f taatusrgacscCDS ill iim n II II ! II I II1 "" tF&c gteiotm WrOJHA.OKEUt; MWaAY .MAY 21. 153 iSSUBD 5VSBY MORNING. (MtttMUy excepted) J. r. A1AQRAX & COMPANY, i"CKijjiits axi ritonuirrons, :erSpWt.crili!ion. -TVd bv Cwriw, ?wr wek -iirt tor It I. per KMmlh ii j ear .... .. .-cT.fitt - .""AdtwU-oments in"rt4l lv !! wand ' ' rate ? s net qi.irc jr mmsMi. Tn-u-at 4vcrtittig Jdiv wtns jwr itiare, w't Rntlci T .ltvarlisft . i hk ATYt: x guArantee to it- ad-u-rtlscrs the itaW cu-ulli:i of . :i'tt-ctr jHiUtivlwsl ntt tlx (".luwihi:: : vw. This j .-r is uu fik ai tin .St. Charles H.tiel, Portland, Or. Tb Atpiti cams in vest rdity. Win. Boek nnd Capt. G. lteed returned from isRloai yesterday. Tk Ctarv 1 trhrr ami tf jjo lo Skip anou thii morning ami return this evan- The IWtiatKi Xttrs, ho a ilex nnd 1 asiy liedin, symbolizing .some of Ore gon s p-inriial industri. Ths British hark Zvmvru, US), (V.u l.inis Mtatr, 100 tias from Buonos Ures. arrived iu yeUeruiy in balim. i'rof. A.L.Fnuicis, the wt-H-kuov.-n pian it, is in tho city and enn he found at the Occident Iy those wishing his services. Iter. "Win. 1J. Gross, the new Human C ttbolic archbishop of Orejjjn, Arrived m Portland yesterday. He is from Hil tiniore and ia iu his 4HtU ycur. The graduates of ltf of the sl-at ag ricultural coileo ar J. 13. Vhitnc, Vlonxo Alion. A. S. Jtachanau. Frod -I. utesand Miss Ilecrie Harris. The lxte diaturbaues farniaited consid erable jjrs-rt for ths grand jarv aftT all. V term of circuit oonrt has ;ot to cot v many thotmnd dollars anyhow. At the do? of the entertainment this morning Mr. P. L. Cherrv invited all -who desired to iMwi nt his office at Si?,). noxt Monday evening to form a liriiish Inuev olei.t sosirty. The nchootier HrUr Minor caine in vestorday from Kin Francisco vrith treight for Astoria shipprr by th Sin rrancifteoand Astorir. locket im9. Asto rianseetting freight y that lm pay only $l.i"0 a ton ad no primage. From Mr. J. F. "Warren, who has not -et Httinhed taking thd census of tho comity, it in learned that there arc -1,200 People in Astoria, not including Chinese. This is behiw the usually supposed num ber. In some places in tho county tho number will ran over the general suppos ition. For instance one would not sup pose there were 112 voters at Clifton. Yoaterday, Clatsop counis first loco motive was run upon Clatsop county's first railroad. The ' Tillamook' made several trips from the wharf to tho round house, everything working smoothly and satisfactorily. Major Eastwick ni the throttle, Mrl Peel oficialin ::s conduct or. Now, all yc of Clatsop who have vearned for r. railroad and a locomotive, lift op your voices in j."y. For the future, and commencing this evening, the services of song in the Pres byterian church will be conducted by the usual choir, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt. so well known and so justly es teemed in the musical circles of Portland, and Miss Ivatie Flavel, whose brilliant renditions in San Fraucisco and other cities have elicited such unqualified en comiums from all who have heard her. John Parker, an old citizen of Pacific county, dropped dead last Tuesday, at his boarding place, with Andrew Wirt. Ho was seen to gasp at the tnblo and left tho room snddenlv with out finishing his dinner. Mrs. "tYiri. sup posing that he was choking, followed him. just in time to catch him as hu was falling. lie expired almost instantly without a struggle. Mr. Parker was a native of England, and nearly 8tJ years of age, but had boan a citizen of tho Unitod States for Jiearly sixty years tho last twontv-two years residing in Pacific county. Capt. Tlios. Parker, of tho Gen. Miles, was his son. ORaottt i'ltt.VKHK ASSOTUTIDS. About five hundred of the following circulars have been sent onl from (he secretary of state oifice. who is also secretary of tho Pioneer association. They were addressed to members and the circular below is self explanatery: "I have the honor to inform you that at n uieoline of the board of directors of tho Oregon Pioneer association, held in this city February 18, 1SS5, the following resolution was adopted, viz. : 'Jiesolccd, That all inenibersof this association who shall pav their annual dues for the yonr ending -Tune 15, 18S5, shail be consid ered in good standing, and entitled to all privileges of membership.' Your dees to Juue 15. 1S5. will therofore ba $1.00, which it is hoped you may find it convenient to forward at once, when n copy of the proceedings of tho association for 1SS5 will bo mailed to your address, Monday, Juno 15, 1835. And I have the honor to further inform von that arrangements have been made to hold the next annual reunion on the old camping ground at Oregon City, com mencing Mondav Juno 15, 1885. Hon. George H. Williams, of Portland, has consented to deliver the annual ad dross, and Hon. E. L. East ham. of Oregon City, tlie occasional address. Other prominent and well known pioneers will bo present and deliver addresses appro priate to the occasion. Itev. George H. Atkinson of Portland, will officiate as chaplain,&ud Col. W. L. White of Oregon City, as grand marshal. Tho local com mittee of arrangements, consisting of Hon. John M. Bacon, Hon. W. Carey Johnson and Hon. E. L. Eastham, are making active preparations for a good time and a full attendance of the mem bers of the Association, together with their families and frionds, is urgently re quested." The average female heart is left in a perfect flutter by our latest arrivals of novelties in Dress good'. Parasols, etc. Prael Bros. Our sale, of Ball's Corsets is unprece dented. Praei.. Bros. Order your Firemen's Shirts Prael Bros. from Girl Wanted. To do general house work. at Empire Store. Apply Gray sells Snckett Bros." A 1 sawed cedar shingles A full M guaranteed. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement OCEEN TICS BIBTIIDAT. How It Vn Celebrated la Astoria. sixty-six 3-ears ago to day the present queon of England nnd empress of India was born, and as the anniversaries of her natal day roll round, they are universal ly celebrated by those who are or have been English subjocts. In accordance with tho honored custom, several Pritish residents of Astoria concluded to cele brate the queen's sixty-sixth birthday 03- a bcnquef , and though a very short notic?, the affair which came off at tho Occident hotel last evening was in even' sense r. sacce. At half-past eight the dining room of the Occident whs draped with tho flag? of England and the United Stares und bright with flowers, the brilliant lights sLuii.i&r on a banquet board in the form of r. htr shos. At the hour named tho- who had gotten up the entertain-lai-sii. together with many invited guests, sat uwn to a Bumptuous'repast and with the accompaniments of songs and toasts and merry music, passed a most -joyful evening, the remembranoe of which will, to those present, be a pleasant scene to hang on tho walls of memory's pictnra gallerv. Among those present were Vice Consul P. L. Cherry, Capt. II. M. Greg ory, Capta. McKenzie, Knight, Griffin and Snndam. Jno. Hobson, V. G. Ros, C.J.Trenchard, J. W. Hume, Major Rogers, Dr. Gardnor, Major Chamberlain, C. V. , in.n for the calls of nature, so that tho Fnlton, Itev. Dr. Gardner, E. C. Holdtn, floors may ba kept freo from offensive Major Aikin, . D. Wass. J. G. Hustler, : ixlors. Thos. Eyrie, W. G. Jtichardsou, Jas. It. 'i'he county jail has been presented be WnUon, Jas. Swtt, Y T. Chutter. Geo. i foro this court by many nreceeding grand emitter, Stewart smitii, uavia d:u:i, ; juries as defective in its sanitary las. D.-ilgotty, Alsey Fox.. Vm. ? ments. On entering tho fro; Edgar, Wm. Barker. J. T. ltos, j dranorhtof air from the rear of Alex. Camnbfll. A. L. Francis. D, A. Mcintosh, Al. Bettg.br. II. Georg Alex. Cameron, Ge j. McLean, J. IL Man sell, Fred Logan, ('. P. Upshur. ('. 11. ; uooper, Or. u. Ufcorge, ireim nru. it. j time the jail was built are clogged np, G. Smith. J. F. Hallonin, E. "rt. Wmgate , ftnd that there has accumulated n largo Finley Mclntodi, Jas. Lidwell. Hugh nmoant of slops and filth having no out Murray, J. E. Higgins, T. A. Mel'ride J lfif. tho PThalntions from which are not and others. At tho head of the t ib'o sat only very offensive but poisonous to tho Mr. P. Ji. Cherry, and ranged around the j human system, and consequently calcu tnblo were tho members of the kssociii- ; j;,te.l to produce serious siclaiess in tho turn nnd tho invited guests. The menu jail and its vicinit3". Tho grand jury was an elaborate one and was dmi full , Ktmngly recommend that immodiato justice toby tho gnosis. afcs be taken to remedv this evil. We The first toast was "The Pre-idbnl of 'have great p!eisure in stating that au (no United States," followed by :t ftong, ; official examination of tin books, nc "Tho Star Spangled Banner," with fine ; counts and records of tho county clerk, accompaniment by Prof. A. L. Francis, county treasurer and sheriff, proves that 2oxt in order came ''Tho Queen," fol- j thev are in tho hands of careful and corn lowed by tho English nationil nuthem t potent officers, anxious that tho affairs 'God save tho Queen." Tna next toa-r nf thrt Rnuntr shall bn conducted honor- was "The Army and Nary." after which ' Ilail Columbia" was sung, and Capt. H. , Ji. vrregorv roe auu respunutHi in niiisi . terms 10 mo iksi inur.'uuiu fr.-ji. A cleverly executed m?Jiey bv Msrs. D.A.Mcintosh. W. H. Birker. O. H. George, and H. G. Smith prsoeded tha fourth toast "The commercinl interests of tho two conntrir-." after which the j fine baritone of W. H. Barker was hoard in "Tho Midahipnute. The toast was , responded to by Vr". J. Burns. "Our: stal a McInto! n..Jl'fJ. k" i i'u,'-n- ri; -- rl-v A1 iv .",. " is ' i.T'i r V. ..i ' Ill, 4lLl'l .1. VI. A.biUUUlll?VUI& JJtill A.l.UiiA the company with an inimitable render- j ing of "Major Gilfeather." "The Press," . preceded a song, "Sailing." bv W. T, Uhuttcr, tho toast uoing responded to bv J. F.Halloran. "Onr Great Northwe3t" was then toasted and responded to by C. W.Fulton after J.T. Ttosshadfavored'the company with "Within a mile of Edin boro" town." Next on the list of toasts was "The) Ladies." replied to by V G. Bich ardaon in a few graceful remarks preced ed by "Sweet Maiden of the Dee, sung by H. G. Smith. The toast " The '.Bench and tho Bar" was responded to by Judge F. J. Taylor and T. A. McBridc. Last on tho list" of toasts came the health of Megler &. Wright and with a farewell song tho compauv dispersed. Tho Intone nf ?ip hnnr it Unio I o'clock when tho dinner was over, pre- vents extended notico of tho speeches J wnicu wero excellent, or oi me songs which wero most enjoyable. For the groat success of tho entertainment which was got up only at a few hours' notice, a vote of thanks is duo the committee of arrangements, Messrs. Cherry, Eyrie, Watson, Chntter, and llichardion. CIRCUIT COURT rilOCEEDIX(K. Taylcii, J. May 23, 188j. State vs Ed. Williams, Christian Yie jen, Louis Anderson, Ohas. Lind, Cha3. Westerlund, Louis Peterson and Chas. Yicklund; plead not guilty; 27th set for trial. State vs Peter 3Ioore; plead not guilty. State vs Pascuella Commetta; plead not guilty; 27th set for trial. Grand jury presented their report; re port was readand filed; jury discharged. Slate vs Ah Ilirn burglary; guilty ps charged. Sophia Daggett vs Surprenautt Fergu sonnonsuited. Court adjourned until to-morrow morn ing at 9 o'clock. To Acroi;iuio(Sut' XIIm Iatrous. Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon open day and nighr. Fishermen can get a good lunch at any hour of the night. The genuine French sardine constantly on hand. Partridge, photographer, leaves town Monday. Photographs at reduced price'. 8 card tin-types for a dollar. Near Case's Bank. When others fail try Crow, the lead ing Photographer, Xo. G "Water street. A I Franlc Fnbre'nf. Board for S22.50 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. B:iuie photos at Partridge's for three days only. Those, wishing good photographs will do well to call immediately near Case's Bank. Photographs at Partridge's for three days only. Price reduced. Finished iu I 'oi t land. what: Zo You TliinXx that .Tcfl" oi The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass "of something to drink V "Not much i imi he gives a better meal and more of it than anyplace in town for 25 cents, lie buy by the wholesale And pays cash. "That settles iL" lint Lunch, at tho Telephone Saloon From 11 lo 2 every day. A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25 cents. No charge after two o'clock, .Ji:rF. Private card rooms at JelFs new sa loon "The Telephone.' Sheet .liusle. Former price 35 and 40 cents, latest out. comic, aentimental, etc, at 10 cents. Griffix & Reed's City Book Store. rs nn4 ntlitmniliti ic fITnni( i song. "SsotchLissio Jean." bv D. A. """"S.;"1,"?, .lUx3 - ' "" lu" JUH i-wuuu Jiiuu.ii;aiu, v.,13 iuiiu.vcu i r..:BL.1 ..! !.- L !.. I...1,-, -li -MirT rnnlin.1 tn liv Morn- coiupuuisuiuu wie wnu jury on ine.r rb.?lJSpl l?.n2 rS; ofllciencv and facility in tnmsaclicg bns- GBASD JUCY REPORT. The rsnal Kick Alonttho Is It.l" County "What Tho grand jury camo into court at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, and sub mitted tho following report to Judge Tayler: In tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for tho County of Clatsop. To Ute IIo.i., the Circuit Court above narr.tl. "We, the grand jurv, beg leave respect fully to report that we have investigated all the case3 brought before us by the district attornev and have passed upon the same according to tho best of our ability and judgment, without tear, iavor or partiality. "We have also, as was our duty, visited the hospital having care of county patients, the city nnd county jail, and the offices of tho sheriff, county clerk and county treasurer. The St. ilary's hospital, in which tho county sick are cared for, we find to be kept scrupulously clean in every department, and, from onr own personal observation nnd informa tion obtained from tho patients them selves, wo have great pleasuro in report ing that much credit is duo to the good sisters in charge and also to tho attend ing physicians for tho kindness and care ful attention bestowed upon tho sick. Tho city jail, wo believe, is as well kept as tho limited space it occupies will allow, but would recommend that proper con veniences bo placed in each nnd every arrange- front door a draught tho prison met tho Grand jurv. proving most nnrais- takeablv that there is need of better drainige and sewerage. "We are of opin- ion that tho sowers constructed nt tho ni,ir :.nd ;,, ,. bnsiness lik-o mannor. Having completed our labors, we re- Hpctfullv ask to bo discharged E. f '. Hor.pnK, Foremau. It. N. CAUSAnAK. D. F. Staftobd. J. D. Hiogiks. It. Y. Lo:;o. J is. Bcowx. S. A. G2AQC. Astoria, Or., Muv 23rd, 1835. After County Clerk Trenchard had iness. nnd exemad them from farther attendance at this term of court. CR0vS THE RORDEU. Victoria, May 'i. Much excitement has been caused on the mainland by an order from Ottawa raising tho price of railway lands to $2.50 an acre, and in creacing stnmpage and other dcties on timber to an extent that will destroy the lumber trade of tho province. At n pub lic meeting held at New Westminster, denunciatory resolutions wero passed. One of the spsakers said: " It would bo better to live under tho czar of Bnesin j than under tho rulo of Ottawa. They j know nothing nt all of the wants and wishes Of the people Of the proVUlCC. When we were under tho old Mag. and working in the mme3 of Cariboo, we got oar goods earned to that remote district for one-half what it costs to get tho same quantity by railroad from Port Moody to Lylton. Is not that a nice ex ample of tho justice given us by Canadi an politicians? Onderdonk is n king, and with his money ho rules nt Ottawa. The thing he calls a railroad is only it tramway, and a bad ono nt that. Tho whole conduct of the government is evi dence of incapacity, and by G d wo will stand it no longer! I recommend that wo proceed at onco to business, and de clare here to-night that we shall sever our connection with tho Dominion gov ernment, and go back to tho old flag." About 2,000 workingmen, bonded by a band, bearing torches and transparence-., marched through the streets last night to tho electric light tower, beneath which thoy organized a meeting nnd passed res olutions oandemnatory of Chinese immi gration, and issued an appeal to the workingmen of Canada, imploring their aid to put down tho evil. The transpar anciesSbore these mottees: "Boycott the Cnineso mployers," "They nro not with us but against us," "No yellow Maves shall eat our children's bread," "Cut out tho Chinese cancer.' "Down with the j dragon flag," "Let British (Jolumbia b? a homo for men only, "Let no Chuiesa leper cross our threshold.' These were relieved by pictures, one representing a ! Chinaman iu the act of stabbing a white man in the back, in allusion to the at tack on Captain Mordc-n. At the close of tho meeting a proposition to march through Chinatown was not entertained, and the crowd walked through the streets in an orderly manuer and dispersed nt 10 o'clock. Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner when you can get a better one at the Telcphono fo 15 cents from 11 to 2. If you want a first-elass picture go to Crow's gallery and you will be sure to be suited for his work recommends itself. For a "Vent Filling: Boot Jr bhoe. go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che- uanius street, next door to I. W. Cas-e. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Frenh TKaxtern and Shual wafer May Oywlers Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, anil Bronchitis. Sold by v. E. Dement & Co The Itev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, IiuIm says: "Both my&elf and wife owe our lives tobmi.oirs (joxsumptiov Chrk." Sold by W. E. Dement. One of the finest billiard tables on the coast at Jeff's "Telephone." Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee Tm every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. it never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cougii and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. For Dinner Parties to order, at notice, go to Frank Fabre's. short KA CTS AXD VXSCIES. The Rectal Decline of American Humor. To tho casual observer it might appear that American humor was in as flourish ing condition as ever; that, notwithstand ing the heavy drafl3 which it has sus tained during the last decade, tho supply was abundant, not to 6ay inexhaustible. But, such, alas! is not tho fact, as can bo conclusively shown by tho presenta tion of statistics carefully prepared, at considerable expense, and which will be given in detail farther on. The most serious evidence of the de cline in our national humor is shown fn tho paucity of fresh subjects; thero hav ing been in the first fonr months of 1835 but eleven new subjects used in tho con struction of newspaporial wit against forty-seven in the corresponding four months of last year; and while several topics which were ence under constant treatment have sank into desnetudo and are now no more heard than if they had never been, it is also true that scores of other favorite marks for the shafts of the funny men have shown n gradual falling off in paragraphic favor. Tho stovepipe joko is a notable in stance of the former class just alluded to, the class which has utterly disappeared. This mirth-excitant which in tho year 1875 reached tho marvelous proportions of 2,764 paragraphs per month, 33,108 during the entire year, had fallen off in 18S4 to 95 per month, or 330 during the first fonr months of the year, while for tho corresponding period of 1SS5 but sev enteen cases have been recorded, an av erage of only -IK per month. A similar, though not so excessive fall-ing-off is shown by many other old stand bys; notably, tho mother-in-law, tho cako of soap on the stairs, tho oldest Ma son, nnd so forth. But wo havo the fig ures handy. Let ns consult them. During the-first thirdof iSSi the mother-in-law formed tho subject of 4937 par agraphs or articles, whereas the corre sponding term of tho p'resent year can boast of but 215, and 211 of these are es sentially repetition?. Goat and the circus poster 1831, 33G1; 1835, 21. Oldest Mason, 1SS1, S41; 1885, 03. And hero nro several more, tho first figuro indicating the num ber of times a joko was utilized from January to April, both inclusivo, in 1SS1. and the second figuro referring to the number of appearances during tho first fonr months or tho present year: Bov. 4231, 4209; ovster, 1774, 797: dudo, Gi9,':U; hair ia tho butter, 1423, G(which. by tho way, is six times too many); big hat at tho theater, 1232, 43; game of poker, 1312, 135; whiskey drinking, 4331, ;15G0; boarding-house hash, 3112, 131; strong butler, 2uu, ill (oleomargarine not included j; cako of soap on stairs; 4S1, 21; banana skin, 81G, 27; editor nnd poet, 32ij, 200.J; green apple, 4,1( not msca- sou); ico cream, 1748, 1224 (rather early for this also); iceman, 4'Jbl, JkUj; plumber 9371, 5432; picnic, 401, 30 (rush usually comes later;: ucnt nu, toil., --to; um brella, 7841, 2432; watermelon, (oat oe season), 113, 125. In almost every instanco it wilt bo seen that there ha3 been a great disparity in the pres.nt -ear's figures compared with thosuot tasyear preceding. Tho won-dfc-fal divergence which is shown in the figures relating to the dude is to bo ex plained by t je fact that Lo was a noo'ty in tho paragraphic field last yeai; but, thank heavtm, he is a short-lived crea ture, as onr statistics show, aim haply after another year he shall bo heard of no more forever. Jokes on love-ranking, matrimony, millinery, twins, divorco and kindred ac cidents "inseparable from one's oarthly pilgrimage hold their time-honored places. They always havo been and al ways will be, world" without end; there fore it has not been thought worth while to collect data regarding them. And for other but equally cogent reasons, no no tice has been taken of alleged witticisms oi death'; by drowning or other adventi- lous means, neither has any account been made of paronomasia. Panning is not joki:g, and a new pun is well nigh an imnossibilitv. From onr statistics, then, it will be seen that there has been a marked decline in almost every department of American humor; and we have by no means ex hausted tho evidence wh'ich wa havo at hand. Wo have only given a few sam ples of a very large invoice, which we might draw upon almost withont limit. But in this general decline it is pleas ant lo know that thero is one subject nt least which has como forward to partially make up for what has been lost. Need we sav wo refer to tho roller skate? Dur ing tho first fonr months of 1831 the rol ler skato was tho foundation of bat three ParaGraphs: during tho corresiionding period of 1885 it has furnished tho raison d'etre of 17.SG4 witticisms of different lengths and of various quality. t There fore, providing thero shall bo no increase iu the monthly returns (and the probab ilities all point in an opposito direction) there will bo during tho entire year, 214.- 3GS mirthful allusions to the skating rink set before the readers of American nows- papers. Finally, then, whilo deploring the de cline of American humor in general, lot us thank heaven and lake courage, in view of tho marvellous possibilities pre sented by tho roller skatos. and let ns all pray thai this last bulwark of our nation'3 wit may foiovtr withstand the wear and tear of timo and tho strain of constant and continual use. Two Dangerous Season. Spring and fall arc times wIkmi ao many people get sick. The changes in tho "weather nre severe on feeble jieraons. and even those naturally strong ate apt, as they say, "to be feeling miserable."" Then they are just iu condition to be struck down with some kind of lever. A bottle, or two of ParkerV. Tonic will invigorate the digestion, p it the liver, kidneys and bio hI in perfect order, and prevent more serious attacks. Why sufter. and iwrhaps die, when so simple a medi cine will wive you? Good for both exes ami ail age.s. -Ar.'von made miserable bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite icllowSKin? Shiions vuai- izer is a positive cure. E. Dement. For sale by W. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and'toi let articles, etc can he bought at the lowest prices, at-.J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Oe-;dert hctel, Astoria. Buy year Lime of Cray at Portland prices." Syrnp of I?i;r.J. Manufactured only by the California Fig Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had o W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to acton. the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently vet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs, "Colds and Fevers: to cure. Constipation Indigestion and kindred ills. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 23 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. O POISO IN THE PASTRY !F uH,""3 CTSE3TD. Vanilla, X-craon, Oraace, etc., flavor Cakes, Cream, Paddings, etc., ns deli cately and naturally as tho fral t fro a which they aro made. For Strength, and Trno Fruit Flavor Tlicy Stand Alone. PREPARED CY TH2 Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St Louis, Mo. IUKE53 OF Dr. Fricss Cream Baking Powder Dr. Price'3 lupulin Yeast Gems, Cost IJry Hop Yeast. FOR SALE BV GROCERS. WJS iUKE BUT OSU GUAUTT. LiBHT Healthy The oest dry hop yepst in the world. Bread ralsod by this yea9t io Ught.whlta and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious, broad. CRCCERS SELL THEftfl. PREPARED er IMC Price Baking Powder Co.3 HanTis ol Dr. Price's social Flawnnz Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For sa'o bv CnTtMJ.SlKitLn S: Co.. Agents Portland, Oregon HAPPINESS la not constituted only ofgood health and ItYing, u AND OTHER WEARING APPAREL y ":'jjf . r r a' y? "; XT-VsS-; v'l re-- xk "V- rvsJ, X ---". y ,-t Mr 1 :"-; Is NY ---'. firf: i ft ' ' "t"- r'i Play a prominent part iu the same also. Now M.D.Kant Ha? the finest assortment of Iteady Made MenV, Youth's and Hoy's Clothing, also makes them, too, nnd guarai.t-'es all his work to vou. He has an immense stock of Gent's Funilshhiir Goods Hoots, Shoes. Hats and Caps. AIo has Just received the latest and best of Athletic and Rathmg Suits, and sells goods at the lowest bed-rocK prices. M: D. KANT, THE BOSS Irtant Tailor aid Clothier. XZiicIilcu'.s Arnica Salve. Thk Best Sat,ve in. tho world for Cuts. IJrui-es,Sores,Ulcers,Salt Kheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give Iicrfect satisfaction, or money refunded, 'riee '2T, cents-per box. For sale by W. E. Demcut & Co. TIic Most AgrceaThlo As well as the most effective method of dispelling Headaches, Colds and Fe vers or ciensing me system is oy laKing a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50 e and 1 bottles for sale by W. E. De ment & Co. Cashing Post No. 11, . A. IS. Astoria, Oregon, May 9th, 188o. Post Orders No, 2. The Officers and Comrades of Cush ing Post No. 14, G. A. IL will assemble st their Post Hall at 12 o'clock on Sat urday, May 30. 1885, for the purpose of attending to the. proper observance of Memorial service m accordance with the rules nnd regulations of the Grand Army of the Bepublic. By order of IL Y. MoxTErrn, Post Commander W. B. Ross, Adjutant. 'rfcr"PRrCy( s ia?Tj-;k-&'VfA Bo fxteC' Bread, "S5lE""? WW VFfiQT ncgisc HO : iZ' wT A i- i i -i i Wi mi-- rz: iii ; it i .i ' -. 1 K7. i i a LnJi i Sf Y LVcssA CPa SXa O CP O !? 3 HL S 4 A Few Erkf Descriptions cf Some of My Finest Styles in Fine DRESS SUITS. l-t Is a MXGLE BUEASTED SACK SUIT m iinpoited Corkscrew Goods with flat binding, a c!o-e fitting cut, and equal to any work made to order. They come in two hailes. BliOWX and DARK NAYY BLUE. L'nd-ls a SINGLE BREASTED FBOCK SUIT in dark Nav Blue Crepe. Cloth, without binduig. which make up ono of the finest, and moj-t durable DreSs Suits manufactured. ftl laS!XGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in a verv line fauev Cassimere, dark in color, in style, a broken plaid with a littlo blue and orange running through, giving it a very handsome appearance, without binding. Hh I, a MXGLE BREASTED FROCK SUIT in a fine dark fancy Cassimere, a black Diagonal Cloth with a line thread of green and red silk running through out, witheu: binding. 5th Is a DOUBLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in a fine dark mixed Cassimere, a broken plaid with an old gold silk thread running through, forming a large and almost indistinct plaid. Very neat and durahle. No binding. Gth-Is a DOUBLE BREASTED FROCK PRINCE ALBERT SUIT in a fine black eloth with black satin lining and stitched edge. Also haye same style suits with Farmer satin lining, and bound with black silk binding. 7th - Is a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in an extra flne'blue Cloth with a line black silk fiat binding, the finest Goods made up in Geuts' Sack Suits. Besides these few mentioned lines, I have a large assortment In SINGLE or DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS, and SUMMER OVERCOATS. Also BOYS SUITS with knee or long pants. To go with these FINE DRESS SUITS I have an elegant assortment of Gents Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots or Shoes. THE LEAD1HC DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE ifo THE CITY. The Iiarrcst Stock. The Finest Goods IlioXioweat Prices. Phj thlan Building, - - ASTOEIA, Or. The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria. ARTISTS "JXATJgJTCIALS. TOILET ARTICLES, JAJVAVESE GOODS FAXCT GCOJTS. BABV BUGGIES. The Latest Notions We defy any and all competition. OPPOSITE PAltKEIt HOUSE, GO TO THE Hair Dressing Saloon Parlxcr House, I?In.iu St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc, II. On JPAKH, Prop. Fino Stationery, Blank Books, School Books, Music Books, I SHEET jtfUSIC AND e m ca ui E Id ODBiBiHauaaHBaiHannHmnBWaBnattMiHnraMaflaiiMHHHHHBMHaiHgiHHBiano Si3EsaE:E33sc2sa!:i32sssE:3:sGssiiEnaaaasEii3aiizsaBic35as wtw a sen a j aiaszsssiaaaasBsaa'jsssacsKSESisssSbEassssKsaEasaasascssiEaaas" Nev Goods! m ALL DEPARTMENTS. Men's, "To-u.th.s' asid Boys' escsx CLOTHING Hats and Furmshing Goods. f-FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PEIOES.j3 5 I .UL'SICAi IXSTKL'MEXTS. 1 j JEWELRY. 2 jjj WATCHES AXD CLOCKS. O O j HlItD CAGES. and Novelties, Etc. Call, examine our goods and be convinced. - ASTORIA. OEEGOS. ; ' t t;-.uj Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Ed. Jncknon, Proprietor. Candies. - 20Ctaperlb. Bread, Pies and Cakes delivered every day. Agents for Stock's Little Giant, and Kranich and Bach's Pianos, Taber, and Vestern Cottage Organs, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I UlSIli :5K:aEa:aa2iscss!Eaaas5 olhier and Hatter, New Styles! csasiBasa