit, nd other aftctloas of tha Throat ud Leo es. I'tlco 50 cents a bottle. Sold by Drnsrfst3 and Dealers. Forties unable to induce their dealer to promptly get it for tAem tcill receive tico bottles, Express eaarges paid, by sending one dollar to TU2 aunxxs x. toceler coapisr, Sol Owner nd Hincbctarert, Killlsorr. XarjUad, C. S. X. Wilson & Fishe Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PKOYISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital riour and FAIRBANKS7 SCAJ-E5. A3T0KI A. OREGON. S. ARNDT & FERCflEN, ASTORIA. - OKKGON. The Pioneer Machine ULAUKSMITH Q 13 f TM o ia j -. jr. VX1 f Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CAHNEEY, AT STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. E. Lemoxf&fCo. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portland ami Astoria. Portland Office No. IC, N. Front street Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice Is cut on Lake CocollaLi and b pure. AH orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G. REED. Manager. Shop Mie . 5tESi jGSH i J ii9Sr-. fr&mgg&i&mL Yw-Bkli -vWr J4PRv3K? JFTtBc Jvf S3cii55&cJ Golnmlria Transportation Company. Through Freight on Fast Time! TEE HEW TELEPH Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portlapd every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. erAn additional trip will be made on Sunday of Encii XVeeu, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock MBBday Jlorniujr. for Sound ports. 1IAIA HOTEL. i MRS. EYAWALLMAX, - Proprietor.! ASTORIA, OREGON. ! First Class in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted "1 vvif.li every Conven- ieitco foi tlie Comfort or Transient and Permanent Guests. CVner ;?iuemoqu.i and West Sth Streets. I J. 11. PAItHKB, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respt. Free Concli lo the Hone. C. W. KNOWLES. U . EKOWX. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN &KXOWLES - - Proprietors FinsT Class ix Every Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Uriclc Raildtni?. lc0 Rooms, la the Center of tho City. Cor. Front and Jlorrison Sts.. Portland. Or B. B. Franklin, UiMhsr ai Catet Mer, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTOTCIAJT BUILDIN'G. -All work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates HOT MEDICAL SPRINGS. A Hack will leave Engene on the arrival of the train from Portland, EVEEY TUESDAY, Maklnp the trio from Portland In less than two dajs In daylight. PETER RUNEY. The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tho Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Gla s. The Best of Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. It. I. JEFFERY. Prop'r. PORTLAND ! STEAMER Passengers b this route connect at KaUma u. a. &CUJ.-X, rresiaent t tffe ll pi THE BEST .13 THE Royal Brand FSour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Qoalitv, and Is Endorsed by all who me It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Solo Agents ror Astoria. ' Painting and. Paper Hanpi XALS0M1NING ETC. Paint Shop in building formerly oc cupied by J. A. Montgomery, corner o? Main and Jefferson Streets. AH orders promptly and satisfactory executed. J. EL D. GKAI. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLER? Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND- CHENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDf ABE, W, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET RON, 3?i23. AND Copper. -ASK FOR- tTnion India Enbher Cos Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS I Be sure the boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep, wl.Ich prevent their cracking or breaklne. We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will mako them last more than twice as Jods as any Rubber boots made. - FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALLKI.NDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, nO-E, SPRINGS. CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. H. PEASE. Jr. I Agents. S.M. RUNYON, f San Francisco. rzSEE THAT YOU GET THE "PORTLAND" Olioioe :g,g;ro1J.y msctexxt Holler FLOTJR!! For Sale im lots to Suit. By W1LS09T & PISniSB. ASTORIA. Or SIBS05T, CHURCH & CO., PORTLAND. Or. Sol WJei elry, Scarf Pis, Chains, Watches, Pianos and Organs of the Best make at the towest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry to Astoria. -All goods warranted as represented. 6USTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. -