fl ?hc Saiht Steforimi. ASTORIA, OREGON: THlKSnAY MAY S. 1885 11 r VANITY A XI) Til K Tit AMP. A kkwseapbi: reporter the other day giving an account of the death, of an nnknown man who liad been run over by the cars, closod the account with the remark "he was only a tramp." The remark may have been trao in that particular case, but the o.p.easion is being tossed about too easily to be consistent with the hu l.unc mid altruistic virtues. Many a worthy object of kindness and charity is turned away with the remark "he i only a tramp.' 3iany young men .ind old meu travel through the coun try seeking work, paying their fares and board bills as long as their scanty store of money lasts, are refused the NlightcKt favor, and tiie person who turns iw wanderer from the door consoles him or herself that "he was iuh r. xramp.' Such people never '-top to co;isider that there are hun dreds and thousands of honest and industrious mechanics who are driv en by ibe hard times through the country in search of work. Many a one whom modest request for food or shelter has- been refused by even charitably inclined people, or whose dtath has been made a jest by the Ihougaiie. may have been the fa hor of a family or the industrious n of lion or able parents seeking to lhul a living in towns or rural dis t ids where t lie business depression -. not felt po severely as at home. "Only a'trampfsnch cold and cutting phrases :nak usore tramps than all the eonilHiuM influence of real va grants and vagabonds. They drive the honest child of want to despair, ..nd despair opens the gate on the i ad to vagrancy and crime. The world at large has no sympathy for the tramp and this is as it should bo. The professional bummer and vagabond should not be recognized by respectable ieoplc. To feed great louts and loafers i; lo encourage them iu their idle and dissolute wave. But there is a vast difference between the professional tramp and the honest laborer iu nearch of work. The po lice records of different cities show that among the men who seek shelter in police stations comparatively few are professional vagabonds. Such characters usually drift away into milder climates on the approach of winter. Thon many of the men who ask alms are young men seeking work who may have left their homes supplied with a little money. Their efforts have been unsuccessful, and they are driven to dire necessity to nk for a little assistance. Such men should be treated kindly for the sake of our common humanity. Mk. GnonGK Augustus Sala, an eminent English journalist, wants to form an association for the protection of the English language. He thinks the slang that has crept, and is creep ing into the language, is spoiling it. He thinks the phrases coined on tho street arc a disgrace to tho good old Anglo-Saxon tongue. "Well, there is a good deal to be said oa Mr. Sala's side of the question. But there is considerable to say on the other side. Slang never gets in to the dictionary. It rarely gets into any standard literary work. Thon, loo, slang is decidedly expressive. It un doubtedly voices the sentiment of the day belter than any of the old phrases. It was necessary io coin something to meet the want. IE the linguists didn't coin what was needed it was only right that the slanguists should do soraothing. The slanguists are not very choice in their selections and inventions, it is true, but they did their best. If tho linguists would touo down and improve the slang in existence, pos sibly some capital words could be produced as a permanent addition to the language. Let Mr. Sala form a combination of tho linguist and slang uists aud get out a revised edition of popular phrases. Zxtm Montgomery, of California, the newly appointed attorney gener al's assistant, pleasantly refers to tho public schools of our country as "hotbeds of vice and crime and nur series of prostitution." A rascal was turned out to make room for this ex cellent exponent of American ideas on education. Tnnr do some things well even in that ridiculous Central America. Two of tho rebel leaders, who since they could not hold Aspinwall burned it ere they fled, were recently tried, sentenced, and neatly hanged. Tho whole programme occupied about six hours. New Exglaxd is sending out colo nies to settle Utah and "wipe out polygamy by local public sentiment" Tir.LARD'5 BLI5D rooL. Henry Villard, it is to be feared, put the first blind pool on the market of New York, when he raised eight millions of dollars without telling what he meant to do with it. He did apply his money to baying Northern Pacific stock, but the curse of any business community which would give money in that way naturally fell upon the banks at lost. It was a bus iness crime to lond Mr. Villard eight millions of dollars without responsible securities. It was a piece of speculative superstition to take money oat of banks and trust companies and give it to Vil lard on the score of his previous good character. Business demands that the propositions presented to it be intelli gently considered. Therefore, when I see people who profited by Villard's opera tions exclaiming against Ferdinand "Ward, I say in my mind, like Nathan to King David: "Thou art the man." When Villard obtained that eight million dol lars and bought the controlling stock in a great railroad by an act of congress, for it was nothing less, one of the New York bears said to me: "That fellow Vil lard is a damned adventurer.' I thought the epithet was harsh and said so. " I don't care," said tho bear broker, "any man who can get eight million dollars by issuing a circular, and refusing to tell what he is going to do with the money is an adventurer. There is nothing like business iu the proposition, and it only shows," said he, ' how rotten this street is. .bight million dollars," said he. "tak en from the deposits of these banks, from the assets of dead men, from bal ances of all sorts, to apply that money to something obscure or absolutely un known! The fellow is an adventurer, and nowhere but in New York could he play a game like that." In tho sequel this bear operator had more sense than I had anticipated. Ferdinand "Ward was the pupil ot ilenry Villard. Air. Ward merely said: " I am the partner of Gen eral Grant and of his sons, aud of Mr. Fish, of the Marino Bank, and I have got a private set of enterprises on which 1 can afford to pay 30 to I0 per cent, a year, but I won't tell." Mr. Villard's example- had gone around the town and Mr. Fish's bank was dragged down and General Grant's old age humiliated. Guth. OrcrnorL. ' To have as much work to do a one can do, and a little more,' has been giv-" eaas the best recipe for cheerfulness and contentment; but while readily con curring in the first part of tho senti ment, we cannot but suggest that it inay be, perchance, that very "little more" which is at tho root of half the ill-health pale faces and fractious nerves of the present day. It is that last drop in tho already full cup, tliat last straw on tne alreadv well-laden back, which is too much just one degree too much for the sorely-pressed men anu women, wuo are fighting in the fight of life, and it is that overplus from which they ought if they can to abstain. They will not Fee it; they will not do it. Each allows that in the case of another that other's duty is plain enough; but for him or herself and then follow excuses, arguments and obstinacy not to bo shaken. Evervbody, it would seem, must attempt something over and above what ho or she can possibly ac complish; everybody must drain a little more out of their worrying, feverish urains man can oo yieiueu cuuiiBieuuy withonly wholesale effort aud energy; everybody must fly at game beyond their reach, if only it be within their sight. NEWEODAY. THE ELMO Liflpi Hoise ai Restaurant. J. N. HAMILTON Prop. No. 67 Water St., Astoria. Nice, new, clean Beds, and careful atten tion to lodgers. The Table supplied with the best In season. THE BAR Is supplied with an extra quality of liquors aud clears. OPENING TO-PAY. MEMORIAL DAY. Cnshiiig Post, No. 14, G. A. 11. "Will Assemble at The Tost Hall at 12 M., 3ny 30, 1883. Contributions of flowers will be received until 1 :30 o'clock, at which time the Tost will form In line, in the folio wine order : Band, Escort Under Anns, Colors Draped, Floral Bier. Members of Cushlng R. C. No. ?., Ueti'L Offlcers W. R. C. Members of G. A. R. Veterans of Mexican War, U. S. Troops, School Children, Loyal Citizens. Services at Cemetery according to i'lluul. Address by Rev. Dr. Roberts. AFTKHKOON". Services at Methodist Church at 7 ;S0 o'clock, iUUSIC, Ritual Service, Addresses by Jr. Dcpr. Com. II. M. Gregory, and Rev. W. S. Hamlin. G. A. It., CloMng Services according to Ritual. It is respectfully requested that all Loyal Citizens display the flags at halt-mast during the dav. R. V. MONTEITII, Tost Commander. Private Boarding House. FTUIB UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY JL announces that she Is prepared to fur nish Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only. or with Board and Furnished Rooms at verv reasonable rates. No extra charge for use of Tailor or Bath room, and everv effort will be made to make her guests feel com fortable and at home. Dinner Served from 5:30 to C;S I. H. 3f ItS. E. C, nOLDKSi. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson street. For London Direct, The Fine A 1 Iron Barque "ARCHER," T5C Tons Register, Will be READY TO RECEIVE FREIGHT AT ASTORIA about JUNE W, or earlier If required. S j&. I 3MEO 1ST Will be taken at REASONABLE RATES. For particulars apply to SIBSON, CH URCH & Co . Portland, Or to A. W. BERRY, Astoria. rt3,8bv Everj body is complaining of the de pression prevailing in all the avenues of commerce and industry. nnTTTP n a tto r?c 111J .HiVttLUOJiiO that brought hard times to oar doors, are manifeld: overproduction may be mentioned as the chief factor, but the QUESTION OF THE HOUR is, how can we avert a general bust up V It Is evident that something must De done, and done soon. Simple t!k wont help. We must not indulge in luxuries, we must economise and be carful. If vou are iu need of anything, inquire for prices: don't trade in a certain store because Mr. .Jones or 31 rs. Drown do, think for your self. Now, for instance if we offer TO THE PUBLIC a certain article we know that no other store in Astoria can afford to sell the same thing at the same price, because "oods are from 2". to :a per cent clieanei now than they were when the old stocks were bought. I laving opened a general Dry CSoojN aud Clething: store only recently, we bought our stock at greatly reduced fig ures, and we bought for cash besides, which means a further reduction of G per cent, so that we are ahead alto gether as far as prices are concerned. At any rate we invite the reasoning public to call and compare prices and if anyootlv can do belter we w ill not claim VU be to The Low Price Store OF ASTORIA. Xext door to A. Van Diimmi & Co.) l S. The latest designs in ladies' neckwear and summer goods iu general have jut arrived. I. COHEN. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! Th fuse A 1 Iron Barque "Haddingtonshire," lll'J Tons Register, Will be READ TO RECEIVE FREHSHT AT ASTORIA about .TUNE 1st or earlier If required. Will bo taken at REASONABLE RATES. For particulars apply to SIBSON, CII URCH & Co., Portland, Or to A. W. BERRY. Astoria. The Fine Iron Bark "remonstrant;' Will he placed on tho berth at Astoria Im mediately, for Salmon loading to LXVERPDOLi. Hate of insurance by this vessel Is the low est quotable. For particnlars apply to MEYER, WILSON & CO. Tortlan I, GRAND Fair IN AID OF TIIE TOURNAMENT FUND, BY TIIE LADIES OF ASTORIA AT Xiiloerty IBCtll, COMMENCING ON Wednesday, May 27th, 'So, AND CONTINUING TWO DAYS. And it Is respectfully requested that La dles of the city -will lend ihelr aid in raising funds for the entertainment of the visiting Firemen and their friends, for the honor ot our brave Firemen and our City's fair name. The Fair will be uuder the auspices of Mrs Dr. Trenchard, Mrs. S. Klmore, Mrs. I. Bergimin. Mrs. N. Clinton. Mrs. Mlddlebrook , Mrs. R.V.Monte!th, Mrs. J. Rodgers. WITH C.J Trenchard, J. Thomas, W.J. Barn-, B. S. Worsley, Of the Tournament Committee For Sale. DINGLE UPRIGHT MARINE ENGINE u and boilers, built by Delauiater & Co., New York. 1!10 hnrae nower? Sfi'um Donkey Funips ; Surface Condenser ; inde pendent air. circulating and feed pumps : tools and connections complete. For price ami particulars appiv io Cor. First and A sK, Portland Notice for Publication. f AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY. OR. 1j May 15. 1683. Notice Ls hereby Riven that the follow ins named settler has filed notice of his lntens tlontomake final proof In suppoit of hl clalm. and that said proof will be made Le foi e the County Clerk of Clatsop Couutv. at ffillnuinir noo?&a .t - . . . m"r " uwuca iu piuio nut i-uiuuiiious resilience ud on. and cultivation of. said land. viz"t Rob ert Low-den, Terry Titus. J.c. Adams, and m. Bock, all ot Astoria, Clatsop County, L. T. BARIN, Register. To Rent. iP,Bif dock. Suitable for a saloon and boarding house. Inquire of BOZ0RTH& JOHNS. SIE23S3f and Bazar. i asiuj iu, Oregon, on .iionaaj , June 23tn, 1SS5. viz : Howell Lewis. Preemption I. S. No! 4732. for the S.E. i or S. W. i. N. w. W of S.K.1;andLots3,G.7and8, of See. 13. T. 8N. R.9 V. He names the fnltoulnir w Empire Store to the Front We be- to direct-special attention to our LATEST IM PORTATIONS of NOVELTIES Fine Dress Goods5 Parasols, Hoopskirts, Etc., Etc. Wliicli we are selling according toonr motte: The Best Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. Dealer at Wholesale ami Retail m urmrore. geaains, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Mouldings, Astoria Furniture Co. Dealers in Furniture, Bedding, PICTURES Monlilii Carpets, Matting, Picture Frames, f Mow SMes, etc. Uor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. Solid Hi Jewelry, Sfiarf PlUS (lhains WatnhfiS wuun iiuu, uiumiu, u imrnuu, Pianos and Orsaus of flic Best innlic ai the tones t Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. EA11 goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying freiRht; running every ten or twelve dav?. The "JNO. G. NORTH" will leave San Fran- clsco on the SOth last. Freight $1.50 per Ton. S. n. HARMON. SIC Stuart St., San Francisco, Cal., CLATSOP MILL CO., Astoria. HO PRIMAGE. DO VOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Fine Boots and Shoes TO BE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, FOR A SHOUT TIME ONLY. Come ami Got Rare Bargains attiie SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. AEVOLD, Agt. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER ; Than any oh- OP4VA niflrlff Hundreds of ; woodmen tcs- riority. It ROM i iiiyioiia supe ueep anu .-tcTer Sticks. CARNAIIAN & CO., A teats Alton's. Price, 81.50. L .A. 33 X UE2 J3 - GOTO Mrs. iTalcoltu's Millinery Parlors FOR SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. A large and well-selected stock on hand. NEW GOODS being secured every day. A complete line of Ladles' READY-MADE UNDERWEAR, with prices to suit the times. CHEAP CORSETS a specialty : also a large assortment of the Best Grade of CORSETS. Children's SUNBONNETS, Just received. All the LATEST NOVELTIES. In SILK SCARFS. GOLD and SILVER LACES and ORNAMENTS are kept at this. The Cheapest Slllllnery lions e Iu Astoria. No charge for trimming when material ls largi seas purchased at the establishment. rjjupiEx AXEi 1 ; J.C.Trullinger Lawns, Corsets, B!rlLOPH uaroeis Wall Paper, iVIirrors, II. I)r HITISSOX. Manager.- side Bakerv FRESH BREAD I Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. I Homc-RIado Candy Made Daily: ! Tho Trade Supplied: l Fine Pastry: A Fiist Class Establishment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERSON, PropY. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAPaiMARIHEEEIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Yf ass. President. J. G. TIusTi.KR,Sccretar7, I. V. Case, Treasurer. JOiix Fox.Snporlntendent. M, STTJDZINSKI, DOAr.Tlrtl ' WATCHMAKER patches, Jewelry, Clocks, OPTICAL GOODS. ASTOItlA. .... Orrson. All Goods Best Quality, and Low Trlcei. SPECIAL HOTICE TO SHIPPERS. OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVIGA TION COMPANY. Overland freight for all points East will not be received after 5 r. at. Shipping or ders or bills or lading innst bo presented at the office not later than that hour. Over land bills of lading will not oe signed after that hour. Local freight received until 0 r.M. JOIINMUTR. . ,. Traffic Manager. E. A. NOYES, Agent. Astoria May 22, 1835. Dissolution of Copartnership. THIS IS TO NOTIFY WTIOM IT MAY concern that on the 21st of April, 1SS3, the copartnership heretofore existing be tween Jno. C. Vlke and H. G. Evenson In the Blue Anchor Saloon, was dissolved by mutual consent. Jno. C. Vlke will In ihi future carry on the business, collect all bills due snd pay all indebtedness. JNO.C.VIKE. . . , .. H.G. EVENSON. Astoria, May 2-3, 1833. For Rent. THE IIALL OVER D. L. BECK & SON'S can ha rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladles ' Coffee Club. Mjw. BEKOMAN. MBS. PRAEL. Mas. CHARTERS. i Jt iliu .ip;iv N:ne vapinin. orio IrlSS'S-SSSkasYi K- K- MAWKS is aNo Sfrent i. r i ,. 7 JsinHrlftSHMME.yS THE FINEST- Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables -ALT. Corner Benton and Opposite Custom ja UK I Kit IV Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lite. Brick, Cerat, Sand aid Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drala?, Teanilcaad Exprc Business. !SicP?iSKSi55a2J -sv-ts-.-Ass I PTjSfti P"5? l .in 1 Kjf3;jE53;3fegcSgWv3pC Manmc --- ate. THE "NEW "MODE I, 'I WiiStSfSi a B. BAWB8 MIb imM f E-jfsIS A G E A T i-irJgigii iiai SRa I" U. A.U EXAMINE IT. V- PJJSSbSIP WILL BE PLEAPEI. JmigS5gSm? Mi patent Coolii Siov " "CSKSa And other flrst-clasa Siws. 3Sn wP Furnaco "WorIr Steam Pit- A FUil STOCK. ALWAYS ON HAND. dkai.ei: i Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. t A General Assortment il W HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 'felTBilttl Agent, for ttSi Magee Stoves and Ranges feae The Best In tho market. Pnimblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Clicnnmus Street, Xcxt to C lu Parker's Store. M. OLSriN". " GUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN &, DEALERS IN FURNITURE BEDDING Corner rtlatu nod Hquemoqua Street. Astoria. Oregon. W1HD0W SHADES AHD TRIMMHCd; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PEICSS AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL ATFOED. AIX KISIS OF FUItKITURi: REPAIRED AIS3 VARNISHED. Change of Agency.; We have appointed MR. O. F. KIORTON Our Sellin? and Collecting ARcnt at Astoria, All those wishing to purchase a first-class SEWIXG MACHIXE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Sir. Morton. Headquarters at B. S'.'WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mf'g Co.. 92 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. i Carnahan & Go. SUCCESS0U3 TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AKO RETAIL DEALERS IN GEEBAL BRCHA1IBISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! The Splendid Iron Barque JANET McNIEL, 100 A 1. 898 Tons Register. . Will ho at Astoria shortly and will take IN LOTS TO SUIT SHTIPrERS. Forrato of freight and Insurance apply to BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO., Portland. Or., Or to L. RUSSEL, Astoria. jb- ' AT- Chenarr.us Streets. House Square. tj:amki5 PARSER b n P. Pa tier, Master. For TOW IXC. FREHJIIT orCHAIt II. IS. TAUZiSvlt. 'W AND CANNERY WORK A. JOHNSON. CO. Hardware anJ Slip Chanfllery VAN UjJiJtN & UU. DEALEBS IX j Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, ) Lard Oil, j Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Seirlag Machines, i i Pniul.s and Oils, Groceries, etc. HAVE YOU hum to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOAED & STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser ;. from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at T0AED& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end of Wa1r Street.