f3) sBaftg jistoriim. ASTORIA, OREGON: WKDMiSDAY. -Jl'NE 3. 1B85 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) . P. HALTuORAN & COMPANY, rirnLISHKKS AND WtOritlKTORS, HroltrAXUOILDIXG, - - CASSSTUF.El Terms of Subscription. --i id by Carrier, per wed: luels. lit liy Mail. mt mouth ..... GOcts. one year ................. .?7.oo Kre of jxMnse to subscribers. JJB""Advcrttoeiuents inserted bv the year at the rate of Sa ier q;inrc per mouth. Tran sput advertising flftv rents per square, each Insertion. Notice To Advertisers. Tire Astorian guarantees to lt- ad wrtNers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia mer. This juer is on file at tin St. Charles Hotel, litlnml, Or. There was no council meeting last evening. Drawback blanks, snnn:fie, etc.. at Astobiak ollice. Tho Citadel, one of tin lest of the Jan uary fleet, has arrived. Raspberries and blackberries are t iking the place of strawberries. Lieut L. Chnmbarliu, 1st Artillery l. S. A., advertises for projwsalK. See advr. Salmon Shippers: bills of lading, Liver pol, Lancashire, London, blank: any quantity at Astoisiak office. Tho Telephone made a quick trip yes terday, coming down against n fetrong head'nnd flood tide and arriving at 1 o'clock. Hamilton & Cummins are prepared to do all kinds of street building and repair ing, grading, jiilinir. etc. Office nt the Elmo House, No. (17 Water street. The fire boys arc getting in some good practice those evenings. For a man that tips tho baam at 203 tho portly foreman of Alert 1. and L. No. 1 does some tail running. Stato Superintendent McElroy has been notified that accommodations havo beou secured for ninety teachers during the session of the stale teacher' associa tion next mouth. Tho fishing fleet rode on rough-water yesterday. A stiff breeze from tho west and an incoming tido drove them along at a fast gait, half hidden by tho spraj they dashed up as they tore along through tho green water. Circuit court yesterday adjourned to Thursday morning to dispose of some un finished cases left over from last term. The jury in tho Gray-Stoabb case could not agree, and wcro discharged at mid night on Monday. The county court yesterday appointed Capt. Geo. Plavol county commissioner in place of John Hobson, resigned. Hev. JL D. Wilson was appointed to the coun ty supenntendenev mado vacant by tho resignation of J. . Higgins. Tho Gen. Canby is being overhauled and repaired on tho beach noar whero he .dfiancc was built. Supt. llucker puts in a telephone at that placo to-day; tho numbsr is -IS. so if j'on w.mt tho Gen. Canby, ring up tho central and ask for "43, please." Everyone rcmombera with pleasuro "tho way mother used to cook." Noth ing in after years tastes quite so good, but at Mrs. G. W. Backer's private board ing house over Eeaton & Carnahan's tho boarders all say tho savory food is so pal atable that it reminds them of boyhood's days. Police Judge Morolaud, of Portland has decided that a man can havo money and still be a vagrant in Portland, lie decided last Jlonday that "only those who had a regular income wore beyond tho meshes of tho vagrant law." It now becomes an interesting question in Portland what a "regular income' is. A contract was let last Mondaj' by the Port Blakeley Mill company for the con struction of three miles of standard gauge railroad from tho head of Puget sound towards the Chehalis river, the in tention being to extend the road later to Gray's harbor, a distance of thirty-three miles. William Harkins was the suc cessful bidder. School closes on the 12th inst., in dis trict No. 18. It has been a pleasant term and tho teachers and pupils propose hav ing a school entertaiumout at Liberty hall on Monday evening tho 8th in3t. Tho proceeds aro to bo applied to the purchase of necessary apparatus for the school, and tho same generous support that was given tho exhibition by the pupils of No. 1 is invoked for the coming exhibition. A busi' lot of men are working to get tho new opera house completed. It will be a credit to the city and the Ross Bros, deserve praiso for their enterprise. Tho building will bo opsned on the 0th by tho celebrated Casino opera company from Portland, under the management of A. S. Gross, in a season of three nights. There are thirty-five performers, and some good lyric drama is rjromised those who attend, Reserved seats at the New York Novelt y store. T. S. Jewelt. secretary of tho Clatsop rod and gun club, is in receipt of a let ter from H. G. Macdonald, secretary of the Multnomah rod and gun club, invit ing our home club to participate in tho annual shooting tournament at Citj' View Park on tho Gth inst. Tho aggre gate value of prizes is 1,000. They aro worth a contest and some of our crack shots ought to bo able to get away with a gold cup, a rifle, or fishing rod. Bear-Admiral Upshur is now in the citv visiting his son, U. S. Commissioner C. P. Upshur. Ho was placed on tho re tired list on the 1st, and to-morrow leaves for Washington, overland, having after forty-fivo years active service well earned the honorablo retirement granted him by the government. Admiral Upshur served through two wars with distinction, and during tho rebellion won signal honors by his gallantry on the south Atlantic coast while in command of tho Jinnr sjta. Evening Star Social Club will m?et at the hall of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 to-tnorrow evening at 7:30. Committee. A GOOD FISH STOUT. Ole Bukitouski lives in Wahkiakum county and as a rulo ho has been in the habit of devoting tbrco months of his time every season in fishing, and the re mainder in improving his place. During an interval that he was at home several years ago, he caught a young salmon, and af tor keeping it captivo for several days liberated it. It hung around tho place for some lime, being fed by Olo quito regularly, until it finally disappeared. Time run along, until about three weeks ago, when the hardy Russian had again resumed hid piecarious undertaking in quest of the festive salmon. One dark and stormy night, with the wind piping from the sou'west and a strong ebb tide flowing, Ole and his partner were endeav oring to take up their net ere they would be carried down too far and swept onto the bar. "We'll have to cut loose,' cried Ole, but before the sentence had fairly left his lips a monster sea rose, like a convulsion of nature, with the boat and its occupants on its crest, and then with a crash and a deafenig roar louder than ten thousand canon, tho frail craft was carried down, down into an abyss liko a secthing.boiling caldronwith flying spray and froth in a blinding fury hurled. Our friend with the Cossack extraction had, with tho tenacious instinct of a cat, clung to an oar. which barely kept him from sinking, and more dead than alivo, with vivid thoughts of that celestial shore brightly illuminating his mind, as ho was fast slipping away, when all at oneo he felt fomething rub up against him. With some supernatural instinct he made an effort to arouse himself, and to hia utter astonishment? ho beheld a large salmon of extraordinary fiizorub biug up to him. Ho loosened his grip on the oar and throw both arms around the salmon, who no sooner felt tho burden than it flew through the water at a ter rific speed, and in less than it requires to relatoitpoor Bakitouski was landed in Baker's bay upon terra firma once more. Br a peculiar twinkle in the noble salmon's ee he recognized it was tho samo one ho had caught when quito 3oung, and as a mean of rewarding the poor lone n,uerranu ior nis uumiine act tho salmon had saved his lifoatan op portune moment. Chciiahs Viorltp. The Portland Chinese are going to test tho law in this state against gambling. In 1883 Judge Deady decided "that tho crimo of gaming boing definod and its punishment prescribed by the Jaw of the state, the city has no authority to sup press any game not prohibited by such law nor "to punish any person playing thereat, but is confined to tho use of such means as may bo within its power to en force the stato law within its limits,' which decision forms tho basis of tho ar gument in the test case. A STRAIGHTFORWARD ANSWER. !M TH1 I PASTRY It .A T?.T1 CJSS2D- VanMIa, jCcxacn, O ranee, etc, Caver CaUex, Creams, Padding, tc, as dell cately and naturally as tho fruit from which they aro made. For Strenfftli and Trao Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PREPARED DrTHC Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louio, Ko. uxKtPt or 0?. Prices Cream Baking Powder AHD Br. Price's Lupulia Yeast Getr.s, Kcil Dry Sop "i'cati. TOK CJALI3 BY GROCERS. rtT MAKE BUT OSE GUAUTV. Light Healthy .FiSB$g hxwAimsi Sl'WJ' K .52SVA.. mm Bread. ATUISfc' tf T.Hf YMSI Bis. " Did you ever observe," said Colonel Gilhooly, "how difficult it is to get a straightforward answer, a plain yes or no from people generally?" 'No, I don't think I ever did." "Well, sir." continued Gilhooly, "I will bet two schooners of beer that wo can go into a dozen stores on tho avenuo ana ask if they havo got certain things, and if they havo not got them tho store keeper will not say so plain out in ono single instance. Suppose wo try it?" Tho suggestion was adopted. They strolled into a fruit store and Gilhooly "Have you a green watermelon for Bale, monsieur?' . "Watermelon!' exclaimed the aston ished foreigner, "dis isze wintaire sea- "fMn. ocV for anv meteorological intelligence. Once more, my friend, have you any green watermelens: "Ze green watermelons is not ripe. "Who said it was ripe? I did not ask you whether or not it was ripe. I merely asked you if you had a green water melon. But come, Spilkins' let's go.' Tho next placo was a millinery estab lishment in which was a pleasant looking female. . , , "Madam," said Gilhooly, "havo you a fried raulo for sale?' Tho lady got as red as a turkey gob bler, and craning her neck out, said: '.No, Sir, but 1 have a husband and a father and brothers who will protect mo from insult." "I didn't ask you for your pedigree, ma'am. There is no insult intended. I merely asked you a civil question." "John, oh John! Bun hero quick with tho six-shoolor. "Don't disturb him, ma'am, if ho is busy. If you will say that ho is a fried mulo you'need not produce him. We will take your word for it." Thus responding tho two strol led out again. "lam going to win that beer," said the colonel. "You will not find any body in this street who will say yes or no to a plain question. Let's go into this undertaker's shop." Tho undertaker was a jolly looking man, who advanced to meet them with a sunny smilo. "Havo you anj' canned lobster?" asked Gilhooly. "Canned lobster? What makes you ask that question?" "That's neither hero nor there. Havo you any canned lobster or cranberry pie?' "Great Scott! This is not a restau rant!-' "I did not ask you about that. Havo you baled hay or 'Pope's Essay on Man,'or bunion eradicatfr?" Tho undertaker looked at tho two gen tlemen and replied: "No! But 1 have got two lunatics on hand." Tho two investigators strolled out. "Now," said Gilhooly, "aro you satis fied that nobody in Austin will give you a straightforward answer to a straight forward question?" "I believe I am," was tho response. And the two went into a beer saloon nnd asked tho barkeeper if ho had any beer. "What kind of" beer do you prefer, gentlemen? I havo imported bee5and ' "There it is again. I asked you if you bad any beer. Why can't you say 'yes' if you havo any? I tell you, Spilkins, tho American people are degenerating in to a race of miserable artful dodgers and tricksters' Thero is no moro truthful- f ness left in tho country." Salmon. The post dry hop yeast in tho world. Bread raised by this yoast is liKht.whito and wholesome liko our crandmothor't delicious bread. Two canneries that ran last year War ren's at Cathlamet and Geo. T. Myers' at Fisherton are not running this year, and two that were idle last year Seaside and S. D. Adair's aro in operation this year, so that tho change in tho number of canneries running amounts to nothing. They aro all going and packing a fair aggregate. A general average of ono of tho largest Astoria canneries for tho last week in May shows 21-j salmon to tho boat. The run is said to bo " light" and ns but little money is paid out a good deal of business is "light" also. Esti mates on the number of cases salmon packed up to the 1st inst. vary greatly; it is considerably over 100,000. Light and unsatisfactory sales are reported, vary f rora 93 cents to 1.02J. liuclilen's Arnica, salve. The Best Satvvk in the world for Cub', Bruises, aore.,Ulcer.s, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give, perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. When others fail try Crow, the lead ing Photographer, No. GX Water stree t At Fninlc FabrcN. Board for S22Z0 a month. Th best in the city. Dinner from n to 7. IScin HIorelMrasaiit To tast, more acceptable to the stom ach, and more truly bcnficial in its action the famous California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs is rapidly super seding all others. Trv it. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. CRQCERS SELL THEN1. prepared er THC Price Baking Powder Co.r MTis ol Br. mcB's special ElaTonuz Eitracis, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For sale by CnTixo.JlEitLE & Co., Agents Portland, Oregon Order your Prael Bros. Firemen's Shirts from 9 Hhcet 31urIc. WDER HUM The clanger to the public health from the indis criminate use of the many lime and alum baking powders of commerce has been so fully exposed that everybody desires to avoid their further use. . The proprietors of some of the worst of these pow ders are now going from house to house, trying by means of a trick, or so-called test, with heat and water, to show that their article is as good as the Royal Baking Powder, which everybody knows is absolutely pure and wholesome, the object, of course, being to supply their own goods in place of the favorite Royal, which housekeepers have for so many years relied upon to produce light, wholesome, and palatable food. The housekeeper will do -?7ell to be on her guard against these baking powder tramps. Every intelligent" person knows that an- goods peddled from house to house in this manner, or that are given away in sam ples, or sought to be introduced by secretly traducing tbe character of other goods well known to be pure and reliable, have no merits of their own, and have failed to find purchasers through legitimate means. As a matter of fact, one of these tramps is trying to introduce a powder that has been found by the Govern ment chemist to be L1.85 per cent lime, and the other peddles a powder that is 20 per cent alum one a pow erful caustic, the other a corrosive poison. No such tricks or jugglery can deceive any one. The crucial test that the Royal Baking Powder has undergone during the last quarter of a century the test of actual and successful work in the preparation of pure and, wholesome food, under which it has never 3ret failed is entirely satisfactory to the practical housekeeper. She has always had "good luck" with it in making light, sweet, and delicious bread, biscuit jind caki-, and has placed it, to stay, at the head of her housokcopinu; favorite;. The- Royal Baking Pow der has the reputation eveiywheiv of being the best and the only pure baking powder made, and the baking powder tramp who attempts to supplant its place in the confidence of the housekeeper will find this a bad 3rear for his business. P l I -AT- Hi Th, heading nd Clothing House OS1 iLSTOXUA. Our stock is now complete in every department and Iadie3 wishing' a choice selection of first class goods at very LOW I'RIOES would do well to call early. In the following lines of goods our selections and prices will compare favor ably with Eastern and San Francisco houses carrying first class goods. Rich Black and Colored Silks. Handsome Brocaded Black and Colored Silks. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Fine Imported Dress Goods. Embroidered and Figured Combination Suits. New Ginghams. New Prints. New Lawns. New Chair.brays. New Table Linen and Napkins. Embroidered Table and Piano Covers. Lace Curtains and Curtain Jett. Novelties in Lace Goods, Buttons, Gloves, Parasols, Ribbons, Fans, etc., etc. was AT! of 3o You Tliinl; bat Jcn The Chop Iloishf Uivcsyou a meal for nothing, and ei tiass of something to drink? "No' I much ! but he gives a better meal anr more of it than any place in town foi 25 cents. lie buvs by the wholesale and pavs cash. "That settles it." Cioup, Whoonmg Cough and ISron chitis immediately relieved by ShlloJi s Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Hot T.tmcli, at tlto Telephone Saloon From 11 to 2 every day. A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 2." cents. Xo charge after two o'clock, Jeff. If you waul a first-class picture go to Crow's gallery and you will be sure to be suited for his work recommends itself. War! War! War! The latest news to hand states that 5,000 men attacked Jeffs Restaurant last week. Thev were galantlly met by that veteran, and got the best and cheapest meal in town. ,Ieff intends to fight it out in that line if it takes all summer. A Good Cigar, Jusl as good as you usually pay a bit for, can be had FOIl FIVE CENTS at C. P. ilson's ymitasium; Boys Class. A class for boys from the ages of 7 to 13 vcars will be formed at the Astoria Gymnasium. A competent teacher will be provided. Apply at the gymnasium between the hours of 10 a. m. aud 10 r. M. W. E, Johns, Prop. For a Neat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner when you can get a better one at the leiepnono tor 15 cents from 11 to 2. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full M guaranteed. Former price &i and 40 cents, latest out, comic sentimental, ctc at 10 cents. Giuffix & ItlCED'S City Book Store. Iluy your Lime of Gray at Portland For pinner Parties to order, at short " " v notice, go to t ranK i aore s Our sale of Ball's Cornets is unprece dented. Pkaix Bros. To Accommodate His Patrons. Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon open dav and night. Fishermen can get a good lunch at any hour of the night. The genuine French sardine constantly on hand. The average female heart is left in a perfect flutter by our latest arrivals of novelties in Dress good. Parasol?, etc. PitAnr. Bnos. One of the finest billiard tables on th coaxt nt Jeff's "Telephone.' Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint von have a printed guarantee on ever; Jwittle of Sliiloh's Vitalizer. It neve tails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, ctccan be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Ocident hctel, Astoria. Fresh Eastern nml Shcnltvafer Kay Oyster.- Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Private card rooms at Jell's new sa loon "The Telephone.' SniLou's Cgke will immediately relieve Croup,. Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co THE HEYNEMAN PUNCH CIGAR. 5 Cents. Fully Equal to tho Usual Bit Cigar Try It. To He Found in Astoria only at C. I". WILSON'S. DO YOU WA'HT TO SAYE MONEY? A VEKY LATCGE STOCK OF Fine Boots and Shoes TO BK SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, FOU A SHORT TIME ONLY. Come and Get Rare Bargains AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. ARV0LD, Agt. A Challenge. Astoria, Oregon'. Junk i, 1833. MiuIIallokej: You are auilifirized to say that I wilt fljrut Thos. Ward Tor $250 a side, with hard gloves to a finish. Marquis of of Qucensbury ules tOKOvcrni Hip winner to receive the entire proceeds liould there be any ; the said fight to take place In Astoria ten days from sign ing article?. Yours Truly, J?3t Fit ANK SILVER. HAPPINESS Is not constituted only oTood health and living', OUR CLOTHE AND OTHER WEARING APPAREL frfc: i?V rw? (ftK Play a prominent part m the same also. Now M. D.Kant Has the finest assortment of Beady Made Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, also makes them, too, and guarantees all his work to yoa. He has an Immense stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps. Also has just received the latest and best of Athletic and Bathing Suits, and sells goods at the lowest bed-rock prices. M. D. KANT, THE BOSS IMerclant Tailor ai Glothier. Cloak Dep ailment. Having bought moro largely than this seasons trade seems td demand vre have concluded to reduce our immense stock to cost price. THE LATEST STYLES Iff Ladies Cloaks, Traveling Ulsters, Wraps, Jerseys, etc., etc. ; HI III PYTHIAN BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. " " ' ' " - ' aaar' " ovelty Store The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria. ARTISTS' 3IATivilIAJLS TOILET ARTICLES, JA1ATYE GOODS. I FAXCY GOODS. 11ABI IirGCIES. U) B o a o. 5 PIASOS. .MUSICAL IXSTKOiEXTS. JEWELRY. y 1 WATCHES AXI CLOCKS. BIRD CAGES. The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc. We defy any and all competition. Call, examine our goods and be convinced. OPPOSITE PARKER HOUSE, - ASTORIA. OREGON. GO TO THE Hair Dressing Saloon Parker House, Iff aiu St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampuc, etc, II. Da PARK, Prop. Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Ed. Jackson, Propraetor. Candies, - 20Ctsperlb. Bread, Plea and Cakes delivered every day. CITY BOOK STORE in Fine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books, Music Books, j Agents for Steck's Little Giant, and Kranlch and Bach's Pianos, Taber, and Western Cottage Organs, SHEET 3IUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. bKlrrlN & REED. SHSBsmsaissisaasusisxiaiaaasiiEiniiiizaiiimiuitxiuxsg 3 Mn NTOSH aEaiiiiiaainiiiuinun The Leading Clothier and Hatter. mmn ivsviqi b vviiis aaasiassiHainaiaasaEainicaiaaiaaEiiiiiHiiiiiiiuinuniS' New Goods! EN ALL DEPARTMENTS. New Styles! Slea's, "Toiatlis' aad Boys' CLOTHING gjaggatf oesstt Hats and Furmsiaing Goods. -FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PEICES.3