m 1XA IHLIIIIUI Jl .W','l.lJLt Itr JiaUtj Jgustoriatt. .STOillA, OREGON: THiriiS'iAV ..Tl'N"fN. 1M ISSUED EVERY HORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. Ha.L1.OEAK & COMPANY, I'UlU.ISUKItS AXIl PROI'JITBTORS, AbTORIAX HUII.BING, - - CA35 TRlU'1 Terms of Snbscrliillon. Served ly CarrW. jnr wok 15?ts. 'w'Ht. Wy Mail. pr moi.Ui WM. " r oocr.r er. I'ree of jita? to subscribers. ?sir"AilwrlteeiwiiLs iiicrtu4 )v the voir at the mte of 2 pur uxre per month. ' Tnin Mtiit .itlvrrtisUiK iWiv cents nor square, each insertion. Notice To ,llrcr(sSrr. Tun Astortax guarantees tn iN stl- toers tin largest circulation f anv 'lewspaper jHiblishrul on lite foliunbia river. This paper j on Jl! ai ibe-St. Charles Hotel, Poi'laml, Or. Cool woather. The Allahabad went to sea yastertluy. The circuit court will be in session to day. Daring the lost two months over C,000 immigrants have arrived in this state. Sqnomonua street is finished and was the scone of a lively ran last evouiii by Onos and Two3. There aro 1,003 cn.-s silniou of last year's pack on the 0. K. & N. dock, and 15.000 cases of this year's. E. G. Ilolden will liavn a special auc tion sale of some fine fnrnitnro next Sat urday afternoon. See adv. The body of August Soa Jer, who "died on the Oregon on the UJth ult., was yes terday buried by the coroner. Three thousand people on Sfpiemoqua street at eight o'clock last evening: twice that many nest Tuesday. Letters are still being received asking for the issue of The Daily Moexixg As toria:; of Jan. 1st, 18S5. Next time we will have the annual review of Clat sop county and Astoria's industries eloc trotyped and can then supply back num bers at any time. Charles O'Connor cuunciatrd the prin ciple that a "reporter should get all t'ie news he can and give it lo the world, but a lawyer should get all the news he can and keep it to himself." This probably explains why thero are so many good re porters and so many poor lawyer. Of nine deaths since March 11. iu the order of A. O. U. W., for the jurisdiction of Oregon and "Washington, not one of them occurred in Oregon. For the past four years, "Washington territory, with ono-lhird of the membership of Oregon, has furnished nearly three-fonrths of the usse&sinents. Mr. S. B. l'eltengill, a woll-kuown journalist of this city, has purchased the daily and weekly Standard and will take possession of that paper on or about the lGtli inst. Mr. Pettengill is an able writer and a gentleman wuo has made many friends in this com munity, and will" conduct the Standard in a first class manner. News, :;. R. E. Jackson and wifo leave next Monday for Springfield, Ohio, where they will in future reside. Mr. Jackson has had charge of the city delivery of The Astobiax since September. 183J and during that time ho has always been prompt, reliable and thoroughly trust worthy in all his business relations with this papor. The Astobian wishes him good luck and -a prosperous career. Jo. Pinschower was busy yesterday sec tioning tho reserved peat list for the new opera house. It is an extensive af fair and requires considerable laying out. A. S. Gross, the manager of the Casino troupe which opens here next Tuesday, says the theater is a better one than the Newmarket or Casino at Portland. Tues day's performance will bo an event in tho history of Astoria. .Reserved seats at tho New York Novelty store. Tho circulation of Tm: "Wkukly Asto riak which was at a stand for a while is again on the increase. It contains a good deal that does not appear in the daily, and thero aro a good many things of trivial import that appear in tho daily that aro left out of tho weekly, making it a concise, solid resume of the city, county, nation and world's history for a week. Two dollars puts it on your table for a year. Russian flour, oquM in quality to that made from choice Minnesota spring wheat, is offered for delivery in Now York at C per barrel. This attack upon our grain is as bold as tho snubbing of John Bull in Central Asia. It must be admitted that tho Muscorito has his strong points in traffic an well as diplo macy. A nation that can sond its flour '1,099 miles from tho xoint of nmanufac turo and soil it in Now York at competi tive pr:ce3, will surely command its share of business. Tho tournament committee met yes terday evening and prepared a program mo and order of exercises for next Tuesday. The matter of decorations will be mostly left to tho citizens who will doubtless see that buildings, residences, etc.. will be properly decorated. The firemen duly appreciate the efforts of all to aid in the matter and aro particularly grateful to tho ladies who aided by lest week's fair and bazaar to so materially increase tho fund, which is none too large at best to insure success. IVoticc. D. K. Mcintosh assumed charge of the city delivery of The Daily As toriax on the lt inst. All payments are to be made to him and he is author ized to receipt for the same. .1. F. Haixorax & Co. Evening Star Social Club will meet at tlw hall of Astoria Engine Co. Xo. l this evening at 7:.'. Committki:. War! War! War! The latest news lo hand states that 5,000 men attacked JclTs Restaurant last week. They were galantlly met by that veteran, and got the bejt and cheapest meal in town. Jeff intends to fight it out in tiiat line if it takes all hummer. AC.ooclCigar, Just as good as yon usually pav a bit for. can ba had FOI. FIVE CENTS at C. P. Wilson's. m (.j-mnasitii!.; Boy C2ass. A class for boys from the ages of 7 to 13 years will bo formed at the Astoria Gymnasium. A competent teacher will be provide.!. Apply at the gymnasium between the hours of 10 a. i.and lOr.jj. W. E. Johns. pr.ip. Sheet music Former price 33 and 40 cents, latent out, comic, sentimental, etc.. at 10 cents. Gr.irFix & Heed's City Book Store. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices." DT TELEGRAPH. -iti'mlto xnr. aitokiix.i TBAMl'S SHOT. "Walia "WAX.IJI, June 15. Tramps are getting troublesome and sauey. Three oHJieni were put off a train west of here this morning and one persisting in get ting on a third lime was shot by a brake man and dangerously wounded. KILLED BV nOUSK THUSVIX. Slmitee Valley, Or.. June :i. Louis Rivers, a rejected resident of this soct'on was shot and killed yester day by hor-e thieu-s. The body was riddled with bullets and his horse killed. E. J . Allen, a blocknian living in this valley is missing, and it is thought that ho has also besn killed. Citizens are in hot pursuit. 1HE OIUN'OHRS" l'ICSIC. J::jrr.Bov, Or., June 3. Oregon gran-gt-rs to the number or five thousand are assembled here haring a grand picnic, at the crossing of the Oregon and Califor nia railroid and tho Santiam. The gathering is the largest seen here in many yeans. I ho grango was addressed this afternoon by Judgo R. P. Boise, grand master of the grange, 21. A. Shipley, past master. W. R. Bilvea and Mrs E. Ship ley. snAD. Chicago, Bis., Juno 3. A car load of shad passed through this city this morn ing lo be placed in Oregon waters. OLYJIPU.VS ACCIDENT. Her ColiMon With thu 0;caa Dock at .Seattle. Steamer Olympian this morning at half-past 1 o'clock, as sho attempted lo land at tho city dock, struck tho south east corner of the oceen dock, carrying away the piles supporting tho same, and demolishing that corner of tho building. Tho total damage thereto is estimated ! at $3,030. Tin Ol'jmpiun herself w.n badly damaged. There were but few eye witnesses to the accident. It is said that tho steamer was-coming at full head lo tho building when sho struck against the wharf. Ono man said: "I thought sho was making for the spit where the Emnvi Hayward was lying." The Olympian was damaged from tho stem to the pilot house to the extent of somo 1,000. Captain "Wilson, formerly of tho North Pacific, was commanding tho vessel, but was not at th'o wheel until too lata to avoid tho accident. It seems tint his having been overworked of lata caused him to leave tho vessel in c'uargo of tho mate, with orders to b? called iu timo to mako tho landings, while ho took same rest. Ho was called too late, however. and reached the pilot house, when tho! courses of the steamer could not ba change. The parly in charge of tho i wueei ar me unie siysne miscalculated the distance of the ocean dock. The Olympian proceeded lo Victoria after discharging her passengers and freight here and will probably return about six o'clock this evening. On her return to J'acoma sho will bo hauled off for repairs. Steamer Qcorgc E. Starr will take her place meanwhile, and arrive at midnight from Tacoma. J Tho Olympian was making her second trip to Seattle last night since sho came back from San Francisco, The accident will undoubtedly cause great incon venience to tho traveling public tem porarily unless another vessel is added to tho Victoria route. It is jast about a year ago that the Quern ran into tho citv dock. Seattle Chronicle.M. rOHUIUX SVL3I0X XOTES. Tho continuous steady demand for salmon has made very considerable in roads on the stocks, so much so that it is discovered on inquiry that there is very little to be had certainly none at tho ordinary level of prices which have been rulins for some time past. Considerable sales have been made within tho past week, and heavy parcels iu the aggregate have changed hands, all required for act ual stock purposes. Tho deal era t hrough out the country having supplied thera solves purely from baud to mouth, will now nnu id uimcuit to replace at lormsr rates. Certainly within the experience of tho oldest in the trade, stocks were never so low as they aro at present to meet tho usual requirements. Parlies not given to cultivating an alarmist frame of mind declare that tho bare con dition of tho market will b3 apparent upon tho slightest extra demand from the country. Salmon practically doe.? not exist to meet tho requirements. The forces which have contributed lo this re sult are tho ruinous prices, tho remarka ble abbonco of lobsters, the loss of f3,000 cases by tho foundering of the Kirlncood, and tne short supply' (esti mated at f0,000 cases) at the beginning of tho season as compared with previous years. A rise has taken place to tho ex tent of Is to Is Cd per case, and this will in all probability bo followed by a fur ther advance. Other reports say tho de mand is fairly sustaiued and is much better than could have been anticipated under tho present pressure of stock duty paid goods. Tho -visible supply of really Sine and choice brands is becoming very restricted, whilo tho demand for low priced goods is likely to bring a great quantity of that class into the market. At tho same timo it has become evidout that the retail prices of 4d and 5d per tin have groatly increased the consump tion. A reaction in salmon seems about to take place. The present low prices have caused the ruin of many packers, and quite a number of canneries on tho Pacific coast will not open this year. Correspondence London Grocer. Our sale of Ball's Corsets is unprece dented. Phael Brop. To Accommodate His Patrons. Alex. Gilbeit will keep his saloon open day and night. Fishermen can get a good lunch at any hour of the night. The genuine French sardine constantly on hand. For :i Xcat Fitting Root Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che nanuis street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Don't pay 23 to 50 cents for dinner when you can get a better one iit the Telephone tor 15 cents from 11 to 2. Grav sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar 'shingles A full 11 guaranteed. ffHAT! Do You TIi Ink that Jcff" of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much I" but he gives a better ineal and more ofit than any place in town for 2T cents. lie buvs by the wholesale and pav cash. '-That settles iL" At Franlc Falr's. Board for S22.M a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 3 to 7. SALX05. Shipments !y Rail and Ocean: Foreign and Domestic. Tho Ilanmstrant, tho first vessel to load salmon in "85 in tho Columbia river for England is laid on and has begun to take her cargo. Salmon shipments begin a liltlo late this year. Last year, on tha 12th of Juno the first salmon car go went across the bar, tho Eslzlalc, with 9500 cases, worth 17,023. Thero was considerable salmon shipped from here to England last June, as tho following table will shew: Tuno 12Esklale. ... OJQo .Tune lSltata S.tiSO .Junel9Cotesnorth 13.CS3 June 27.AberstvuhCastie 12,060 July i3.Jess!e Janiiesoii 22.516 $7,523 13,200 OS.20O ill, SOU 110.0SO lfc0,523 211,010 231 0C0 10S.G30 2SI.Q-J0 45.QJ5 59,050 July l6.woodlark Aug. c Citv of Delhi Aug. 3...Alameda Sept. cBelle of Oregon- Sept.30.Kirkwood Oct. 18Grisedale Feb.io tSPcrihehlre. , Stf.lOS , -JS.82S , 4G.S0O 33,730 . 52,Ot . 3.311 . ll,fl 315,813 SI, 579,3 tS The above is a'summary of shipments of salmon from here to England for tho twelve months ending June 1st, 18S5. All the above vessels arrived safely except tho Kirlncood and the Pertlishire. The former, it will bo noticed, had a cargo almost as largo as all tha four Juno vessels together, and went down when nearly home. As tho careo was fully insured S and tho English market was already over- ; stocked, tho Columbia river shippers wcro 1 not entirely inconsolable. The Perlh- sit ire got into iruuuiu iu iuu riiinmuu la lands April 17th, and at last accounts was in a bad way. For the year ending March 31st, 1835, the totals of monthly shipments were as follews: San Attain Great Fran. Sis. JSritaio April, lSSt 1,613 :S0 Mav U.477 12,017 June 13.7-12 11,940 53.S33 July 15.221 17.678 CGC21 August 273 41,351 H3.020 NNitember 12,247 31.140 5,5Sl October 5.70 22.76S 9,311 November 9,7ls 23.118 ......... December. 10.769 fi,297 Jiiiiar.'. 1SS3 2.2j 11.9J3 FVbrnarv. 4lX) 7320 11S90 March. 7ro 12,402 ToUS 109,031 211,037 313.SS7 ?' lSS4' The November shipments to tho Atlantic states include 29,634 cases by tho llr. IT. SlarbitcJ: (or New York; the remainder for tho Atlantic states went by tho Northern Pacific railroad. The total shipments for the year wero as follews: To San Francisco ..... To New York Iv j-ail To Atlantic States by mil To Knglituil. 101.031 29.031 181,413 313 SS7 Total cases CW.0J3 Tho monthly shipments for tho year wore as follews: i Apri', lSsl I May. .. I,j7.i0clober. . 21,514Xoveinbcr.., . Sl.54ul)ecc!nber .. lunc July. August September... . 91.7M.Ian. lSS1. .1G4 .979 February. 129,971 March Totals l;.035 LOSS OK THE (JKOIHSK JK1X.NE. People were shocked to read in recent dispatches the account of the destruction of the French fishing bark Georgs Jeanne by collision with tho City of Home, on. tho banks of Newfounland. People who have crossed the Atlantic can roadily realize tho catastrophe. The bark lay at anchor in n dense fog. Sho was not seen till she was twenty feet distant, and al most instantly tho great steamer crushed down upon her cutting her in two like an apple and hurling her entire crew, villi the exception of two sailors, iuto eter nity. It was all over in n few seconds The bark was seen, was run over and was lost sight of in the fog m almost less time than it takes to tell the story. There is nothing new in the catastrophe. It has happened over and over again. She question is, are such accidents pre ventable, and if yes, how? In inland waters tho law is That -vessels must slow up in fogs. Captain Munro of the City of Home clnims that he had done so, nnd was running at half speed, sounding his steam whistle iuct3 sautly. Tho practice of vessels on the Atlantic varies in this mat lor. Now that speed is the great desideratum, and tho fastest steamer gets tho most passengers, it is believed that very few vessels slow up on the banks. They go through the fov just na fast as they can. The late Commodoro Judkins of tho Canard fleet justified tho practice. He argued thus: 'Tf mv clfin Viinr !.4s m.lliinn ml v..tlt auij iutu lull .llljtuiu Jb HJI1 matter little whether sho is running five, ten. or fifteen knots; she will run it down. And in tho fogs which prevail on the banks, when the bowsprit is often invisi ble from tho bridge, you can never see a vessel lying in your way till you aro on top of her. If I go slow 1 am so much the longer in tho fog; if I go fest tho danger is the sooner over. Besides, I am responsible for tho people 1 carry. If I go fast I know that in the event of a col lision I shall go over the other vessel, but if I go slow and sho happens to go fast, sho may go over me." It is shocking to think of an unfortu nate fishing craft being suddenly de stroyed, as if by a stroke of lightning, by a great steamer like tho City of Home coming down upon her out of the fo. Almost every ono who has crossed tho ocean has felt his heart leap into his mouth, when, in tho passage through that dreary thousand miles of fog, somo wretched little fishing brig or schooner all at once loomed into view closo under tho steamer's bows, preserved from destruction by just a few feet of water. Lots of fishing vessels have been run over and no ono has known it. "Of ten and often,.' said an old steamer captain, "we foci a thud as we are rush ing.through the fog at night, and pass engers are told it is nothing but an unusually heavy wave, but we know that some poor fishermen have gone to Davy Jones' locker.' "SVnat can wo do? We couldn't help it," Buclricu's Arnica Salve. The Bhst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.UIcers, Salt Kheum, rover aores. xeuer, snapped Jlanus, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. When others fail try Crow, the lead ing Photographer, Xo. G) Water slree t The Karest oi' Combinations, True delicacy of flavor with true efll cacy of actlou has been obtained in the famous California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it im mentely popular. For sale bj W. E. Dement & Co. If you want a first-class picture go to Crow's gallery and you will be sure to be suited for his work recommends tself. ...3it&. 42.43G .. 17.CC I II 189 19G40 13,132 I'll tit VCTEG IX TI1E BEARD. It is not generally known, but it is a fact, that a better idea of character is expressed by tho beard oftentimes than by tho countenauce. The art of reading character by the beard is taught as a sci ence in Paris under tho name of 'philo graphy,' and I understand a book is shortly to be published in which the principles of this science will be given in detail. Did you ever notice that people of very violent temper havo always close ;.. i,n;.? t-? n ?-.- i.i. -" mu.wiij; mm. a.. i i, mm, every man having clo3-growiug hair is tho owner of a ueciuea temper, it's enough for mo to note at a glanco how a man's hair grows. Then I know how to handle him. ilen of strong temper are generally vig orous, but at tho same timo thov are not always fixed in their opinions. Now, the man with coarse hair is generally rooted to his prejudices. Coarse hair denotes obstinacy. It is not a good business pol icy to oppose a man whose hair is coarse. The eccentric man has always fino hair, and yon never yet saw a man of erratic tendencies, who at the same timo had a sound mind, that was not rofined in his taste3. Fino hair indicates refinement. Yon may havo noticed that men engaged in intellectual, or especially in esthetic pursuits, where delicacy of taste is re quired, havo invariably fine, luxuriant hair and beard. These same men as a class, particularly painters, are always remarkable for their personal peculiari ties. Tako Oscar Wilde, for example. His hair is as fine and soft as a child's and you remember how much fun was made of him because he persisted in wearing Knee-oncnes. uscar Wildo couldn't help that, however. Ho had to act differently from other men because his mind had an erratic bent. I went to see him when ho lectured here, just to satisfy myself whether ho was a hum bug. The moment I caught sight of his hair, which you remember he wore down his back, I was satisfied the man was in earnest, though very eccentric. Tho bril liant, sprightly fellow, who by the way is almost always superficial, has generally a curly beard. If not his hair is curly. Its easy to bring a smile to tho face of a man whose hair i.s curly. He laughs where colder natures see nothing to laugh at. But that's because his mind is buoyant and not deep enough to pen etrate to the bottom of things. Thero is a good deal of difference between coarse iiair and hair that is harsh, though it re quires an expert to distinguish it. For example, a man's moustache may be of a texture as fino as silk, and yet cannot bo trained to grow into a graceful curve. That's becauso tho hair is harsh. Now peoplo whoso hair is harsh havo amiable but cold natures. They aro always ready to listen, but it's difficult to arouse their feelings. In men of this disposition tho hair on their heads is gen erally, in fact almost always, of a darker shado than their beards. "When the beard is full, covering the entire face, the color varios from a dark shade near tho roots to red, which colors the end of the hair. These men have very rarely good memory. Thoy forget easily, and often leave a cane or an overcoat behind them in a barber-shop. They aro great pro- crastinatora, and aro bad at keeping ap pointments. Think over your acquaint ances and see if the man who is habitu ally slow has not a mustache or beard of a lighter shade than his hair. It's al ways the case. Thesa are men who come in late at tho theater and get to tho de pot just in timo to miss tho train. But philography is a scieuce. It takes years of study and observation to acquire it. From long practice and a natural liking for tho art 1 havo attained considerable skill in discerning character. Now, I knew you were a reporter as soon as you camo in, and you see I havo pleased yon by giving you a new subject to write about. Chicago Xcws Interview with a Barber. Cr:ip. Whooping Cough and Uron rUi'U isnme.liatc.y iclievedby Shiloh" si c in- !;! y v. b. Dement Zlol tmola. at the TeltziiiJtt isaUion From 11 to 2 every day. A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 2.1 cents. Xo charge after two oVIo&k. .Tkff. Tin' average female heart is left in :i pei feel Hutt"'rb3' our latent arrivals of. novelties in Dress gniw!. TarasoK etc. ri:ur. 15i:o. All the patent medicines advertised in tin-? paper, together with the choicest HTlumery, nn-l Unlet 'articles, etc- can ! bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's dru:r store, opposite Ocident hctel.AstQiia. ?vvtli IS intern nnd. Hhonlwatcr Kny Oy.ierr Constant! v on hand, cooked to any style at Prniik Fabre's. i'i iva'e card rooms at JelFs ne.w ui limn "The Telephone.' .Siiu.oifs Cvnn will immediately lclteve Croup. Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, bold by W. E. Dement it Co Dm of the finest billiard tables on the i o ! at .Jell's 'Telephone.' Foi DyiMM)sia andLiver Complaint, ' von have a printed iu.irantec on every ! bottle of Shilolfs itahzer. It never f.ii! to eur. hohl by W. . Dement. A Nal Injector free with each bottle of hilohs Catarrh Kcinedy rrice ) rriit-. Sold by W. E. Dement Order your Prae! Uro. Firemen's Shirts from For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. Aievon made miserable Indi section. Constipation, Dizziness. Loss ol nnnelite. Yellow Skin ? Shiioh's Vital es of bcr is a posithe eure. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Kev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: lioth myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloii's Consumption Cukb." Sold by W. E. Dement. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiioh's Porous Plaster, Pnco 2." cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. THE HEYNEMAN PUNCH CIGAR. 5 Cents, Fully Equal to the Usual Bit Cigar. Try It, - To Be Found in Astoria only at C. P. VIL,SONV3. Net Lost. OFF PEACOCK SPIT ON THE 3IORN im: of the 2Sth Inst., about ioo fathoms net old and new. old in two pieces. 40 Bar bour's twine, corksimarked C. C. & Co. Leave with V. McAllister at Cook's. Station, Saud . Island, Test Your Baloiig Fowcler To-Day! Brands -drertlsed u ftbsolatslj pun c;ivTfxra" jrr:crac. THE TEST: TUn a. can top dotrn on & hot rtoro emit . JSrf' tDen removo Ue corer nnd mU. A chem lt win not bo required to detect tbe orescaca C -tr-xaonio. rRl-j!l;1fil QMm m i DOES K0T CONTAIN A3DI0XIA. Its Uesll-I-lMS. UoJ NEVER Ectn QcctUc-td. inarnilllonhomeaforaqnarteroraccuturj it liij -tood tne consumer's rill-hie teat, THE TEST OF THE GVE& Price Baking PoTrdcr Co., rrso Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The stro-cest, most delicious and natural flavor tnovm.aud D?. Price's Lupulin Yeas! Gems ; icr Light, liealthy Bnrad.Tho Seat Dry Hop Yeast In ttu world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS kt Healthy Bread, The oeat dry hop yaaat In the world. Bread raised by this yeast Is lisht.whito and wholeqomo like our prondmothor'a delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEfVl. PRCP&RCO OV THE Price Baking Powder Co., HanTis ol Dr. Price's special Ylmmi Extracis, Chicago. III. St. Louis, Mo. For sale by CciTiXG.MniiLR & Co., Agents l'ortland, Oregon Isjiot constituted only or good health nnd liYinjr, AND OTJIEIt WEAIUiYG APPAREL )J Flav:: prominent part in the same also. Now M.D.Kant Ha? tho finest assortment of Ready Made Men's, Youth's and Hoy's Clothing, also makes them, too. and guarantees all his work to you. He has an Immense stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Boot", Shoes. Hats and Caps. Alo has just received the latest and best of Athletic and Bathing Suits, and sells goods at the lowest bed-rocx prices. THE BOSS Merchant Tailor anfl. dottier. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LTiTE. Carrying freight; running every tea or twelve day?. The "JNO. O. NOKTH" will leave San Fran rfsco on the 30th inst. Freight $1-50 per Ton. S. II. HARMON, 310 Stuart St., Sjm Francisco, Cal., CLATSOP MILL CO., Astoria. XSrno PRIMAGE. Bids for Building Pilot Schooner. WILLBERECEIVED UNTIL JUNE 10th, time having been extended until that date to give all sufficient lime to prepare and put in their bids. By order BOARD PILOT COMMISSIONERS. G. W. LOUNSBERUY, Secty. A Challenge. Astoria, Oregox, Ju.ve i. 1SJ5. Mn.IlALLenx: You are authorized to say that I will tight Thos. "Ward for $250 a side, with hard qloves to a flnlsh, Marquis of of Queensbury rules to govern : the winner to receive the enure proceeds honld there be any ; the said light to take place In Astoria ten days from sign ing articles. Yours Truly, J-?3t .FRANK SILVER. rv.LE:rT s tint rH7WT j-t TK( leg III " I. . J J IvV-.t r.i lVN - 111 Th.e Sheading OF .&STOBXS.. Our itoek is now complete in every department and ladies wishine a choice selection of first class goods at very LOW PRICES would do well to call early. Tn the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor ably wlih Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first class goods. Rich Black and Colored Silks. Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks. Evening- Silks, in all the latest tints. Fine Imported Dress Goods. Embroidered and Fiorured Combination Suits. New Ginghams. New Prints. New Lawns. New Charr.brays. New Table Linen and Napkins. Embroidered Table and Piano Covers. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett. Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves, Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc. Cioak Department. Having bought more largely than this seasons trade seems to demand we have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price. THE LATEST STYLES Itf Ladies Cloaks, Traveling Ulsters, Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc. PYTHIAN BUILDING, The Leading Stationers and Tews Dealers of Astoria. 111 ARTISTS jJATERJALS. TOILET ARTICLES, JA5AXESF. GOODS PASCY GOODS. BABS REGGIES. ca s 2 u E in The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc. We defy any and all competition. Call, examine our goods and be convinced. OPPOSITE PARKER HOITSE, ... ASTORIA, OBEGttM. sstasmsaaGsa GO TO THE Hair Dressing Saloon Xarlicr House, Mniu St.. For "a flrst-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc, II. Dti PARK, rrop. P3AS W Fina Stationery, Blank Books, School Books, Music Books, SHEET MUSIC AND ptv uttfui rrnoc m GRIFFIN 8l RFFI1 m ifsasiisai3saicizs3isnsaiiiS3ieiiBS3nai3iiiziiiiBiiizsiSBEj; oaaKiiiaisaaEQaziasassascaiciBBsiaESSSBeeaisisisHiiaasuiiSBS The Leading Clothier and Hatter. New Goods! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. n Men's, Touths' and Soys' CLOTHING "W""""lWi Hats and Furmsfcing Goods. -FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES.."3 ! 1 AT - othing Hous ASTORIA, OREGON. eity Store UJ ! O E c u z G PIAXOS. J-LSIC.iX lXSTKCHEXTO. JEWEIiBY. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. BIRD CAGES. W. S. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Agents for Steck's Little Giant, and Kranich and Bach's Pianos, Taber, and Western Cottage Organs, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. a 3 s New Styles! w s a Mfiirrneu IfSUill 1 U-4)II-i3 B B SJ JC BBS 0 w P' m m B B aT